Zootaxa 667: 1–14 (2004) www.mapress.com/zootaxa/
ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2004 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)
Revision of the Microserica lineata Moser, 1915-group (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Sericini) DIRK AHRENS Deutsches Entomologisches Institut im ZALF, Eberswalder Str. 84, D-15374 Müncheberg, Germany;
[email protected]
Abstract The species of the Microserica lineata Moser, 1915-group are revised. The species belonging to this group are characterized by the almost completely reduced left paramere, by the metafemur possessing a robust and continuously serrated line adjacent to the anterior margin, and by a phallobase with a extremely deep dorsomedian sinuation reaching almost the basal end of the phallobase. Two species, M. lineata Moser, 1915 and M. squamulata (Moser, 1915) comb. n., have been recognized to share these characters. Two additional new species, are described herein M. geberbauer sp. n., from Thailand, and M. crenatostriata sp. n., Meghalaya (India). A diagnostic key is given for the identification of the species. A lectotype is designated for M. squamulata. Key words: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Sericini, Microserica, India, Thailand, new species
Introduction The Oriental genus Microserica Brenske, 1894 is one of the largest genera in the Sericini with over 160 currently described species. The adults of Microserica are active during daytime. Microserica species are significantly distinguished from the night-active forms of other Sericini by their conspicuous colour pattern of dorsal body surface being composed in general by dark or light spots or striae which are in contrast to the base elytral colour. The species of Microserica from the Asiatic mainland and Sumatra have recently been the subject of a series of revisional studies (Ahrens 1995, 1998, 1999, 2001a,b, 2002, 2004). Since these contributions, additional material has been examined resulting in the present study. Herein I revise the relevant type material of an additional well delimited species group, the Microserica lineata Moser, 1915-group. Two new species from Meghalaya and northern Thailand have been discovered in the course of the study and are described here.
Accepted by C.N. Duckett: 24 Sept. 2004; published: 1 Oct. 2004
The species of the Microserica lineata Moser, 1915-group are characterized by a number of apomorphic characters, the most significant are: 1) the almost completely reduced left paramere; 2) the metafemur possessing a robust continuously serrated line (a row of minute circular denticles) adjacent to the anterior margin; 3) the phallobase with an extremely deep dorsomedian sinuation reaching almost the basal end of the phallobase. Furthermore, specimens are densely covered with fine setae or minute scales. The females are characterized by a dull and distinctly punctate pygidium that is strongly convex at apex. A preliminary hypothesis about the homology of the apparent dorsomedian sinuation (Fig. 7) of the distal margin of phallobase, may be made based on the position of the rudimentary remains of the left paramere (Figs 7, 9, 11). The latter is a small sclerotized plate at the base of the insertion of the right paramere. Consequently, the deep dorsomedian sinuation of phallobase is produced by the dorso-medial displacement the left sublateral lamina of the aedeagus (which is normally situated ventrally of the left paramere).
D. Ahrens collection, Eberswalde Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel; Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien; TAMMIN, Insecta collection, Brno; Zoologisches Museum der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin.
Microserica lineata Moser, 1915 (Figs 1–3) Microserica lineata Moser, 1915: 385.
Type material examined: Syntypes: 1 % “India Pegu/ Microserica lineata typ. % Mos.” (ZMHB), 1 & “India Pegu/ Microserica lineata typ. & Mos.” (ZMHB), 1 %, & “India Pegu” (ZMHB). Description. Length: 5.7 mm, length of elytra: 4.3 mm, width: 3.4 mm. Body oval, yellowish brown; frons and a median spot on pronotum dark and with greenish lustre, dorsal surface dull except shiny labroclypeus, almost evenly and moderately densely covered with minute setae, long, erect setae on elytra absent. Labroclypeus subtrapezoidal and moderately short, widest at base, lateral margins convex and strongly convergent anteriorly, anterior angles broadly rounded, lateral border and ocular canthus produced into an indistinct obtuse angle, anterior and lateral margins moderately reflexed, anterior margin very weakly sinuate medially; surface weakly convex medially and shiny, finely and very densely punctate, with a few long, erect setae anteriorly; frontoclypeal suture indistinctly impressed and weakly curved; smooth area in front 2
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of eye twice as wide as long; ocular canthus short and triangular, almost impunctate, with a short single terminal seta. Frons glabrous with fine and dense punctures, laterally beside the eyes with a few long erect setae. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/ interocular width: 0.57. Antenna yellow, with ten antennomeres; club with four antennomeres subequal in length, club little shorter than the remaining antennomeres combined. Mentum weakly convexly elevated in anterior third.
