3 Make sure that you have the call bell close by and respond promptly. 3 Check .... Have I provided the correct contact
The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Working together... …to keep you safe, comfortable, informed and involved
My name: What I like to be called: My carer/the person who knows me best: Senior Sister/Charge Nurse: Consultant name:
We want you to feel safe, comfortable, informed and involved during your stay in our hospital. We aim to work together with you and your family/carer until you leave to go home. Please do let a member of our staff know if the expectations, set out below are not met.
Safe You can expect the team caring for you to:
3 Assess and tell you about your risk of harm whilst you are in hospital (eg blood clots or falls)
3 Do all we can to keep you free from infection and other harm whilst you are with us
3 Explain your medication to you,
including any changes, the purpose and any side-effects, during your stay and before you go home
3 Ensure that you receive your prescribed medication on time 3 Ensure that you and your GP receive a copy of your discharge summary. We are here to listen if you have worries or concerns If you have worries or concerns whilst you are a patient at our hospital, there will always be a member of our staff who will listen and help. Please let us know by following the guide set out on the following page.
Nursing team
Speak to Sister/Charge Nurse or a member of the nursing team.
If you still have worries or concerns you can contact Matron by phoning 01895 238282 and ask to speak to the matron for your ward.
If after this you still have worries and concerns, you can contact our PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) by phoning 01895 279973 who will visit you on the ward.
Comfortable You can expect the team caring for you to:
3 Assess you on admission so that we understand how we can work together to keep you independent or meet your needs
3 Make sure that you have the call bell close by and respond promptly 3 Check your comfort and wellbeing regularly throughout each shift 3 Do all they can to manage any pain that you may have 3 Assist you with visits to the toilet or bathroom 3 Support you at mealtimes 3 Ensure that you are warm or cool enough and protect your dignity 3 Check that you have warm comfortable clothing for going home or that you have asked family or friends to bring in some clothes for you
3 Do all they can to create the right conditions at night time to reduce disturbance from noise and light and enhance your comfort at night.
Informed and Involved You can expect the team caring for you to:
3 Give you the opportunity to be involved in decisions about your care and treatment 3 Welcome carers to stay with the person they support should they and the patient so wish 3 Let you know the name of the Consultant responsible for your care and the name of the nurse caring for you on a shift to shift basis
3 Wear a name badge, introduce themselves to you and explain what they are there to do. If you do not know who someone is, it is OK to ask
3 Make sure you understand what is happening to you and what is planned 3 Explain the purpose and results of tests and Investigations 3 Give you the privacy and time to talk about any worries or fears that you may have 3 Be visible and accessible throughout your stay 3 Encourage you to give us feedback and let you know how to complain if you have concerns about your care.
Planning your discharge
When you are discharged home it is important for you to be safe and for any continuing care needs to be met. Many people require no extra help
but some people do need some support. Starting from when you are admitted to hospital, we will work together to make sure your physical and mental health needs are identified so that appropriate support can be in place for your discharge. You, and your family or carers if you so wish, will be asked about your current health and care needs and how these are being met. For example, whether you are cared for by family or friends, have a package of Home Care provided by social care, or paid for by yourself, or if you are a resident in a care home.
Identifying your level of need Your health and care needs may have changed, with a reassessment being triggered. Depending on your individual circumstances this may be completed either when you are in hospital or outside the acute care setting There are statutory processes in England which health and social care organisations follow when assessing the ongoing health and care needs for an individual. These processes also describe ‘level of need’ criteria that need to be met in relation to the person being assessed. The options can be summarised as follows:
You may need short term support when you go home to help you to fully recover from your acute illness or injury
You may need a period of rehabilitation in a community bed based service
You may have on-going health and care needs which haven’t changed as a result of your acute illness or injury. In this case your existing package of care will be restarted for when you go home
You may need an increase to your package of Home Care
Your health and care needs are complex, requiring assessment for NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC).
