Zootaxa 2353: 1–33 (2010) www.mapress.com / zootaxa/
ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
Copyright © 2010 · Magnolia Press
ZOOTAXA ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)
Revision of the genus Paraclytra (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae: Clytrini), with description of P. cervenkai sp. nov. from Sultanate of Oman JAN BEZDĚK1 & FRANTIŠEK KANTNER2 Mendel University, Dept. of Zoology, Zemědělská 1, CZ-613 00 Brno, Czech Republic. E-mail:
[email protected] 2 Lipí 90, CZ-373 84 Dubné, Czech Republic. E-mail:
[email protected] 1
Table of contents Abstract ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Material and methods .......................................................................................................................................................... 2 Systematics.......................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Paraclytra Medvedev, 1971 ................................................................................................................................................ 3 Paraclytra cervenkai Bezděk & Kantner, sp. nov. ...................................................................................................... 4 Paraclytra crocata (Lacordaire, 1848) ........................................................................................................................ 6 Paraclytra elegans Medvedev, 1993 ........................................................................................................................... 8 Paraclytra gambiensis (Lacordaire, 1848) .................................................................................................................. 9 Paraclytra intersecta (Illiger, 1800) .......................................................................................................................... 12 Paraclytra minuta (Medvedev, 1971) ........................................................................................................................ 13 Paraclytra sennariensis (Lacordaire, 1848), valid species ........................................................................................ 14 Paraclytra signata (Lacordaire, 1848) ...................................................................................................................... 24 Paraclytra traegaordhi (Weise, 1906) ....................................................................................................................... 29 Key to identification of Paraclytra species ...................................................................................................................... 31 A catalogue of the genus Paraclytra .................................................................................................................................. 31 Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................................................... 32 References ......................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Abstract A revision of the Afrotropical genus Paraclytra Medvedev, 1971 is presented. The type material of the most relevant taxa is examined. Paraclytra cervenkai sp. nov. from Sultanate of Oman is described, illustrated and compared with related species. Neotypes for Clythra gambiensis Lacordaire, 1848 and Clythra signata Lacordaire, 1848 are designated. Lectotypes are designated for the following taxa: Clythra notata Klug, 1835; Clytra plicatipennis Pic, 1939; Clythra rufitarsis Lacordaire, 1848; Clythra sennariensis Lacordaire, 1848 and Clytra traegaordhi Weise, 1906. Paraclytra sennariensis (Lacordaire, 1848) is raised from subspecies of P. signata to species rank and treated as species with very variable coloration. Paraclytra rufitarsis (Lacordaire, 1848) is confirmed as a synonym of P. sennariensis. The following new synonyms are proposed: Paraclytra sennariensis = Clytra plicatipennis Pic, 1939 (syn. nov.) = Clytra signata ssp. aethiopica Medvedev, 1971 (syn. nov.); Clythra notata Klug, 1835 = Clythra signata Lacordaire, 1848 (syn. nov.). Because Clythra notata Klug, 1835 is a primary junior homonym of Clythra notata Gebler, 1830, the oldest synonym Clythra signata is stated as valid for this taxon. Paraclytra gambiensis is treated as a valid species which cannot be associated with Paraclytra notata due to completely different coloration. The drawings of both male and female genitalia are presented. A key to identification and a catalogue of all known Paraclytra species are given. Key words: entomology, taxonomy, new species, synonymy, Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Cryptocephalinae, Clytrini, Paraclytra, Afrotropical Region
Accepted by G. Morse: 11 Jan. 2010; published: 8 Feb. 2010
Introduction The genus Paraclytra was established by Medvedev (1971b) for five species of Afrotropical Clytra with pubescent epipleurae (C. notata Klug, 1835—type species; C. signata Lacordaire, 1848; C. traegaordhi Weise, 1906; C. intersecta Illiger, 1800 and C. minuta Medvedev, 1971). Medvedev (1971a) described C. signata ssp. aethiopica and also treated C. sennariensis as a ssp. of C. signata. Medvedev (1978) transferred one additional species from Near East and Arabia to Paraclytra: C. crocata Lacordaire, 1848. In 1979 (Medvedev 1979), Clythra rufitarsis Lacordaire, 1848 was synonymized with Paraclytra signata ssp. sennariensis. The last discovered species, Paraclytra elegans from Namibia, was described by Medvedev (1993a). The whole genus was never revised based on type material of relevant species. Since the previous authors never dissected aedeagi of the type specimens of Klug´s, Weise´s and Lacordaire´s species, the conception of some taxa was not clear. The taxonomic status of P. sennariensis, P. gambiensis, P. rufitarsis, P. signata and P. notata were variable according to different authors, being considered as synonyms, aberrations, subspecies or species. The aim of this study is a comprehensive revision of the genus Paraclytra, to clarify the current knowledge on this genus and to describe a new species from the Sultanate of Oman. The deposition of primary type material of P. signata and P. gambiensis is unknown which complicated the nomenclature of two West African Paraclytra species. We were not able to find the type material of both species during personal visits to institutions housing the parts of Lacordaire´s dispersed collection (Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Muséum Nationale d’Histoire naturelle Paris, Museum für Naturkunde der HumboldtUniversität Berlin, The Natural History Museum London). The type specimens are neither deposited in National Museum of Natural History Washington (Konstantinov 2009, pers. comm.) nor the Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali Torino (Medvedev 2000). To clarify the status of both taxa we decided to designate the neotypes in order to fix their identities.
Material and methods The classification of Paraclytra species is based mainly on the male genitalia in combination with the body coloration. The identification of females is somewhat problematic due to more difficult dissection of female genitalia. The dissections of these structures were made from dried specimens after separating the abdomen in water, soaking this in cold dilute KOH for 3 hours and then washing in water (Schöller 2008). All morphological measurements were made with an ocular grid mounted on MBS–10 binocular microscope at 16x magnification (body length) and 32x magnification (remaining measurements). The following codes identify the collections housing the material examined: AWCW BMNH CIUC FKCC HNHM JBBC LMCM MNHN MSNG NHMB NHRS NMPC
Andrzej Warchałowski collection, Wrocław, Poland; The Natural History Museum (former British Museum), London, Great Britain (Sharon Shute); Italy, Calci, Centro Interdipartimentale dell'Università, Museo di Storia Naturale e del Territorio (Marco Dellacasa); František Kantner collection, Lipí u Českých Budějovic, Czech Republic; Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary (Ottó Merkl); Jan Bezděk collection, Brno, Czech Republic; Lev N. Medvedev collection, Moscow, Russia; Muséum Nationale d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, France (Nicole Berti); Museo Civico di Storia Naturale „Giacomo Doria“, Genova, Italy (Fabio Penati, Roberto Poggi); Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, Switzerland (Eva Sprecher, Michel Brancucci); Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden (Bert Viklund); Národní muzeum, Praha, Czech Republic (Jiří Hájek);
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Ron Beenen collection, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands; Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Germany (Wolfgang Schawaller); Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, Germany (Olaf Jäger); National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington (Alexander S. Konstantinov); Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany (Johannes Frisch, Joachim Willers).
Exact label data are cited for the type material. A forward slash (/) separates different lines and a double slash (//) different labels of data. Additional remarks are in square brackets: [p]—preceding data are printed, [h]—preceding data are handwritten, and [w]—white label.
Systematics Paraclytra Medvedev, 1971 Paraclytra Medvedev, 1971b: 655 (original description), feminine Paraclytra: Seeno & Wilcox, 1982: 32 (catalogue); Medvedev, 1996: 213 (key) Type species. Clythra notata Klug, 1835 (by original designation)
Description (according to Medvedev 1971b, modified). Body cylindrical. Head almost glabrous to pubescent, eyes large, elongate, genae short, about one fourth of the maximal length of the eye. Antennae short, the first antennomere moderately clavate, the second and the third antennomeres small, cylindrical, the fourth small, triangular, the following strongly serrate. Prothorax subquadrangular to transverse, with setae at fore and hind angles; hind angles obtuse, more or less distinct. Propleurae bare, prosternal process invisible between coxes. Elytra confusedly punctured, sometimes with indistinct longitudinal ridges before apex or extreme apex impunctate. Epipleurae with long erect hairs, narrowed and bended inward behind the first quarter, and continued almost to apex. Underside and legs with long erect pubescence. Tarsi short, the shape of tarsomeres variable, from transverse to elongated. Aedeagus short and robust, with charactersitic alae. Spermatheca Cshaped, spermathecal gland long with extended apex, spermathecal duct long and thin, without coils, the junction with bursa copulatrix hook-like and distinctly sclerotized, bursa sometimes with two small sclerites near the junction with spermathecal duct. Rectal sclerites: dorsally 3 sclerites (two lateral, 1 central), ventrally 2 wing-shaped sclerites. Sexual dimorphism poorly determined, in most of the species tarsi are broader in males and slenderer in females. Frons of females sometimes broader than in males. Diagnosis. In habitus, the Paraclytra species resemble members of the genus Clytra, but have pubescent epipleurae, hind angles of prothorax more or less distinct and propleurae always glabrous. Aedeagus of Paraclytra species is very short, with characteristic alae (Clytra species have long aedeagus). Host plants. As in many others clytrines, the host plants seem to be various species of Acacia (Mimosaceae). Literature sources mentioned Acacia only in two cases: Selman (1963) published Acacia senegal and A. scorpioides for P. notata and Medvedev & Beenen (2005) mentioned Acacia sp. for P. gambiensis. Actually, both records refer partly to P. sennariensis and partly to P. traegaordhi. These data are supported by recent collectors: a large series of P. gambiensis and P. intersecta were collected by one of us (FK) in Benin also on small trees of Acacia sp. and newly described P. cervenkai sp. nov. was collected in Sultanate of Oman flying around Acacia sp. shrubs (Červenka 2009, pers. comm.). Lefèvre (1877) cited also Mimosa sp. for P. notata (actually P. sennariensis). One female of P. gambiensis from Guinea bears the label including „on Hymenocardia acida“ (Euphorbiaceae). This record is probably erroneous or refers to an accidental occurence on this plant.
