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Ze Fart (Tournament) Player: Devon Human Summoner 8 - CR 7 True Neutral Humanoid (Human); Deity: Irori; Age: 18; Height: 5' 4"; Weight: 140lb. Ability
Saving Throw
+5 =
+5 =
+7 =
Skill Name
Acrobatics Appraise Bluff Climb Diplomacy Disguise Escape Artist Fly Heal Intimidate Perception Ride Sense Motive Stealth Survival Swim Use Magic Device
Armor Shield Dex
= 10
Touch AC CM Bonus
Size Natur Deflec Dodge Misc
+3 14 +6
Flat-Footed AC =
+3 -2 +5 +0 +9 +5 +3 +3 +1 +9 +1 +3 +1 +3 +1 +0 +12
DEX (3)
4 4 4
INT (-2) CHA (5) STR (0) CHA (5) CHA (5) DEX (3) DEX (3) WIS (1) CHA (5) WIS (1) DEX (3) WIS (1) DEX (3) WIS (1) STR (0) CHA (5)
Shield Ally (+2 AC/Saves) (Ex) Total
Armor Proficiency (Light) When you wear a type of armor with which you are proficient, the armor check penalty for that armor applies only to Dexterity- and Strength-based skill checks.
Dodge +1 AC.
Extra Evolution Eidolon adds 1 point to its evolution pool
CM Defense
= 10
Base Attack
Damage / Current HP
Improved Initiative You get a +4 bonus on initiative checks.
Resilient Eidolon When you are knocked unconscious, fall asleep, or are killed, your eidolon remains with you
Simple Weapon Proficiency - All Proficient with all simple weapons.
Toughness Speed
You gain +3 hit points.
30 ft
+1 Bane (orc) Light crossbow
Special Abilities [N/A] Bane (orc)
A bane weapon excels at attacking one type or subtype of creature. Against its designated foe, its effective enhancement bonus is +2 better than its normal enhancement bonus. It deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against the foe. Bows, crossbows, and slings so crafted bestow the bane quality upon Bond Senses (8 rounds/day) (Ex) their ammunition. Starting at 2nd level, a summoner can, as a standard action, share the senses of his eidolon, hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and touching Construction everything the eidolon does. Arms He can use this ability a number of rounds Requirements: Craft Magic and Armor, summon monster I ; Costper +1 day equal to his summoner level. There is no range to this effect, but the Bonus Eidolon Link (Ex) eidolon and the summoner must be on the same plane. The summoner can A summoner hisfree eidolon share a mental link that allows for end this effectand as a action. communication across any distance (as long as they are on the same plane). This communication is a free action, allowing the summoner to give orders to his eidolon at any time. In addition, magic items interfere with the summoner's Life Link (Su) connection to his eidolon. As a result, the summoner and his eidolon share Starting at 1st level, summoner forms a close bond with his eidolon. magic item slots. Foraexample, if the summoner is wearing a ring, his eidolon Whenever the eidolon enough damage to send itthe back to its home can wear no more thantakes one ring. In case of a conflict, items worn by the plane, the summoner can, as a free action, sacrifice any number of hit points. summoner remain active, and those used by the eidolon become dormant. Each hit point sacrificed in this way prevents 1 point of damage done to the The eidolon must possess the appropriate appendages to utilize a magic item. Maker's Call/Transposition eidolon. This can prevent the eidolon(1/day) from being(Su) sent back to its home plane. At 6th level, as a standard action, a summoner can call his eidolon to his side. This functions dimension door , using the summoner’s caster In addition, theas eidolon and the summoner must remain within 100level. feet When of one used, theforeidolon appears adjacent to the summoner as close as possible another the eidolon to remain at full strength. If the(or eidolon is beyond 100 iffeet all but adjacent spaces are occupied). If the eidolon is out of range, the ability closer than 1,000 feet, its current and maximum hit point totals are is Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download atuse wasted. The summoner can this ability once per day at 6th level, plus reduced by 50%. If the eidolon is more than 1,000 feet away but closer than Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®,per andday are for used under license. one additional every four levelstotals beyond 10,000 feet, itstime current and maximum hit point are 6th. reduced by 75%. If
Ranged: +8/+3, 1d8+1+2d6 vs. orc Ranged, both hands: +10/+5, 1d8+1+2d6 vs. orc
Crit: 19-20/×2 Rng: 80' 2-hand, P
the eidolon is more than 10,000 feet away, it is immediately returned to its Addition from Transposition : At 8th level, summoner can use histhe maker's home plane. Current hit points lost in this waya are not restored when call ability to closer swap locations with his eidolon. If it is larger than total him, he can eidolon gets to its summoner, but its maximum hit point does appear in any square occupied the eidolon. The eidolon mustasoccupy theif return normal. itsquare is nottothat able. was occupied by thebysummoner if able, or as close possible
Experience & Wealth
Total Weight Carried: 28/100lbs, Light Load (Light: 33 lbs, Medium: 66 lbs, Heavy: 100 lbs) +1 Bane (orc) Light crossbow Artisan's outfit (Free) Backpack (empty) Fish with derp label Headband of alluring charisma +2 Money Potion of barkskin +5 Potion of mage armor Potion of shield of faith +3 Summoner's kit
4 lbs 2 lbs 2 lbs 1 lb 2.1 lbs 19 lbs
Special Abilities Share Spells with Eidolon (Ex) The summoner may cast a spell with a target of "You" on his eidolon (as a spell with a range of touch) instead of on himself. A summoner may cast spells on his eidolon even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the eidolon's type (outsider). Spells cast in this way must come from the summoner spell list. This ability does not allow the eidolon to share abilities that are not spells, even if they function like spells.
Spell-Like Abilities
Experience Points: 51000/75000 Current Cash: 105 GP
Companions I will consume you. (Eidolon), Male Biped (Slam) CL6 - CR 6 STR 27/31 (+8/+10), DEX 13 (+1), CON 18 (+4), INT 7 (-2), WIS 10 (0), CHA 11 (0); Fortitude +9, Reflex +3, Will +5 HP: 57/57; Init: +1; Speed: 30 feet Attack Bonus: +5/+0; Armor Class: 20 / 10 Tch / 19 Fl Acrobatics +6, Bluff +8, Intimidate +6, Perception +7, Stealth +4 Slam (Slam) Melee +17, 4d6+16 plus grab+1d6 electricity, ×2 Special: Blind-Fight, Darkvision (60 feet), Devotion +4 (Ex), Energy Attacks (Electricity) (Ex), Evasion (Ex), Flight (30 feet, Average), Grab (Large) (Ex)
Summon Monster IV (8/day) (Sp)
Tracked Resources Bond Senses (8 rounds/day) (Ex) Maker's Call/Transposition (1/day) (Su) Potion of barkskin +5 Potion of mage armor Potion of shield of faith +3
Languages Common
Spells & Powers Summoner Spell DC: 15 + spell level CL: 8 (vs. SR: +8, Concentration: +13) Melee Touch +6 Ranged Touch +9 Maximum Summoner spells known / per day: 6/*x0; 5/6x1; 4/5x2; 3/3x3 Summoner 0: resistance, acid splash, open/close (DC 15), mage hand, daze (DC 15), light Summoner 1: lesser rejuvenate eidolon, magic fang, shield, mage armor, enlarge person (DC 16) Summoner 2: create pit (DC 17), lesser evolution surge (DC 17), slow (DC 17), bear's endurance Summoner 3: black tentacles, stoneskin, spiked pit (DC 18)
Validation Report Validation Report (1 issues): Skill Points: Resource Underspent: 12 of 16 Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.
I will consume you. Male Biped (Slam) - CL6 - CR 6 True Neutral Outsider; Atheist Ability
Saving Throw
+9 =
+3 =
+5 =
Touch AC
Skill Name
Acrobatics Appraise Bluff Climb Diplomacy Disguise Escape Artist Fly Heal Intimidate Perception Ride Sense Motive Stealth Survival Swim
Devotion: +4 morale bonus vs. Enchantment spells and effects
Armor Shield Dex
= 10
CM Bonus
+1 10
+6 -2 +8 +10 +0 +0 +1 -1 +0 +6 +7 +1 +0 +4 +0 +10
DEX (1)
5 5 6 4 4 -
INT (-2) CHA (0) STR (10) CHA (0) CHA (0) DEX (1) DEX (1) WIS (0) CHA (0) WIS (0) DEX (1) WIS (0) DEX (1) WIS (0) STR (10)
Size Natur Deflec Dodge Misc
Blind-Fight Re-roll misses because of concealment, other benefits.
