Work Programme 2015

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Mar 11, 2015 - Mortgage Arrears Resolution Targets (MART) and Review of .... meet to consider a Bill on any given day, u

An Comhchoiste um Airgeadas, Caiteachas Poiblí agus Athchóiriú

Clár Oibre 2015 Marta 2015 _________________________



Work Programme 2015 March 2015      











Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform Work Programme 2015 Table of Contents 1. Background……………………………………………………………………………………………………………3    2. Select sub-Committees…………………………………………………………………………………………3    2.1 Legislation……….………………………………………………………………………………………………3 2.2 Estimated and other Financial Matters..…………..……………………………………………4 2.3 Referrals of Motions and other Matters.…………..……………………………………………4 3. Joint Committee………….…………………………………………………………………………………………5    3.1 Pre-Legislative Scrutiny…………….……………………………………………………………………5 3.2 EU Business…….………………………………………………………………………………………………5  

EU Draft Legislative Acts…….…………..…………..……………………………………………5 EU Councils…………..………………………..…………..…………………………………………….5

3.3 Key Policy Priorities…………………………………………………………………………………………6     

Banks/Domestic Finance…………..…………..………………………………………………….6 EU/Macro-economic…………………..…………..………………………………………………….6 Budget…………………………………………………………………………………………………………7 Insurance.……………………………………………………………………………………………………7 Public Expenditure and Reform.…………………………………………………………………7

  4. Agreement of Work Programme……………………………………………………………………………7    5. Appendices……………………………….……………………………………………………………………………8    5.1 Orders of Reference of the Joint Committee...………………………………………………8 5.2 Members of the Joint Committee………..…………..………………………………………….12



Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform Work Programme to end year 2015



The Joint Committee on Finance Public Expenditure and Reform was established by order of the Dáil on 9 June 2011, Senators were appointed to the Committee by order of the Seanad on 16 June 2011. Deputy Alex White elected as Chairman and Deputy Liam Twomey elected as Vice Chairperson at the inaugural meeting of the Joint Committee on 23 June 2011. Deputy White promoted to Minister of State on 2 October 2012; Deputy Ciarán Lynch replaced Deputy White by order of the Dáil on 10 October 2012 and was elected Chairman on that date. Deputy Twomey was elected Chairman on 7 October 2014 on the resignation of Deputy Lynch as Chairman. Senator Aideen Hayden was elected vice-Chairman on 7 October 2014 following the election of Deputy Twomey as Chairman.


Select sub-Committees

The Committee has three Select sub-Committees: (1) sub-Committee on Finance (2) sub-Committee on Public Expenditure and Reform; and (3) subCommittee on the Department of the Taoiseach. The function of each subcommittee is to consider Bills, Estimates, Motions and other business referred to it by Dáil Éireann which relate to the relevant Department.

2.1 Legislation (Bills) The following Bills which the sub-committees must deal with are currently progressing through the Oireachtas: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii.

Customs Bill 2014 Valuation (Amendment) (No.2) Bill 2012 Consumer Protection (Regulation of Credit Servicing Firms) Regulation of Debt Management Advisors Bill 2011 Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland (Amendment) Bill 2011 , Private Members Bill(PMB) Tax Transparency Bill 2012 (PMB) Social Clauses in Public Procurement Bill 2013 (PMB) Valuation Bill 2014 (PMB) Protection of Residential Mortgage Account Holders Bill 2014 (PMB)

The following are anticipated Bills which the sub-committees will deal with as they progress through the Oireachtas: i. ii. iii.

Finance (Tax Appeals Commission) Bill Taxation and Certain Other Matters (International Mutual Assistance)Bill Statute Law Revision (Secondary Instruments) Bill 3 



Finance Bill (November)

2.2 Estimates and other Financial Matters The Estimates are Ministers’ spending plans for the coming financial year. When the Estimates are referred to Select Sub-Committees for examination, the Committees have a valuable opportunity to question the Minister about proposed spending. Note: the Select sub-Committees are required to consider the estimates but are not empowered to amend them. The Estimates which the Select sub-Committees can examine are:

