association Bifericeras donovani Dommergues and Meister and ..... bachian Boundary is the presence of Paltechioceras ..... Cuadernos de Geologia Iberica. 25:.
Worldwide ammonite correlation at the Pliensbachian Stage and Substage Boundaries (Lower Jurassic) Christian Meister Natural
History Museum of Geneva, Department of Geology 1 Rte de Malagnou, CP 6434, CH-1211 Geneva 6, email: christian.meister®
and Paleontology, Switzerland
ABSTRACT: The present paper is an inventory of the biostratigraphical ammonite data at the boundaries of the Sinemurian and Pliensbachian Stages and of the Lower-Upper Pliensbachian Substages. Sinemurian and Pliensbachian Stages belong to the Early Jurassic (Lias) and the age of their boundary is 190 m.y. following the last version of the Geologic Time scale com piled by Walker and Geissman (2009). Since 2006, the Global boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Pliensbachian Stage is formally defined at Wine Haven in Yorkshire Coast (UK). This level coincides with the ammonite association Bifericeras donovani Dommergues and Meister and Apoderoceras sp. which define the base of the Taylori Subchronozone of the Jamesoni Chronozone. For the Lower-Upper Pliensbachian boundary, estimated at 186.5 m.y. there is no formal definition with a GSSP until now. Several options remain open as well in the Euroboreal Domain (Hebrides, Yorshire, Dorset in UK, Causses Basin in France, Cordillera Iberica in Spain, Lusitanian Basin in Portugal) as in theTethyan Domain (Subbeticas in Spain, Apennines in Italy, Bakony in Hungary). Worldwide correlations (Euroboreal, Tethyan and East Pacific Domains) at these boundaries are proposed based on ammonites after critical review of their taxonomy and biostratigraphy. Indeed for Lower Jurassic, ammonites represent the best fossil group for precise biostratigraphy and correlation and that is why the standard chronostratigraphic framework (at zonal level) has been based on them since Oppel (1856-58).
INTRODUCTION Since d'Orbigny introduced the notion of Stage and Oppel the concept of Zones near the middle of the 19th century (the subzone concept emerged more gradually during the 20th century), work has continued to refine and to define the succession of chro nostratigraphic units so as to arrive at a reliable continous time scale. With this aim, the International Commission of Stratigraphy (ICS) indicates that boundaries must be formally defined by a stratotype; a standard Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP). Despite radiometric dating and possibilies of correlations with magnetostratigraphy, stable isotopes and Milankovich cycles, biochronology remains of key importance due to its high preci sion and its resolution even if paleobiogeography and paleoecology sometimes restrict its potential. The purpose of this paper is not to discuss again all the concepts of chronostratigraphy and biostratigraphy. For this, we refer to Dean et al. (1961), Salvador (1994), Callomon (1995) and Page (2003). Herein we just present a table to summarise my opinions concerning the smallest biostratigraphical and chronostratigraphical units: biohorizons and zonules (text-fig. I). Hedberg (1976 p. 49, 67) defined the concept of chronohorizons which is, for us, quite similar and can be integrated into the more precise concept of zonules well discussed by Phelps (1985) and Page (1995). The concept of horizons is discussed in detail by Callomon (1995) and Blau & Meister (2000). The definitions of biohorizon and zonules, as used herein, are briefly presented. A biohorizon is the smallest biostratigraphical unit that corresponds to a bed or a serie of beds, characterized by a specified taxon or assemblage of time-diagnostic guide-fossils, within which no further stratigraphical differentiation of the fauna can be made. A biohorizon is locally recognizable and a standard horizon is reproductible at a large scale (ideally paleogeographic domain scale). A zonule
