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Oct 5, 2012 - Milorad Vidović, Serbia. Jovan Vladić, Serbia. Peter Wypych, Australia. Hong-Sen Yan, ROC. Nenad Zrnić, Serbia. President of the Honorary ...
3 - 5 October 2012




INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Co-Chairmen: Univ. Prof. Dr. Srÿan Bošnjak, University of Belgrade, Serbia Univ. Prof. Dr. Georg Kartnig, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Univ. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nenad Zrniü, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Scientific Committee Mircea Alamoreanu, Romania Marijonas Bogdevicius, Lithuania Srÿan Bošnjak, Serbia Juray Bukoveczki, Bratislava, Slovakia Dumitru Caruntu, USA Marco Ceccarelli, Italy I-Ming Chen, Singapore Thomas Chondros, Greece Jerzy Czmochowski, Poland Nenad ûupriü, Serbia Argiris Dentsoras, Greece Gamini Dissanayake, Australia Branislav Dragoviü, Montenegro Milomir Gašiü, Serbia Marin Georgiev, Bulgaria Milosav Georgijeviü, Serbia Monika Hardygora, Poland Klaus Hoffmann, Austria Leopold Hrabovsky, Czech Republic Bela Illes, Hungary Nenad Ivaniševiü, Serbia Janko Janþevski, Republic of Macedonia Boris Jerman, Slovenia Dirk Jodin, Austria Miomir Jovanoviü, Serbia Franz Kessler, Austria Teun Koetsier, Netherlands

Jesa Kreiner, USA Bela Kulcsar, Hungary Zoran Marinkoviü, Serbia Sylwester Markusik, Poland Daniel Moon, Sweeden Milosav Ognjanoviü, Serbia Donatus C.D. Oguamanam, Canada Ludger Overmeyer, Germany Milorad Pantelic, Serbia Nam Kyu Park, South Korea Zoran Petkoviü, Serbia Iztok Potrþ, Slovenia Zoran Radmiloviü, Serbia Marko Rakin, Serbia Madhu Raghavan, USA Miroslav Rogiü, Bosnia and Herzegovina Eugeniusz Rusinski, Poland Oliver Sawodny, Germany Thorsten Schmidt, Germany Wilfried Sihn, Austria William Singhose, USA Luigi Solazzi, Italy Milorad Vidoviü, Serbia Jovan Vladiü, Serbia Peter Wypych, Australia Hong-Sen Yan, ROC Nenad Zrniü, Serbia

President of the Honorary Scientific Committee Univ. Prof. Dr. Ĉorÿe Zrniü, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Honorary Scientific Committee 1. 2. 3. 4.

Nikola Babin, Serbia Radiü Mijajloviü, Serbia Milorad Milovanþeviü, Serbia Radivoje Mitroviü, Serbia

5. 6. 7. 8.

Joerg Oser, Austria Davor Ostriü, Serbia Dietrich Severin, Germany Ĉorÿe Zrniü, Serbia

President of the Organizing Committee: Univ. Associate Prof. Dr. Nenad Zrniü, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Vice President of the Organizing Committee: Univ. Prof. Dr. Branislav Dragoviü, University of Montenegro, Montenegro

Reviewers: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Prof. Dr. Srÿan Bošnjak, Serbia Prof. Dr. Branislav Dragoviü, Montenegro Prof. Dr. Klaus Hoffmann, Austria Ass. Prof. Dr. Boris Jerman, Slovenia

5. 6. 7. 8.

Prof. Dr. Georg Kartnig, Austria Prof. Dr. Nam Kyu Park, South Korea Assoc. Prof. Dr. Milorad Vidoviü, Serbia Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nenad Zrniü, Serbia

Publisher: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering CIRCULATION: 150 copies

ISBN 978-86-7083-763-8 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without writing permission from publisher.


PREFACE The International Conference on Material Handling, Constructions and Logistics – MHCL is the 20th event of a series that has been started just 36 years ago, in 1976 by Professor Ĉorÿe Zrniü. Up to now the Conference gathered together scientists and researchers from all republics (now independent states) of former Yugoslavia (Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Republic of Macedonia), as well as from Austria, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, China, Greece, Russia, Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Lithuania, South Korea, USA and Australia, working in the field of Material and Mechanical Handling, Constructions and Construction Machinery, as well as Transport Logistics. This year, for the first time, MHCL is organized together by the University of Belgrade (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) and Vienna University of Technology (Institute for Engineering Design and Logistics Engineering). The aim of the Conference is to be a forum to exchange views, opinions and experience on MHCL from technical viewpoints in order to track the current achievements, but also to look at to future developments. Most of the authors of contributed papers are experts in MHCL and related topics. Also, one of the main goals of the Conference is to make the scientific/research exchange between similar academic Departments and Institutes from different countries, as well as individual researcher in the field, in order for possible cooperation in applying for international programs or bilateral research and scientific projects. This year the International Conference MHCL’12 is held at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, from 3-5 October. These Proceedings contain 69 papers by authors from 22 countries: Serbia, Austria, Germany, Poland, Greece, Montenegro, Slovenia, South Korea, Netherlands, Macedonia, China, Czech Republic, Italy, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kenya, Ukraine, Australia, Canada, Indonesia, Mexico and USA. The papers are grouped in four principal sessions A, B, C, D and a special session E established in 2009 and organized by Professor Branislav Dragoviü (University of Montenegro): Session A: Hoisting and Conveying Equipment and Technologies (Chairman: Prof. Nenad Zrnic): 11 papers Session B: Construction and Mining Equipment and Technologies (Chairman: Prof. Srÿan Bošnjak): 14 papers Session C: Logistics and Intralogistics Systems (Co-chairmen: Profs. Georg Kartnig and Nenad Zrnic): 16 papers Session D: Constructions and Design Engineering (Co-chairmen: Profs. Georg Kartnig and Srÿan Bošnjak): 8 papers Session E: Maritime and Port Logistics (Chairman: Prof. Branislav Dragoviü): 13 papers Proceedings contain also 7 invited papers presented in Plenary and Closing session. The invited lectures reflect the wide spectrum of important topics of current interest in MHCL. These Proceedings can also be considered as a kind of handbook on MHCL, and can be of interest for researchers, graduate students and engineers specializing or addressing attention to MHCL. We believe that a reader will take advantage of the papers in these Proceedings with further satisfaction and motivation for her or his work. We would like to express our sincere thanks to all members of the Scientific and Organizing Committee, reviewers as well as to all participants including invited speakers for coming in Belgrade to present their papers. On this occasion, we are particularly indebted to all people who rendered their help for the preparation of the Conference and publication of the Proceedings. We are grateful to the authors of the articles for their valuable contributions and for preparing their manuscripts in time.

Belgrade, October 2012 Editors

Srÿan Bošnjak, Georg Kartnig, Nenad Zrniü


ABOUT THE ORGANIZER The University of Belgrade is the oldest and largest University in Serbia. Technical Faculty at University of Belgrade was established in 1863, and the first subject in the field of Mechanical Engineering (“Mechanics and Science of Machines”) in 1873. First subject as a forerunner of the Department of Material Handling, Constructions and Logistics (Department of Mechanization) was “Construction Machinery” established in 1897. Starting from 1907 some chapters on hoist machinery (cranes) are lectured at the academic level. The Department of Construction Machinery and Facilities Layout was established in 1932. In 1948 was established the Department of Industrial Mechanical Engineering, renamed in 1959 to Department of Mechanization (Material Handling and Design Engineering). Up to now the members of Department of Mechanization published several hundred scientific papers in journals, books, and conference proceedings. The Department has an intensive cooperation with industry. That resulted in numerous projects and developed, designed and constructed series of complex, original and modern transporting and construction machines, devices, and systems in the country (former Yugoslavia) and abroad (Burma, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Germany, Russia, Tanzania, Greece and Azerbaijan – former USSR). All these devices have been constructed and functioning for years now and many of them are innovative. Vienna University of Technology looks back on a long tradition at the leading edge of scientific research and education: Founded in 1815 as Polytechnisches Institut (Imperial and Royal Polytechnical Institute), it was divided into 5 faculties in 1865. One year later the first freely elected rector was inaugurated. In 1872 its name changed to Technische Hochschule (College of Technology), and in 1902 the first doctorates were awarded. The institution has borne its current name – Technische Universität Wien (Vienna University of Technology) – since 1975. At the Institute for Engineering Design and Logistics Engineering the research group Engineering Design for Material Handling and Conveying Systems (Konstruktionslehre und Fördertechnik) is engaged with design principles in mechanical engineering and with material handling as technical as well as logistical tasks. Further key aspects of activities are: rail vehicles, ropeways and supporting structures. ORGANIZED BY University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Department of Material Handling, Constructions and Logistics

Vienna University of Technology Institute for Engineering Design and Logistics Engineering


Serbian Ministry for Science and Technological Development

HIGH-PATRON OF THE CONFERENCE IFToMM International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science


©FME Belgrade 2012. All rights reserved

Mag. Daniel Tinello Scientific Assistant Graz University of Technology Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Institute of Logistics Engineering

Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Trummer Scientific Assistant Graz University of Technology Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Institute of Logistics Engineering

Dr.-Ing.habil. Dirk Jodin Professor /Director of the Institute Graz University of Technology Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Institute of Logistics Engineering

