These are specialist products, for use where products from the core formulary have failed or are unsuitable. They are considered non-formulary for the purposes of monitoring practice’s data.
If some of these products are selected further assessment/guidance may be required from the Specialist/Tissue Viability Service. Further education/training and assessment of competence may be required.
Silver Dressings should only be considered for critically colonised and infected wounds. If no improvement to the wound is noted within 2 weeks then the silver products should be replaced with a non-silver product.
Topical negative pressure Dressings required for this indication will be initiated by tissue viability specialists
£6.79 -
K-Two (first-line)
K-four (first-line) Actico 2C (second-line)
25 – 30cm
Greater than 30cm
18cm – 25cm
25cm – 32cm
Juxta CURES (specialist)
Emollients Please refer to the North and East Devon Formulary