040010404-Computer Oriented Operations Research Methods

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Uka Tarsadia University. M.C.A.. Computer Oriented Operations Research Methods (040010404). 4 th. Semester. EFFECTIVE FROM JUNE-2012 ...

M.C.A. Computer Oriented Operations Research Methods (040010404)

4thSemester EFFECTIVE FROM JUNE-2013

UKA TARSADIA UNIVERSITY M.C.A.(4thSemester) Syllabus, 2013-2014

Course Code: 040010404 Course Title: Oriented Operations Research Methods Course Credits: 4 Total Hours: 48 [Lectures: 04, Tutorial: 00, Practical: 00] Prerequisites: Nil To introduce basic understanding of mathematical model formulation and finding Objectives: optimize solution of real world problem with applications to computer science.


Introduction of Operations Research and Linear Programming

[08 Hours]


Simplex Method for Solution of LPP

[07 Hours]


Transportation and Assignment Problem (TP & AP)(Only balanced problem)

[09 Hours]


1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5.

Introduction, Characteristic, Phases, Scope of OR Drawbacks and Difficulties of OR Introduction and Formulation of LPP with Assumptions Graphical Method for Solution of LPP

Standard Form of an LP Problem Simplex Algorithm for Maximization Case Simplex Algorithm for Minimization Case; Big- M Method Alternative Optimal Solution, Unbounded Solution and In-Feasible Solution In Terms of The Termination of Simplex Method.

Mathematical Formulation of TP Initial Basic Feasible Solution: Vogel’s Approximation Method(VAM) Testing for Optimality and Finding Optimum Solution By MODI Method(Only Minimization) Mathematical Formulation of AP Solving Assignment Problem By Hungarian Method(Only Minimization)

Games Theory and Sequencing Problems 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6.

Introduction of Theory of Game Two-Person Zero-Sum Game Rules to Determine the Saddle Point and Games With Saddle Point(Pure Strategies) Notations, Terminology and Assumptions of Sequencing Problems Processing N Jobs Through Two Machines. Processing Two Jobs Through M Machines

[08 Hours]


Project Scheduling (CPM and PERT)

[08 Hours]



[08 Hours]

5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5.

Introduction Basic Differences Between PERT and CPM Network Diagrams Critical Path Method PERT Calculations

Simulation Defined, Advantages and Disadvantages of Simulation Types of Simulations and Steps of Simulation Process Stochastic Simulation and Random Numbers Simulation of Pert Problems Role of Computers In Simulation and Its Applications

Course Outcomes:Upon completion of the course students will be able to CO1: CO2:

CO3: CO4: CO5:

Identify and formulate mathematical models from description of the real problems. Recognize the importance and value of Operations Research to solve practical problems. To gain an understanding of operation research methods namely Linear Programming, Transportation Problem and Assignment Problem to interpret and analyze optimal solution of real problems. Ability to understand and analyze managerial problems to optimize resources namely manpower, cost and time. To design a model of a real system and conducting experiments for the purpose of understanding the behavior of the system and evaluating strategies for the system.

Course Objectives and Course Outcomes Mapping: To formulate mathematical model: CO1, CO2, CO3

To find optimize solutions of problems: CO3, CO4, CO5

Course Units and Course Outcomes Mapping: Unit No. 1 2 3 4 5 6


Introduction of operation Research and Linear Programming

Simplex method for solution of LPP Transportation and Assignment Problem Game Theory and Sequencing Problem

Project Scheduling(CPM and PERT) Simulation

Course Outcome






Modes of Transaction (Delivery):

Lecture method shall be used but along with it, as and when required, discussion method would be fruitful. It may be supplemented with various appropriate audio-visual aids. Assignment activity should be designed and given to group of student for solution. Tutorial should be used to solve students’ queries

  


The following activities shall be carried out by the students. To solve case study for the problems namely Transportation, Assignment and game theory  To find out applications of Operations research in Networking.  Implementation of operation research methods using programming language. 

The following activities shall be carried out by the teacher. To aware students about current practices of Operations research in computer science.  To introduce the Applications of Transportation and assignment problems in computer science 

Text Book: 1.

Operations Research, Theory and Applications, J. K. Sharma, MACMILLAN INDIA LIMITED.

1. 2. 3.

Introduction to Operations Research, Frederick S Hillers and liberman, Tata McGraw-Hill Company. Operations Research, Shah, Gor, Soni, PHI Operations Research: Principles and Applications, G. Srinivasan, PHI.

Reference Books: Concept Map:

It is a hierarchical / tree based representation of all topics covered under the course. This gives direct / indirect relationship /association among topics as well as subtopics.

Computer Oriented Operations Research Methods

Unit-1: Introduction of operation Research and Linear Programming

Unit-2: Simplex method for solution of LPP

Unit-3: Transportation and Assignment Problem

Unit-4: Game Theory and Sequencing Problem

Unit-5: Project Scheduling(CPM and PERT)

Unit-6: Simulation


The weightage of CIE and University examination shall be as per the University regulations. Composition of CIE shall be Assessment Code A1 A2 A3

    


Assessment Type

Duration of each


Each of marks

Weightage in CIE of 40 marks

Unit Test

45 mins



4 X 3 = 12


Self-creation Parameter (Implementa tion of OR methods) Internal Examination

45 mins




1 month



5X 1=5

2 hrs.



15 X 1 = 15


Taken at the end of unit 1and 3. Taken at the end of unit 2, 4 and 6.

Group of 2 student shall implement any OR method. Covering all unit

Syllabus for each CIE parameter shall be covered by the date of the corresponding test. No make-up work shall be accepted for missed or failed tests. Group of two students should implement method of Operation Research using any programming language Student may receive up to 10% marks towards the Assignment if implement functionality such as dynamically implementation and step by step demonstration of problem. Late submission shall be penalized as 5% of full marks per day for maximum two days after the cutoff date. No submission shall be accepted thereafter with the corresponding mark set to 0.

Course Assessment with Course Outcomes Mapping Assessment

CO1 




A1 A3

Course Outcomes

CO3 



Question Bank:

Question Bank must be prepared which consists of several types of questions namely Multiple Choice Questions, Fill in the blanks, Short type questions, long type questions.

Academic Honesty: UFM:

Coursework is assumed to be accomplished individually (otherwise stated). Any portion of submission taken directly from anywhere (like statements in assignment/report etc.) without modification must be accompanied with the properly formatted reference giving credit to the author and to the source.

Any ascertained fact of breaking institute policy shall be associated with one or all of the following: (i) zero marks for the work; (ii) report to the Programme Coordinator; (iii) report to the Director.

Discussion Group:

Students are welcome to post on the Course Discussion Board available on SRIMCA View Course Webpage. It is responsibility of the concern course teacher to maintain Discussion Board.

Attendance:  

Attendance means being present for the entire class session. Those arriving significant late or leaving significantly early without prior permission shall be counted as ABSENT for the entire class session. Concern teacher must clearly state his/her attendance policies at the first class meeting.