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Green Map project or to help support our non-profit organization: 212·674·1631 · [email protected]. Green Map System


Bicycle Habitat

244 Lafayette St. 212·431·3315 H bicyclehabitat.com

Has everything to get your act on wheels: a friendly staff & a wide selection, including used bikes. Free air hose out front. ; I·18 Many more great _ shops dot the map!


o c P

African Burial Ground

Duane St. bet. Broadway & Lafayette 212·337-2001 H africanburialground.com

: e

Children’s Museum of the Arts 182 Lafayette

Great exhibits & Lunar New Year Celebrations.



Dedicated to the Arts in Chinatown. Free/low cost concerts & performances. ; I·16


C hinatown Ice C ream Factory


A hands-on artistic experience!



C ity Hall

: c P e i b

Museum of Jewish Heritage

36 Battery Place 646·437·4200 H mjhnyc.org

This living memorial to the Holocaust era reminds us to respond against fascism & racial cleansing wherever it occurs. With 34 kilowatts, it has NYC’s largest solar array, too. b Continuing north along the Hudson River, Battery Park City has green development policies for indoors & out H batteryparkcity.org


m ¥ ƒ i

Staten Island Ferry Whitehall Terminal 311



Free! & the best way to see our great harbor & the Statue of Liberty. New green terminals are being built at both ends. Ask Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance for free ferry & waterfront maps: 800·364·9943 H waterwire.net.



. d Ave



ve. Fisrt A




Pa rk A


ve. S.

Madiso n

Ameri cas

of the Avenu e





Jersey Ew

h Ave Eight

Sev en th Av e

23 St

Friends Seminary

222 East 16th


This school has an underground creek that used to supply water to Peter Stuyvesant’s estate, an eco club & recycling program, too. ; B·17

wi Peter Cooper 27 Rd.











207 Front St. 212·748·8600 H southstseaport.org





East River Park





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Lan e ll

ver a e B



œ Seaport Fu c lt




M h : 77 P 74 h Pearl : w :M et

Battery Park


Ma ide n
















F The Green Apple Map charts all of ecocultural NYC, see H GreenAppleMap.org. All over the world, youth & adults are creating Green Maps of their hometowns. As seen at H Greenmap.org, over 175 are published!



ƒ N n ;

P.S. 20

166 Essex St.

This big, clean school works with students from different cultures. All have a chance to get an excellent education & lots of fresh air on the playground. Great murals too! ; P·9



x ¥ _ n 2 ® ]

East River Park & Lower East Side Ecology Center

From Montgomery St. to 14th St. 311 H nycgovparks.org LESEC: 212·420·0621




er 6








Hang out in a fun, different & enjoyable place. Ball fields, fishing, leafy & riverside paths. L.E.S. Ecology Center has a big compost center & youth activities at the Fireboat house. ; G·12 2 F H nyccompost.org ] 3 East River bridges have bike/ped lanes.

p ƒ

Community Healthcare Network

92-94 Ludlow St.


Offers free HIV testing. Women's health care free to teens, sliding fees for other services. Nena Comprehensive p, too: 212·477·8500


ƒ c

Economy C andy Shop

108 Rivington St.


A neat shop with a long history. Shop in bulk for nuts, dried fruit and sweets. ; R·9


o A e

Essex Street Market

120 Essex St. at Delancey

A big place with lots of different stores from different cultures that offer a variety of foods - our community can buy fresh fruit & vegetables at low prices. ; R·9


U p p e r Ne w Yo r k B a y Ne w Yo r k Ha r b o r


g o k


Bluestockings Bookstore

172 Allen St. 212·777·6028


Kwandianee ; H


Independent media, cafe & monthly readings. Eco-friendly organizing site. ; B·17 F More indie news H gothamgazette.com H alternet.org H grist.org H indymedia.org


ª F e k

AB C No RIO & C elemente Soto 156 Rivington/107 Suffolk Velez




Two community arts centers: ABC has art workshops, print shop, gallery, punk shows, political information, garden & meeting spaces. CSV is a huge & diverse culture center, with several theaters & artists studios. NYC's culture thrives here! ; B·17

East River RePowering Project All the way east on 14th St.

z i u † k 2

Lower East Side Garden

East 11 St. bet. 1 & A aves. (no “www”) H cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/ physio/schools/318/openrd.html

Wow! Students built LES Garden! Greenhouse, composting, water recycling, solar power, waterfall, reeds, flowers, picnic & sports areas. It is overlooked by a beautiful Muslim minaret. ; K z F H bbg.org H oasisnyc.net ek H moregardens.org re C H earthcelebrations.com n H greeninggotham.org ow t H greenroofs.org ew


o w c Œ


St. Mark’s In the Bowery

131 East 10th 212·674·6377

Œ e o k

Theater for the New City/PS 122

1 Ave. bet. 9th & 10th Sts. P.S.: 212·477·5288 TNC: 212·254·1109 H ps122.org H theaterforthenewcity.net

Lively music, great plays & circuses for all ages. MayDay bookshop is in New City's lobby.


ƒ ª k

287 East 10th 212·533·2550 H bcny.org/HARR.htm

Girls and boys from ages 5 to 15 tutor one another after school. ; I·15

Jackie ; C

The C ube (The Alamo)

Astor Place, bet. 4th Ave. & Lafayette


. 2 P k

9th St. & Ave. C Garden

East 9th St. & Ave. C

Nice place to just chill & forget about buildings. You can plant things. It’s a good place to cultivate your peace of mind. ; K·15


e . A Œ 2k

6-B C ommunity Garden

East 6th St. & Ave. B 6bgarden.org

This is Heaven! Full of individual plots, beautiful trees, flowers & fruits. 6B has a kids’ play area, a stage & great art. ; N·13


Madeleine ; N

N 2 e ;

Earth’s School Compost Center

600 East 6th St.


Compost is steamy, attractive & has no odor, really. Everyday, we add a bucket of leftovers after lunch. We are not wasting, but growing, and we help teach about it. ; C·11

i . V u k 2

6BC Botanical Garden

624 East 6th St.



ƒ \ ;

