Writing Place and Identity

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Jun 20, 2017 - Place & Identity: ... Mansfield, C. (2017) Theorising Space and Identity to Develop New Practices in ... Ricœur, P. (1991) 'Narrative Identity'.
Theorising Space and Identity to Develop New Practices in Place-making DR CHARLIE MANSFIELD




PechaKucha Presentation ペチャクチャ

Place & Identity: advancing theory and practice PechaKucha Presentation


Dr Charlie Mansfield, Plymouth University Tuesday 20th June 2017 Venue: The Bluecoat, Chester Host: Bangor Business School, Bangor University, College Road, Bangor LL57 2DG


Le Château des Ducs de Bretagne, Nantes 5-Year Post-Doctoral Research Project on Nantes and the Loire

Range of funding bodies: SICSA, ERASMUS+ Mobility Plymouth University 3

Gait is to walking as accent is to talking

Sketches by Jacques Vaché


How is space produced?


How is place made?



Visitor or Migrant DMO's marketing officer

Travel writer Local inhabitant The Place

The identities of 4 groups or individuals have a relationship with a place. Seen as geological layers fault lines can give direct access to place to break that hierarchy

Visitor DMO's marketing officer Travel writer Local inhabitant The Place


Archaeological topophonics puts a magnifying glass at the interface between local inhabitant and the place.


Way-tales Stage 2 Data Collection using innovative methods to link identity with place-making. Way-tales or récits de voie in French – participants record their voices as they walk through urban areas that are not yet part of tourism offering, using body - gait and voice.

Preparatory session with researcher before walks begin. Mansfield, C. (2017) Theorising Space and Identity to Develop New Practices in Place-making 9

Urban Spaces which are evocative for the local participant Use of the voice and gait as a discovery instrument to interrogate layers in the urban fabric which the visual cannot easily communicate.


σκοπός – the skopos That place where the enunciation is received – drawn from tourism knowledge theory on self, place and symbolic order. 11

An Urban Aesthetics Derived from identity of speaker via a visceral, embodied place knowledge. It is not a soundscape, since that implies completeness with no space for the identity of you, the new visitor. How are the way-tales analysed? … 12

Machine Learning software to provide metrics eg Sentiment Level


Grounded Theory after Charmaz & Narrative Inquiry after Riessman


As soon as we speak we activate ready-made identities in our listeners – identity here is from Ricœur’s idea of sameness


Aim of this way-tale was to create a new walk to Procé Park in Nantes. Building a route that the surrealist poet, André Breton could have known in 1915.






Bourdieu, P. (1980) 'L'identité et la représentation' in Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, 35(1) 63-72.

Mansfield, C. (2015) Researching Literary Tourism, Plymouth, Shadows. http://amzn.eu/atkLUix

de Ryckel C. & Delvigne F. (2010) « La construction de l'identité par le récit », Psychothérapies, 30(4), 229-240.

Ricœur, P. (1991) 'Narrative Identity' Philosophy Today, 35:1, 73-81.

Foucault, M. (1983) 'Self Writing' Dits et écrits, IV, 415-430. Lani-Bayle, M. (2015) Avons-nous besoin de nous former aux histoires de vie en formation, Paris, L'Harmattan.

Saunders, A., & Moles, K. (2016), 'Following or forging a way through the world: Audio walks and the making of place' Emotion, Space and Society, 20, 68-74.

Visit Plymouth’s Research Lab JOURNEY · PLACE · NARRATIVE at toureme.net