Year 10 Curriculum Guide 2013-14[1]

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During Year 10 your child will complete their Additional Science GCSE. Unit. What is ... Pupils will follow the Edexcel BTEC Principles of Applied Science course.
YEAR  10   CURRICULUM  GUIDE   2013/14  


Introduction ------------------------------HEAD OF LEARNING – YEAR 10 Mr J Cooper Tel: 0161 446 8644 (email [email protected])

Year 10 Parents Evening – 3rd April 2014

It is with great pleasure that I continue to work with your child as Year 10 Head of Learning. This is an exciting and focussed year for our pupils as they make their transition from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4. The choices and decisions they make over these next two years will shape their future. My role is to ensure that your son or daughter has the appropriate curriculum which meets their needs and to track their progress towards their targets, providing them with support where needed. I will do my utmost to ensure your child reaches their potential and has an enjoyable experience in year 10. The option process we undertook earlier in the year was comprehensive and successful, even if it was a little stressful for our students (and parents). However, I am confident that students have chosen the right subjects which will enable them to reach their potential and follow the pathway that is right for them. Your child will have already sat their GCSE Statistics exam – which was done in a really mature manner and their results will reflect the time and effort that they put in. However, it is now time to start focussing on the next stage of their educational journey. Whether it is the English Baccalaureate pathway or the Apprenticeship pathway, it will be vital to balance their time and effort in all subjects with external pressures. Arriving to school on time, with the correct equipment, uniform and a planner has been the key to success in Key Stage 3, and this has been done fantastically well. As we enter Key Stage 4 there is an even greater emphasis on organisation, independent study and taking responsibility for their own learning. The foundation has been laid in key stage 3 and it is now time for them to build upon this. As always, there are a large variety of extra-curricular activities available and I would highly recommend that your child takes advantage of the opportunities Parrs Wood has to offer, some activities will be new to them and would really help on future applications for college and university placements. I have been very pleased with the increasingly mature attitudes of the pupils in Year 9, they have set a terrific example to the rest of Key Stage 3. I am extremely proud of their achievements and have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know them and their vast array of talents. I look forward to seeing each young person learn to the best of their ability and develop into a responsible, caring and well-rounded adult. I am very much looking forward to working with both you and your child to create a positive relationship ensuring your child’s happiness and success throughout Year 10, and on to successful Year 11.

Mr J Cooper

English and English Literature

---------------------------------------------AQA AQA AQA AQA AQA

GCSE English Language GCSE English Literature GCSE English IGCSE English Language IGCSE English Literature

Director of Faculty: Ms K Holden (email [email protected]) Key Stage 4 Co-ordinator: Mr G Fox (email [email protected]) Topics studied this year Subject to change due to National Curriculum changes: Route 1 English Language and English Lit September - October November – December English Language GCSE – English Language GCSE – Controlled Assessments controlled assessments January- February February – Easter English Language GCSE – Unit 1 exam preparation Controlled Assessments Easter - May Unit 1 exam preparation

May - Summer Unit 1 exam preparation After exam: English Literature controlled assessment - Frankenstein

Topics studied this year Subject to change due to National Curriculum changes: Route 2 English September – October November – December English GCSE – controlled assessments English GCSE – controlled assessments January – February February – Easter English GCSE – controlled assessments Unit 1 exam preparation Easter – May May/June - Summer Unit 1 exam preparation Unit 1 exam preparation After exam: IGCSE controlled assessment task

Assessments English Language • 4 written controlled assessments (40% of final grade) • 1 GCSE English Exam (60% of final grade) English Literature • 1 written controlled assessment (25% of final grade) • 2 written exams (75% of final grade) English • 5 written controlled assessments (40% of final grade) • 1 GCSE English Exam (60% of final grade)

IGCSE Literature • 100% exam: 2 written exams • OR • 60% exam: 1 written exam • 40% coursework IGCSE Language • 100% exam: 2 written exams • OR • 60% exam: 1 written exam • 40% coursework (TBC)

Key Dates English Language Exam: May/June (date to be confirmed)

Homework Tasks given in preparation for controlled assessments. Combination of revision, topic based work, research and extension activities. Pupils are expected to spend at least two hours a week on homework/preparation/revision for English.

Other useful information

Mathematics --------------------------------------------Edexcel GCSE in Mathematics A (Linear) – 1MA02 Director of Faculty : Mr S Reid (email [email protected]) Key Stage 4 Coordinator: Mr S Hankinson (email [email protected])

Overview In year 10, students will begin working towards their GCSE qualification in mathematics. They will have the opportunity to sit the exam to gain the full qualification in June 2014. This will allow them to use the rest of year 11 to improve their grade and re-sit in November 2014 and June 2015. Provision for gifted and talented students: Students that achieve a grade A* or A in June 2014, will then be able to access an additional mathematics qualification (exam board/specification TBC). This is higher than a GCSE level qualification, designed to extend students’ mathematical understanding and bridge the gap to A Level mathematics.

Specification: Edexcel GCSE in Mathematics A (Linear) – 1MA02 There are two tiers of entry: Foundation (Grades C-G), Higher (Grades A*-D) More information, including specification and sample papers can be found on the Edexcel website:

Assessment They will be spending the year building their mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding in order to sit their GCSE in June 2014. Students’ progress will be assessed continually by their class teacher through the monitoring of their class work and homework. In addition, students will also sit regular internal exams (at least once per half term) and will be made aware of the dates of these assessments by their class teacher. There will also be a full GCSE mock exam, scheduled provisionally for the middle of Summer 1.

Key Dates Year 10: Paper 1 Non- Calc: Mon 9th June 2014 Paper 2 Calc: Fri 13th June 2014 *Dates provided by Edexcel are provisional at the time of writing this document.

Homework Each teaching group will receive a minimum of one homework per week. This will be set and collected by their class teacher. In addition to this, all students are expected to study independently to consolidate their learning and revise for module exams. Students may find the ‘Mathswatch’ CD a useful tool for revision and consolidation. These are recommended by the department as an independent learning resource and are available from the maths office for £4.

Useful independent study websites: • • • • (password: parrs, username: percent) Fantastic site, subscription paid for by school. Online lessons, plus ‘booster packs’. (login: 2610parrs) Fun maths practice in a games format. Revision lessons, activities and mini-tests. Some good revision notes along with some other interesting bits and links.

Equipment Students are expected to be equipped with the following items for all mathematics lessons and examinations: • Pen • Pencil • Ruler • Rubber and sharpener • Scientific calculator (we recommend the CASIO fx-83GT plus) • Protractor (ideally 360°) • Pair of compasses

Topic list:

Topics  in  bold  are  Higher  tier  only.

Number • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Four operations Decimals Percentages Fractions Equivalent fractions Accuracy Use of calculators Factors and multiples Cubes, roots and squares Index laws Standard form Surds Inverse operations Recurring decimals Ratio Using percentage and repeated percentage change Compound interest Reciprocals Upper and lower bounds

Algebra • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Notation Graphs Graphs of functions Expressions Factorising Formulae Rational expressions Sequences Coordinates in 2-D, 3-D Straight line graphs Gradients of lines Graphs of loci Real life graphs Equations Quadratic equations Changing the subject of the formula Inequalities Trial and improvement Simultaneous equations Graphs of functions Graphs of loci Quadratic graphs

Geometry and Measures • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Angles at a point Scales and units Angles and triangles Quadrilaterals Symmetry Polygons Parts of a circle Perimeter and area Circle theorems 3-D shapes Volume Scales and measures Compound measures Congruence Pythagoras’ Theorem Trigonometry Circle theorems Transformations Constructions Loci Mensuration Vectors Bearings Scale drawings

Statistics • • • • • • • •

Handling data cycle Data collection Data representation Analysing data Interpreting data Sampling Box plots, histograms and cumulative frequency Addition and multiplication of probabilities

Probability • • • • •

Probability measures Relative probability Mutually exclusive outcomes Mutually exclusive and independent events Tree diagrams

Science --------------------------------------------Director of Faculty: Dr J Wild (email [email protected] Key Stage 4 Coordinator: Ms R Khanom (email [email protected])

Double Award GCSE Science Edexcel GCSE Science: Science 2SC01 Topics studied this year Provisional Date & Length of exam

What is it worth?


What is assessed?

B1 C1 P1

Biology - Influences on Life Chemistry - Chemistry in our World Physics - Universal Physics

13th May 2014 (1hr) 15th May 2014 (1hr) 19th May 2014 (1hr)

25% of GCSE 25% of GCSE 25% of GCSE

3 x Coursework skills

Planning Skills Observation Skills Conclusions – Controlled Conditions

Deadline 1st March 2014

25% of GCSE

Assessments Assessment takes place throughout the course: • Short tests at the end of each unit - The tests are developed from exemplar exam questions and are graded, giving the pupils an indication of which level they are working at in that area of the subject • Pupils to compare their performance to their target grade - Personal learning targets are then set with input from both pupil and teacher • Levelled assessments will be carried out in lesson – either from examination questions or coursework • As part of exam preparation, pupils will try Practice Papers and complete self-assessment exercises to identify their own areas of strength as well as areas for development

Key Dates • • • •

ALL Science Coursework to be completed by 1st March 2014 Wednesday 3.10pm – 4.10pm the weekly KS4 homework and class work support group will meet in F06. This is a ‘drop in’ help session that any pupil can come to without prior arrangement Revision Classes will be timetabled in the run up to the examinations Provisional Examination dates for Year 10 are shown above

Homework Homework is generally set twice a week for all KS4 pupils. Activities will include written, research, modelling, practical tasks and coursework preparation. Online Moodle assessments will also be set.