Select sub-Committee on Finance Vote 7 (Office of the Minister for Finance) Vote 8 (Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General) Vote 9 (Office of the Revenue Commissioners) Vote 10 (Office of the Appeal Commissioners) Select sub-Committee on Public Expenditure and Reform Vote 11 (Public Expenditure and Reform) Vote 12 (Superannuation and Retired Allowances) Vote 13 (Office of Public Works) Vote 14 (State Laboratory) Vote 15 (Secret Service) Vote 16 (Valuation Office) Vote 17 (Public Appointments Service) Vote 18 (Shared Services) Vote 19 (Office of the Ombudsman) Vote 39 (Office of Government Procurement) Select sub-Committee on the Department of the Taoiseach Vote 1 (President’s Establishment) Vote 2 (Department of the Taoiseach) Vote 3 (Office of the Attorney General) Vote 4 (Central Statistics Office) Vote 5 (Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions) Vote 6 (Office of the Chief State Solicitor)

1.2. Referral of Motions and other Matters From time to time, matters may arise and may be referred to a Select SubCommittee by the Dáil. It is not possible to say in advance what those matters might be or when they might arise. However, there are no items currently referred to the Select Sub-Committees.




Joint Committee

The duties of the Joint Committee are discharged in two ways (1) there will be items of business referred to it by one or both Houses and (2) it can select business for consideration itself, from the areas within its terms of reference. In practice, the Joint Committee’s work will comprise (a) the examination of EU business and (b) selected key policy priorities. In November 2011 the Joint Committee agreed to establish a sub-Committee of the Joint Committee, relative to EU Affairs on Finance Public Expenditure and Reform.

3.1 Pre-Legislative Scrutiny The Government Legislative Programme makes provision for the publication of a number of Bills. Following changes to Standing Orders (agreed by the Dáil on 17 October 2013), Ministers are now required, except in exceptional circumstances, to bring the general scheme or draft heads of a Bill to a Select Committee for consideration. Committees are empowered to consider the draft Heads of Bills but they are not required to do so – it is the prerogative of the Committee to decide on a case by case basis whether it wishes to engage in pre-legislative scrutiny on any particular Bill.

3.2 EU Business The Joint Committee, in recognition of the volume and complexity of EU Draft Legislative Acts and Non-Legislative Documents [a large volume of work emanates from Europe as the crisis is considered at an Intergovernmental Level, an EU level and an EU Zone level], the Joint Committee agreed to establish a sub-Committee of the Joint Committee. The sub-Committee streamlines the work of the Joint Committee in examining both draft legislative and nonlegislative proposals and meets separate to the Joint Committee. This firstly prioritises EU related work and secondly separates EU matters from the diverse range of national and local matters. The sub-Committee develops its own work programme within the requirements of the Lisbon Treaty, the EU Scrutiny Act 2002, and the orders of reference of the Joint Committee. EU Draft Legislative Acts EU draft legislation which is under preparation comes before the sub-Committee, relative to EU Affairs on Finance Public Expenditure and Reform, although it is not possible to be certain as to the timeframe. EU Councils Irish Ministers attend Council meetings in their relevant policy areas, and it is intended that the Ministers will come before the Joint Committee in advance of and following the Council meetings to brief the Committee.



3.3 Key Policy Priorities The Joint Committee is empowered to consider such other policy issues as it may select within its terms of reference. At its meeting of 14 January 2015, the Joint Committee agreed that, for 2015, it would base its work programme on covering matters which members proposed for specific consideration. These are listed thematically below as matters upon which the Committee may report to both the Dáil and Seanad: Banks/Domestic Finance  Review of Mortgage Arrears Resolution Targets with Financial Institutions, Central Bank and Minister  Engagement with banks leaving Ireland  Review of Personal Insolvency and the Insolvency Service of Ireland (ISI)  Mortgage Arrears Resolution Targets (MART) and Review of Mortgage Arrears and issues in relation to voluntary and involuntary repossessions  Examination of the sale of the IBRC loan books/mortgage portfolio with specific focus on the practices of the new owners  Access to Credit for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs)  Matters pertaining to working practices in Banks, effects on staff and potential impact of branch closures in the regions  Review of the Credit Union Act 2012  The role, operations and functioning of the Office of the Financial Services Ombudsman  Strategy for IFSC  Consumer Financial Legislation EU/Macro-economic  Application for recapitalisation of debt and debt strategy at EU Level  Banking Strategy and Policy briefing from Minister  Overview of operations at NTMA/State Financing/Debt Sustainability  Banking Union Developments  Formal Introduction to Mr. Derek Moran, Secretary General, Department of Finance to discuss strategic priorities  Engagement with Minister for Finance on Pre-ECOFIN Council briefings  Review of the implementation and operation of SEPA  Ongoing review of BEPS – Base Erosion Profit Shifting (OECD)  The creation of knowledge patent boxes and potential effect in terms of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)  Engagement with Members of the European Parliament on financial matters  Review and Monitoring of the European Semester  Implementation of EU Country Specific Recommendations for Ireland affecting the banking sector, mortgage lending and the property market  The potential introduction of Quantitative Easing (QE) by the ECB and the ramifications of such a policy  Sub-Committee on EU Scrutiny will also meet regularly to discuss EU Legislative proposals.


