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Credit for Course: This course is one social studies credit towards graduation ... Failure to complete assignments will
WORLD HISTORY SYLLABUS Teacher Name: Adam W. Nelson Contact Information: [email protected] Teacher Availability Outside Class: Before school, after school, 1st block Credit for Course: This course is one social studies credit towards graduation. Course Description: World History is the study of the major civilizations of the past and their contributions to the modern world. Students will take a close look at the geography, culture, government, and economics of each civilization. Grading Procedures: The course has been divided into ten (10) units of study. For each unit students can expect to have homework assignments, class work assignments, quizzes, projects, and unit tests. All grades will follow a total points system. The first 9 weeks will count as 45% of the students’ final grade as well as the second 9 weeks. A cumulative final exam will be given at the end of the course, which will count 10% of the students’ final grade. Homework Policy: All homework will have an assigned due date. There will be times in which class work will need to be carried over into homework and due dates for those assignments will be made accordingly. Students can expect to receive homework assignments on a regular basis. **Please note: homework will be outlined in my room on the daily activity board. Late Work: No late work will be accepted for any assignment without prior discussion/approval from meNO EXCEPTIONS! Please note it is not my responsibility to keep up with your work, so have the work completed FULLY, ACCURATELY, HONESTLY, and on your person when class begins. Failure to complete assignments will result in a reduced grade or no credit for the assignment. Do not allow yourself to receive a “0”; they are very difficult to pull up! It is a student’s responsibility to inquire about make-up work for absences immediately upon returning to class. I will not track you down to make sure you get your make-up work! Classroom Procedures: *All school rules will be enforced. Please see student agenda book for full details. I maintain high expectations for students and ask that students maintain high expectations for themselves and their peers. This course will be pleasurable and interesting if we as a class continue to support and appreciate all contributions given by individual students and the instructor. My classroom will be a safe, courteous, and productive environment. If at any point the classroom is not safe, courteous, or productive I will take immediate action to remedy the situation in accordance with the Lancaster High School Handbook.

Materials Needed:  3-ring notebook with paper  Writing Utensils – pencils, blue/black ink  Textbook - History: Connections To Today by Prentice Hall Objectives for the course: Standard MWH-1: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the major factors that facilitated exchanges among groups of people and how exchanges influenced those people in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Standard MWH-2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the benefits and costs of the growth of kingdoms into empires from the fourteenth through the sixteenth centuries. Standard MWH-3: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the impact of religious movements throughout the world in the fourteenth through the sixteenth centuries. Standard MWH-4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the conflicts of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in Europe, America, Africa, and Asia. Standard MWH-5: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the influence of ideas and technology on the development of nation-states and empires in the sixteenth through the nineteenth centuries. Standard MWH-6: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the creation of nationstates in Europe and the struggle by non-European nations to gain and/or maintain sovereignty. Standard MWH-7: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the causes and consequences of global warfare in the first half of the twentieth century. Standard MWH-8: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the causes and consequences of decolonization in the second half of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century.

Parent/Guardian and Student Acknowledgement of Receipt By signing below, we acknowledge the receipt of this information and have reviewed it and will work to complete the requirements of this course.

_________________________________ _________________________________ Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature