Wound management and dressings formulary Quick Reference Guide ...

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Ensure dressing size is appropriate for the wound. Too large is not cost effective. Sizes. Each dressing. Cleansing agen
Wound management and dressings formulary Quick Reference Guide www.northeast.devonformularyguidance.nhs.uk Good Prescribing Practice   

Soft silicone wound contact dressing

Do not put dressings onto patients’ repeat lists. All wounds should be reviewed

5cm x 7.5cm


frequently and assessed for healing

7.5cm x 10cm


Only prescribe the quantity clinically needed at the time. Prescribed items are

10cm x 18cm


the property of the patient; unused dressings must be destroyed

15cm x 25cm


7.5cm x 7.5cm


10cm x 10cm


12.5cm x 12.5cm


Ensure dressing size is appropriate for the wound. Too large is not cost effective Sizes

Cuticell contact (first-line)

Biatain silicone (second-line)

Each dressing

Cleansing agents Tap water (first-line)



15cm x 15cm


Sodium chloride 0.9% (first-line)

25 x 20mL


17.5cm x 17.5cm


30 tablets



Absorbent dressing – lightly exuding wounds

Permitabs® (second-line)

Cosmopor E (first-line)

Liquid barrier film

5cm x 7.2cm


8cm x 10cm


Cavilon durable barrier cream



8cm x 15cm





10cm x 20cm


2g sachet


10cm x 25cm


Cavilon no sting barrier film

28mL pump spray


10cm x 35cm



5 x 1mL applicator


Dry absorbent dressing pads, medium to high exudate

5 x 3mL applicator


Zetuvit Plus (first-line)





Proshield (second-line) foam and spray skin cleanser skin protective Knitted viscose primary dressing N-A Ultra (first-line) Atrauman (first-line)

First line drugs

10cm x 10cm


10cm x 20cm


15cm x 20cm


20cm x 25cm


20cm x 40cm


10cm x 10cm


9.5cm x 9.5cm


19cm x 9.5cm


15cm x 15cm


5cm x 5cm


20cm x 30cm


7.5cm x 10cm


40cm x 60cm


10cm x 20cm


10cm x 10cm


20cm x 30cm


10cm x 20cm


20cm x 20cm


20cm x 30cm


Eclypse (second-line)

DryMax Extra (specialist)

Second line drugs

Specialist drugs November 2014

Wound management and dressings formulary Quick Reference Guide www.northeast.devonformularyguidance.nhs.uk Hydrogel sheet dressings Actiform Cool (first-line)

Intrasite conformable (first-line)

Hydrocolloid dressings 5cm x 6.5cm


5cm x 10cm


10cm x 10cm


7.5cm x 7.5cm


10cm x 15cm


9cm x 15cm


20cm x 20cm


9cm x 25cm


10cm x 10cm


9cm x 35cm


10cm x 20cm


10cm x 10cm


10cm x 40cm


15cm x 15cm




5cm x 5cm


10cm x 10cm


15cm x 15cm


1cm x 45cm


2cm x 45cm


Hydrogel application (amorphous) ActivHeal Gel (first-line)

DuoDERM Extra Thin (first-line)

Hydrocolloid-fibrous dressings Aquacel Extra (first-line)

Vapour-permeable adhesive film dressing C-view (first-line)

6cm x 7cm


10cm x 12cm


12cm x 12cm


15cm x 20cm


Vapour-permeable adhesive film dressing with absorbent pad Hydrofilm Plus (first-line)

C-view Post Op (second-line)

First line drugs

Polyurethane foam film dressing with adhesive border ActivHeal Foam Adhesive

7.5cm x 7.5cm



10cm x 10cm


12.5cm x 12.5cm



15cm x 15cm



20cm x 20cm


Tegaderm Foam Adhesive

6.9cm x 7.6cm (oval)



10cm x 11cm (oval)


14.3cm x 15.6cm (oval)



14.3cm x 14.3cm (sq.)



19cm x 22.2cm (oval)


13.9cm x 13.9cm (circ.)


5cm x 7.2cm


9cm x 10cm


9cm x 15cm 10cm x 20cm 10cm x 25cm


10cm x 30cm


6cm x 7cm


10cm x 12cm 10cm x 25cm 10cm x 35cm


For intravenous and subcutaneous catheter sites IV 3000 (first-line)

Aquacel Ribbon (first-line)

Polyurethane Foam Film Dressing without Adhesive Border

10cm x 12cm (central line)


ActivHeal Non-adhesive foam (first-

5cm x 5cm


9cm x 12cm (PICC line)



10cm x 10cm


20cm x 20cm


18cm x 12cm


Second line drugs

Specialist drugs November 2014

Wound management and dressings formulary Quick Reference Guide www.northeast.devonformularyguidance.nhs.uk Tegaderm foam (first-line)

8.8cm x 8.8cm


(fenestrated) 10cm x 10cm


10cm x 20cm


20cm x 20cm


8cm x 8cm

5cm x 5cm


10cm x 10cm


6cm x 6cm


11cm x 11cm



11cm x 11cm (adhesive)


10cm x 10cm


15cm x 15cm (adhesive)


13cm x 13cm


17cm x 19cm


Roll 10cm x 61cm




Roll 20cm x 60cm




11cm x 11cm


20cm x 20cm


5cm x 5cm


9.5cm x 9.5cm


5cm x 5cm




10cm x 10cm




10cm x 20cm






10g tube


20g tube


10cm x 10cm


10cm x 20cm


5cm x 5cm


15cm x 25cm


10cm x 12.5cm


10cm x 10cm


5cm x 5cm


8cm x 15cm (oval)


10cm x 10cm


15cm x 20cm


15cm x 15cm


Actilite (first-line)

10cm x 10cm


Cutimed Sorbact Ribbon

2cm x 50cm


(gauze dressing)

10cm x 20cm



5cm x 200cm


Medihoney tulle (first-line)

10cm x 10cm


Cutimed Sorbact swabs

4cm x 6cm

Medihoney gel sheet (first-line)

5cm x 5cm


10cm x 10cm


PolyMem (specialist)

Polymem Max (specialist) Alginates Sorbsan Flat (first-line)

ribbon with probe Odour absorbent dressings Clinisorb (first-line)

Carboflex (specialist)

Antimicrobial dressings, honey

First line drugs

Medihoney apinate (first-line) Medihoney HCS (first-line)

Honey-based topical application Medihoney tube (first-line) Iodine Inadine (first-line) Iodoflex paste (first-line)

Iodosorb ointment (first-line) Silver Acticoat Absorbent (first-line) Aquacel Ag + Extra (specialist)

Other antimicrobials

(first-line) Cutimed Sorbact gel (first-line)

Second line drugs


7.5cm x 7.5cm


7.5cm x 15cm


Specialist drugs November 2014

Wound management and dressings formulary Quick Reference Guide www.northeast.devonformularyguidance.nhs.uk Cutimed Sorbact pad

7cm x 9cm


2.5cm x 5m



10cm x 10cm


5cm x 5m


10cm x 20cm


10cm x 5m



15cm x 5m


20cm x 5m


30cm x 5m


Kendall AMD foam (without adhesive

5cm x 5cm

border) (first-line)

8.8cm x 7.5cm (fenestrated) 10cm x 10cm 15cm x 15cm 10cm x 20cm 20cm x 20cm

Suprasorb X + PHMB (first-line)

£4.23 £4.71 £8.92 £8.92


9cm x 9cm


14cm x 20cm


Prontosan (contains PHMB)

350mL bottle



24 x 40mL pod


30mL gel


10cm x 10cm


Physical debridement pads Dressing packs Richardsons Healthcare

Per pack , ordered from


web basket

Nurse it (second-line)

Per pack

Skin closure strips sterile Leukostrip (first-line)

Seal-tight® Wound care protector (first-line)

100 per packet


7.5cm x 7.5cm, 4-ply, sterile

5 per packet


K-band (first-line)

7cm x 4m


10cm x 4m


15cm x 4m


Red line

3.5cm x 1m


Green line

5cm x 1m


5cm x 3m


5cm x 5m


7.5cm x 1m


7.5cm x 3m


7.5cm x 5m


10.75cm x 1m


10.75cm x 3m


10.75cm x 5m


17.5cm x 1m


Tubular bandages and garments Comfifast (first-line)

Blue line

1.25cm x 5m


2.5cm x 5m


5cm x 5m


7.5cm x 10m


Yellow line

Surgical tape Scanpor (first-line)

First line drugs


Light-weight conforming bandages

Non-woven fabric swabs 10cmx10cm, 4 ply , non-sterile


Dressing protector

£0.38 £0.52

6.4mm x 76mm (3 strips per envelope)


5cm x 5cm

Debrisoft (first-line)

Mefix (first-line)

Beige line

Second line drugs

Specialist drugs November 2014

Wound management and dressings formulary Quick Reference Guide www.northeast.devonformularyguidance.nhs.uk Bandages, light support K-lite (first-line)

Hosiery class 4 treatment 5cm x 4.5m


Activa leg ulcer hosiery kit 40mmHg


7cm x 4.5m


10cm x 4.5m


Altipress 40 ulcer kit


15cm x 4.5m




K-Plus (first-line)

10cm x 8.7m


K-ThreeC (first-line)

10cm x 3m


K-Soft (first-line)

10cm x 3.5m


10cm x 4.5m


4cm x 6m


6cm x 6m


8cm x 6m


10cm x 6m


12cm x 6m


10cm x 6m


Cohesive Bandages Coban (first-line) Compression bandages

Bandages, short stretch Actico (first-line)

Multi-layer compression bandaging Ko-Flex (first-line)

Specialist wound care products Complex wound management – specialist dressings 

These are specialist products, for use where products from the core formulary have failed or are unsuitable. They are considered non-formulary for the purposes of monitoring practice’s data.

If some of these products are selected further assessment/guidance may be required from the Specialist/Tissue Viability Service. Further education/training and assessment of competence may be required.

Silver Dressings should only be considered for critically colonised and infected wounds. If no improvement to the wound is noted within 2 weeks then the silver products should be replaced with a non-silver product.

Topical negative pressure Dressings required for this indication will be initiated by tissue viability specialists

£6.79 -

K-Two (first-line)


K-four (first-line) Actico 2C (second-line)

25 – 30cm


Greater than 30cm


18cm – 25cm


25cm – 32cm


Juxta CURES (specialist)

Emollients Please refer to the North and East Devon Formulary 

Chapter 13, section 13.2.1 Emollients (www.northeast.devonformularyguidance.nhs.uk)


Juxta FIX (specialist) Medicated stocking Zipzoc

4 pouch carton

First line drugs


Second line drugs

Specialist drugs November 2014