Ahsan-ul-Ambia, Mr. Parash Chandra Barman for their kind help during this work. ..... maximum DC power output (watts) under Standard Test Conditions (STC).
4.2.3 Antidiarrhoeal activity of Pomegranate juice concentrate in castor oil induced diarrhoea model in rats. 81. 4.2.4 Gastrointestinal motility test of Pomegranate.
setting up guard rail, traffic sign, marking, green coverage plan straight road to lightening the driver's tired degree, lighting condition of the road, etc (17).
http://isjd.pdii.lipi.go.id/admin/jurnal/102087073.pdf. ..... http://repository.usu.ac.id/bitstream/123456789/3720/1 ... The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
and the resonance integral is thus small (tenth of eV at most) [138], resulting in narrow ...... 5-16, the increase in C6:PCBM blend concentration up to 20 mg/mL.
My heartfelt thanks to the SARD-SC Rice project coordinator Ato Bayuh Belay for providing ...... sample mass as described in the AACC (2000) Method 44-15 A.
undesirable effects on gas exchange and blood gases in sheep and to less extent in ... of xylazine doses are alters the respiratory mechanics and gas exchange,.