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Since Arnim, is constant, (Ab/b)c and (Ab/b)c must be different. If there is a cooperative motion of a small number of ions we can write. {Ablb) c= (n b>u-nbu)l(n.
# = 4 0 G . Parameter ist die Entfernung x der Außenspulen II und III von der Mittelspule I. Die Ergiebigkeit ist hier (v = 2 0 m / s ) % = 0,18//V/A. (7 b) Das beschriebene Verfahren gestattet die Messung der über den Querschnitt gemittelten Geschwindigkeit v bei bekannter elektrischer Leitfähigkeit o. Ist das LeitfähigThe Electrical Conductivity of Solid and Molten 6 L i 2 S 0 4 and 7 L i 2 S 0 4 ARNOLD


Department of Physics, Chalmers Institute of Technology, Göteborg (Z. Naturforschg. 21 a, 487 [ 1 9 6 6 ] ; received 3 February 1966)

The electrical conductivity of L i 2 S 0 4 with different concentrations of 8 Li and 7 L i has been measured from 5 7 5 to 9 3 0 ° C . The ratio of the specific conductivity of 6 L i 2 S 0 4 and 7 L i 2 S 0 4 is 1.042 + 0 . 0 0 2 and within the experimental errors independent of the temperature. A comparison with the mass effect found in electromigration experiments show that there is a cooperative motion of the cations in a - L i 2 S 0 4 .

In the cubic high temperature modification of lithium sulphate, the cation is highly mobile and for this reason the electrical conductivity is almost the same as in the molten salt 1 . The transference number of the cation in a-Li 2 S0 4 is unity 2 and the cations are moving in a pseudo-lattice of sulphate ions. Deviations from the N E R N S T - E I N S T E I N equation found by K V I S T and L U N D E N 1 can be explained by assuming a coupled transport mechanism. The mass effect /u is defined as the ratio of the relative difference of the mobilities and the relative difference of the masses of the two cations Ab /Am + (1) ^ - b ! m —+ L U N D E N 2 hat from electromigration experiments in a-Li 2 S0 4 calculated the mass effect of 6 Li and 7 Li and obtained the value — ^u-nbu)l(n b) = ( & ' L i - H i ) / & • 11 is the mean value of the number of ions taking part in the same movement. In natural lithium sulphate the number of 6 Li ions is small compared with the number of 7 Li ions and this gives (Ab/b)e = (Hi + (n -1) fc'Li - n Hi)/ (n b) = (Ab/b) Jn . The mean value of the number of ions taking part in the same movement is thus 2.0. The difference in electrical conductivity of molten 6 LiCl and 7 LiCl has recently been discussed by L E N K E a n d




I wish to thank Dr. A . LUNDEN for helpful discussions during this work. This work was supported by "Chalmerska Forskningsfonden".


cm 96.2

915.0 904.8 871.3 822.8 806.4 768.2 756.5 716.5 702.0 646.2 624.4 100.0 889.5 880.5 873.8 864.8 861.0 840.8 823.2 789.2 771.4 747.6 714.6 687.8 679.8 634.2







% «Li


4.646 4.582 4.402 3.025 2.887 2.565 2.463 2.053 1.958 1.495 1.318 % 7 Li 4.321 4.276 4.236 4.199 4.169 3.011 2.872 2.587 2.448 2.251 1.978 1.763 1.690 1.339

906.5 892.2 866.2 856.8 820.0 802.5 784.2 730.8



«Li 4.424 4.356 4.194 3.587 2.857 2.718 2.562 2.117

12.6 929.5 910.8 891.0 838.0 832.0 811.3 802.5 786.8 730.0 714.4 691.5 670.4 630.8 610.0 582.2 579.2

%«Li 4.539 4.451 4.340 3.017 2.968 2.797 2.718 2.594 2.099 1.973 1.793 1.614 1.308 1.146 0.946 0.913

Table 1. The electrical conductivity of L i 2 S 0 4 with different concentrations of 6 Li. Melting point of L i 2 S 0 4 : 8 6 0 ° C . 3

A . K V I S T a n d A . RANDSALU, t o b e


R . LENKE a n d A . KLEMM, Z . N a t u r f o r s c h g . 2 0 a , 1 7 2 3

published. [1965],

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