Yonkers NY Herald Statesman 1945 Grayscale - FultonHistory.com

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Misses May and Helen Farrelly of. Nyack and Mrs. Leonard Chev- alier of New York, and two broth- ers, Philip Farrelly of Hampton,. Va., and Frank Farrelly of St.
™ —


Soviet Tanks Cross Border, Peril Vienna (Continued from Pago One)

Obituary News T h e Rev. John A. Farrelly Graduate of St. Joseph's The Rev. John A. Farrelly, who studied for the priesthood at St. Joseph's Seminary, died yetter : day In St. Joseph's Hospital of a heart ailment 111 since December, he was admitted to. the hospital on Tuesday. Father Farrelly was pastor of St. Ann's Roman Catholic Church of Nyack, for the last 12 years. Previously he was assistant pastor at the Holy Name Church and later at St. Francis De Sales in New York City. He also had held a postorate In Congers. •During World War I. Father Farrelly served as a chaplain with the 303rd Engineers, 79th Division, in France. Surviving are three sisters, the Misses May and Helen Farrelly of Nyack and Mrs. Leonard Chevalier of New York, and two brothers, Philip Farrelly of Hampton, Va., and Frank Farrelly of St. Albans, N. Y.

yesterday in his home, 19 Dobna Road, after an illness of several months. He was fifty-three years oht Mr. Whitsitt was graduated from DePauw University in Indiana, his native state. He also began his insurance career there as an agent for the Grain Dealers' National Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Indianapolis. In 1917 he entered the U. S. Army as a private and rose to the rank of captain. After the war, he was graduated from Columbia Law School and admitted to the bar in 1920, the same year he joined the Insurance association as assistant secretary. He later served successively as attorney, general counsel, and assistant manager. In 1934 he became manager, acting concurrently as general counsel until last December. His wife, Mrs, Edna Rutherford Whitsitt, survives.

British Ships Join Assault On Ryukyus

War Fund Rises To $154,455, 83.4% Of Goal (Continued from Fsge One)

Deblasi Reported Prisoner Of Nazis

Private Joseph M. Deblaji, *,„ of Mrs. Jennie Deblasi of io Whelan Street, is a prisoner 0f (Continued from Page One) war of the German government, to Admiral Raymond A. Spru- it was announced today by the War Department. ance's Fifth U. S. Fleet. The British unit was assigned to the southern tip of the Ryukyu chain. It bombed and strafed installations, destroyed 20 grounded planes, fired the town of Ohama, sank one small ship and damaged other small vessels Monday and Tuesday. After announcing British participation. Admiral Chester W. Nimitz also disclosed that the Japanese at last had made a concerted attempt to. counter-attack the Americans a t sea. He said enemy planes and torpedo boats had attacked the warships Tuesday night and tha\ a "number" of the boats and four of the aircraft were destroyed. Fleet Of 100 Warships An Inkling as to .the size of the Lie. L-S1S Allied attacking force came from 16 PALISADE AVE. the Nipponese. Tokyo asserted a . Tel. TOnkera 5-1144 fleet of "more than 100 warships, with about ten battleships as its Pure California mainstay," was cruising about SWEET WINES Okinawa and screening still an- Sherry,; Port, Muscatel, $O.S0 other task force which Included White Port Vt OaL more than ten aircraft carriers. $«.69 The Nipponese also reported Sweet, Italian Type Vt Gal. that at least 500 carrier planes VERMOUTH pounded southern Japan for ten Pure Calif. Italian Type hours yesterday, concentrating on RED DRY WINES the Kure and Sasebo naval bases Barberone, Burgundy, SO-^ and other targets. Gallon etc Planes under General Douglas Complete Stock of Whiskies, MacArthur's command ranged Rums, Brandies, Gins, etc. northward to attack Formosa, south of the Ryukyus. MacArthur said today they hit a factory, an airdrome, sank a 7,000-ton cargo ship and five coastal vessels and attacked trains.

from Cleanart Laundry representmoved along two. good roads leaded $158 from workers, $42 from ing west and northwest from the firm. The World Book ComSzombathley, with "on to Vienna" •fcany added its $100 to a prelimscrawled on their armor. inary report of $243 from employes. A sustained thrust was aimed Many of the employe gifts are up the Rabnitz RJver valley first or second reports with colthrough hills guarding the Vienna lections still going on, as in the plain, while another wa» directed collection of $312 from Francfort Dodge employes. International toward a pass made by the Pitten Flouncing Company workers sent River farther west. in $136.60 in addition to $25 from This latter course would take the firm, which also aided the the Red Army through Wiener drive by sewing most of the flags V A M E S P. McGRATH JOHN F. SMITH used for street decorations. Neustadt, airplane production cenFriends for a long time, Private James P. McGrath, son of Other combination gifts were ter long battered into ruin by Mr. and Mrs, Thomas MeGrath of 86 Glenwood Avenue, and Prospect Supply Company emAmerican bombers, 23 miles south Private John F. Smith, son of Michael Smith of 65 Moquette ployes $83, firm $25; Octavius of Vienna and 32 miles northwest Bow, are both seeing combat in the European theater of operaLeon, Inc., workers $27.65, firm tions. Private McGrath, stationed In France with the Field $35; and Elite Girls Coat Comof captured Koszeg. Artillery, went overseas last November. He was stationed in pany, $15 each; Other employe This sweep around the southern England before entering France. A graduate of Gorton High gifts were Pyridium Corporation, end of Lake Neusiebler, landing School he was employed by the Otla Elevator Company before $75.50; Becopa Glove Mills, $46.70; with paralyzing impact against Rev. Michael Maresca his induction in December, 1943, He received bis training at Fort Lady English, Inc., $38.50; Univerthe traffic network south of VienStorey, Va., and Camp Chaffee, Ark. Private Smith, a ParaFormer Tuckahoe Pastor sal Bulb Company, $20; Seymour na, was curling In behind enemy trooper, is stationed in Luxembourg with the 17th Airborne formations holding the 18-mlle Charles D . Thomson TUCKAHOE—A solemn requiem Curtains Company, $18.50; WestDivision. Husband of the former Helen Byrnes of New York chester Coat and Apron Company neck of land between the lake and Electrician For Railroad mass for the Rev. Michael Macity, be was graduated from Saunders Trades School and Bratislava on the Danube. Charles Duncan Thomson, an resca, former pastor of the Church $8. From the office workers of employed by the Alexander Smith and Sons Carpet Company North River Transportation Comelectrician, who died yesterday of the Assumption here, who died before entering the service in November, 1943. Receiving his while engaged in his work at the March 24 in S t Francis Hospital, pany came $20, the drivers donattraining at Fort Bennlng, Ga., Camp Mackall, N. C , and Camp their Harmon station of the New York New York City, after an illness ing separately through Forrest, Tenn., he was sent overseas last August. Central System, was employed of more than four years, was cele- union. From workers at Dalton Hat there for the last 40 years. He brated Tuesday In St. Patrick's avseSAWO—On Wednesday. Msrcb Jilt. was born in Yonkers sixty-five Church, Mulberry Street, New Company came a preliminary re1MJ, Serreant Joseph O. A»rsxano of port of $173 collected, of which the U SMC. u d beloved hasbana of years ago and lived at 83 St. York City. Father Maresca was pastor here $73 is from among members of Helen Hay**. Reposlnf at tha Sbarldan Mary Street. Funeral Chapel, 75 Ux*w»od Atenue. A son of the late Charles D. from January, 1932, until May, the Hat Finishers Union Local 20. Funeral on Saturday, at »cek, $151; and Holy Trinity yesterday, at a meeting conducted of S3 St. Mary Street. Service* at the (Continued from Page One) whiskey of light body E. W. Maloney and Sons Funeral Home. and Mrs. Benn Berman of MilRussian Orthodox Greek Catholic by John E. Kearns, N.L.R.B. field 11 Ludlow Street, on Saturday, at 3 waukee, Wis.; one son Nathan Marshal Montgomery imposed his