:All chapters refer to Titon, Worlds of Music. Date. Reading Due. On the Agenda. Due in Class. T 7/6/99 5:30-10. Introdu
World Music and Ethnic Performance HUM 327
National University Catalog Description ………………... Course Details ……………………… Level/Audience …………….. Course Format ……………... Requirements ………………. Course Information ………………… Syllabus ……………………………… Assignments ………………………… Sonja Streuber
[email protected]
3 3 3 3 3 5 6 7
Sonja Streuber * Teaching Portfolio * World Music and Ethnic Performance
Catalog Description N/a
Course Details Level/ Audience • upper division • Juniors, Seniors • Working adults/ returning students; average age 30-50 Course Format • one month • 8 evening sessions at 4.5 hours. • 1 Saturday session at 8 hours. • Saturday session at 4 hours. Requirements • one paper (10 pages), one team presentation, midterm and final
Sonja Streuber * Teaching Portfolio * World Music and Ethnic Performance
Sonja Streuber * Teaching Portfolio * World Music and Ethnic Performance
Course Information Humanities 327: World Music July 1999
National University, Stockton Sonja Streuber;
[email protected]
Course Description This course is intended to enlarge your cultural-musical horizons. By the end of this course, you will have a global perspective on the music of various ethnic groups, ranging from South America to Indonesia. We will train the identification of music, instrucments, musical forms, and dances from different cultures, and you will develop an ethnomusicological understanding of such terms as acculturation, diffusion, polygenesis, tonal frame work, and many more.
Required Materials Jeffrey Titon (ed.). Worlds of Music. New York: Schirmer, 1996. Worlds of Music tapes.
Course Requirements This course will require you to take a midterm, a final, to give a team presentation, and to research a specific problem in ethnomusicology in a 10 page paper, due the final day of class. You are, in addition, strongly urged to attend as many ethnomusical events as you can, and to actively participate in in-class jam sessions. Grading Breakdown: Midterm …….. 100 points Final ………… 200 points Presentation … 100 points Paper ………...200 points Total………600 points
Course Format Each of the sessions will be devoted to the discussion of one specific cultural group, with musical examples and, if possible, with video material. Aside from the discussion of music, we will touch on other performance genres, such as drama and puppet theater whenever possible, and on issues of social and political importance (including, but not limited to, class, gender, ability, etc.). Participation in class performance units is vital to your course experience. NB: Since the prerequisite for this course is English 231, you will be expected to be familiar with writing college-level essays. If you are unsure if your paper works well, I urge you to consult the Writing Center, which is available to you free of charge. You may, of course, also confer with me at any stage of your writing process.
Sonja Streuber * Teaching Portfolio * World Music and Ethnic Performance
Syllabus NB. :All chapters refer to Titon, Worlds of Music Date T 7/6/99 5:30-10 R 7/8/99 5:30-10 T 7/13/99 5:30-10 R 7/15/99 5:30-10
Reading Due Introduction: Music Culture as a World of Music Ch. 10: Discovering and Documenting a World of Music Ch. 2: North America/ Native America Ch. 3: Africa, Ewe…
On the Agenda Introduction, Video: The Time Machine What is American Music? Internet Project (if lab avail.)
Due in Class
Learning the Sioux Rain Dance African Village Drumming
Presentation #1
S 7/17/99 9-5
Ch. 4: North America/ Black America Ch. 9: Latin America/ Ecuador
Video: Wild Women Don’t Have the Blues
T 7/20/99 5:30-10
R 7/22/99 5:30-10
Ch. 5: Bosnia and Central/ Southeast Europe Ch. 6: India/ South India
T 7/27/99 5:30-10 R 7/29/99 5:30-10 S 7/31/99 8:30-12
Ch. 7: Asia/ Indonesia Ch. 8: East Asia/ Japan Summary
Hindu Ritual and Dance; Draft workshop Buddhism and Music Video: M. Butterfly. Final
bring “American” music on tape or on CD.
Presentation #2, bring empty coffee cans, yoghurt cups, wax paper, and twine. Presentation #3, bring recorders or other flutes
Draft of course paper with 3 photocopies Presentation #4 Presentation #5 Course Paper
Sonja Streuber * Teaching Portfolio * World Music and Ethnic Performance
Assignments 1. Presentations (due as scheduled)--100 points Split into five teams, course participants will be working on a joint presentation as scheduled. Apart from covering the assigned topic, each presentation must include cultural background about the groups discussed and at least one music example on tape or on video. The presentation should be about 20-30 minutes long. • Presentation #1: Understanding "America" in American Country Music. • Presentation #2: Reggae Music and Pan-Africanism in the 1960s and 1970s • Presentation #3: Hip-Hop and Rap as "the New Blues"? • Presentation #4: Portrayals of Indian and Asian Music in American Movie/ TV Series Soundtracks • Presentation #5: Japanese Noh Theater and Dance
2. Course Paper (first draft due R, 7/22/99; final draft due S, 7/31/99)--200 points Option 1 (for aspiring teachers) Develop and propose a 5-week biweekly course unit (=10 sessions at 90 minutes each) for 5th grade on the music of a specific non-American cultural group. Your proposal must contain the following: • a 2-page proposal to the principal explaining the pedagogical, educational, and social goals and benefits of this unit. • a course syllabus with specific goals for each session • 10 detailed lesson plans outlining with what steps each session goal will be reached.
Option 2 (as an alternative to Option 1) Write a 10-page critical resaerch paper on a specific issue within the music of a specific ethnic group. Possible topics are: • The Portrayal of Gender in American Country Music • Critique of Asian-ness in Puccini’s Madama Butterfly and David Henry Hwang’s M. Butterfly. • The Impact of Immigration on the Development of Russian Folklore in the U.S. • Female Rappers and Violence • Portrayals of Vietnamese War Culture in Miss Saigon, Full Metal Jacket, and Platoon. • Influence of Japanese Anime Music on American Cartoon Soundtracks. If you choose any of these topics, please let me know beforehand; it is vital that your paper critically focus on one specific issue, rather than providing an encyclopedic overview of a large area.
Sonja Streuber * Teaching Portfolio * World Music and Ethnic Performance
Sonja Streuber * Teaching Portfolio * World Music and Ethnic Performance