is the smallest subdivision of a chronostratigraphical scale that should be defined at its base like a stage (see below). A potential zonule is still not defined. T h e basic idea is to present guide ammonites or ammonite as semblages which characterize biohorizons in different localities of the Euroboreal, Tethyan and Pacific Domains and to correlate them. Historically, the fossiliferous sequences of NW Europe are taken as reference to establish standard zonations, especially for the Jurassic, and the most effective standard zonalion for this pe riod is based on ammonites. This is the case for the SinemurianPliensbachian and Lower-Upper Pliensbachian Boundaries. This chronostratigraphical interval is a period of strong am monite provincialism and the correlations between different paleobiogeographical domains (Euroboreal, Tethyan, Pacific Do mains) remain difficult. Two possible responses 1) T h e use of several regional zonaUotvs.lf vUsaxvahs.ol.vite neces sity first to describe and documents the succession in any Teg\OTi and to propose a biohorizon succession, it better, for us, at this stage of resolution to directly correlate with standard zonation without to establish regional biozones or subbiozones (see an ex ample for ammonite succession in Mexico, Meister et a). 2009). Regional zonations raise more proMems than they solve ana"iacrease the difficulties of correlations, axAeasXfoc Mwcwatvvtes (see Meister et al. 2006). For hierarchical consistency it is necessary to select one scale as primary standard and to refer directly to it even it remains some uncertainties. 2) The second solution is to use the best zonation with the most accurate resolution - in this case the N W European zonation [re inforced by the choice of the Pliensbachian GSSP in the NW European Domain (Meister et al. 2006)] - as a reference and to
Christian Meister: Worldwide ammonite correlation at the Pliensbachian Stage
BIOSTRATIGRAPHY (used herein) = bioevent = > at a local, regional, lithologic profile scale
= niveau a
not defi ned by thei r base
= local unit
faunal horizon
= characteristic faunal horizon = unitary association
= > already synthetic results at supra-regional, basin scale
standard horizon
= reproductible units (Unitary Association assemblage)
= > at province or domain scale "
including e.g. assemblage zone, range zone, a c m e - z o n e , interval-zone, partial or total range zone
= > at province or domain scale
2 )
formall; y defin ed by their base
CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY (= B I O C H R O N O L O G Y ) (used herein) Zonule
= chronohorizon (sensu H e d b e r g , 1976)
= Standard subzone
= Oppel zone = Standard zone
TEXT-FIGURE 1 Summary of biostratigraphical and chronostratigraphical classifications used in this work with proposed synonymy. 1) biozone, biosubzones reveal only regional information. 2) standard horizon is a potential zonule but not officially defined at its base.
correlate with it. During recent years, several studies presenting very precise biostratigraphic frameworks have been published allowing the proposal of a more or less precise correlation be tween paleogeographical domains. All the basic stratigraphical data have been published by the re spective authors quoted in the figures and they have been criti cally reviewed for taxonomy and/or stratigraphy. T h e informa tion came from range charts or from faunal lists based on bed by bed collections of ammonites. T h e references are given in each figure. These represent the successions of biohorizons across both boundaries throughout the world. Some significant a m m o nites are illustrated.
For the Lower-Upper Pliensbachian Boundary several possible G S S P candidates can be selected to define the base of the Upper Pliensbachian. For this interval the proposed correlations remain informal but are quite precise because of the association of Eu roboreal and Tethyan ammonite in some key regions such as the Austrian and Hungarian upper Austroalpine units. Remark: In the following text the Sinemurian - Pliensbachian Boundary is abbreviated SPB and the Lower - Upper Pliensba chian Boundary to LUPB. DISCUSSION The Pliensbachian Stage
To identify precisely and to correlate the Sinemurian-Pliensbachian boundary is often very difficult because of sedimentological and tectonic problems which affect the fossil record. More over, the Lower-Middle Lias is a period of strong provincialism and/or endemism, and resulting in addition difficulties for am monite correlations. Consequently, only one outcrop was deemed suitable to be selected for the GSSP of the Sinemurian-Pliensbachian boundary (see Meister et al. 2003) and formally defined in 2006 (Meister et al.) at Wine Haven (Yorkshire, UK).
The Pliensbachian is the third Stage of the Jurassic System. Its name derives from Pliensbach, a small village in SW Germa ny not far from Holzmaden and the original definition of this stage dates back to Oppel (1858, p. 248-249, 256), previously d'Orbigny's Liasien (1849-1852). The base of the Pliensbachian is located at a level of important faunal changes corresponding roughly to the disappearance of the Echioceratidae (Psiloceratoidea) and the subsequent full de-
Stratigraphy, vol. 7, no. /, 2010 Age Walker & Geissman 200" •183 m.y.