Other useful information Revision Guides are available in both Higher and Foundation tier from the Science Faculty and cost £3.00 • Try the Science Faculty Area of the Parrswood Website • Try the Science Faculties online learning zone for KS4, extra resources to help with your studies • KS3 Science content and revision materials Exciting new Scientific Discoveries and popular Science • Revision materials for KS4 Science

Triple Award GCSE Science Edexcel Triple GCSE Science: Science 2SC01 Additional Science 2SA01 Extension Science 2SE01 Topics studied this year Pupils are following the Edexcel Science pathway. Units will be studied on a carousel basis, with all pupils studying the same units but in a slightly different order depending on which group they are in. Each unit of study is linked to the 3 separate Sciences – Biology, Chemistry and Physics. During Year 10 your child will complete their Additional Science GCSE. Provisional Date & Length of exam

What is it worth?


What is assessed?

B2 C2 P2

Biology - The Components of Life Chemistry - Discovering Chemistry Physics - Physics for your future

6th June 2014 (1hr) 10th June 2014 (1hr) 12th June 2014 (1hr)

25% of GCSE 25% of GCSE 25% of GCSE

3 x Coursework skills

Planning Skills Observation Skills Conclusions – Controlled Conditions

Deadline 1st March 2014

25% of GCSE

Assessments Assessment takes place throughout the course: • Short tests at the end of each unit - The tests are developed from previous exam questions and are graded, giving the pupils an indication of which level they are working at in that area of the subject • Pupils to compare their performance to their target grade - Personal learning targets are then set with input from both pupil and teacher • Levelled assessments will be carried out in lesson – either from examination questions or coursework • As part of exam preparation, pupils will try Past Papers and complete self-assessment exercises to identify their own areas of strength as well as areas for development

Key Dates • • • •

ALL Science Coursework to be completed by 1st March 2014. Wednesday 3.10pm – 4.10pm the weekly KS4 homework and class work support group will meet in G06. This is a ‘drop in’ help session that any pupil can come to without prior arrangement Revision Classes will be timetabled in the run up to the examinations Provisional Examination dates for Year 10 Triple Scientists are shown above

Homework Homework is generally set twice a week for all KS4 Pupils. Activities will include written, research, modelling, practical tasks and coursework preparation. Online Moodle assessments will also be set.

Other useful information • • • • • Try the Science Faculty Area of the Parrswood Website Try the Science Faculties online learning zone for KS4, extra resources to help with your studies KS3 Science content and revision materials Exciting new Scientific Discoveries and popular Science Revision materials for KS4 Science

BTEC Principles of Applied Science Certificate Pupils will follow the Edexcel BTEC Principles of Applied Science course. These are made up three coursework portfolios throughout which must be completed throughout the year, along with an exam. As the course is mainly assessed by portfolios of coursework, full attendance and punctuality to lessons are essential.

Topics studied this year Unit

What is assessed?

Type of Assessment

Date of Assessment


Principles of Science


To be confirmed


Chemistry and Our Earth


Throughout the year


Energy & Our Universe


Throughout the year


Biology & Our Environment


Throughout the year

Assessments Assessment takes place throughout the course: • Each part of the portfolio will be marked against exam board criteria and pupils will be able to assess their progress and improve their marks / grades as they go • Pupils to compare their performance to their target grade - Personal learning targets are then set with input from both pupil and teacher

Key Dates A detailed list of Assignment start and deadline dates will be given to pupils and forwarded to all parents /carers Wednesday 3.10pm – 4.10pm the weekly KS4 homework and class work support group will meet in F06. This is a ‘drop in’ help session that any pupil can come to without prior arrangement

Homework Homework is generally set twice a week for all KS4 pupils. Activities will include portfolio research, write up and revision. Over the course of the week pupils should expect approximately an hour of homework.

Other useful information Websites for individual portfolios are given at the start of each module. Other websites that may be useful are outlined below, however these are for more general GCSE Science – you will have to check your syllabus!! • • • • (Try the Science Faculty Area of the Parrswood Website) (KS3 Science content and revision materials) (Exciting new Scientific Discoveries and popular Science) (Revision materials for KS4 Science)

Languages -------------------------------------------All Language GCSE courses follow the information below: Assessments There are two formal writing assessments in controlled conditions and there will also be two formal speaking assessments in controlled conditions. Reading and listening skills will also be assessed on an on-going basis but more formally approximately every 8 weeks.

Key Dates Continuous assessment throughout the year and your teacher will notify you of the controlled assessment date via letter to parents. June of Year 10 – Formal Assessment

Homework Pupils may be given homework after each lesson, but generally two homeworks will be given each week; one could be a learning homework, the other a written task. Pupils could be asked to: • Learn vocabulary and phrases which they have worked on in lessons • Complete extension tasks for comprehension reading and writing • Practise their knowledge by using internet websites to which the school subscribes • Complete a piece of examination coursework (over a more prolonged period of time) • Revise for tests and assessment • Complete past papers and practise examination questions All homework will be marked according to the marking policy contained in the pupil guides issued at the start of term. Tips to help your child prepare for assessments in MFL • Pupils should have access to a dictionary to help with spelling and information about grammar • The pupils each have a booklet with a full grammar review and list of vocabulary • Spend at least 20 minutes per week learning new vocabulary • Test your child on vocabulary studied in the pupil Guide • Use the Linguascope – Linguastars website to practice word skills • Look over notes on grammatical rules each week • Encourage your child to speak/practise the language at home with you they will need to learn their speaking questions and answers off by heart • Pupils should be encouraged to read any French/ Spanish/ Urdu/ German magazines/books in order to improve their knowledge and language skills

Other useful information These are useful websites for GCSE language pupils:

GCSE French AQA GCSE French 4655 Director of Faculty: Ms E Garth (email [email protected]) Subject Leader: Ms S Nevins (email [email protected]) GCSE Assessment Weightings Listening and Reading - 20% each Speaking and Writing - 30% each

Topics studied this year Term 1: Home and Environment Term 2: Work and Education/ School Term 3: Leisure

Controlled Assessment Tasks Pupils will produce at least two written “assessment tasks” in Year 10 from some of the topics below: • An article about your house • Writing about an environmental issue • A leaflet about your school • My ideal school • My future plans These written assessment tasks will be completed in controlled conditions. There are three stages: Stage 1: Teacher involvement unlimited Stage 2: Pupil research conducted independently and also supervised by the teacher Stage 3: Pupils write-up their coursework in controlled conditions without any teacher guidance but with access to a dictionary Pupils will also produce at least two speaking assessment tasks in the form of an interview or a dialogue. Each task will last between 4 and 6 minutes and may be selected from some of the sample topics below: • Interview about how to be environmentally friendly • Dialogue about my school experiences • Interview about jobs and aspirations • Conversation about about your home town

GCSE German AQA GCSE German 4665 Director of Faculty/ Subject Leader:

Ms E Garth (email

[email protected])

GCSE Assessment Weightings • •

Listening and Reading - 20% each Speaking and Writing - 30% each

Topics studied this year (to be taught in approximately 8 week blocks): Term 1: Holidays/School Term 2: Health Term 3: Media, Free time and Leisure

Controlled Assessment Tasks Pupils will produce at least two written “assessment tasks” in Year 10 from some of the sample topics below: • Describing a past holiday • How to keep fit and healthy • An account of leisure activities These written assessment tasks will be completed in controlled conditions. There are three stages: § Stage 1 - Teacher involvement unlimited § Stage 2 - Pupil research conducted independently and also supervised by the teacher § Stage 3 - Pupils write-up their coursework in controlled conditions without any teacher guidance but with access to a dictionary Pupils will also produce at least two speaking assessment tasks in the form of an interview or a dialogue. Each task will last between 4 and 6 minutes and may be selected from some of the sample topics below: • Dialogue about my school, future plans and aspirations • Conversation about your ideal holiday • An interview about free time

GCSE Spanish AQA GCSE Spanish 4695 Director of Faculty: Ms E Garth (email [email protected]) Subject Leader: Ms D McVey (email [email protected]) GCSE Assessment Weightings Listening and Reading - 20% each Speaking and Writing - 30% each

Topics studied this year Term 1: Home and Environment/ Lifestyle Term 2: Work and Education/ School Term 3: Leisure

Controlled Assessment Tasks Pupils will produce at least two written “assessment tasks” in Year 10 from some of the topics below: • An article about your town • Writing about an environmental issue • A leaflet about your school • My ideal school • Bart Simpson’s work experience These written assessment tasks will be completed in controlled conditions. There are three stages: • Stage 1 - Teacher involvement unlimited • Stage 2 - Pupil research conducted independently and also supervised by the teacher • Stage 3 - Pupils write-up their coursework in controlled conditions without any teacher guidance but with access to a dictionary Pupils will also produce at least two speaking assessment tasks in the form of an interview or a dialogue. Each task will last between 4 and 6 minutes and may be selected from some of the sample topics below: • Interview about how to be environmentally friendly • Dialogue about my future plans and aspirations • Interview with a celebrity • Conversation about your ideal holiday                    

