2014 Books Catalogue - CCH Australia

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neW Australian Master GST Guide 2014 – 15th Edition. 11. neW Australian ... Australian Master Bookkeepers Guide – 4th Edition. 12. Insurance and Risk ...
When you have to be right CCH Books 2014

index Bas Kniphorst – Managing Director CCH Australia & New Zealand


New Australian Corporations and Securities Legislation 2014 – Volumes 1 & 2




New Australian Bankruptcy Act 1966 with Regulations and Rules – 13th Edition


Australian Family Law Act 1975 with Regulations and Rules – 32nd Edition


Australian Fair Work Act 20098 with Regulations and Rules – 5th Edition





Marcus Lai – Senior Editor, Tax & Accounting

Tax & Accounting NEW Australian Master Tax Guide 2014 – 54th Edition


New Master Financial Statements Pack – January 2014


New Australian Income Tax Legislation 2014 – 3 Volume Set


Emma Watson – Regional Director, Strategy, Innovation & Technology

New Australian Tax Treaties 2014


New Australian Superannuation Legislation 2014 – 18th Edition


New FBT Compliance Guide 2014


New Australian GST Legislation with Overview 2014 – 17th Edition


New Australian Master GST Guide 2014 – 15th Edition


New Australian Corporations and Securities Legislation 2014 – Volumes 1 & 2


New Australian Taxation Law 2014 – 24th Edition


New Australian Bankruptcy Act 1966 with Regulations and Rules –


Master Tax Examples 2013/14 – 12th Edition


Australian Master Bookkeepers Guide – 4th Edition


Development and Planning Law in New South Wales


Insurance and Risk Management



Australian Master Superannuation Guide 2013/14 – 17th Edition


Australian Family Law Act 1975 with Regulations and Rules – 32nd Edition

Guide to MySuper, SuperChoice and SuperStream


Australian Master Family Law Guide 6th Edition


Guide to Life Risk Protection and Planning – 3rd Editions


Mediation for Lawyers


Australian Master Financial Planning Guide 2013/14 – 16th Edition


Personal Injury Compensation in Victoria


A Practical Guide to Business Valuations for SME’s – 2nd Edition


Practical Guide to Engineering and Construction Contracts


Small Business Tax Concessions Guide – 3rd Edition


Australian Private Equity Handbook


Annual Dividends Book 2012/13


The Accountant as an Expert Witness: A basic guide to forensic accounting – 2nd Edition




Minimise Your Tax: Keys to Effective Tax Planning




Adriana Giometti – Publisher CCH Australia

CCH Master Series

Legal titles

13th Edition

Jessica Hobson – Director, Marketing & Product Management Lauren Ma – Marketing Manager CCH Australia Books

Employment & OHS titles New Effective Recruitment and Selection Practices – 6th Edition


New Due Diligence: Persons Conducting a Business or Undertaking


New Australian Master Human Resources Guide – 10th Edition


Australian Fair Work Act 2009 with Regulations and Rules – 5th Edition


Independent Contractors: a Practical Guide


Managing Workplace Behavior: a best practice guide

29 29

New Australian Master Tax Guide 2014 – 54th Edition


New Australian Master Human Resources Guide


New Australian Master GST Guide 2014 – 15th Edition


Australian Master Family Law Guide – 6th Edition


Australian Master Superannuation Guide 2013/14 – 17th Edition


McCullum’s Top Workplace Relation Cases: Labour law and the employment relationship as defined by case law

Australian Master Financial Planning Guide 2013/14 – 16th Edition


Australian Master Work Health and Safety Guide


Australian Master Bookkeepers Guide – 4th Edition



Australian Master Work Health and Safety Guide


Planning Work Health and Safety: A guide to workplace risk management Due Diligence: Duty of Officers


Due Diligence: Incident Notification, Management and Investigation


Due Diligence: Dealing with Regulators


Due Diligence: Workers Rights and Duties


Due Diligence: Horizontal and Vertical Consultation



Sue Rooker – McPherson’s Printing Group


Legislation New Australian Income Tax Legislation 2014 – 3 Volume Set


New Australian Superannuation Legislation 2014 – 18th Edition


New Australian GST Legislation with Overview 2014 – 17th edition



Fiona Harmsworth – Senior Editor, Law & Business


Education – Tax & Accounting


Andrew Hopkins – CCH Author


Andrew Hopkins titles

New Australian Taxation Law 2014 – 24th Edition (teachers resources)


New Australian Master Tax Guide 2014 – 54th Edition


New Financial Planning Principles


New Foundations of Taxation Law 2014 – 6th Edition (teachers resources)


New Australian Tax Casebook – 12th Edition New Core Tax Legislation & Study Guide 2014 – 17th Edition

Disastrous Decisions: The Human and Organizational Causes of the Gulf of Mexico Blowout


Learning from High Reliability Organisations


Failure to Learn: the BP Texas City Refinery disaster


Lessons from Longford: The Esso gas plant explosion



Lessons from Longford: The Trial



Lessons from Gretley: Mindful leadership and the law


New Australian Taxation Study Manual: Questions and Suggested Solutions – 23th Edition


Safety, Culture and Risk: The organizational causes of disasters


Understanding Accounting Principles – 2nd Edition


Australian Master Bookkeepers Guide – 4th edition


Taxpayer Right to Compensation for Tax Office Mistakes


Tax Flow-through Companies


The Politics of Retirement Savings Taxation: A Trans-Tasman Comparison


CCH A u s t r a l i a L i m i t e d A W o lt e r s K l u w e r B u s i n e s s

CEO: Russell Evans Managing Director: Bas Kniphorst Books Publisher: Adriana Giometti

Education – Law & Business

Project Managers: Lauren Ma & Scott Abrahams

New Contract Law in Context


Design: Squad Ink

New Understanding Business Contracts


Writer: Keiasha Naidoo

New Australian Business Law 2014 – 33rd edition, Blended Learning Resources (teachers Resources)


Photography: Richard Freeman Photography

New Commercial Applications of Company Law 2014 –15th Edition


New First Principles of Business Law 2014 – Blended Learning


Introducing the Law – 7th edition


Planning Work Health and Safety: a guide to workplace risk management


New Corporations and Securities Legislation – Volume 1


Australian Family Law Act 1975 with Regulations and Rules – 32nd Edition


New Australian Master Family Law Guide – 6th edition


McCullum’s Top Workplace Relation Cases: Labour law and the employment relationship as defined by case law


New Effective Recruitment and Selection Practices – 6th Edition


Australian Master Work Health and Safety Guide


(teachers resources)

Resources teachers resources)

Stylist: Gemma Lush Level 2, 101 Waterloo Road North Ryde  NSW 2113 Phone. 1300 300 CCH www.cchbooks.com.au


INTRODUCING bas kniphorst Managing Direc tor CCH Austr alia & NEW ZEALAND

When you have to be right

We understand that our customers rely on CCH information to help them advise their clients, run their businesses and manage their obligations. We want to make sure we enhance the reliability and reputation of our clients through the accuracy and quality of our work.

When Bas Kniphorst started his first year at university in Durham, the United Kingdom, he had several questions about university life and no single source of information. He figured other students were in the same boat and set about writing his first book. “I spoke to the Master at college, got a team together and put all the information in one guide. It was simple things like `how much cutlery to bring to college?’ Information that new students would want to know,” he said. Nine international roles later, prior to arriving Down Under as Managing Director of CCH Australia and New Zealand, Bas is still doing what he loves and describes as, simply, “making books”. After studying a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Economics and then proceeding to a Masters in International Relations, Bas initially thought he may follow in his international banker father’s footsteps or work in International Diplomacy, but publishing was the path he chose.

f e at u r e : b a s k n i p h o r s t /


INTRODUCING bas kniphorst

“I love books and wanted a career in publishing. It is tangible. Now with software and solutions you get to see an outcome even quicker,” he said.

Born in Brazil, Bas has worked with CCH parent company Wolters Kluwer for 12 years and moved to Australia and his current role in February 2013. He has also held management roles within the Wolters Kluwer global business in Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, the Netherlands and Singapore. The tangible and creative experience of producing books is still Bas’ passion, but he says the nature of information sharing has changed. It explains why CCH is making a significant investment in the development of Practice Management software. “How people use our products is very task-based. We have to help our customers serve their customers better,” he said. “We are providing the information more pro-actively to our customers because we understand they have to be more actionable. If we enable them to be more actionable they can, in turn, be more effective and efficient to their own clients.” “We feel the pain our customers have when they are required to have all the correct information on hand, and how clients can best use the information they have to serve their clients and still run a business,”


/ w h en yo u n e e d to b e rig ht

CCH has met the demand from accountants for a software solution by acquiring iFirm. The full practice management system is designed around managing jobs, workflow and resourcing. It also includes a contacts database and cloud-based report writer. One of the primary enablers for CCH customers is the ability to use various resources collaboratively. “Books, software tools and online capability have become essential business tools and we want to see all of these used collaboratively,” Bas said. “At the same time our products need to be accurate because we know our clients need to be right. “This year we introduced a commentary function into the e-book version of the Master Tax Guide, as well as providing resources for our clients to use the included tools collaboratively. We want our clients be able to migrate between books, ebooks, online tools and commentary with ease, while maintaining the very high quality all our products are so wellknown for.”