Estimated age
Estimated duration 1 5 of one Zonule
Estimated age
£ c Estimated Eg duration • c o< one Zonule 1
Z> P.
-186.5 m.y. C3
Davoei Ibex
O -I R
Davoei 25 -140.000 y.
Ibex - 1 8 8 . 9 m.y.
157.000 y.
190 m.y. -191.1 m.y. Oxynotum —> c
-87.500 y.
-58.000 y.
Oxynotum Obtusum
-193.5 m.y.
s i CO 197 m.y. TEXT-FIGURE 2 Ages and estimated duration of zonules for the Upper Sinemurian and the Lower Pliensbachian.
velopment of the Eoderoceratoidea which underwent a signifi cant radiation and increase in diversity. The Sinemurian-Pliensbachian ammonoid event is a good example of faunal renewal at a global scale. The Pliensbachian is divided in two substages. The Carixian (see Lang 1913, p. 401) was an alternative to Lower Pliensbachian and the Domerian was proposed by Bonarelli (1894) for the Margaritatus and Spinatum Zones of Oppel (1856), corresponding now to the Upper Pliensbachian. Following the recommendation of the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ISC) that substages Carixian and Domerian should not be named, although widely used and should be replaced by Lower Pliensbachian and Up per Pliensbachian. (see for more details see Meister et al. 2003, 2006). Around the Lower-Upper Pliensbachian Boundary (LUPB) contrary to the SPB, there is no major faunal change and this boundary is still not officially defined; the Pliensbachian Work ing Group of the Jurassic Subcommission is now focusing on this topic. At present, its definition is based on the gradual evolution of two ammonite superfamilies: the Eoderoceratoidea Spath 1929 for the Euroboreal and the Pacific paleobiogeographic Domains and the Hildoceratoidea Hyatt 1867 for the Tethyan Domain. More precisely, in the Euroboreal Domain, the boundary is based on the evolution of the Liparoceratidae Hyatt 1867 emend. Dommergues & Meister (1999) with Oistoceras Amaltheus. In the Pacific Domain it is based on the Dubariceratidae Dom mergues & Meister 1999 with Anclidiscus - Fanninoceras and in Tethys on Harpoceratinae (Neumayr 1875) within the lineage Fuciniceras (sensu Dommergues et al. 2002).
Based on ages in the recent versions of the Geologic Time Scale (Gradstein et al. 2004, International Commission on Stratigraphy 2009) compiled by Walker and Greissman (2009), the Sinemu rian corresponds to an interval of 7 m.y. and the Pliensbachian of 7 m.y. too. So we can propose estimates for the durations of the ammonite succession based on the number of Chronozones/ Subchronozones/zonules or standard horizons (Corna et al. 1997; Dommergues et al. 1997; Blau & Meister 2000; Meister et al. 2003, 2005; Geczy & Meister 2007) (text-fig. 2). These numbers are estimates and averages of estimates. The du rations of zones, subzones and biohorizons were certainly not all the same: On the basis of ammonite assemblages the European Pliensbachian presently comprises 5 Chronozones («Standard Zones»), further subdivided into 15 Subchronozones (Dean et al. 1961). Since 1997 (see Dommergues) the number of biohorizons recognised has increased for the Lower Pliensbachian from 22 to 25, even more for the Upper Sinemurian, from 14 to 40. More over the duration proposed in the literature for these two periods (U. Sin. and L. PI.) has also changed in reliability. Consequently with the new ammonite data, the precision has increased and the estimated average for the duration of a biohorizon from 250.000 y. to about 87.500-58.000 y. for the Upper Sinemurian and from 220.000 y. to about 140.000-157.000 y. for the Lower Pliensba chian. The base of the Pliensbachian Stage One of the main problems for the Sinemurian-Pliensbachian Boundary is the rarity of «good» sections bearing ammonites. We are often confronted with obviously missing or condensed sediments, or sometimes simply poorly fossiliferous sediments (text-fig. 3).