GCSE Urdu AQA GCSE Urdu 4645 Director of Faculty: Ms E Garth (email [email protected]) Subject Leader: Ms S Iqbal (email [email protected]) GCSE Assessment Weightings Listening and Reading - 20% each Speaking and Writing - 30% each

Topics studied this year Term 1: Home and Environment; Lifestyle Term 2: Work and Education Term 3: Leisure

Controlled Assessment Tasks Pupils will produce at least two written “assessment tasks” in Year 10 from some of the topics below: • An article about your town • Writing about an environmental issue • A leaflet about your school • My ideal school • Bart Simpson’s work experience These written assessment tasks will be completed in controlled conditions. There are three stages: • Stage 1 - Teacher involvement unlimited • Stage 2 - Pupil research conducted independently and also supervised by the teacher • Stage 3 - Pupils write-up their coursework in controlled conditions without any teacher guidance but with access to a dictionary Pupils will also produce at least two speaking assessment tasks in the form of an interview or a dialogue. Each task will last between 4 and 6 minutes and may be selected from some of the sample topics below: • Interview about how to be environmentally friendly • Dialogue about my future plans and aspirations • Interview with a celebrity • Conversation about your ideal holiday                    

Art, Design and Technology --------------------------------------------


Art AQA Full course Art and Design Fine Art Director of Faculty: Ms E Foster (email [email protected]) Head of Subject: Ms J Davison (email [email protected]) Topic studied this year: 60% Coursework 40% Controlled test Unit One: The Portfolio of Work A ‘Portfolio’ presentation of work selected from work produced during the course of study. This should include more than one project or theme of work. This will enable students to more effectively reflect and evidence the nature of their experiences and personal engagement. This will be studied from September onwards. Students will focus on the theme “Modern Masters leading into an independent direction. Unit Two: The Externally Set Assignment Question papers are issued in January of Year 11. Students are required to produce an outcome in timed exam conditions.

Assessments Key Stage 4 assessment is in accordance with the GCSE assessment objectives. This is done through individual tutorials. Set tasks are monitored and feedback is through written comment. Students are screened termly when they are graded.

Key Dates • • •

Art exhibition is in July Coursework at KS4 is due in during May 2014 External tests take place between January and May 2014

Home works Key stage 4 homework is set once weekly and is relevant to the coursework of the moment. Students are expected to work increasingly independent during year 11.

Other useful information • • •

GCSE drop in sessions are held after school Gifted and Talented cohort: Art group at lunchtime and after school. All students are able to use the art room on a lunchtime to develop work

GCSE Catering GCSE CATERING WJEC 500/4462/X (Catering – Single award) Director of Faculty: Ms E Foster (email [email protected]) Subject leader: Ms E Foster (email [email protected]) A course in Catering offers an unique opportunity in the curriculum for candidates to develop their knowledge and extend their skills within hospitality and catering in a vocational context. It will provide opportunities to develop candidates' interdisciplinary skills, a range of Key Skills and their capacity for imaginative, innovative thinking, creativity and independence. It is a suitable qualification for those who want a broad background in this area and for those who wish to progress to further education. It will offer valuable preparation for those entering the world of work. The specification encourages the investigation and study of hospitality and catering in a variety of contexts. In these contexts the candidates are given opportunities to acquire competence, capability and critical skills through the creation, implementation, use and evaluation of a range of resources. Candidates from all cultures and both genders can develop their interest in, enjoyment of, and critical reflection about this vocational area.

Topics studied this year 1. The Industry: Food and Drink The candidate should have knowledge and understanding of: types of establishments that provide food and drink, contract caterers, the type of services available in different establishments to include self-service, fast food, cafeteria, take-away, buffet, plate, waiting service, automatic vending and travel service. 2. Job Roles, Employment Opportunities and Relevant Training The candidate should have knowledge of the roles, duties and training available for: Management – Manager, Assistant Manager, Chefs – Head, Second (Sous), Pastry, Larder, Sauce, Vegetable, Assistant (Commis), Food and Drink Service – Restaurant Manager, Waiting Staff. The candidate should be aware of career opportunities locally, nationally and internationally. 3. Health, Safety and Hygiene The candidate should have knowledge and understanding of, personal hygiene – hand washing, general body hygiene, reporting sickness, protective clothing, food safety – cleanliness, temperature control, cooking, monitoring and storage. The main points of the Food Safety Act, common causes of food contamination, common types of food poisoning, Health and Safety – common health and safety signs, fire precautions and safe use of equipment. 4. Food Preparation, Cooking and Presentation The candidate should have knowledge of and demonstrate: the importance of colour, texture, flavour, shape, temperature and time, the customers' needs, a wide range of culinary skills, appropriate methods of cooking and appropriate methods of presentation. 5. Nutrition and Menu Planning. The candidate should have knowledge of: functions and sources of the main nutrients, current healthy eating guidelines, vegetarian choices, nut allergies, wheat intolerance, lactose intolerance, types of menus and important points to consider when planning a menu. 6. Costing and Portion Control The candidate should have knowledge of: costing raw materials for a range of food items using standard recipes and the appropriate methods of portion control and their significance. 7. Specialist Equipment The candidate should have knowledge of: small and large scale catering equipment, hand equipment, powered equipment and small and large scale food service equipment. 8. Communication and Record Keeping.

The candidate should have knowledge of: the importance of communication, different types of communication, which type is appropriate and when and the need for accuracy when recording bookings etc. 9. Environmental Considerations The candidate should have knowledge of: conservation of energy and water when preparing food, reduce, re-use and recycle waste in the preparing and serving of meals and why it is important for the industry to address these areas e.g. sustainability. Also the candidate should have knowledge of a range of disposable products and materials used for packaging and assess their fitness for purpose – appeal, temperature control, recycling, biodegradable, hygiene, cost, ease of storage and handling.

Assessments Assessment for GCSE Catering is untiered i.e. all units cater for the full range of ability and allow access to grades A*-G. Students will be entered into two units. Controlled assessment contributing to 60% and a written paper contributing towards 40%. The assessment for each unit will be as follows: UNIT 1: Catering skills related to food preparation and service (Controlled Assessment (45 hours 60%) TASK 1: (20%) One task to be selected from a bank of three tasks set by WJEC. Internally assessed using WJEC set criteria and externally moderated. Duration up to 15 hours. TASK 2: (40%) One task to be selected from a bank of three tasks set by WJEC. Internally assessed using WJEC set criteria and externally moderated. Duration up to 30 hours to commence in the second half of the course. UNIT 2: Catering, food and the customer (Written Paper (1 ¼ hours 40%) An untiered paper externally set and assessed. Candidates will be required to respond to short-answer, structured and free response questions drawn from all the areas of study of the unit. Some questions will require extended writing and will assess the quality of written communication. The paper will be presented in the form of a question and answer booklet.

Key dates Assessments will be based half termly. Coursework will take place at the end of Year 10 and by Easter of Year 11. The exam will be held in the summer at the end of Year 11.

Homework Pupils need to spend one hour a week on written homework which will be design or theory based. Pupils will also be asked to organize their practical work – this could mean bringing ingredients from home and/or buying some ingredients from school.

Other useful information Pupils will be expected to do practical work most weeks in the double lesson. They must have an ingredients and/or money, ovenproof dishes or tins etc from home as required. Pupils will be given an A4 folder.

BTEC Construction BTEC Edexcel Level 2 First Certificate in Construction and the Built Environment

Director of Faculty : Ms E Foster (email [email protected]) Teacher of Subject: Mr R Goldstone (email [email protected]) The Edexcel Level 2 BTEC First Certificate is a 240 guided learning hour qualification spread over years 10 and 11 comprising of core, mandatory and specialist units which cover aspects of knowledge, understanding and competency necessary for employment within the Construction sector. As such the BTEC offers a qualification which can extend the pupils programme of study and provide vocational emphasis within their programme of study. Within year 10 pupils will complete 2 core units, 2 specialist units and then study 2 mandatory units and a further 2 specialist units in year 11. Pupils are given feedback and guidance throughout the year to improve and develop their work and internal deadlines are set for each class with the class teacher. Pupils can achieve a Pass, Merit or Distinction for each piece of assessed work, the final grade, Pass, Merit or Distinction, is decided by the points the pupil gains from each piece of assessed work. To ensure work is marked fairly the exam board, Edexcel, check samples of tutor’s marking. The BTEC certificate is the equivalent of 2 GCSEs.

Topics studied this year Edexcel BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Certificate in Construction and the Built Environment Unit Core units Assessment Method GLH 1 Construction Technology External 30 2 Construction and Design Internal 30

3 10 6 7 8 9

Mandatory units Scientific and Mathematical Application for Construction Sustainability in Construction Optional specialist units Exploring Carpentry and Joinery Principles and Techniques Exploring Brickwork and Blockwork Principles and Techniques Exploring Painting and Decorating Principles and Techniques Exploring Plumbing Principles and Techniques

Internal External

30 30









Assessments Assessment will be based on a variety of assignments designed to ensure coverage of the grading criteria for each unit. These will include reports, observations, practical skills reflection and written assignments.

Homework Pupils will be set homework once a week in order to extend and reinforce learning from lessons. This may be practise assessment tasks, research, improvements to completed work, and final assessments.

