World History Modern Times Chapter Four The Industrial Revolution ...

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Oct 4, 2009 ... World History Modern Times Chapter Four. The Industrial Revolution. TEST STUDY GUIDE. 1. The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain ...
World History Modern Times Chapter Four The Industrial Revolution TEST STUDY GUIDE 1. The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain sometime around 1780. 2. Second, with more abundant food supplies, the population increased dramatically. 3. Parliament passed laws in the 1700s that allowed landowners to fence off common lands. 4. As a result of this enclosure movement, many peasants were forced to move to towns to find work. 5. Third, Britain had a ready supply of money, or capital, to invest in the new industrial machines and the factories needed to house them. 6. Fourth, natural resources were plentiful in Britain. 7. Fifth, Britain had a relatively free society. Its government did not heavily regulate the economy, and ideas also circulated freely. 8. With demand expanding, capitalists—those with money to invest—had a huge incentive to find methods to expand production. 9. Scottish engineer James Watt improved the steam engine by making changes that allowed the steam engine to drive machinery. 10. A series of complex developments brought about the Industrial Revolution—two of these developments included increased demand and the fact that some businesspeople had capital to invest. 11. Henry Cort developed a way to produce better iron with a process called puddling. 12. In the eighteenth century, roads and canals had already made moving goods more efficient. It was railroads that dramatically improved Britain’s transportation. 13. The Rocket moved on the first public railway line, which opened in 1830 between Liverpool and Manchester. 14. Early on, factories were situated near water and powered by mills. When new energy sources were developed, however, factories could be located in cities near workers. 15. Factory owners wanted workers to work without stopping. They disciplined workers to a system of regular hours and repetitive tasks. 16. Robert Fulton built the first paddle-wheel steamboat, the Clermont, in 1807. 17. Women and girls made up a substantial majority of textile workers. 18. The Industrial Revolution drastically changed the societies of Europe and, eventually, the world. The major signs of this change were the growth of cities and the emergence of two new social classes, the industrial middle class and the industrial working class. 19. The key to this growth was a decline in death rates, wars, and diseases such as smallpox and plague. 20. Industrial cities bred dirt and disease as workers crowded into ramshackle housing. 21. The cramped conditions in coal mine—tunnels were often only three or four feet high—and their constant dampness led to deformed bodies and ruined lungs. 22. Women were mostly unskilled and were paid half or less than what men received. 23. Socialism is an economic system in which society, usually in the form of the government, owns and controls important parts of the economy, such as factories and utilities. 24. Socialists wrote books about the ideal society that might be created, a hypothetical society where workers could use their abilities and where everyone would be cared for. 25. One utopian socialist was Robert Owen, a British cotton manufacturer. Owen believed that if only people lived in a cooperative environment, they would show their natural goodness. World History Modern Times Chapter Five The Mass Society and Democracy TEST STUDY GUIDE 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

In the first Industrial Revolution, textiles, coal, iron, and railroads were major elements. In the Second Industrial Revolution, steel, chemicals, electricity, and petroleum were the keys to making economies even more productive. One major industrial change between 1870 and 1914 was the substitution of steel for iron. Electricity was a major new form of energy. It could be easily converted into other forms of energy, such as heat, light, and motion, and could be sent over long distances by means of wires. A revolution in communications began when Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876 and Guglielmo Marconi sent the first radio waves across the Atlantic in 1901. The development of the internal-combustion engine, fired by oil or gasoline, provided a new source of power in transportation.

The Mass Society and Democracy TEST STUDY GUIDE - CONTINUED 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.

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In 1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright made the first powered flight in a fixed-wing plane at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. One of the biggest reasons for more efficient production was the assembly line, a new manufacturing method pioneered by Henry Ford in 1913. The transition to an industrialized society was very hard on workers. It disrupted their lives and forced them to move to crowded slums. Reformers of this era believed that industrial capitalism was heartless and brutal. Karl Marx was a socialist, and one form of Marxist socialism was eventually called communism. Marx’s Theory Karl Marx was one of the most influential theorists of the century. In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and his friend and co-author Friedrich Engels denounced the new industrial economy and predicted that it would be defeated. A workers’ revolution was bound to occur. Marxists believed when the revolution came, it would destroy capitalism. Material wealth could then be distributed equally among all workers. Marx predicted that the struggle between the two groups would finally lead to revolution. The Proletariat would violently overthrow the bourgeoisie. Another movement for workers focused on the trade union, or labor union. To improve their conditions, workers organized in a union. Then the union had to get the employer to recognize its right to represent workers in collective bargaining, negotiations with employers over wages and hours. The new industrial world had led to the emergence of a mass society in which the condition of the majority—the lower classes—was demanding some sort of governmental attention. During the Industrial Revolution housing was one area of great concern—crowded quarters could easily spread disease. An even bigger threat to health was public sanitation. Cities grew quickly because vast numbers of people from rural areas migrated to them. Cities also grew quickly after the 1850s because municipal governments had made innovations in public health and sanitation. Cholera, which is caused by a contaminated water supply, was the most deadly disease—a person might die in a matter of a few days. Cholera epidemics ravaged many European cities in the 1830s and 1840s. The Second Industrial Revolution produced a new group. These were the white-collar workers who were seen as fitting in between the lower middle class and the lower classes. White-collar workers included traveling salespeople, bookkeepers, telephone operators, department-store salespeople, and secretaries. During much of the nineteenth century, European men maintained the belief that women should remain at home to bear and nurture children and should not be allowed in the industrial workforce. Modern feminism, or the movement for women’s rights, had its beginnings during the Enlightenment, when some women advocated equality for women based on the doctrine of natural rights. British nurse Florence Nightingale’s efforts during the Crimean War (1853–1856), combined with those of Clara Barton in the U.S. Civil War (1861–1865), transformed nursing into a profession of trained, middle-class “women in white.” In Europe, the British movement for women’s suffrage led the way. The Women’s Social and Political Union, founded in 1903 by Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughters, quickly learned how to call attention to its demands by using publicity stunts. Its members, called “suffragettes” by the press, pelted government officials with eggs, chained themselves to lampposts, burned railroad cars, and smashed the windows of fashionable department stores. Governments backed public education because more people were going to vote, they needed to be able to read, and they needed to know about citizenship. Compulsory elementary education created a demand for teachers, and most of them were women. Newspapers for the general public were often sensationalistic— they peppered their columns with gossip, colorful anecdotes, and the gruesome details of violent crimes.