WVNCC 150+ Favorite Books

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Deborah Chester. 14. Ron Brown. The Rainmaker .... The Art of Racing in the Rain. Garth Stein. 105. Kenny Muhart .... V.C. Andrews. 170. Kendra Young.
WVNCC 150+ Favorite Books

Buster Book image from TQ Fifth Grade Team http://library.thinkquest.org)

NAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Dave Hanes Patricia Stroud Jenna Derrico Ina Robinson, Christina Beck, Jack Montgomery Margaret Decola, John Sears, Caleb Zeigler 7. Tami Becker 8. Ida Williams, Gina Owings, Kristy Bellville 9. Christina Sullivan, Joy Sinsel 10. Janet Corbitt 11. Cindy Ritchie, Keith Cliser 12. Nikki Donahue 13. Jason Woods 14. Ron Brown

FAVORITE BOOK Elric of Melnibone Killer Angels A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius She’s Come Undone Rise and Fall of the Third Reich Bible

AUTHOR Michael Moorcock Michael Shaara Dave Eggers Wally Lamb William Shirer New International Study Version

For One More Day Stephanie Plum Novels

Mitch Albom Janet Evanovich

Pride and Prejudice Glimpses of the Moon A River Runs Through It Jane Eyre Alien Chronicles The Rainmaker

Jane Austen Edmund Crispin Norman Maclean Charlotte Bronte Deborah Chester John Grisham

15. Jamie Pernell, Thomas Ayers 16. Chelsie Palmeri 17. Paige Sutton 18. Michael Davis 19. Emily Melvin-Michael, Lisa Soly, Billie Scott, Gina Pitts, Paul Cooper, Jay Billiter, Ashley Hawkins, 20. Josh Lehman 21. Veronica Baez 22. Paul Griffenberg, Jr. 23. Tyler Locke 24. Guido Magnone 25. Sarah Blankenship 26. Nancy Spohn, Alicia Frey, Barb Coburn 27. Robin Haynes, Whitney Bowman 28. Sara Hupp 29. Dan Eddy, Saul Casto Sean Snyder 30. Mike Harbourt 31. Linda Fletcher 32. Hannah DeMuth, Susie Barnette, Alice Tost, Amanda Ferda, Kayla Mallery, Shannon Saunders, Morghan Mahlke, Haley Stevens, Chastane Wade, Tarina McQuillan, Ashley Criswell, Haley Updegraff, Amanda Hartley, Lagara Prayear,

Lord of the Flies One and the Same (Identical Twins) Salem Falls Winds of War To Kill a Mockingbird

William Golding Abigail Pogrebin Jodi Picoult Herman Wouk Harper Lee

Flowers for Algernon Kitchen God’s Wife Celestine Prophecy Fallen Angels Hannibal Rising Vampire Academy Gone With The Wind

Daniel Keyes Amy Tan James Redfield Walter Dean Myers Thomas Harris Richelle Mead Margaret Mitchell

Little House on the Prairie

Laura Ingalls Wilder

A Christmas Memory The Stand

Truman Capote Stephen King

Marine Sniper Magic & Medicine of Plants Fifty Shades of Grey

Charles Henderson Reader’s Digest E.L. James

33. Donna Schramm 34. Tom Bowman Jr., Martin Whiteman 35. Tillie Ossman 36. Marilynn Schnupp, Rita Malek, 37. Sarah Griffith 38. Misty Pullen 39. Amber Lynn Stanley 40. Elizabeth Knollinger 41. Kyrie Straight, Geniver Cummings 42. Dr. Charles Rogerson 43. Nicole Stark 44. Nancy Albert 45. Julie Horton 46. Greg Winland, Rich Crossley, Maggie Pearson, Bryan Morgan, 47. Linda Shelek 48. Mark Glass 49. Misty Kahl 50. Terry Craig 51. Nancy Nosko 52. Larry Bukosky 53. Chris Riter 54. John Reho 55. Briana Lasure, Cindy Smith, Brittney McFarland, Chelsey Balvin, Gracen Hayes, Beth Prout, Rebekah Fowler, Ashley Fleming, Michele Lancaster, Michele Watson, Heather Boley, Jennifer Harris,

Little Women The Giver

Louisa May Alcott Lois Lowry

Valley of the Dolls Killing Lincoln Lonesome Dove A Breath of Snow and Ashes The Color Purple The Tao of Pooh The Outlander

Jacqueline Susann Bill O’Reilly Larry McMurtry Diana Gabaldon Alice Walker Benjamin Hoff Diana Gabaldon

Lolita The World According to Garp Angela’s Ashes Myths to Live By The Lord of the Rings

