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... diplomas are often found throughout the territory of the Roman Empire ..... Rubin, Z. 1975: Dio, Herodian , and Severus' Second Parthian War , Chiro~l 5, ...


begriindet von Reinhold Merkelbach (t) und Ludwig Koenen hera usgegeb en von Werner Eck, Helmut Enge lmann, Dieter Hagedorn , Jiirg en Hammers taedt , Andrea Jordens, RudolfKassel Ludwig Koenen, Wolfgan8 Dieter Lebek , Klaus Maresch , Georg Petzl und Corn elia Riimer






In the summer of 2006 in the Khmelnitskii region near the village of Zarichanka of the Chemerovtsy district two joining fragments of a Roman military diploma were found in a plou ghed field with the help of a metal detector. In the same field on a number of previous occasions Roman denarii dating from the second half of the 2nd century AD had been found. At the same time as the diploma other small objects were also found: a bronz e buckle , a fragment of a bron ze fibula and a decorated silver buckle. The diploma made its way to a co llector in the town of Khmelnitskii, where O. G . Pogorelets and R. V. Savvov were able to check the inscription and to make photos. Although military diplomas are often found throu ghout the territory of the Roman Empire (approximately 1000 diplomas are recorded), they are very rarely encountered in the northern Black Sea region and in the territory of the Ukraine. Prior to the find publi shed here only two had been recorded and they had both been found within the territory of Greek colonies on the northern coast of the Black Sea . The first such find was made in 1952 by G. D. Belo v durin g excavations at Chersone sus: this was a sma ll fragment of a praetorian diploma' . The next diploma dat ing from 157 was not found till half a century later , this time in Olb ia: two fragments were found during exca vation s in 2004 and a third in 2005 2 . The fragments from Khm elnitskii region measure 6 .43 x 6.7 cm and are 1 mm thick . The plate is cove red with a grey-green patina (Figs . 1 and 2) . The bottom right-hand corner of the tablet had survived, while it is fragmentary on all other sides . On the left side the tablet was cut in antiquity. The letters are between 3 and 5 mm high . As is usuall y the case with military diplomas, the text on the outer face had been carefully engraved with clear letters and the lines were straight, while inside the inscription had been executed in a curs ive script and far less carefully. Word separators consisting of diagonal strokes or trian gles in the middle or lower part of the line were used on both sides . The fragments publi shed here are from the first tablet of the diploma. The surviv ing text appears as follows: Extrinsecus:

[- - -l [- - -]~TITI:~· ¥H- --]



[- - -]DVMTAX~T ~I~9[- --] [- - -]¥S~ PEREGRINI· IVRIS[- - -] [- - -]YNXERINT PROINDE LI[- --] [- - -jvs • CIVIB VS· ROMANIS· ~[- - -] [- - -]~L· vac. APRILES vac . [- - -]~PRO· L· ANNIO· MAXI[- --] [---]PRPV vac. [- - - ] ~EL · DRIBAq .] DVROSTO [- - -]TVM EX TA~ VLA AEREA QVE FIXA EST [- - -WLVM· DIVI AVG AD MINERVAM

Intus: [- - -]

[- - -]~W POT· X· IMP 11 COS 11 vac. I Kalashnik 1984, 165-168 (not in RMD). 2 Ivantchik, Krapivina 2007 .