That information quality – a globally recognised combination of accuracy and relevance – is achieved at CCH using the expertise of a highly qualified team of writers and editors. Bas said it was this professional and hardworking editorial team that ensured there were quality controls for every piece of information communicated from CCH to its customer base. “We are always working in the spirit of our motto `When you have to be right’. “We pride ourselves on the fact that our editorial team provides well-researched, authentic and impartial information to all our customers. And remember, CCH produces more than just expert texts; we have an extensive and detailed online offering and, following some intensive research and development, we are currently producing a new total solutions-focussed product for accountants.” Given the regularity of legislative changes, CCH customers need up-to-date information at their fingertips, from a source they can trust.

“At CCH we understand the complexity of regulatory changes and the impact on our clients,” Bas said. “We work around the clock to make sure our customers have the latest and most up-to-date possible from an information from an authoritative source. That’s why our clients trust us.” Producing high quality books at CCH requires adherence to a strict and precise process. Industry and technical experts spend a lot of time researching and reading the legislation and information and understanding the details of the content. At each point the information is checked and edited. Time is spent looking at ways to improve the practical nature of presenting the information digitally and in print. A lot of work goes into making sure information is easy to access, practical and accurate. “We love what we do. CCH editors and writers are technical experts who are passionate about their field of expertise.” “When our customers want quality information from experts with qualified opinions, they

what’s under the cover? bas kniphorst Favourite Destination

Hong Kong Favourite Food

A nice piece of steak. That said, I love Argentine barbecues where all the offal is eaten CURRENTLY READING

The Quiet American, by Graham Greene Most Admired Quality in a Person

Honesty & being genuine

know they can turn to us. We want to reach our clients on a wide variety of platforms and we are researching how we can expand our offering to achieve that.” This statement typifies the future at CCH. Bas’ team understands the challenges faced by their customers and are striving to integrate the different resources needed into single-point products to help improve their business needs and the needs of their own customers. “We are focused on resource integration and evolving so we can enable our customers to be highly efficient to their own clients. Their reality is addressing their client’s needs and we want make sure you are well equipped to do this.” Talking about the direction of CCH comes easily to Bas thanks to his global business and cultural experiences. He has really enjoyed getting to understand Australian law, politics, culture and the education and medical systems. Bas thinks an impressive aspect of Australian culture is its support for multiculturalism.

“Not many countries have a service like SBS which caters for such a wide spectrum of cultures and language groups,” he said. “I still can’t believe that on a Saturday morning I can listen to a Dutch language station in the middle of Sydney. I am not sure the exact number of Dutch speaking people here, but I don’t imagine it is a large number.” Bas loves Sydney, particularly that he and his young family can live close to the city, but with a freedom and sense of security others around the globe only dream about. “My dad was a banker and we moved around a lot. When we lived in São Paulo we had to lock everything. There were gates to the house, hired security and even an internal gate to the bedrooms, which had to be locked at night.” “So it is a bit novel when I see my children’s bicycles at the front door every day – and then still there again the next morning. It is a good side of humanity.”

f e at u r e : b a s k n i p h o r s t /


INTRODUCING Marcus Lai Senior Editor , Ta x & Accounting

After falling into the publishing industry and joining CCH as an XML Conversion Specialist Marcus knew the organisation was the right fit for him. “Within days of starting I knew CCH felt right – it was a very good fit. When my initial project ended I was approached by a colleague to apply for a position as an Editor working on books and product development in the academic space across the Legal and Tax portfolios. This role allowed me to leverage my background in law, continue working in a highly respected company and do something I enjoy”.

Although his positions and reporting lines have evolved over the years, Marcus is still passionate about his role as Senior Editor in the Tax and Accounting group. “I really enjoy working with my external authors. Over the years we have developed some great professional relationships and I genuinely look forward to publishing new editions so I have the opportunity to work with them again. “I enjoy the collaborative process and the idea that we’re committed to achieving a shared goal and creating something of value. I also like working within the Tax and Accounting group and having the opportunity to work closely with the academic sales team, marketing and other stakeholders involved in books publishing at CCH. We’re all working towards a common goal and being part of that is very rewarding.” One fond memory that stands out for Marcus during his time at CCH was the opportunity to work with former Australian High Court Justice Michael Kirby and his associate on the foreword for a new edition of Introducing the Law. Marcus also has fond memories of his time at an ATTA Conference held in Hobart. “The day had been very busy as I was finalising a publication remotely while attending the conference. By the evening I knew we had met our publishing deadline so I was in a great place to enjoy the social functions of the conference with the authors of the publication, our Editor-in-Chief and other colleagues.” Marcus nominates exciting and challenging as the two words that spring to mind when thinking about the transition from traditional print to digital content. “Exciting because it means an opportunity to innovate and develop powerful new online tools and systems for searching and delivering our content; challenging because it involves change and ensuring that the new products and online materials we take to market are successful and profitable.”


/ f e at u r e : M a r c u s L a i

tax & accounting



Available as eBook


Available as eBook

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39708A ISBN: 978 1 922215 57 4 Publish: January 2014 Approx. pages: 2,320 

CCH code: 39765A ISBN: 978 1 925091 48 9 Publish: January 2014 Approx. pages: 2,591

CCH code: 39721A ISBN: 978 1 922215 83 3 Publish: February 2014 Approx. pages: 7,856

RRP: $184.95

RRP: $499

RRP: $285

Australian Master Tax Guide 2014 – 54th Edition

Master Financial Statements Pack – January 2014

Michael Chow

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Australian Income Tax Legislation 2014 – 3 Volume Set

We love our Australian Master Tax Guide! Since 1970 practitioners all over the country have loved it too, relying on it as their leading tax reference. The guide is designed to help practitioners, businesses and organisations quickly locate accurate answers to their tax questions.

The continuing wave of new accounting standards and disclosure requirements has made statutory compliance more challenging. To make it easier for practitioners to stay up to date, CCH has teamed up with Financial Reporting Specialists Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu to bring you a practical, clear resource that offers an adoptable format for financial statements for over 30 entities, including not only model statements but an array of Audit reports, declarations and an extensive Disclosure Checklists.

Whether it is being used to help prepare tax returns for the current tax year or to work out the tax issues and implications of decisions and transactions in the immediate future years, the Australian Master Tax Guide is an essential resource for anyone working in, or dealing with, tax. Up-to-date: 31st December 2013.

This 3-volume set provides a comprehensive consolidation of Australian income tax and related legislation, updated and consolidated for all amendments to 1 January 2014. This set includes all relevant income tax and related legislation, including: Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, transitional provisions, 1997 Regulations, Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, 1936 Regulations, Taxation Administration Act, Rating Acts, Fringe Benefits Tax and Administrative Appeals. Also available as a pack - Australian Income Tax Legislation and Tax Treaties 2014 Pack. CCH Code: 39722A

What’s new in the 2014 edition? All of the Coalition’s announced tax and superannuation changes and more! These include: • Th  e abolition of the carbon tax and the mining tax • Th  e discontinuation of the small business write-off for assets of less than $6,500, small business accelerated depreciation for cars up to $5,000, and the loss carry-back • I ntroduction of a more generous paid parental leave system (with associated 1.5% levy on large businesses) • D  eferral of the increase in the superannuation guarantee

visit www.cchbooks.com.au

To order or for more information, please contact your CCH Sales Consultant or call Customer Service on

1300 300 224 or visit www.cchbooks.com.au

ta x & a c c o u n t i n g /


tax & accounting



Available as eBook

Available as eBook

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39717A ISBN: 978 1 922215 75 8 Publish: February 2014 Approx. pages: 984

CCH code: 39716A ISBN: 978 1 922215 72 7 Publish: February 2014 Approx. pages: 1,600

CCH code: 39685A ISBN: 978 1 922215 22 2 Publish: February 2014 Approx. pages: 520

RRP: $90

RRP: $149

RRP: $110

Australian Tax Treaties 2014

Australian Superannuation Legislation 2014 – 18th Edition

FBT Compliance Guide 2014

Australian Tax Treaties 2014 provides the text of all international tax agreements entered into by Australia as at 1 January 2014. Those agreements were previously contained in schedules to the International Tax Agreements Act. For ease of reference, this book reproduces current tax treaties in alphabetical order. A new feature of this edition is the inclusion of Tax Information Exchange Agreements (TIEAs) and a useful table is included to provide relevant dates of effect for each treaty as well as references to the Australian Treaty Series and details about the enacting legislation. Also available as a pack - Australian Income Tax Legislation and Tax Treaties 2014 Pack. CCH Code: 39722A



/ c c h a u s t r a l i a b o o k s c ata l o g u e 2 0 1 4

Consolidated to 1 January 2014, this title contains a summary of 2013 amending Acts and Regulations to superannuation, tax and related laws, and is the essential legislation book for practitioners. The publication includes the complete superannuation industry supervision (SIS) legislation, superannuation guarantee Act, unclaimed superannuation money Act, and government co-contributions Act. It also includes relevant extracts from the income tax and taxation administration Acts, and other laws impacting on superannuation operation.

Colin Wilmot The FBT Compliance Guide 2014 provides a comprehensive coverage of the Australian FBT legislation, FBT law modifications during 2013 and salary packaging. The Guide also provides valuable information on all categories of fringe benefit exemptions and reductions in the taxable value of benefits. Major changes to the 2014 edition include; revision of property fringe benefits, residual fringe benefits as a consequence of the changes to taxation of in-house fringe benefits and the repeal of airline transport benefits.

visit www.cchbooks.com.au



Available as eBook


Available as eBook

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39711A ISBN: 978 1 922215 63 5 Publish: February 2014 Approx. pages: 1,600

CCH code: 39710A ISBN: 978 1 922215 61 1 Publish: February 2014 Approx. pages: 792

CCH code: 39703A ISBN: 978 1 922215 47 5 Publish: January 2014 Approx. pages: 1,656

RRP: $149

RRP: $159

RRP: $145

Australian GST Legislation with Overview 2014 – 17th Edition

Australian Master GST Guide 2014 – 15th Edition

Australian Taxation Law 2014 – 24th Edition

Philip McCouat

Woellner, Barkoczy, Murphy, Evans, Pinto

This title provides an in-depth index and comprehensive consolidation of all legislation relating to the Australian GST system, and incorporates all amendments enacted to 1 January 2014. The book also includes all relevant luxury car tax and wine equalisation tax legislation. There is also a separate section containing the full definitions of terms used in the GST legislation which are defined in non-GST legislation.