Vladimir Nabokov John Irving Frank McCourt Joseph Campbell J.R.R. Tolkien

Clan of the Cave Bear Don Quixote Bitter is the New Black The Princess Bride Profiles in Courage Night of the Hunter Good Omens Fathers and Sons Twilight Series

Jean Auel Miguel De Cervantes Jen Lancaster William Goldman John F. Kennedy Davis Grubb Neil Gaiman Ivan Turgenev Stephenie Meyer

Serena Heckathorn, Jessica Zeigler, Rikki-Lyn Gilmore, Natasha Kawalczyk 56. Jessica Roberts 57. Tiona Henthorn 58. Dr. Sherri Buerdsell 59. Tiffany Torman 60. Teresa Bogumil 61. Tammy Huggins 62. Dr. Terence Zuber 63. Rebecca Cain 64. Raymond Keller 65. Tara Marciniak 66. Jordan Moore 67. Dennis Bills 68. Joseph Wagner, Josh Keenan, Debbie Bennett, Kelsey Libby, Jessica Matijevich, Devon Patterson, Cree Doggett, Nicole Muffeny, Lisa Anderson, Colleen McCormick, 69. Laura Richeson 70. Darcey Ferrell 71. Lindsey Colvin, Miranda Gill, 72. Tina Frye 73. Janice Hall 74. Rocky Hall, Joel Schreiner Justin Primis 75. Chelsea Arman, Rebeka Miles, Jenna Drake, 76. Bryan Highfield 77. Jeff Heupp II, Bob Gibb 78. John Mehaffey, Heidi Sampson,

Rocket Boys The Fault in Our Stars Deerskin The Shining Dragons of Autumn Twilight The Black Marble An Intelligent Traveler’s Guide to Historic Britain Anne of Green Gables Slaughterhouse-Five: a Novel Are You There, Vodka? It’s Me, Chelsea Tuck Everlasting The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe The Hunger Games

Homer Hickam John Green Robin McKinley Stephen King Margaret Weis Joseph Wambaugh Philip A. Crowl L.M. Montgomery Kurt Vonnegut Chelsea Handler Natalie Babbitt C.S. Lewis Suzanne Collins

Beautiful Disaster A Rose in Winter The Glass Castle Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption Taming the Dragon in Your Child The Art of War

Jamie McGuire Kathleen E. Woodiwiss Jeanette Walls Stephen King Meg Eastman Sun Tzu

My Sister’s Keeper: A Novel

Jodi Picoult

You Can Run but You Can’t Hide Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas The Hobbit or There and Back Again

Duane “Dog” Chapman Hunter S. Thompson J.R.R. Tolkien

John Briscoe 79. Debra Yadrick 80. Deborah A. Dyer, Zach Collins, Nelson Arroyo, Mike McCartney, Matthew Courtney, David Watkins, Dominique McAvoy, Ashley Smith, Evan Lamone, Dessire’ Shepherd, 81. Cindi Greathouse, Amanda Huntsman 82. Carrie Richmond, Tara Chaplin, Brittany Boilegh, Melissa Boyuk, Caitlyn Householder, Tori Wells, 83. Tonya Woody 84. Julia Tyrell 85. Jordan Strama 86. Amanda McBride, Courtney Smith 87. Pearl Foston 88. Merritta Menough 89. Christina Beck 90. Floyd Sturm 91. Bill Morris, Stacia Littleton, Tom Gruda, 92. Shawna Hines 93. Meghan DiGiacinto 94. Natasha Witaker 95. Leon Bledsoe 96. Hannah Chiplinski 97. Donjenique Johnson 98. Royal Riggs

Goodbye Mr. Chips Harry Potter

James Hilton J.K. Rowling


August Wilson

The Notebook

Nicholas Sparks

The Coldest Winter Ever Glass Christine Into the Wild

Sister Souljah Ellen Hopkins Stephen King Jon Krakauer

Lillie: Black Life in Martins Ferry, Ohio Kill Alex Cross In Search of April Raintree The Wheel of Time Cell

Jacob C. Williams Sr. James Patterson Beatrice Culleton Mosionier Robert Jordan Stephen King

Hilarity Ensues Eat, Pray, Love November Blues Caught’ em Slippin’ Junie B. Jones Tommyland Animal Farm

Tucker Max Liz Gilbert Sharon Draper Al-Saadiq Banks Barbara Park Tommy Lee George Orwell