FIGURES 1–3: Microserica lineata Moser, 1915 (Syntype: Myanmar: Pegu); 1 — Aedeagus left side lateral view, 3 — Aedeagus right side lateral view, 2 — Parameres dorsal view. Scale: 0.5 mm. (llpphb — left lateral process of phallobase; ms — dorsomedian sinuation of phallobase; phb — phallobase; rpm — right paramere).
Pronotum moderately wide, widest in posterior third, lateral margins almost evenly curved and weakly convergent anteriorly, anterior angles distinctly produced and acute, posterior angles broadly rounded, anterior margin convexly produced medially, with a distinct and fine marginal line, basal margin without marginal line, surface with dense and fine punctures, along the midline and on disc partly punctures less dense, with adpressed white scale-like short setae in the punctures; anterior and lateral borders setaceous; hypomeron carinate, its basal margin not produced ventrally. Scutellum narrow and short, apex weakly rounded, with fine and dense punctures, smooth along midline, minute setae present in the punctures.
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Elytra short oval, widest in posterior third, striae distinctly impressed and finely densely punctate, all intervals moderately convex and densely, irregularly but finely punctate, throughout with fine setae in the punctures, interior apical angle of elytron with a strong seta, margins, odd intervals, and a glabrous spot before apex dark, before apex with a dark glabrous spot; epipleural edge robust but convex, ending at the strongly convex external apical angle of elytra, epipleura densely setaceous, apical border broadly membraneous, with a rim of short microtrichomes. Ventral surface dull, with fine and dense punctures, with dense short setae, setae adpressed; metacoxa minutely setose, laterally with robust adpressed setae; each abdominal sternite with indistinct transversal row of coarse and dense punctures, sternite bearing short strong setae between fine and dense punctation, all sternites bearing minute white setae. Mesosternum between mesocoxae almost as wide as mesofemur. Ratio of length of metepisternum/ metacoxa: 1/ 1.45. Pygidium little wider than long, moderately convex, with fine and dense punctures bearing fine white setae, on apical half with numerous robust punctures bearing robust and erect yellowish setae, without smooth midline. Legs moderately slender; femora on ventral surface dull, finely and moderately densely punctate, glabrous, with two longitudinal rows of setae; anterior edge of metafemur acute, with a robust adjacent continuously serrated line, posterior margin weakly convex and glabrous, ventrally weakly widened in apical half but not serrate, posterior margin dorsally not serrate. Metatibia moderately slender and long, dorsal and ventral margin almost subparallel, ratio width/ length: 1/ 3.8, dorsally longitudinally convex, with two groups of spines, the basal group at one third, apical one at three quarters of metatibial length, basally with a few single spines in the punctures; lateral face longitudinally convex, with dense and moderately coarse punctures, along the middle of lateral face narrowly impunctate, punctures with minute setae; ventral edge sharp and serrated, with four strong and long, equally spaced spines, medial face impunctate and smooth, apex interiorly (near tarsal articulation) distinctly truncate. Tarsomeres dorsally glabrous and impunctate, ventrally with a very few sparse, short setae; metatarsomeres ventrally with a single strongly serrated carina, a subventral carina lacking, first metatarsomere little shorter than the following two tarsomeres combined and almost twice as long as the upper tibial spur. Protibia short, bidentate, protarsal claws symmetrical. Aedeagus: Figs 1–3. Variability. Length: 5.7–6.0 mm, length of elytra: 4.3–4.5 mm, width: 3.4–4.0 mm. &: Antennal club with three antennomeres and little shorter than the remaining antennomeres combined; pygidium apically strongly convex.
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Microserica squamulata (Moser, 1915) comb. n. (Figs 4–6)
667 Neoserica squamulata Moser, 1915: 378.
Type material examined: Lectotype (here designated): % “Siam Hinlap Januar H. Fruhstorfer/ Neoserica squamulata Type % Mos.” (ZMHB). Paralectotypes: 1 & “Siam Hinlap Januar H. Fruhstorfer” (ZMHB), 1 & “Siam Muok-Lek 1000’ Januar H. Fruhstorfer/ Neoserica squamulata Type & Mos.” (ZMHB), 1 & “Siam Muok-Lek 1000’ Januar H. Fruhstorfer” (ZMHB).