How are on-going health and care needs funded? The same national statutory processes that describe the assessment process and criteria also define how on-going health and care needs are funded. The outcome of your assessment will be one of the following:
Paying for your own care •
If you don’t meet the nationally defined threshold for funding by social care you will need to fund your care yourself
Adult Social Care •
Social care funding is means tested and your social worker will be able to give you detailed information about this.
NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) •
This is the name given to a package of care which is arranged and funded solely by the NHS for individuals outside of hospital who have ongoing healthcare needs.
You can receive NHS CHC in any setting, including in your own home or in a care home.
To receive CHC your overall assessment of care needs must show you have a “primary health need”.
NHS Funded Nursing Care •
For eligible individuals whose care needs are met in a registered nursing home. Nursing homes must employ Registered Nurses.
This is a flat-rate NHS contribution paid directly to the registered nursing home.
We understand that funding arrangements for ongoing care is a complex and highly sensitive area. The previous information is intended to provide an outline of how health and care needs are identified and assessed when you, a family member, friend, or someone you care for are a patient in our hospital. For more detailed information or if you have any questions, please ask to speak to a member of the Discharge Team or your allocated Social Worker.
Helpful information You may also find the following leaflets helpful: NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded Nursing Care Available from the Department of Health website at: www.dh.gov.uk/publications Factsheet 20 NHS continuing healthcare and NHS-funded nursing care Available from AgeUK website at: www.ageuk.org.uk You may wish to contact these organisations: London Borough of Hillingdon Social Services Department Tel: 01895 556633, Email
[email protected] Hillingdon carers 01895 811206,
[email protected], www.hillingdoncarers.org.uk Healthwatch Hillingdon provide free independent information, signposting and advice, to help people access local health and social care services Tel: 01895 272997, www.healthwatchhillingdon.org.uk
As you start to feel better, or if your needs change, your care may continue in a different setting. Where at all possible we will plan this with you and your family in advance.
Preparing to leave hospital My Estimated Date of Discharge (EDD)
Please use the checklist below to prepare for your discharge.. Do I know how I will be getting home? If I have an IV cannula has it been removed? Have I provided the correct contact details, including a forwarding address? Do I have a copy of my discharge summary? Do I have all the medication that I need? Do I understand what my medication is for, how to take it and any associated side effects? Do I know how to manage my condition if I have ongoing care needs? Do I need a follow up appointment? Do I have all my belongings, including any cash or valuables or a walking aid? Do I have contact names and numbers for organisations and services if I require further support? Do I have any information leaflets about my condition, if needed? Do I need to arrange a follow up appointment with my GP?
Leaving hospital If you are having support after going home you may find it helpful to make a note of who is coming to see you. Your nurse can help you to do this. Don’t forget to include carers, family and voluntary services. Service
Telephone number (if known)
Date (if known)
Useful numbers
What if I have any worries or concerns after l go home? In the first 24 hours after you leave the hospital: Please telephone the ward using the direct number or via the hospital switchboard, alternatively please book an appointment with your GP. Ward name: Direct Dial Number: 01895 279
(ward extension)
Hospital Switchboard: 01895 238282 Pharmacy Helpline: 01895 279652 (10am-4pm, Mon-Fri)
After 24 hours: Please contact your GP who will have received a copy of your discharge summary containing information regarding your stay as an inpatient.
Other useful contacts: PALS: Patient Advice and Liaison Service - is an easy to access service with a friendly team who will provide help, advice and support to patients, their relatives and carers PALS can be contacted on
[email protected] By Telephone 01895 279973 Hillingdon carers: 01895 811206,
[email protected] www.hillingdoncarers.org.uk
Key information Please use these pages to record key information about your care or questions you might want to ask our staff. Investigations/Tests/Specialists seen during my stay. Date
Questions that I want to ask Date: Question:
Date: Question:
Date: Question:
Date: Question:
Languages / alternative formats Please ask if you require this information in other languages, large print or audio format. Please contact: 01895 279973
Date: Jan 2017 Review Date: March 2019 Ref: PI309
The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust