Impellitteri said r e d u c t i o n s would affect school and hospital construction,
and would mean fewer appointments to the Police,. Fire a n d Sanitation Depart-.
°° "-WW **ewey's program for curing the ity's financial ills. The program would allow the "ity to impose certain additional lxes only if by July 1 a transit uthorlty is created which would ike over the lines and a S50 nillion transit deficit. If the City rejects Mr. Dewey's >lan and decides to follow one >f its own, the City could not e.vy these new taxes without •tate approval. Mayor Vincent R. Impellitteri ^esterday criticized the Dewey orogram. He added. N'. Y. Mayor Blue> "I" don't know what we can lo." The Mayor, who addressed policemen at their Holy Name Society's annual communion breakfast, said the Dewey program will result in essential city services being "cut to the bone." Mr. Impellitteri said r e d u c t i o n s would affect school and hospital construction, and would mean fewer appointments to the Police, Fire a n d Sanitation Departments. Mr. Impellitteri reiterated that the city's financial plight is not due to waste and inefficiency, but was caused by postwar inflation. Shortly after Mr. Impellitteri's talk, the possibility of new financial troubles loomed from the direction of the CIO Transport Workers Union and its president, Michael J. -Quill. Mr. Quill sent telegrams to Mr. Dewey and Mr. Impellitteri asking them to meet with TWU leaders to clarify the "muddled transit situation" and to discuss "matters of vital importance to the transit workers and the riding public." The Quill telegrams said issues on the agenda of the proposed meetings should include, among others, "Hastily drafted economy -profx>s«ls1by-the~BoanI~of Trans^ portation" and "immediate negotiations for a 2icents-an-hour wage increase to meetf the rising living cost." Mass layoffs and curtailment of services are included in the Transportation Board's proposals. Mr. Quill sajd. Mr. Quill's pay increase proposal, it was reported, would add $25 million to $30 million to the transit deficit. Manhattan Borough President Robert F. Wagner Jr. called on the City to "stand up and fight it (Dewey's program) to the end." * City Council President Rudolph Halley said he would ask the City Corporation Counsel to institute a law suit to block Mr. Dewey's program.
STATE LEADERS of Eastern Star visited Westchester at Port Chester Masonic Temple Saturday night. Left to right. Edwin F. Schatzel of Yonkers and Mrs. Ella F. Maylath of Croton, grand patron a n d grand matron of the First Westchester District; Donald W. Young of Parishville, state grand patron; Mrs. Kathcrine M. Wood of Springfield Center, state grand matron; and Miss Helen L. Braun of Scars'dale and Arthur F. Hagan of Port Chester, grand matron and patron of the 2d Westchester District — Staff Photo
New Democratic City Club Gets Backing From Brenner
Support of the new Yonkers.tions, unions and fraternal dubs Democratic City Club being or so the new club "may bring to ganized was voiced today by their attention its purposes'and George A. Brenner, former Dem- seek joint action with them ocratic candidate for Congress- where the interests of the club man in the 27th Congressional and associations, are similar," Mr. Harold said. District. Joining the club's founding Assignments were made., as committee at a meeting Friday follows: Mr. Carty and Bernard jat the home of the temporary Grelsman, bylaws; James "ConI chairman, John R. Harold, at 95 roy, plans for a newspaper; ~Mr. JRockledge Road, were Mrs. T r a i n o r , clubhouse; Thomas Marie U. Herring, Democratic Hickey and E. Brooks Smith, State Committeeman; former s t a t e m e n t of club purpose; Councilman Kenneth T. Grosse; James McPoland, budget; Michael Thomas F. Carty and Mrs. Bernstein, finance; Robert EngAranya Smart, former party ler, Democratic Natlonar.'Comcandidates for Assemblymen, mittee contact; Mr. Harold and PORT CHESTER— State leaders of the Order of and First Assistant Corporation Mr. Brenner, publicity, andElias Elvove, civic projects. the Eastern Star made their of- Counsel John F. Trainor. ficial visit to Westchester Satur- Mr. Brenner said such a club The next meeting will be Sunday night at Masonic Temple. "will offer the means for politi- day, April 12, at 7 P.M. at Mi". More than 400 persons attended cal activity to a great number Harold's home. the banquet and reception. of willing people" and added: Heading the visitors were Mrs. ' T o organize in detail and Katherine M. Wood of Springfield Center, grand matron, and properly channel this activity Donald W. Young of Parishville, will be a boon to the Democratic Party in Yonkers and to the wel1 grand patron Others included Mrs,, Florence fare of the community in gen Potter, grand associate" matron; oral. A greater public interest in Paul Nielsen, grand associate the affairs of both political par patron; Mrs. Estelle D. Caldwell, ties will bring forward programs grand conductress; Mrs. Lucile and candidates better able to Sotherdon, grand associate con- servo the best interests of the WHITE PLAINSductress; Mrs. Annie M. Pond, people." At the invitation of the spongrand secretary; and Miss Alice Plans were made "to maintain soring committee for the WestScarderfield, grand treasurer. close liaison within the Demo- chester Cancer Committee's 1953 Presiding officers at the re- cratic Party and with various Cancer Crusade, a kick-off reception were Mrs. Ella F. May- organizations." Mr. Brenner arid ception for leaders and key lath of Croton, district deputy Mr. Grosse will be liaison offi- workers was held yesterday afgrand matron; Edwin F. Schat- cers with the party leaders and ternoon in the ballroom of the zel of Yonkers, district grand- liaison will be aoughl with Roger Smith Hotel, —: lecturer, of the 1st Westchester Parent - Teacher Associations, Mefiord Runyon, executive District; Miss Helen L. Braun civic , and merchants' organiza- vice president of the American of Scarsdale, district deputy Cancer Society, delivered the adgrand matron, and Arthur F. dress, presenting the aim* rfnd Hagan of Port Chester, district objectives of the society. He was grand lecturer, of the Westintroduced by Dr. George C chester District. Adie of New Rochelle, chairman Entertainment was provided of the Westchester Cancer Comby the County Parkway Police mittee, who presided. glee club, with Samuel Schnitta Ensign Herbert A. Zoehrer, Benjamin Nields 3d of Rye, of Yonkers as Boloist. Dr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ZoehX-Ray, Key Chain campaign chairman for Charles Ingles of White Plains rer of 3 Stockbrldge Road, is at- County the drive, described plans for Trap Young Robber was organist. A tableau was pre- tending the Navy's All Weather (the campaign and the neecV''fof NEW YORK (AP)— An X-ray sented depicting the evergreen Flight School at Corpus Chrlsti, supporting the work o{,, tfta and a key chain have ended a tree symbol of faith. Texas. Westchester committee. young man's alleged career of The county goal of $160,000 holding up dentists while they 2 County Students *' was announced and leaders were ' Two Yonker* men, Marine Cpl. I examined-his teeth. Robert J. Ford, son of Mr. and told that 60 percent of all funds Rji mo'n Rivera, twenty-two. Soloists -At Concert Mrs. Joseph A.~Fordof 109 Bur- raised will remain in WesV was a r r e s t e d yesterday on WHITE PLAINSAvenue, and John A. Mal- Chester to finance the control charges of felonious assault and TWO Westchester students will bans lozzi, seaman, USN-, son of Mr. program of the Westchester dan. attempted robbery. be among the soloists at the con-j jid Mrs. Mallozzi of 170 cer Committee. The remaining a Police said at least four den- cert of the Cornell Glee Club in Alexander John Avenue, are in the 40 percent will go to the Arnertists . found themselves looking the auditorium of the White Caribbean area on a six-week ican Cancer Society — 25 jperY • down the barrel of a gun before Plains High School Wednesday training criuse aboard the bat- cent to be spent for research they finished examining Rivera's evening, April I. They will be and 15 per cent for professional tleship USS Wisconsin. molars. education and administration of Edwin Gibson of Bronxville, who They said he allowed one den- will sing the tenor solos in the national office. tist to make an X-ray, and in "Song's of .Cornell", and Bruce Richard J. Burntltus, seaman, The campaign opens nationally a scuffle with another of his vicof White Plains, who USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph April 1 and will continue through tims he lost his key chain—which Archibald B. Burntitus of 429 Warburton will be heard at the piano in a incidently was decorated with a group Avenue, is serving aboard the the month. of Chopin numbers. miniature set of false teeth. Dedestroyer USS Harlan R. Dicktectives t r a c e d the keys to Cochairmen of the event are son In the Mediterranean area. Mrs. Alvin Cohan of White Plains The ship has visited many ports $ Rivera. and Elmer L. Fingar of Chappaqua. They are assisted by a coun- in the Mediterranean area. tywide committee of which the Republicans Discuss w w honorary chairmen are Edwin T. Lt. (J.g.) Jamea K. Noble Jr., COVERS Replacing Roberts Gibson of Bronxville and Mrs. son of Mr. an/i Mrs. Noble of North Broadway, is serving 6-PC. Suit* Complete, Zippers WASHINGTON (AP) — Some Richmond H. Shreve of Hastings- 441 with Squadron 21 at the Republicans are discussing the on-Hudson. The concert will be N a v aPatrol Modernize with l A i r Station, Patuxent under the musical direction of possibility of replacing C. Wesley River, Md. 19S3 Upholstery Patterns Roberts with a big name" chair- Thomas Tracy. man of the GOP NationarCom- Proceeds will be used by the Jamci 3. Cody, fireman, USN, Brand Dee. Y0.3-9496 Westchester Cornell Alumni Committee. son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. This suggestion has come pri- mittee for the benefit of its schol- Cody of 45 Radford Street, rearship fund. Patrons of the conmarily from associates of Senator Robert A. Taft, R., Ohio, but also cert will be guests of the associa- cently visited Syracuse, Sicily, is being discussed privately by tion at a reception at Scarsdale on a tour sponsored by the destroyer USS Gainard, the ship National Committee members Golf Club after the concert, aboard which he is stationed. who are friends of Mn. Roberts and were prenomination backers Passenger Reports Capt. John P. Mooney, formerof President Eisenhower. ly of Yonkers. is attending a 15Mr. Roberts becarne GOP Falling From Train week training course- at Fort chairman after the November NEW ROCHELLE— election, succeeding Arthur E. A New Haven train passenger, Bennlng, Ga. His wile, Marjorie, Summerfield, who became Post- who told police he stepped off and two children arc living at master General. before his car reached the sta- Fort Riley, Kan. Mr. Roberts- has been under tion, dazedly made his way to fire in Kansas for his part in New Rochelle Hospital Saturday Holy Name Auxiliary the 1951 sale of a fraternal in- night where he was treated for surance organization's building minor injuries. Sets Charities Speaker to the State. He said he got nn George Slls. thirty-four, of New $11,000 fee for public relations York CityK claimed the trainThe Holy Name Auxiliary of work in the $110,000 Rale but de- eastbound out pf Grand Central the Church of the Immaculate nied he lobbied among legislators at 7:05 P. M. stopped and the Conception (St? Mary's), is havfor it. conductor called out, "New R