   

Meeting with Departments of Finance and Public Expenditure and Reform and Central Statistics Office (CSO) to consider six-monthly EU Scrutiny reports CSO’s role in the operation of the Market Corporation Test

Budget  Post budget meetings with Minister Howlin and Noonan to examine variations from 2014 to 2015  Review of latest Comprehensive Review of Expenditure, including expert testimony (including, for example, benchmarking of costs of drugs, procedures, etc.)  Equality analysis of Budget 2015 with assistance from ESRI and/or Equality Authority  Review of the budgetary process, budgetary transparency and how the budgetary process works Insurance  Invitation to CEOs of main insurance players to discuss relevant issues  Issues affecting customers of Setanta Insurance  Overview of developments in Insurance Industry including European Directive Insolvency II Public            


Expenditure and Reform Engagement with National Shared Service Organisation Review of Public Service Reform Plan 2014-2016 Engagement with National Lottery Licence Holder/ Regulator Review of Public Service Data-Sharing and Governance initiative Review of Nominees of Board Members e.g Public Appointments Service Overview of operations and functions of the Strategic Investment Fund Review of Report of Independent Panel on Strengthening Civil Service Accountability and Performance Review of Public Sector Pay, comparison with other countries, private sector etc. Engagement with National Procurement Office The successor to the Haddington Road Agreement and the projections for the 2016 Estimates process arising from possible changes in public sector pay Review of Section 32 of FOI Acts 1997 and 2003 Consideration of New Departmental Strategy Statements

Agreement of Work Programme

The Work Programme for 2015 of the Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform was agreed by the Committee at its meeting on 11th March 2015. In accordance with Standing Orders of Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann, it was agreed that the Work Programme be laid before both Houses of the Oireachtas.


  It was also agreed that the Work Programme would be published on the Committee’s page of the Oireachtas website. 5.1 APPENDIX: Orders of Reference a. Functions of the Committee – derived from Standing Orders [DSO 82A; SSO 70A] (1)

The Select Committee shall consider and report to the Dáil on— (a) such aspects of the expenditure, administration and policy of the relevant Government Department or Departments and associated public bodies as the Committee may select, and (b) European Union matters within Department or Departments.







The Select Committee may be joined with a Select Committee appointed by Seanad Éireann to form a Joint Committee for the purposes of the functions set out below, other than at paragraph (3), and to report thereon to both Houses of the Oireachtas.


Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (1), the Select Committee shall consider, in respect of the relevant Department or Departments, such— (a) Bills, (b) proposals contained in any motion, including any motion within the meaning of Standing Order 164, (c) Estimates for Public Services, and (d) other matters as shall be referred to the Select Committee by the Dáil, and (e) Annual Output Statements, and (f)


such Value for Money and Policy Reviews as the Select Committee may select.