FIGURES 4–6: Microserica squamulata (Moser, 1915) (Lectotype: “Siam Hinlap”); 4 — Aedeagus left side lateral view, 6 — Aedeagus right side lateral view, 5 — Parameres dorsal view. Scale: 0.5 mm. (llpphb — left lateral process of phallobase; phb — phallobase; rpm — right paramere).
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Lectotype-Redescription. Length: 7.3 mm, length of elytra: 5.4 mm, width: 4.7 mm. Body oval, reddish dark brown, elytra yellowish, dorsal surface dull except shiny labroclypeus, almost evenly and moderately densely covered with short scale-like setae, elytra additionally with sparse, long and fine, erect setae interspersed. Labroclypeus subtrapezoidal and moderately short, widest at base, lateral margins straight and strongly convergent anteriorly, anterior angles broadly rounded, lateral border and ocular canthus produced into a distinct obtuse angle, anterior and lateral margins moderately reflexed, anterior margin very weakly sinuate medially; surface weakly convex medially and shiny, finely and very densely punctate, with numerous long, erect setae; frontoclypeal suture indistinctly impressed and weakly curved; smooth area in front of eye three times wider than long; ocular canthus short and triangular, almost impunctate, with a short single terminal seta. Frons with fine and dense punctures, with adpressed white scale-like short setae in the punctures, laterally with coarse punctures interspersed bearing each a long erect seta. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/ interocular width: 0.58. Antenna yellow, with ten antennomeres; club with four antennomeres equal in length, club as long as than the remaining antennomeres combined. Mentum very weakly convexly elevated in anterior third. Pronotum moderately wide, widest shortly before base, lateral margins almost evenly curved and weakly convergent anteriorly, anterior angles distinctly produced and acute, posterior angles moderately rounded, anterior margin convexly produced medially, with a distinct and fine marginal line, basal margin without marginal line, surface with dense and fine punctures, along the midline and on disc partly punctures less dense, with adpressed white scale-like short setae in the punctures, anterior and lateral borders setaceous; hypomeron carinate, its basal margin not produced ventrally. Scutellum long and narrow, apex weakly rounded, with fine and dense punctures, smooth along midline, minute scales present in the punctures. Elytra short oval, widest in posterior third, striae distinctly impressed and finely densely punctate, odd intervals strongly convex and finely punctate laterally only, even intervals moderately convex and densely, almost evenly finely punctate, throughout with fine scales in the punctures, odd intervals with single coarse punctures bearing each a strong erect seta, interior apical angle of elytron with a strong seta, impunctate portions on odd intervals dark, before apex with a dark glabrous spot; epipleural edge robust but convex, ending at the strongly convex external apical angle of elytra, epipleura densely setaceous, apical border broadly membraneous, with a rim of short microtrichomes. Ventral surface dull, with fine and dense punctures, with dense short setae, setae adpressed, metacoxa minutely setose, laterally with robust adpressed setae; each abdominal sternite with indistinct transversal row of coarse and dense punctures, sternite bearing short strong setae between fine and dense punctation, all sternites bearing minute white setae. Mesosternum between mesocoxae almost as wide as mesofemur. Ratio of length of metepisternum/ metacoxa: 1/ 1.48. Pygidium little wider than long, moderately convex,
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with fine and dense punctures bearing fine white setae, on apical half with numerous robust punctures bearing robust and erect yellowish setae, without smooth midline. Legs moderately slender; femora on ventral surface dull, finely and moderately densely punctate, glabrous, with two longitudinal rows of setae; anterior edge of metafemur acute, with a robust adjacent continuously serrated line, posterior margin weakly convex and glabrous, ventrally weakly widened in apical half but not serrate, posterior margin dorsally not serrate. Metatibia moderately slender and long, dorsal and ventral margin almost subparallel, ratio width/ length: 1/ 3.7, dorsally longitudinally convex, with two groups of spines, the basal group at one third, apical one at three quarters of metatibial length, basally with a few single spines in the punctures; lateral face longitudinally convex, with dense and moderately coarse punctures, along the middle of lateral face narrowly impunctate, punctures with minute setae; ventral edge sharp and serrated, with four strong and long, equally spaced spines, medial face impunctate and smooth, apex interiorly (near tarsal articulation) distinctly truncate. Tarsomeres dorsally glabrous and impunctate, ventrally with a very few sparse, short setae; metatarsomeres ventrally with a single strongly serrated carina, a subventral carina lacking, first metatarsomere as long as the following two tarsomeres combined and almost twice as long as the upper tibial spur. Protibia short, bidentate, protarsal claws symmetrical. Aedeagus: Figs 4–6. Variability. Length: 7.4–8.7 mm, length of elytra: 5.7–6.1 mm, width: 4.9–5.3 mm. &: Antennal club with three antennomeres and as long as the remaining antennomeres combined; pygidium apically strongly convex. Remarks. Moser (1915) mentioned in the original description only “Siam (Hinlap)” as the type locality. Because he also labelled one female specimen from Muok-Lek with “Neoserica squamulata Type & Mos.”, it must be concluded, that the original description was based on these specimens, too. Moser (1915), however, did not note the number of examined specimens in the original description. Consequently, it is necessary to fix a lectotype from the syntype series of the Moser collection.