99. Jeffrey Yoklic 100.Erin Hawthorne, Lindsay Sambuco 101 .Jessica Derby 102. Monica Burdette, Rebecca Bennett 103. Matteo Collett 104. Josh Groves 105. Kenny Muhart 106. Reno Castelli, Kristen Stewart, 107. Roy Boring 108. Larry Tackett 109. Megan Caine 110. Mary Marlin 111. Lelsi Heasley, Tiffany Guiddy, Brittany Watson, Tracey King, Amanda Hall, Megan Wood, Haley Jochum, 112. Charlotte Adams 113. Christin Yates 114. Brandon Yost 115 .Trevor Barnhart 116. Christie Calderwood 117. Lauren Hoffman 118. Amber Heckert 119. Aimee Michael, Judie Johnston, Samantha Wells 120. Kacie Kruger 121. T. Bowman 122. Alayne Orisan, Michael Pleva, 123. Teddy Adkins, Jamie Topp,

The Book Thief The Choice

Markus Zasak Nicholas Sparks

The Lovely Bones The Help

Alice Sebold Kathryn Stockett

Schindler’s List The Art of Racing in the Rain Darkly Dreaming Dexter Alice in Wonderland A Tale of Two Cities 1421: The Year China Discovered America Perfect Murder, Perfect Town Being the Best Safe Haven

Thomas Keneally Garth Stein Jeff Lindsay Lewis Carroll Charles Dickens Gavin Menzies Lawrence Schiller Denis Waitley Nicholas Sparks

The Great Bridge (Brooklyn Bridge) A Million Little Pieces You Don’t Know Me The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Amelia Bedelia Brave New World Sold The Host

David McCullough James Frey David Klass L. Frank Baum Peggy Parish Aldous Huxley Patricia McCormick Stephenie Meyer

Charlie St. Cloud Black Like Me Of Mice and Men Outsiders

Ben Sherwood John Howard Griffin John Steinbeck S.E. Hinton

Luke Braunlich, 124. Judie Johnston 125. Tyler Metts 126. Brittany McNally, Danielle M. Ellis, James Vetanze 127. Matthew Jennelle 128. Marcy Huntsman 129. Nadine L. Moore, Kasi Kostelia, 130. Robert O. Griffith 131. Mike Harris 132. Kim Keirsey, Raylynn Gross, Lacy Pearson, 133. Lisa Ingram 134. Jordan Raper 135. Pat Roper 136. Will Gallagher 137. Ian Edwards 138. Olivia Brisendine 139. Sarah Nedley, Emily Bucon, Beth Stayduhar, 140. Chasity Means 141. Destiney Yost 142. Judy Nichols 143. Felicia Baker 144. Brittany Poum 145. Amanda Woodruff 146. Charleen Stokes 147. Brittany Greathouse 148. Alexis Carte 149. Linda Dudash

Pretty Little Liars Cujo Green Eggs and Ham

Sara Shepard Stephen King Dr. Seuss

The Catcher in the Rye Early Sunday Morning The Count of Monte Cristo The Five People You Meet in Heaven The Lost Ships of Guadalcanal The Lucky One

J.D. Salinger Barry Denenberg Alexandre Dumas Mitch Albom Robert D. Ballard Nicholas Sparks

Firefly Lane A Study in Scarlet (Sherlock Holmes) Collected Poems of William Carlos Williams Collected Poems of Langston Hughes To Try Men’s Souls The Dirt The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Hannah Kristin Sir Arthur Conan Doyle William Carlos Williams Langston Hughes Newt Gingrich Tommy Lee Stephen Chbosky

A Wrinkle in Time The Heroin Diaries The Young Duke: The Early Life of John Wayne Odd Thomas: An Odd Thomas Novel The Hatchet Pet Semetary The Greatest Generation Bury Me Deep Uncle Tom’s Cabin The Harbinger

Madeleine L’Engle Nikki Sixx Chris Enss Dean Koontz Gary Paulsen Stephen King Tom Brokaw Christopher Pike Harriet Beecher Stowe Jonathan Cahn

150. Tina Edwards 151. Kelly Brown 152. Kimberly A. Gracie 153. Cory Cook, Robert DeFrancis, Kaleigh Stewart, Brock Kimpel, 154. Cynthia Monroe 155. Angie Rhodes 156. Erica Cline, Christina Fox, Kimberly Harris, 157. Chantel Roberts 158. Carl Hensley 159. Tiffany Cranmer 160. Kathy Glasure 161. Ellenor Schluter 162. Makenna Dziatkowicz, Jasmyn King, 163. Richelle Kim 164. Ryan Browning 165. Rhiannon Morris 166. Irving Rivera 167. Rachael Marcinek 168. Miranda Stokes 169. Kara Moore 170. Kendra Young 172. Amber Richeson 173. Karen Chapman 174. Gina Lancaster, Shelby McCort, 175. Brandon Chadock 176. Sarah Jarvis 177. Jenna Ilosky, Tesla Kinemond,

