World History Webliography.pdf - Google Drive

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Empire and civilization from an online course on. World Civilizations provided by a history. professor from Washing Stat

Webliography – World History Science Park High School Library Media Center Last Update: February 17, 2010

For your conveniences, the blocks are placed in alphabet order after the first block “General Links”. The entries within the blocks are also organized in alphabet order – by their URL's.

General Links – AwesomeStories, A collection of primary sources, text, images and multimedia on a wide range of historical topics. Includes a site map and a subject index. – Islam, 622 AD-Present Provides an encyclopedia-style introduction to Islamic history for high school students plus provides maps tables and an historical outline. -- World History, Film, Photos, Research & More. View Exclusive Online Collections. – Index of Resources for Historians Arranged alphabetically, this incredible list of links covers all history from prehistory to modern, as well as countries, specific events, and geography. – EyeWitness, From Ibis, this uses personal letters, and essays to look at major events in history from the perspective of eyewitnesses, covering ancient to modern time periods. – HyperHistory Online, covers world history with a combination of text and colorful graphics, lifelines, timelines, and maps. Famous people, events, history, science, culture, religion, and politics are all included. – Rulers, A comprehensive list of heads of state or government of all countries and territories, going back to the year 1700. Also lists of leaders of major international organizations, religious leaders, and more. – World History Matters, a searchable Portal to world history resources, including primary source documents, including some document analysis, from the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University.

Africa History – AllAfrica This site is a multimedia content provider of African news and information. – African Timelines Well-developed timelines of African history from Ancient Africa to Post-Independence Africa covering history, orature, literature and film, from a Humanities course at Central Oregon Community College. – Story of Africa From the BBC, this site covers all periods in history of the African continent from the origins of humans through ancient cultures, colonialism, to the end of apartheid. – Africa History Sourcebook From Fordham University, historical texts and information on Africa from ancient times through Middle Kingdoms, imperialism and struggles for independence, to modern Africa, plus links to more sites. – Civilizations in Africa Part of an E:\e-Board backup 101514\Webliographies\World_History_Webliography.doc

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11/24/2015 on-line text of information on the various ancient kingdoms and civilizations of Africa, provided by a professor from Washington State University as part of a class on "World Civilizations to 1500". Click on "Contents" under "Browse" to pull up the list of topics covered.

Ancient History – Ancient Civilizations An interactive tour of ancient civilizations courtesy of the British Museum. – Ancient Greece Provides information on art and architecture, geography, history, mythology, people, wars, Olympics and other resources on the ancient Greeks. – Ancient Greece Explore ancient Greek architecture, archaeology, art, culture, history, maps, timelines and many visual resources. Provided by Thomas Sakoulas, Associate Professor of Art at the State University of New York. – Inside Ancient World History Part of the BBC World History, this section allows students to explore the ancient history of Egypt, India, the Vikings, the Greeks and Romans, plus the Americas, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. – Exploring Ancient World Cultures Provides information and beautiful graphics on the ancient and medieval worlds. – Ancient History Sourcebook Provides links to online texts for ancient history, including art and archaeology visuals from Fordham University. – The Native American Anthology A list of links on Native American history, art, texts, literature, nations (tribes) and more. Click on contents under "Browse". Click on "Internet Resources on Native Americans". Provided by Richard Hooker from Washington State University.

Asian History – East Asian History Sourcebook From Fordham University, texts and information on the histories of China, Japan, Korea and other countries from ancient to modern times, including information on religions, gender studies, maps and links to other websites. – China history, Traces the history of the – Asian History Sources Links to vast collections of primary sources from Asian countries, including posters, documents, images, maps and manuscripts from ancient cultures to modern times; from the University of Washington.

country from ancient times through the end of the Qing dynasty. Includes map and timeline.

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European History – EuroDocs: Primary Historical Documents from Western Europe Collection of primary Western European documents in translation, facsimile, or transcribed, from the Middle Ages into this century. – The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization From the PBS series, this companion site introduces us to the social and artistic innovations of ancient Greece, as well as providing interactive maps, a timeline, and information about famous Greeks. – Rome Information on the Roman Empire and civilization from an online course on World Civilizations provided by a history professor from Washing State University. Click on "Contents" under "Browse" to pull up the list of topics covered. – History Guide, An excellent metasite for history from Gottingen, Germany, containing 13,000 links emphasizing European and American history. – Spartacus Educational This site features a series of outstanding online history encyclopedias covering more than 60 comprehensive topics in British and U.S. History, as well as 19th and 20th century Russia, Germany and France.

Medieval History – Internet Medieval History Sourcebook From Fordham University this site provides digitized text and links to a wide variety of texts and other information on history for the Middle Ages. – Netserf Medieval History Resources Includes links to medieval history, arts, literature, weapons, culture, architecture, archeology, and more. – Labyrinth: the Source for Medieval Studies From Georgetown University, this site provides a portal to databases, texts, and images on other servers around the world to create a comprehensive resource for the study of medieval life. Search tool available. – ORB: the Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies Provides links to excellent resources plus movies, etexts and other teaching materials for medieval studies.

Middle East History – The Middle East This site by SUNY at Albany's Department of History is a guide resources on the history and culture and politics of the Middle East. – Ancient Egypt, Links, references, daily life, art, architecture, maps, and more.

Modern History – 18th Century Resources

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11/24/2015 Good site for culture, history, and science of the 18th century.

Sourcebook From Fordham University this site provides a digitized text and a large diversity of resources for information from the Reformation through the 21st Century. A browsable index provides easy access to resources of particular time periods or eras. – History Article Topic Locator, browse lists of Internet Modern History resources. Features hundreds of articles and images from past and current history related magazines, eyewitness – Historical Atlas of the Twentieth accounts of historic events, profiles of people who Century made history, interviews with noted historians and heroes, and daily history quizzes. From the National Historical Society and History Group of Cawles Enthusiast Media.

Women in World History – Women in World History, Primarily developed for educators – lesson plans, curricula, etc. This site highlights women from all continents and cultures.

World War I – First World War.Com This site is dedicated to the facts, folklore, and trivia surrounding World War I, and highlights battles, wartime poetry and prose, audioclips of songs, speeches, propaganda posters and other images and much more. Includes a timeline and an encyclopedia.

World War II – World War II Primary Source Documents An archive of primary source documents covering all aspects of the war plus several excellent interactive timelines. – Museum of Tolerance Multimedia Learning Center An online museum with a multimedia learning center that includes over 3000 text files and 10,000 images relating to WWII and the Holocaust, and also includes virtual exhibits and teacher resources. – Cybrary of the Holocaust Includes 14 pages of links to Holocaust information sites,

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11/24/2015 including current topics, such as the Swiss Bank controversy.

Project Ideas, PBL, I-Search, etc. – project ideas on the theme of European Explorers of the "New World" in the Age of Exploration.

Teachers’ Resources – FREE World History Lessons, Browse and download now. High-quality world history lessons –

History / Social Science Standards Level 10 History-Social Science\Level High School\Level 10 World History (Rev 6-10-01)

Dear user, please help to make this Webliography better. If you have a link(s) may belong to this list or if you see any link does not belong to this list, please e-mail to [email protected]. Thank you. ###

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