Boys & Girls Republic

888 East 6th St. 212·686·8888 henrystreet.org/bgr

Fun after-school program with computers, cultural projects & sports. ; G·11


Prana Health Food Store


Great organics! You can buy in bulk, which reduces packaging. Bring your own bag. ; C·11


Lower East Side Girls C lub

56 East 1st St. 212·982·1633



It’s a cool sisterhood. Learn lots of new things & hang out in a fun place. ; O·13

e k o


Nuyorican Poets C afe

236 East 3rd St. bet. B & C 212·505·8183 H nuyorican.org

is dedicated to NYC’s youth. It & the city-wide Green Apple Map are local projects of the Green Map System, ® an eco-cultural organization active in 250+ communities around the world, as seen at H greenmap.org. Contact us to start your own local Green Map project or to help support our non-profit organization:

Check out spoken word, hip hop, open mic, the philosophy, theater & live music. ; I·18


e o P

C hico’s Murals

East Houston at Ave. B & all over!

Watch for Chico's inspiring art spots & peaceful memorials all over the Lower East Side. ; P·11

212·674·1631 · [email protected] Green Map System·Box 249·NYC 10002

J ƒ


Key Food’s Recycling Machine

LoMap’s 2004 edition is priceless, thanks to the generous support of New York City Environmental Fund & Greenacre Foundation.

East 4th St. & Ave. A


Visit Buckminster Fuller Institute’s new interactive LoMap “geostory” at H EARTHscope.com

Check H GreenAppleMap.org for LoMap pick-up points, or send in a stamped, selfaddressed envelope for a copy. Tell us about new downtown sites you discover, too.

A k F

4 th St. Food C oop

58 East 4th St. bet. 2nd & Bowery 212·674·3623 H 4thstreetfoodcoop.org

This organic food shop is the oldest co-op in NYC. Working lowers your food bill by 25%!

. k F † ¨ 2


Liz C hristy Garden

Houston St. & Bowery 212·594·2155 H greenguerillas.org

Lush with 1,000 different plants, fish ponds, community compost & solar energy. Check flyers for readings & workshops. Across the fence, a new children’s garden is growing.


LoMap is a cross-community view of downtown NYC's diverse environment. Lower Manhattan youth of all ages nominated, drew & described wonderful natural & cultural places they wanted to celebrate & raise awareness about! Designers & interns at Green Map System originally composed & published LoMap in Spring 2001. It was updated in 2004 & published on 30% PCW recycled paper & posted on-line at H GreenAppleMap.org

ƒ \ k ; e

People can recycle soda bottles and cans in special recycling machines on the side of the supermarket. And they get money back! Everyone can recycle! ; K·14 NYC J: 311 H nyc.gov/sanitation

_ k ƒ \ ;

Recycle-a-Bicycle Shop

75 Ave. C bet. 4th & 5th St. 212·475·1655 H recycleabicycle.org

A g 125 1st Ave.

La Plaza Cultural de Armando Perez

Named for a neighborhood hero, lots of cultural activities take place in this open air theater & garden. It’s fun to tend the plants, pond & orchard. Cool art includes pinwheels created by recycling artist WasteOne ; C·10 This block is famous F H stopthedorm.org


e ƒ ¥

If you’re looking for a great meeting spot in the center of everything, go hang out by the big Cube. It spins! It’s next to Cooper Union, one of the US’s few free universities & the first to welcome women, all races & religions. ; I



o . e ¨ k 2

East 9th St. &. Ave. C laplazacultural.org 212·982·7522


Boys C lub C omputer C enter




Two peaceful, shady churchyards with graves & burial mounds. The church has cool poetry readings & fun dance performances. ; C·10 P Historic cemeteries are eco-spiritual sites. More NYC c H nysonglines.com

Learn to use tools and fix bikes. Buy recycled safe bikes cheaply. Has a variety of fun programs "for life", including youth training, Ladies Fix a Flat workshops & summer Green Map projects at RABs around NYC. ; E·12

the Green Map of Lower Manhattan’s Environment, as Seen by Youth

NYC’s very first Community Garden, built by the great Green Guerillas. Learn about the cultivation & conservation of urban plants & ponds. Open Sat. afternoons year-round. ; R·54


\ F ? k

Paper Tiger TV

339 Lafayette St. 212·420·9045




Youth video workshops and a resource for social, environmental and political videos.


p \

Planned Parenthood of NYC

26 Bleecker St. 212·274·7200



Women’s Health Services (HIV testing, pregnancy services and counseling). ; D·18



Anthology Film Archives

32 2nd Ave.


Films you will not see anywhere else!






Ludlow Essex

Chrystie St




yett e





First A ve.

Ave. B


Secon dA





Gree ne Merc er

Ave. D

Avenu eC


Un iv ersit y Mer c er



W. B roadw ay Churc h


œ :i





Fulton M





World Trade Financial District


La Gu ardia




Sixth A

Sulli van Thom pson W. B road way






$ º E

Good news: improving emissions in 2004-05! In 2001: Ugly, rundown, polluting & bad for the community. ; C·10 º F: H coned.com E East River Enviro Coalition: 212·606·4040


N J u ;



Seventh A




aM P


81 South Street Seaport

Sustainability is: Living, working, eating, and playing in ways that will not jeopardize the health of the planet or the quality of life for all cultures, species and generations to come.





c o ¥ X x

Learn about the historical Kristi-anne ; H Seaport, outdoors & in the museum. See beautiful sailing ships & artifacts. Walk north on South St. to East River Esplanade to enjoy splendid views of the harbor, bridges & Brooklyn. ; A·11



Statue of Liberty


Park Row & Broadway H nyc.gov



Ferry over to a symbol of freedom throughout the world. Lady Liberty is powerful! ; H

\ E w u W


o ¥ w

Liberty Island 212·363·3200

City Hall houses the Mayor’s office and meetings of the City Council. Voice your concerns & take part in democracy! F H nylcv.org




Outstanding exhibits & events honoring the Native Nations in a beautiful building. Free, & even open Thanksgiving Day. ; Q·12


ƒ o

Great exotic flavors, like red bean, green tea & ginger. It's Malcolm ; a very interesting neighborhood.


Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian

1 Bowling Green 212·514·3700

o Œ

C hen & Dancers


St. J ame s


: c F


Museum of C hinese in the Americas

70 Mulberry St.

Ground Zero & Freedom Tower

Church St. between Vesey & Liberty civic-alliance.org/

Now under construction, you can see memorials & experience the WTC site at any time. Enter the PATH Station for a view from below.

: Œ k


P c o M


NYC’s history can be felt here. Enslaved men & women arrived from Africa in 1625, and this is their final resting place. ; I·17




_ g



O pen C enter

Holistic learning & culture center & bookshop.


Buy fresh produce from local farms. ; M·17 a Find 8 on this map & schedule H cenyc.org

65 Bayard St. 212·608·4170

F H k ;

83 Spring St. 212·219·2527

Tribeca Greenmarket

Greenwich & Chambers St.



a A 2 k

70 Mulberry St. 212·619·4785

Battery Park C ity Esplanade

Southwestern edge of Manhattan batteryparkcity.org

Str ee

Services for young adults, from college prep classes (GED, ESL, SAT) to day care, creative arts, dance, music, weights & martial arts. ; D


x w ¥ ] _ o ®

/N ƒ



ge id Br

555 Broome St. bet. 6th & Varick 212·941·9090 x 3213 H door.org

Walk the Labrynith for harmony & reflection, then explore this historic park’s memorials.

Saint Gauden’s Playground & Peter’s Field: JHS 104 & PS 40

Spacious, fun place for exercise. ; B·17

n ta at

The Door

Battery Park, NorthWest side caminodepaz.org H nycparks.org

Free concerts, plays & art at the water’s edge. Get a calendar, bring a picnic & enjoy fresh, pesticide-free gardens & lawns. ; L·11

Anthony ; L


Labyrinth for C ontemplation

ƒ w






ƒ ª \


P e ¨ ƒ Y x ¥

Even though there’s air pollution, a highway is better than having cars on the streets. There should be no cars in NYC. ; H·7


After-school, summer day camp, swimming & all kinds of sports and fun at Pier 25 and other nearby locations.

The Hudson River is full of living things! The Aquarium & Lab show people how to protect the Hudson and its creatures. X Downtown Boathouse loans kayaks for free! (bring ID & if you’re 18 & under, bring a parent). ; M·16

Good selection of music & books, there are readings, talks & snacks too.

Jersey Ew


Pier 26 at North Moore St. 212·233·3030 H riverproject.org 646·613·0740 H downtownboathouse.org


So uth


The River Project

126 Crosby St.



x k ƒ \ X ;

Housing Works Used Book Cafe


Manhattan Youth Downtown 55 Warren St. C enter

Independent, colorful & charismatic, City As School is full of caring people. It’s a growing environment! Compost-heated greenhouse out front. ; I·17


/ \ Œ

P Wa earl ter


ƒ n 1 ¥

16 Clarkson 212·337·6800 H alternativeschools.org/schools/cas


Check out pollution-free bike-powered cabs & workbikes. ; I Also H manhattanrickshaw.com

C ity As School




517 Broome St. at Thompson 212·965·9334

557 Broadway scholastic.com

Events! Toys, puzzles & curriculum materials, too.

N ; 2


Scholastic Book Shop

Along Manhattan’s East Side

n kso Jac

Hub Station & Pony PediCabs


: c

FDR Highway

2 Ave. bet. 19th & 21st Sts.


oo ns & Br klyn uee

Copyright Green Map® System, Inc. 2004. Green Apple Map™ & LoMap™ are trademarks of Green Map System. LoMap is for informational purposes only. While every effort has been made to be accurate, information herein is not guaranteed by Green Map System. Base map courtesy of the NYC Cycling Map of the New York City Department of City Planning, Transportation Division, Bicycle Network Development Program & Bytes of the Big Apple DCP Lion File © Department of City Planning.


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Displays the fascinating history of the FDNY. Learn about fire prevention, too.



278 Spring Street 212·691·1303 nycfiremuseum.org




$4 8 w

e Pik

Created by Green Map System’s: Founding Director Wendy E. Brawer 2001 Project Coordinator Beth Ferguson 2001 Graphic Designer Diana Signe Kline 2004 Graphic Designer Jane Barber 2004 Updates Alice Hartley & Yan Yang 2001 Interns Juan Martinez, Freddie Bell, Sarahjane Sacchetti, Rory Turner & volunteers 2004 Printing Greg Barber Company

Enjoy the sparkling riverside, on foot, skates or bike! There’s nature & design all along the way. Pier 32’s remains are now a marine habitat and an artistic transformation. ; I i Manhattan’s numbered streets are aligned with the sun! Look east at sunrise on Winter Solstice, Dec. 21, to see it rising over the street grid. Look west at sunset on the Summer Solstice, June 21. It’s solar magic!

Learn about NYC’s river systems & how to work together with other students as historic wooden boats are hand-built & rowed on NYC’s waterways. Join the rows on Tuesday & Thursday evenings! Different & spontaneous! ; L·16


NYC Fire Museum

r H u d s o n R iv e

View LoMap with a spirit of discovery and make the places on it part of your daily life! Everyone can help nurture nature and culture on this island: It's our world, let's help it ripen into the Green Apple! Scale of LoMap: about 2 miles wide & 4 miles long, about 8 of NYC's 378 sq. miles. 1 inch is about 300 yards/meters. Above Houston St., 20 blocks n equals 1 Mile. NYC is on the Atlantic Flyway and in the Hudson River Valley Bioregion. Not every site is appropriate for all ages. NYC changes constantly (that’s why a few numbers are skipped on this map). You can contact sites before making a special trip.