but generous flavor. Church, the Very Rev. Joseph J. examiner, with representatives of P. M. Interment, Bt. Mary's Cemetery. Conn of New Britain, Conn,, 12 strict security blackout, his as- Plshtey. $112.50. the American Telephone and TeleCity Judge Boote today grantWALSH—On Thursday, March 39th. IMS, grandchildren, four of whom are sault troops were declared to b e ( fifth Thomas W. Walsh, husband of Bather in the nation's armed forces, and threatening Hannover,- 142 miles ed a motion of the defense coun- graph Company and the FederaN. Walsh (nea Toburn) and father of tion of Long Lines Telephone sel to dismiss charges of bigamy four great-grandchildren. west of Berlin, and the major Dorothy S, Walsh. Reposing at the KINSEY Flyna Memorial Home, S3 Ludlow lodged against Mrs. Marlene Isa- Workers, for participation by 6,000 traffic center of Osnabrueck. long lines workers. Street, at Stanley Place. Funeral on bel Houlihan Stewart thirty-five, All night long. British tanks . Monday, at »:30 A. M. High mass of fifth The union is protesting a $3 of 500 West 111th Street, by her raaulem in St. Mary's Church, at 10 Thomas E . Walsh packed on top with Ninth Army o'clock. Interment, Bt. Mary's Ceme- Former Yonkers Resident husband Sweet William S. H. weekly raise granted by the War troops ran along open roads that tery. BELLOWS Stewart of 505 West 124th Street, Labor Board and accuses the comThomas E. Walsh, an employe lead to rendezvous with the onCRUZAN both of New York City. IN MKMOBIAM pany oT falling to press an agreeof the National Cash Register rushing First Army. They met WEST INDIES RDM only local resistance. Leon Savage of N e w York, at- ment for a $4 weekly Increase. Erection of a wooden shelter DENTSS—A mas* wlU be celebrated far Company in Yonkers during his the repose of the souls of Dcwenle* residence here, died yesterday at The whole western front was for trolley passengers at the south- torney for Mrs. Stewart request- Another meeting will be held and Joseph Denis* on Sunday, April fifth west corner of Shonnard Place ed a dismissal of the charge on 1st. at I o'clock, at St. Anthony'* 836 Flatbuah Avenue, Brooklyn, broken; the heart was exposed. Tuesday to make arrangements grounds of the statute of limitaOhurch, Nepera Park. and Park Avenue was to be comThere was no disposition among where he made his home after a Too are not forgotten beloved on** BELLOW'S transfer to the company's plant high officers at supreme headquar- pleted today, according to Public tions in the code of Criminal Pro- for participation by 12,000 New Nor will yon ever be cedure which provides that a Works Commissioner James J. York Telephone Company emters to say the war would be won COCKADE A* long as Ufa and memory last In that borough. He was fortycharge such as bigamy must be ployes, including those in Yonkers, W* wilt remember the*. eight years old and suffered only in a week—in two weeks or In Corbalis. • BARBADOS RUM Mrs. R. Maasello and Mr*. P. Tocco. two months. The shed, built in sections at lodged within five years after the who are members of the Traffic . , : , . a brief illness. MARS KILO— Bocco. A first anniversary But the story that was unfold- the City Garage, is five feet deep marriage on which it is based. Employes' Association. On Monfifth Mr. Walsh was in the employ mat* will be celebrated on Saturday, The attorney pointed out that the April 7in. at 7:30 A. M. at St. An- of the National Cash Register for ing one dramatic day after an- and 12 feet long and is set on a alleged bigamy occurred May 29, day counsel for the companies and MISSION BELL WINES thony'* Church, Willow Street. 