Proceedings of the XX International Conference MHCL’12

Efficient approach in modifying material flow systems An increasing demand of rearranging material flow systems (entire technique used for the focused intralogistics) due to changing economic environment requires a fast and goal-oriented approach which will be presented during this article. Furthermore there will be introduced an interrelated Microsoft™ based tool, which connects tools and methods of material flow planning. The presented approach of modification together with this integrated computer aided system should be a contribution to meet actual demands. Keywords: logistics, material flow systems, layout planning


If a new material flow system is planed the problem appears, that after some years or even months the system is no more up to date. Logistic systems are not static and hard to predict as well [1]. The figure below shows some more or less reasonable explanations why this is the case (dependent of the type of industry).

commissioning, transport system etc.) and Equipment Level (e.g. conveyor, forklift etc.) [2]. Basically the System Level is the main focus of this article, but with some modifications it could be also applied to the Structure Level. To meet the demands caused by changes mentioned within the preceding paragraph, first will be discussed a new path of modifying material flow systems and second an efficient interrelated tool explained with a theoretical example. 2.1 New path of modifying material flow systems

The literature provides plenty of systematics of factory planning with different steps and details [3]-[8]. Although those are good and well thought, with the following new systematic, there should be established a short and simple approach, which can be easily remembered and applied to different planning situations. Furthermore it should be a help not to loose oneself in details but to establish innovative solutions.

Figure 1. Changing demands on material flow systems

So it is inevitable to rethink and modify the material flow system after a certain time. And looking back in history it is assumed that the time period in which the systems have to be adapted get even shorter in future. So there is an increasing demand in reducing both, time and costs of this periodic rearranging process by a fast and goal-oriented approach which will be presented within the following section. Figure 2. Path of modifying material flow systems


The general view on topics of the Institute of Logistics Engineering (ITL) is the following top down approach, consisting of Structure Level (e.g. General Network, Supply Chain etc.), System Level (e.g. Correspondence to: Mag. Daniel Tinello, scientific assistant Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Institute of Logistics Engineering Inffeldgasse 25e, 8010 Graz, Austria E-mail: [email protected]

As shown in Figure 2 the modification of a material flow system can be done in four steps. First in getting the knowledge about where, what and why the actual systems needs to be adapted. Second in deriving out of it the vision how the adjusted system should look like. Third in checking the feasibility of the vision, and fourth by realizing it. These steps are part of a repeated iteration loop, because it could be that creating a Vision needs more knowledge of a certain detail, or the feasibility check fails. In both cases the planer has to return to a previous step of the path.


Proceedings of the XX International Conference MHCL’12

For each of the steps in the path of modification, several tools and methods are presented in Table 1, which can be chosen to reach the responding goal with low effort. The presented tools and methods are additionally arranged in areas (e.g. data acquisition or data analysis for the step Knowledge). In a lot of cases the step Knowledge takes the most of the time, depending on the company´s data handling. After accumulating deeper insight on the problem a solution has to be discovered. When considering the tools it gets clear why the second step is called Vision. Although certain methods are used, this is a quite creative step, where sometimes new ways are taken and visionary solutions emerge. The focus on this step should prevent the planning team to take the first outcome that comes to their mind, but to think out of the box in first collecting different ideas and ways without constraints. As recently as with tools of the step Feasibility these ideas get checked and an unconventional solution, which maybe would have been undiscovered with conventional approaches, turns out to be the best.

©FME Belgrade 2012. All rights reserved 2.2 Efficient interrelated tool

As shown before, Table 1 provides a high quantity of methods and tools. But while planning a new system the iteration forces the planer to change and recalculate again and again. The tools are good, but the missing connection between them causes a lot of unnecessary effort. In this section a concept will be shown that could help to connect some of the existing methods to a powerful instrument, while using Microsoft™ standard software. In Figure 3 a part of this tool is shown that focuses primarily on the interrelated planning of a new factory layout with regard to material flow.

Table 1. Several tools and methods for each step of modification

step Knowledge


tool /method

definition of a project

Critical path method, Organizational chart time recording, content analysis, multi-moment recording, reporting method (self-monitoring), written questionnaire, electronic questionnaire, oral interview, Route card procedure (selfmonitoring), database query list of parts analysis, working plan analysis, distribution statistics analysis descriptive statistics, ABC- analysis, ABC-XYZ portfolio analysis, material flow matrix sankey- diagram, process chain ilustration, flow-chart, structure diagram TRIZ, synectics, brainstorming, brainwriting, reversal technique shifting method, circle method, construction method, transposition method, cluster analysis morphological boxes, allocation table, decision tree static and dynamic procedures of investment calculation, activity based costing

data acquisition

data analysis

data visualisation Vision

creativity technique layout planing Choice assistance


financial qualitativequantitative simulation



value benefit analysis AUTOMOD / Plant Sim / DEMO 3D etc. performance calculations, vehicle quantity computations, cycle time computations, optimization calculations

