aj(Dx) is a differential operator in D^ with constant coefficients. We consider solutions ..... Here £F denotes the inverse partial Fourier transform with respect to £.
Publ. RIMS, Kyoto Univ. 16 (1980), 61-104
Liouville Type Theorem for a System (PCD), 5 y CD),y= !,...,/>} of Differential Operators with Constant Coefficients in a Half Space By
Yoshihiro SHIBATA*
§ 1.
Concerning the behavior at infinity of solutions of a partial differential equation Pu = f, theorems of following three type are known. (1) The theorem of Liouville type claims that if the function u(x) is a solution of Pu=Q such that u(x) = O(\x\d) as |x|~>oo (or KmR~ d \ R->~