Health Statistics and Information Systems of the ... health systems in the following nine areas: ..... have achieved thi
The World Health Statistics series is WHO’s annual compilation of health-related data for its 194 Member States, and includes a summary of the progress made towards achieving the health-related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and associated targets. The series is produced by the WHO Department of Health Statistics and Information Systems of the Health Systems and Innovation Cluster. As in previous years, 世界卫生统计系列是世界卫生组织每年对其 World Health Statistics 2015 has been compiled using publications and databases produced and maintained 193个成员国健康相关数据的编辑,还包括对实现 by WHO technical programmes and regional offices. A number of 卫生千年发展目标和其他相关目标取得的进展的 demographic and socioeconomic statistics have also been derived from databases maintained by a range of other organizations. 概述。
正如先前的版本,《2010年世界卫生统计》 All the indicators shown have been included on the basis of their 的编纂也使用了世界卫生组织技术项目和区域办 relevance to global public health, the availability and quality of the data, and the reliability公室持续发布的公示和数据库资料。指标的纳入 and comparability of the resulting estimates. Taken together, these indicators provide a comprehensive summary 基于其对全球公共卫生的适用性,数据的可获得 of the current status of national health and health systems in key 性和质量情况及终估计值的信度和可比性。这些 areas. 指标对国民健康和关键地区卫生系统的现状提供 WHO presents World Health Statistics 2015 as an integral part of 了全年的描述。
its ongoing efforts to provide enhanced access to comparable 为尽可能确保各国报告数据的最优使用 — high-quality statistics on core measures of population health and national health systems. Unless otherwise stated, all estimates have 需要处理和调整缺失值,校正已知偏倚和使各国 been cleared following之间数据可比性最大化。此外,还使用了统计技 consultation with Member States and are published here as official WHO figures.
世界卫生组织提供的《2010年世界卫生统 计》是其为提高人们获取高质量的人群健康指标 和各国卫生系统指标数据机会而不断努力的一部 分。如无其他说明,所有的估计值均已澄清了各 会员国的异议,并作为世界卫生组织的官方数据 公布于此。 isbn 978 92 4 156488 5 ISBN 978 92 4 156398 7
9 789241 563987
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WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data World health statistics 2015. 1.Health status indicators. 2.World health. 3.Health services - statistics. 4.Mortality. 5.Morbidity. 6.Life expectancy. 7.Demography. 9.Statistics. I.World Health Organization. ISBN 978 92 4 156488 5 ISBN 978 92 4 069443 9 (PDF)
(NLM classification: WA 900.1)
© World Health Organization 2015 All rights reserved. Publications of the World Health Organization are available on the WHO website ( or can be purchased from WHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel.: +41 22 791 3264; fax: +41 22 791 4857; e-mail:
[email protected]). Requests for permission to reproduce or translate WHO publications – whether for sale or for non-commercial distribution – should be addressed to WHO Press through the WHO website ( The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted and dashed lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use. Printed in Luxembourg Original cover by WHO Graphics Layout by
2015 Table of Contents Abbreviations7 Introduction8
Part I. Health-related Millennium Development Goals
Summary of status and trends
Summary of progress at country level
Part II. Global health indicators
General notes
Table 1. Life expectancy and mortality
Table 2. Cause-specific mortality and morbidity
Life expectancy at birth (years) Life expectancy at age 60 (years) Healthy life expectancy at birth (years) Neonatal mortality rate (per 1000 live births) Infant mortality rate (probability of dying by age 1 per 1000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (probability of dying by age 5 per 1000 live births) Adult mortality rate (probability of dying between 15 and 60 years of age per 1000 population) Mortality Age-standardized mortality rates by cause (per 100 000 population) Years of life lost (per 100 000 population) Number of deaths among children aged