-1 +10
Flat-Footed AC
+17 =
Improved Natural Attack (Slam [Slam])
The damage of a natural attack increases by one step.
Weapon Focus (Slam) You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using the selected weapon.
+21 Grappling
CM Defense
= 10
Special Abilities Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Base Attack
Damage / Current HP
Initiative Speed
An animal companion gains a +4 morale bonus on Will saves against enchantment spells and effects.
Energy Attacks (Electricity) (Ex) An eidolon’s attacks become charged with energy. Pick one energy type: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. All of the eidolon’s natural attacks deal 1d6 points of energy damage of the chosen type on a successful hit. The summoner must be at least 5th level before selecting this evolution.
30 ft
Evasion (Ex)
Slam (Slam)
Main hand: +17, 4d6+16 plus grab+1d6 electricity
Devotion +4 (Ex)
Crit: ×2 Light, B
If an animal companion is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw.
Flight (30 feet, Average) A creature with this ability can cease or resume flight as a free action. If the creature has wings, flight is an extraordinary ability. Otherwise, it is spell-like or supernatural, and it is ineffective in an antimagic field; the creature loses its ability to fly for as long as the antimagic effect persists.
Grab (Large) (Ex)
If a creature with this special attack hits with the indicated attack (usually a claw or bite attack), it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. The creature has the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply to use the part of its body it used in the grab to hold the opponent. If it chooses to do the latter, it takes a -20 penalty on its CMB check to make and maintain the grapple, but does not gain the grappled condition itself. A successful hold does not deal any extra damage unless the creature also has the constrict special attack. If the creature does not constrict, each successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds automatically deals the damage indicated for the attack that established the hold. Otherwise, it deals constriction damage as well (the amount is given in the creature's descriptive text). Creatures with grab receive a +4 bonus on combat maneuver checks made to start and maintain a grapple. Unless otherwise noted, grab works only against opponents no larger than the same size category as the creature. If the creature can use grab on sizes
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc.the Free download other than default, this at is noted in the creature's Special Attacks line. Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.
Experience & Wealth Current Cash: You have no money!
Total Weight Carried: 1/3680lbs, Light Load (Light: 1224 lbs, Medium: 2448 lbs, Heavy: 3680 lbs) Amulet of mighty fists +1 Belt of giant strength +4 Money
1 lb -
Languages Common
Validation Report Validation Report (0 issues): Nothing identified Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.
Ze Fart (Tournament), Summoner 8 – Spells Acid Splash
Summoner 0
School: Conjuration / Earth Elemental (Creation) [Acid] Components: V, S Casting Time : 1 action Range: Close (25 + 5 ft./2 levels) Effect: One missile of acid Duration: Instantaneous Save: None Resistance: No You fire a small orb of acid at the target. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to hit your target. The orb deals 1d3 points of acid damage. This acid disappears after 1 round.
Summoner 0
School: Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] Components: V, S, M (a pinch of wool or similar substance) Casting Time : 1 action Range: Close (25 + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One humanoid creature of 4 HD or less Duration: 1 round Save: DC 15 Will negates Resistance: Yes This spell clouds the mind of a humanoid creature with 4 or fewer Hit Dice so that it takes no actions. Humanoids of 5 or more HD are not affected. A dazed subject is not stunned, so attackers get no special advantage against it. After a creature has been dazed by this spell, it is immune to the effects of this spell for 1 minute.
Summoner 0
Summoner 0
School: Abjuration Components: V, S, M/DF (a miniature cloak) Casting Time : 1 action Range: Touch Target: Creature touched Duration: 1 minute Save: Will negates (harmless) Resistance: Yes (harmless) You imbue the subject with magical energy that protects it from harm, granting it a +1 resistance bonus on saves.