Microserica geberbauer sp. n. (Figs 7–10, 14) Type material examined: Holotype % “NE Thailand, 1–15.1991[sic], Mae Hong Son Ban Huai Po, 800–1600 m, S. Bily leg.” (NHMB). Paratypes: 8 %%, 10 && same data as holotype (NHMB, CA), 8 %%, 9 && “NW [sic] Thailand, 19.19N, 91.59 E Mae Hong Son, 1991 Ban Si Lang, 1200 m 23.–31.5., L. Dembický leg.” (NHMB, NHMW, CA), 1 % “Thai, 10.–16.V.1991 Chiang Dao 600 m 19°24’N 98°55’E Vit Kubán leg./ TS 20” (TICB), 1 % “Thai, 17.–24.V.1991 Chiang Dao 600 m 19°25’N 98°52’E Vit Kubán leg./ TS 20” (TICB), 1 % “NW Thailand, 4.–6.5. Mae Hong Son, 1991 Ban Si Lang, 1200 m J. Horák leg.” (TICB).
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Description. Length: 5.0 mm, length of elytra: 3.3 mm, width: 3.0 mm. Body oval, reddish dark brown, frons and two large spots on pronotum dark with greenish lustre, labroclypeus, legs, and elytra yellowish, the latter with margins and odd intervals dark, dorsal surface dull, slightly iridescent in part, labroclypeus strongly shiny; body surface almost glabrous, punctures with minute setae, only, elytra additionally with a few, moderately long and fine, setae.
FIGURE 7–10: Microserica geberbauer sp. n. (Holotype: Thailand; Mae Hong Son: Ban Huai Po); 7 — Aedeagus left side lateral view, 10 — Aedeagus right side lateral view, 8 — Parameres dorsal view, 9 — Aedeagus dorsal view. Scale: 0.5 mm. (lpm — left paramere; ms — dorsomedian sinuation of phallobase; phb — phallobase; rpm — right paramere).
Labroclypeus narrow and subtrapezoidal, widest at base, lateral margins moderately convex and strongly convergent anteriorly, anterior angles strongly rounded, lateral border and ocular canthus produced into a distinct obtuse angle, anterior and lateral margins moderately reflexed, anterior margin moderately sinuate medially, surface almost flat medially and shiny, finely and densely punctate, with a few long, erect setae anteriorly; frontoclypeal suture indistinctly impressed and weakly curved; smooth area in front of eye twice as wide as long; ocular canthus short and triangular, almost impunctate, with a short single terminal seta. Frons with fine and dense punctures, glabrous, partly with minute setae and beside eyes with a few erect long setae. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/ interocular width: 0.53. Antenna yellow, with ten antennomeres; club with four antennomeres equal in
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length, club twice as long as than the remaining antennomeres combined and weakly reflexed outward. Mentum almost flat. Pronotum moderately wide, widest shortly before base, lateral margins in basal half subparallel, almost evenly curved and weakly convergent anteriorly, anterior angles distinctly produced and acute, posterior angles weakly rounded, anterior margin convexly produced medially, with a distinct and fine marginal line, basal margin without marginal line, surface with uniformly dense and fine punctures, with adpressed minute white setae in the punctures; anterior and lateral borders setaceous; hypomeron carinate, its basal margin not produced ventrally. Scutellum narrow and short, apex weakly rounded, with fine and moderately dense punctures, on base medially widely smooth, minute setae present in the punctures. Elytra oval, widest at middle, striae distinctly impressed and finely densely punctate, intervals sparsely finely punctate laterally only, all intervals strongly convex, throughout with minute setae in the punctures, odd intervals with a few strong erect setae, interior apical angle of elytron with a strong seta, humerus, apical and lateral margins dark, before apex with a dark spot; epipleural edge robust but convex, ending at the strongly convex external apical angle of elytron, epipleura densely setaceous, apical border broadly membraneous, with a rim of short microtrichomes extending widely to apical epipleural margin. Ventral surface dull, with fine and dense punctures, with dense short setae, setae adpressed, metacoxa minutely setose, laterally with robust adpressed setae; each abdominal sternite with indistinct transversal row of coarse and dense punctures, sternite bearing short strong setae between fine and dense punctation, all sternites bearing minute white setae. Mesosternum between mesocoxae almost as wide as mesofemur. Ratio of length of metepisternum/ metacoxa: 1/ 1.68. Pygidium distinctly wider than long, dull, moderately convex apically, with fine and moderately dense punctures