The Australian Master GST Guide contains a clear, practical explanation of the GST with numerous examples of how it works in practice. It is up-to-date to 1 January 2014 and incorporates all changes and proposed changes to the GST law. Particular attention is given to key subject areas such as real property, imports/exports, finance, transport, food, education, health and charities. Significant coverage of audit, compliance activities and planning opportunities is also included.

Australian Taxation Law is an essential resource providing an in-depth understanding of the complex world of tax. The well-established annual text covers income tax, FBT, GST, state taxes, superannuation, financial transactions and corporate entities. It identifies relevant new cases from the past year and includes updated tax rates, tax offsets and example calculations. Teacher’s resources available – see page 33.

To order or for more information, please contact your CCH Sales Consultant or call Customer Service on

1300 300 224 or visit www.cchbooks.com.au

* Prices and publication date correct at time of printing and subject to change.

ta x & a c c o u n t i n g / 1 1

tax & accounting

Available as eBook

Available as eBook

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39582A ISBN: 978 1 922042 96 5 Publish: August 2013 Pages: 601

CCH code: 39431A ISBN: 978 1 922010 34 6 Publish: September 2012 Pages: 1,248

CCH code: 39574A ISBN: 978 1 922042 88 0 Publish: June 2013 Pages: 442

RRP: $99

RRP: $128

RRP: $85

Master Tax Examples 2013/14 – 12th Edition

Australian Master Bookkeepers Guide – 4th Edition

Insurance and Risk Management

Nethercott, Richardson, Devos

John Teale

Stephen J Marsden

Available as eBook


Available as eBook

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39583A ISBN: 9781 192204 97 2 Publish: August 2013 Pages: 1,452

CCH code: 39422A ISBN: 978 1 922010 45 2 Publish: April 2013 Pages: 1,452

CCH code: 39426A ISBN: 978 1 922010 29 2 Publish: January 2013 Pages: 325

RRP: $159

RRP: $80

RRP: $99

Australian Master Superannuation Guide 2013/14 – 17th Edition

Guide to MySuper, SuperChoice and SuperStream

Guide to Life Risk Protection and Planning – 3rd Editions

/ c c h a u s t r a l i a b o o k s c ata l o g u e 2 0 1 4

Doug Scriven

visit www.cchbooks.com.au

Available as eBook

Available as eBook

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39584A ISBN: 978 1 922042 98 9 Publish: August 2013 Pages: 1,452

CCH code: 39335A ISBN: 978 1 921948 41 1 Publish: February 2013 Pages: 296

CCH code: 39421A ISBN: 978 1 922010 24 7 Publish: July 2013 Pages: 432

RRP: $159

RRP: $195

RRP: $125

Australian Master Financial Planning Guide 2013/14 – 16th Edition

A Practical Guide to Business Valuations for SME’s – 2nd Edition

Small Business Tax Concessions Guide – 3rd Edition

Greg Hayes

Cleary, Biti, Baxter, McCouat, Peters

Tool for any adviser to the SME market. Up to date to 30 June 2012

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39607A ISBN: 978 1 922180 21 6 Publish: July 2013 Pages: 310

RRP: $399

Annual Dividends Book 2012/2013

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39671EB ISBN: 978 1 922180 98 8 Publish: June 2013

RRP: $45

The Accountant as an Expert Witness: A basic guide to forensic accounting – 2nd Edition

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39652A ISBN: 978 1 922180 90 2 Publish: July 2013 Pages: 173

RRP: $49.95

Minimise Your Tax: Keys to Effective Tax Planning Rodney Fisher

Ronnie Hoffman, Warwick Finney, Phillip Cox, Kathie Cooper

* Prices and publication date correct at time of printing and subject to change.

ta x & a c c o u n t i n g / 1 3

INTRODUCING Adriana Giometti P u b l i s h e r C C H AUSTRA l i a

When you have to be a Master

There is A KIND OF divine intervention when it comes to the production of the twice-yearly CCH Australian Master Tax Guide. The large TOME – considered an absolute essential for accountants ­– is printed on the same paper as the Bible.

Using Bible paper ensures all the accurate, relevant and important tax information required on the latest tax legislation fits into one, admittedly large, volume. The option of any other paper stock would result in two large volumes and therefore a cumbersome tax tool for CCH’s accounting clients. This is where CCH Book Publisher Adriana Giometti’s role is so important in researching the market and addressing customer requirements. “At CCH we engage unique and innovative market research initiatives. Their outcomes drive our product enhancements and commissioning strategy.” “We understand the demands placed on our clients. Charge out rates are under significant pressure while at the same time professional services marketing is essential. Today’s professionals are not simply accountants or lawyers, they are marketers, people managers and business analysts all at the same time. And there’s no budget relief for all these additional activities. We need to provide simple, accurate and to-the-point information so our clients can focus on other demands in their businesses.”


what’s under the cover? ADRIANA GIOMETTI “Employers expect graduates to hit the ground running. Feedback from our clients clearly shows that where a student has been exposed to a Master title before they enter the professional workplace, they are generally ahead of the game,” Adriana said. Adriana says these are the driving factors in providing CCH books and online products which are easy to work with. “The Master Tax Guide for example is such a wealth of information. We want to make it portable so people can carry it and use it more frequently which is why we provide it in print, ebook and online formats,’’ she said. The Master Tax Guide was the springboard for the Master series. There are 11 titles in the range and they cross all segments of CCH’s business. “By definition ‘to master’ means to acquire complete knowledge or skill in a particular area. So to be given the prestigious Master series title, a book must be able to provide that to our readers. A CCH Master book has not only depth and breadth of subject matter but also lots of practical worked examples. “Finding authors for a Master book is not always easy. They must be high profile experts in the field and it is often these people who have the least time to write. We have overcome this challenge by using several authors for each title and spreading the work load.” The series has always been very popular with professionals, but in recent years has seen it extensively adopted in tertiary courses and industry association courses.

“We serve clients in the tax, accounting, legal and business sectors. “ “Each product is written by experts, edited by professionals and checked through six different stages to ensure it is accurate, because we know our customers have to be right when dealing with their own clients.”

Favourite Destination

Mykonos for fun; New York for inspiration Favourite COLOUR

Turquoise - it reminds me of the Greek Islands Favourite Book

A Movable Feast, by Ernest Hemingway Most Admired Quality in a Person


Family, fashion and film - in that order

eBooks is a growing market and CCH clients are readily embracing them as a portable and functional tool. Adriana says clients are enthusiastic about traditional book and eBook packages. “We have noticed that clients still want to see the traditional version of a book, but also like the option of the ebook because it is portable and gives them the flexibility to access it wherever they MAY BE WORKING FROM.’’

CCH book products are essential for clients as legislation, business practices and training requirements are constantly changing. “My vision as publisher is to address the changing landscape of our clients. Lawyers and accountants are on the move and are becoming increasingly time poor. They want to use their time efficiently; our content must provide a solution quickly and readily, but at the same time provide the accuracy necessary to our customers’ professions.”

f e at u r e : a d r i a n a g i o m e t t i / 1 5

CCH master series


Available as eBook

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39708A ISBN: 978 1 922215 57 4 Publish: January 2014 Approx. pages: 2,320 

CCH code: 39575A ISBN: 978 1 922047 89 7 Publish: October 2013 Pages: 1,600

RRP: $184.95

RRP: $150

Australian Master Tax Guide 2014 – 54th Edition Whether it is being used to help prepare tax returns for the current tax year or to work out the tax issues and implications of decisions and transactions in the immediate future years, the Australian Master Tax Guide is an absolutely essential resource for anyone working in, or dealing with, tax. Up-to-date: 31st December 2013. What’s new in the 2014 edition? All of the Coalition’s announced tax and superannuation changes and more! These include: • The abolition of the carbon tax and the mining tax • Th  e discontinuation of the small business write-off for assets of less than $6,500, small business accelerated depreciation for cars up to $5,000, and the loss carry-back • I ntroduction of a more generous paid parental leave system (with associated 1.5% levy on large businesses) • Deferral of the increase in the superannuation guarantee



/ c c h a u s t r a l i a b o o k s c ata l o g u e 2 0 1 4

Australian Master Human Resources Guide Baker & MacKenzie, Macquarie Graduate School of Management and external subject matter experts The Australian Master Human Resources Guide, now in its 10th edition, is a practical handbook designed specifically for HR practitioners and anyone who manages people. Providing an overview of all key HR topic areas, the Guide is divided into a number of sections and 75 chapters, which look at the strategic, practical and legal side of HR and people management. It includes the latest research and thinking on employment practices and HR strategy, as well as practical information to help you in every aspect of HR management in the contemporary business environment. What’s new in this edition? This edition has been significantly updated and rewritten to reflect changes in a number of employment-related areas including: Employment law, equal employment opportunity, diversity management, skills management and the ageing workforce, ethics and corporate social responsibility, health and safety, workers compensation, bullying in the workplace, social media and networking. Privacy, mergers and acquisitions, performance management, and change management - to name a few!

