«Resource Requirements for Nuclear Power Infrastructure Development» ... Joint ROSATOM-IAEA Nuclear Energy Management School Focusing on Nuclear ...
Workforce development for nuclear infrastructure and NPP Technical Meeting on «Resource Requirements for Nuclear Power Infrastructure Development» Dr. Alexander BYCHKOV Representative of State Atomic Corporation “Rosatom” in Vienna On behalf of Dr. Yulia Chernyakhovskaya Deputy Director General for competences development of the nuclear infrastructure JSC “Rusatom Service” Russia
Overview 1. Rosatom Expertise 1.1. Concept overview 1.2. NEPIO / Decision makers (workforce) 1.3. Russian National NPP Owner (workforce) 1.4. Russian National NPP Operator and NPP example (workforce) 1.5. Russian Regulator Structure (workforce) 2. International
cases (workforce)
2.1. Case of Center for Nuclear Technology Research and Development 2.2. Case of Belarus 2.3. Case of Turkey 2.4. Case of Iran 2
Categories of personnel Nuclear Infrastructure personnel (NEPIO, regulator, operator, local TSOs, etc.)
Operational personnel (operating & maintenance personnel)
Young Specialists and Professors 5
Scientific & Research personnel 4
ConstructionEngineering personnel
The content of this presentation is for discussion purposes only, shall not be considered as an offer and doesn’t lead to any obligations to Rosatom and its affiliated companies. Rosatom disclaims all responsibility for any and all mistakes, quality and completeness of the information.
Typical HRD roadmap for 2-units’ NPP (VVER-1200)
Personnel in charge of managing capital investment in nuclear facilities
Nuclear power application The content of this presentation is for discussion purposes only, shall not be considered as an offer and doesn’t lead to any obligations to Rosatom and its affiliated companies. Rosatom disclaims all responsibility for any and all mistakes, quality and completeness of the information.
Workforce development for NI and NPP: a system engineering approach
SE – Interdisciplinary approach • governing the total technical and managerial effort required •
to transform a set of customer needs, expectations, and constraints into a solution; to support that solution throughout its life.
1. Concept of the HRD plan
• Analysis of a country case • HRD model, risk matrix
2. Requirements for HRD
• Requirements definition and analysis, management and implementation
3. Simulation of HRD plan
4. Organization of global collaboration of distributed teams on-line
• Long-term HRD planning beforehand to insure the necessary number of qualified personnel on time • International HRD team establishment
Overall cost of NI development services is ~0.5 – 1.5% of the NPP cost depending on the country case PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES
NI+NPP Personnel
Nuclear Project
Expertise in 19 issues recommended by IAEA based on Rosatom experience Implementation of the IAEA guidelines on the development of the 19 NI components
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 INIR Recommendations and/or Self-evaluation / NI pre-evaluation by Rosatom
O&M personnel Architect engineering personnel Scientific personnel Supervision personnel for the NPP/RR life cycle
Consulting, Docuemntation, Training
Consulting, Docuemntation, Training
Consulting, Documentation, Training
National NI Development
Regulator Regulator’s staff
Authorities NI personnel Physical protection personnel
Joint ROSATOM-IAEA Nuclear Energy Management School Focusing on Nuclear Infrastructure Development 04-15.09.2017
Nuclear Infrastructure personnel (Rusatom Service Approach) IAEA Requirements to NI Development PHASE 1 Country decides on NE
PHASE 3 Construction
PHASE 2 Preparation to the construction
Ministries and others
100 experts
50 decision makers
Nat. industry
NPP Startup
400 experts
(depends on the NPP type & business model)
Atomic E.A.
Regulatory Body
Regulatory Body
>1500 experts 200 experts
70 experts
National suppliers
> 100 organizations
(indicative years)
* Sources: expert estimation of Russian experts for NI The content of this presentation is for discussion purposes only, shall not be considered as an offer and doesn’t lead to any obligations to Rosatom and its affiliated companies. Rosatom disclaims all responsibility for any and all mistakes, quality and completeness of the information.