bearing fine and very short white setae, on apical half with numerous erect yellowish setae, without smooth midline. Legs moderately slender; femora on ventral surface dull, finely and moderately densely punctate, glabrous, with two longitudinal rows of setae; anterior edge of metafemur acute, with a robust adjacent continuously serrated line, posterior margin weakly convex and glabrous, ventrally weakly widened in apical half but not serrate, posterior margin dorsally not serrate. Metatibia moderately slender and long, dorsal and ventral margin almost subparallel, ratio width/ length: 1/ 3.75, dorsally longitudinally convex, with two groups of spines, the basal group at one third, apical one at three quarters of metatibial length, basally with a few single spines in the punctures; lateral face longitudinally convex, with sparse and moderately coarse punctures, punctures with minute setae; ventral edge sharp and serrated, with four strong and long, equally spaced spines, medial face impunctate and smooth, apex interiorly (near tarsal articulation) distinctly truncate. Tarsomeres dorsally glabrous and impunctate, ventrally with a very few sparse, short setae; metatarsomeres ventrally with a single strongly serrated carina, subventral carina very fine
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and indistinct, first metatarsomere as long as the following two tarsomeres combined and almost twice as long as the upper tibial spur. Protibia short, bidentate, protarsal claws symmetrical. Aedeagus: Figs 7–9. Variability. Length: 4.8–5.3 mm, length of elytra: 3.0–3.6 mm, width: 2.7–3.2 mm. Female: Antennal club with three antennomeres, club as long as remaining antennomeres combined; pygidium moderately convex and completely dull. Diagnosis. Microserica geberbauer sp. n. is very similar to M. lineata Moser, 1915 in genital shape and habitus. It may be differentiated from M. lineata by the antennal club twice as long as the remaining antennomeres combined, by the two separated dark spots on the pronotum and by the presence of long setae on the elytra. Furthermore M. geberbauer sp. n. differs from M. lineata by the reduced length of the right paramere and by the lateral process of the phallobase at left side narrowed toward the apex. The apex of the right paramere is weakly widened in M. geberbauer sp. n. Etymology. Named after Hans and Wilhelm Geberbauer in recognition of their support for a taxonomic revision of Thai Sericini and nature conservation. The name is treated as a noun in apposition. Gender is masculine.
Microserica crenatostriata sp. n. (Figs 11–13) Type material examined: Holotype % “NE India Meghalaya state, West Garo Hills, reg Tura, 5.–7.vi.1996, alt. 700 + 100 m GPS N25°30,7’ E90°13,9’ (WGS 84) E. Jendek & O. Sausa” (TICB). Paratypes: 6 %%, 8 && same data as holotype (TICB, CA), 21 %%, 9 && “NE India; Meghalaya; 1999 9 km NW Jowai; 1400 m; 25°30’N 92°10’E; 12.v. Dembický & Pacholátko leg.” (TICB), 1 & “Darugiri, Garo Hills 450 m, 19.5.76” (NHMB). Description. Length: 6.8 mm, length of elytra: 4.6 mm, width: 3.9 mm. Body oval, reddish dark brown, frons with greenish lustre, elytra yellowish with odd intervals dark, dorsal surface moderately shiny, labroclypeus strongly shiny, almost evenly and moderately densely covered with short to minute white setae, elytra additionally with sparse, moderately long and fine, erect setae interspersed. Labroclypeus subtrapezoidal and moderately short, widest at base, lateral margins weakly convex and strongly convergent anteriorly, anterior angles moderately rounded, lateral border and ocular canthus produced into a indistinct obtuse angle, anterior and lateral margins weakly reflexed, anterior margin weakly sinuate medially, surface almost flat medially and shiny, finely and densely punctate, with a few long, erect setae anteriorly; frontoclypeal suture indistinctly impressed and weakly curved; smooth area in front of eye twice as wide as long; ocular canthus short and triangular, almost impunctate, with a short single terminal seta. Frons with fine and dense punctures, glabrous, partly with minute setae and beside eyes with a few erect long setae. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/ interocular width: 0.48. Antenna yellow, with ten antennomeres; club with four antennomeres equal in 10
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length, club as long as than the remaining antennomeres combined. Mentum very weakly convexly elevated in anterior third.