visit www.cchbooks.com.au

cch master series



Available as eBook

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39710A ISBN: 978 1 922215 61 1 Publish: February 2014 Approx. pages: 792

CCH code: 39585A ISBN: 978 1 922042 99 6 Approx. pages: 1,300

RRP: $159

RRP: $155

Australian Master GST Guide 2014 – 15th Edition

Australian Master Family Law Guide – 6th Edition

Philip McCouat

Available as eBook

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39583A ISBN: 978 1 922042 97 2 Publish: August 2013 Pages: 1,472

CCH code: 39584A ISBN: 978 1 922042 98 9 Publish: August 2013 Pages: 1,452

RRP: $159

RRP: $159

Australian Master Superannuation Guide 2013/14 – 17th Edition

Australian Master Financial Planning Guide 2013/13 – 16th Edition

Available as eBook

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39431A ISBN: 978 1 922010 34 6 Publish: September 2012 Pages: 1,248

CCH code: 39364A ISBN: 978 1 921948 73 2 Publish: July 2012 Pages: 880

RRP: $128

RRP: $155

Australian Master Bookkeepers Guide – 4th Edition

Australian Master Work Health and Safety Guide

Stephen J Marsden

* Prices and publication date correct at time of printing and subject to change.

cch master series / 17

INTRODUCING Sue Rooker M cPhe r s o n ’s P r in t in g G r o u p

When you have to be green

CCH Australia is committed to the environmentally sustainable printing of its products, and McPherson’s Printing Group’s equal dedication to recycling and sustainable printing has been the foundation for a healthy and long-standing partnership.


“We are embarking on a project to monitor our electricity usage via a Time Interval Data Report. This will identify our usage patterns and provide information which can be used to reduce our environmental impact as well as costs.”

Historically CCH printed its own products. The migration from an in-house printing business unit to an outsource partner has transformed over the last 12 to 14 years. But there has been one major constant over this period – Sue Rooker. It is Sue who has seen the changes and developments in the print and technology space and overseen the CCH printing partnership. Sue’s long relationship with CCH started 16 years ago when she worked at the company, scheduling its printing operations. Two years later she began working for McPherson’s Printing Group (MPG) as the CCH-dedicated Account Manager. In the 14 years since, Sue’s role has morphed to now include marketing, but CCH remains one of her major clients. “As part of my current role I work at the CCH office a few times a week,” Sue said. “a lot of people THINK I am employed by CCH because I know a lot of people and the internal processes. It is a good relationship and one THAT has grown into a true partnership over the years.”

MPG started its planetconscious journey in 2008 when the business established an Environmental Task force to investigate and innovate options to recycle and reuse print waste, and find environmentally friendly suppliers. As part of this commitment, every paper stock used by MPG has some form of environmental certification or attribute. All the paper mills MPG is associated with are ISO 14001 (green

In keeping abreast of strategic developments within the CCH business, MPG pioneered `lightweight digital-on-demandprinting’ in Australia.

standard) approved. And MPG itself maintains certification to Environmental Management Systems ISO 14001. MPG and its suppliers go through a stringent procurement process to maintain the ISO 14001 standard. There’s a robust weekly monitoring process as well as monthly executive reports on paper consumption and waste within the business to ensure it is meeting its own high environmental expectations. “Reusing reels and paper off-cuts are just some of what we recycle,” Sue said. “We even have a team trying to recycle the dust that comes from the paper cutting process.’’ MPG’s commitment to a sustainable environment also includes recycling the water used during printing, while any overflow is used to flush toilets. Rubber blankets used on the printing presses are turned into shoe soles. Ink and toner cartridges are recycled into raw materials for re-use through the Planet Ark Resource Recovery Program. Plastics in wraps,

straps, drums and milk cartons are reused as tables, chairs and storage crates. In addition, the inks used by MPG don’t contain any carcinogenic substances or heavy metals. “The byproducts and any ink waste is collected and removed by an environmentally-friendly company. In some of our manufacturing processes we even use non-toxic vegetable ink,” Sue said. “There are a lot of detractors who believe tree clipping is bad, but using wood from the right sources for printing books is not a negative thing. Trees can be reforested and books can be recycled. This is why we have standards for our paper suppliers.” MPG Compliance Manager Bill Drummond said the Environmental Task force was charged with focusing on four key areas. “These are landfill, gas, prescribed waste and electricity, with a main focus on the electricity,” he said.

“In the past publishers would print a large number of copies of a product and store them in warehouses until they were required,” Sue said.

“Now we use a much more economical and environmentally-friendly method. We print on demand. The model has changed to print less, more often.” MPG is part of the OPUS Group a Business Services & Communications Company which delivers published content globally. Located in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore and with alliances in the United Kingdom and America, its global footprint offers a new world of opportunity. “We can send a digital version to our regional manufacturing plants or one of our alliances and have it printed closer to the end user,” Sue said. “In the past if we needed to distribute an order in any of these regions we would have to print them here and transport the products overseas.” “It is far more economical and a time saving for the client, and certainly better from an environmental point of view.”

f e at u r e : s u e r o o k e r / 1 9

Legislation titles

One of the most important tools for Any lawyer is the principal legislation in their area of specialty, be it taxation, corporations, competition, employment, superannuation or family law.


Available as eBook

At CCH we understand the importance of this to a lawyers’ day to day working life. When advising a client on what options they have, it is crucial to know the current law that applies. CCH has a team of editors who are qualified lawyers and subject specialists to ensure that whenever significant legislative reforms occur, a new consolidated legislation book can be delivered to our customers. We track the progress of bills and commencement dates to ensure that new editions of our legislation will be released in line with legislative changes. In our subscription products, all legislative changes are updated and released on the day they come into effect, with informative history notes included. We also retain our annotated commentary for recently repealed rules or acts in areas where the legislative reform is not retrospective. We also include relevant rules and regulations so that all the principal information is in one place. All of our legislation books are also available as an e-book so you can have what you need at your fingertips, no matter where you may be around the globe. Whether you prefer the feel of paper or the ease of using your tablet – or prefer the convenience of both! - at CCH we have the most upto-date and accurate consolidated legislation books in the following important areas of law: Taxation, Superannuation, Corporations, Employment and Industrial Relations, Competition and Consumer, Family and Bankruptcy.

CCH code: 39721A ISBN: 978 1 922215 83 3 Publish: February 2014 Approx. pages: 7,856 

RRP: $285

Australian Income Tax Legislation 2014 – 3 Volume Set


Available as eBook

CCH code: 39716A ISBN: 978 1 922215 72 7 Publish: February 2014 Approx. pages: 1,600

RRP: $149

Australian Superannuation Legislation 2014 – 18th Edition


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visit www.cchbooks.com.au

legislation titles


Available as eBook


Available as eBook

CCH code: 39711A ISBN: 978 1 922215 63 5 Publish: February 2014 Approx. pages: 1,600

CCH code: 39715A ISBN: 978 1 922215 71 0 Publish: February 2014 Approx. pages: 3,680

RRP: $149

RRP: $135

Australian GST Legislation with Overview 2014 – 17th Edition

Australian Corporations and Securities Legislation 2014 – Volumes 1 & 2


Available as eBook

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39577A ISBN: 978 1 922042 91 0 Publish: January 2014 Approx. pages: 1,088

CCH code: 39518A ISBN: 978 1 922042 95 8 Publish: September 2013 Pages: 1,440

RRP: $125

RRP: $110

Australian Bankruptcy Act 1966 with Regulations and Rules – 13th Edition

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39580A ISBN: 978 1 922042 94 1 Publish: July 2013 Pages: 1,792

RRP: $124

Australian Family Law Act 1975 with Regulations and Rules – 32nd Edition

To order or for more information, please contact your CCH Sales Consultant or call Customer Service on

1300 300 224 or visit www.cchbooks.com.au

Australian Fair Work Act 2009 with Regulations and Rules – 5th Edition

* Prices and publication date correct at time of printing and subject to change.

l e g i s l at i o n t i t l e s / 2 1

INTRODUCING Emma Watson Regional Director , Str ategy, Innovation & Technology

When you have to be now

The omnipresence of technology in everyday daily life is the impetus for the recent huge leaps in CCH’s software solutions and technological advancements.

“At CCH, we don’t just offer a single software solution, we offer integrated solutions that provide the ability for our customers to collaborate with their clients,” the company’s Strategy, Innovation and Technology Director Emma Watson says. An accountant who has worked in practice, had commercial roles in media organisations and a legal firm before joining CCH 12 years ago, Emma understands first-hand the significant demands placed on accountants and lawyers, both in practice and within commercial companies. “At CCH we know our customers are advising their clients and stakeholders and they need to be right. We enable our customers to do that with confidence,” she said. “When our customers use a CCH software solution it works as they work, they are able to add value for the client and, on top of that, are able to access the software or information


“Accountants opt for iFirm because you can get all you need to get the job done in one suite,” Emma said. “They can do the practical bread and butter tasks such as account preparation and tax returns using the software. If they want to look up a tax rate, or use a checklist to ensure a distribution complies with Div 7a, they can do it in iFirm too. “By using this efficient, integrated solution, an accountant can free up time to provide proactive business advice to their clients.”

in any media they choose and while they are on the go.” The role of accountants and lawyers have become more demanding in the digital age. Clients expect 24/7 service. New technology allows CCH to provide solutions that enable these professionals to be proactive advisers and have the right answers in easy reach. CCH’s iFirm - a cloud-based accounting suite that provides everything an accountant needs to run their practice, gives accountants flexibility to work wherever they are, and the opportunity to do everything from planning a job,doing a tax return, through to calculating CGT on the sale of a clients investments all from within a single software solution – is among those cutting-edge technology solutions now on the market. “Using modern software solutions, the accountant and their client see everything in real time, without the need to download information on a memory stick at year end.”

