Since Arnim, is constant, (Ab/b)c and (Ab/b)c must be different. If there is a cooperative motion of a small number of ions we can write. {Ablb) c= (n b>u-nbu)l(n.
# = 4 0 G . Parameter ist die Entfernung x der Außenspulen II und III von der Mittelspule I. Die Ergiebigkeit ist hier (v = 2 0 m / s ) % = 0,18//V/A. (7 b) Das beschriebene Verfahren gestattet die Messung der über den Querschnitt gemittelten Geschwindigkeit v bei bekannter elektrischer Leitfähigkeit o. Ist das LeitfähigThe Electrical Conductivity of Solid and Molten 6 L i 2 S 0 4 and 7 L i 2 S 0 4 ARNOLD
Department of Physics, Chalmers Institute of Technology, Göteborg (Z. Naturforschg. 21 a, 487 [ 1 9 6 6 ] ; received 3 February 1966)
The electrical conductivity of L i 2 S 0 4 with different concentrations of 8 Li and 7 L i has been measured from 5 7 5 to 9 3 0 ° C . The ratio of the specific conductivity of 6 L i 2 S 0 4 and 7 L i 2 S 0 4 is 1.042 + 0 . 0 0 2 and within the experimental errors independent of the temperature. A comparison with the mass effect found in electromigration experiments show that there is a cooperative motion of the cations in a - L i 2 S 0 4 .
In the cubic high temperature modification of lithium sulphate, the cation is highly mobile and for this reason the electrical conductivity is almost the same as in the molten salt 1 . The transference number of the cation in a-Li 2 S0 4 is unity 2 and the cations are moving in a pseudo-lattice of sulphate ions. Deviations from the N E R N S T - E I N S T E I N equation found by K V I S T and L U N D E N 1 can be explained by assuming a coupled transport mechanism. The mass effect /u is defined as the ratio of the relative difference of the mobilities and the relative difference of the masses of the two cations Ab /Am + (1) ^ - b ! m —+ L U N D E N 2 hat from electromigration experiments in a-Li 2 S0 4 calculated the mass effect of 6 Li and 7 Li and obtained the value — ^u-nbu)l(n b) = ( & ' L i - H i ) / & • 11 is the mean value of the number of ions taking part in the same movement. In natural lithium sulphate the number of 6 Li ions is small compared with the number of 7 Li ions and this gives (Ab/b)e = (Hi + (n -1) fc'Li - n Hi)/ (n b) = (Ab/b) Jn . The mean value of the number of ions taking part in the same movement is thus 2.0. The difference in electrical conductivity of molten 6 LiCl and 7 LiCl has recently been discussed by L E N K E a n d
I wish to thank Dr. A . LUNDEN for helpful discussions during this work. This work was supported by "Chalmerska Forskningsfonden".