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Paraclytra cervenkai Bezděk & Kantner, sp. nov. (Figs. 1, 16, 27, 38) Paraclytra crocata: Regalin, 2002: 222 (Sultanate of Oman)
Type locality. Sultanate of Oman, Taqah env. Type material. 45 specimens — Holotype ♂ (NMPC), labelled: “OMAN mer. / Taqah env., 0-100 m, / 17.-23.9.2003, / R. Červenka leg. [w, p] // Collection / Jan Bezděk / Brno / Czech Republic [w, p]”. Paratypes: 4♂♂ 3♀♀ (JBCB, 1♀ in NMPC), same labels as in holotype; 8♂♂ 3♀♀ (FKCC, 1♂ in LMCM), labelled: „OMAN mer. / Taqah env., 0-100m, / 17.-23.9 2003 / R. Červenka lgt. [w, p]”; 2♂♂ 2♀♀ (FKCC), labelled: „Sultanate of Oman / Dhofar prov. 1.ix.2007 / TAGAH / leg. J. Horák [w, p] // coll. F. Kantner / Lipí – Czech Republic [w, p]”; 2♀♀ (FKCC), labelled: „Sultanate of Oman / Dhofar prov. 29-31.viii. / Wadi Al Mughsayi / leg. J. Horák 2007 [w, p] // coll. F. Kantner / Lipí – Czech Republic [w, p]”; 3 ♂♂ 1 ♀ (FKCC), labelled: „Sultanate of Oman / Dhofar prov. 1-3.ix. / Wadi Nashib / leg. J. Horák 2007 [w, p] // coll. F. Kantner / Lipí – Czech Republic [w, p]”; 2♀♀ (FKCC), labelled: „OMAN mer. 2005 / Al Mughsayi env. / 0-50 m, / 21.-23.10 / R. Červenka lgt. [w, p]”; 3♀♀ (JBCB), labelled: “OMAN mer. 2003, / Taqah-Nashib rd., / ca. 150-500m, 26.-28.9. / R. Červenka leg. [w, p] // Collection / Jan Bezděk / Brno / Czech Republic [w, p]”; 2♂♂ (JBCB), labelled: “OMAN mer., ca 0-50m, / Al Mughsayi env., / 21.-23.x.2005, / R. Červenka leg. [w, p] // Collection / Jan Bezdě k / Brno / Czech Republic [w, p]”; 1♂ (CIUC), labelled: „Dhofar (OMAN) / Wadi Darbat / 17°04´50´´N, 54°25´80´´E / 04.IX.2000 / leg. GIANASSO D. [w, p]”; 1 ♂ (CIUC), labelled: „Dhofar (OMAN) / Hayrun dint. / 08.IX.2000 / leg. GIANASSO D. [w, p]”; 2♂♂ on the same pin (CIUC), labelled: „Ain Sahanawt / 17°08´60N 54°10´87E / 01.10.2001 [w, p] // Oman / Dhofar region / Dellacasa M. leg. [w, p]”; 1♂ 2♀♀ on the same pin (CIUC), labelled: „Dhofar (OMAN) / Wadi Darbat / 17°04´50´´N, 54°25´80´´E / 09.IX.2000 / leg. GIANASSO D. [w, p] // Paraclytra / crocata / (Lacordaire) [h] / R. Regalin det. 200 [p] 1 [w, h]”; 2♂♂ (NHMB, LMCM), labelled: „Oman Dhofar / Ain Rzat (Salalah) [w, p] // 17.II.1989 / W. Wittmer [w, p] // Paraclytra / signata Lac. / sennariensis [h] / det. L. Medvedev [w, p]”. The specimens are provided with one additional printed red label: „HOLOTYPUS [or PARATYPUS, resp.], / Paraclytra / cervenkai sp. nov., / Bezděk & Kantner 2008“. Description. Head orange. Tips of mandibles, maxillary and labial palpes darkened. Antennomeres 1 to 4 and the bases of antennomeres 5 to 7 orange, rest black. Pronotum and scutellum orange. Elytra orange, each elytron with 2 black markings: one small round spot at one third of elytra near suture, one elongate and slightly oblique band not touching suture and lateral side at two thirds of elytral length. Coxae, trochanters and femora black (trochanters and femoral apices often brownish), tibiae and tarsi orange, hind tibiae often darkened on the outer side (very rarely also the outer sides of fore and mid tibiae). Prosternum orange with a black base behind procoxae. Meso-, metasternum and abdomen black. Measurements. Males: 6.10–7.90 mm (holotype: 7.10 mm); females: 7.35–8.75 mm. Male (Fig. 1). Labrum short, transverse, anterior margin widely shallowly incised. Head with very fine, almost invisible punctures, lustrous, nearly glabrous, pale hairs visible only around the eyes. Frons relatively narrow, 1.2 times as wide as the diameter of the eye, with subtriangular shallow impression in the middle. Antennomere 4 small, triangular, antennae distinctly serrated from segment 5. Prothorax transverse, 1.65 times as wide as long, widest at two thirds, moderately convex, almost impuctate, with several distinct punctures in the middle of posterior margin along scutellar thickening, lustrous. Lateral margins slightly rounded, more convergent anteriad than posteriad, anterior margin moderately concave, posterior margin nearly straight and distinctly thickened in the scutellar area. Anterior angles rectangular with shortly rounded tip, posterior ones obtuse, more widely rounded. Lateral margins thinly bordered, anterior margin bordered only laterally, in the middle part the border disappears, the border of posterior margin sinuate before the scutellar thickening, broader at the scutellar thickening than in the lateral parts. Scutellum subtriangular with rounded apex, lustrous, impunctate. Elytra cylindrical, 1.55–1.65 times as long as wide at humeral part, glabrous, lustrous, densely covered with small fine confused punctures dissappearing in elytral apices.
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Tarsi relatively slender, not broader than in females. First protarsomere elongated, subparallel, 1.5 times as long as broad, 0.65 times as long as the two following tarsomeres combined.
FIGURES 1–6. Habitus of Paraclytra, males. 1—P. cervenkai sp. nov. (paratype, Sultanate of Oman: Taqah, 7.85 mm); 2—P. crocata (Saudi Arabia: Fifa, 7.70 mm); 3—P. crocata (Saudi Arabia: Taif, 7.95 mm); 4—P. crocata (Yemen: Hammam Ali, 7.05 mm); 5—P. elegans (paratype, Namibia: Namuskluft, 7.25 mm); 6—P. gambiensis (neotype, Senegal: Toubakouta-Ziguinchor, 7.85 mm).
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Abdomen flattened, last ventrite broad with a large shallowly impression. Aedeagus (Fig. 16) with widely triangular apex. Alae divided in the midlength. Female. Frons broader, 1.8 times as wide as the diameter of the eye. Abdomen robust, convex, last ventrite with a small round impression in the middle. Spermatheca and rectal sclerites as in Figs. 27, 38. Differential diagnosis. Paraclytra cervenkai sp. nov. is very similar to paler forms of P. crocata and P. sennariensis. The structure of aedeagus is the most useful character to separate the mentioned species (Figs. 16–17, 22–24). Paraclytra sennariensis differs from P. cervenkai sp. nov. also by its broader tarsi. P. crocata has postscutellar spot only rarely. Moreover, the first protarsomere is 1.25 times as long as broad in male of P. crocata while 1.5 times as long as broad in P. cervenkai sp. nov. The shape and the size of the black markings on elytra in P. cervenkai sp. nov. are surprisingly constant (all specimens with one black spot and a black band on each elytron) contrary to usually very variable elytral pattern of most of Paraclytra species. Distribution. Sultanate of Oman. Collection circumstancies. A large part of the type series was collected flying around Acacia sp. shrubs by sweeping net (Červenka 2009, pers. comm.). Etymology. The new species is dedicated to our friend Radek Č ervenka (Czech Republic, Prague), specialist in Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae, who collected the main part of the type series. Comments. Regalin (2002) published P. crocata as new for Sultanate of Oman. The part of specimens deposited in CIUC was re-examined and proved to be P. cervenkai sp. nov.
Paraclytra crocata (Lacordaire, 1848) (Figs. 2–4, 17, 28–29, 39–40) Clythra (Clythra) crocata Lacordaire, 1848: 226 (original description) Clytra crocata: Lefèvre, 1872: 141 (key), 150; Jacoby & Clavareau, 1906: 36 (catalogue); Clavareau, 1913: 49 (catalogue); Winkler, 1929: 1240 (catalogue); Bryant, 1957: 353 (Yemen) Paraclytra crocata: Medvedev, 1978: 55 (partim, Yemen); Medvedev, 1979: 295; Medvedev, 1980: 301 (partim, Yemen); Medvedev, 1993b: 130 (Saudi Arabia, Yemen), 134 (key); Medvedev, 1996: 218 (key), 234; Medvedev, 1997: 319 (Yemen) Paraclytra crocata var. melanaria Medvedev, 1979: 295 (unavailable name, Yemen) Paraclytra crocata ab. melanaria: Medvedev, 1996: 218 (key) Clytra rufitarsis: Bryant, 1957: 354 (Yemen) (see also P. sennariensis and P. cervenkai sp. nov.)
Type locality. „Arabie“. Type material. Paraclytra crocata: Holotype ♀ (ZMHB), labelled: “23174 [w, p] // Arabia .... [partly illegible, w, h] // Clythra * / crocata Lacord [w, h] // Paraclytra / crocata Lac. [h] / L. N. Medvedev 19 [p] 72 [w, h] // HOLOTYPUS, / Clythra (Clythra) / crocata Lacordaire, 1848 / des. J. Bezděk & / F. Kantner 2006 [red label, p]“. Additional material studied. 40 specimens — SAUDI ARABIA: 1♂ 2♀♀, Asir N. P., Abha env., 2200 m, 7.vi.1982, Heiss leg. (AWCW); 1♂ 1♀, Fifa near Gizan, 27.-31.iii.1983, C. Holzschuh leg. (NHMB); 1♂, Wadi Wajj, 18 km SW of Taif, 1800 m, 5.x.1979, W. Büttiker leg. (NHMB); 1♀, Wadi Majarish, 7.ii.1980, W. Büttiker leg. (NHMB); 1♀, Jizan, 10.ii.1981, A. S. Talhouk leg. (NHMB); 1♂, Taif, 25.vi.1983, A. Talhouk, S. Tilkian, R. Abousouheyrah, K. Eltaher & A. Elmadi leg. (NHMB). YEMEN: 1♀, Sana´a, 11.v.1980, T. B. Larsen leg. (NHMB); 2♂♂ 1♀, Hammam Ali, ca 5.600 ft., 28.viii.1937, C. Rathjens leg. (BMNH); 3♀♀ , Yemen, without additional data, Millingen leg. (BMNH); 1♂, Wadi Dhahr, NW of Sana´a, 27.ii.1946, A. R. Waterston leg. (BMNH); 1♂, Jebel Jihaf, ca 7.100 ft., ix.1937, H. Scott & E. B. Britton leg. (BMNH); 1♀, same data, x.1937 (BMNH); 2♀♀, Jebel Jihaf, Wadi Lejij, ca 7.000 ft., 1.x.1937, H. Scott & E. B. Britton leg. (BMNH); 2♀♀, Wadi Hardaba, 2.100 ft., 11.ix.1937, H. Scott & E. B. Britton leg. (BMNH); 1♂ 2♀♀, Yemen Frontier, El Kubar, 1903, G. W. Bury leg. (BMNH); 1♀, Aden, 8.iv.1929, without the name of the collector (BMNH); 1♀, Museimir, ca 2.000 ft., 7.iii.1940, P. W. R. Petrie leg. (BMNH); 1♀, Thama, near Beit al Faqih, 15.viii.1946, A. R. Waterston leg. (BMNH); 1♀, Lodar, 800 m, 16.v.1967, K. Guichard leg. (BMNH); 1♀,
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Khodzheilya [= Al Hudaydah ?], 19.viii.1930, N. Filippov leg. (LMRM); 2♂♂ 1 ♀ , 20 km S of Taizz, 13°30´N 43°57´E, 1200 m, 24.x.2005, J. Halada leg. (FKCC); 1♀, 20 km NW of Dhawran, 14°40´N 44°13´E, 1794 m, 29.x.2005, S. Kadlec leg. (FKCC); 1♂, Jabal al Fatk, NE of Al Ghaydah, 16°40´N 53°05´E, 729 m, 12.-13.x.2005, S. Kadlec leg. (FKCC); 1♀, Haraz Mts., ca 80 km SE of Sana´a, Manacha env., 15°03´50.2´´N 43°44´32.6´´E, 2600-2800, 11.vi.2009, L. Purchart leg. (JBBC); 2♂♂ 1♀, Wadi Dhahr, 10.vi.2009, V. Hula leg. (JBBC). Description. Head orange, darker specimens have orange head with two small black spots on the inner margin of the eyes, or with a broad black band on frons from eye to eye, or with black frons and clypeus, or almost completely black with an orange longitudinal stripe on vertex or only with small orange spots behind eyes. Apices of mandibles and palpi usually darker. Antennomeres 1 to 4 orange, antennomeres 5 to 6 sometimes with the brownish bases or antennae black from antennomere 5. Pronotum orange, dark specimens have black pronotum with extreme anterior margin brownish or completely black. Scutellum completely orange or completely black. Elytra orange, with two black markings: one small round spot at the first third near suture (often this spot missing), one black band at two thirds usually isolated from epiplaurae and suture (in the darkest specimens the bands are connected at suture). Rarely, there is also an indistinct very small brownish spot on humeral calli. All femora black, hind tibiae black with a brownish base, mid femora black with more or less orange base and the inner side, fore tibiae usually palest, orange with a darkened outer side, tarsi brownish to blackish. Rarely all tibiae completely black. Prosternum orange with a widely black base behind coxae, meso-, metasternum and abdomen black. Measurements. Males: 7.20–7.80 mm; females: 7.25–8.75 mm (holotype: 8.50 mm). Male (Figs. 2–4). Labrum transverse, anterior margin widely shallowly incised. Head lustrous, anterior part covered with very fine punctures, frons with larger punctures and vertex nearly impunctate. The short hairs visible only along the inner margins of the eyes. Frons narrow, 1.4 times as wide as the