Despite being relatively new in the Australian market, more than 1500 CCH clients are already using iFirm – and that number is growing rapidly.

There are plans for additional features and modules to be added into iFirm including enhanced functionality in the client accounting module, improved tax returns and practical guidance from CCH content right at the point when they are doing a task. CCH Integrator is another software solution making a serious impression on many of Australia’s corporate reporting and compliance professionals, including 9 out of 10 of Australia’s leading financial institutions. “This is a Cloud-based central software platform for ‘whole of finance’ departments in medium to large organisations,” Emma said. “We have plans to expand this suite to provide solutions to manage reporting requirements from the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) and Australian Securities and Investment Corporation (ASIC) and various State Revenue Offices. The solution for APRA reporting by superannuation funds is released and having great success.’’ There are plans to release a new interface to access CCH content in the very near future. The new product is in the latter stages of development. “This will be a new solution designed specifically for smaller accounting firms. It is a new alternative to IntelliConnect to ensure accountants don’t have to hunt for answers to questions. From the landing page they will be directed to the best answers for their common questions. “CCH as an organisation uses agile development methodologies. We adopt a user-focused approach to design and product development which is all about understanding our customers workflow and tasks.”

CCH has taken another step to bringing information closer to clients with A new APP called CCH Mobile.

Launched in May this year, the APP allows users to have personalised features on the home screen and can be used on any mobile device. “The real benefit of the APP for our busy clients is that it is totally personalised and allows for truly seamless workflow. They can log in on their mobile phone, find what they are looking for on the spot. When they are back in the office later in the day they can pick up exactly where they left off from their PC or laptop using the main IntelliConnect website,” Emma said. “A client can search all of their CCH content through CCH mobile and even get news feeds by tracking relevant news through the same downloadable APP. The APP – which has been downloaded more than 1000 times since launch – can be accessed through iTunes or Google APPs. Further enhancements are in the development phase for release in 2014. CCH is also releasing another mobile APP in the coming months. The Capital Gains Tax Reporter (CGTR) APP, available to customers of CCH Capital Gains Tax Software, provides another option to access the database of stock prices, all corporate distributions and actions on every publicly-listed company and trust in Australia back to 1985. “The CGTR mobile APP will soon provide on the spot access to the software as well as providing the popular look up functionality of the current APP.” Emma said. “This is a tool that can be used on the fly, but at the same time enabling our clients to get it right.’’

f e at u r e : E M M A WATSON / 2 3

legal titles


Available as eBook


Available as eBook

CCH code: 39715A ISBN: 978 1 922215 71 0 Publish: February 2014 Approx. pages: 3,680

CCH code: 39577A ISBN: 978 1 922042 91 0 Publish: January 2014 Approx. pages: 1,088

RRP: $135

RRP: $125

Australian Corporations and Securities Legislation 2014 – Volumes 1 & 2

Australian Bankruptcy Act 1966 with Regulations and Rules – 13th Edition

Available as eBook

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39197A ISBN: 978 1 921701 55 9 Publish: September 2012 Pages: 1,527

CCH code: 39581A ISBN: 978 1 922042 95 8 Publish: September 2013 Pages: 1,354

RRP: $124.95

RRP: $110

Development and Planning Law in New South Wales

Australian Family Law Act 1975 with Regulations and Rules – 32nd Edition

John Whitehouse


/ c c h a u s t r a l i a b o o k s c ata l o g u e 2 0 1 4

visit www.cchbooks.com.au

legal titles


Available as eBook

CCH code: 39585A ISBN: 978 1 922042 99 6 Publish: October 2013 Approx. pages: 1,300

RRP: $155

Australian Master Family Law Guide – 6th Edition

Available as eBook

CCH code: 34318A ISBN: 978 1 921485 69 5 Publish: August 2010 Pages: 540

RRP: $70

Mediation for Lawyers Samantha Hardy and Olivia Rundle

Available as eBook

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39572A ISBN: 978 1 922042 86 6 Publish: November 2012 Pages: 256

CCH code: 39078A ISBN: 978 1 921593 52 9 Publish: September 2009 Pages: 458

RRP: $89.95

RRP: $95

Personal Injury Compensation in Victoria Dean Churilov

Practical Guide to Engineering and Construction Contracts Philip Loots and Donald Charrett

Available as eBook CCH code: 39547A ISBN: 978 1 922042 54 5 Publish: October 2012 Pages: 256

To order or for more information, please contact your CCH Sales Consultant or call Customer Service on

1300 300 224 or visit www.cchbooks.com.au

RRP: $95

Australian Private Equity Handbook Nick Humphrey

* Prices and publication date correct at time of printing and subject to change.

legal titles / 25

INTRODUCING Jessica Hobson Director, Marketing & Product Management

Lauren Ma M a r k e t i n g M a n ag e r CCH Aus t r a l i a B o o k s

When you have to be mobile

“Today’s accountant runs a dynamic and mobile business. They could be meeting at a client’s office, sitting in a coffee shop PREPARING for A meeting, or COMPREHENDING A RECENT TAX ruling at home. It’s essential they have access to publications like the Master Tax Guide NO MATTER WHERE THEY ARE TO readily answer questions. CCH eBooks offers this option,” says CCH Books Marketing Manager L auren Ma .


There is a cultural shift towards portability of research information. Technological advancements have allowed publishers to take their content into more dynamic and shared environments like social media and Cloud based solutions. “eBooks were a natural progression for our business, transitioning our print content into more interactive and userfriendly environments. Since the launch of our eBooks more than 18 months ago we have seen a significant increase IN their usage,” Lauren said.

“The eBook model we use is very adaptable. In the professional market once a digital copy is purchased it can be used by the same user on each of their devices through their Adobe license. This again addresses our customer’s demands for flexibility and portability, always having answers at their fingertips.” the go. This can be in a cafe, on the train, in the office, park or at court,’’ Jessica said. “An accountant or lawyer can find an answer at their point of personal need. At the same time they can dip in and out of a traditional book. It is a great sharing of different media.’’

While the demand for eBooks is growing, traditional books are still popular with CCH clients and an essential part of their workflow.

CCH eBooks are device agnostic, a great advantage in a world where the technology available is as diverse as the range of titles.

“We are noticing that more people are opting for print and eBook packages. This gives them the flexibility to have the traditional book user experience they are familiar with and the convenient portability of the electronic version when they are on the go or with a client,’’ Lauren said.

“We recognise that our customers want options. Most already own their preferred device – a tablet, laptop, iPad or smart phone. Our eBooks can be purchased from the CCH online store, iTunes and many other online retailers so our customers are not restricted to just one device or purchasing option.

Customers can access eBooks through the CCH online store which also offers subscription services, resource centres, news feeds and blogs by CCH industry experts.

“CCH Australia is also working with a number of bookshop partners to develop alternative eBook delivery methods.

CCH Australia Marketing & Product Management Director Jessica Hobson said the portability of eBooks is also greatly valued by lawyers and barristers. Where previously they would have to lug several heavy volumes to court now they can just take an iPad with a library of pre-loaded eBooks with them. “We understand our customers are mobile and want flexibility in their workflow and we are addressing this need to be able to read the latest legislative and business changes while on

“eBooks are a nice fit with blended learning materials and online books produced for our academic clientele,” Jessica added. “In the education space it’s all about accessibility and affordability. Students have embraced digital resources. eBook and print bundles offer students the best of print and online material at affordable prices, supporting all their learning requirements. Our academic team are working with our customers to determine which packages and solutions work best for individual course requirements.”

Additional features of CCH eBooks include the option to annotate and bookmark, search and find content easily, and highlight passages of copy and add notes. They provide all the flexibility of a traditional book, but the superior functionality of eBooks further enhances the user experience. “CCH is also looking to add value and depth TO THE eBook portfolio in the future by digitalising titles on our backlist. This would allow our customers with large libraries to reduce their physical libr ary footprint and staff to access their full print collection online,” Lauren added.

While some clients had already embraced the digital book and resource offerings, Jessica said CCH understood there were customers who needed assistance. “We have a great technical team to help customers. The team talks with a client over the phone and steps them through each stage of downloading an eBook – this only takes a minute or two,” she said. “I always encourage clients who are a bit unsure of how to get started with eBooks to call the team because the first step towards taking advantage of this amazing technology is usually the hardest. From that point it really just gets easier and more exciting.”

f e at u r e : j e s s i c a h o b s o n & l a u r e n m a / 2 7

Employment & OHS titles



Available as eBook

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39746A ISBN: 978 1 925091 15 1 Publish: May 2014 Approx. pages: 300

CCH code: 39379A ISBN: 978 1 921948 84 8 Publish: January 2014 Approx. pages: 112

RRP: $69

RRP: $49.95

Effective Recruitment and Selection Practices – 6th Edition

Due Diligence: Persons Conducting a Business or Undertaking

Robert Compton, William Morrissey and Professor Alan Nankervis

Michael Tooma

Effective Recruitment and Selection Practices provides practical guidance on the critical issues surrounding recruitment and selection. It gives readers the tools and knowledge to ensure consistency and high quality in their decision-making and practices in the complex and ever-evolving workplace environment. This title keeps users up-to-date with changes and developments in practices due to technology, workplace tends and the current economic situation. It also included a table that enables TAFE Teachers to map the contents of the book to TAFE units of competency.


