YAP Fall 2015 Enrollment.pdf - Google Drive

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Occidental Children's Theater Youth Acting Program

September 2015

Name: Year in school (2015-16):

Age as of September 1, 2015:

Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s): Address: City:


Cell/Day Phone:


Cell/Day Phone:


Other Phone:



Email address(s): PLEASE SIGN ME UP FOR:

 Youth Storyteller (for 6-8 year olds): Saturdays, 9:15am - 10:15am, $120 Youth Improv (for 9-12 year olds): Saturdays, 10:30am - 12:00pm, $160 Classes run September 12 through November 7, 2015 (no class October 31) and are in the Keck Theater Rehearsal Studio. There is a 10% discount for siblings (oldest child pays full price, each additional sibling gets the discount). Enclosed is a check or money order in the amount of $ OR, please charge my (check one)


Card Number:

(payable to Occidental College)

MasterCard in the amount of $ Expiration Date:

Name as it appears on card: Cardholder Signature:


Please send payment and enrollment form to: Occidental College Or sign up online at Theater Department oxy.edu/theater 1600 Campus Road Los Angeles, CA 90041 For more information, please call (323) 259-2771 or email or fax it to (323) 341-4987 beatrice@oxy.edu You will receive confirmation by email.

Youth Storyteller: Kids ages 6-8 will work with Folk Tales from around the world to learn the basics of storytelling, character work, and physical theater. This class emphasizes teamwork and imaginative play. At the end of our eight-week session, parents are invited to an open class to watch their children work together to act out their tale. Saturdays, 9:15am-10:15am, $120 Youth Improv: Kids ages 9-12 will learn the basics of "creating something from nothing." In improv, there is no wrong answer. Students will learn to think on their feet, respect each other's ideas, and work together to create their own stories. At the end of our eight-week session, parents are invited to an informal show where students will play a sampling of the games they learned in class. Saturdays, 10:30am-12:00pm, $160 Students must be the minimum age by September 1, 2015. Unlike our summer sessions, we will not be offering mat time after the classes. Please pick up your children within 5 minutes of the end of the class. We will charge you $1 for every minute you are late.