A. Ivantchik - O. Pogorelets - R. Savvov



_ In lines 6-7 extr. the dating formula has survived, which can be restored as follows: [A(nte) d(iem) Kjaliendas] Apriles [L. Septimio] Apro L. Annio Maxi[mo co(n)s(ulibus)]. Thus, the constitutio under discussion was published and the diploma issued in the year 207 3 . The titles of Septimius Severus and his son and eo-ruler Caracalla at the beginning of the diploma have to be restored in accordance with this date (see, below). This constitutio has already been known from a recently published diploma, which had survived almost in its entirety". This diploma enables us to fill some of the lacunae in the fragment published in this article. Firstly, the date on it has survived: A(nte) d(iem) III Kal(endas) Apriles, which has to be restored in the new fragment as well. Thus, the constitutio in question dates from March, 30. This demonstrates, together with other constitutions attested by diplomas mostly published in the last years>, that the old view that between 148 and 210 AD the praetorians were always discharged in February" is mistaken. Secondly, the diploma published by B. Pferdehirt enables us to restore with confidence the number XIII after IMP in the title of Septimius Severus. In the diplomas of the year 206 (RMD Ill, 188 and 189; IV, 303) there is also the figure XIII, but in the constitutio of January 22,208 there was probably the figure XII attested by three diplomas"; one of the diplomas reproducing the same constitutio (CIL XVI, 135) contains, however, the number XI, which should be explained as a mistake on the part of the engraver. In the diploma of the year 209 (RMD I, 73) there is the number XIII, but in the diploma of 210 (RMD Ill, 191) we find again the number XII. Similar fluctuations between XI, XII and XIII are to be observed in lapidary inscriptions as well, which date from the period between 198 and 210 8, however medallions relating to the years 207 and 208 only bear the number XI. The usual explanation for this inconsistency is that Septimius Severus was acclaimed as imperator for the 11th time in 198 after Ctesiphon was taken, after which he did not officially adopt this title till 209, when he became imperator for the twelfth time on the occasion of the victories in Britannia. Yet in the interval between 198 and 209 the army still acclaimed him as imperator, but the new acclamations were not included in his official title. This led to a certain degree of confusion, which sometimes even made its way into official state documents like military diplomas", Nor is everything clear regarding the titles of Caracalla. The constitutio in question - represented now by two diplomas - is the earliest which records that he was called imperator for the second time: in 3 PIR2 (1933) A671; Degrassi 1952,58.

5 CIL XVI 124 (161 or 166): May; RMD IV, 302; V, 452 (204): between March, 8 and March, 15; Pferdehirt 2004, No. 46 (202 or 203): April, 30.

diplomas from before the year 206 inclusive, there is no mention of it, but that title h~s been rec~rded in diplomas dating from the years 208 and 209. Thus, this constitutio confirms the evidence provided by the inscription CIL X 5909 to the effect that Caracalla had already used the title of imperator twice in the year 207 (in the title of Septimius Severus in that inscription we find IMP XII) 10 . At the same time it is generally held that despite the evidence provided by this above-mentioned insc~iption, Car~call~ w~s not proclaimed imperator for the second time until 208 or even 209 on the occasion of the victones m Britanniall. So, the constitutio of 207 and the inscription CIL X 5909 testify to the fact that Caracalla was acclaimed as imperator for the second time in 207 (most likely not alone but together with his father). The customary title proconsul was not used in this instance among the titles of Septimius Severus and Caracalla. This probably indicates that at the time the constitutio was made public the Emperors were in Italy. In the diploma RMD III 189 dated November 22, 206 the title proconsul was not fo~n.d either, yet in the diplomas RMD III 188 and RMD IV 303 dated February 22 of the same year It IS mentioned. Apparently the Emperors had returned to Italy between February 22 and November 220f the year 206. This title is not to be found either in the constitutio of January 22, 208 12, but it is mentioned in the constitutio of July 209 (RMD I, 73 for the Misene fleet). In line 9 extr., the second half of the veteran's name has survived, as well as his origo: Durostor( 0). The veteran was a native of Durostorum (modem Silistraj-", one of the main strongholds of the Roman anny in Lower Moesia. Approximately from the year 106 onwards, it cont~ined the main ca~p ~f Leg~o XI Claudia, which had been transferred there from Upper Germany (until 100/101 the legion s mam camp had been at Vindonissa) after a short sojourn in Pannonia (the camp there had been in Brigetioj!". Earlier there had been here a camp for auxiliary units: Cohors II Gallorum, Cohors 11 Hispanorum Veterana and, possibly, Cohors II Flavia Brittonum equitatai>. It is not surprising that in Durostorum, from fairly early on canabae had existed - non-urban settlement of Roman citizens next .to a le~ion's camp->. In the inscription CIL Ill, 7474 from Durostorum dating from the year 144 there IS mentIOn?f canabae Aeliae leg(ionis) XI Cl(audiae). It is likely that this settlement came to be referred to as such m the reign of the Emperor Hadrian, whose name it was given. The canabae of Durostorum had. been given the status of a municipium at the beginning of the 160s, as can be deduced from the mention of municipium Aurelium Durostorum in the inscription AE 1925, 110 17. The mention of the veteran's origo is preceded by his cognomen: Dribal[o]. This name had already been recorded in the Danube region: in Lesce in Slovenia (the province of Upper Pannonia) the epitaph rd of a certain M. Lartidius Dribalus was found (CIL III 3888)18. In a list of epheboi dating from the 3 century AD found in Dionysopolis there is mention of AUp(~AlO~) Ouixtrop ~p£l~aAou (IGBulg 12,14,

