WT Korean Syllabus 1st draft - Elementary Korean

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Integrated Korean: Beginning 1. 2nd Ed. Cho, Lee, Schulz, Sohn, Sohn. University of hawai'i Press, 2009. Integrated Korean Workbook: Beginning 1.
INTENSIVE ELEMENTARY KOREAN - Winter Term 2011 OBERLIN COLLEGE :: Director - Seung Yun Jee :: Sponsor - Shelia Jager, Peters 315, x58299

Seung Yun Jee (지승윤) [email protected] SungKyung Cho (조성경) [email protected] Bora Yu (유보라) [email protected] M-F 10-12 / 2-4 (Subject to change) ** THIS SYLLABUS IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION

TEXTS: - Required: A textbook made especially for this course is on its way—there will be a $5 course fee for the printing. - Recommended: Integrated Korean: Beginning 1. 2nd Ed. Cho, Lee, Schulz, Sohn, Sohn. University of hawai’i Press, 2009. Integrated Korean Workbook: Beginning 1 **ese books are not required, since the materials posted online are based on them and contain most of the necessary information. For references and future studies, however, you may want to purchase these books online. ere is a copy of an old edition of Integrated Korean: Beginning 1 available in Mudd library. You may also check out the recent edtiion of the text along with the workbook at the Peters language lab (aka CILC, 3rd floor of Peters Hall).

REQUIREMENTS: All elements of course must be completed in order to get a pasing grade (1) Attendance Since this is an intensive course taught in a short period of time, attendance is absolutely necessary. Students are expected to come to all classes. If you miss more than 2 classes total for the winter term, you will fail the course. If you experience difficulties fulfilling this requirement, you must talk to us immediately.


(2) Assignments - Journal: ere will be a journal assignment every day to be posted on Blackboard. It will be nothing more than a quick 2-3 sentence response to a simple question. e questions will be closely related to the materials gone over in the previous class, and you are free to consult your notes and other class materials. - Worksheets: ere will be worksheets every week to help you practice reading, listening, and grammar skills. - Others: ere will be additional assignments. (3) Daily quizzes ere will be a short, simple quiz at the beginning of each class. Each quiz will cover mainly vocabulary and expressions from last class. COURSE SCHEDULE: 4W 5R


Vocab/Expressions Grammar Introduction, Greetings, Sino-Korean Numbers Hangul Days of Week Introducing Oneself – Name, Year in School Answering Questions Hangul Korean numbers Introducing Oneself – Age, Occupation, Nationality Introducing Others Hangul


Korean food Asking & answering “What is this?” Saying that you like/dislike something 10 T Korean currency Everyday objects Ordering food, asking for something Asking if someone has somehing 11 W Prepositions School buildings, asking & answering where something is Basic adjectives 12 R Comparing things Adverbs Basic verbs 13 F

Time (hour/minute) School subjects Asking how people are Making suggestions

Hangul, Chapter 1

이에요 vs. 예요

은 vs. 는 은/는 vs. 도 Topic-comment structure Particles Omission is, that (이것, 저것, 그것) And “그리고”

Chapter 2

Particle – 에 But “그런데”

Chapter 3

Particle – 보다 Verb endings - ~어요/아요 Particle – 을/를 erefore “그래서” Verb ending - ~으세요? Particle – 랑

Chapter 4


16 M

Family members & describing where they are Animals Colors Asking and answering which is better

17 T

Describing location Describing action at a location To go/To come 18 W Describing purpose of an action 19 R

Describing duration of an action

20 F

Describing past action

23 M

Describing plans (probability)

24 T

Making long sentences (connecting clauses) Negative questions 25 W Seeking agreement 26 R To ask politely (deferential style)

27 F 28 S

계세요 – honorific expression Counters Possession Particle - 의 Particle – 에 vs. 에서 ~으러 Irregular verb endings ㄷ ~로 Irregular verb endings ㅂ Verb endings – past tense 안 하다 (will not), 못하다 (cannot)

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Verb endings - ~(으)ㄹ거예요 What vs. Which Clausal connective ~고

Chapter 7

Verb endings - ~지요? Verb endings – Verb endings Deferential style Irregular predicates ㄹ

Chapter 8

Review 종강파티!

THE HONOR CODE: Students are encouraged to work together and ask for help with questions on class work. However, quizzes and assignments should be completed by students independently. By signing the honor code students pledge to this committment.