Runs along the Hudson River 212·627·2020 H hudsonriverpark.org

Pier 40’s south walkway at Houston 212·564·5412 email: [email protected]

: h ƒ



created a documentary on LoMap here)

Other sites were collected in discussions with youth & by Green Map interns & staff.

Hudson River Park

Patagonia has caring policies, uses organic cotton and makes long-lasting clothes. The shop offers activism information, too.




22 94


x _ ] Y

Floating the Apple



A relaxing, cheerful haven. Dog run, skateboarding, playground & Greenmarket. A gathering spot for memorials & rallies. Critical Mass, the traffic calming bike ride starts here at 7pm, last Friday of each month. ; N·13




Broadway bet. 14th & 17th Sts.


Cassandra ; C


Union Square Park


A Carmine After School Rec Center B Friends Seminary C The Earth School D Satellite Academy E Recycle-A-Bicycle G Boys & Girls Republic H P.S. 137 Lucas ; C I City As School J Al Smith Recreation Center K East Side Community HS/ Open Road L East River Crew M The River Project N The Lab School (& Coring the Apple) O Lower East Side Girls Club P School for the Physical City Q Public nominations (sites & ) R P.S. 20 & their PTA S Educational Video Center (YouthVISION

Manhattan’s name came from the native Manahatto people, who lived on this wild island before Europeans began arriving. The blue dotted line around the map shows the shoreline in 1609, before the settlers added landfill.

101 Wooster St. patagonia.com


X u k




ve. eenwich A

About LoMap’s Sites: We received 250 nominations from these clubs & schools. Sites are credited with a code letter & contributor’s age, example: ; H·9 is a 9 year old P.S. 137 student.

Bike, skate or walk from East 23 St. all the way up to West 200th St., with just a couple of on-street connectors in the car-free Greenway! Greenways are growing citywide: 150 miles are completed & almost 200 more miles are planned, connecting up with the East Coast Greenway (from Key West FL, to Quebec, Canada by 2010)! Take the bridge bike lanes to Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx & NJ Palisades – someday soon, the Greenway will edge much of Manhattan island. Greenways F H treebranch.com. _ F H times-up.org for rides & events H transalt.org for advocacy. NYC provides free bike maps & more at H nyc.gov/ html/dot/html/bikeped/bikemain.html

Children’s area, films, weekly readings & puppet shows. Neat building with garden behind! N More ƒ libraries dot the map, including: Andrew Heiskell Library, 40 W. 20th St. Muhlenberg Library, 209 W. 23rd St.



425 Ave. of the Americas 212·243·4334 H nypl.org

Madiso n Sq. M



a Gramercy n 0 St. i V T e _ x M w a 22 27 Stuyvesant C ove Park 2 M ~ n East River from 23rd to 18th Sts. Stuyvesant A 23 USnqion ~ M cecenter.org/schome.php x n N n . Town 17 St stuyvesantcove.org ; . t . S _ 2 212·673·7507 8 1 E 26 W M w An amazing new park n a n 12 St. filled with native Pier 51 n N : w ~ M plants to attract 1 4 St. West $ birds, labyrinth 14 w _ M / & Solar1 classA P Greenwich Village 24 room: 212· / 505·6050. 1 . 4 r t Street 12 St. $ 10 St. 0 S tophe A 8 ~ . 1 o~ St. W is n z _ .. . Chr ~ 28 . 30 . Œ . ; M .W . 8 z M St. 29 . . .n 4 œ St a 32 ƒ ~ ./ . 12 St. 12 . Was M e MS hing w t. Mar ks 5 ~ 35 Sq. ton Pier 4 N . A 33 w N . . 13 n h A ; o . 1n œ 36 ~ / 6 St. Tompk ~ ins 3 St. . .. i ƒ N n . 39 East Village a Sq. n . .38 A Garden District ~ 17 N . Blee . i \ .. .. h 50 _ . c 1 ker nHo . 40 W A ƒ J . N Clarkson w 16 usto .6 St . 42 52 n ;; M 44 . 18 œ ; 43 41.. p P o P 3 St.n 49 X M .. King ; . ~ / . ~.o . 54 .. 53 15 M / M 1 . . g S . t. ~ ƒ : Noho .51 ƒ.e . .47.46 . m Pier 40 a D n . 62 . n a 59 61 M V : . .. M 45 . . Nolita n 48 ; Hous. A n n t o n 60 g n n i S pring Spr ; g ;ƒ F _ Prince n Stanton 4 3 64 1 wN r 82 e i 86 P 2 63 N SoHo _ Can ƒ ƒ w Sprin . \ ª . al S 91 g ~ B / r tee ~ 88 o n_ n 58 56 A oome : t z 90 i M 89 Delancey n M 66 92 Vestry : / Williamsbu M p rg Bridge x ight a L w 93 h Grand Broome 87 55 x o c A w M Grand n Lower East Side M ; 67 ; Walk 94 97 _ Little Italy n er M 2 oore M . N ~ 6 2 r Pie M h w n Franklin h n x :o Pier 25 w Canal Str ‹ N eet 83 69 70 ƒ Tribeca Leonard M y 98 95 a Wort ~ er adw Thom 71 h o r n Hudson Riv as w X a st B . a k r a E P n Duan n . ~ h ƒ 99 68 RCehade _ e a c ison ; h d a N M Civic 65 n ambe en 96 rs ~ elin r o Warre h h Pn i Center _ nM rry iginal s er e h C Riv M\ or ƒ t Chinatown . Eas E . ; 57 Park n 72 M Place N West Street

Explore Downtown’s Environment, as Guided by Youth

Jefferson Market Library

14 St.

19 n



/ P ~ N \ 11 / /

17 St.

iver on R

With a resource library and an office built of recycled materials, SEC teaches teachers about our environmental crisis, impacts on local communites and the long-term wellbeing of our planet. ; I·17 N More Educational Resources: Enviro Ed Advisory Council H eeac-nyc.org Healthy Schools Net H healthyschools.org Enviro. Protection Agency H epa.gov/kids/ Homework Help Hotline: 212·777·3380

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;


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A 9 10 w



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r East Rive






Union Square Greenmarket

Biggest farmers market in NYC, open M, W, F & Sat. It’s all really fresh because everything was grown, baked or crafted by local farmers. ; Q·10


27 St

a A ¨ 2 k f

17th & Broadway 212·788·7476

Lexington in the high 20's

e. Av


West 4th St. & 5 Ave.