FIGURES 11-13: Microserica crenatostriata sp. n. (Holotype: India, Meghalaya, reg. Tura [West Garo Hills]); 11 — Aedeagus left side lateral view, 13 — Aedeagus right side lateral view, 12 — Parameres dorsal view. Scale: 0.5 mm. (llpphb — left lateral process of phallobase; lpm — left paramere; phb — phallobase; rpm — right paramere).
Pronotum moderately wide, widest shortly before base, lateral margins almost evenly curved and weakly convergent anteriorly, anterior angles distinctly produced and acute, posterior angles weakly rounded, anterior margin convexly produced medially, with a distinct and fine marginal line, basal margin without marginal line, surface with uniformly dense and fine punctures, with adpressed minute white setae in the punctures; anterior and lateral borders setaceous; hypomeron carinate, its basal margin not produced ventrally. Scutellum long, narrow, apex weakly rounded, with fine and dense punctures, smooth along midline and slightly convexly elevated, minute setae present in the punctures. Elytra oval, widest at middle, striae distinctly impressed and finely densely punctate, intervals sparsely finely punctate laterally only, odd intervals strongly convex, even inter-
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vals moderately convex, throughout with minute setae in the punctures, odd intervals with a few strong erect setae, interior apical angle of elytron with a strong seta, apical and lateral margin as well as area before apex with a dark spot; epipleural edge robust but convex, ending at the strongly convex external apical angle of elytra, epipleura densely setaceous, apical border broadly membraneous, with a rim of short microtrichomes extending widely to apical epipleural margin. Ventral surface dull, with fine and dense punctures, with dense short setae, setae adpressed, metacoxa minutely setose, laterally with robust adpressed setae; each abdominal sternite with indistinct transversal row of coarse and dense punctures, sternite bearing short strong setae between fine and dense punctation, all sternites bearing minute white setae. Mesosternum between mesocoxae almost as wide as mesofemur. Ratio of length of metepisternum/ metacoxa: 1/ 1.6. Pygidium distinctly wider than long, dull, moderately convex apically, with fine and moderately dense punctures bearing fine and very short white setae, on apical half with numerous erect yellowish setae, without smooth midline. Legs moderately slender; femora on ventral surface dull, finely and moderately densely punctate, glabrous, with two longitudinal rows of setae; anterior edge of metafemur acute, with a robust adjacent continuously serrated line, posterior margin weakly convex and glabrous, ventrally weakly widened in apical half but not serrate, posterior margin dorsally not serrate. Metatibia moderately slender and long, dorsal and ventral margin almost subparallel, ratio width/ length: 1/ 3.8, dorsally longitudinally convex, with two groups of spines, the basal group at one third, apical one at three quarters of metatibial length, basally with a few single spines in the punctures; lateral face longitudinally convex, with dense and moderately coarse punctures, along the middle of lateral face narrowly impunctate, punctures with minute setae; ventral edge sharp and serrated, with four strong and long, equally spaced spines, medial face impunctate and smooth, apex interiorly (near tarsal articulation) distinctly truncate. Tarsomeres dorsally glabrous and impunctate, ventrally with a very few sparse, short setae; metatarsomeres ventrally with a single strongly serrated carina, subventral carina very fine and indistinct; first metatarsomere as long as the following two tarsomeres combined and almost twice as long as the upper tibial spur. Protibia short, bidentate; protarsal claws symmetrical. Aedeagus: Figs 10–12. Variability. Length: 6.6–7.1 mm, length of elytra: 4.3–4.9 mm, width: 3.5–4.1 mm. In some paratypes pronotum reddish brown. &: Antennal club with three antennomeres and as long as the remaining antennomeres combined; pygidium strongly convex at apex. Diagnosis. Microserica crenatostriata sp. n. is very similar to M. squamulata (Moser, 1915) in genital shape and habitus. It may be differentiated from M. squamulata by the fine setae covering the dorsal surface instead of the white scales in M. squamulata, by the shortened right paramere, which is evenly curved ventrally (in lateral view). The left lateral process of the phallobase is comparatively narrow and strongly hooked at apex in M. crenatostriata sp. n. while it is broad and straight in M. squamulata. In comparison to M.