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Persons Conducting a Business or Undertaking is the six and final book of the ‘Due Diligence’ series by Michael Tooma, one of Australia’s pre-eminent work health and safety lawyers. The person conducting a business or undertaking is the central figure in the new WHS legislation. They not only own the primary duty of care, but they also own just about every express duty imposed by the regulations. Understanding whether you are a person conducting a business or undertaking is central to ensuring you comply with the legal obligations. This book explores the duties and obligations of the person conducting the business or undertaking and provides practical guidance to discharging that duty.

visit www.cchbooks.com.au

employment & OHS titles


Available as eBook

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39575A ISBN: 978 1 922047 89 7 Publish: October 2013 Pages: 1,600

CCH code: 39580A ISBN: 978 1 922042 94 1 Publish: July 2013 Pages: 1,792

RRP: $150

RRP: $124

Australian Master Human Resources Guide Baker & MacKenzie, Macquarie Graduate School of Management and external subject matter experts

Australian Fair Work Act 2009 with Regulations and Rules – 5th Edition

Available as eBook

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39233A ISBN: 978 1 921701 91 7 Publish: April 2012 Pages: 304

CCH code: 39573A ISBN: 978 1 922042 87 3 Publish: June 2013 Pages: 248

RRP: $49.95

RRP: $59.95

Independent Contractors: A Practical Guide Professor Andrew Stewart and Piper Alderman

Managing Workplace Behaviour: A Best Practice Guide Joydeep Hor

Available as eBook

CCH code: 34048A ISBN: 978 1 921322 42 6 Publish: August 2008 Pages: 148

CCH code: 39364A ISBN: 978 1 921948 73 2 Publish: July 2012 Pages: 880

RRP: $30

RRP: $155

MCCallum’s Top Workplace Relations Cases: Labour law and employment relationships as defined by case law

Australian Master Work Health and Safety Guide

Professor Ron McCallum

* Prices and publication date correct at time of printing and subject to change.

Em p l oy m e n t & OHS t i t l e s / 2 9

employment & OHS titles

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39336A ISBN: 978 1 921948 42 8 Publish: January 2012 Pages: 416

CCH code: 39378A ISBN: 978 1 921948 83 1 Publish: April 2012 Pages: 102

RRP: $65

RRP: $49.95

Planning Work Health and Safety: A Guide to Workplace Risk Management

Due Diligence: Duty of Officers Michael Tooma

Baker & MacKenzie, Macquarie Graduate School of Management and industry consultants/writers

Available as eBook

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39383A ISBN: 978 1 921948 88 6 Publish October 2013 Pages: 103

CCH code: 39380A ISBN: 978 1 921948 85 5 Publish: August 2012 Pages: 102

RRP: $49.95

Due Diligence: Incident Notification, Management and Investigation

RRP: $49.95

Due Diligence: Dealing with Regulators Michael Tooma

Michael Tooma

Available as eBook Available as eBook CCH code: 39381A ISBN: 978 1 921948 86 2 Publish: December 2012 Pages: 96

CCH code: 39382A ISBN: 978 1 921948 87 9 Publish: April 2013 Pages: 82

RRP: $49.95

Due Diligence: Workers Rights and Duties

RRP: $49.95

Due Diligence: Horizontal and Vertical Consultation Michael Tooma

Michael Tooma


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INTRODUCING Fiona Harmsworth S e n i o r Ed i to r , L aw & B us i n e ss

Fiona started her professional career as a human resources practitioner in a professional services firm. Although she enjoyed the work and every day Presented a new challenge, Fiona wasn’t fond of the “fire fighting” And cumbersome administrative aspects of the profession. After returning to Australia she moved into publishing. It was the perfect sideways transition that allowed her to continue working in HR while addressing an information resources gap in the Market. “HR practitioners are often time poor, and I came away from a couple of MY previous roles with ideas about how I could assist other HR professionals using information tools and materials that could potentially save them time so they could focus on more pressing matters,” Fiona said.

Publishing book material has become a real passion for Fiona who enjoys the creative process. “When you take a raw manuscript through to publication, it goes through a number of changes, whether to content or structure. Being a part of that process is rewarding. I like the idea that there is something physical being produced at the end of the processes. I can show the book to someone and say, ‘I worked on this’. That comes with a great sense of achievement. And even though books are now being published in electronic formats, like eBooks, it is still a product people can read, search and trust.” Fiona has worked on plenty of interesting titles over the years. She nominates Development and Planning Law in New South Wales as a standout not only for its size (1500-plus pages), but because it came with the opportunity to work with author and solicitor John Whitehouse. “John was my Environmental Law and Policy lecturer at Macquarie University when I was studying my Master of Environmental Planning degree. He was such an interesting and amusing author to work with in a subject area undergoing significant reform. Plus, he is a bit of a traveller so I got some travel tips as well.” Fiona believes there will always be a place for the printed word, but agrees digital content is enabling people to do more in less time. “From my own experience, anything that saves time, helps you do your job and comply with the relevant legislation, while also allowing you time to inject a bit of your own expertise and knowledge can only be positive.”

f e at u r e : F i o n a H a r m s w o r t h / 3 1

Education – Tax & Accounting At CCH we understand tax! Our extensive range of CCH tax textbooks and online products will help your students understand tax too. We are aware that not every tax law course is the same and CCH textbooks and professional books cater to all levels of courses ranging from introductory to postgraduate levels.

Flexibly delivery modes from print books, eBooks and online via IntelliConnectTM ensure our content suits all learning styles. Our authors are established academics and abreast of the pedagogical requirements for student learning, presenting texts in clear, structured and engaging formats. Blended Learning Resources that accompany the core tax textbooks are essential online teaching aids to help you develop your course materials and to test students on their knowledge of taxation law. These are available in multiple-choice questions, online flowcharts and study Q&A’s. Blended Learning Resources are also available in a variety of formats and cross-referenced to the series of taxation law textbooks. Student Taxpaks offer the best value to students with CCH textbooks bundled with Core Tax Legislation, Australian Taxation Study Manual and Australian Tax Cases. Students


studying tax cannot simply rely on the textbooks for answers. It is essential that student’s tax learning is accompanied with an understanding of the legislation, cases and practical application of tax problems. Armed with a familiarity of CCH products, you can be sure the next generation of accountants and lawyers you teach will not only understand tax, but will have a head start on their colleagues when entering the profession. Core Student Textbooks • Australian Master Tax Guide • Australian Taxation Law • Foundations of Taxation Law Related, Accompanying Textbooks • Australian Taxation Study Manual – Question and answer book across a breadth of topics covered in undergraduate and postgraduate studies. • Core Tax Legislation - this volume is an indispensable reference for undergraduate and postgraduate students of taxation. • Australian Tax Cases – tax case summaries on every major aspect of the Australian tax system. Useful for business and law school.

Education – Tax & Accounting


Available as eBook


Multiple Choice Q&As Tom Delany

CCH code: 39703A ISBN: 978 1 922215 47 5 Publish: January 2014 Approx. pages: 2,064

RRP: $145

Australian Taxation Law 2014 – 24th Edition Woellner, Barkoczy, Murphy, Evans, Pinto

These online Multiple Choice Q&As are grouped according to the chapter topics used in Australian Taxation Law 2014– 24th Edition. The Q&As can be used by teachers when preparing their teaching materials and to provide to their students to test their knowledge of taxation law. These materials are delivered in Microsoft Word format to allow easy copying and pasting into other documents or popular e-learning software applications.

Online Tax Flowchart Guide Ian Iredale

Australian Taxation Law is an essential resource providing students with an in-depth understanding of Australia’s complex tax system, helping them to understand key principles through diagrams, flow charts, practical examples and sample calculations. The 24th edition of this well-established annual text covers income tax, FBT, GST, state taxes, superannuation, financial transactions and corporate entities. It identifies relevant new cases from the past year and includes updated tax rates, tax offsets and example calculations. Save on this title when purchased as part of a Student Pack!

The Online Tax Flowchart Guide uses an innovative flowchart format to explain the conceptual framework of Australian taxation law. The keys to understanding the Guide are its “Roadmaps” which are designed to help illustrate the ultimate question to be answered in a study of income tax law – how much income tax is payable by the taxpayer? Cross-referenced to Australian Taxation Law 2014– 24th Edition the Guide is delivered in PDF format allowing all pages to be viewed online, downloaded or printed using Adobe Acrobat Reader.


Available as eBook

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39708A ISBN: 978 1 922215 57 4 Publish: January 2014 Approx. pages: 2,320 

CCH code: 39586A ISBN: 978 1 922180 00 1 Publish: March 2014 Pages: 672

RRP: $184.95

RRP: $89

Australian Master Tax Guide 2014 – 54th Edition

Financial Planning Principles Margaret Drever

Michael Chow Australian Master Tax Guide is an essential resource for anyone working in, or dealing with, tax. Up-to-date: 31st December 2013 the new edition includes all of the Coalition’s announced tax and superannuation changes. This title is Australia’s leading reference used to help prepare tax returns for the current tax year and work out the tax issues and implications of decisions and transactions in the immediate future years. Save on this title when purchased as part of a Student Pack!

* Prices and publication date correct at time of printing and subject to change.