A quaint cultural & historical environment with a famous Arch, huge fountain, dog run, recreation & street performers. Fun! ; N·13


Little India Neighborhood

/ /





Washington Square Park


East 23th St. & Asser Levy Place


o h ~


307 7th Avenue


w ƒ Œ œ


Native trees & plants replicate the forests of NYC before it was colonized. Pier 61 † There are 395 species of animals in NYC's urban core! Downtown’s gardens & parks welcome baby gray Pier 59 & black-furred squirrels in spring, fireflies at dusk in summer & migrating Monarch butterflies as autumn begins. Harbor seals can sometimes be seen sunning themselves on rocks in the East River beneath the Williamsburg Bridge in winter. There are pigeons & doves, sea gulls, sparrows & Pier 54 starlings, mallard ducks & Canadian geese, even fierce Peregrine falcons & tiny Rubythroated hummingbirds! Our Silvia ; R State Bug is the Ladybug!



i nw

Sustainability Education C enter

A calm, secluded, ancient garden full of wonderful plant life & beautiful flowers, especially in Spring. Its tranquil tone is a real escape from the city! ; N·13

La Guardia Pl. & Houston St.


\ ? N

487 Hudson St. 212·924·0562

Historic Forest


Asser Levy Playground & Pool

Free gym, track & handball court, too. ; K·12

A fascinating district of shops and cafes, spices and scents to explore. Cultures crisscross here, like a round-the-world journey.



Madison & Fifth bet. 23rd & 26th


1 ƒ u w


Madison Square Park

It’s a peaceful habitat! Kids can hang out & relax with squirrels & birds. ; T·19

ee Gr

The Highline, a historical elevated rail line, may become green space in the future.

St. Luke’s Garden


W c †


ec Ble

The Highline

10th Avenue from 14th to 30th St. 212·206·9922 H thehighline.org


All numbered Piers are open to the public. x F H waterwire.net H fohrp.org Summer event hotline: 212·533·PARK

Derrick ; K

c h


Many nominated this beautiful, astonishing riverside park, which features miles & miles of car-free nature path along Hudson River Greenway. Enjoy the new "get-down" play areas at Pier 51. Many piers offer relaxation for people & pile fields remain as habitats for fish & birds. With its incredible view, ball fields, rowboats & other recreation, Pier 40 motivates everyone to care more about the environment. ; L & N & I


z W R

Allen ; G


23rd & 11th Ave.

The traffic is very dangerous when you cross the highway to the Piers. Trucks are noisy & disgusting! ; Q·9 Gray skies: Sadly, NYC has some of the dirtiest air in the USA. Walk, bike, skate or take public transport to reduce pollution from fuming cars, trucks & motor scooters. Don’t drive yourself to extinction! Learn about global warming's causes & impacts on NYC from Environmental Defense: 212·505·2100 H ed.org. Check today’s air quality H epa.gov/airnow

Classy selection! Benefits housing & support for homeless people with AIDS/HIV. / Look for more re-use shops that benefit good causes on LoMap. Second-hand shops are chic, cheap & prevent waste, too. F call: 1-877-NYC-STUFF or H freecycle.org

Greenwich Str

Hazardous Crossing

143 West 17 St. 212·366·0820 housingworks.org/thrift



1 n n c 23 mœ { 2 Pier 6 4 St. 3 ƒ n Pier 60 Chelsea 2 20 St.

e shorelin original


Housing Works Thrift Shop



{ 4 $


/ \ k


h En d Av

Cam ; C


Hudson River Park

Along the Hudson River 212·627·2020 H hudsonriverpark.org




75 Ninth Ave.

Variety food shops in an artsy place. ; N·13


x w _ ]

C helsea Market

ƒ The Icon Key is on the reverse in English, Spanish & Chinese!

gton Washin

Delicious natural food shop that introduces people to a healthful way of living, so very important in our world today. ; N·13 A Just a few of NYC’s natural food shops were nominated for LoMap in 2001. Today, many more dot the map. Stop in & learn about new, delicious healthy food options. F H vivavegie.org or call 212·242·0011. H justfood.org helps us enjoy fresh organic foods & support local farmers through CSA (community supported agriculture) projects.


Go there after school for extraordinary exercise with great counselors. Go swimming in one of NYC’s 53 outdoor pools, play basketball, and do cool arts & crafts. ; A·12 Also visit James J. Walker Ballfield, a community “Eye Catcher”. ; I·18 n Playgrounds were 64 evaluated by New Yorkers for Parks. More reports: Pier 63 H ny4p.org or 212·838·9410


248 West 23rd St. bet. 7 & 8 aves. 212·691·0286

A o

re West St

Noisy & fun for all! You can ice skate (even in summer), play basketball, skateboard, roller-blade & eat out. Enjoy sunset from picnic tables & benches on the Piers. ; H·9

Healthy C helsea

Tenth A

All the way west bet. 18th & 21st 212·336·6666 H chelseapiers.com

A ~ g


1 Clarkson St. at Hudson 212·242·5228 H nycgovparks.org


C helsea Piers

Offers HOTT, Health Outreach to Teens ; D

Site listings are arranged in numerical order, adjacent to their spot on the map. Unfold LoMap halfway to find the details on the sites you seek.