10 Cf. Pferdehirt 2004, 144, Note 2.

victory in Britannia). 12 Represented by CIL XVI, 135; Pferdehirt 2004, Nos 49-51. 13 On this, see Patsch 1905; Parvan 1924; Velkov 1960; Velkov 1977, 100-101; Ivanov, Atanasov, Donevski 2006. 14 For the history of this legion, see: Ritterling 1924-1925, 1690-1705; Fellmann 2000,127-131. 15 Benes 1978,21, 32, 37. 16 On canabae , cf. Vittinghoff 1971. For archaeological data concerning canabae, see Petrikovits 1991. 17 Parvan 1924,307-340; Bujor 1960, 145-146; Gerov 1977,301-309, on the time when this status would have been attained, see in particular Note 8; cf. Velkov 1970,58 (= Velkov 1980, 114); Gerov 1988, 129-130.

6 Lieb 1986,329; RMD Ill. p. 317, Note 9 and p. 323, Note 6. 7 Pferdehirt 2004, Nos 49-51.

m, p. 343, Note 3.

9 See Boyce 1949,337-344; Rubin 1975,339-340; RMD I, p. 93; RMD Kienast 2004, 157-158.


11 Cf., for example, von Rohden 1896,2438,2443 (208 on the occasion of his victory over the Caledonians); RMD Hl, p. 343 (in the second half of 209 Septimius Severus was proclaimed imperator for the twelfth time, Caracalla for the second time and Geta was given the title Imperator as a praenomen and was proclaimed Augustus: all that was on account of the

4 Pferdehirt 2004,141-144, No. 48. The date of the small fragment RMD IV, 305 is not clear - 203 or 207. The fact that we now have at our disposal constitutiones about the discharge of praetorians for three consecutive years (206: RMD Ill, 188; IV, 303; 208: CIL XVI 135; Pferdehirt 2004, Nos 49-51) shows that at least during the reign of Septimius Severus an honesta missio could take place every year and not every other year as had been the case before (see, for example, Durry 1968, 262~263; Lieb 1986,328-329).

8 Boyce 1949,337-339; RMD

A New Roman Military Diploma from the Territory of the Ukraine

m, p.

342-343; Pferdehirt 2004,142-144; cf.

18 For a photograph of this inscription, see the website http://www.ubi-erat-lupa.org, ID Numm~r~279.' which clearly shows that the reading published in CIL III was incorrect, including the rendering of the name III the initial lines. The name should be read, not as M. Lartio Dribalo but as M. Lartidio Dribalo. See here also the reading of the inscription suggested by C. Zaccaria with a mistake: Lartilio instead of Lartidio.



A. Ivantchik - O. Pogorelets - R. Savvov

A New Roman Military Diploma from the Territory of the Ukraine

b, 19). In addition, one of the members of the Olbian board of strategoi in the second half of the 2nd or early 3rd century (IOSPE 12, 80) also bore the name L1p£l~aAt, while his Roman citizenship enabled him to start his army service in the legion stationed in his home city. Soon he was transferred to one of the praetorian cohorts. As is well