Financial Planning Principles is a student text that deals with the nuts and bolts of the financial planning process: investing, managing risk and insurance, handling debt and credit, understanding the all-important concept of the time value of money, superannuation and planning for different life stage requirements. The book provides fundamental concepts of financial planning in relation to the environment that financial advisers operate in today. Understanding the regulatory framework is paramount however, the text also covers the all-important skill set of client communication. In addition, students are guided through the process of undertaking research in the financial arena and how to assist clients through the taxation maze. Throughout the text, the authors have adopted a variety of blended learning methods to ensure students are fully equipped when entering the profession. E d u c at i o n – Ta x & A c c o u n t i n g / 3 3

Education – Tax & Accounting



Available as eBook

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39704A ISBN: 978 1 922215 49 9 Publish: January 2014 Approx. pages: 1,200

CCH code: 39754A ISBN: 978 1 922215 30 4 Publish: January 2014 Approx. pages: 1,504

RRP: $105

RRP: $99

Foundations of Taxation Law 2014 – 6th Edition

Australian Tax Casebook – 12th Edition Stephen Barkoczy

Stephen Barkoczy The 6th edition of this text has been substantially revised and restructured to take into account the many developments that have occurred in taxation law over the past year. This edition includes four rewritten chapters dealing with income tax liability, fringe benefits tax, superannuation and transfer pricing. Significant updates have also been made to many other chapters, including the chapters on tax losses, general anti-avoidance provisions, exempt entities and employee share schemes. This book is uniquely structured to accommodate both basic tax study and the more advanced topic areas. It is the product of many years of research, practice and lecturing in the field of taxation law by Professor Stephen Barkoczy, winner of the 2008 Prime Minister’s Award for Australian University Teacher of the Year. Save on this title when purchased as part of a Student Pack!


The Australian Tax Casebook is a valuable resource for both students and professionals and an excellent companion to CCH’s Australian Master Tax Guide and Australian Taxation Law. This 12th edition contains summaries of over 590 cases, providing easyto-read summaries of the most important judgments in Australian taxation law and case summaries in a clear, consistent and structured format that allows for cases to be easily compared and contrasted. Each case summary presents the facts and arguments of the parties, the issues, the Tribunal’s or Court’s decision and significant quotations from the judgment. Save on this title when purchased as part of a Student Pack!


Available as eBook

teachers resources

Suggested Solutions to Study Questions Tom Delany and Toni Chardon

CCH code: 39709A ISBN: 978 1 92215 59 8 Publish: February 2014 Pages: 5568

RRP: $95 These solutions are designed for use with the “Study questions” at the end of chapters in Foundations of Taxation Law 2014 – 6th Edition by Stephen Barkoczy. These solutions are ideal for use by instructors when preparing materials, or by students when revising for examinations. Available in PDF or Microsoft Word formats to allow easy copying and pasting into other documents or popular e-learning software applications.

Core Tax Legislation & Study Guide 2014 – 17th Edition Les Nethercott, Grant Richardson and Ken Devos Students studying tax cannot simply rely on commentary books for answers. It is essential that students read the actual legislative provisions that underpin the commentary. The tax law is continually changing with many hundreds of amendments every year, so it is important to use the latest version of the legislation available. The Core Tax Legislation & Study Guide 2014 makes it easy for students by providing all the key tax provisions they need in one handy volume. Save on this title when purchased as part of a Student Pack!


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Available as eBook

CCH code: 39578A ISBN: 978 1 922042 92 7 Publish: June 2013 Pages: 570

CCH code: 39386A ISBN: 978 1 921948 91 6 Publish: June 2012 Pages: 448

RRP: $98

RRP: $75

Australian Taxation Study Manual: Questions and Suggested Solutions – 23rd Edition

Understanding Accounting Principles – 2nd Edition Stephen J Marsden

Les Nethercott, Grant Richardson and Ken Devos

CCH code: 39434A ISBN: 978 1 922010 37 7 Publish: December 2011 Pages: 256 CCH code: 39431A ISBN: 978 1 922010 34 6 Publish: September 2012 Pages: 1,248

Not available as inspection copy.

RRP: $120

RRP: $128

Australian Master Bookkeepers Guide – 4th Edition Stephen J Marsden

CCH and ATTA Doctoral Series – Taxpayer Rights to Compensation for Tax Office Mistakes John Bevacqua

CCH code: 39145A ISBN: 978 1 921701 14 6 Publish: January 2010 Pages: 272

CCH code: 39277A ISBN: 978 1 921873 34 8 Publish: May 2011 Pages: 232

Not available as inspection copy.

Not available as inspection copy.

RRP: $120

RRP: $120

CCH and ATTA Doctoral Series – Tax Flow-through Companies

CCH and ATTA Doctoral Series – The Politics of Retirement Savings Taxation: A Trans-Tasman Comparison

Brett Freudenberg

Lisa Marriott

* Prices and publication date correct at time of printing and subject to change.

E d u c at i o n – Ta x & A c c o u n t i n g / 3 5

Education – law & business NEW

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39668A ISBN: 978 1 922180 95 7 Publish: March 2014 Approx. pages: 512

RRP: $89

Contract Law in Context This title provides a concise explanation of contract law in its commercial context. The law is discussed not as an abstract set of rules, but rather by reference to the life cycle of contracting, from early stage negotiations and formation to implementation and termination. The book facilitates a deeper understanding of contract law principles by explaining the law through a range of practical examples and sample contractual terms drawn from real life contracts. Effectively, students will be exposed to law ‘in action’.


Available as eBook

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39669A ISBN: 978 1 922180 96 4 Publish: March 2014 Approx. pages: 256

CCH code: 39705A ISBN: 978 1 922215 51 2 Publish: December 2013 Approx. pages: 1,200

RRP: $50

RRP: $135

Understanding Business Contracts Understanding Business Contracts is a quick guide designed to assist those working in business understand the practical application of contract law in their day to day dealings. Many contract law books present the law as an abstract set of rules along with a stream of legal cases attached to each rule. By contrast, this book takes a unique approach by providing the legal context to the practical operation of everyday business contracts. It is a concise explanation of how law affects contracts and the process of contracting, from early negotiation to formation, implementation and conclusion.



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Australian Business Law 2014 – 33rd Edition This title is both an essential book for studies in business law and a strong introduction to modern business law for practitioners and law students. The book covers the main areas of the law affecting business. It includes flow charts and diagrams to help explanations. The text has been revised and updated to improve readability and to reflect changes to the law, including those made by the Australian Consumer Law, Competition and Consumer Act, National Credit Code and Personal Property Securities Act.

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Education – law & business

Australian Business Law


teacher’s resources

Available as eBook

Australian Business Law Workbook The workbook is available online as a Textbook Companion for Australian Business Law to lecturers who prescribe CCH textbooks. The workbook contains questions, exercises and problems that examine legislation, case extracts and other source materials relevant to the study of business law. The Workbook is written for business and commerce students studying legal courses and designed to provide teachers and students with current legal issues and resource materials so as to give practical meaning to the current business and commercial law textbooks

Multiple Choice Q&As The Multiple Choice Q&As are grouped according to the chapter topics used in Australian Business Law 2013. The Q&As can be used by teachers when preparing teaching materials or by students to test their knowledge of business law. The materials are provided in Microsoft Word format to allow easy copying and pasting into other documents or popular e-learning software applications.

Australian Business Law Workbook Instructor Manual The Manual is available online as a Textbook Companion for Australian Business Law – available to lecturers who prescribe CCH textbooks. The Manual provides guidance on answering those questions, exercises and problems in the Australian Business Law Workbook, cross-referenced to Australian Business Law 2013. Available in Microsoft Word format to allow easy copying and pasting into other documents and popular e-learning software applications. popular e-learning software applications.

Lecture Outlines These Lecture Outlines are grouped according to the chapter topics used in Australian Business Law 2013. The Outlines can be used by teachers when preparing teaching materials or used as in-class teaching support materials. These materials are provided in PowerPoint format allowing easy adaptation to individual teaching needs.

CCH code: 39712A ISBN: 978 1 922215 65 9 Publish: January 2014 Approx. pages: 1,000

RRP: $135

Commercial Applications of Company Law 2014 – 15th edition Associate Professor Pamela Hanrahan, Professor Ian Ramsay, Professor Geof Stapledon Commercial Applications of Company Law makes corporate law more accessible to students. Written by three leading corporate law experts, it focuses on the ordinary events and issues faced by companies and their advisers, explaining and applying the law in a manner that is understandable and relevant. The new edition has been updated and revised to reflect all the legislative and case law developments over the past 12months.


Case Studies and Problem Sets Two case studies are provided and each with a description of their respective business ownership, corporate governance arrangement and financial structure. Following the case studies are a series of questions and problem sets that relate to the legal principles discussed in the book.

Multiple Choice Q&As Multiple Choice Q&As are grouped according to the chapter topics used in Commercial Applications of Company Law 2014 – 15th edition. The Q&As can be used by lecturers when preparing teaching materials or by students to test their knowledge of company law. These materials are provided in Microsoft Word format to allow easy copying and pasting into other documents or popular e-learning software applications.

Instructor Guide This online textbook companion to Commercial Applications of Company Law 2014 – 15th Edition provides guidelines for answering the problem sets and PowerPoint lecture outlines to assist teachers with in-class teaching. Available in PDF format.

* Prices and publication date correct at time of printing and subject to change.

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Education – law & business


Available as eBook

CCH code: 39707A ISBN: 978 1 922215 5 50 Publish: January 2014 Approx. pages: 1,200

RRP: $130

First Principles of Business Law 2014 – Blended Learning Materials Michael Lambiris and Laura Griffin The FPBL textbook and eStudy modules provide a blended learning approach to teaching Level 1 Business Law students. The FPBL materials are carefully structured and together provide all the necessary detail without being overwhelming. The eStudy modules represent a truly unique innovation in textbook supplements. Its development was driven by one simple, yet powerful philosophy: learning must be engaging and enjoyable.