BTEC Engineering BTEC Level 2 First Certificate in Engineering 600/6628/3 Director of Faculty: Ms E Foster (email [email protected]) Subject Teacher: Mr H Lad (email [email protected]) The Edexcel Level 2 BTEC First Certificate is a 240 guided learning hour qualification spread over years 10 and 11 comprising of core, mandatory and specialist units which cover aspects of knowledge, understanding and competency necessary for employment within the Engineering sector. As such the BTEC offers a qualification which can extend the pupils programme of study and provide vocational emphasis within their programme of study. Within year 10 pupils will complete 2 core units, 2 mandatory units and then study a number of specialist units in year 11. Pupils are given feedback and guidance throughout the year to improve and develop their work and internal deadlines are set for each class with the class teacher. Pupils can achieve a Pass, Merit or Distinction for each piece of assessed work, the final grade, Pass, Merit or Distinction, is decided by the points the pupil gains from each piece of assessed work. To ensure work is marked fairly the exam board, Edexcel, check samples of tutor’s marking. The BTEC certificate is the equivalent of 2 GCSEs.

Topics studied throughout the course Unit 1 2 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14

Edexcel BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Certificate in Engineering Core units Assessment Method The Engineered World External Investigating an Engineered Product Internal Mandatory units Interpreting and Using Engineering Information External Mathematics for Engineering Internal Optional specialist units Health and Safety in Engineering Internal Engineering Maintenance Internal Engineering Materials Internal Computer-aided Engineering Internal Machining Techniques Internal Electronic Circuit Design and Construction Internal Electrical and Mechanical Science for Engineering Internal Engineering Design Internal Engineering Assembly Internal Vehicle Engines and Other Systems Internal

GLH 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 60 60 30 60 30 30

Assessment A variety of assignments designed to ensure coverage of the grading criteria for each unit. There is no written examination at the end of the course but the students must produce evidence folders to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of each particular unit. These will include reports, observations, and practical skills reflection and written assignments. Students can gain a Pass, Merit or Distinction from each of the units and all pupils will be given an opportunity to achieve the Distinction level if they complete all the assignments, reports and practical tasks to a high standard.

Homework Pupils will be set homework once a week in order to extend and reinforce learning from lessons. This may be practise assessment tasks, research, improvements to completed work, and final assessments. All homework and deadlines must be completed on time or the pupils will need to catch up the work under supervised conditions after school.

Other useful information It is essential that the pupils have an A4 flip folder/ lever arch folder which will be used to collect evidence of completion of each of the units. The pupils will need to show excellent attendance to lessons and good time management during the lesson to ensure they complete all tasks within the time frame. Poor quality work (sketches, notes, diagrams) will require further intervention from the pupil to meet the quality requirements needed. Pupils will also need good quality drawings pencils and pens, good quality coloured pencils alongside the equipment that is essential for every lesson.

GCSE Food Technology AQA Food Technology GCSE Director of Faculty/ Subject leader: Ms E Foster (email [email protected]) The year 10 specification, has been developed to enable candidates to demonstrate their creativity in learning about food science and design and make activities so as to prepare candidates for taking higher level courses and for entering the world of work. The specification is a one tier assessment covering grades A*- G. Unit one is exam based and contributes to 40% of their final grade. Exam preparation and learning with be a focus throughout the course and monitored each term through reflection and target setting. Unit 2 is a design and make task that contributes 60% towards their final grade. This task is chosen from a broad range of tasks and is monitored in school time with constant reflection on the assessment strands and through monitoring and feedback to pupils. It is important that pupils complete both a design folder and practical work to achieve a C grade overall. Internal deadlines are set for each section of the coursework to help pupils develop and improve upon their work.

Topics studied this year Autumn 1 Introduction to GCSE Food Technology: Understanding the functional properties of food- Aeration/ raising agents, introduction to starch as a thickening agent/ roux method, process of gelatinization, elasticity, fermentation and functions of yeast, Shortening effects fat, Comparison with standard components, recipe ratios, emulsions/ colloidal and coagulation of eggs, flavouring, sweetening agents and gelatine, gels and foams, sensory evaluation, food safety (hygiene) plus quality control checks and food manufacturing production process systems. Autumn 2 Understanding the nutritional properties of foods, a look at the main nutrients/ balanced diet/ advice and support available, adapting products to suit the needs of individuals, e.g. low fat, vegetarian, fibre, lactose, research into dietary needs of different target groups, vegetarians, diabetics, coeliacs, allergies and lactose intolerance, moral and ethical issues to do with food and sourcing ingredients- an investigation into the implications of food issues. Spring 1 Mass production/ batch production/ scaling up of recipes, storage of food and food products, temperature control, cook chill, cook freeze products, use of HACCP/ role of environmental health inspector, use of standard components, advantages and disadvantages and effects of packaging/ labelling and environmental issues. Spring 2 Recipe engineering, developing products to suit individual needs, production process systems, alternative protein foods, extending shelf life of products, product analysis and using prototypes- basic nutrition. Summer term • GCSE Coursework – Task analysis, research, evaluation of research, mood board plus design specification, design ideas and practical investigations under exam conditions • Year 10 Exam – Introduction to preparation sheets, practical cooking to aid revision and written exam paper

Assessments The development of practical skills associated with experience with ingredients/ materials, components and equipment. In each half term pupils will receive grades for assessment against examination criteria for each project. The technology assessment level is regarded as “best fit “with pupils being encouraged to develop skills and abilities whilst developing areas of personal strength within the assessment strands.

Key dates • •

Assessments will be based half termly Coursework will begin after the Easter Holidays

Homework Pupils need to spend one hour a week on written homework which will be design or theory based. Pupils will also be asked to organize their practical work – this could mean bringing ingredients from home and/or buying some ingredients from school.

Other useful information Pupils will be expected to do practical work most weeks in the double lesson. They must have an ingredients and/or money, ovenproof dishes or tins etc from home as required. Pupils will be given an A4 folder.

Useful websites

GCSE Graphics AQA Full course Art and Design Graphics Director of Faculty: Ms E Foster (email [email protected]) Head of Subject: Ms J Davison (email [email protected]) Topic studied this year: 60% Coursework 40% Controlled test Unit One: The Portfolio of Work based on the themes Cultural Design and Around Manchester. Students will study about designers who work in a graphic manner, learn new diverse skills and techniques and develop inventive outcomes which take inspiration from artists and the world around them. Unit Two: The Externally Set Assignment. Question papers are issued in January of Year 11. Students are required to produce an outcome in timed exam conditions.

Assessments Key Stage 4 assessment is in accordance with the GCSE assessment objectives. This is done through individual tutorials. Set tasks are monitored and feedback is through written comment. Students are screened termly when they are graded.

Key Dates • •

Coursework at KS4 is due in during May 2014 External tests take place between January and May 2015

Homework Key stage 4 homework is set once weekly and is relevant to the coursework of the moment.

Other useful information • GCSE drop in sessions are held after school • All students can use the art rooms on a lunchtime to develop work

GCSE Photography AQA Full Course Art and Design Photography Director of Faculty: Ms E Foster (email [email protected]) Head of Subject: Mr J Davison (email [email protected]) Topic studied this year: 60% Coursework 40% Controlled test Unit One: The Portfolio of Work will be based on the theme of viewpoints looking at how we can approach the subject through digital lens based media, leading towards dark room techniques. The subject will research a range of photographers who work in different styles. Unit Two: Externally set Assignment. Question papers are issued in January of Year 11. Students are required to produce an outcome in timed exam conditions.

Assessments Key Stage 4 assessment is in accordance with the GCSE assessment objectives. This is done through individual tutorials. Set tasks are monitored and feedback is through written comment. Students are screened termly when they are graded.

Key Dates • • •

Art exhibition is in July Coursework at KS4 is due in during May 2014 External tests take place between January and May 2015

Homework Key stage 4 homework is set once weekly and is relevant to the coursework of the moment.

Other useful information GCSE drop in sessions are held after school Gifted and Talented cohort: Art group after school All students are able to use the art room at lunchtime to develop their work .

Product Design AQA Product Design GCSE 4555 Director of Faculty: Subject Teachers:

Ms E Foster (email [email protected]) Ms J Hallam (email [email protected])

The major focus for year 10 is skills based learning in preparation for Controlled Assessment Task. Controlled Assessment Task is worth 60% of the final grade and it is important that pupils complete both design folder and practical work to achieve a C grade overall. Pupils are given feedback and guidance throughout the year to improve and develop their work and internal deadlines are set for each class with the class teacher. Pupils will cover all aspect of Product Technology both designing, making and theory work. All pupils will complete 3 projects before the end of the spring term.

Topics studied this year Project 1 In this project pupils will learn about the research section of the design process and will design and make a piece of jewellery in the style of a 20th century design movement. Pupils will use CAD and CAM to design and manufacture the final product. Project 2 In this project pupils will learn how to produce a flat pack product in the style of a bird feeder, aiming to develop the pupils understanding of health and safety in the workshop and whilst looking at the planning side of the subject. Project 3 In this project pupils will design for the under 5’s market by designing and making an educational toy which should develop the physical or/and intellectual development of children. The final product must be suitably packaged for the shop it is aimed for. Project 4 In this project pupils will design and make a scaled down piece of furniture with the aim to develop knowledge and understanding of workshop tools, equipment and processes. Pupils will need to design for a specific room in the house and ensure they follow the specification.

Assessments During the single lessons pupils will complete theory work which contains teacher lead information, exam style questions and skills based experiences. This will support the pupils with the knowledge needed for the examination in year 11.