27 This honorary title is used since 202 or 203; the earliest known instances are Pfirdehirt 2004, No. 46 (202 or 203) and RMD IV, 302; V, 452 (204). 28 The usual formula is dumtaxat cum singulis , but as in this case, the cum has been omitted in the diploma Pferdehirt 2004, No. 48 reproducing the same constitutio and in a number of diplomas from around that time - e.g. RMD Ill, 188 and RMD IV, 303 (dated 206); CIL XVI, 135; Pferdehirt 2004, Nos. 49-50 (of the year 208, but not in the diploma Pferdehirt, 2004, No. 51, which reproduced the same constitutio!) and also RMD 1,75 and 77 (222 and 236 AD). 29 In diplomas dating from the end of the 2 nd century and in particular from the 3 td century que is often found instead of quae and Rome instead of Romae. This clearly reflects the monophthongization of ae in the colloquial language, cf., for example, in diplomas from the year 206 RMD Ill, 188 and 189: in the first case on both sides of the tablet and, in the second, only on the inside; in the diploma Pferdehirt 2004, No. 48 which reproduces the same constitutio as the our we find que and Rome on the outside of the tablet and on the inside quae and Rome. 30 Apart from in exceptional cases, for example, recruitment into the praetorian cohorts of legionaries and soldiers of alae by Vitellius: Tac. Hist. 2, 94. Cf. Mirkovic 1986,185, Note 50. 31 In those cases when soldiers were unable to indicate their native town or if they came from settlements which did not have the urban status, a fictitious origo could be indicated in the documents that mentioned them and later in the imperial constitutio and the diploma copied from it. It is probable that in such cases the large town nearest to the real birthplace of the soldier would be chosen. The veteran could declare a new 'home', when he was discharged from the army as well, choosing for this purpose the town where he was planning to settle, cf. M6csy 1986,447; Speidel1986, 478--479. 32 On the "hereditary nature" of the military profession, see: Alfoldy 2000,48 with bibliography.

A New Roman Military Diploma fro nt the Territory of the Ukraine

A.lvantchik - O. Pogorelets - R . Savvov


known , Septimius Severus, after entering Rome in June of the year 193 , disbanded the Praetorian Guard and formed a new one from soldiers of the Danube legions, which had brought him to power. Subsequentl y, this practice was continued and among the praetori ans there were many Illyrians and Thracians (Herod. Il , 13,5-14 ,5; Cass. Dio LXXV 1-2 )33. The usual duration of service with praetorian cohorts was 16 years, however , in the 3rd century far longer periods of service have also been recorded (CIL VI, 2697: ten years in a legion and 25 in the Praetori an Guard; CIL VI 32660: six years in a legion and 20 in the Praetorian Guard - most of this term they were serving as evocatiy": At any rate we can be confident that Dribalu s began his service in the army no later than 191 AD (sixteen years before his disch arge) . He had evidently served at least two or three years in his legion (probably legio Xl Claudia), after which he was transferred to the Praetorian Guard , which Septimius Severus was re-forming or had already recreated. Thus, his years of service in the legion prior to his transfer to the Praetorian Guard had been included in his sixteen years of service required before he could be discharged from the praetorian cohorts, which was the general rule under Septimius Severus'> . It seems that the career of Dribalus' four colleagues discharged a year later in January and a year before him in February, L. Septimiu s Perula, C. Valerius Bassus (Pferdehirt 2004, Nos. 49 , 50), C. Iulius Martinus and C. Iulius Passar (RMD Ill , 188 and IV , 303) , had been similar. The first two were natives of Nicopolis (evidently on the River Ister), i.e. almost compatriots of Dribalus, while the second two came from Pannon ia Superior. They would all appear to have begun their army service in legions stationed in Danube provinces, which proclaimed Septimiu s Severu s Emperor in 193 AD , and then to be transferred to the Praetorian Guard , perhaps in the first year of his reign. Another praetori an veteran who was discharged in 204 would also appear to have begun his army service in the Danubian legions: he was a native of Scupi (mod. Skopje ) in Moesia Superior (RMD IV , 302). The same applie s to a native of Pautalia in Thrace - M. Aurelius Syrio (tribus not indicated) who was discharged in 202 or 203 AD (Pferdehirt 2004 , No. 46). It can be assumed that they were all transferred to the praetorian cohorts by Septim ius Severus at approximately the same time and the variation in the dates of their discharge can be explained by the differing numbers of years the soldiers had served in the legion s prior to their transfer. Evidently the Praetorian Guard was formed by Septimius Severus not only from soldiers of the Danube legion s-s: Dribalus ' fellow soldier - M. Cominius Memor - who had been discharged at the same time as he had (Pferdehirt 2004 , No. 48), was a native of Isauria (Galatia), but it is impossible to say which legion he had served in before being transferred to the Praetorian Guard. We can assume that after being discharged , Dribalu s returned to his native Durostorum, as was the most common practice amongst praetorian veterans . In which circumstances his diploma would have made its way to a location far to the North of the Danube and of the Roman frontier , within the zone where the Chernyakhovo Culture was predomin ant , we can only guess. It might well have been part of booty taken in Duro storum or its vicinity durin g one of the barbarian raids in the 3rd or even 4 th century, but of course this suggestion remains no more than a conjecture. Biblio graphy Alfoldy, G. 2000: Das Heer in der Sozialstruktur des Romischen Kaiserre iches , in G. Alfoldy , B. Dobson, W. Eck (eds .), Kaiser , Heer und Gesell schaft in der Romi schen Kaiserzeit . Geden kschrift fii r Eric Bir ley (Stuttgart), 33-57. Benes , J. 1978: Auxili a Romana in Moesia atque in Dacia (Praha) . Boyce , A . A. 1949: The twelfth Imperial Accla mation of Septimius Seve rus, AlA 53, 337- 344 . Bujor , E. 1960 : Cu privire la unele monumente de la Durostorum , SC IV 11, 141-154 .