Accountable: Making America as Good as its Promise Children of Fire: History of African Americans Greatest Gift – It’s a Wonderful Life The Great Gatsby

Tavis Smiley Thomas Holt Philip Van Doren Stern F. Scott Fitzgerald

Dangerous Girls Black Beauty A Child Called It

R.L. Stine Anna Sewell David Pelzer

And Then There Was None Total Money Makeover Dry: A Memoir Facing the Lion: Memoirs of a Young Girl in Nazi Europe Dove Thirteen Reasons Why

Agatha Christie Dave Ramsey Augusten Burroughs Simone Liebster Robin L. Graham Jay Asher

Chesapeake Bay Inheritance Leaves of Grass Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Women’s Murder Club 700 Sundays Flowers in the Attic Amazonia Have a Little Faith: A True Story A Fruitful Vine The Shack End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason Echo of the Reich Wuthering Heights

Nora Roberts Christopher Paolini Walt Whitman Steig Larsson James Patterson Billy Crystal V.C. Andrews James Rollins Mitch Albom Carrie Bender William Paul Young Sam Harris James Becker Emily Bronte

178. Rebecca Wylie 179. Carl McCartney 180. Lisa Lohsl 181. Shawna Littell 182. Thomas Hoyt 182. Allison Cipoletti 183. Brenda Smith 184. Michael Hall 185. Heidi Napier 186. Puri Gere 187. Kylie Stewart, Lyndsey Burton, 188. Diane McGarry 189. Daniel Robbins 190. Bailey Lucas 191. Jill Blake 192. Joshua Benson 193. Allison Broski 194. Mikaela Collette 195. Charlee Malloy 196. Pat Campbell 197. James Hunter 198. Bobby Mendenhall 199. Beth Bednar 200. DeVaughn Palmer, Lisa Slie, 201. Lindsay Cook 202. Tina Sparks 203. Tramone Thompson 204. Lori Brill 205. Mark Goldstein 206. Michele Boles

Graveminder Dark Tower Series Getting Out of the Pit Who Stole my Cheese The Evolution of Consciousness Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center Roots The Exorcist The Confession Dune Call of the Wild Having Our Say The Anarchist Cookbook Maybe a Miracle Summer Sisters The Alchemist The Myth of Sisyphus Beautiful Disaster Dear John The Jester Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Left Behind The Grapes of Wrath Da Vinci Code 1984 A Walk to Remember The Broker Under the Dome The Housekeeper and the Professor Angel’s Rest

Melissa Marr Stephen King Beth Moore Ilene Hochberg Julian Jaynes Bell Hooks Alex Haley William Peter Blatty John Grisham Frank Herbert Jack London Sarah L. Delany William Powell Brian Strause Judy Blume Paulo Coelho Albert Camus Jamie McGuire Nicholas Sparks James Patterson Stephen Covey Jerry B. Jenkins John Steinbeck Dan Brown George Orwell Nicholas Sparks John Grisham Stephen King Yoko Ogawa Charles Davis

207. Jack E. Cisney 208. Joseph T. Brem 209. Paul D. Griffenberg Sr. 210. Marissa Howard 211. Sarah Wilson 212. Ashley Brooks 213. Samantha VanMeter 214. Dan Heupp 215. Scott Montgomery 216. Joanne Luppe 217. Brian Terry 218. Sydni Menking 219. Emily Lagace 220. Michael Horosewski 221. Robin Valeus 222. C.J. Burch 223. Vincent O’Leary, Kevin Hasenquer, 224. Susan Dumire 225. Bo Zyznewski 226. Michael Hall 227. Dan Wilson 228. Lexie Keding 229. Marie Yabs

Technologists John Adams Fighting Back Night Go Ask Alice Redwall A Man Named Dave Heat Captain Underpants Texas Splendor The Godfather Vampire Diaries The Walking Dead Crime and Punishment Because of Winn-Dixie The Red Badge of Courage The Game of Thrones

Matthew Pearl David McCullough Rocky Bleier Elie Wiesel Anonymous Brian Jacques David Pelzer Mike Lupica Dav Pilkey Lorraine Heath Mario Puzo L. J. Smith Robert Kirkman Fyodor Dostoyevsky Kate DiCamillo Stephen Crane George R.R. Martin

Hit List Kitchen Confidential Legion My Life in Pictures Life of Pi Diary of Anne Frank

Laurell K. Hamilton Anthony Bourdain William Peter Blatty Charlie Chaplin Yann Martel Anne Frank