Christian Meister: Worldwide ammonite correlation al the Pliensbachian Stage
Imediterranean t e t h y s 1
| EUROBOREAL REGIONS Dean el al. 1961 Cornaetal. 1997 Dommergues ct al. 1997
Bragael al. 1982, 1985
CNW Europe; Suh- Chrono slage* zones
Jamesoni JAME:soni
:nsbac HI/
| PACIFIC Pally etal. 1994 Smith etal. 1988 Smith & Tipper 1996
P. ImaiUn Radsiockiftrtu
0 CrmmellariHrnu
Uppermost MM M l K I W
•\p gf ntHluitiKU*
1. .
Cmms Ktnuiti] l9Hs
19811. iwi
Upionia jamesoni
GERMANY I'liensbach
Asclfinccn A
liLmct..! rum
Jiinu-sonl RrvvUpinu
H.itlmann l'>M. 1982. ttfcitvtrui& Id''iiiiiii" I9M.
vol. 7. no. I, 2010
f» i* ^^fc n_i* *i Pall, lardri rr.u rnf* Pall IH>\II-FI
P aptwuaum* 1 armaiuin-milev*/ Gh-v. viriurn P. iinhiiuiiumV hpufrrfKftm *p. [ '. di tuHum 1I. ,umaium-mde\*
Pgr —
laFdrtirMrns* f...
ii 81
L. nuuilonnclli 1 L. meigrnl Eoitero. annuium-mitesV — Mucdunni'lli L.d.
lardecrescens rot milium |
I Epideroceras
Is 3 ! ^
Macdonnelli Karicoslaliini ipartim)
Left, meigeni < I'all. charpenlicrii I' meisleri
rharpenlieri P. aff.
favrei 'fall,
Hauer 1 8 5 6 ( 3 1 . G c c z , 1976 ( 1 . 5 . 7 1 . Alkaya A Meister 1995 IK.9. 10, 121. Blau I99K (21. Meister & Friehe 2003 ( 6 ) . G e e / , el Meister 2007 14, 111
TEXT-FIGURE 10 Biohorizon successions in Austria (Alps), in Hungary (Bakony) and in Turkey (Pontides) for the uppermost Sinemurian and the lowermost Pliens bachian and correlation with the chronostratigraphic framework. I: Bakonyceras evolulum (Geczy), 2: Eoderoceras gruenae (Blau), 3: Pallechioc eras lardecrescens (Hauer), 4: Catriceras pannonicum Meister & Geczy, 5: Paramicroderoceras hungaricum (Geczy), 6: Paramicroderoceras aff. hungaricum (Geczy). 7: Paraderoceras ? sp., 8: Pseuduptonia suessi (Gugenberger), 9: Pallechioceras romanicum (Uhlig), 10: Pseuduptonia suessi (Gugenberger), II: Pallechioceras cf. lardecrescens (Hauer), 12: Epideroceras sp. The numbers in the table correspond to the ammonite illustrations. The black scale bar = I cm.
—i 1987. Succession des faunes d'ammonites au Langeneckgrat (Prealpes mtidianes. region de Thoune, Suisse): une serie de re ference dans le Sinemurien superieur Geobios, 20: 313-335. —, 1989. Succession des faunes d'ammonites du Sinemurien superi eur dans le Chablais meridional et les klippes de Savoie (Prealpes mediants. Haute-Savoie. France). Geobios. 22: 455-483. — i 1990. De la Grosse Pierre des Encombres aux Klippes de Suisse centrale: un test d'homogencite des paleoenvironnements subbrianconnais et des contraintes paleobiogeographiques alpines par les ammonites du Lias moyen (Jurassique infeneur). Bulletin de la Societe geologique de France. 8: 635-646. —. 1990. Les faunes d'ammonites de I'Austroalpin Moyen dans les Alpes Rhetiques italiennes (region de Livigno); biostratigraphie et implications paleogeographiques. Revue Paleobiologie, 9 (2): 291-307. —, 1991. Successsion des faunes d'ammonites du Sinemurien et du Pliensbachien dans le Chablais septentrional (Prealpes medianes,
Suisse et France). Bolletlino delta Socield Paleontologica 30: 303-324.