diameter of the eye, with a round shallow impression in the middle. Antennomere 1 moderately clavate, antennomere 4 small, triangular, antennae distinctly serrated from segment 5. Prothorax transverse, 1.70 times as wide as long, widest at two thirds, moderately convex, nearly impunctate (only scutellar thickening with large distinct punctures), lustrous. Lateral margins moderately rounded, convergent anteriad, anterior margin slightly concave, posterior margin slightly rounded, thickened in the scutellar area, distinctly sinuated before the thickening. Anterior angles rectangular with a shortly rounded tip, posterior ones obtusangulate. All margins bordered, except the middle part of anterior margin where the border disappears. Scutellum triangular with rounded apex, lustrous, laterally with distinct punctures, scutellar base with pale hairs. Elytra cylindrical, 1.70–1.80 times as long as wide at the humeral part, glabrous, lustrous, densely covered with small fine confused punctures dissappearing in elytral apices. Tarsi slender. First protarsomere elongate, 1.25 times as long as broad, 0.60 times as long as the two following tarsomeres combined. Aedeagus as in Fig. 17. Female. Frons broader, 1.8–2.0 times as wide as the transverse diameter of the eye. Spermatheca and rectal sclerites as in Figs. 28–29, 39–40. Differential diagnosis. The coloration of P. crocata is variable. The forms with black head and pronotum cannot be associated with any other Paraclytra species. The forms with a postmedian black band only resemble the palest aberrations of P. sennariensis and the forms with both the postcutellar spot and the postmedian black band are very similar to P. cervenkai sp. nov. and some aberrations of P. sennariensis. All these taxa can be correctly distinguished mainly based on the structure of aedeagus (Figs. 16–17, 22–24). Moreover, males of P. sennariensis have broader frons (2.00–2.25 times as broad as the diameter of the eye contrary to 1.20–1.40 times in males of P. crocata) and broader tarsi than P. crocata. Males of P. cervenkai sp. nov. differ in the first protarsomere 1.5 times as long as broad while 1.25 times as long as broad in males of P. crocata. Medvedev (1978, 1980) distinguished P. crocata and P. sennariensis by the shape of posterior pronotal angles (more rounded in P. crocata). However, this character can not be used for correct identification of both
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species. We do not see any differences in the shape of pronotal angles in the examined material. Moreover, the material identified by Medvedev was re-identified based on dissected aedeagus with different results. Distribution. Saudi Arabia, Yemen. Medvedev (1996) mentioned also Palestine without exact data. We consider this record as a doubtful one because the occurrence of P. crocata seems to be restricted to Yemen and south of Saudi Arabia, but it may refer to P. sennariensis. The records from Sultanate of Oman (Regalin 2002) refer to P. cervenkai sp. nov. Comments. Lacordaire (1848) described P. crocata based on one female (holotype, deposited now in ZMHB). Besides two usual black markings on the elytra, the holotype also has indicated a brown humeral spot. Such coloration is rare in this species, but relatively common in P. sennariensis. For correct identification it was necessary to compare the female genitalia of the holotype of P. crocata and of the female paralectotype of P. sennariensis. Both species differ in the size of a sclerotized junction at the base of spermathecal duct and in the presence of two sclerites at bursa copulatrix near the junction of spermathecal duct (sclerites missing or indistinct in P. sennariensis) (Figs. 28–29, 34–35). The genitalia of the female specimens assigned here to P. crocata slightly differ from the holotype: the sclerotized junction at the base of spermathecal duct is smaller and more slender and the adjoining sclerites are slightly smaller. Despite these small differencies we follow Medvedev´s conception of this species and assign determined material to P. crocata.
Paraclytra elegans Medvedev, 1993 (Figs. 5, 18) Paraclytra elegans Medvedev, 1993a: 6 (original description)
Type locality. „Namibia, Luderitz region, Namuskluft 88 (27°S, 16°E)“. Type material. Paratype ♂ (LMCM), labelled: “Namuskluft 88 / LUDERITZ / SE 2716 Dd / 12-15 Sept. 1973 [w, p] // H 14260 [w, p] // PARATYPUS [red label, p] // Paraclytra / elegans m. [h] / L. N. Medvedev det. 19 [p] 89 [w, h]“. According to the original description, two paratypes are deposited in Medvedev´s personal collection (Moscow, Russia) and holotype with 6 paratypes in State Museum of Namibia (Windhoek, Namibia). Additional material studied. No additional material examined. Description. Head black, labrum with brown anterior and lateral margins, vertex with a small indistinct brown spot behind each eye. Antennomeres 1 orange with a black dorsal side, antennomeres 2 and 3 orange, antennomeres 4 to 5 orange with a black serrated part, the rest of antennomeres black. Pronotum black, extreme anterior margin translucent, brownish. Scutellum black. Elytra orange, with a black spot behind humerus and a black irregular transverse band behind the middle of elytron (not touching lateral margins, broadened and connected in the suture). Extreme suture dark in the last quarter, elytral apex with a very small black spot. Trochanters, bases of femora, tibiae and tarsi orange, femora except bases black. Underside black. Measurements (according to original description). Males: 5.60–7.60 mm; female: 7.50 mm (paratype examined: 7.25 mm). Male (Fig. 5). Labrum transverse, anterior margin shallowly incised. Head semiopaque, densely covered with small punctures and microsculpture and with long dense hairs. Frons broad, 1.65 times as wide as diameter of eye, with wide shallow subtriangular impression in the middle. Antennomere 1 clavate, anteriorly covered with long pale hairs, antennomere 2 small, anteriorly with several long hairs, antennomere 3 smaller than the second one, subtubular, antennae distinctly serrated from segment 4. Prothorax transverse, 1.50 times as wide as long, widest in the middle, moderately convex, densely covered with small punctures and almost indistinct microsculpture, lustrous. Lateral margins moderately rounded, anterior margin nearly straight, posterior margin rounded, thickened in the scutellar area. Anterior angles rectangular with widely rounded tip, posterior ones rounded, obtuse, indistinct. All margins thinly bordered. Scutellum triangular with rounded apex, lustrous.
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Elytra 1.60 times as long as wide at the humeral part, glabrous, lustrous, densely covered with very small fine confused punctures completely dissappearing in elytral apices. Tarsi short and robust. First protarsomere triangularly elongate, as broad as long, 0.55 times as long as the two following tarsomeres combined. Aedeagus as in Fig. 18. Female. Not examined. Differential diagnosis. Due to coloration and very characteristic aedeagus, P. elegans cannot be confused with any other Paraclytra. Distribution. Namibia. Known only from the type series (8 males, 1 female). Comments. Because of hind prothoracic angles indistinctly angulate, more or less obtuse or rounded, Medvedev (1993a) considered P. elegans as transitional between Clytra and Paraclytra. However, the short robust aedeagus with characteristic alae supports its placement in the genus Paraclytra.
Paraclytra gambiensis (Lacordaire, 1848) (Figs. 6–7, 19, 30–31, 41–42) Clythra notata Klug, 1835: 49 (partim) Clythra gambiensis: Chevrolat, 1836: 417 (nomen nudum, attributed to Buquet); Chevrolat, 1837: 441 (nomen nudum, attributed to Buquet) Clythra (Clythra) Gambiensis Lacordaire, 1848: 224 (original description, attributed to Buquet) (Monrós, 1953: 49 incorrectly replaced Clythra notata Klug, 1853 nec Clythra notata Gebler, 1830, now syn. of Labidostomis lucida, by Clythra gambiensis) Clytra notata ab. gambiensis: Clavareau, 1913: 50 (catalogue) Clythra (Clythra) notata: Lacordaire, 1848: 224 Paraclytra notata: Medvedev, 1978: 55 (Ghana); Medvedev, 1980: 301 (Ghana) (see also P. sennariensis, P. signata and P. traegaordhi)
Type locality. Lacordaire (1848) described C. gambiensis under variety D of C. notata. The localities are stated together for all varieties of C. notata as „Sénégal, des bords de la Gambie et du Sennaar“. We presume that specimens of C. gambiensis were collected in Gambia. However, due to designation of neotype, the type locality becomes „Senegal, 3 km SSW of Toubakouta, 10 km S of Ziguinchor“. Type material. Neotype ♂ (ZMHB), designated here, labelled: „Senegal, 3 km SSW of Toubakouta / 10 km S Ziguinchor, 4.III.1977 / At light 19.00-22.00 / Loc. No. 16. UTM 28PCJ585782 [w, p] // Lund Univ. Syst. Dept. / Sweden.-Gambia/Senegal / Febr.-March 1977 / Cederholm-Danielsson- / Larsson-Norling- / Samuelsson [w, p] // Paraclytra / signata ssp. / sennariensis Lac. [h] / L. N. Medvedev det. 19 [p] 86 [w, h]“. The neotype is provided with one additional printed red label: „NEOTYPUS / Clythra gambiensis / Lacordaire, 1848 / des. J. Bezděk & / F. Kantner 2009 [red label, p]“. Additional material studied. 109 specimens — BENIN: 3♂♂ 6♀♀, Dept. du Borgou, Saa env., Kandi, 22.vi.2001, F. & L. Kantner leg. (FKCC); 2 ♂♂ 2 ♀♀ , Dept. L´Atakora, Tandafa env., ca 45 km N of Natitingou, 26.-27.vi.2001, F. & L. Kantner leg. (FKCC); 18♂♂ 11♀♀, Dept. L´Atakora, Kerou env., ca 50 km NE of Natitingou, 23.-24.vi.2001, F. & L. Kantner leg. (FKCC, 2 ex. in JBCB); 3♂♂ 8♀♀, Brignamaro env., 11 km S of Kerou, 24.vi.2001, F. & L. Kantner leg. (FKCC); 2♂♂ 1♀, Bembereke (Borgou), 105 km N of Parakou, 2.vii.2001, F. & L. Kantner leg. (FKCC); 7♂♂ 3♀♀, Dept. L´Atakora, Quari Maro, 50 km W of Parakou, 1.vii.2001, F. L. Kantner leg. (FKCC). BURKINA FASO: 1♂, Ouagadougou, iii.1972, Bespard leg. (ZMHB); 1♂ 1 ♀ , Ouagadougou, without additional data (ZMHB). CAMEROON: 1♂ , Mandama, 14.26.xii.1979, Wypr. SKNB leg. (FKCC). GAMBIA: 2♀♀, Tendaba, 24.-27.vii.2003, B. Voříšek leg. (FKCC); 1♀, between Serrekunda and Kololi Point, 12.ix.1984, Blech leg. (FKCC); 1♀, Bamba Forest ca 4 km NNW of Brikama Road Junction, 24.ii.1977, Cederholm, Danielsson, Larsson, Mireström, Norling & Samuelsson leg. (ZMHB); 1♀, Outside Abuko Nature Reserve at Waterworks, in and at Lamin Stream, 25.-26.ii.1977, Cederholm, Danielsson, Larsson, Norling & Samuelsson leg. (ZMHB). GHANA: 1♂ , Northern region, Tamale, 9°25´N 0°53´W, 200 m, S. Endrödy-Younga leg. (HMNH). GUINEA: 1♀, Kouroussa, 21.ii.1996, on REVISION OF THE GENUS PARACLYTRA