20 years. In 1927, he left Yonkers other was a play by play account concrete base with a concrete We mist you now, our heart* are sore of the final stages of organized ramp leading to the curb. A 1937, when Stewart and his wife the unions will appear before the to continue his work for the comPort, Sherry, 1 1Q As tin** goes by, w* mis* you more. wooden bench is built inside the were married in Yonkers. W.L.B. in Washington for a repany in Brooklyn until two years resistance by Germany. Your loving smile, your gentle face Muscatel _: fifth No on* can fill your vacant place. The actual situation Inside the shed. In^ his complaint, Stewart, who view of the wage dispute. ago when he engaged In war work 2.57 Half Gallon Wife and Children. The shelter was constructed at is a Negro and thrice .wed, for the Bethlehem Steel Company. severed and bomb-wracked Ruhr WALSS—In memory of William s. Walsh, During World War I, he served could not be accurately assayed, the request of the Common Coun- charged that his wife was already BEAULIEU VINEYARDS our dear father who died March 30th, in the U. S. Army. but It must be chaotic. In some cil on a resolution sponsored by married t6 Louis Sherman of TorCeiling Price $4.06 Claret L Burgundy 1941. ChablU onto, Canada, when they were Relating ,A son of the late Mrs. Mary places such as Duisburg the Amer- Councilman Whalen. Nothing e*,n ever take away icans met virtually no opposition. Tha lore a heart holds dear Cadernet wed. He alleged that his wife Sautemei Glynn Walsh Miller and the late POod memories linger every day At others such as the last six married Sherman Dec. 20, 1926. Michael Walsh, he was bom tn Remembrance keeps him near. RON f f c 1Q The Initial arraignment In the Daughter* SVelyn and Margaret. Ossinlng, and brought to this city miles to Essen (660,000) and in Injury Suit Settled fifth the Rhine bastion of Emmericli— bigamy case was Feb. 7, when ZORRO as a child. He was educated in LOPQK NOTI4JK Shortly Before Trial Mrs. Stewart, a white woman, VIRGIN ISL rifth S t Mary's Parochial School. Mr. finally under control of the CanaBELLOW'S Ye*k*M C*s**aa*dery, N*. 47, K. T„ Sir Walsh married the former Esther dian First Army—there still was was released on $1,000 ball. There RUM PINE IMPORTED BRANDY As the case was about to go Kntghtt—With deep regret w* announce hard fighting. have been numerous adjournHsu the death on March 14th. i»«. ef Sir N. Toburn In the Church of the to trial before, Supreme Court ments since. Knitht Herbert W. Frost. fOakwa Immaculate C o n c e p t i o n (St. nrth Justice Snead at White Plains' Franklin H. Wheat. Commander. Mary's) on April 24, 1926. Frederick M Rldgway, Recorder. Solon Accepts Post yesterday, the ault of Mrs. Rose He is survived also by one Chrlirlan Bros. BRANDY Heater of 135 Waverly Street for JUDICIARY BONUSES CKMSTKRUS daughter. Miss Dorothy E Walsh Vacated By Lutes personal Injuries against Jacob ALBANY, (AP) — Wartime of Brooklyn, one sister, Mrs. EdGreenfield of 29 Ashton Road was tmergency, bonuses amounting to MOUNT HOPE CEMETERY ward Dolan, two brothers,. John J. BEfHESDA. Md., (AP)—Ap- settled for $1,000. $100,000 will be granted the on m axw MTLL Rry» PARKWAY and Joseph M. Walsh; his step- pointment of Arthur B. SoCelling Price. . . . er lUTHEKN COMFORT (Non-Sectarian I She suffered Injuries to her state's judiciary employes In the lon, formerly superintendent of Lees * . . Never More! father, James Miller, and his halfFamily Lot* Reasonable fiscal year starting April L under ankle and shoulder when she fell i i m Oonrenleat Terras. brother, George Miller, all of Yon- Mqunt Vernon (N. Y.) Hospital over an open trap door in front provisions of a bill signed by GovFifth cnotaTWY piroNx _ YOKKEJW J-UM kers. as superintendent of the Subur78 RIVERDALE AVENUE New York 0*)t#—M9 Ptrtb Ama* ernor Dewey. of a butcher shop at 204 New ban Hospital here, effective about Southland Main Street conducted by Mr. April 15, was announced today. NECTAR Vincent P . Whlttitt Greenfield, on Feb. 27, 1943, it Mr. Solon succeeds J. Dewey 100 Proof {nsoraaoe Ataoclattoa Manager Lutes, who has resigned to become waa alleged. H Fifth Maurice M. Klein of Klein and SCARSDALE— Vtncent P. Whit superintendent of the Yonkers, (N, Klein w*s counsel for Mrs. Hest l t t manager of the Life Insur- Y.) General Hospital. HEUBLEIN'S ter and James Dempsey wai trial ance Association of America, 165 , Prepared Oocktoll. counsel for the Arm of Cohen and Broadway, New York City, forManhattan - Martfnl McGirk of New York, attorneys merly The Association of Life In- Panama Canal Plot for Mr. Greenfield. surance Presidents, died here Laid To Seised Nad Sfth SANTIAGO, Chile, (AP)—The Doa't Forget to Order APPKTIZI\

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