Russian Experience (NI decision makers) (for 1 NPP) At PHASE 1/2 each NI element requires decision makers from the involved Agencies “NEPIO” (approximately 20-25 Agencies, 2/3 experts from each => ~ 50 people). By the end of PHASE 3 the amount of the involved Agencies increases (approximately 30-40 Agencies, 1/3 experts from each => ~ 100 people). Nuclear Safety Management
Radiation Protection
Environmental protection
Nuclear Energy Planning
Electrical Grid
Emergency planning
Stakeholder Involvement
Site Selection
National Nuclear Program
Industrial Involvement
Human Resource Development
Nuclear Infrastructure
Legal Framework
Regulatory Framework
Nuclear security Nuclear fuel cycle Funding and Financing
National position
Strategic choices. Influence on the project NI elements influence both on EPC and BOO but not covered
Radiation Environmental Protection protection
Site Selection
Nuclear security
Nuclear Industrial fuel Involvement Management cycle
Nuclear Safety
Regulatory Framework
Stakeholder Involvement
National position
Funding and Financing
Legal Framework
Electrical Grid
Emergency planning
The content of this presentation is for discussion purposes only, shall not be considered as an offer and doesn’t lead to any obligations to Rosatom and its affiliated companies. Rosatom disclaims all responsibility for any and all mistakes, quality and completeness of the information.
Russian National NPP Operator and NPP example
The content of this presentation is for discussion purposes only, shall not be considered as an offer and doesn’t lead to any obligations to Rosatom and its affiliated companies. Rosatom disclaims all responsibility for any and all mistakes, quality and completeness of the information.
Russian National NPP Owner and NPP Operator Government of the Russian Federation The functions to ensure the development and safe operation of nuclear power in Russia are delegated to Rosatom is a body of state management of atomic energy use at nuclear installations. Rosatom performs the functions of pursuing state policy and normativelegal regulation in the field of atomic energy use. Acts like a NEPIO.
Rosatom Total number of employees > 260 000 ppl in 400 nuclear companies and R&D institutions
The Federal Act on the "Use of Atomic Energy" of 21 November 1995 No. 170-FZ specifies that the overall responsibility for the safety of nuclear installations as well as for the safe management of nuclear materials and radioactive substances rests with the Operating Organization: (JSC Rosenergoatom Concern)
Now 35 655 Employees By 2030 50 000 Employees and 15 000 at Russian design NPPs abroad
*Source: http://www.rosenergoatom.ru/upload/iblock/bd0/bd0e8c711daaaac505503b9675b466a6.pdf
Novovoronezh NPP-1,2 Personnel
~ О.7 pers. for 1 MW
Main sources of personnel: External sources: • graduates from the relevant high schools • staff of thermal and hydroelectric power stations • personnel of the region • personnel dismissed from the military, aviation and fleet
1001 454 68 2009
197 2010
Internal source: • Reserve from other operating NPPs
Deputy Director General of Rosenergoatom, Director of Novovoronezh NPP Subsidiary
Chief Engineer
Chief Accountant
First Deputy Chief Engineer for New NPPs
Deputy Director for Economics and Finance
First Deputy Chief Engineer
Deputy Chief Engineer for Electrical Equipment
Deputy Director for Economics and Finance
Deputy Chief Engineer for Safety and Security
Deputy Director on General Issues
Deputy Chief Engineer for Personnel Trainings, Head of Training Center
Deputy Chief Engineer for Maintenance
Novovoronezh NPP-2 Structure
Deputy Director for Personnel
Deputy Chief Engineer for Engineering Support and Modernization
Deputy Director for Construction
Deputy Chief Engineer for Production and Quality Ensuring
Chief Inspector
Deputy Chief Engineer for Radiation Protection
*Source: http://www.rosenergoatom.ru/uplo ad/iblock/bd0/bd0e8c711daaaac5 05503b9675b466a6.pdf 12
Main Stages of Operating Personnel Training (Russian experience) Development of terms reference for Training center
Development of terms of reference development for full-scale training simulator (FSTS)
License is obtained
Finalization of training materials development
NPP commissioning
FSTS start of construction
Finalization of commissioning personnel training
1 year
2 year
3 year
commissioning works (NPP and training center)
4 year
Permission for works in nuclear energy is obtained
NPP commissioning
5 year
(indicative years)
Staffing, training and permission for works should be finalized before the commissioning. By the NPP commissioning more than 90 people should receive the Regulator (Rostechnadzor) permission for works in the field of nuclear power utilization.