33 For the quantitative data, see Pferdehirt 2002 ,149-150 . 34 Cf. Durry 1954 , 1628; Durry 1968, 263-264. 35 On this, see: Kennedy 1978, 288- 296 . 36 Cf . Kennedy 1978, 290-29 1.

26 1

Dan a, D . 2003 : Les Daces dans les ostraca du dese rt Oriental de I'Egypte . Morphologie des noms daces, ZPE 143. 166- 186. , . Z PE 157 · '1006' Les nom s de facture thrace dans LGP N IV: les noms fant6mes et d autres corrections. , . Dana , D . 127-142. Deurassi. A . 1952: I Fasti consolari dell'Impero Romano (Roma) . De~schew , D. 1957 : Die thrakischen Sprachreste (Wien). Durry , M . 1954 : Praetor iae cohorts, RE XXII ,2 , 1607-163~ . .. Durr y , M. 1968: Les cohortes p retori ens . BEFAR 146 (Pan s) (repr. ?f the edl~I?~ o~ 1938). . . Eck , W ., W olff , H. (eds.), Heer und l ntegra tion spolitik. Di e romischen Mili tardip tom e als histo risc he Quelle (Koln, Wien) . , . d R I H t Fellmann, R . 2000 : Die 11. Legio n Claudia Pia Fideli s, in Y. Le Bohec (ed. ), Les Legions e ome sous e au tEmpire (Lyon), 127-1 31. Forn i, G . 1985: Le tribii Romane . Ill, I . Le Pseudo-tri~l( (Roma~. . , ')_ ' Zum Problem der Entstehu ng der rorn ischen Stadte am Unteren Donauhmes, Klio 59 , _99 309. Gerov ,B. 1977 . (A d) Gerov B. 1988: Landownership in Rom an Thr acia and Moesia (Lst - 3rd century ) mste r am . .. . Holde; , A. 1891-1 913: Alt-celtisch er Spra chschatz (Leipzig , reprint 1 9~1 G: az). nevski P. 2006: Istoriya na Silis tra. 1. Antichniyat Durostorum (Silistra, Sofia) . Do G I ' FI ,. M ' , . I vanov, R ., At anasov, ., Ivantchik , A., Krap ivina. V. 2007: A Rom an Mil itary Diplom a Issued to a Sailor of the C aSS1S a via oes ica ,

