WUOA Board Meeting Via Conference Call Monday, November 8 ...

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Via Conference Call. Monday ... Phone calls would be forwarded to the person in charge of taking calls. Decision: The Bo
WUOA Board Meeting Via Conference Call Monday, November 8, 2010 8:00 PM Present: Board Members Charles Snell Laurie Pate David Smith Dwayne Porter*

Managing Agent Judy Hoops

Owners: Dwayne Porter* Mary Cox (attended briefly)

David Smith, president, called the meeting to order at 8:03 PM, and a quorum was established. Replacement of Board Member It was established that Emily Egerton had submitted her resignation and that Dwayne Porter, former Board Member, had agreed to serve, if voted onto the Board. Motion: Made by David Smith Nominate Dwayne Porter to take the place of resigned Board Member, Emily Egerton. Vote: Yes 3 Unanimous *Dwayne Porter is listed above as both owner and Board Member since he was voted onto the Board at the meeting.

Owner Request: Owner, Mary Cox, requested that customer service be provided on the lodge’s phone line. She offered to be in charge of assigning people to be available on a rotating basis and to set up an availability webpage. Phone calls would be forwarded to the person in charge of taking calls. Decision: The Board decided that, even though they appreciate Mrs. Cox’s willingness to take on this responsibility, they are not interested in trying to set up this type of service at this time. The phone line presently refers people to the Association’s webpage, which has a Lodging Page with links to rental services and owners.

Finance The Managing Agent submitted End-of-the-Year financial reports for Board approval. On the recommendation of the accountant, the accrual method should be used; therefore, the books will be set up accordingly. The Managing Agent pointed out that this method is also specified for use in the By-Laws. The accountant stated that the old format will need to be used until after the audit, even though it may be confusing. Some changes had to be made that are simply for bookkeeping purposes. Also discussed were depreciation and other items that make reporting confusing. The Managing Agent will submit the final reports for further review before sending them to the owners. The Managing Agent is getting estimates for the audit. The cost will depend on which level of audit the Board decides to have done.

Maintenance and Repairs The Managing Agent submitted a report, listing the following items: •

Repairs/Maintenance Completed: • Front of Building Painted • Light Poles Painted • Leak in E201 Bathroom drain repaired • Shrubs trimmed • Walkways pressure-washed

Pending/Work-in-Progress Maintenance Issues: • Ceiling in bathroom D204 finish work • Drain from roofs • Walkways stained/sealed • Landscaping in circle area in front of lodge and around big stone (work in progress) • Light Poles (currently not functioning) • Carport Cover: Engineer has determined that the deteriorated wood on the supported beam of the carport is dangerous. Board to consider the matter of either replacing the beam or tearing down structure.

After a discussion about the carport cover, noting that the deterioration of the beam was the structural engineer’s number-one concern, the following motion was made: Motion: Made by David Smith Authorize the Managing Agent to have the outer carport section removed and the remaining roof to be repaired before the ski season. In the spring, the Board will determine whether or not to replace this section or to leave it off. Vote: Yes Unanimous Note: An estimate of $1000 has been obtained to remove the carport. The two outer posts will be removed, and the Managing Agent will look into the possibility of having faux rock put around the remaining poles to give the entrance a nicer look. Delinquent Dues Policy A draft of a written policy was presented by the Managing Agent. Several suggestions were made, and the Managing Agent will submit the revised policy for a vote via email. Lodge Opening Hours: After a discussion about various ways to keep the lodge open more hours, yet have adequate supervision, the Board decided to follow up on its decision to hire a temporary worker for weekends and to consider the following motion: Motion: Made by David Smith As a courtesy to owners, the Managing Agent will open the lodge (unlocking and locking), and provide general supervision, during the week, at her discretion and convenience. If there are problems, the Managing Agent will lock down the lodge. Vote: Yes Unanimous Motion: Made by David Smith Authorize the Managing Agent to obtain games and have them installed in the lodge. Vote: Yes Unanimous

Unit Repairs After a discussion of who is responsible for payment of repairs to various parts of the units, it was decided that the By-Laws will be revisited, and amendments will be presented to Association members at the next Annual Membership Meeting. The Managing Agent will work with an attorney in order to draw up the By-Laws amendments. The Board agreed that certain aspects need to be made clear, so that there will be less confusion as repairs are done in the meantime. Motion: Made by David Smith When there are damages in a unit, the Association does not pay for painting, finish on floors, fixtures, or personal property. Vote Yes Unanimous Friendly Amendment: Made by Dwayne Porter The motion as passed will be subject to review, leaving the discussion open until it can be reviewed via email. Vote: Yes Unanimous Approval of Minutes Minutes from the Executive Board meeting held on September 25, 2010 were approved unanimously. Other items submitted in Managing Agent’s Report: Administrative: • Phone line 304-787-3202 was ported over from Verizon to Suddenlink. Phone system configuration was updated and greeting message was changed per Board instructions. • Insurance: New Policy was placed in effect Oct 1, 2010 with Farmer's and Mechanics. The premium will be paid on a monthly basis using auto-debit. There are no extra fees or interest for the payment plan. Miscellaneous: • Arrangements with locksmith to rekey condos to take place around the middle of November. A notice will be sent to all owners affected advising them of date and how they may obtain new keys. Three keys will be made per condo, one for the managing agent and two for the owner. • Will prepare storage room rental contracts by Nov 10, 2010.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:59 PM. Respectfully submitted, Laurie Pate Secretary, WUOA