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Hymenocardia acida, Lange leg. (ZMHB). GUINEA-BISSAU: 2 ♀♀ , Bocan, without additional data (BMNH); 1♂, Chime, Rio Géba, 1906, G. Favarel leg. (USNM). MALI: 1♀, Sikasso, v.1968, Verner leg. (FKCC). NIGERIA: 2♀♀, Zaria, 7.vii.1931, F. D. Golding leg. (BMNH); 1♂ 1♀, same data, but 8.vii.1931 (BMNH); 1♂, Azare, 1925, L. Lloyd leg. (BMNH); 3♀♀, same data, but 1928-1929 (BMNH); 1 ♀, Kano distr., vii.1952, W. E. S. Merrett leg. (BMNH). SENEGAL: 1♀, Bambey, ix.1939, J. Risbec leg. (BMNH); 1♂ 1♀, same data but, 3.-9.x.1939 (BMNH); 2♂♂ 2♀♀, same data but, 9.-12.x.1939 (BMNH); 1♀, same data but, 1943 (BMNH); 2♂♂ 1♀, Richard-Toll, 15.ix.1951, J. Appert leg. (BMNH). TOGO: 1♀, Mangu, ix.1901, G. Thierry leg. (ZMHB). NOT PRECISE OR UNCERTAIN LOCALITY: 2♂♂ 4♀♀, Gold Coast, Yapi, 1916, J. J. Simpson leg. (BMNH); 1♂, Sudan, Gash delta, 26.iii.1931, H. K. Bedford leg. (BMNH). Description. Coloration very variable. Head orange with black vertex, paler specimens with head completely orange. Apices of mandibles black. Antennomeres 1 to 4 orange, antennomeres 5 to 6 (or to 7) usually black with orange bases or antennae black, the rest of antennomeres completely black. Pronotum orange, usually with three black spots (one median, two lateral) of variable size. In some specimens, the median spot is divided into a small anterior spot and a larger posterior one. Paler specimens with pronotum completely orange, dark specimens sometimes with spots connected and covering most of pronotal disc except the orange margins. Scutellum completely black, rarely with brownish anterolateral angles. Elytra orange, usually with a black humeral spot, one spot at the first third near suture and a black postmedian band not touching lateral margin of elytra and suture. Paler specimens with the black marking smaller. Two anterior spots are often connected in darker specimens as well as the postmedian band is broader, touching lateral margin of elytra and connected in the suture. Some dark specimens have also an additional black apical spot on each elytron. Prosternum completely orange or black with orange anterior half; meso-, metasternum and abdomen black. Legs black with brownish knees, tarsi usually brownish (sometimes only the last two tarsomeres brown). Some specimens have fore tibia brown with a large black stripe on the outer side. Measurements. Males: 7.10–9.60 mm (neotype: 7.85 mm); females: 7.75–10.40 mm. Male (Figs. 6–7). Labrum transverse, anterior margin widely shallowly incised. Head lustrous, the anterior part of the head and vertex covered with fine punctures, frons with larger punctures. Hairs on the anterior part of the head and frons short and fine, more distinct along the inner margins of the eyes, vertex covered with long dense pale hairs. Frons broad, 2.35–2.40 times as wide as the diameter of the eye, with a round shallow impression in the middle. Antennomere 1 moderately clavate, antennomere 4 triangular, antennae distinctly serrated from segment 5. Prothorax transverse, 1.60–1.65 times as wide as long, widest at two thirds, moderately convex, covered with very fine, almost indistinct punctures, lustrous. Lateral margins moderately rounded, anterior margin nearly straight, posterior margin slightly rounded, thickened in the scutellar area, distinctly sinuated before the thickening. Anterior angles rectangular with shortly rounded tip, posterior ones nearly rectangular, widely rounded, all angles with pore bearing long pale seta. All margins bordered, except the middle part of anterior margin where the border disappears. Scutellum subtriangular with rounded apex, lustrous, covered with very fine punctures, laterally with punctures more distinct and with pale hairs. Elytra cylindrical, 1.85–1.95 times as long as wide at humeral part, glabrous, lustrous, densely covered with small fine confused punctures dissappearing in elytral apices. Tarsi short and broad. First protarsomere short, 1.20 times as broad as long, 0.50 times as long as the two following tarsomeres combined. Aedeagus very characteristic, with triangularly dilated alae (Fig. 19). Female. Tarsi narrower. Spermatheca and rectal sclerites as in Figs. 30–31, 41–42. Differential diagnosis. Paraclytra gambiensis is well characterised by the triangularly dilated alae of aedeagus (Fig. 19). The coloration is variable but normally coloured specimens with three black spots on pronotum cannot be confused with any other Paraclytra. Paler specimens with completely orange pronotum are similar to East African and Arabian species (P. sennariensis, P. crocata and P. cervenkai sp. nov.). Dark specimens with extended and connected black pattern on pronotum are similar to the dark forms of P. sennariensis and can be identified by the structure of the aedeagus (Figs. 19, 22–24). Distribution. Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal. The record from Sudan (1 male deposited in BMNH) needs verification.
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FIGURES 7–12. Habitus of Paraclytra, males. 7—P. gambiensis (Benin: Kerou, 8.25 mm); 8—P. intersecta (Benin: Bembereke, 8.10 mm); 9—P. minuta (Cameroon: Buar, 6.20 mm); 10—P. sennariensis (Yemen: Lahij, 7.15 mm); 11—P. sennariensis (Djibouti: Randa, 7.55 mm); 12—P. sennariensis (Sudan: Kussa, 7.70 mm).
Comments. Paraclytra gambiensis was described together with P. sennariensis under variety D of Clytra notata and was separated from other varieties by completely orange head and pronotum and elytra with a black marking not touching lateral margins of elytra (Lacordaire, 1848). Lacordaire´s concept of P. notata is evidently erroneous. In the general description he mentions that the pronotum has three black spots (one
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median, two lateral). Moreover, under variety B (pronotum without black markings) he writes that this variety was described by Klug as P. notata. Neither the general description of P. notata nor the description of variety B (Lacordaire, 1848) fit the original description of P. notata where the basal black band on pronotum is clearly stated (Klug 1835). It is evident that Lacordaire´s concept of P. notata does not refer to true Klug´s P. notata but rather to the another West African species with triangularly extended alae on the aedeagus: Paraclytra gambiensis. Monrós (1953) found that Clythra notata Klug, 1835 is a homonym and, following Lacordaire´s arrangement of P. notata, replaced it by P. gambiensis. We believe that the replacement of P. notata by P. gambiensis was an incorrect act. No specimen of P. notata known to us has completely orange pronotum. On the other hand, specimens with completely orange pronotum and black elytral spots not touching lateral margins of elytra relatively frequently occurs in P. gambiensis. Unfortunately, the deposition of the type material of P. gambiensis is unknown to us, despite the fact that we tried to discover it in all institutions where the parts of Lacordaire´s collection are deposited. To definitely clarify the status Paraclytra gambiensis we decided to designate a neotype. Because all available specimens from Gambia are females, we chose a male from Senegal, a closely adjacent country. The neotype is a pale male with completely orange pronotum and reduced black markings on elytra (Fig. 6).
Paraclytra intersecta (Illiger, 1800) (Figs. 8, 20, 32, 43) Clytra intersecta Illiger, 1800: 128 (original description) Clytra intersecta: Jacoby & Clavareau, 1906: 36 (catalogue); Clavareau, 1913: 49 (catalogue); Pic, 1952: 501 (Dahomey [= Benin]) Clythra intersecta: Schönherr, 1808: 345 (catalogue); Chevrolat, 1836: 417 (catalogue); Chevrolat, 1837: 441 (catalogue) Clythra (Clythra) intersecta: Lacordaire, 1848: 221 (Caffrerie, false locality) Paraclytra intersecta: Medvedev, 1971b: 656 (transferred to Paraclytra) Gynandrophthalma seminigra Jacoby, 1891: 35 (original description); Jacoby, 1894: 514 (duplicate description); Jacoby, 1897: 253 (synonymized with Clytra intersecta)
Type locality. “Sierra Leone” (Clytra intersecta); „Rhobomp, Sierra Leone“ (Gynandrophthalma seminigra). Type material. Clytra intersecta: Holotype ♀ (ZMHB), labelled: „23160 [w, p] // Sierra / Leona [blue label, h] // intersecta Lac. * [w, h] // Intersecta / Ill. * / Sierra Leona [blue label, h]”. Gynandrophthalma seminigra: Syntype ♂ (BMNH), labelled: „Type / H. T. [white round label with red border, p] // Rhobomp / Sierra Leone [w, p] // Jacoby Coll. / 1909-28a. [w, p] // Gynadrophth. / seminigra / Jac. [blue label, h]”. The colour photo of 1 syntype (f#) and its labels deposited in Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA is available online at: http://mcz28168.oeb.harvard.edu/mcztypedb.htm. The syntype bears the following labels: „Type [p] / 8614 [red label, h] // Gynandrophthalma / seminigra Jac. typus [w, h]“. Additional material studied. 19 specimens — BENIN: 1♂ 7♀♀, Tandafa env. (L´Atakora), ca 45 km N of Natitingou, 26.-27.vi.2001, F. & L. Kantner leg. (FKCC, 2♀♀ in JBBC); 3♂♂ 1♀, Bembereke (Borgou), 105 km N of Parakou, 2.vii.2001, F. & L. Kantner leg. (FKCC); 1♂ , Dept. L´Atakora, Tangueta env., 28.vi.2001, F. & L. Kantner leg. (FKCC); 1♂, N of Natitingou, 5 km NE of Kouarfa, 26.-27.vi.2001, A. Kudrna leg. (FKCC). GUINEA: 1♂, Madina-Oula, Santa vill., 9.vii.1982, S. V. Murzin leg. (SMNS); 1♂, Madina-Oula, Sendara, 21.vi.1984, S. V. Murzin leg. (ZMHB). NIGERIA: 1♂ , N. W. State, Mokwa, 14.viii.1970, P. H. Ward leg. (BMNH); 1♀, Samaru, Small stream, 14.-23.vii.1970, P. H. Ward leg. (BMNH). SIERRA LEONE: 1♀, without additional data (ZMHB). Description. Head black, a small spot behind posterior margin of eye brownish. Tips of mandibles and anterior margin of labrum often brownish. Antennomere 1 orange with darkened dorsal side, antennomeres 2 to 4 orange, the rest black. Pronotum black with anterior angles brownish (rarely there is a brownish stripe along the lateral parts of anterior margin, also posterior angles sometimes brownish). Scutellum black. Elytra
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bicolorous, the anterior half including epipleurae orange with a small round black spot near suture at the first third of elytral length, the posterior margin of orange pattern irregular, oblique, posterior half of elytra black. Legs and the underside black, trochanters and apices of fourth tarsomeres sometimes brownish. Measurements. Males: 8.20–8.75 mm; females: 6.90–8.50 mm (holotype: 7.40 mm). Male (Fig. 8). Labrum transverse, anterior margin widely shallowly incised, the lateral parts of anterior margin with short pale hairs, several longer hairs also on the disc of labrum. Head semiopaque. Anterior part of head covered with fine punctures, almost glabrous. Frons very broad, 3.7 times as wide as the diameter of the eye, with a round shallow impression in the middle, densely covered with relatively large punctures and short recumbent hairs. Vertex finely punctured, with dense long pale hairs. Antennomere 1 clavate, anteriorly covered with longer hairs, antennomere 4 small, triangular, antennae distinctly serrated from segment 5. Prothorax transverse, 1.70 times as wide as long, widest at two thirds, moderately convex, covered with sparse large punctures mixed with very fine, on the disc almost invisible, punctures, lustrous. Lateral margins moderately rounded, convergent anteriad, anterior margin slightly concave, posterior margin slightly rounded, thickened in scutellar area, distinctly sinuated before thickening. Anterior angles rectangular with shortly rounded tip, posterior ones obtuse, with distinct tip, all angles bears one pale seta. All margins bordered (lateral margins relatively widely), except the middle part of anterior margin where the border disappears. Scutellum triangular with rounded apex, lustrous, laterally with distinct punctures. Elytra cylindrical, 1.65–1.75 times as long as wide at the humeral part, glabrous, lustrous, densely covered with small fine confused punctures dissappearing in elytral apices. Tarsi broad. First protarsomere transverse, 1.35 times as broad as long, 0.45 times as long as two following tarsomeres combined. Aedeagus as in Fig. 20. Female. Tarsi more slender, first protarsomere as wide as long, 0.55 times as long as the two following tarsomeres combined. Spermatheca and rectal sclerites as in Figs. 32, 43. Differential diagnosis. P. intersecta is well defined by its characteristic coloration. The only similar Paraclytra species, yet much smaller, is P. minuta where the orange pattern on elytra is reduced to humeral area (Fig. 9). Both species differs also by the structure of the aedeagus (Figs. 20–21). Distribution. Benin, Guinea, Nigeria, Sierra Leone. Lacordaire (1848) reported it also from „Caffrerie“ [South Africa], what is evidently false record.