1 1992. Late Sinemurian and Early Carixian ammonites in Europe with cladistic analysis of sutural characters. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie, 185:211-237. , 1999. Cladistic formalisation of relationships within a superfamily of Lower Jurassic Ammonitina: Eoderocerataceae. Revue Paleobiologie, 18 (I): 273-286. DOMMERGUES. J. -L., CUBAYNES, R.. FAURE, P. and MOUTERDE, R., 1982. La premiere espece d'Harpoceratinae (Ammonitina) implantee dans la province subboreale: Protogrammoceras occidentale n. sp. Comptes Rendus de I'Academie des Sciences de Paris, Serie 3,294: 657-660. DOMMERGUES. J. -L., FERRETTI. A. and MEISTER. C , 1994. Les faunes d'ammonites du Sinemurien de I'Apennin Central (Marches et Toscane, Italie). Bolleltino delta Societa Paleontologica llaliana, 33: 13-42.
Christian Meister: Worldwide ammonite correlation at the Pliensbachian Stage
on Z LU C z.
NORTH & CENTRAL AMERICA (USA, C a n a d a , Mexico) Imlay 1968. Smith 1981. Smith et al. 1988 Thompson & Smith 1992. Palfy et al. 1994 Taylor et al. 2001. Schlatter & Schmidt-Effing 1984 Meister et al. 2002.2005. Blau et al. 2003
Hillebrandl 1987.2002.2006 QuinzioSinn 1987. Riccardi el al. 1992
(Argentina, Chile, Peru)
P. laticostatum
Z Q 3g
? Folymorphus
Miltoceras M.
l l a:
. 3 S
capncor- Capricornus nus Lataecosta
•S E O O
~ O
| Sparsicosta
Luridum Crassum
8 £
X ) D.
C3Q '
. „ . j Maculatum Macula- !
C3 ca
I E.
> CO.
Crescens u
E 3 c C9
O X)
3 C
behrendseni A.
II E ^ a.
/•'. aff. dilectum
TEXT-FIGURE 12 Biostratigraphic framework around the Lower - Upper Pliensbachian Boundary in Pacific areas and in western Tethys and correlation with the potential chronostratigraphic framework, of N W Europe.
Valle del F. Bosso (PS) e loro riflessi sulla biostratigrafia del limite Domeriano-Toarciano in Appennino. Studi Geologici Camerti, vol. spec, 247-297. FARAONI, P., M A R I N I , A., PALLINI, G. and V E N T U R I . F , 1996. New Carixian ammonite assemblages of Central Apennines (Italy), and their impact on Mediterranean Jurassic biostratigraphy. Paleopelagos, 6: 75-122. , 2 0 0 0 - 2 0 0 2 . Protogrammoceratinae and new ammonite as semblages of the central Apennines and their significance on the Carixian-Domerian biostratigraphic boundary in the Mediterra nean paleoprovince. Geologica Romano, 36: 215-249.
FERRETTI, A. and MEISTER, C , 1994. Composition des faunes d'ammonites dans les Apennins des Marches et comparaison avee les principales regions tethysiennes et subboreales. Palaeopelagos, Memoire special I: 143-153. GECZY, B. and MEISTER, C , 1998. Les ammonites du Domerien de la montagne du Bakony (Hongrie). Revue de Paleohiologie, 17(1): 69-161. , 2007. Les ammonites du Sinemurien et du Pliensbachien inferieur de la montagne du Bakony (Hongrie). Revue de Paleohiologie. 2 6 ( 1 ) : 137-305.
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Christian Meister: Worldwide ammonite correlation
at the Pliensbachian
Biohorizons Faraoni el al. 2002
potential Zonules
Celebralum £
N W Europe Chrono/oncs
t. cele-
Meister 2003
• Moncsticri Occidenlale
ratum r*^ F. taviniamtm c T*** F. ponixi
F. isseli
F. celebratum
. .
^ F.