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lineata and M. geberbauer sp. n., the phallobase is more elongate, similar to that of M. squamulata (Moser, 1915). Etymology. From combined Latin words crenatostriatus: crenatus — notched, striatus — striate.
FIGURE 14: Microserica geberbauer sp. n. (Paratype: Thailand; Mae Hong Son: Ban Huai Po), habitus (not to scale).
Preliminary key to the species of the Microserica lineata group 1
Phallobase short, about twice as long as wide in right side lateral view (Figs 3, 10). Pronotum yellowish with one or two dark spots (Fig. 14) ............................................ 2 1’ Phallobase long, more than three times longer than wide in right side lateral view (Figs 6, 13). Pronotum uniformly brown ............................................................................... 3 2 Pronotum yellowish with one median dark spot. Right paramere long, its apex strongly widened apically (Fig. 2). Antennal club little longer than the remaining antennomeres combined ............................................................................................. M. lineata Moser 2’ Pronotum yellowish with two symmetric dark spots beside the dark midline. Right paramere short, its apex weakly widened apically (Fig. 8). Antennal club twice as long as the remaining antennomeres combined .....................................M. geberbauer sp. n.
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Body densely covered with small white scales. Left lateral process of phallobase strongly widened apically but straight (Fig. 4). Body moderately large, 7.3–8.7 mm.... ................................................................................................... M. squamulata (Moser) 3’ Body densely covered with small white setae. Left lateral process of phallobase narrow and not widened apically but strongly hooked ventrally at apex (Fig. 11). Body smaller, 6.8–7.1 mm ...................................................................M. crenatostriata sp. n.
Acknowledgements I wish to express my cordial thanks to D. Burckhardt, M. Brancucci, E. Sprecher-Uebersax (NHMB), M. Uhlig, J. Schulze, J. Frisch (ZMHB), H. Schoenmann, M. Jäch (NHMW), P. Pacholátko (TICB), and their respective institutions, for loaning me material for this study. I am furthermore very thankful to Abby Taubin and BIOPAT e.V. for financial support. References Ahrens, D. (1995) Taxonomische Studien an Sericinae. Die Gattungen Deroserica Moser, 1915, Microsericaria Nikolaev, 1979, Pachyderoserica Moser, 1920 und Microserica Brenske, 1894 (Ins., Col., Melolonth.). Entomologische Abhandlungen des Staatlichen Museums für Tierkunde Dresden, 57(2), 37–56. Ahrens, D. (1998) Revision der Sericinae des Himalaya-Gebiets. Neue Arten der Microserica marginata (Brsk.)-Gruppe (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea). Entomologische Abhandlungen des Staatlichen Museums für Tierkunde Dresden, 58(1), 29–51. Ahrens, D. (1999) Eine neue Art der Microserica marginata-Gruppe aus Ost-Nepal. (Coleoptera: Melonthidae: Sericini). Entomologische Abhandlungen des Staatlichen Museums für Tierkunde Dresden, 58(12), 243–246. Ahrens, D. (2001) Neue Arten der Microserica splendidula (Fabricius, 1801)- Gruppe von WestMalayasia, Nias und Sumatra (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae). Koleopterologische Rundschau, 71, 111–120. Ahrens, D. (2001) Further records of Microserica Brenske, 1894 from the Himalayas with description of a new species of the subgenus Parvulomaladera Ahrens, 1995. I. Part (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Sericini). Lambillionea, 101(2), 216–224. Ahrens, D. (2002) Revision der Arten der Microserica viridicollis Arrow, 1913-Gruppe (Coleoptera, Melolonthinae, Sericini). Linzer biolologische Beiträge, 34(1), 383–412. Ahrens, D. (2004) New species of the genus Microserica Brenske, 1894 from Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula, with notes on synonymy. (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae). Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale “G. Doria”, 95, 35–63. Moser, J. (1915) Neue Serica-Arten. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1915, 337–393.
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