Novovoronezh NPP-2 Personnel training scheme
NPP in operation Personnel with work experience
Novovoronezh NPP-2 Personnel with no work experience
NPPs with common projects
Specialized educational institution
Training at the workplace
Theoretical education
Maintaining of Skills at FSTS
Education at FSTS
Participation in pre-commissioning and commissioning works Internship Education at full-scale training simulator (FSTS) Duplication Access to independent job Receiving a Rostehnadzor permission
Every Russian NPP has a Training Center, which facilitates personnel training based on its educational resources. Training Centers have classrooms for lecturers, specialized trainings and laboratories, that are equipped with modern training devices. Knowledge management is provided with the use of learning programs, multimedia information systems and multi-function interactive programs. Special academic materials were prepared for implementation of proficiency maintaining program. Training is provided by professional and experienced instructors, who have undergone the necessary teacher's training in the “Instructor’s school”. According to the standards Training Centers undergo the performance review. Currently, all of the Centers are certified.
Russian Regulator Structure
Russian Regulator Structure Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor) an authorized body of safety regulation in atomic energy uses (a federal state supervisory body in the field of atomic energy uses)
Amount of Personnel involved
Headquarters: 660 pers. Regions (atomic regulation): 457 pers.
*Source: http://www.gosnadzor.ru/public/annual_reports/%D0%93%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B9%20%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%82%20%D0%B7% D0%B0%202016%20%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B4%203.pdf
International cases (workforce for NPPs)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Bangladesh Rooppur-1, 2 NPP Hungary MVM Erbe, Paks-2 NPP Turkey Akkuyu NPP Egypt El Dabaa-1,2 NPP Iran Busher-1,2 NPP Finland Hanhikivi-1 NPP Belorussia -completed
Current Projects for Personnel Training Country
Bangladesh Ruppur-1,2
• Training of NPP operations personnel
• Training of operations, response and scientific personnel of CSNT
• NPP personnel training
• Training of NPP operations personnel • Training of NPP maintenance personnel
• Training of NPP operations personnel • Training of NPP maintenance personnel
• Training of NPP operations personnel
• Training of NPP operations personnel • Equipage of Training Centers
Belorussia - completed project
International case workforce for Center for Nuclear Technology Research and Development (CNTRD)
Bolivia Research Reactor
CNTRD Personnel Categories
Research Reactor
Engineering Staff
Scientific Staff
Scientific Program
NI Personnel
Bolivia Total amount of operational and maintenance personnel to train: 116 pers. (incl.140 backup staff)
Stages of CNTRD personnel training and organization of scientific research
Technical specification
Project documentation
Description of technical part
Organization of exploitation
Scientific programme (for laboratories)
Preliminary Security Report (for Research Reactor)
Staffing table
Should be included into project documentation
Amount of personnel
Qualification requirements
Job description
Aim of training
Development of a training programme Development of training and methodological materials
This activity is to be licensed (in Russia- Rostechnadzor)
Evaluation of training
Case of Republic of Belarus
Structure of Operating Organization. Newcomer Case (Experience of Republic of Belarus)
Knowledgeable decision Pre-feasibility study
Feasibility study
Ref.: presentation “The Case of Belarus for building up a knowledgeable national position” (Liliya Dulinets, Deputy Director, Nuclear Energy Department Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus)
Personnel of NEPIO trained in Russia (Experience of Republic of Belarus ) Inter- departmental Commission
Key organizations
headed by the deputy of Prime-minister
Ministry of Energy Nuclear Energy Department (NEPIO)
Department for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (Regulatory body)