Upper austroalpine Biohorizons Blau A M e i s l c r 1991 Meister & Bohm 1993. Dommergues et al. 199? J Meister & Friebc 2003 '•• F. celebratum
Biohorizons Meister 1995 Geczy & Meister 1998,2007 F. celcbratum _ F. marianii \F. isseli'breyispirattim
' *:f',
" isseli-brevisp.
F. lavinianum_C
C F. portisi (= ambi^
F. portisi
F. lavinianumportisi
"~ '
M. *i monestieri •
Angulalum ;
Capri corn us
F. casticUlafum (=F. "dilecium" sensu Braga)
j F. costiciUatumdetractum
Maculatum :
A. A.
Capricomus Lataeco.sia
Nilescens Slokcsi
F. celebratum
tebratum r. cele
Biohorizons Braga I9B3
Biohorizons Macchioni &
Biohorizons ! Ferretii & Meister i 1994
Austrian Alps
F. votubile senxu Ferretii F, volubilepantaneUi
crest-ens cupricornux
A. capricomus
A. tataecosta
— A.
TEXT-FIGURE 13 Detail of the biohorizon successions in Tethyan Domain (Apennines, Subbeticas, Bakony and Austrian Alps and correlation with the Lower - Upper Pliensbachian chronostratigraphic framework. C indicates the position of Cetonoceras psiloceroides (Fucini). The * means N W paleogeographical affinities.
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IMLAY, R. W., 1968. Lower Jurassic (Pliensbachian and Toarcian) ammonites from eastern Oregon and California. Washington, DC: U. S. Geological Survey. Professional Paper 593c: 51 p. I N T E R N A T I O N A L COMMISSION ON STRATIGRAPHY, 2009. International stratigraphic chart. http://www. JOLY, B., 2 0 0 0 . Les Juraphyllitidae, Phylloceratidae, Neophylloceratidae (Phyllocerataceae, Phylloceratina, Ammonoidea) de France au Jurassique et au Cretace. Geobios, Memoire special, no. 23; [also Memoires de la Societe Geologique de France, nouvelle serie, no. 174], 202 pp. LACHKAR, N., D O M M E R G U E S , J. -L., MEISTER, C , NEIGE, P., IZART, A. and L A N G , J., 1998. Les ammonites du Sinemurien superieur du Jebel Bou-Hamid (Haut-Atlas central, Rich, Maroc). Approches paleontologiques et biostratigraphiques. Geobios, 31: 587-619.
vol. 7, no. I, 2010
Lower - Upper Pliensbachian Boundary Western Tethys Ammonite faunas
. . . . .
/•- gr. laviiiianitm
. . . . 11 i i c i n i
I -
. . portisi
• (Fucini)
North-West Europe Ammonite faunas
- . . 'Iiltr Fuciniceras portm
I'rolagrammaceras occidentale
Upper Pliensbachian Lower
(FDCini) - detraction
| aller Braga I'IS.i ( 3 . - I . M . t i c e / . y & M c w c r I'WH 1 1 . 2 . 5 . 7)
aller MciMcr I 9 S 6 ( I - 5 . 8 ) . D o m m e r g u e s c l al. l ' ) S 2 ( h . 7 l
TEXT-FIGURE 14 Significant ammonites from around the Lower - Upper Pliensbachian Boundary for Western Tethys and NW Europe. The black scale bar = I cm.
LANG. W. D., 1913. Lower Pliensbachian "Carixian" of Charmouth. Geological Magazine, 10 (9): 400-413. , 1928. The Belemnite Marls of Charmouth. a series in the Lias of the Dorset Coast. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 84: 179-257. MACCHIONI, F. and MEISTER. C , 2003. Ammonite biostratigraphy of some Mediterranean sections. 2: The succession of the Gola de F. Burano (Umbria-Machigiano Basin. Apennine). a reference sec tion for Tethyan Domain. Revue de Paleohiologie, 22 (I): 363-420. MEISTER. C 1982. Distribution stratigraphique des ammonites carixiennes des Causses (France): remarques preJiminaires. Bolletin de la Societe vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles, 361: 73-83.
