youth entrepreneur group career questionnaire - Google Groups

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About Singapore Youth Entrepreneur Group (SYEG). SYEG is headed by Jet Toh, a multi-millionaire whose business expands m
YOUTH ENTREPRENEUR GROUP CAREER QUESTIONNAIRE Attempt this questionnaire seriously as it forms a crucial assessment tool to be part of Singapore Youth Entrepreneur Group. About Singapore Youth Entrepreneur Group (SYEG) SYEG is headed by Jet Toh, a multi-millionaire whose business expands more than 5 countries in the region. Jet Toh came from a poor family, an introvert and shy person since young. Yet he achieved excellent academic results and became a financial controller at a huge multi-national company at age of 26. He ventured into business shortly after and attained his millionaire status before age 30. He is highly sought after and was the speaker of Entrepreneur Event of the Year in 2005. He is also recently interviewed by Asia’s Top Investment and Franchise Magazine. NOW, there is a chance for YOU to know Jet, learn from him, to be coached by him, work hand in hand with him, to help you achieve your goals. DISCOVER all these through Singapore Youth Entrepreneur Group. IMPORTANT: Print this questionnaire and pass it to your sponsor/interviewer before start of NTP. Name as in NRIC Mobile


Age as of year :




1 i. Do you want to be an employee for the rest of your life?



If NO, what are you doing to improve your life?


Do you consider yourself coach-able? (E.g. Willing to be driven by your coach) Not coach-able




Very willing to be coached






How much time are you willing to spend per week / per day to be coached in SYEG? □ 1 – 2 days per week

□ 1 – 2 hours per day

□ 2 – 3 days per week

□ 2 – 3 hours per day

□ 3 – 4 days per week

□ Others: ________________________________

What are your goals in life? Please write as detailed as possible. Name 3 of them. For example: Where do you see yourself in 5 – 10 years time? Own a BMW 7 series before 25yrs; 5 digit income per month before 30yrs; travel first class with love ones; giving back to the community; owning huge number of branded goods; etc.

5 i. If there is a chance for you to be coached by a multi-millionaire, would it be easier and less time consuming to achieve your goals? ii.

If YES, why so? Name 5 reasons.


What are your competitive strengths or achievements that you have which outshine your peers? And why? Name at least 3.


[Important! Critical in determination whether you will be chosen to be coached by Jet under SYEG. There are only very limited places left]

All information will be kept confidential and selected participants will be notified via email and call. I acknowledge and confirm that all the information provided is true and accurate. I have also understood that I will be receiving periodically updates/notifications via email, regardless been selected to the program by SYEG.

Applicant’s Name and Signature