The Joint Committee may consider the following matters in respect of the relevant Department or Departments and associated public bodies, and report thereon to both Houses of the Oireachtas: (a) matters of policy for which the Minister is officially responsible, (b) public affairs administered by the Department,


  (c) policy issues arising from Value for Money and Policy Reviews conducted or commissioned by the Department, (d) Government policy in respect of bodies under the aegis of the Department, (e) policy issues concerning bodies which are partly or wholly funded by the State or which are established or appointed by a member of the Government or the Oireachtas, (f)

the general scheme or draft heads of any Bill published by the Minister,

(g) statutory instruments, including those laid or laid in draft before either House or both Houses and those made under the European Communities Acts 1972 to 2009, (h) strategy statements laid before either or both Houses of the Oireachtas pursuant to the Public Service Management Act 1997,



annual reports or annual reports and accounts, required by law, and laid before either or both Houses of the Oireachtas, of the Department or bodies referred to in paragraph (4)(d) and (e) and the overall operational results, statements of strategy and corporate plans of such bodies, and


such other matters as may be referred to it by the Dáil and/or Seanad from time to time.

Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (1), the Joint Committee shall consider, in respect of the relevant Department or Departments— (a) EU draft legislative acts standing referred to the Select Committee under Standing Order 105, including the compliance of such acts with the principle of subsidiarity, (b) other proposals for EU legislation and related policy issues, including programmes and guidelines prepared by the European Commission as a basis of possible legislative action, (c) non-legislative documents published by any EU institution in relation to EU policy matters, and (d) matters listed for consideration on the agenda for meetings of the relevant EU Council of Ministers and the outcome of such meetings.


A sub-Committee stands established in respect of each Department within the remit of the Select Committee to consider the matters outlined in


  paragraph (3), and the following arrangements apply to such subCommittees: (a) the matters outlined in paragraph (3) which require referral to the Select Committee by the Dáil may be referred directly to such subCommittees, and (b) each such sub-Committee has the powers defined in Standing Order 83(1) and (2) and may report directly to the Dáil, including by way of Message under Standing Order 87. (7)

The Chairman of the Joint Committee, who shall be a member of Dáil Éireann, shall also be the Chairman of the Select Committee and of any sub-Committee or Committees standing established in respect of the Select Committee.


The following may attend meetings of the Select or Joint Committee, for the purposes of the functions set out in paragraph (5) and may take part in proceedings without having a right to vote or to move motions and amendments: (a) Members of the European Parliament elected from constituencies in Ireland, including Northern Ireland, (b) Members of the Irish delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, and (c) at the invitation of the Committee, other Members of the European Parliament.


Scope and Context of Activities (derived from Standing Orders [DSO 82; SSO 70]


The Joint Committee may only consider such matters, engage in such activities, exercise such powers and discharge such functions as are specifically authorised under its orders of reference and under Standing Orders.


Such matters, activities, powers and functions shall be relevant to, and shall arise only in the context of, the preparation of a report to the Dáil and/or Seanad.


It shall be an instruction to all Select Committees to which Bills are referred that they shall ensure that not more than two Select Committees shall meet to consider a Bill on any given day, unless the Dáil, after due notice given by the Chairman of the Select Committee, waives this instruction on motion made by the Taoiseach pursuant to Dáil Standing Order 26. The Chairmen of Select Committees shall have responsibility for compliance with this instruction.



The Joint Committee shall not consider any matter which is being considered, or of which notice has been given of a proposal to consider, by the Committee of Public Accounts pursuant to Dáil Standing Order 163 and/or the Comptroller and Auditor General (Amendment) Act 1993.


The Joint Committee shall refrain from inquiring into in public session or publishing confidential information regarding any matter if so requested, for stated reasons given in writing, by— (a)

a member of the Government or a Minister of State, or


the principal office-holder of a body under the aegis of a Department or which is partly or wholly funded by the State or established or appointed by a member of the Government or by the Oireachtas:

Provided that the Chairman may appeal any such request made to the Ceann Comhairle / Cathaoirleach whose decision shall be final.

c. (1)

Orders of Reference of the Joint sub-Committee on European Scrutiny-Finance and Public Expenditure That a sub-Committee (to be called the sub-Committee on European Scrutiny-Finance and Public Expenditure) be established pursuant to Standing Order 83(3). The sub-Committee shall examine, scrutinise and consider in regard to EU -

draft legislative acts and proposals;


non-legislative documents;

and shall report thereon to the Joint Committee on Finance Public Expenditure and Reform at regular intervals, but not less than quarterly. (2)

The sub-Committee shall have the powers defined in Standing Order 83(1), (2), (4) and (7) (Dáil) and 71(1), (2), (4) and (7) (Seanad).