Paraclytra minuta (Medvedev, 1971) (Figs. 9, 21, 33, 44) Clytra minuta Medvedev, 1971a: 23 (original description) Paraclytra minuta: Medvedev, 1971b: 656
Type locality. „Cameroon: Uam region, Bosum“. Type material. Holotype ♀ (ZMHB), labelled: „Uamgebiet / Bosum 11.-20.6. / 14 Tessmann S. [blue label, p] // Holotypus [p] Clytra [h] / minuta L. Medv. [red label, h]“. Paratypes: 1♂ 3♀♀ (ZMHB), labelled: „Uamgebiet / Bosum 11.-20.6. / 14 Tessmann S. [blue label, p] // PARATYPUS, / Clytra / minuta Medvedev, 1971 / des. J. Bezděk & / F. Kantner 2006 [red label, p]“; 1♀ (ZMHB), labelled: „Kamerun / Tessmann S. [blue-grey label, p] // PARATYPUS, / Clytra / minuta Medvedev, 1971 / des. J. Bezděk & / F. Kantner 2006 [red label, p]“; 1♀ (NHMB), labelled: „Uamgebiet / Bosum 11.-20.6. / 14 Tessmann S. [blue label, p] // PARATYPUS [red label, p] // Clytra / minuta m. / L. Medvedev [w, p]“. Additional material studied. 4 specimens — CAMEROON: 1♂, Babua, 4.v.1914, without the name of collector (BMNH); 2♀♀, Babua Bondaye, 6.v.1914, without the name of collector (BMNH); 1 spec., Buar, 10.-29.v.1914, without the name of collector (BMNH). Description. Body almost completely black. First three antennomeres yellow. Humeral area of each elytron orange, including the adjacent part of epipleurae. Humeral calli with a small elongated black spot. The shape and size of the orange desing is variable: the palest specimens have completely orange extreme anterior REVISION OF THE GENUS PARACLYTRA
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margin of elytra and suture behind scutellum, the darker specimens have more extended the humeral black spot. Usually, the orange design is hooky-elongated to elytral disc. Measurements. Males: 5.70–5.75 mm; females: 4.80–5.55 mm (holotype: 5.05 mm). Male (Fig. 9). Clypeus almost glabrous and impunctate. Frons broad, 1.85 times as wide as the diameter of the eye, with a large shallow impression in the middle. Vertex and frons pubescent, densely punctate. Antennae serrated from segment 4, segment 4 much smaller than the following ones. Pronotum transverse, 2.00–2.05 times as wide as long, moderately convex. Lateral margins almost straight, slightly convergent anteriad, anterior margin concave, posterior margin moderately rounded and slightly enlarged in scutellar area, all angles rounded. Anterior margin indistinctly bordered, lateral and posterior margins bordered, grooved. Surface lustrous, sparsely covered with large punctures, laterally with two indistinct oblique impressions. Scutellum triangular with apex truncate, lustrous, impunctate. Elytra cylindrical, 1.60–1.80 times as long as wide at the humeral part, densely covered with strong confused punctures, extreme apex impunctate. Tarsi slightly broader than in females. First protarsomere triangularly elongated, 1.5 times as long as broad. Aedeagus as in Fig. 21. Female. Tarsi narrower. Spermatheca and rectal sclerites as in Figs. 33, 44. Differential diagnosis. Due to black pronotum covered with strong punctures and the elytral colouring Paraclytra minuta resembles P. intersecta. Other Paraclytra species have pronotum nearly impunctate and usually red or bicolorous. Orange colour on elytra of P. intersecta covers the anterior half with a black spot near suture, while it is restricted to humeral area (with a small black spot on humeral callus) in P. minuta. Distribution. Cameroon. Comments. According to the original description, the type series of P. minuta consists of 9 specimens, six of which were found in ZMHB and an additional one in NHMB. Surprisingly, from the specimens deposited in ZMHB only the holotype (female) bears original red Medvedev´s label. We decided to provide the rest of specimens with a new red type label (see „Type material“).
Paraclytra sennariensis (Lacordaire, 1848), valid species (Figs. 10–13, 22–24, 34–35, 45–46) Clythra (Clythra) Sennariensis Lacordaire, 1848: 224 (original description, attributed to Kollar) Clytra notata ab. sennariensis: Clavareau, 1913: 50 (catalogue) Clytra signata ssp. sennariensis: Medvedev, 1971a: 23 (key, Sudan, Erythrea, Ethiopia) Paraclytra signata ssp. sennariensis: Medvedev, 1975: 132 (Sudan); Medvedev, 1979: 295; Medvedev, 1993b: 130 (Saudi Arabia), 134 (key); Medvedev, 1996: 218 (key), 234 (North Yemen) Clytra signata ssp. signata: Medvedev, 1971a: 23 (key, partim) Clythra rufitarsis: Chevrolat, 1836: 417 (nomen nudum; attributed to Klug); Chevrolat, 1837: 441 (nomen nudum, attributed to Klug) Clythra (Clythra) rufitarsis Lacordaire, 1848: 226 (original description); Medvedev, 1979: 295 (synonymized with P. sennariensis) Clytra rufitarsis: Lefèvre, 1872: 141 (key), 150; Jacoby & Clavareau, 1906: 36 (catalogue); Clavareau, 1913: 52 (catalogue); Winkler, 1929: 1240 (catalogue) Clytra plicatipennis Pic, 1939: 31 (original description). Syn. nov. Clytra signata ssp. aethiopica Medvedev, 1971a: 23 (original description). Syn. nov. Clytra notata: Lefèvre, 1877: 224 (Ethiopia, on Mimosa sp.); Chapuis, 1879: 6 (Ethiopia); Selman, 1963: 1149 (partim, Chad, on Acacia senegal and A. scorpioides) Paraclytra crocata: Medvedev, 1978: 55 (Yemen); Medvedev, 1980: 301 (Yemen) Tituboea olivieri: Warchałowski, 2003: 50 (key), plate 8 (colour photo) Paraclytra gambiensis: Medvedev & Beenen, 2005: 361 (Sudan, partim, on Acacia sp.) (see also P. crocata)
Type locality. „Arabie“ (Clytra rufitarsis); „Abyssinia“ (Clytra plicatipennis); „Ethiopia“ (Clytra signata ssp. aethiopica). Lacordaire (1848) described C. sennariensis under variety D of C. notata. The localities are
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stated together for all varieties of C. notata as „Sénégal, des bords de la Gambie et du Sennaar“. Due to present designation of lectotype, the type locality of C. sennariensis is restricted to „Sennaar“. Type material. Paraclytra sennariensis: Lectotype ♂ (ZMHB), designated here, labelled: „Sennaar / Kolb. [blue-grey label, h]“. Paralectotypes: 1♀ (ZMHB), labelled: „Sennaar / Kolb. [blue-grey label, h]“; 1♂ (ZMHB), labelled: „Senaar [blue-green label, h]“ // Clythra / sennariensis / Kollar / Sennar [blue-green label, h]“; 1♀ (ZMHB), labelled: „23171 [w, p] // Sennaar / Kolb. [blue-grey label, h] // Clythra * / notata Dej. var. / Lacord. [w, h] // sennaariensis / rufitarsis / Sennaar Koll. [w, h]“; 1♀ (ZMHB), labelled: „Sennaar / 8178-2 [grey label, h] // 1♀ (ZMHB), labelled: „Sennaar / 8178-1 [grey label, h]“. The specimens are provided with one additional red printed label: „LECTOTYPUS, [PARALECTOTYPUS, resp. ] / Clythra (Clythra) / sennariensis Lacordaire, 1848 / des. J. Bezděk & / F. Kantner 2006 [red label, p]“. Paraclytra rufitarsis: Lectotype ♂ (ZMHB), designated here, labelled: „Hist. Coll. / 23172 [w, h] // Clythra * / rufitarsis Lac. [w, h]“. Paralectotypes: 2♂♂ (ZMHB), labelled: „Hist. Coll. / 23172 [w, h] // Arab. / F. Ehrb. [w, h]“; 1♂ (ZMHB), labelled: „Hist. Coll. / 23172 [w, h]“; 1♂ (ZMHB), labelled: „23172 [w, p] // Arab. F. Ehrb. [w, h] // [blank label, w] // rufitarsis / (Klug) Lac. [w, h] // Paraclytra / signata ssp. / sennariensis Lac. [h] L. N. Medvedev det. 19 [p] 72 [w, h]“. The specimens are provided with one additional red printed label: „LECTOTYPUS, [PARALECTOTYPUS, resp. ] / Clythra (Clythra) / rufitarsis Lacordaire, 1848 / des. J. Bezděk & / F. Kantner 2006 [red label, p]“. Clytra plicatipennis: Lectotype ♀ (MNHN), designated here, labelled: „Abyss Raf. [w, p, blue letters] // type [w, h] // TYPE [red label, p] // Museum Paris / Coll. M. Pic [pale blue label, p] // Clytra / plicatipennis / n. sp. [w, h] // LECTOTYPUS, / Clytra plicatipennis / Pic, 1939, / des. J. Bezděk 2007 [red label, p]“. Clytra signata ssp. aethiopica: Paratypes: 1 ♀ (ZMHB), labelled: „Erythrea [p] / Cheren [w, h] // Allotypus [p] Clytra / signata sbsp. / aethiopica L. Medv. [red label, h]“; 1♂ (ZMHB), labelled: „Erythrea [p] / Cheren [w, h] // Paratypus [p] Clytra / signata sbsp. / aethiopica L. Medv. [red label, h]“; 1♂ 2♀♀ (ZMHB), labelled: „Cheren / Erythraea [w, p] // Paratypus [p] Clytra / signata sbsp. / aethiopica L. Medv. [red label, h]“; 1♀ (ZMHB), labelled: „[smal rectangular blank label] // ex coll. / J. Weise [w, p] // Paratypus [p] Clytra / signata sbsp. / aethiopica L. Medv. [red label, h]“. Additional material studied. 75 specimens — CHAD: 1♂, Ouedi Koboué-Ennedi, 25.ix.1958, J. Mateu leg. (BMNH); 1♀, Mare d´Ortebi-Ennedi, 10.ix.1958, on Acacia senegal, J. Mateu leg. (BMNH); 1♀, Mare de Damas, Ennedi, viii-ix.1958, J. Mateu leg. (BMNH); 1♀, Mare de Damas, Basso, Ennedi, 14.ix.1958, on Acacia senegal and A. scorpioides, J. Mateu leg. (BMNH). DJIBOUTI: 2♂♂, Randa, 25.v.1991, Nazareth leg. (ZMHB). EGYPT: 3♂♂ 5♀♀, Gebel Elba, 7.iii.1938, H. Priesner leg. (NHMB). ERITREA: 2♂♂ 2♀♀, Cheren, without the date of collecting and the name of collector (SMTD), 2♀♀, same data (HMNH); 1♂, Salamona, without the date of collecting and the name of collector (HMNH); 1♂ 1♀ , Massaua, without additional data (ZMHB); 2♀♀ , Ghinda, without additional data (ZMHB). ETHIOPIA: 1♂, Habyss. [= Ethiopia], without additional data (ZMHB); 2♂♂ 1♀, regione boschiva da Goundet ad Adoua, 1000-2000 m, 1873, Raffray leg. (MSNG); 1 ♂ , Abyssinia, without the date of collecting, Raffray leg. (BMNH); 1 ♂ , Abyssinia, without additional data (BMNH); 1♀, Abyssinia, Diré Dawa, ca 4.500 ft., i.1935, H. Uhlenhuth leg. (BMNH). SAUDI ARABIA: 1 ♂ , Jizan, 25.-26.iii.1983, C. Holzschuh leg. (NHMB); 1 ♂ , Jizan, 1.ii.1982, A. Talhouk, S. Tilkian, R. Abouzouheyrrah, K. Eltaher & A. Elmadi leg. (NHMB); 1♂, same data but 25.iii.1983 (NHMB); 1♂, Jizan, 10.ii.1981, A. S. Talhouk leg. (LMRM); 1♂, Wadi Dawasir, 20.vi.1981, without the name of collector (NHMB); 1 ♀ , Wadi El Alaib, 4.iv.1947, W. Thesiger leg. (BMNH). SOMALIA: 8♀♀, British Somaliland, Hartan Pen., 22.iii.1903, M. Cameron leg. (BMNH). SUDAN: 3♂♂ 1 ♀ , Wadi Nigea, 25.ix.1988, on Acacia, without the name of collector (RBCN); 4♂♂ 4 ♀♀ , J. Kussa, 30.x.1987, on Acacia, without the name of collector (RBCN); 1♂ 2♀♀, Sennar, without additional data (ZMHB); 1♂, Mekale, 29.iii.1931, H. W. Bedford leg. (BMNH); 1♀, Barakat, 3.ix.1923, on grass, H. W. Bedford leg. (BMNH). SYRIA: 1♂, Syria, without additional data (ZMHB). YEMEN: 3♂♂, Wadi Zabid, x.1969, A. Szalay-Marszó leg. (HMNH); 1♀, same data, but ii.1970 (HMNH); 3♂♂ 2♀♀, Lakej [= Lahij], without additional data (BMNH); 1♀, Lahij, 13°03´26´´N 44°52´25´´E, 100 m, vi.2002, Malaise trap, without the name of collector (LMRM); 1♂, Al Kawd, vii-ix.2001, on light, without the name of collector (LMRM).