Chiron 37,2 19-242. Kalashnik, Yu . P. 1984: Oblomok rimsk ogo voennogo diploma iz Khersonesa , Trudy Gosudarstven no go Ermitazha 24, 165- 168. ' Some Observations on the Praetorian Guard , Ancient Society 9 , 275-301. K enne dy, D . L . 1978 . d Kien ast , D. 2004: Rornische Kaisertabelle (Darmstadt) . Lieb , H . 1986: Die constituti ones fur die stadtromischen Truppen , in W. Eck , H . Wolff (eds. ), Heer un lntegrationspolitik , 322-346. . . · k . , M 1986'. Die Entw icklun ab und Bedeutung der Verleihung des Conubium, III W . Eck . H. Wolff (eds .), M tr OVIC , . Heer und l ntegrationspolitik , 167-1 86 . . M6csy, A . 1954 : Die Bevolkerun g von Pannon ien bis zu den Markom ann enkn egen (Budapest) . . . .. ' A 1986' Die Namen der Dipl omempfanger . in W . Eck , H. Wolff (eds .), Heer und IntegratlOnspo!ztzk , IM ocsy, . . b 437-466. ,. . I ' (T . ) 2 307 V 1924'. Muni cipium Aurelium Duro storum , Rivista difilologia e d istruzione c asstca on no , Parva n, . 340 . . ' .. ' Patsch 1905: Durostorum , RE, V,2, 1863-1864. ikovi H 1991' DI'e Canabae Le b zion is' Beitriige ~zur Ronllschen Geschicht e und Archaolog le. 11 .1 976Petn OV ItS, von, . . 1991 , Beihcfte der Bonne rJahrbticher 49 (Koln), 169-1 83. . , ,. , , . .. . Pferdehirt, B. 2002: Die Roll e des Militiirs fiir den sozialen Aufstieg 117 der romis chen Kaiserzei t, Rom ischGermanisches Zent ralmu seum , Monographien 49 (Mai nz). .. . Pf d hirt B ')004 ' Romi sche Militiirdiplom e und En ttassun gsurkunden in der Sammlung des Romlscl~-Ge:l/1a­ er 1l~:~h;1l Z:ntr~lmuseullls , Romi sch-Germ anisches Zent ralmu seum , Kataloge vor- und frtihgcschlchthchcr v

Alterttimer 37 (Mainz). Ritterling 1924-1925: Legio,RE XII ,I-2, 1211-1 829. Rohden, von, P. 1896: Aurelius , 46, RE 11,2 , 243 4-2453. Rub in , Z. 1975: Dio , Herodian , and Seve rus ' Seco nd Parthi an War , Chiro~l 5, 4~ 9:41. . . , _ Schmidt, K . H . 1957: Die Kompo sition in gallischen Personennamen , Zeitschrift fir celtische Philolog ie 26 , 33 ·d3011.M P 1986' The Soldiers' Home s, in W . Eck , H. Wolff (eds .), Heer und Inte gra tio nspolit i k, 467~81. Spet er , . , . kii ki . B n A K . . khtas' S R 199')' Iz onomastiki Severnogo Prichernomor ' ya: 11. Fra liS le imen a na ospo re, I T o asev , . , _. . , (S P b ) 178-1 99 '1 ( d) Etyudy po anti chnoi istorii i kul'ture Severnogo Prichernom or ya t. eters urg , . G avn ov e . , d ) Antik d Mi tt 1 It Velkov , V . 1960: Durostorum _ Drastar - Silistra , in V. Besevliev, J . Irmscher (e s. , nu ke un 1 e a er aus Bu lgarien (Berlin), 214-2 18. . ' . . . 1 Velkov, V. 1970: Epigraphische Beitrage zur historischen Geographic der Moes ia Infen or, Studia Balcanica ,

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A .lvantchik - O. Pogorelets - R. Savvov

zgus~a, hL.: 1 ~55:

Die Pe~sonennal1len griechischer Stddte der nordlichen SchwarZl1Ieerkiiste. Die ethnischen 1 er a tnisse, namentli ch das Verhdltni s der Sky then und Sarm aten , im Lichte der Nal1lenj orschung (Praha) .