356 West 18th St 212·271·7200

C armine Afterschool Recreation C enter

w œ c n


ƒ x w Y

250 Seventh Ave. 212·924·5969

Huge, with organic produce & packaged foods.


C allen Lorde C ommunity Health C enter

Nature Spots Green Info & Shops Bronx Go Power he Good Food Special Places For Youth Sad Sights


With historic ships and modern art works, this floating Pier is a delight. Along with other boats and kayaks, the Lightship Frying Pan and Fireboat John J. Harvey offer tours and rides.


Whole Foods Market


oo ns & Br klyn uee

All the way west on 23rd St. 212·989·6363 H fryingpan.com


Using this Map

ƒ ‹ 1 e

en Island tat

Pier 63 Maritime




A g

en Island tat

x X e c ®

1 w u n N

Hamilton Fish Park & Pitt Street Pool

128 Pitt St.


It’s humongous, cool, fun, beautiful and so nice! There are two pools, one for little kids & another for big kids, and a playground, gym, sprinklers, handball & basketball courts. There are trees for oxygen! ; O·12


z w Œ n R

Forsyth C onservancy Garden

Forsyth & Delancey 212·966·9351

There’s a strong Chinese influence here. In the mornings, people bring their pet Hua Mei birds in cages to make beautiful music. This garden is part of the seven-block long Sara D. Roosevelt Park. People do Tai Chi, play ball games, garden & enjoy wildlife here. ; D


: c

Lower East Side Tenement Museum

90 Orchard St. at Broome St. 212·431·0233 H tenement.org

Tours, plays, storefront & window displays about tenement life, then & now. ; D·16

Jonathan ; E

i Watch for solar sites on the map & as you walk around, spot PV panels on NYC’s streetlights, traffic signs & emergency phones. Now, less than 1% of our electricity comes from renewables like solar & wind, the rest is 44% natural gas, 30% nuclear, 16% coal, 5% oil & 4% hydro (2002-2003 statistics). Each º source has negative environmental & health impacts. º costs are spiraling up, too. Let’s use less º every day by: º Turning off lights, computers, TVs, ACs, etc. when not in use. º Wearing a sweater indoors in winter. º On hot summer days, close the curtains. º Investing in the future with compact fluorescent light bulbs - save $$ & CO2. º F Take great building tours with H greenhomeNYC.org. Check your family’s energy bill or H coned.com’s Power Your Way. i F H nesea.org H basicsolar.org H altpower.com H newwindenergy.com H neighborhoodenergynetwork.org F on conserving energy & climate change: NRDC: 212·727·2700 H nrdc.org Earth Day: 212·922·0048 H earthday.net



466 Grand Street at Pitt St. 212·598·0400 H henrystreet.org

Young artists get to show their talents on the big stage and get involved with other entertaining, educational activities. ; K·15

Seward Park Library

192 East Broadway at Jefferson St. 212·477·6770 H nypl.org

The library is colorful, quiet & fun, with books & computers. It’s knowledge for all. ; H·9 N More libraries dot the map, including: Epiphany, 228 E. 23rd St. near 2nd Ave. Tompkins Square, 331 E. 10th St. near Ave. B Ottendorfer, 135 2nd Ave. near St. Marks Pl. Hudson Park, 66 Leroy St. at 7th Ave. South New Amsterdam, 9 Murray St. near Broadway Hamilton Fish, 415 E. Houston near Ave. D Chatham Square, 33 E. Broadway near Catherine M MTA Subway Stations. The vast MTA system connects with over 40% of the entire country’s mass transit! 3.5 million ride the subway and 1.5 million take the bus daily. A $7 All Day Pass is a bargain if you’ll take four or more rides. Subway & bus F 718·330·1234 H mta.info


Two Bridges Community Center

286 South St.



c o h ? P

Bialystoker Synagogue

Willets St. at Grand 212·475·0165

Historical as a site on the Underground Railroad. This beautiful Jewish synagogue was originally a Methodist church. c H lowereastsideny.com H nycjewishtours.org


Key to Green Map Icons & LoMap’s C olors These global Icons highlight important sites on local Green Maps all over the world! Green Map Icons © Green Map® System 2003

w parks & recreation W urban forest

Tape 2 copies together to make 1 big display map.

Nature Spots Lugares Naturales

‹ k

Green Triangle

Bet. Henry St. & Madison Ave.

Greenstreets’ environmental triangle has lots of pretty trees. ; H·9 ‹ Greensteets is a Parks Dept k project. 2001 sites citywide were de-paved & planted by the end of 2001! k F Volunteers of all ages, call: 311. Learn to care for our W street trees with Trees NY: 212·227·1887 H treesny.com Distant W links H rain-tree.com/links.htm


G o Power


G ood Food C omida Buena

Special Places Lugares Especiales

For Youth Para La Juventud

Edward ; C


X T k F ®

C learwater Sloop

Sometimes docks in East River Park 845·454·7673 H clearwater.org

This gorgeous sailboat teaches all ages about different kinds of fish and their habitats, landforms and our rivers. ; C·11


