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Breath analysis as a noninvasive biomarker for early detection of lung cancer. Subcategory: Local-Regional Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Category: Lung Cancer - Non-Small Cell Local-Regional/Small Cell/Other Thoracic Cancers Meeting: 2014 ASCO Annual Meeting Session Type and Session Title: General Poster Session, Lung Cancer - Non-Small Cell Local-Regional/Small Cell/Other Thoracic Cancers Abstract Number: 7560 Citation: J Clin Oncol 32:5s, 2014 (suppl; abstr 7560) Author(s): Nir Peled, Manal Abud-Hawa, Ori Liran, Maya Ilouze, Naomi Gai-Mor, Dekel Shlomi, Alon Ben-Nun, Amir Onn, Jair Bar, Douglas Johnson, John Wells, Stuart Millstone, Paul A. Bunn, York E Miller, Robert L Keith, Brad Rikke, Fred R. Hirsch, Hossam Haick; Thoracic Cancer Unit, Davidoff Cancer Center, Rabin Medical Center, Petach Tikwa,

Israel; Department of Chemical Engineering and Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel; The Thoracic Cancer Research and Detection Center, Sheba Medical Center, Ramat-Gan, Israel; Thoracic Oncology Unit, Institute of Oncology, Sheba Medical Center, Ramat-Gan, Israel; Institute of Oncology, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Ramat-Gan, Israel; Florida Radiation Oncology Group, Jacksonville, FL; University of Colorado Cancer Center, Aurora, CO; University of Colorado Cancer Center, Denver, CO; Denver VA Medical Center, Denver, CO

Abstracts that were granted an exception in accordance with ASCO's Conflict of Interest Policy are designated with a caret symbol (^). Abstract Disclosures Abstract:

Background: The search for non-invasive diagnostic methods of lung cancer (LC) has led to new avenues of research, including the exploration of the exhaled breath. Previous studies have shown that LC can be detected through exhaled-breath analysis. This study evaluated the potential of exhaled-breath analysis for the distinction of early and advanced LC and for control (COPD) and lung cancer patients in an international setting. Methods: Breath samples were taken from untreated lung cancer patients and matching COPD controls. Patients were enrolled in Israel, Colorado and Florida. All samples were analyzed in a central lab (Technion Institute; Haifa, Israel). Analysis was performed by both gold nanoparticle-based Artificial Olfactory System (NaNose) and gas-chromatography linked with mass-spectrometry (GC-MS). Pattern recognition methods were used to analyze the results obtained from GC-MS and NaNose to correlate the results with the clinical data. Results: A total of 358 subjects were enrolled in this study (Israel: 174; Denver: 111; Florida: 73). 213 patients had lung cancer, among 62 early disease and 143 were at advanced stage. 145 patients did not have cancer. In our preliminary sub-analysis, of 80 cancer patients (64 advanced stage) and 31 COPDs subjects: discriminant function analysis of the signals of the sensor array distinguished significantly between control versus early LC (p < 0.0001; accuracy 85.11%), between control and advanced LC (p < 0.0001; 82.11%) and between early and advanced LC (p< 0.0001; 78.75%). Conclusions: In this multi-national pilot study, breath analysis discriminated malignant disease from benign conditions in a high-risk cohort based on LC-related volatile organic compound profiles. Furthermore, it discriminated between early versus advanced disease. These achievements stand in consistency with the requirements of society for rapid and early diagnosis of diseases as a part of therapeutic approach and facilitating rapid treatment. Clinical trial information: NCT01386203. Abstracts by Nir Peled: 1.

Circulating ProGRP and tissue thyroid transcription factor 1 (TTF1) in small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) limited versus extensive stages.

Meeting: 2014 ASCO Annual Meeting | Abstract No: e18555 | First Author: Haim Biran Category: Lung Cancer - Non-Small Cell Local-Regional/Small Cell/Other Thoracic Cancers - Small Cell Lung Cancer

2. Identifying ALK rearrangements that are not detected by FISH with targeted next-generation sequencing of lung carcinoma. Meeting: 2014 ASCO Annual Meeting | Abstract No: 8049 | First Author: Siraj M. Ali Category: Lung Cancer - Non-Small Cell Metastatic - Lung Cancer - Non-Small Cell Metastatic More

Presentations by Nir Peled: 1.

Use of a nanoparticle-based artificial olfactory system, NaNose, to distinguish malignant from benign pulmonary nodules. Meeting: 2010 ASCO Annual Meeting Abstract No: 10521 Session: Tumor Biology (Poster Discussion Session) Presenter: Nir Peled More

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