Universire de Bordeaux 3 Khmelnitskii Khmelnitskii

Askold Ivantchik Oleg Pogorelets Rosti slav Savvov

INHALT Reinhold Merkelbach - ein Leben fur die Altertumswissenschaft Manuwald , B. , GruBwort des Vertreters der Fakultat Koenen, L., Papyrologie als Spezialdisziplin der Altertumskunde in Reinhold Merkelbachs Forschung und Lehre Petzl , G. , Reinhold Merkelbach und die griechische Epigraphik Henrichs, A., Reinhold Merkelbach iiber antike Religion, Literatur und Mysterien Reinhold Merkelbach , Schriftenverzeichnis 1997-2005

Fig . I

Ast , R ., Two Receipts of Artemidora Bardani , V. - Tracy , St. , A New List of Athenian Ephebes and a New Archon of Athens Baz , F ., Ein neues Ehrenmonument fur Flavius Arrianus Eine neue Statthalterinschrift aus Kappadokien Bingen, J. , Un anthroponyme fant6me: 'Hp(lK:AT]O~ Bohm , K. B ., Ein neues Dokument zur Erhebung der Geldsteuem im Herakleopolites Brockliss , W ., A Letter to a Business Associate: P. CtYBR inv. 556 Catling , R. W. V. - Kanavou, N. , The Gravestone of Meniketes Son of Menestheus : IPru sa 1028 and 1054 Dionysikles Son of Posideos from Teos Chri stol , M. , Consularis memoria e vir Cowey , J. M . S. - Kah, D., Bemerkungen zu Texten aus BGU I-IV. Teil I: Zensusdeklarationen Eck, W., Zwei lateinische Grabinschriften, wohl aus Ostia und Rom Eck, W. - Pangerl , A. , Neue Diplome fur Flotten in Italien Eine Kon stitution fur die Truppen der Provinz Dalmatien unter Nerva Titu s Flavius Norbanus , pra efe ctus praetorio Dornitians, als Statthalter Ratiens in einem neuen Militardiplom Fezzi , L. , Una nuova tabula dei privilegi per i soldati e i veterani Gartner, Th. , Elysische Schau oder unterirdische Grabwohnung? Ein neuer Rekonstruktionsversuch zu Poseidipp (?) epigr. 52 = col. VIII 25-30 Hagedorn , D ., Beobachtungen zu zwei Texten chri stlich-Iiterari schen Inhalts aus der Wiener Papyrussammlung Harvey, F . D., ' Help ! I'm Dying Here ' : A Letter from a Slave de Hoz, M" P. , A New Set of simulacra gentium Identified by Greek Inscriptions in the so-called " House of Terp sichore" in Valentia (Spain) Ivantchik , A . - Pogorelets, O. - Savvo v, R ., A New Roman Milit ary Diploma from the Territory of the Ukraine Jon es, C. P., Gladiator Epigrams from Beroea and Stratonikeia (Caria) Jorden s, A ., Noch einmal : Norbanus pra efe ctus Aegypt i? Kah , D . - Cowey , J. M . S. , Bemerkungen zu Te xten aus BGU I-IV . Teil I: Zen susdeklarationen Kanavou , N. - Catling , R. W . V ., Th e Graveston e of Meniketes Son of Mene stheu s: 1Prusa 1028 and 1054 Dionysikles Son of Posideo s from Teos

3 13 17 25 183 75 123 128 188 205 200 103 118 276 147 252 217 233 239 269 37 67 49 131 255 45 195 147 103 118

Kassel, R., Das Opfer des Stratonikos Litinas, N., P.Mich. inv. 1622 (= SE XVI 12589) + inv. 1580 Luppe , W., Wurdigung des Polybios in P. Oxy. 4808 MacCoull, L. S. B., Kellia Inscription Q. Ereima 142 Revisited Magnelli, E., Schema Ionicum in Dionisio di Magnesia (GVII871)? Pangerl, A. - Eck, W., Neue Diplorne fur Flotten in Italien Eine Konstitution fur die Truppen der Provinz Dalmatien unter Ner va Titus Flavius Norbanus , praefectus praetorio Domitians, als Statthalter Ratiens in einem neuen Militardiplom Papathomas, A., Ein ubersehenes Zeugnis fur die ps .-chrysostomische Homilie Ilepi fA.ell/..lo