Mar 22, 2017 - Foster Unity â« Own the Moment â« Champion Excellence â« Seize Opportunities. Q: Who monitors the empl
dition Allen Foundation
Who monitors the employee parking for vehicles that are not Allen employees and are not moved for multiple days to weeks at a time? The P7 parking lot seems to have people who live in the apartment buildings using it as their overflow parking.
March 22, 2017 Patient Safety Scorecard LiveWell
Phone Book
Wednesday Edition
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Many are cars that belong to the credit union which are waiting to be sold. Also, we are starting to have an influx of fellow team members who work at multiple affiliates. When they do they will leave their vehicles here when they get a rental. If you have concern with a particular vehicle, please contact Security. We will run the VIN number to find out where the vehicle belongs. If the vehicle does not belong to the credit union or a UnityPoint Health team member, we will contact the Waterloo Police Department to have them make contact with the owner. If the owner then refuses to move the vehicle we will look into having it towed at the owner’s expense. Steve Cusher, Safety & Security
I see a lot of tight leggings with shorter shirts being worn. Do these meet dress code?
Dress and skirt hems have to be no more than 2 inches above the knee. Anything shorter would not meet the policy guidelines. Steve Sesterhenn, HR
Marshalltown’s Central Iowa Healthcare (CIH) will officially join UnityPoint Health – Waterloo later this spring. Read more about how CIH and UnityPoint Health – Waterloo will be working together.
Foster Unity ▪ Own the Moment ▪ Champion Excellence ▪ Seize Opportunities
News & Announcements Patient Safety Survey Now Open Our standards for patient safety are sky high at UnityPoint Health. Help us go above and beyond our standards by participating in the 2017 Patient Safety Survey. You can anonymously share your feedback with us by taking the survey anytime now through April 2. The Patient Safety Survey gives team members the opportunity to confidentially share their feedback on what we are doing well and where we can focus to enhance patient safety. The survey results will be used to identify focal points that will guide the direction of the Roadmap Priority, The UnityPoint Way, which focuses on developing a differentiating experience for our patients. The survey will only take a few minutes of your time but will make a big impact on the improvement of patient safety across
Doctors Day March 30
Thank a provider today for leading the care team our patients trust.
BLUECREW UnityPoint Health Movie Day Saturday, April 1 Crossroads Cinema Waterloo VOUCHERS: $3 each (max of six vouchers per team member). Vouchers will be available for purchase in the Allen Café and at UnityPoint Clinics prior to April 1. Cash or check only, no payroll deduction, credit or debit accepted. Discounted price is for all movies that have been out in theaters for at least one week as of April 1. Allen Café sale times: 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. March 22 | March 24 | March 27 | March 31 Contact
[email protected] or (319) 859-3880 with questions.
UnityPoint Health. All responses are anonymous, and “Not Applicable/I Don’t Know” response options are available for those questions not pertaining to your work.
Watch our Patient Safety Awareness Week video.
Own the moment and take the survey today. Patient safety at UnityPoint Health is dependent on all of us championing excellence. Please reach out to
[email protected] or
[email protected] with questions.
Think Healthy Allen College Blood Drive Tuesday, March 28 | 8:30 – 11 a.m. McKinstry Student Center, Barrett Forum Sign up to save a life today AND earn 500 OnPoint for Health points! • T eam members who donate blood are eligible to receive 500 OnPoint for Health points • To earn points, team members must sign in with a Wellness Coordinator at the event • Refer to OnPoint for Health for additional information regarding Regional Healthy Challenges • 500 points will only be awarded for one Regional Healthy Challenge, regardless of how many are completed
Giving & Receiving Coming soon, a grant for you! The Allen Foundation is excited to launch our brand new Champion Excellence Grant program! This program will fund professional development opportunities for individuals within UnityPoint Health that seek to improve the atmosphere for team members, physicians, students, and volunteers! Application information coming to your department soon! If you have any questions, please contact the Foundation office at 3960 or
[email protected] or 6714.