Figure 3. Interrelated tool for planning material flow systems

Central point of the tool is a common database in MS Excel™ representing the step Knowledge. Here the data, for example distances or amount of transports between objects can be filled in or imported from other programs. With MS Visio™ the different data is visualized according to its source. For example statistical data is illustrated in diagrams while production area, storage area etc. are visualized like a factory layout. But this visualization is not static like carved in stone. Here the planner can move objects due to his experience and local circumstances. This is the representation of the step Vision. When the planer finished his inputs the visualization transfers the changed data into MS Excel™ where integrated feasibility tools check and visualize the changes. The advantage is that three of the four steps visualized in Figure 2 (Knowledge, Vision, and Feasibility) are integrated in that tool. Meaning that if there are changes in step one (Knowledge) within some mouse clicks the impacts on feasibility are checked or if a new vision is created by changing layouts, the tool calculates the responding changes and displays the new material flow matrices and feasibility. It has to be

©FME Belgrade 2012. All rights reserved

added, that this tool was not created to replace, but to support the planer and has to be clearly distinguished from “one-click, one result” programs. 2.3 illustration using a theoretical example

Now there will be shown a theoretical example. Figure 4 shows two MS Excel™ sheets, where the upper one is used to insert the length and width for the different stations like milling, welding etc. The second sheet is used to insert source, sink and amount of each transport which takes place.

Proceedings of the XX International Conference MHCL’12

Another part of the tool uses the recorded data to produce a layout. The dimensions are already according to the data, so the objects can be easily placed like the actual factory layout. Then it can be chosen, as Figure 6 illustrates, to show the transports, like the upper illustration or to show the relation between sources and sinks. Here the different colours and arrows width´s represent the different amount of transport.

Figure 4. Example of MS Excel™ sheets used for data input

Out of this data the system is able to produce a sankey diagram, in a basic form, which can be changed easily to the planners preferences. As the following illustration shows, this sankey consists of different colours for different products, and the width of the arrow shows the amount of transport.

Figure 6. Layout with transports (above) or arrows of relation (below)

Now the objects are placed and the routes of transport can be checked or changed due to the factories reality. Because the layout is true to scale the transports can be computed and displayed in a MS Excel™ table. Figure 7 shows three tables, where the first table contains the amounts, the second the computed distances and the third the product of distance and amount also known as transport intensity matrix.

Figure 7. Amount-, distance- and transport intensity matrix

Figure 5. Automatically produced sankey diagram

The last one serves as starting point for further considerations. Especially the value on the bottom right of the transport intensity matrix represents the total


Proceedings of the XX International Conference MHCL’12

effort of the logistic system [9]. So this value should be minimized. In this case it is 9.135 [units*meter]. To do this, the planer can use now the insight of Figure 5 and/ or Figure 6 to get an idea how to rearrange the objects within the layout. This leads very fast to a layout like in Figure 8, where the value is 7.060 instead of 9.135 [units*meter].

©FME Belgrade 2012. All rights reserved

logistics up to the investigation of alternative transport technology and conveyor technology for intralogistics. 3. CONCLUSION

The presented approach of modification together with the efficient interrelated tool is opening the possibility to connect the cumulated tools and methods of material flow planning with an integrated system. The approach and the Microsoft™ based tool will be used during the next material flow projects of the Institute of Logistics Engineering to fit further requirements from praxis. Additional effort will be taken to a successive integration of more tools and methods into this interrelated tool. In future an easy to handle tool could fit all demands for diverse planning tasks. This should be a contribution to be able to handle and quickly adapt material flow systems to future changes. REFERENCES

Figure 8. Fast constructed alternative layout

After some easy moves the effort for the logistic system could be theoretically lowered by 22,7 %. 2.4 Advantage of the approach

Within some of the last material flow projects of the ITL, the costs could be lowered for a medium sized company about a two-digit percentage using this tool. Furthermore it can be added, that the planning software allows to derive automatically assessment criteria for planning variations and to support the planner with the definition of other alternatives. A multitude of assessment criteria like material flow matrices, graphical material flow illustrations which are precisely positioned (layout-based sankey diagram’s, etc.) as well as other dimensions which give explanation about the complexity of the material flow system are serving to gain deeper insight. The resulting strategical advantage which arises for all planning partners is evident: x efficiency increase in the planning, quick planning results in the early phase of planning x shorter planning times x quick development of alternatives, support of the creative process under integration of the employee's experiences on planning x enhancement in quality of planning The areas of application of the defined approach are varied considerably and reach from the optimization of the factory layout on different levels, as well as analyses of the current state of existing in-plant transport


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