The RUP «Belorussian Nuclear Power Plant»
Organizations subordinated to company “Belenergo”
State Scientific Institution “The Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research SOSNY”
(TSO for operator)
(scientific supports )
65 events were held to teach 200 participants
Ref.: presentation “The Case of Belarus for building up a knowledgeable national position” (Liliya Dulinets, Deputy Director, Nuclear Energy Department Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus)
Belorussian State Programme of Personnel Training for Nuclear Power Sector
State Programme of Personnel Training for Nuclear Power Sector of the Republic of Belarus for 2008-2020
Introduction of new major disciplines in higher education institutions of Republic of Belarus
Education in foreign higher education institutions and Training Centers of NPPs
Internships at operating nuclear power facilities
Establishment of a Training Center of Belarusian NPP Ref.: presentation “The Case of Belarus for building up a knowledgeable national position” (Liliya Dulinets, Deputy Director, Nuclear Energy Department Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus)
Examples of Training Centers in Republic of Belarus • The best form of training and proficiency maintaining programs is based on use of training simulators, full-scope simulators and analytical simulators, NPP Training centers are equipped with. • Full-scope simulator of NPP unit is a modelling software package created with use of design, operating unit documentation based on fully-variable NPP mathematical model which works in real time scale. It is designed for professional training of operations personnel of unit operations rooms using its full-scale model.
• Analytical simulator is a modelling software package, designed for training and proficiency maintaining of personnel of NPP main control room using full-scale mathematical NPP model working in real time scale. The main difference from full-scale simulator lies in graphical form of simulation panel of control room.
Ref.: http://sosny.bas-net.by/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/bul_2014-4.pdf
Case of Turkey
Interfaces with national organizations
Ref.: https://www.iaea.org/NuclearPower/Downloadable/Meetings/2012/2012-10-16-10-18-TM-INIG/16october/12.First_NPP_Sari_Turkey.pdf
Turkey Project for Personnel Training
Project: Training center equipping 2018-2020
Customer: JSC Akkuyu Nuclear/2017
Scope of work: Establishment of training management system training documentation development Supply of training facilities Service, modernization/update of training facilities Establishment of psychophysiological system
Project: Operating personnel training 2018-2022
JSC Akkuyu Nuclear/2017
Total amount of operational and maintanance personnel to train: 1310 pers. (incl.120 backup staff)
Scope of work: Special training courses: Main course of theory Practical training at specialized simulators at training center On-job training
Case of Iran
Structure of Operating Organization. Newcomer Case. (NPP Development Company, Iran, as prototype)
Owner/Operator Staffing and Operator Personnel Distribution
Distribution by Department Directorate of Safety Measures Coordination
Companies Affairs Authority Director General
Distribution by Position Level
Managing Director, PR and International Affairs
9 9
QC Directorate
Executives 19
4 9
Technical and Engineering Deputy
19 67
35 Deputy on Planning and Systemic Development
Department of Legal Issues and Contracting Deputy for Support and Management Development
Experts 30 Engineering staff 115
Total: 164 employees (HQ)
Iran Project for Personnel Training
Project: Operating personnel training 2018-2022
JSC Atomstroyexport/2018
1500 pers. (approximately)
Project features: Scope of training: • Special training courses: Main course of theory Practical training at specialized simulators at training center On-job training
Project: M&R personnel training 2018-2021
NPPD Co/2018
114 pers. – continuing training 79 pers. – initial training
Scope of work: • Special training courses: Main course of theory Practical training at specialized simulators at training center On-job training 33
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