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Christian Meister: Worldwide ammonite correlation at the Pliensbachian Stage
Lower - Upper Pliensbachian Boundary South America Ammonite faunas
North America Ammonite faunas
I'anninoceras leptodiscus (Bcbrendscn)
TEXT-FIGURK 15 Significant ammonites from around the Lower - Upper Pliensbachian Boundary for South and North America. The black scale bar = I cm.
MEISTER C . BLAU. J. and BOHM. F.. 1994. Ammonite biostratigra phy of the Pliensbachian stage in the Upper Austroalpine Jurassic. Eclogue Ceolologicae Helvetiae, 87: 139-155. MEISTER. C . BLAU. J.. DOMMERGUES, J. -L., FEISTBURKHARDT, S.. HART, M., HESSELBO, S. P., HYLTON. M.. PAGE, K. and PRICE G.. 2003. A proposal for the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Pliensbachian Stage (Lower Jurassic). Eclogue Geologicae Helve tiae, 96: 275-297. MEISTER. C , BLAU. J., DOMMERGUES. J. -L.. SCHLATTER. R. and SCHMIDT-EFFING. R.. 2009. The Upper Sinemurian ammonites succession in the Sierra Madre Oriental (Mexico). Volumina Jurassica, 7:31-36. MEISTER, C , BLAU, J., DOMMERGUES, J. -L., SCHLATTER, R.. SCHMIDT-EFFING, R. and BURK, K., 2005. Ammonites from the Lower Jurassic (Sinemurian) of Tenango de Doria (Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico). Pan IV: Biostratigraphy, palaeobiogeography and taxonomic addendum. Revue de Paleohiologie, 24 (I): 365-384. MEISTER, G . BLAU. J., SCHLATTER, R. and SCHMIDT-EFFING R.. 2002. Ammonites from the Lower Jurassic (Sinemurian) of Tenango de Doria (Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico). Part II: Phylloceratoidea, Lytoceratoidea, Schiotheimiidae. Arietitinae, Oxynoticeratidae, and Eoderoceratidae. Revue de Paleohiologie, 21: 391-409. MOUTERDE, R.. DOMMERGUES, J. -L.. MEISTER, C. and DA ROCHA. R. B.. 2007. Atlas des fossiles caracteVistiques du Lias portugais.
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Emerged land (non-deposition assumed and/or ascertained) tyy—\ Shallow marine deposits mainly terrigene / carbonated I I (Hemi)pelagic deposits of epicontinental basins
1-18 0 f_J
Deep preoceanic / oceanic basin deposits • •
vol. 7, no. 1,2010
Sinemurian and Pliensbachian localities discussed herein GSSP tor the Sinemurian - Pliensbachian Potential good localities tor the Lower-Upper Pliensbachian Boundary Southern line tor the Pliensbachian faunas rich in taxa of NW European affinities
TEXT-FIGURE 16 Detail of the locations in the Western Tethys and adjacent areas for the Sinemurian - Pliensbachian and the Lower - Upper Pliensbachian Boundar ies. 1: Hebrides (UK), 2: Yorkshire (UK), 3: Dorset (UK), 4: NW Germany. 5: SW Germany, 6: Burgundy (France), 7: Subbrianconnais Alpine Unit (France, Switzerland), 8: Lusitanian Basin (Portugal), 9: High Atlas (Morocco), 10: Subbeticas (Spain), 11: Cordillera Iberica (Spain), 12: Tunisian Dorsal, 13: Apennines (Italy), 14: Pyrenees and Bas-Languedoc (France), 15: Causses Basin (France), 16: Hungarian Upper Austroalpine, 17: Austrian Upper Austroalpine, 18: Pontides (Turkey).
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S I N E M U R I A N ( 1 9 3
- 1 8 3
m y )
Sinemurian and Pliensbachian localities discussed herein y J Potential localities tor the Lower-Upper Pliensbachian boundary —
TEXT-FIGURE 17 Upper Sinemurian and Pliensbachian paleogeographical map with the main localities for the Sinemurian - Pliensbachian and the Lower - Upper Pliensbachian Boundaries.
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