公園和休閒 bosque urbano parques recreacionales 環保資訊及商店  自然のエリア 城市森林 公園和休閒 公園和休閒 綠色活力  野生動物觀察 城市森林 城市森林 環境資源 run watching R wildlife公園和休閒 œ dog公園和休閒 cultivated by 溜狗區 野生動物觀察 野生動物觀察. Community gardens are 城市森林 公園和休閒 paseo para公園和休閒 observación de 城市森林 vida perros 健康食品  グリーン ・エネルギー silvestre 親水公園 溜狗區 野生動物觀察 溜狗區 野生動物觀察 城市森林 neighbors. . used to be 特別的地方  empty lots, now 公園和休閒 城市森林 公園和休閒 健康食品 溜狗區 近水棲息地 親水公園 親水公園 coastal habitat park 溜狗區 野生動物觀察 x waterfront 公園和休閒 城市森林 野生動物觀察 公園和休閒 they provide many social, eco & cultural 城市森林 T 親水公園 觀日落処 近水棲息地 近水棲息地 給年輕的一代  親水公園 溜狗區 城市森林 野生動物觀察 溜狗區 hábitat costero parque a orillas近水棲息地 de agua 公園和休閒 城市森林 公園和休閒 benefits. Parks F 311 or 特別な場所 野生動物觀察 212·NEW·YORK 飛鳥穿越區 觀日落処 觀日落処 近水棲息地 親水公園 野生動物觀察 溜狗區 親水公園 觀日落処 城市森林 野生動物觀察 令人難過的景象 溜狗區 城市森林 公園和休閒 子どもの場所 社區花園 飛鳥穿越區 飛鳥穿越區 觀日落処 近水棲息地 飛鳥穿越區 views zone 溜狗區 親水公園 近水棲息地 Y sunset城市森林 野生動物觀察 親水公園 ® fly-over 溜狗區 野生動物觀察 自然生態區 悲しい場所 觀春花処 社區花園 社區花園 社區花園 飛鳥穿越區 觀日落処 親水公園 近水棲息地 近水棲息地zona de sobrevuelo 觀日落処 溜狗區 親水公園 溜狗區 野生動物觀察 observación de las 觀春花処 賞秋葉処 觀春花処 觀春花処 環保資訊及商店  reen Info & Shops 社區花園 自然のエリア 飛鳥穿越區 puestas de sol 觀日落処 近水棲息地 觀日落処 飛鳥穿越區 親水公園 近水棲息地 親水公園 溜狗區 賞秋葉処 棲息地 賞秋葉処 賞秋葉処 觀春花処 社區花園 飛鳥穿越區 觀日落処 飛鳥穿越區 社區花園 garden ¨ spring 綠色活力  近水棲息地 觀日落処 flowers . community 近水棲息地 Informacion Verde y Tiendas 親水公園 環境資源 棲息地 典型本地植物 棲息地 棲息地 社區花園 賞秋葉処 觀春花処 飛鳥穿越區 社區花園 觀春花処 觀日落処 飛鳥穿越區 典型本地植物 觀日落処 近水棲息地 jardín comunitario flores de primavera 健康食品  ・エネルギー グリーン 堆肥 典型本地植物 典型本地植物H 觀春花処 棲息地 賞秋葉処 社區花園 堆肥 觀春花処 賞秋葉処 飛鳥穿越區 社區花園 飛鳥穿越區 add www. to some internet addresses 觀日落処 賞秋葉処 堆肥 堆肥 典型本地植物 特別的地方  棲息地 健康食品 觀春花処 賞秋葉処 棲息地 社區花園 † habitat 觀春花処 leaves 社區花園 g Shop smart: Avoid buying disposable, 飛鳥穿越區 ‹ autumn 棲息地 堆肥 典型本地植物 賞秋葉処 棲息地 典型本地植物 觀春花処 賞秋葉処 觀春花処 社區花園 給年輕的一代  特別な場所 hojas otoñales hábitat importante 典型本地植物 products. Reuse 堆肥 棲息地 典型本地植物 堆肥 賞秋葉処 棲息地 賞秋葉処 over-packaged & toxic令人難過的景象 觀春花処 堆肥 子どもの場所 典型本地植物 堆肥 stuff & trade your extras with friends. 棲息地 典型本地植物 棲息地 plants V native賞秋葉処 2 composting 自然生態區 堆肥 典型本地植物 悲しい場所 堆肥 典型本地植物 棲息地 sitio de conexión compost 環保資訊及商店  自然のエリア 堆肥 con la bioregion 堆肥 典型本地植物 綠色活力  堆肥 F eco-information H web site 環境資源 生態資訊 健康食品  centro de información información via ・エネルギー グリーン 生態資訊 internet 生態資訊 網路資訊 特別的地方  健康食品 網路資訊 社區中心 生態資訊 網路資訊 ª community 生態資訊 center \ significant org Lanes for _ in the street. Be safe: 給年輕的一代  社區中心 organización 重要的組織 網路資訊 社區中心 網路資訊 生態資訊 特別な場所 生態資訊 centro comunitario importante wear a helmet (required if you are 14 or 重要的組織 圖書館和學校 社區中心 重要的組織 社區中心 網路資訊 網路資訊 生態資訊 令人難過的景象 生態資訊 子どもの場所 圖書館和學校 環保產品商店 重要的組織 圖書館和學校 重要的組織 社區中心 under), get a bell & lights. A used _ is shop N libraries g green 社區中心 網路資訊 網路資訊 生態資訊 悲しい場所 環保產品商店 另類保健法 圖書館和學校 環保產品商店 重要的組織 重要的組織 less attractive to thieves. 社區中心 社區中心 productos圖書館和學校 verdes biblioteca生態資訊 網路資訊 Free _ maps 另類保健法 二手店 環保產品商店 另類保健法 環保產品商店 圖書館和學校 圖書館和學校 重要的組織 重要的組織 社區中心 網路資訊 at NYC City Planning Store, 22 Reade St. 二手店 請先電話預約 另類保健法 二手店 另類保健法 環保產品商店 shop 環保產品商店 圖書館和學校 health / reuse p community 圖書館和學校 重要的組織 社區中心 or call 311. Bring your _ on the subway 請先電話預約 回收站 二手店 請先電話預約 二手店 另類保健法 另類保健法 環保產品商店 自然生態區 環保產品商店 圖書館和學校 重要的組織 sitio de cosas usadas medicina alternativa 回收站 綠色地圖供應處 請先電話預約 回收站 請先電話預約 二手店 二手店 另類保健法 & explore NYC’s wonderful parks & beaches! 