Key dates Projects will be based on a half termly basis. Controlled Assessment Task will begin after the Easter Holidays.

Homework Pupils need to spend one hour a week on homework which will be design or theory based. All homework and deadlines must be completed on time or the pupils will need to catch up the work under supervised conditions after school.

Other useful information Pupils will be expected to buy their own materials for the year 11 GCSE coursework. It is essential that the pupils have an A3 flip folder which should have enough space for 20 A3 design sheets for completing all design work. Pupils will also need good quality drawings pencils and pens, good quality coloured pencils alongside the equipment that is essential for every lesson.

GCSE Textiles Technology AQA Textiles Technology GCSE 4570 Director of Faculty: Ms E Foster (email [email protected]) Subject leader: Ms J Wright (email [email protected]) The major focus for year 10 is skills based learning in preparation for Controlled Assessment Task. Controlled Assessment Task is worth 60% of the final grade and it is important that pupils complete both design folder and practical work to achieve a C grade overall. Pupil are given feedback and guidance throughout the year to improve and develop their work and internal deadlines are set for each class with the class teacher produce Pupils will cover all aspect of Textile Technology both designing, making and theory work. All pupils will complete 3 projects before the end of the spring term; these projects will vary with each group as due to equipment, different skills are taught in different rooms.

Topics studied this year Project 1 Soft Sculpture, pupils will design and make everyday items from fabrics, they will look at fabric manipulation and decoration, pattern making and technical skills. We will focus on design work and developing designs using a variety of different media. Project 2 This will be a fashion based project in which the pupils will look at aspect of fashion design before making a garment of their choice using a commercial pattern. We will look in detail at how garments are constructed, sizing and care of clothing. The pupils will be encouraged to develop their own style of fashion design. Project 3 Pupils will look at electronics and recycling in textiles and design and make their own ‘Ugly doll’ using techniques for decoration they have learnt throughout the year, they will incorporate electronics into their final outcome e.g. LEDs or voice recorders.

Assessments The development of practical skills associated with experience with materials, components and equipment. In each half term pupils will receive grades for assessment against examination criteria for each project. The technology assessment level is regarded as “best fit “with pupils being encouraged to develop skills and abilities whilst developing areas of personal strength within the assessment strands.

Key dates Projects will be based on a 10 week basis. Holidays.

Controlled Assessment Task will begin after the Easter

Homework Pupils need to spend one hour a week on homework which will be design or theory based, depending on the current project.

Other useful information Pupils will be expected to buy their own fabric for garments, an A3 folder is required for transporting work to and from school and colouring pencils, particularly watercolour pencils will be useful. Pupils will be given a theory book and sketch book which they will need to bring to each lesson.

Beauty Therapy ------------------------------------------Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate in Beauty Therapy Subject Teacher: Ms K Redford ([email protected]) The BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate in Beauty Therapy qualification can prepare learners for employment in the workplace and is suitable for anyone wishing to work within the Beauty Therapy industry. This qualification is equivalent to two GCSEs.

Topics studied this year Pupils will study seven mandatory units. The units will cover the following: Mandatory Units: Unit 1 Follow Health and Safety Practice in the Salon Unit 2 Client Care and Communication in Beauty-related Industries Unit 3 Promote Products and Services to Clients in a Salon Unit 4 Provide Facial Skincare Unit 5 Apply Make-up Unit 6 Provide Manicure Treatments Unit 7 Provide Pedicure Treatments

Assessments 100% Coursework, assessed through video recording, Interviews, posters, presentations, word processing (essays, extended writing), observations, leading groups. This BTEC is equivalent to two GCSEs A-C. Pupils can continue with this subject at Diploma Level and go on to do HNCs and HNDs in Beauty therapy.

Business and Communication Systems

-----------------------------------------------AQA GCSE Business and Communication Systems 4134 Head of Department: Ms J Roberts (email [email protected]) Topics studied this year Term 1

Unit 8 – The Business Environment, Workplace Organisation Unit 9 - Using ICT in Business

Term 2

Unit 8 – Health and Safety, Business Administration Unit 9 - Using ICT in Business

Term 3

Unit 8 – ICT Data Systems in Business, Security of Data Unit 9 - Using ICT in Business

Assessments Pupils will complete half termly assessments with performance compared against target grades. Personal targets will then be negotiated to ensure progress is made. End of year examinations will also take place, in which pupil performance against target will be assessed further. In Year 11 a written examination (40% of the overall GCSE) and a practical examination (35%) will be completed. In addition to this a controlled assessment task (Unit 10 – Investigating ICT in Business) will be completed, worth 25% of the overall GCSE grade.

Homework As your child works through each unit of study, homework is to be expected at least once a week. Pupils may be required to access their homework through My Big Campus (our online virtual Leaning Environment). Please could you support your child’s access to and use of My Big Campus. Activities will include written, practical, and research tasks, along with examination preparation questions.

Other useful information Pupils are advised to also study independently. The following websites provide valuable opportunities to strengthen their subject knowledge and understanding. • • • • • • • •

Revision guides can be purchased from school and are a further source of valuable independent study. Additional revision sessions will be timetabled at key examination times. We also aim to provide educational visits giving pupils first-hand experience of the Business World, enhancing their learning further. These range from visits to Manchester United Football Club, Cadbury World, Warbutons, Alton Towers and Blackpool.

BTEC Business Edexcel BTEC Level 2 First Certificate in Business Head of Department: Ms J Roberts (email [email protected]) Topics studied this year Terms 1 and 2

Unit 1 – Enterprise in the Business World (Internal assessment) Unit 2 – Finance for Business (External assessment)

Terms 2 and 3

Unit 3 – Introducing Retail Business (Internal assessment) Unit 6 –Promoting a Brand (Internal assessment)

Assessments Pupils will complete three units of study in Year 10 which are internally assessed through a variety of task based assignments, with an overall grade awarded for each unit. Alongside these internal assessments pupils will also complete a further unit of study which is externally assessed in term 2.

Homework As your child works through each unit of study, homework is to be expected at least once a week. Pupils may be required to access their homework through My Big Campus (our online virtual Leaning Environment). Please could you support your child’s access to and use of My Big Campus. Activities will include written, practical, and research tasks, along with assignment based tasks.

Other useful information Pupils are advised to also study independently. The following websites provide valuable opportunities to strengthen their subject knowledge and understanding. • • • • • • •

We also aim to provide educational visits giving pupils first hand experience of the Business World, enhancing their learning further. These range from visits to local businesses, Manchester United Football Club, Cadbury World, Warbutons, Alton Towers and Blackpool.

Expressive Performing Arts -------------------------------------------GCSE Dance AQA GCSE Dance 4230 Director of Faculty: Ms C Wrigley (email: [email protected]) Dance Teacher: Ms N Harrison (email: [email protected]) Topics studied this year Term 1 Term 2 Term 3

Safe practice/ Craft of Choreography, Performance skills: Unit 2 Set Dance & Moderation, Intro to Unit 1 theory: Nutcracker! Unit 4a Solo Composition & Moderation, Technical and Expressive skills. Unit 3 Performance piece: group dance

Assessments Every school ‘holiday’ a revision day will be held in the dance studio at school, this is not compulsory but a must if you are to achieve your target grade. Every half term: Set dance, internal exam of set dance, moderation of set dance, solo composition task, performance piece: group dance. Unit 1: Critical Appreciation – 20% (Majority in Year 11) Unit 2: Set Dance – 20% Unit 3: Performance in duo / group dance – 20% Unit 4: Choreography: Task 1- Solo composition – 15% Task 2 – Solo/Group choreography – 25% (Year 11)

Key Dates § § § § § §

Back to Broadway- December 2013 Dance showcase of GCSE work – February 2014 Conway Dance Weekend 21st-23rd March 2014 Internal exam – March 2014 Moderation – May 2014 Showcase of solo composition work – June 2014

Homework Set every week – 20% written, 80% practical

Other useful information (Ideas for choreography) (Resources for set works) (examining board – resources) (DVDs of set works) (The Zion Arts Centre and Lowry theatre has regular classes/ workshops for pupils to attend to help improve their dance skills.

GCSE Drama Edexcel GCSE Drama 2DR01 Director of Faculty: Ms C Wrigley (email [email protected]) Head of Subject: Mr M King (email [email protected]) Topics studied this year Term 1 Term 2 Term 3

Coursework preparation (Victims and Childhood) Developing Drama Skills / Drama Tools kit Theatre in Education/Theatre Reviewing

Assessments On-going practical assessments, examination performances and written coursework • 60% Coursework • 40% Performance

Key Dates • • •

End of December - Practice coursework handed in June/July -Theatre in Education Performance in Primary school July - Theatre Review handed in July

Homework Pupils at GCSE Drama level will receive two hours of homework every week. This will include written responses to work in lessons, scripts, evaluations and rehearsals out of lesson time.