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FIGURES 13–15. Habitus of Paraclytra, males. 13—P. sennariensis (paratype of P. signata ssp. aethiopica, Eritrea: Cheren, 6.75 mm); 14—P. signata (lectotype of P. notata, Senegal, 8.70 mm); 15—P. traegaordhi (Sudan: Kazangolo, 7.25 mm).
Description. Extremely variable species. Head completely orange or with two small black spots on inner margins of eyes, darker specimens with black vertex or almost completely black with orange clypeus. Apices of mandibles black, palpi varies from orange to black. Antennomeres 1 to 4 orange, antennomeres 5 to 6 usually with brownish bases, the rest of antennomeres black. Pronotum completely orange, with two irregular black spots basally or a broad black band basally, in the darkest specimens almost whole surface of pronotum black except anterior and lateral margins. Scutellum orange or black. Elytra orange, usually with a black spot on humeral callus, one small spot at the first third near suture and one black band at two third of elytral length isolated from epiplaurae and suture. In paler specimens, the humeral and postscutellar spots often missing. Dark specimens usually with the spots larger and connected (humeral and postscutellar spots connected together, postmedian black band broad, touching lateral margins of elytra and connected in suture), and with an additional small black spot on elytral apex. Legs varies from almost orange with reduced black stripes on femora and tibiae to mid and hind legs dark with paler knees, or, in the darkest specimens, legs black and only fore tibiae orange at the inner side. Tarsi completely orange or black with paler last two tarsomeres. Prosternum orange with black base behind coxae or, in darker specimens, black with orange lateral margins. Meso-, metasternum and abdomen black. Measurements. Males: 6.60–7.70 mm; females: 7.30–8.70 mm (lectotype of Clythra sennariensis: 7.40 mm). Male (Figs. 10–13). Labrum transverse, anterior margin widely shallowly incised. Head lustrous, anterior part of head and vertex covered with very fine punctures or nearly impunctate, frons with distinct punctures. Surface almost glabrous, short hairs visible only along the inner margins of eyes. Frons broad, 2.05–2.25 times as wide as the diameter of the eye, with a large round shallow impression in the middle. Antennomere 1 moderately clavate, antennomere 4 triangular, antennae distinctly serrated from segment 5. Pronotum transverse, 1.55–1.70 times as wide as long, widest at two thirds, moderately convex, nearly impunctate (rarely with sparse small punctures), larger punctures only in scutellar thickening, lustrous. Lateral
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margins moderately rounded, convergent anteriad and slightly posteriad, anterior margin slightly concave, posterior margin slightly rounded, thickened in scutellar area, distinctly sinuated before the thickening. Anterior angles rectangular, posterior ones obtusangulate. All margins bordered, except the middle part of anterior margin where the border disappears. Scutellum subtriangular with rounded apex, lustrous, laterally and basally with distinct punctures and pale hairs. Elytra cylindrical, 1.60–1.75 times as long as wide at the humeral part, glabrous, lustrous, densely covered with small fine confused punctures dissappearing in elytral apices. Darker specimens sometimes with indistinct longitudinal ridges before apex. Tarsi robuster. First protarsomere 1.05–1.30 times as broad as long, 0.55 times as long as the two following tarsomeres combined. Aedeagus as in Figs. 22–24. Female. Tarsi slenderer. Frons broader, 2.40–2.45 times as wide as the diameter of the eye. Spermatheca and rectal sclerites as in Figs. 34–35, 45–46. Differential diagnosis. By its habitus, pale specimens of P. sennariensis are very similar to P. crocata and P. cervenkai sp. nov., but both species differ in narrow frons (1.20–1.40 times as broad as the diameter of the eye in P. crocata and P. cervenkai sp. nov., 2.05–2.45 times in P. sennariensis) and in the structure of aedeagus (Figs. 16–17, 22–24). Dark specimens of P. sennariensis resembles West African P. signata. Aedeagi of both taxa are very similar, but differ in the shape of alae and in the presence of ventral impressions in P. sennariensis (Figs. 22–25). Moreover, P. signata is larger in size (8.00–9.90 mm), while P. sennariensis is smaller (6.60–8.70 mm). Paraclytra sennariensis has also shorter elytra (1.60–1.75 times as long as wide at the humeral part in P. sennariensis, 1.85 times in P. signata). Distribution. Chad, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen. Medvedev (1996) mentioned Palestine in the general distribution of P. crocata. This record surely do not refer to P. crocata but may belong to P. sennariensis. However, the records from Syria and Palestine are isolated from the main areal and needs verification. Comments. Aedeagi of all relevant taxa (P. sennariensis, P. rufitarsis, P. signata ssp. aethiopica) are almost identical in dorsal view, including the shape of alae (see the Figs. 22–25). In the ventral view, three shallow depressions (one median longitudinaly and two small round apicaly) of slightly different shapes in mentioned taxa are found. Because of a large geographic distribution of P. sennariensis we consider such small differencies as insufficient for discrimination of the taxa at the species or subspecies level and we prefer to synonymize P. rufitarsis and P. signata ssp. aethiopica with P. sennariensis. Lacordaire (1848) attributed Clythra sennariensis to Kollar in litteris and gave the valid description. In his conception, C. sennariensis was treated as a part of „Var. D“ of Clythra notata. Later, Clavareau (1913) used it as an aberration of C. notata. In 1971, Medvedev upgraded its status to a subspecies rank, surprisingly not as subspecies of C. notata but of C. signata. The name Clythra rufitarsis was firstly published as nomen nudum in Chevrolat (1836, 1837). The first realible description was presented by Lacordaire (1848). He described it from an unknown number of specimens. Medvedev (1979) synonymized P. rufitarsis with P. sennariensis. Five syntypes, all males, were found in ZMHB (one male is designated here as lectotype). Based on the study of aedeagus C. rufitarsis is confirmed as a synonym of P. sennariensis. The number of type specimens of Clytra plicatipennis was not specified in the original description (Pic 1939). The only female found in MNHN and designated here as lectotype is identical with the dark specimens described as P. signata ssp. aethiopica. Due to this fact Clytra plicatipennis is also proposed as a new synonym of P. sennariensis. Three specimens from Yemen: Wadi Zabid, x.1969 (HNHM) published as P. crocata by Medvedev (1978, 1980) were dissected and proved to be P. sennariensis. A specimen of Tituboea olivieri pictured and keyed in Warchałowski (2003) refers to Paraclytra. The same specimen was photographed at http:// culex.biol.uni.wroc.pl/cassidae/European%20Chrysomelidae/index.htm including aedeagus. Based on the photograph of aedeagus the specimen without any doubts belongs to P. sennariensis.
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FIGURES 16–19. Aedeagus of Paraclytra (a—dorsal view, b—lateral view, c—ventral view). 16—P. cervenkai sp. nov.; 17—P. crocata; 18—P. elegans; 19—P. gambiensis. Scale bar 1 mm.
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FIGURES 20–23. Aedeagus of Paraclytra (a—dorsal view, b—lateral view, c—ventral view). 20—P. intersecta; 21—P. minuta; 22—P. sennariensis (lectotype, Sudan: Sennar); 23—P. sennariensis (paralectotype of P. rufitarsis, „Arabie“). Scale bar 1 mm.
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FIGURES 24–26. Aedeagus of Paraclytra (a—dorsal view, b—lateral view, c—ventral view). 24—P. sennariensis (paratype of P. signata ssp. aethiopica, Eritrea: Cheren); 25—P. signata (lectotype of P. notata, Senegal); 26—P. traegaordhi. Scale bar 1 mm.
