phisticated document management architecture as well as a powerful ... The best solutions combine an imag- ... signing the activities and tasks in advance, so the actual partition of the ..... with the storage and life cycle of electronic documents.
genes, Gpd2, Atp1b1, Pak1ip1 and Cdkn1b about. 30% down regulated, and Dnpep about 60% up regulated, remain significantly expressed between.
are being addressed in practice in large corporations. The paper is ... patent application is a complex document encompassing a ..... For manual activities, repli-.
email: {eder,walter} ... detail advanced workflow recovery concepts which are nec- ... support the automation of failure handling during runtime.
Transforming Workflow Graphs. 3 between nodes (see Fig. 1). Predicates are displayed in angle brackets, attached on top of a node. A3. A1. S2 or-split. J2.
Nov 15, 2009 - programming principles to ease data-intensive applications design. It provides a rich ...... project under contract number ANR-06-MDCA-009. 7.
ment with different software is used to perform the tasks. Thus those business ... QCopyright 1997 by International Business Machines Corpora- tion. Copying in printed form for ... royalty free without further permission by computer-based and.
Abstract: Business Process Management (BPM) systems are becoming the runtime governance of emerging Service. Oriented Architecture (SOA) applications.
StackStorm. Built on the StackStorm open source project, Workflow ... Domain. Compute. Domain. Storage. Domain. Ops Supp
aspiring to emulate successful cloud provider architectures, automation, and agility, it is clear that the .... Testing:
( 1907-1908 ) of Japanese sword guards, or tsuba, has been prepared by Mr.
Okabe-Kakuya. To our knowledge it is the first attempt to treat the history.
workflow management systems (WMS) - on the other hand, are dependent on each ... the other hand business processes are represented by WMS. 10 regulate the .... In contrast to adaptation, reconfiguration requires tbe company 10 decide.
and propose a mechanism called data guard to selectively guarantee that significant ... Simplified example of a car insurance claim handling workflow claim:= ...
Workflow Data Guards Johann Eder and Marek Lehmann University of Klagenfurt, Dep. of Informatics-Systems {eder, marek}
Abstract. Workflow management systems (WfMSs) frequently use data to coordinate the execution of workflow instances. A WfMS evaluates conditions defined on data to make the control flow decisions i.e. selecting the next activity or deciding on an actor. However, data - within and outside of a running workflow instance - may change dynamically. Modifications of data needed for past control flow decisions may invalidate these decisions. We analyze the desired synchronization policies, and propose a mechanism called data guard to selectively guarantee that significant changes in data are recognized and handled by the data management system to ensure correctness of workflow execution in face of asynchronous updates.
Workflow systems frequently integrate autonomous information systems, using and manipulating data from various heterogenous sources. These data are crucial for the correctness of a workflow execution, because control decisions depend on them. These data can be dynamically modified within and outside of an active workflow instance. Unfortunately, this is frequently ignored and replaced by an assumption that only workflows are accessing data and that the data modified by one workflow are not accessed by another one [1]. The modifications of data can have different impacts on a running workflow instance. We can classify the effects of changes as follow: – The changes have no effect (e.g. modifications concern data already used in the workflow and not needed anymore) – The running instance uses the new values (e.g. contact a customer using his or her new phone number). – The running instance needs the old values (e.g. when the cancellation policy at the time of contracting is relevant, not the latest version.) – The change invalidates parts of the workflow and leads to an exception handling (e.g. a control flow decision based on a data value made during the workflow execution can be invalidated if this data value changes after making the decision.) To illustrate the last case we use a simplified car insurance claim handling workflow definition as modelled in Fig. 1. A possible instance of this workflow is R. Meersman and Z. Tari (Eds.): CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE 2005, LNCS 3760, pp. 502–519, 2005. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005