Other useful information GCSE Drama Clinic to support coursework writing and rehearsal ideas. (check out local theatre listings) - Shout Production Team (Our in house technical theatre club) - Drama Master Class in school (Working with professionals from the industry) - Drama Leaders Project (Developing teamwork and self-managing skills) - Theatre Visits (Experience of live performance for Theatre review module)

GCSE Music   AQA GCSE Music 4272  

Director of Faculty:    Ms C Wrigley (email [email protected]) Head of Subject:    Ms H Groarke (email [email protected])  

The course is split as follows: Unit 1: Listening/ appraising exam – 20% Unit 2: Composing/appraising – 20% Unit 3: Performing Music – 40% Unit 4: Composing Music – 20%  

Topics studied this year  

• • • • •

Areas of Study AoS1: Rhythm and metre AoS2: Harmony and tonality AoS3: Texture and melody AoS4: Timbre and dynamics AoS5: Structure and form


The 3 strands of learning: 1. The Western Classical tradition 2. Popular music of the 20th and 21st centuries 3. World Music  

Assessments Unit 4 composition to be completed (20%) and 1 performance recorded, solo or ensemble (20%)  

Key Dates School Musical, Christmas and Summer Concerts, Didsbury Arts Festival, Bridgewater Hall Awards Evening (dates TBC)  

Homework Coursework tasks, combination of revision, topic based work, instrumental practise, research and extension activities. Pupils are expected to spend at least two hours a week on homework/coursework/revision for Music.

Other useful information Moodle (our online virtual Learning Environment) has theory work, revision sites and information booklets for each topic which can be accessed and downloaded. Pupils can participate in the following extra curricular activities: • Big Band • • String Orchestra • • School Choir • • Show Choir • • Orchestral workshops • Concert Band There is instrumental tuition available for: • Woodwind • Strings • Percussion • Steel Pans • Electric, bass and Classical Guitar • Brass • Vocals • Russian Music

Jazz Band Brass Group Harmony Group Steel pans

Humanities -------------------------------------------GCSE Ancient History OCR GCSE Ancient History J151 Director of Faculty: Mr S Platt (email: [email protected]) Head of Subject: Mr K Wike (email [email protected]) Topic studied this year Term 1 Unit AO32: The Rise of Rome 753 – 509 BC, Versions on the origins of Rome, the character and reigns of the Kings Political, religious and economic development of the Roman state Evaluative study of sources – Livy and Virgil Term 2 Unit AO31: The Greeks at war –Alexander the Great, 356-323 BC Evaluation of the sources for Alexander; Arrian and Plutarch Macedonian and Persian background Life and death of Alexander Alexander’s Campaigns Term 3 Controlled Assessment- Ancient Egypt from Original sources Short course on research and planning skills Pupils then research in preparing and writing an extended piece of work (about 2000 words) on the sources studied Two tasks are offered in the form of essay questions, each task will relate to one of the themes (choose one task)

Assessments End of unit internal assessments terms 1 and 2. These follow the guidelines highlighted by the examining body.

Key Dates Controlled assessment June/July 2014

Homework Homework is set relevant to a unit of work. The assignment will be assessed at the end of the unit. Pupils will be set an extended homework ‘project’ each half –term throughout the year, in order to develop a range of historical skills, such as guided and independent research. Class teachers may also set additional shorter pieces of homework linked to a particular lesson / skill. Pupils are expected to spend, on average, 30 minutes per week on homework for the subject.

Other useful information All lessons and resources are available to students on My Big Campus, accessible through the MCS Portal.

GCSE Geography AQA GCSE Geography A 9030 Director of Faculty: Mr S Platt (email [email protected]) Head of Subject: Mr R Kelso-Davies (email r.kelso-davies Topics studied this year Throughout the year pupils will follow a balanced programme of study to enable them to become successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve through Geography. There are a number of key concepts that underpin the study of Geography and pupils will develop an understanding of these in order to deepen and broaden their knowledge, skills and understanding. • Learning about physical processes and their impact on people. • Enquiring work • Creative skills • Citizenship - Rich and poor countries • Global connections • Environmental awareness • Numeracy, Literacy and ICT skills • Using creative thinking Term 1

Tectonics What are the main tectonic hazards and how are they created? Students then study a variety of tectonic events from the last 30 years including volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and Tsunami’s, and their specific responses. Students also look at the concept of “supervolcanoes” and the potential effects of an eruption. Tourism How and why the tourism industry has grown since World War 2, types of attraction and distinctions. The holiday ‘package’ and recent developments. The impacts of tourism – both positive and negative on different types of tourist destination. Tourism and the future – how the impacts of tourism can be minimised

Term 2

Coasts How different types of waves shape the coastline, and the different processes involved in creating different landforms along the coast. How changing sea levels are likely to effect places around the world. The challenging of an eroding coastline and how different places use hard and soft engineering techniques to attempt to manage these changes.

Term 3

Controlled Assessment In the final half term pupils undertake a visit to the river Bollin and look at how channel characteristics vary between different locations. Pupils gather primary data in small, supervised groups. This visit is then analysed and written up as the key piece of coursework for the subject.

Assessments Individual target grades are set for each pupil. Each unit of study fits within a half term. Pupils will be assessed during activities within the unit of study and at the end of each unit. In addition school pupil progress reviews are completed throughout the year and an annual Parents’ Evening gives further opportunity for feedback. Term 1

Tectonics - will be assessed formally through pupils completing a practice exam question taken from a past paper. These units will also be informally assessed through pupil’s homework.

Term 2

Tourism - will be assessed through an end of unit test – questions will be based on past GCSE questions – this is aimed at building pupil confidence for the final exam next year. Coasts - will be assessed through an end of unit test – questions will be based on past GCSE questions – this is aimed at building pupil confidence for the final exam next year.

Term 3

During the final term pupils will spend much of their time working on their GCSE coursework, and as such their progress on this piece of work will be assessed throughout this term in conjunction with an end of year exam.

Coursework is worth 25% of the overall grade and the Exams are worth 75% of the overall grade.

Key Dates Pupils will be examined through 3 module examinations at the end of year 11. Coursework is worth 25% of the overall grade and the Exams are worth 75% of the overall grade. Each separate examination accounts for 25% of the final grade.

Homework Pupils will be set homework once a week to extend their learning beyond the classroom, this will be in a variety of formats, including answering questions, extended pieces of writing, self research and creative thinking.

Other useful information All pupils are invited to join the Parrs Wood Eco-Club ran by the Geography department. The course follows the Edexcel specification 1312 F/H, for further details on the detail of the specification either contact the department or visit:

GCSE History WJEC GCSE History B4270 Director of Faculty: Mr S Platt (email [email protected]) Head of Subject: Mr K Wike (email [email protected]) Topics studied this year

Term 1: The Role of Women in 20th Century Britain (Unit 2 - 25% of total mark) Term 2 : Germany in transition 1919 -1947 (Unit 1 - 25% of total mark) Term 3 : Coursework – evaluating evidence in History – controlled assessment, investigation into a historical topic based on British History (1st piece of 2)

Assessments Teacher assessed class and homeworks and formal half termly assessments/tests. Individual target grades are set for each pupil. Each unit of study fits within a term. Pupils will be assessed during activities within the unit of study and at the end of each unit. In addition school pupil progress reviews are completed through the year and an annual Parents’ Evening gives further opportunity for feedback.

Key Dates • •

Coursework to be completed by end of September 2014 Examination dates – May/June 2015 -3 papers

Homework Homework is set once each week (timing determined by class teacher). These will be preparation for a class activity or presentation, revision for tests and past exam questions.

Other useful information • • • • • •

Textbooks used Essential Germany – 1918-1945, Banham, Culpin, Shepherd – SHP text, publisher – Hodder Murray. isbn 07195-7753-5 Germany 1918-1945; Lacey and Shephard; Hodder Murray. isbn 0-7195-7059-X The Women’s Century – Mary Turner; the national archives isbn1-903365-84-8 £12.99

ICT ---------------------------------------------GCSE ICT AQA GCSE ICT 4520 Director of Faculty: Ms S Wells (email [email protected]) KS4 Co-ordinator: Ms V Moloney (email [email protected]) Topics studied this year Coursework The coursework aspects of GCSE ICT are worth 60% of the course, these consist of two units. In Year 10 pupils will be completing the AQA set assignments which the exam board release to pupils in late September (Unit 2 45202). They then have to complete a second project in Year 11 (Unit 3 45203) Theory 40% of the final award is made through a written theory examination (Unit 1 45201). Pupils have to cover a wide range of ICT subject knowledge / theory as summarised below: • • • •

Current and emerging technologies Range of ICT tools and techniques Society’s use of ICT Collaborative working

Assessments External Assessments As means of ongoing assessment in order to prepare pupils for the final written theory examination, pupils will be set weekly tasks for completion by their class teacher. These will be assessed and detailed feedback offered to pupils enabling them to develop their understanding of the subject. 1 ½ Hour written exam in May Year 11 – 40% of overall grade 2 Units of coursework (assignments in Year 10, project in Year 11) – 60% of overall grade Practical The AQA set assignment is split into two sections. These sections are completed in Year 10, followed by a practical project in Year 11. Each teacher will be setting their own interim deadlines for each of the sections. Feedback will be provided on how to improve at regular intervals and recorded on the Coursework progress sheet where pupils can see how to improve.

Homework Pupils will be given a piece of written or online homework each week covering both the theoretical and practical aspects of the course.