Summoner 0
School: Evocation / Wood Elemental [Light] Components: V, M/DF (a firefly) Casting Time : 1 action Range: Touch Target: Object touched Duration: 10 min./level Save: None Resistance: No This spell causes a touched object to glow like a torch, shedding normal light in a 20-foot radius, and increasing the light level for an additional 20 feet by one step, up to normal light (darkness becomes dim light, and dim light becomes normal light). In an area of normal or bright light, this spell has no effect. The effect is immobile, but it can be cast on a movable object. You can only have one light spell active at any one time. If you cast this spell while another casting is still in effect, the previous casting is dispelled. If you make this spell permanent (through permanency or a similar effect), it does not count against this limit. Light can be used to counter or dispel any darkness spell of equal or lower spell level.
Mage Hand
School: Transmutation Components: V, S, F (a brass key) Casting Time : 1 action Range: Close (25 + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: Object weighing up to 30 lbs. or portal that can be opened or closed Duration: Instantaneous Save: DC 15 Will negates (object) Resistance: Yes (object) You can open or close (your choice) a door, chest, box, window, bag, pouch, bottle, barrel, or other container. If anything resists this activity (such as a bar on a door or a lock on a chest), the spell fails. In addition, the spell can only open and close things weighing 30 pounds or less. Thus, doors, chests, and similar objects sized for enormous creatures may be beyond this spell's ability to affect.
Summoner 0
School: Transmutation Components: V, S Casting Time : 1 action Range: Close (25 + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One nonmagical, unattended object weighing up to 5 lbs. Duration: Concentration Save: None Resistance: No You point your finger at an object and can lift it and move it at will from a distance. As a move action, you can propel the object as far as 15 feet in any direction, though the spell ends if the distance between you and the object ever exceeds the spell's range.
Resistance can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Enlarge Person
Summoner 1
School: Transmutation Components: V, S, M (powdered iron) Casting Time : 1 round Range: Close (25 + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One humanoid creature Duration: 1 min./level (D) Save: DC 16 Fortitude negates Resistance: Yes This spell causes instant growth of a humanoid creature, doubling its height and multiplying its weight by 8. This increase changes the creature's size category to the next larger one. The target gains a +2 size bonus to Strength, a -2 size penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum of 1), and a -1 penalty on attack rolls and AC due to its increased size. A humanoid creature whose size increases to Large has a space of 10 feet and a natural reach of 10 feet. This spell does not change the target's speed. If insufficient room is available for the desired growth, the creature attains the maximum possible size and may make a Strength check (using its increased Strength) to burst any enclosures in the process. If it fails, it is constrained without harm by the materials enclosing it - the spell cannot be used to crush a creature by increasing its size. All equipment worn or carried by a creature is similarly enlarged by the spell. Melee weapons affected by this spell deal more damage (see page 145). Other magical properties are not affected by this spell. Any enlarged item that leaves an enlarged creature's possession (including a projectile or thrown weapon) instantly returns to its normal size. This means that thrown and projectile weapons deal their normal damage. Magical properties of enlarged items are not increased by this spell. Multiple magical effects that increase size do not stack. Enlarge person counters and dispels reduce person. Enlarge person can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.
Ze Fart (Tournament), Summoner 8 – Spells Mage Armor
Summoner 1
School: Conjuration (Creation) [Force] Components: V, S, F (a piece of cured leather) Casting Time : 1 action Range: Touch Target: Creature touched Duration: 1 hour/level (D) Save: Will negates (harmless) Resistance: No An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject of a mage armor spell, providing a +4 armor bonus to AC. Unlike mundane armor, mage armor entails no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, or speed reduction. Since mage armor is made of force, incorporeal creatures can't bypass it the way they do normal armor.