另類保健法 環保產品商店 圖書館和學校 環保資訊及商店  自然のエリア 綠色地圖供應處 回收站 綠色地圖供應處 回收站 請先電話預約 請先電話預約 二手店 二手店 site visiting J recycling 另類保健法 環保產品商店 ? call before 綠色活力  綠色地圖供應處 綠色地圖供應處 回收站 回收站 請先電話預約 請先電話預約 環境資源 二手店 另類保健法 cita requerida/llamar prim- lugar de reciclado 綠色地圖供應處 綠色地圖供應處 ero 回收站 回收站 請先電話預約 二手店 健康食品  ・エネルギー グリーン 綠色地圖供應處 綠色地圖供應處 回收站 LoMaps here! b eco building f get 請先電話預約 特別的地方  健康食品 綠色地圖供應處edificio construido aquí! Mapa回收站 Verde 給年輕的一代  綠色地圖供應處 ‘verde’ 生態建築 特別な場所 Only a few healthy ~ and A were nomistop 令人難過的景象 i solar power M subway太陽能 生態建築 子どもの場所 nated for LoMap, but NYC has many! Try 地鐵站 生態建築 estación de metro 太陽能 生態建築 energía solar 悲しい場所 自行車服務 自然生態區 a felafel instead of a slice, burger or dog. 生態建築 生態建築 太陽能 地鐵站 太陽能 船塢 太陽能 太陽能 地鐵站 X boating 自行車服務 _ bike site 生態建築 地鐵站 Find out more F H earthsave.org, site 環保資訊及商店  自然のエリア 步行遊覽路綫 地鐵站 地鐵站 太陽能 自行車服務H satyamag.com or H sustainabletable.org embarcadero 船塢 venta y servicios de自行車服務 綠色活力  渡輪 環境資源 bicicletas 地鐵站 自行車服務 自行車服務 船塢 步行遊覽路綫 船塢 船塢 船塢步行遊覽路綫 健康食品  步行遊覽路綫 walks ] great 自行車服務 m ferry 渡輪 グリーン・エネルギー 步行遊覽路綫 步行遊覽路綫 渡輪 船塢 渡輪 ferry senda peatonal interesante 特別的地方  健康食品 渡輪 渡輪 步行遊覽路綫 給年輕的一代  特別な場所 渡輪 a greenmarket ~ natural cafe 令人難過的景象 綠色農貿市場 子どもの場所 mercado agricultura café naturista : NYC is the cultural capital of the US! 綠色農貿市場 自然食品餐館 悲しい場所 Explore & expand your mind. Most muse自然食品餐館 有機食品商店 produce : museum 綠色農貿市場 A organic ums have student discounts & some free 有機食品商店 自然食品餐館 自然生態區 museo productos orgánicos admission hours each week. More great 有機食品商店 博物館 環保資訊及商店  自然のエリア 藝術 site 博物館 e art o cultural culture all over: H ny.com/museums, 綠色活力  文化設施 博物館 藝術 博物館 環境資源 centro artístico sitio cultural H citylore.org and H greenmuseum.org 音樂 藝術 文化設施 藝術 博物館 博物館 健康食品  ・エネルギー グリーン 文物古跡 文化設施 音樂 文化設施 historical place 藝術 c 博物館 Œ music 藝術 博物館 特別的地方  健康食品 觀景処 音樂 音樂 文化設施 文化設施 藝術 文物古跡 música 博物館 藝術 sitio histórico 給年輕的一代  抗議地點 文物古跡 觀景処 文物古跡 音樂 音樂 文化設施 文化設施 特別な場所 藝術 精神自然平和區 觀景処 自然生態區 觀景処 文物古跡E protest 文物古跡 view 音樂 point ¥ great文化設施 音樂 抗議地點 令人難過的景象 子どもの場所 令人驚奇的地方 抗議地點 精神自然平和區 抗議地點 觀景処lugar de 觀景処 文物古跡 文物古跡 音樂 自然のエリア vistas escénicas 環保資訊及商店  protesta 精神自然平和區 令人驚奇的地方 悲しい場所Find 精神自然平和區 抗議地點 抗議地點 觀景処 觀景処 文物古跡 Get involved & help our community! 環境資源 綠色活力  令人驚奇的地方 令人驚奇的地方 精神自然平和區 精神自然平和區 site 抗議地點 spot 觀景処 抗議地點 P eco-spiritual h surprising k on LoMap or H volunteermatch.org. 令人驚奇的地方 グリーン・エネルギー 健康食品  精神自然平和區 抗議地點精神自然平和區 lugar de inspiración lugar sorpresa o令人驚奇的地方 interesante H gocitykids.com has lots of good events! 令人驚奇的地方 令人驚奇的地方 精神自然平和區 健康食品 特別的地方  令人驚奇的地方 spot k volunteer here ƒ youth-friendly 特別な場所 給年輕的一代  適合青少年 適合青少年 voluntario sitio favorable para niños 適合青少年 aquí 在這裡作志願者 子どもの場所 令人難過的景象 在這裡作志願者 在這裡作志願者 娛樂場 娛樂場 (1pool) 適合青少年 n playground ; LoMappers 悲しい場所 娛樂場 游泳池 在這裡作志願者 游泳池 projecto participantos patio de recreo 游泳池 參與者 參與者 Yes, we could have charted many more 娛樂場 參與者 游泳池 8 sad sight $ air pollution 8 than the handful that were nominated. 參與者 lugar 空氣污染 triste fuente de contaminación Find local polluters at H scorecard.org & del aire 空氣污染 令人難過的景象 空氣污染 F on environmental justice: H nyceja.org. 令人難過的景象 traffic hazard zone 交通混亂地段 sounds { 4 ugly 空氣污染 令人難過的景象 Write your elected officials, too, check 交通混亂地段 難聽的聲音 令人難過的景象 交通混亂地段 zona de peligro fuente de contaminación 難聽的聲音acústica 難聽的聲音 Who Represents You at H nypirg.org. 交通混亂地段 難聽的聲音

Poder Natural

ƒ ª

An important place because they help you do your homework and people won’t get into fights. Summer is the best time. ; H·9

o k Œ e ;

Henry Street Settlement & Abrons Art C enter & Playhouse

N \ H /

Sad Sights Lugares Tristes