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FIGURES 27–29. Spermatheca of Paraclytra. 27—P. cervenkai sp. nov.; 28—P. crocata (holotype, „Arabie“); 29—P. crocata (Yemen: Jebel Jihaf). Scale bar 0.5 mm.
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FIGURES 30–33. Spermatheca of Paraclytra. 30—P. gambiensis (paralectotype of P. notata); 31—P. gambiensis; 32— P. intersecta; 33—P. minuta. Scale bar 0.5 mm.
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FIGURES 34–37. Spermatheca of Paraclytra. 34—P. sennariensis (paralectotype); 35—P. sennariensis (paratype of P. signata ssp. aethiopica); 36—P. signata; 37—P. traegaordhi. Scale bar 0.5 mm.
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Paraclytra signata (Lacordaire, 1848) (Figs. 14, 25, 36, 47) Clythra (Clythra) signata Lacordaire, 1848: 222 (original description) (syn. nov. of C. notata Klug, 1835, but replaces Clythra notata Klug, 1835 nec Clythra notata Gebler, 1830, now syn. of Labidostomis lucida) Clytra signata: Jacoby & Clavareau, 1906: 36 (catalogue); Clavareau, 1913: 52 (catalogue) Paraclytra signata: Medvedev, 1971b: 656 (transferred to Paraclytra) Clythra notata Klug, 1835: 49 (original description); Chevrolat, 1836: 417 (catalogue; attributed to Dejean; Senegal); Chevrolat, 1837: 441 (catalogue; attributed to Dejean; Senegal) Clytra notata: Jacoby & Clavareau, 1906: 36 (catalogue); Clavareau, 1913: 50 (catalogue); Brivio, 1960: 566 (GuineaBissau) Clytra gambiensis: Monrós, 1953: 49 (incorrect replacement of Clythra notata Klug, 1853) Clytranotata decumana [sic!] Klug: Papp, 1952: 124 (Nigeria) Paraclytra notata: Medvedev 1971b: 656 (Senegal) (see also P. gambiensis, P. sennariensis and P. traeghaordi)
Type locality. „Senegal“ [according to introduction] (C. notata). Lacordaire (1848) described C. signata from „Sénégal“. The neotype designated here is a male also with the locality „Sénégal“. Type material. Clythra notata: Lectotype ♂ (ZMHB), designated here, labelled: „23170 [w, p] // Senegal / Buq. [blue label, h] // notata / Klug * Lac. / Seneg. Buq [blue label, h]“. Paralectotypes: 1♂ (ZMHB), labelled: „Senegal / Buq. [blue label, h] // Clytra 196 [p] / signata Lac. [sic!] [h] / L. Medvedev det. [w, p]“; 1♀ (ZMHB), labelled: „Senegal / Buq. [blue label, h] // Clytra 196 [p] 6 [h] / notata Klug. [h] / L. Medvedev det. [w, p]“ [this female belongs to P. gambiensis]“; 1♀ (ZMHB), labelled: „Sen gam [= Senegambia] [blue label, h]“ [this female belongs to P. gambiensis]. The specimens are provided with one additional red printed label: „LECTOTYPUS, [PARALECTOTYPUS, resp. ] / Clythra / notata Klug, 1835 / des. J. Bezděk & / F. Kantner 2006 [red label, p]“. Clythra signata: Neotype ♂ (USNM), designated here, labelled: „Sénégal [w, h] // Ex-Musæo / Mniszech [w, p] // F. Monros / Collection / 1959 [w, p] // Clytra / signata / Lac [h] / F. Monrós det. 19 [p] 57 [w, h] // Signata / Lac [w, h]“. The neotype is provided with one additional red printed label: „NEOTYPUS / Clythra signata / Lacordaire, 1848 / des. J. Bezděk & / F. Kantner 2009 [red label, p]“. Additional material studied. 4 specimens — SENEGAL: 1♀, Senegal, coll. Baly, without additional data (BMNH). WITHOUT LOCALITY: 1♂ 1♀, coll. E. Laferté (BMNH); 1♀, coll. Schaufuss (ZMHB). Description. Head completely orange, sometimes with two small indistinct brown spots along the inner margin of eyes. Apices of mandibles and palpi darkened. Antennomeres 1 to 4 orange, antennomeres 5 to 6 black with orange bases, the rest of antennomeres black. Pronotum orange, basally with a black band (anterior margin of this band is denticulate, in the middle deeply incised), paler specimens with the black band interrupted forming two separated or thinly connected spots. Scutellum completely black or with orange base. Elytra orange, each elytron with four black markings: one spot on humeral callus, one spot at the first third near suture, a transverse band at two third of elytra touching lateral margins and connected in suture, and a small spot in elytral apex (this spot is sometimes small and indistinct). Legs black with brownish knees and the last two tarsomeres, fore tibia brown on the inner side. Prosternum orange with widely black base. Meso-, metasternum and abdomen black. Measurements. Males: 8.00–8.60 mm (neotype of Clythra signata: 8.45 mm, lectotype of Clythra notata: 8.60 mm); females: 9.10–9.90 mm. Male (Fig. 14). Labrum transverse, anterior margin widely shallowly incised. Head lustrous, anterior part of head and vertex covered with fine punctures, frons with larger punctures. Head surface almost glabrous, the short hairs visible only along the inner margins of eyes. Frons broad, 2.25–2.44 times as wide as the diameter of the eye, with an indistinct shallow impression in the middle. Antennomere 1 moderately clavate, antennomere 4 triangular, antennae distinctly serrated from segment 5. Prothorax transverse, 1.65–1.75 times as wide as long, widest at the last third, moderately convex, nearly impunctate (only the scutellar thickening with distinct larger punctures), lustrous. Lateral margins almost parallel in the basal third, moderately rounded and convergent anteriad, anterior margin slightly concave,
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posterior margin slightly rounded, thickened in scutellar area, distinctly sinuated before the thickening. Anterior angles rectangular, posterior ones obtusangulate with shortly rounded tip. All margins bordered, except the middle part of anterior margin where the border disappears. Scutellum subtriangular with rounded apex, lustrous, nearly impunctate and glabrous, only anterolaterally with distinct punctures and visible hairs.
FIGURES 38–40. Rectal sclerites of Paraclytra (a—dorsal view, b—ventral view). 38—P. cervenkai sp. nov.; 39—P. crocata (holotype, „Arabie“); 40—P. crocata (Yemen: Jebel Jihaf).
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FIGURES 41–43. Rectal sclerites of Paraclytra (a—dorsal view, b—ventral view). 41—P. gambiensis (paralectotype of P. notata); 42—P. gambiensis; 43—P. intersecta.
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FIGURES 44–46. Rectal sclerites of Paraclytra (a—dorsal view, b—ventral view). 44—P. minuta; 45—P. sennariensis (paralectotype); 46—P. sennariensis (paratype of P. signata ssp. aethiopica).
Elytra cylindrical, 1.85 times as long as wide at the humeral part, glabrous, lustrous, densely covered with small fine confused punctures dissappearing in elytral apices. Ratio length of elytra/length of pronotum 3.70– 3.90. Tarsi slender. First protarsomere as broad as long, the last two protarsomeres are missing in all males examined. Aedeagus as in Fig. 25. REVISION OF THE GENUS PARACLYTRA
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Female. Frons broader, 2.55–2.85 times as wide as the diameter of the eye. Ratio length of elytra/length of pronotum 3.90–4.10. Spermatheca and rectal sclerites as in Figs. 36, 47. Differential diagnosis. In its habitus and in the structure of its aedeagus, P. signata is very similar to the dark forms of P. sennariensis occuring in Ethiopia and Eritrea. P. signata is larger in size (8.00–9.90 mm), while P. sennariensis is smaller (6.60–8.70 mm). The length of the elytra is comparatively shorter in P. sennariensis than in P. signata (ratio length of elytra/length of pronotum in P. sennariensis 3.35–3.50, in P. signata 3.70–4.10; ratio length of elytra/width of elytra in humeral part in P. sennariensis 1.60–1.75, in P. signata 1.85). Head of P. signata is always completely orange or at most with small brownish spots at the inner margins of eyes, while the dark forms of P. sennariensis always have at least whole vertex black. The aedeagi of both taxa are similar (Figs. 22–25) but the alae of P. sennariensis are distictly convergent in the anterior half, while the alae of P. signata are almost parallel and widely rounded in the apical quarter. The underside of the aedeagus never has impressions in P. signata, while it has one longitudinal and two apical rounded impressions in P. sennariensis. Distribution. Senegal. Brivio (1960) listed it also from Guinea-Bissau, but this record may refer to P. gambiensis. All other literature sources refer to other Paraclytra species. Comments. Paraclytra notata was described by Klug (1835) from Senegal. In Dejean´s catalogues, Chevrolat (1836, 1837) attributed this species to Dejean. The entry catalogue of old collection of ZMHB includes the record „Clythra notata Kl.; 4 specimens; Senegal, Buq.“ under the number 23170. These specimens (two males and two females) should be treated as syntypes. We had the opportunity to examine complete series and we found that two males belong to different species than both females. Klug (1835) described the pronotum design as: „… mit einem grossen, gezahnten, in der Mitte tief ausgerandeten Fleck an der Basis“. Such coloration agrees only with one male which is designated here as a lectotype. The second male has a reduced black coloration on pronotum into two black spots. Both females we identified as P. gambiensis. The concept of P. notata in Lacordaire (1848) is chaotic. He presented P. notata as a very variable species with five varieties and Klug´s true notata was treated under variety B (pronotum without the black spots). In the original description of Clythra notata, Klug (1835) explicitly mentioned a black pattern on pronotum. The general description of Lacordaire´s P. notata undoubtedly refers to P. gambiensis, a species with a triangular aedeagus because Lacordaire mentioned three separated black spot on prothorax (one central and two lateral). On the other hand, Lacordaire (1848) described P. signata from Senegal from a large number of specimens („J´en ai vu un grand nombre d´exemplaires“). Unfortunately, we were not able to trace any type specimens in the institutions housing the parts of Lacordaire´s Phytophaga collection. We believe that Lacordaire´s description of P. signata refers to true P. notata. In the description of P. signata it is stated that the prothorax has two black spots on the pronotal base or prothorax black with pale anterior and lateral margins (var. B). Such coloration agrees very well with known specimens of P. notata. To definitely clarify the identity of P. signata we decided to designate a neotype. The coloration of its pronotum differs slightly from the original description because two black basal spots on pronom are not isolated but connected on the pronotal base. The neotype of P. signata and the lectotype of P. notata are conspecific and we suggest to synonymize both taxa. Monrós (1953) found that Clythra notata Klug, 1835 is preoccupied by Clythra notata Gebler, 1830 and suggested P. gambiensis as a replacement name. We do not agree with this act, because the description of P. gambiensis perfectly fits the pale specimens of another West African Paraclytra species, but not the original description and the specimens of P. notata (all specimens of P. notata have a black band or spots on pronotum and a transverse band on elytra connected in suture). The identity of P. gambiensis as a valid species is fixed in this paper by the neotype designation. Thus we propose to replace P. notata by oldest synonym P. signata. Medvedev (1971a) presented a key to the identification of subspecies of P. signata, upgraded the status of P. sennariensis to subspecies of P. signata and described P. signata spp. aethiopica. Medvedev´s concept of P. signata and its subspecies is false. As shown in this paper, West African P. signata do not correspond to East African P. sennariensis, although their aedeagi are similar.
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Distribution. We identified only several specimens from Senegal. According to Brivio (1960) it occurs also in Guinea-Bissau. The records of P. notata from Chad (Selman 1963) refer partly to P. sennariensis and partly to P. traeghaordi. Papp (1952) published „Clytranotata decumana“ from Nigeria. It is questionable if this record refer to P. notata or to Clytrasoma decumana (Illiger, 1800).