Magic Fang
Summoner 1
School: Transmutation Components: V, S, DF Casting Time : 1 action Range: Touch Target: Living creature touched Duration: 1 min./level Save: Will negates (harmless) Resistance: Yes (harmless) Magic fang gives one natural weapon or unarmed strike of the subject a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. The spell can affect a slam attack, fist, bite, or other natural weapon. The spell does not change an unarmed strike's damage from nonlethal damage to lethal damage. Magic fang can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Rejuvenate Eidolon, Lesser
Summoner 1
School: Conjuration (Healing) Components: V, S, M (a drop of your blood) Casting Time : 1 action Range: Touch Target: eidolon touched Duration: Instantaneous Save: none Resistance: No By laying your hand upon an eidolon, you cause its wounds to close and its form to solidify. This spell cures 1d10 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +5). Appears In : Advanced Player's Guide
Summoner 1
School: Abjuration / Void Elemental [Force] Components: V, S Casting Time : 1 action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 min./level (D) Shield creates an invisible shield of force that hovers in front of you. It negates magic missile attacks directed at you. The disk also provides a +4 shield bonus to AC. This bonus applies against incorporeal touch attacks, since it is a force effect. The shield has no armor check penalty or arcane spell failure chance.
Bear's Endurance
Summoner 2
School: Transmutation Components: V, S, M/DF (a few hairs, or a pinch of dung, from a bear) Casting Time : 1 action Range: Touch Target: Creature touched Duration: 1 min./level Save: Will negates (harmless) Resistance: Yes The affected creature gains greater vitality and stamina. The spell grants the subject a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution, which adds the usual benefits to hit points, Fortitude saves, Constitution checks, and so forth. Hit points gained by a temporary increase in Constitution score are not temporary hit points. They go away when the subject's Constitution drops back to normal. They are not lost first as temporary hit points are.
Create Pit
Summoner 2
School: Conjuration / Earth Elemental (Creation) Components: V, S, F (miniature shovel costing 10 gp) Casting Time : 1 action Range: Medium (100 + 10 ft./level) Effect: 10-ft.-by-10-ft. hole, 10 ft. deep/2 levels Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level Save: DC 17 Reflex negates Resistance: No You create a 10-foot-by-10-foot extradimensional hole with a depth of 10 feet per two caster levels (maximum 30 feet). You must create the pit on a horizontal surface of sufficient size. Since it extends into another dimension, the pit has no weight and does not otherwise displace the original underlying material. You can create the pit in the deck of a ship as easily as in a dungeon floor or the ground of a forest. Any creature standing in the area where you first conjured the pit must make a Reflex saving throw to avoid falling into it. In addition, the edges of the pit are sloped, and any creature ending its turn on a square adjacent to the pit must make a Reflex saving throw with a +2 bonus to avoid falling into it. Creatures subjected to an effect intended to push them into the pit (such as bull rush) do not get a saving throw to avoid falling in if they are affected by the pushing effect. Creatures who fall into the pit take falling damage as normal. The pit's coarse stone walls have a Climb DC of 25. When the duration of the spell ends, creatures within the hole rise up with the bottom of the pit until they are standing on the surface over the course of a single round. Appears In : Advanced Player's Guide
Evolution Surge, Lesser
Summoner 2
School: Transmutation Components: V, S, M (a chameleon scale) Casting Time : 1 action Range: Touch Target: your eidolon Duration: 1 minute/level Save: DC 17 Will negates (harmless) Resistance: No This spell causes your eidolon to take on new characteristics. You can grant the eidolon any evolution whose total cost does not exceed 2 evolution points. You may only grant one evolution with this spell, even if that evolution can be taken multiple times. You can grant an evolution that allows you to spend additional evolution points to upgrade that evolution. This spell cannot be used to grant an upgrade to an evolution that the eidolon already possesses. The eidolon must meet any prerequisites of the selected evolution. This spell does not allow an eidolon to exceed its maximum number of natural attacks. Appears In : Advanced Player's Guide
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.
Ze Fart (Tournament), Summoner 8 – Spells Slow
Summoner 2
School: Transmutation Components: V, S, M (a drop of molasses) Casting Time : 1 action Range: Close (25 + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart Duration: 1 round/level Save: DC 17 Will negates Resistance: Yes An affected creature moves and attacks at a drastically slowed rate. Creatures affected by this spell are staggered and can take only a single move action or standard action each turn, but not both (nor may it take full-round actions). Additionally, it takes a -1 penalty on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves. A slowed creature moves at half its normal speed (round down to the next 5-foot increment), which affects the creature's jumping distance as normal for decreased speed. Multiple slow effects don't stack. Slow counters and dispels haste.