Other useful information • • • • •

ICT Catch-up club every Tuesday / Wednesday All resources in the R Drive – This website has a section dedicated to GCSE ICT GCSE Bitesize / ICT Core text book available for every student

GCSE Computing OCR GCSE in Computing J275 Director of Faculty: Ms S Wells (email [email protected]) KS4 Co-ordinator: Ms V Moloney (email [email protected]) Topics studied this year: Coursework • A452 Practical Qualification – 20 hours of work – 45 marks – 30% of qualification •

A453 Programming Project – 20 hours – 45 marks – 30% of the qualification

The coursework aspects of GCSE Computing are worth 60% of the course, these consist of two units. In Year 10 pupils will be completing the OCR set tasks by the exam board. They will then cover the theory required for the exam in Year 11 (A451). Theory 40% of the final award is made through a written theory examination (A451). Pupils have to cover a wide range of Computing subject knowledge / theory; computer systems, binary, operating systems, networks, programming and databases

Assessments External Assessments As means of on-going assessment in order to prepare pupils for the final written theory examination, pupils will be set weekly tasks for completion by their class teacher. These will be assessed and detailed feedback offered to pupils enabling them to develop their understanding of the subject. 1 ½ Hour written exam in May Year 11 – 40% of overall grade 2 Units of coursework – 60% of overall grade Practical There are 2 units of coursework and each teacher will follow interim deadlines for each of the sections. Feedback will be provided on how to improve at regular intervals and recorded on the coursework progress sheet where pupils can see how to improve.

Homework Pupils will be given a piece of written or online homework each week covering both the theoretical and practical aspects of the course.

Other useful information • • • • • • •

Computing Catch-up club every Tuesday / Wednesday All resources in the R Drive Core text book available for every student How Stuff Works Teach ICT GCSE Computing GCSE

Media Studies -------------------------------------------GCSE Media Studies WJEC GCSE Media Studies 4390 Director of Faculty: Ms K Holden (email [email protected]) Head of Subject: Ms N Thompson (email [email protected]) Topics studied this year September - October Introduction to Media Studies Key Concepts and Skills

October – December Superhero Textual Analysis Controlled Assessment based on genre (10%)

December - February Research, planning and preparation for Production controlled assessment (10%)

February – Easter Developing Production controlled assessment (25%)

Easter - May Production Controlled Assessment evaluation of text produced (5%) and introduction to exam topic: Advertising

May - Summer Developing knowledge and understanding of exam topic: Advertising

Assessments 3 pieces of controlled coursework (60% of overall grade) • 2 textual analysis (10% for each) – second textual analysis to be completed in Year 11 • 1 controlled production to include planning, research, production and evaluation (40%)

Key Dates Submission dates for individual pieces of controlled assessments given by class teacher, with one piece of controlled assessment being completed each term.

Homework Combination of revision, topic based work, research and extension activities. Pupils are expected to spend at least one to two hours a week on homework/ coursework/revision for Media Studies.

Other useful information Coursework Catch-up Club/Revision Club in F24 after school each Tuesday Extra-curricular Film Club in F24 after school each Wednesday

Physical Education -------------------------------------------Core PE (not a qualification) Director of Faculty: Mr F Fenton (email [email protected]) Key Stage 4 Co-ordinator: Mr D Self (email [email protected]) Topics studied this year Term 1 and 2

Winter Games( various), Gymnastics, Orienteering, Health Related Fitness, Leadership Certificates, Trampolining and Dance, opportunities for Ice Skating and swimming

Term 3

Summer Games (various), Athletics

These courses all follow ½ term blocks of work. Pupils will get to participate in a vast array of activities and at certain times opt for an activity to participate in. Pupils are given the opportunity to actively participate in

Assessments There will be continual assessments for Leadership in which pupils will gain a certification of achievement once they have shown to be able to deliver sessions and display the leadership qualities on a consistent basis.

Key Dates • • •

Inter form competitions in various activities last week each term Sports Day (date to be confirmed) – Summer term Sports Awards Evening – penultimate week of summer term

Homework Homework may be given depending on the activity being followed. The work may include independent research, to watch elite performers, to practice skills at home, invite to extra-curricular activities. Some written home work is involved in the leadership course.

Other useful information There is a programme of extra-curricular activities which includes: Cross country, Football, Table Tennis, Badminton, Basketball, Athletics, Cricket, Rounders, Netball, Trampolining.


GCSE PE Edexcel GCSE PE 1827 Director of Faculty: Mr F Fenton (email [email protected]) Key Stage 4 Co-ordinator: Mr D Self (email [email protected]) Topics studied this year Term 1 and 2 Term 3

Winter Games (various), Orienteering, Health Related Fitness, Theoretical Aspects Summer Games (various), Athletics, Theoretical Aspects

These courses all follow ½ term blocks of work.

Assessments Pupils are assessed continuously throughout the year through observation, question and answer, teacher, self and peer assessment. Pupils practical ability will be assessed using the Edexcel GCSE practical activities criteria for each activity they participate in. Pupils can also be assessed on their skills as a leader or as an official. There will be end of unit tests throughout the year in the theory and a mock exam in the summer term. External assessments will take place in Year 11. • Practical coursework 60% of overall grade • Exam 40% of overall grade

Key Dates • • • • •

Theory exam in the summer Personal exercise plan to be complete end of summer term. Inter form competitions in various activities last week each term Sports Day (date to be confirmed) – summer term Sports Awards Evening – penultimate week of summer term

Homework Homework will be given once a week. The work may include independent research, practice exam questions, to watch elite performers, to practice skills at home, invite to extra-curricular activities.

Other useful information

Social Science -------------------------------------------GCSE Citizenship AQA GCSE Citizenship Studies 4105 Key Stage 4 Head of Subject:

Mr A Wallace (email

[email protected])

Topics studied this year The subject content is divided into the following four core themes, developing awareness of the role of citizens within a variety of contexts. In year 10 students study two themes: • Theme 1: Community action and active citizenship • Theme 2: Being a citizen in the UK: democracy and identity All of the themes require links to be made between local, national, European and global dimensions. Term 1: Theme 1: Community Action and Active Citizenship In this first theme pupils learn the skills and methods needed to bring about change in their community. This includes the tactics of pressure group campaigns, direct and indirect action and the associated methods used to bring about change; how effective the media are in influencing or reflecting public opinion. Pupils also learn about the legal rights and responsibilities of employers and employees; discrimination in the workplace; health and safety, consumer rights, equal pay and equal opportunities policies. Term 2: GCSE Controlled Assessment 1 Pupils are required to be involved in at least one well planned and substantial presentation based on a citizenship topic, working alone or with others, to develop their citizenship knowledge and skills. They explain what they have done by completing a Skills Profile. This is worth 30% of the total mark. Term 3: Theme 2: Being a Citizen of the UK In this second theme pupils learn about politics: the main roles of Parliament, political parties, government and opposition, and the Cabinet; voting systems. Pupils explore identity; what is understood by the term ’Britishness’; definitions of prejudice, discrimination, stereotypes and labelling; how migration can shape communities; living in a multicultural society; and community cohesion.

Assessments Pupils carry out a series of assessed tasks throughout the year. These are based on essay style questions from the final exam or tasks related to the learning in the classroom.

Homework Homework is specifically related to the work covered in class and may include written work, research or revision. Pupils will be expected to carry out additional research on the topics that they study.

Key dates

Unit 2 Controlled assessment deadline 24th March 2014

Useful information AQA - Citizen X - National Statistics Online - BBC news - Website of their chosen charity

GCSE Ethics, Philosophy and Religion in Society AQA GCSE Ethics, Philosophy and Religion in Society 40552 (Full Course 4057) Head of Faculty: Ms K Ayirebi (email [email protected]) Head of Subject: Ms A White (email [email protected]) RE is an inclusive subject accessible to pupils of any religious persuasion or none. The Ethics, Philosophy and Religion in Society course encourages students to: • Reflect on and develop their own values, opinions and attitudes • Adopt an enquiring, critical and reflective approach to the study of religion and the relationship religion has with modern society • Develop their interest in a study of religion and its relation to the wider world

Topic studied this year Two units are studied ‘Religion and life issues’ and ‘Religious Philosophy and Ultimate questions’ to achieve a full course GCSE. Topics covered in year 10 include: • War and Peace • Prejudice • Abortion • Animal rights • Religion and the environment • Religion and young people In all of their studies, pupils will be encouraged to formulate their own opinions as well as to appreciate the views of others.

Assessments Throughout their studies, pupils will be asked to conduct independent research and participate in class activities. Assessments in the form of end of unit exam questions will be carried out throughout the course after each of the six units are completed.

Homework Homework will usually be once every two weeks. It is expected that pupils take responsibility for completing their homework and handing it in on time.

Key dates Pupils will sit a 1 ½ hour exam in summer 2015.

Other useful information

Extended Project Head of Subject: Ms K Green (email [email protected]) The Extended Project qualification is an opportunity to develop thinking in a topic area of choice by carrying out a detailed project style piece of research. Each pupil completes their own Extended Project, chosen by the learner, and approved by the assessor. The project can be undertaken as an individual or part of a group. The Extended Project gives pupils an opportunity to develop skills for future study / employment such as Critical thinking, Planning, Analysis, Synthesis, Reflection and Evaluation, it aims to develop and recognise independent learning. Pupils will demonstrate findings through written evidence and a final presentation of: • An investigation / field study • An artefact / original design • A performance or one off event • A dissertation style essay of 5,000 words The Extended Project is a Flexible Qualification, marked at A2 level graded A*- E, a Level 3 skills-based Qualification and attracts UCAS Points

Homework Homework is specifically related to the work covered in class and may include written work, research or primary data. Pupils will be expected to carry out additional research on the topic of their project.