The sub-Committee shall consist of 9 Members of whom 7 shall be Members of Dáil Éireann and 2 shall be Members of Seanad Éireann;


The quorum of the sub-Committee shall be 3, of whom at least 1 shall be a Member of Dáil Éireann and 1 a Member of Seanad Éireann.


The Chairman of the Joint Committee, who shall be a member of Dáil Éireann, shall also be Chairman of the sub-Committee.



5.2 APPENDIX: Membership of the Joint Committee   Chairman:

Liam Twomey (FG) (Chair)13


Richard Boyd Barrett (PBP) Tom Barry (FG)15 Ciaran Cannon (FG)16 Ciara Conway (LAB)12 Michael Creed (FG) Pearse Doherty (SF) Regina Doherty (FG)3 Stephen S. Donnelly (IND) Timmy Dooley (FF)5 Alan Farrell (FG)4 Seán Fleming (FF) Ciarán Lynch (LAB)13 Mary Lou McDonald (SF) Michael McGrath (FF) Paul Murphy (SP)14 Kieran O’Donnell (FG) Pat Rabbitte (LAB)7 Arthur Spring (LAB) Peadar Toibín (SF)18 Brian Walsh (FG)17


Seán D. Barrett (IND) Thomas Byrne (FF) Paul Coghlan (FG)11 Michael D’Arcy (FG) Aideen Hayden (LAB) (Vice-Chair)13 Tom Sheahan (FG)

Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Deputies appointed to the Committee by order of the Dáil on 9 June 2011; Senators appointed to the Committee by order of the Seanad on 16 June 2011. Deputy Alex White elected as Chairman on 23 June 2011; Deputy Liam Twomey elected as Vice-Chairman on 23 June 2011. Deputy Alex White promoted to Minister of State on 2 October 2012; Deputy Ciarán Lynch replaced Deputy White by order of the Dáil on 10 October 2012 and was elected Chairman on 10 October 2012. Deputy Regina Doherty appointed on 3 July 2013 in place of Deputy Peter Mathews. Deputy Pascal Donohoe appointed on 3 July 2013 in place of Deputy Billy Timmins and discharged on his appointment as Minister of State 12 July 2013 being replaced by Deputy Alan Farrell by order of the Dáil on 18 July 2013. Deputy Timmy Dooley appointed on 21 June 2011 in place of Deputy Seán Ó Fearghaíl. Deputy Simon Harris appointed on 28 November 2012 in place of Deputy Jim Daly. Deputy Kevin Humphreys promoted to Minister of State on 15 July 2014. Deputy Pat Rabbitte replaced Deputy Humphreys by order of the Dáil on 17 July 2014. Deputy Dara Murphy appointed on 19 July 2012 in place of Deputy Olivia Mitchell. Deputy Aodhán Ó Ríordain appointed on 28 November 2012 in place of Deputy Michael McNamara who was appointed on 8 December 2011 in place of Deputy Thomas P. Broughan. Deputy Brian Stanley appointed on 25 September 2012 in place of Deputy Pádraig Mac Lochlainn who was appointed on 14 December 2011 in place of Deputy Jonathan O’Brien. Senator Paul Coghlan appointed on 14 June 2012 in place of Senator Denis O’Donovan who was appointed on 10 May 2012 in place of Senator Katherine Zappone. Deputy Ciara Conway appointed on 24 September 2014 in place of Deputy Aodhán Ó Ríordáin following his appointment as Minister of State. Deputy Liam Twomey was elected chairman on 7 Oct 2014 on resignation of Deputy Ciarán Lynch as Chairman. Senator Aideen Hayden was elected vice-chairman on 7 Oct 2014 following election of Deputy Liam Twomey as Chairman. Deputy Paul Murphy appointed on 23 October 2014 in place of Deputy Joe Higgins. Deputy Tom Barry replaced Deputy Dara Murphy by Order of the Dáil on 18 November 2014.


  16. Deputy Ciaran Cannon replaced Deputy Heather Humphreys by Order of the Dáil on 18 November 2014. 17. Deputy Brian Walsh replaced Deputy Simon Harris by Order of the Dáil on 18 November 2014. 18. Deputy Peadar Toibín replaced Deputy Brian Stanley by Order of the Dáil on 18 December 2014.