Black Tentacles
Summoner 3
School: Conjuration (Creation) Components: V, S, M (octopus or squid tentacle) Casting Time : 1 action Range: Medium (100 + 10 ft./level) Area: 20-ft.-radius spread Duration: 1 round/level (D) Save: None Resistance: No This spell causes a field of rubbery black tentacles to appear, burrowing up from the floor and reaching for any creature in the area. Every creature within the area of the spell is the target of a combat maneuver check made to grapple each round at the beginning of your turn, including the round that black tentacles is cast. Creatures that enter the area of effect are also automatically attacked. The tentacles do not provoke attacks of opportunity. When determining the tentacles' CMB, the tentacles use your caster level as their base attack bonus and receive a +4 bonus due to their Strength and a +1 size bonus. Roll only once for the entire spell effect each round and apply the result to all creatures in the area of effect. If the tentacles succeed in grappling a foe, that foe takes 1d6+4 points of damage and gains the grappled condition. Grappled opponents cannot move without first breaking the grapple. All other movement is prohibited unless the creature breaks the grapple first. The black tentacles spell receives a +5 bonus on grapple checks made against opponents it is already grappling, but cannot move foes or pin foes. Each round that black tentacles succeeds on a grapple check, it deals an additional 1d6+4 points of damage. The CMD of black tentacles, for the purposes of escaping the grapple, is equal to 10 + its CMB. The tentacles created by this spell cannot be damaged, but they can be dispelled as normal. The entire area of effect is considered difficult terrain while the tentacles last.
Spiked Pit
Summoner 3
School: Conjuration / Earth Elemental (Creation) Components: V, S, F (miniature shovel costing 10 gp) Casting Time : 1 action Range: Medium (100 + 10 ft./level) Effect: 10-ft.-by-10-ft. hole, 10 ft. deep/2 levels Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level Save: DC 18 Reflex negates Resistance: No This spell functions as create pit , except that the pit is lined with wickedly sharp spikes along its bottom and walls and has a maximum depth of 50 feet. Creatures who fall into the pit take falling damage as normal, plus 2d6 points of piercing damage from the spikes. Any creature or object coming into contact with the spikes along the walls, such as a creature trying to climb out, or rope or other typical aids to climbing, takes 1d6 points of piercing damage each round they are in contact with the walls. For those willing to accept the damage incurred while climbing, the pit's walls have a Climb DC of 20. Create Pit You create a 10-foot-by-10-foot extradimensional hole with a depth of 10 feet per two caster levels (maximum 30 feet). You must create the pit on a horizontal surface of sufficient size. Since it extends into another dimension, the pit has no weight and does not otherwise displace the original underlying material. You can create the pit in the deck of a ship as easily as in a dungeon floor or the ground of a forest. Any creature standing in the area where you first conjured the pit must make a Reflex saving throw to avoid falling into it. In addition, the edges of the pit are sloped, and any creature ending its turn on a square adjacent to the pit must make a Reflex saving throw with a +2 bonus to avoid falling into it. Creatures subjected to an effect intended to push them into the pit (such as bull rush) do not get a saving throw to avoid falling in if they are affected by the pushing effect. Creatures who fall into the pit take falling damage as normal. The pit's coarse stone walls have a Climb DC of 25. When the duration of the spell ends, creatures within the hole rise up with the bottom of the pit until they are standing on the surface over the course of a single round. Appears In : Advanced Player's Guide
Summoner 3
School: Abjuration / Earth Elemental / Metal Elemental Components: V, S, M (granite and diamond dust worth 250 gp) Casting Time : 1 action Range: Touch Target: Creature touched Duration: 10 min./level or until discharged Save: Will negates (harmless) Resistance: Yes (harmless) The warded creature gains resistance to blows, cuts, stabs, and slashes. The subject gains DR 10/adamantine. It ignores the first 10 points of damage each time it takes damage from a weapon, though an adamantine weapon bypasses the reduction. Once the spell has prevented a total of 10 points of damage per caster level (maximum 150 points), it is discharged.
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.