Paraclytra traegaordhi (Weise, 1906) (Figs. 15, 26, 37, 48) Clytra trægaordhi Weise, 1906: 18 (original description) Clytra Traegaordhi: Jacoby & Clavareau, 1906: 36 (catalogue) Clytra Traegardhi: Clavareau, 1913: 52 (catalogue) Paraclytra traegardhi: Medvedev, 1971b: 656 Paraclytra gambiensis: Medvedev & Beenen, 2005: 361 (Sudan; partim; on Acacia sp.) Clytra notata: Selman, 1963: 1149 (Chad, partim, on Acacia senegal and A. scorpioides)
Type locality. “Abba Iland“ [Sudan]. Type material. Lectotype ♂ (ZMHB), designated here, labelled: „Abba / Eiland / Jägersk [blue label, h] / / Abba Eiland / 11.12.01. [w, h] // ♂ [w, h] // Cotypus [red label, h]“. Paralectotypes: 1♀ (ZMHB), labelled: „Abba / Eiland / Jägersk. [blue label, h] // Abba Eiland / 11.12.01. [w, h] // Clytra / Jägerskiöldi / m. [w, h] // Cotypus [p] Clytra / traegardhi Weise [red label, h]“; 1♀ (ZMHB), labelled: „Abba / Eiland / Jägersk. [blue label, h] // Abba Eiland / 11.12.01. [w, h] // var. b [w, h] // Cotypus [red label, h]“; 1♂ (NHRS), labelled: „Abba Eiland / 11.12.01. [w, h] // Typus [red label, h]“; 1♂ 2♀♀ (NHRS), labelled: „Abba Eiland / 11.12.01. [w, h] // Paratypus [red label, h]“. The specimens are provided with one additional red printed label: „LECTOTYPUS, [PARALECTOTYPUS, resp. ] / Clythra traegaordhi / Weise, 1906 / des. J. Bezděk 2006 [red label, p]“. Additional material studied. 12 specimens — CHAD: 2♀♀, Ennedi, Mare de Damas, viii-ix.1958, J. Mateu leg. (BMNH); 1 ♂ 2♀♀ , Ennedi, Mare de Kehel, ix.1958, on Acacia scorpioides, J. Mateu leg. (BMNH). SUDAN: 1♀, Khartoum, viii.1974, Dr. V. Seichert leg. (FKCC); 1♂ 1♀, Mogren, on Sunt branches [= Acacia sp.], 20.vii.1930, H. W. Bedford leg. (BMNH); 2♂♂ 2♀♀, Kazangolo, 29.vii.1987, on Acacia, ex coll. J. Roggemann (RBCN). Description. Head usually orange with a broad black band on the frons connecting both eyes, rarely the black band is interrupted in the middle or head is completely orange. Tips of mandibles, maxillary and labial palpes darkened. First four antennomeres yellow. Pronotum orange, rarely with two small obliquely elongated black spots laterally in the front of basal margin. The colour of scutellum varies from completely orange to completely black, often orange with black tip. Elytra orange, each elytron with 5 black spots (1, 1, 2, 1), the size of the spots is variable, two postmedian spots are sometimes connected forming an oblique band of irregular shape, usually not touching suture. The apical spots sometimes absent. Legs black, trochanters, bases of coxae, bases of tibiae (sometimes the basal half of tibiae) and the last two tarsomeres paler. Prosternum orange with a black spot at base behind procoxae, rarely with two black spots laterally or with the posterior half completely black. Meso-, metasternum and abdomen black. Measurements. Males: 5.35–6.55 mm (lectotype: 5.85 mm); females: 5.55–7.15 mm. Male (Fig. 15). Clypeus lustrous, almost glabrous and very finely punctate. Frons broad, twice as wide as the diameter of the eye, shallowly impressed in the middle (sometimes impression indistinct). Vertex and frons densely punctate, semiopaque, covered with long pale hairs. Antennal segment 4 small, with triangularly extended apex, antennae distinctly serrated from segment 5. Pronotum transverse, 1.65 times as wide as long, widest in the middle, moderately convex, almost impuctate, lustrous. Lateral margins slightly rounded, more convergent anteriad than posteriad, anterior margin slightly concave, posterior margin rounded and slightly enlarged in scutellar area. Anterior angles rectangular with rounded tip, posterior ones obtuse, widely rounded. Anterior margin thinly bordered, lateral and posterior margins more distinctly bordered. Scutellum subtriangular with truncate apex, lustrous, nearly impunctate. REVISION OF THE GENUS PARACLYTRA
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FIGURES 47–48. Rectal sclerites of Paraclytra (a—dorsal view, b—ventral view). 47—P. signata; 48—P. traegaordhi.
Elytra cylindrical, 1.65–1.75 times as long as wide at the humeral part, glabrous, semiopaque, densely covered with rough confused punctures, the punctures cover also elytral apices. Tarsi broader than in females. First protarsomere subtriangularly elongated, 1.3 times as long as broad, 0.5 time as long as the two following tarsomeres combined. Aedeagus (Fig. 26) with subtruncate apex and a small triangular process in the middle. Alae clavate and separated from each other. Female. Tarsi narrower. Frons broader than in male, 2.50 times as wide as the diameter of the eye. Spermatheca and rectal sclerites as in Figs. 37, 48. Differential diagnosis. By its habitus, Paraclytra traegaordhi resembles P. crocata, P. cervenkai sp. nov. and paler forms of P. sennariensis. All mentioned species can be easily distinguished by the structure of the aedeagus (Figs. 16–17, 22–24, 26). Due to relatively roughly punctured elytra the specimens of P. traegaordhi seem semiopaque while other mentioned Paraclytra species are lustrous. The colour characters are variable, although the colour of the head (usually orange with a broad black band from eye to eye on frons) and the presence of the black apical spot on the elytra could also help in determination of P. traegaordhi. Distribution. Chad, Sudan. Comments. The number of syntypes was not specified in the original description. The type series is currently divided into two parts deposited in ZMHB and NHRS. As a lectotype (present designation) we chose one male from ZMHB where the majority of Weise´s collection is deposited.
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Key to identification of Paraclytra species 1 2
5 6
Pronotum covered with large punctures, lateral margins of pronotum widely bordered ............................................. 2 Pronotum impunctate or covered with very fine punctures, lateral margins of pronotum thinly bordered.................. 3 Pronotum 2.00–2.05 times as wide as long. Elytra black, orange pattern restricted to humeral area with a small black spot on humeral callus (Fig. 9). Smaller species (4.80–5.75 mm). Aedeagus as in Fig. 21. Distribution: Cameroon ... ........................................................................................................................................................................ P. minuta Pronotum less transverse, 1.70 times as wide as long. Elytra bicolorous, anterior half orange with small round black spot, posterior half black (Fig. 8). Larger species (6.90–8.75 mm). Aedeagus as in Fig. 20. Distribution: Benin, Guinea, Nigeria, Sierra Leone.................................................................................................................... P. intersecta Pronotum 1.50 times as wide as long, densely covered with fine punctures, hind angles indistinct, widely rounded. Head, pronotum, scutellum and the underside black, elytra orange, with a black spot behind humerus and a black irregular transverse band behind the middle (Fig. 5). Body length: 5.60–7.60 mm. Aedeagus as in Fig. 18. Distribution: Namibia ................................................................................................................................................. P. elegans Pronotum 1.60–1.75 times as wide as long, nearly impunctate, usually completely orange or orange with black spots (except the dark forms of P. crocata with black pronotum), hind angles more or less indicated ............................... 4 Aedeagus with alae triangularly dilated (Fig. 19). Pronotum usually with three black spots (two lateral, one median) (Fig. 7). Paler specimens often with pronotum uniformly orange (Fig. 6), darker specimens with the black spots connected. Body length: 7.10–10.40 mm. Distribution: countries of southern coast of West Africa (from Senegal to Cameroon) ............................................................................................................................................... P. gambiensis Aedeagus with alae not triangularly dilated ................................................................................................................ 5 Frons narrow in males (1.20–1.40 times as broad as the diameter of the eye)............................................................ 6 Frons broad in males (2.00–2.44 times as broad as the diameter of the eye) .............................................................. 7 First protarsomere 1.25 times as long as broad in male. Coloration variable (Figs. 2–4): 1) head and pronotum orange, elytra with a postmedian black band only, 2) elytra with a black spot at the first third near suture and a postmedian black band, 3) head and pronotum black. Body length: 7.20–8.75 mm. Aedeagus as in Fig. 17. Distribution: Yemen, Saudi Arabia ..................................................................................................................................... P. crocata First protarsomere 1.5 times as long as broad in male. Head and pronotum orange, elytra orange with one small round spot at one third of elytra near suture and one elongate and slightly oblique band (Fig. 1). Body length: 6.10– 8.75 mm. Aedeagus as in Fig. 16. Distribution: Sultanate of Oman ............................................ P. cervenkai sp. nov. Elytra semiopaque, relatively roughly punctured. Head usually orange with a broad black band from eye to eye on frons, elytra usually with a black apical spot (Fig. 15). Body length: 5.35–7.15 mm. Aedeagus as in Fig. 26. Distribution: Sudan, Chad ............................................................................................................................... P. traegaordhi Elytra semiopaque to lustrous, finely punctured. Ratio length of elytra/length of pronotum 3.70–4.10. Pronotum with a basal black band with irregular anterior margin (Fig. 14) or with two basal black spots. Body length: 8.00–9.90 mm. Underside of aedeagus without impressions (Fig. 25). Distribution: Guinea-Bissau, Senegal ........................................................................................... P. signata Ratio length of elytra/length of pronotum 3.35–3.50. Only the darkest specimens with apical black spots on elytra. Coloration very variable (see the description) (Figs. 10–13). Body length: 6.60–8.70 mm. Underside of aedeagus with one longitudinal and two apical rounded impressions (Figs. 22–24). Distribution: North-East Africa, Arabian Peninsula and Near East ........................................................................................................................ P. sennariensis
A catalogue of the genus Paraclytra Genus Paraclytra Medvedev, 1971 Paraclytra cervenkai sp. nov.
Sultanate of Oman
Paraclytra crocata (Lacordaire, 1848)
Saudi Arabia, Yemen
Paraclytra elegans Medvedev, 1993
Paraclytra gambiensis (Lacordaire, 1848)
Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan (?).
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Paraclytra intersecta (Illiger, 1800) = Gynandrophthalma seminigra Jacoby, 1891 = Gynandrophthalma seminigra Jacoby, 1894
Benin, Guinea, Nigeria, Sierra Leone
Paraclytra minuta (Medvedev, 1971)
Paraclytra sennariensis (Lacordaire, 1848)
Chad, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen
= Clythra rufitarsis Lacordaire, 1848 = Clytra plicatipennis Pic, 1939 = Clytra signata ssp. aethiopica Medvedev, 1971 Paraclytra signata (Lacordaire, 1848) = Clythra notata Klug, 1835
Guinea-Bissau, Senegal
Paraclytra traegaordhi (Weise, 1906)
Chad, Sudan
Acknowledgements We would like to express our thanks to all colleagues and curators listed above who kindly allowed us to examine the material under their charge and to Luboš Dembický (Moravian Museum, Brno, Czech Republic) who kindly took the colour photos by Nikon Coolpix 4500. This study was granted by the Research plan No. MSM6215648905 “Biological and technological aspects of sustainability of controlled ecosystems and their adaptability to climate change“, which is financed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. The study of type material in ZMHB was supported by the Synthesys project DE-TAF-1891.
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