Other useful information

BTEC Health and Social Care Edexcel BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Certificates in Health and Social Care Director of Faculty: Ms K Ayirebi (email [email protected]) Head of Subject: Ms E Woodward (email [email protected]) BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Certificates in Health and Social Care is mainly assessed via a portfolio of assessed pieces of work, there is also one examined unit. Pupils cover two core Units in Year 10- Unit 1 and 2 as well as one mandatory Unit 3 and a further optional Unit 5. In Year 11 pupils complete the mandatory Unit 9 and two optional Units 6 and 10. Pupils can achieve a Level 1 Pass or Level 2 Pass, Merit or Distinction for each piece of assessed work, the final grade, Level 1 Pass or Level 2 Pass, Merit or Distinction is decided by the points the pupil gains from each piece of assessed work. To ensure work is marked fairly the exam board, Edexcel, check samples of tutor’s marking. BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Award in Health and Social Care is the equivalent of 2 GCSE.

Topic studied this year Unit 1: Human Lifespan Development o Investigate the developmental changes that occur at different life stages o Explore positive and negative influences on individuals at different life stages o Investigate how positive and negative life events affect the individual o This is an examined unit Unit 2: Health and Social Care values o Explore diversity and equality in society o Defining and demonstrating how Care Values can be used to promote the rights of individuals and significant others o Investigating ways to empower individuals who use health and Social Care services Unit 3: Effective Communication Health and Social Care Sectors o Investigate ways of promoting effective communication o Examine Barriers to communication o Communicating with groups and individuals Unit 5: Promoting Health and Wellbeing o Explore the purpose, types and benefits of health promotion o Investigate how health risks can be addressed through health promotion. Topics covered in Year 11 Unit 9: Healthy Living o Explore the factors that contribute to healthy and unhealthy lifestyles, and their o effects on health and wellbeing o Explore ways of improving health and wellbeing. o This is an examined unit Unit 6: The Impact of Nutrition on Health and well-being o Explore the effects of balanced and unbalanced diets on the health and well-being of individuals o Long term effects of balanced and unbalanced diets o Nutritional variations in different life stage development o Consideration of nutritional planning Unit 10: Human Body Systems and Care of Disorders o Understand the structure and function of main organs and major body systems, and their interrelationships o Explore routine care of disorders relating to body systems.

Assessments A variety of assignments designed to ensure coverage of the grading criteria for each unit. These will include reports, observations, practical skills, reflection and written assignments. Unit 1 and 9 are mandatory externally assessed units in the form of a paper exam

Homework Pupils will be set homework once a week in order to extend and reinforce learning from lessons. This may be practise assessment tasks, research, improvements to completed work, and final assessments.

Key dates Students will be given interim deadlines throughout the course of individual task but the Assignment deadlines will be as follows: Unit 1: Examination Unit 2: June 2014 Unit 3: June 2014 Unit 5: June 2014 Unit 9: Examination Unit 6: April 2015 Unit 10: April 2015

Useful Websites (department of health)

GCSE Psychology WJEC GCSE Psychology 4430 (Unit 1: 4431) Head of Psychology: Ms J Brereton (email [email protected]) GCSE Psychology follows the WJEC exam board specification. This was revised in 2009 and now involves no coursework following QCA recommendations. Pupils will be expected to sit two exam papers, both lasting one and a half hours, and both exams will be at the end of year 11. The papers have equal weighting and pupils will need to sit both in order to gain the full GCSE.

Topic studied this year Topic 1: Biological psychology Stress Ø Define stress and give examples of what happens in the body when reacting to a stressor Ø Understand ways in which stress can be measured Ø Demonstrate knowledge of research into links between stress and illness Ø Evaluate the research into links between stress and illness Sensory Organs Ø Describe the functions of the five basic sense organs Ø Understand what is meant by extrasensory perception (ESP) Ø Evaluate the arguments in favour and against ESP Brain Ø Understand the function of the neuron, including being able to label the following on a diagram: axon, dendrite, cell body and synapse Ø Recognise and label a given diagram of the brain Ø Understand functions of the parts of the brain and relevant gland Ø Demonstrate knowledge of studies of brain-damaged individuals Ø Demonstrate knowledge of techniques used to examine the structures and activity in the conscious brain including positron emission tomography (PET scan), magnetic resonance imagining (MRI) and event related potentials (ERP) Topic 2: Social psychology Prejudice Ø Define prejudice and stereotyping Ø Define discrimination, including examples of sexism, racism, ageism and homophobia Ø Demonstrate knowledge of procedures and findings of research into what causes prejudice Ø Advantages and disadvantages of the research Ø Understand ways of overcoming prejudice Conformity Ø Define and give examples of conformity and social roles Ø Demonstrate knowledge of procedures and findings of research into conformity (i.e. Sherif and Asch) Ø Knowledge of how people conform to social roles (e.g., Zimbardo) Ø Apply and evaluate the research Attraction Ø Demonstrate knowledge of procedures and findings of research into the significance of physical attractiveness in relationship formation (i.e. Walster et al) Ø Understand the social exchange theory of relationships Ø Understand the three factor theory of love Ø Evaluate the research and theories

Topic 3: Developmental Psychology Learning Ø Social Learning theory and conditioning including classical and operant theories Ø Learning styles (audio, visual and kinaesthetic) Ø Knowledge of applications of learning styles Ø Advantages and disadvantages of learning styles as a tool in education Animal behaviour (comparative psychology) Ø Demonstrate knowledge of procedures and findings into attachment Ø Advantages and disadvantages why psychologists study animal behaviour Ø Ethical issues of using animals in research Gender development Ø Define sex and gender Ø Biological and behavioural approaches to the acquisition of gender identity Ø Understand the nature/nurture debate in terms of gender development

Assessments Pupils are regularly tested throughout the year. They will be given tests at the end of each unit based on their learning and at the end of the year they will do a unit 1 mock exam to assess their understanding of everything that has been covered in the year.

Homework Pupils will be set homework once a week in order to extend and reinforce learning from lessons. This might include revision for tests, essays or research that will contribute towards their understanding of the course.

Other useful information

GCSE Sociology Sociology AQA GCSE Sociology 4190 Head of Subject: Ms C Meller (email [email protected]) GCSE Sociology follows the AQA exam board specification. Pupils will be expected to sit two exam papers, both lasting one and a half hours, one a compulsory set of small questions and essays and the other based on a choice of three topic areas of which pupils will have studied four, allowing them to make a choice. Both papers have equal weighting and pupils will need to sit both in order to gain the full GCSE. Due to the changes made by the government, pupils will sit both their exams in May 2015.

Topics studied this year Term 1 In the first term pupils are given an introduction to Sociology by studying the introduction topic of Studying Society with Research Methods. During this introductory stage pupils become familiar with some of the key areas of study within sociology and some of the key debates that they need to be aware of in order to be able to progress in the course. Term 2 Pupils then further their learning by studying the topic of Families and Households. Within this topic pupils learn about things such as how families have changed and why and learn about the division of labour in the home. Pupils will also explore the impact the Welfare System has had on the family and society. Term 3 In the final term pupils study a unit on Education. They learn about the history of education and about differential educational achievement. They will examine reasons as to why some pupils achieve better than others in Education and whether the changes in Education have brought around more opportunities for pupils or restricted their opportunities. After their mock exam students will then begin the transition into Year 11 Sociology where they will begin to study Power and Politics. Pupils will learn about Government Policies, Sociological Theories and who votes for which party and why.

Assessments Pupils are regularly tested throughout the year. They will be given tests at the middle and at the end of each unit based on their learning. Students will also sit a mock exam in preparation for their Unit One Exam in May 2014

Key Dates Wednesdays- 3.15- 4.15pm in LG29 Revision Sessions Drop in sessions Wednesday Lunch Times Unit One Exam in May 2015

Homework Pupils will be set homework once a week in order to extend and reinforce learning from lessons. This might include revision for tests, essays or mini pieces of social research.

Other useful information

Supportive Education ---------------------------------------------School SENCO: Ms A Morris (email [email protected]) The SEN department is within the Inclusion Faculty. The department aims to raise achievement across the curriculum for students who have additional needs, are vulnerable and need a little extra support in or outside the classroom and for those students who have English as an additional language. We work within and beyond the classroom in partnership with subject and pastoral staff to meet the individual needs of pupils from Years 7 through to Year 13.


PARRS WOOD HIGH SCHOOL Term Dates 2013-2014 Day Monday

Date 2nd September

School Event Training Day


3rd September

Training Day


4th September

Term Starts


Training Day (prov)


15th October Eid-Al-Adha* October 28th-1st November


4th November

Term starts


20th December

Term Ends


Christmas Break


23rd December-3rd January th 6 January


14th February

Term Ends


17th-21st February

Half Term Break


24th February

Training Day


25th February

Term Starts


4th April

Term Ends


7th April-21st April

Easter Break


22nd April

Term Starts


5th May

May Day


23rd May

Term Ends


26th-30th May

Half Term Break


2nd June

Term Starts


27th June

Training Day


22nd July

Term Ends


Half Term Break

Term Starts


                                                                                      PARRS  WOOD  HIGH  SCHOOL   Wilmslow  Road   East  Didsbury   Manchester  M20  5PG   tel:  0161  445  8786   Headteacher  –  Mr  Andrew  Shakos