Teacher’s Guide The guide provides weekly lecture outlines for a onesemester teaching business law program, with accompanying explanatory notes for instructors. A weekly case-study is also provided with model answers for the teacher. The relevant textbook chapter and eStudy module for each week are listed.

Lecture Outlines for Students These outlines are the same as those in the Teacher’s Guide, but without the explanatory notes. Provided in MS Word format, they can be edited as required by individual instructors and distributed electronically to students.

PowerPoint Presentations The PowerPoint presentations follow the form and content of the Lecture Outlines for Students. They can be edited to suit the needs of individual instructors. They can be distributed to students.

CCH code: 34168A ISBN: 978 1 921322 03 7 Publish: January 2008 Pages: 544

CCH code: 39336A ISBN: 978 1 921948 42 8 Publish: January 2012 Pages: 416

RRP: $79

RRP: $65

Introducing the Law – 7th Edition Dr Gary Heilbronn, Paul Latimer, Dr Jennifer Nielsen and Justice Tony Pagone

Planning Work Health and Safety: A Guide to Workplace Risk Management

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Available as eBook

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39713A ISBN: 978 1 922215 67 3 Publish: February 2014 Pages: 2960

CCH code: 39581A ISBN: 978 1 922042 95 8 Publish: September 2013 Pages: 1,354

RRP: $80

RRP: $110

Corporations and Securities Legislation – Volume 1

Australian Family Law Act 1975 with Regulations and Rules – 32nd Edition


Available as eBook

CCH code: 39585A ISBN: 978 1 922042 99 6 Publish: October 2013 Approx. pages: 1,300

CCH code: 34048A ISBN: 978 1 921322 42 6 Publish: August 2008 Pages: 148

RRP: $155

RRP: $30

Australian Master Family Law Guide – 6th Edition

MCCallum’s Top Workplace Relations Cases: labour law and employment relationships as defined by case law Professor Ron McCallum


Available as eBook

Available as eBook

CCH code: 39746A ISBN: 978 1 925091 15 1 Publish: May 2014 Approx. pages: 300

CCH code: 39364A ISBN: 978 1 921948 73 2 Publish: July 2012 Pages: 880

RRP: $69

RRP: $155

Effective Recruitment and Selection Practices – 6th Edition

Australian Master Work Health and Safety Guide

Robert Compton, William Morrissey and Professor Alan Nankervis

* Prices and publication date correct at time of printing and subject to change.

E d u c at i o n – l aw & b u s i n e s s / 3 9

INTRODUCING Andrew Hopkins CCH Author

When you have to be inspired

I am often asked what led me to write the books I have written. I was deeply affected by a 1979 coal mine explosion south of Sydney in which 14 men died. I’m not sure why I WAS SO MOVED, since I knew no one concerned. Beyond sadness, there was also a feeling of outrage that there were no prosecutions even though this event could be traced to legal violations. I wrote an article entitled ‘Crime without Punishment: The Appin Mine Disaster’ which marked the beginning of my interest in Occupational Health and safety generally, and disasters in particular.


My first disaster book was about another coal mine explosion, which killed 11 men at Moura, Queensland, in 1994. The rich materials made public in the official inquiry allowed me to provide an organisational analysis of this accident and to view it as an organisational failure, not just as a case of corporate crime. The organisational perspective proved to be invaluable, and I have used it ever since. When the Esso gas plant accident happened at Longford in 1998, union officer Yossi Berger could see that the organisational causes of this accident were strikingly similar to those I had described at Moura. He involved me in the subsequent Royal Commission which ultimately led to the book, Lessons from Longford, which was widely read around the world. One thing led to another and I found myself involved in investigations into two very high profile accidents in the oil and gas industry in the USA, each culminating in a book analysing the organisational failures involved.

There is, as someone once remarked, “an awful sameness” about these accidents, but I trust that is not true of the books. While the fundamental causes of the accidents are very similar, each inquiry uncovered fascinating new information which enabled me to extend my analysis. The books therefore complement each other; each builds on the one before. I could never have written them otherwise.

What inspires me to write? I write because I have something to say about these accidents that no one else is saying. When I sat down to write the book on the Gulf of Mexico oil well blowout of 2010, at least a dozen other authors had already beaten me to it. But not one of their books dealt with the organisational causes of the accident. My book filled a gap - one I am still baffled by. What I am doing is applied sociology, but it seems that few other sociologists are interested in applying themselves in this way. What keeps me going? I enjoy what I do. I am fascinated by the way organisations work and the way they fail and I get great satisfaction thinking and writing about these things. A reviewer said about my Moura book that it had the “right balance of quiet outrage and scholarly thoroughness”. As an academic, I cannot imagine a greater complement.

Andrew Hopkins Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the Australian National University in Canberra

He has been involved in various government OHS reviews and has done consultancy work for major companies in the resources sector, as well as for Defence. He speaks regularly to audiences around the world about the causes of major accidents. He was a consultant to the US Chemical Safety Board in its investigation of the Texas City accident. His book on that accident, Failure to Learn: the BP Texas City Refinery Disaster, was published in 2008. He was again a consultant to the Board for its investigation of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster and has written a book on that subject - Disastrous Decisions: The Human and Organisational Causes of the Gulf of Mexico Blowout (CCH, 2012) He was the winner of the 2008 European Process Safety Centre safety award. He has a BSc and an MA from the Australian National University, a PhD from the University of Connecticut and is a Fellow of the Safety Institute of Australia.

f e at u r e : A n d r e w H o p k i n s / 4 1

andrew hopkins titles


Available as eBook

CCH code: 39368A ISBN: 978 1 921948 77 0 Publish: May 2012

Pages: 256

RRP: $85

Disastrous Decisions: The Human and Organisational Causes of the Gulf of Mexico Blowout Andrew Hopkins This book takes the reader into the realm
of human and organisational factors that contributed to the Deepwater Horizon disaster in 2010. This event resulted in the loss of 11 lives in the explosions and fire, the sinking of the rig and untold damage to the environment and to the livelihood of Gulf residents. It is important to know what people did, but even more important to know why they did it, so this book attempts to “get inside the heads”
of decision-makers and understand how they themselves understood the situations they were in. It also seeks to discover what it was in their organisational environment that encouraged them to think and act as they did.

Learning from High Reliability Organisations Available as eBook

CCH code: 39027A
 ISBN: 978 1 921485 97 8 Publish: September 2009 Pages: 246

Edited by Andrew Hopkins This title provides an in-depth analysis into what constitutes a high reliability organisation. It combines research
from those in the OHS field, including worldrenowned safety culture expert, Andrew Hopkins, and shares what these organisations are doing that enables them to operate safely. True to Andrew’s writing style this book deals with complex issues in an easy-to-read, informative style to examine what organisations can do to avoid hazards and disasters and ensure safety in the workplace.

RRP: $75


Failure to Learn: The BP Texas City Refinery Disaster Andrew Hopkins

CCH code: 34050A ISBN: 978 1 921322 44 0 Publish: October 2008 Pages: 186

In this book Andrew Hopkins discusses the causes of a major explosion that occurred at the Texas City Refinery on 23 March 2005. The explosion killed 15 workers and injured more than 170 others. The book also analyses the similarities between this event and the Longford gas plant explosion in Victoria in 1998, the latter of which is featured in his earlier book, Lessons from Longford.

RRP: $75

Lessons from Longford: The Esso Gas Plant Explosion Available as eBook

CCH Code: 4491 ISBN: 978 1864684 22 3 Publish: April 2000 Pages:172

Andrew Hopkins This title examines the findings of the Royal Commission into
the Esso gas plant explosion at Longford, Victoria, in September 1998. Written by an expert witness present at the Commission hearings, it clearly and concisely explains who was at fault and why. This fascinating title is essential reading for company executives and OHS professionals, as well as students of management, policy makers and anyone interested in risk management and disaster studies.

RRP: $74.95


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Lessons from Longford: The Trial Andrew Hopkins

CCH code: 4832A
 ISBN: 978 1 884686 8 83 Publish: December 2002
 Pages: 72

If you’ve read Lessons from Longford you are going to want to read this! Since the latter book’s publication, many significant events have unfolded, including both civil and criminal court action, as well as important new legal requirements. This study examines these legal requirements and the trial, the first ever OHS trial to be held in a supreme court. This book is also great as a standalone as it examines whether OHS offences are classified as crimes.

RRP: $65

Lessons from Gretley: Mindful Leadership and the Law Andrew Hopkins

CCH code: 34094A ISBN: 978 1 921223 31 0 Publish: October 2007 Pages: 174

RRP: $75

Are you responsible for safety in your organisation? Following on from the highly respected Lessons from Longford comes Lessons from Gretley: Mindful leadership and the law, exploring the 1996 Gretley mine disaster in NSW and its OHS implications. Written by premier OHS author Professor Andrew Hopkins, the book is provoked by current attempts to hold directors and managers responsible for workplace accidents.

Safety, Culture and Risk: The Organisational Causes of Disasters Andrew Hopkins CCH code: 3905A
 ISBN: 1 921022 25 6 Publish: December 2004 Pages: 172

RRP: $65

This book focuses on safety management in the workplace as an issue of critical importance to business managers, as
well as those responsible for OHS in any organisation. It discusses safety strategies that can be easily implemented in the workplace using straightforward examples that will both inform organisations and companies, and assist them to be better able to create safe environments for their employees and clients.

To order or for more information, please contact your CCH Sales Consultant or call Customer Service on

1300 300 224 or visit www.cchbooks.com.au

* Prices and publication date correct at time of printing and subject to change.

Andrew hopkins titles / 43

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