Year 10

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YEAR 10. Subject. Autumn. Term 1. Autumn. Term 2. Spring. Term 1. Spring ... Maths. MyMaths online tasks on Numbers. MyMaths online tasks on Number & Algebra ... Homework is set every Monday and is based on the project development.

Autumn Term 1



MyMaths online tasks on Numbers

Autumn Term 2

MyMaths online tasks on Number & Algebra

Spring Term 1

MyMaths online tasks on Number, Algebra & Space

Spring Term 2

MyMaths online tasks on Algebra, Shape & Data

Summer Term 1

MyMaths online tasks on Data

Summer Term 2

MyMaths online tasks on all subject areas

Specific Revision tasks in preparation for GCSE examinations

The MyMaths website is at: The Academy username is: bmcc The Academy password is: circle Individual student logon names and passwords can be found in planners, or requested from your child's maths teacher.

Subject specific work




Examination Preparation

Plate Tectonics

Case Studies


Students are currently following Edexcel GCSE French text book and are provided with an accompanying homework booklet. Tasks cover the Edexcel GCSE topics and are differentiated to include both Foundation and Higher level tasks in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.


Students are currently following Edexcel GCSE Urdu course and are provided with an accompanying homework booklet. Tasks cover the Edexcel GCSE topics and are differentiated to include both Foundation and Higher tasks in the four skill areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing.



Travel & Tourism

This is a guide as to when each of the T&T units are taught at KS4 Homework: At KS4, homework is mainly to complete unfinished work or to improve Merit or distinction tasks. Please note: The start and end time of some units may vary due to ECM days, Assessment, INSET, etc.

Art & Design Homework is set every Monday and is based on the project development Term 1: Shoes

Term 2: Shoes / Identity

Term 3: Identity

Researching shoes, collecting images of shoes through pictures and photographs. Mood boards. Artists research and presentation sheets on Andy Warhol, Salvador Dali.

Designing sheets for 3 dimensional shoes. Artists research and presentation sheets on Gwen Murphy and Jennifer Collier Mood boards of the topic identity. Photographs of themselves.

Artist research and presentation sheets of Frida Kahlo and Niki de Saint Phalle