2014 Vehicles

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Dec 16, 2013 ... ITEM #8. Four (4) 2014 GM Model 4GB69, Buick LaCrosse, 4DR, FWD Sedan, or approved ... (PPC) trim panel delete, rear side and rear doors.

TELEPHONE (810) 257-3030 FAX (810) 257-3380

ERIC F. HOPSON Purchasing Director

December 16, 2013

GENESEE COUNTY INVITATION FOR BIDS #13-023 The Genesee County Purchasing Department will receive sealed bids on 2014 VEHICLES for Genesee County, various townships, small cities, school districts, and other governmental units that may wish to participate. Sealed bids will be received until 11:00 a.m. (ET), Monday, January 13, 2014, at which time the bids will be opened in Room 343, Genesee County Administration Building, 1101 Beach Street, Flint, Michigan 48502. This procurement is conducted in accordance with the Genesee County Purchasing Regulations, a copy of which is on file and available for inspection at the Genesee County Purchasing Department. Each bidder is responsible for labeling the exterior of the sealed envelope containing the bid response with the bid number, bid name, bid due date and time, and your firm’s name. The bid request number and due date for this IFB are: DUE DATE: BID REQUEST NUMBER:

MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2014 @ 11:00 AM (ET) #13-023


bid2\13\13-023 Attachments


IFB #13-023


IFB #13-023



Sealed bids will be received until 11:00 a.m. (ET), Monday, January 13, 2014 at the Genesee County Purchasing Department, 1101 Beach Street, Room 343, Flint, MI, 48502. Label the bid as indicated on page 1. LATE BIDS AND BIDS SENT BY FACSIMILE OR BY EMAIL WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.


Submit one original, two (2) hard copies, and one electronic copy of the bid response. All bids become the property of Genesee County. The original must include a signature on the Signature Page of a person authorized to make a binding offer. Additionally, the bid response must consist of one copy in electronic format on a CD or USB flash drive, formatted in Adobe (.pdf), Microsoft Word, and/or Microsoft Excel. Failure to provide the required number of duplicate copies may result in rejection of your bid.


All Terms and Conditions are an integral part of this IFB. Any exceptions must be clearly set forth in your bid and referenced on Company Letterhead. In addition, all exceptions to vehicle specifications must be clearly indicated on the vehicle specification sheets and bid forms.


The County of Genesee requires a signed Insurance Checklist with each bid submitted. Insurance required per the specifications governing this work must be provided prior to the contract starting date and kept in full effect and compliance during entire contract period. Failure to comply with these provisions will cause termination of the contract. The contractor agrees to be responsible for any loss or damage to property or persons due to the performance of services and the provision of supplies (equipment) herein contracted, and further agrees to protect and defend the County of Genesee against all claims or demands whatsoever, and to hold the County of Genesee harmless from any loss or damage resulting therefrom.


All prospective bidders shall be responsible for routinely checking the Genesee County Purchasing Department website: http://www.gc4me.com/departments/purchasing/current_bids.php to obtain issued addenda. Genesee County shall not be responsible for the failure of a prospective bidder to obtain addenda and other information issued at any time related to this IFB.


Preference for Preferred Businesses: Unless the funding source for the contract prohibits such preferences, within 5 business days of bid opening, if the lowest responsive responsible bidder is not a Genesee County Business or a Veteran-Owned Business, a Genesee County Business or Veteran-Owned Business who has submitted a responsive bid that is no more than 5% higher than the lowest responsive bid may submit an amended bid to the Purchasing Director. In the event that there are multiple Preferred Businesses that would qualify for an opportunity to submit an amended bid, only the Preferred Business submitting the lowest qualifying bid may submit an amended bid. A Preferred Business who is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder may not amend their bid pursuant to this section. Amended bids submitted by Preferred Businesses in

IFB #13-023


this manner shall be considered along with other responsive bids submitted by responsible bidders. 7.

Use the following format for your bid: • • • • • •

IFB #13-023 2014 Vehicles Cover Page thru page 45, including: Completed Vehicle Specification Sheets and Bid Forms pages 9 to page 43 Signed Signature Page Executed Insurance Checklist State of Michigan New Vehicle Dealers License Number Statement of Exceptions – All exceptions to the terms and conditions in this IFB. This information must be submitted on Company Letterhead


Genesee County Purchasing Regulations: All procurements are conducted in accordance with the Genesee County Purchasing Regulations, a copy of which is on file and available for inspection at the Genesee County Purchasing Department, 1101 Beach Street, Room 343, Flint, Michigan, 48502.


Bid Opening: Bids will be opened publicly at the time and place designated in the Invitation for Bids. Bids will be open to public inspection in accordance with applicable State law.


Evaluation and Award: The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder whose bid meets the requirements and criteria set forth in the Invitation for Bids. Unless otherwise indicated in the Invitation for Bids, Genesee County reserves the right to award the contract in whole or in part, by item, by group of items, or by section where such action serves the best interests of Genesee County. Genesee County reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any informality in any bid, and to negotiate with the apparent successful bidder(s) in the best interest of Genesee County.


Cancellation; Rejection of Bids: The Invitation for Bids may be canceled by Genesee County at any time for any reason. Any bid received may be rejected in whole or in part when in the best interests of Genesee County.


Receipt of Bids: It is solely the responsibility of the bidder to assure the timely receipt of its bid at the location indicated in the bid announcement. LATE BIDS AND BIDS SENT BY FACSIMILE OR BY EMAIL WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.


Tax: Genesee County is a Michigan Municipal Corporation and as such it is exempt from Federal Excise Tax and Michigan Sales Tax.


Non-Discrimination: The successful bidder/Contractor covenants that it will not discriminate against an employee or applicant of employment with respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, or a matter directly or indirectly related to employment, because of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, marital status or a disability that is unrelated to the individual’s ability to perform the duties of a particular job or position, and that it will require the same non-discrimination assurances from any subcontractor who may be used to carry out duties described in this contract. Breach of this covenant shall be regarded as a material breach of this contract.

IFB #13-023



Performance Bond: If a performance bond is required, the bond must be issued by a company authorized to do business in the State of Michigan.


Conflict of Interest: Each bidder, by submitting a bid, represents that the bidder has no knowledge that any employee, representative or agent of the bidder is a County employee who has directly or indirectly participated on behalf of the County in the contemplated procurement, or that any County employee who has so participated or any member of such an employee’s immediate family has a financial interest pertaining to the contemplated procurement from the bidder, and represents that the bidder reasonably believes that no employee, representative or agent of bidder is a County employee who has so participated and that no County employee who has so participated or member of that employee’s immediate family has a financial interest in the contemplated procurement from the bidder.


Inspection: All goods are received subject to inspection and testing. If goods are defective or fail to meet the bid specifications, Genesee County shall have the right to reject the goods or to correct the defects. The contractor shall pay Genesee County for expenses incurred in correcting defects. Rejected goods will be held for forty-five days after delivery awaiting instructions from the contractor. After the forty-five day period, Genesee County will dispose of the goods without further liability to Genesee County. The contractor is responsible for the costs of handling, packing, and transportation incurred in returning or disposing of defective or non-conforming goods.


Bidder’s Representations: Each bidder by submitting a bid represents as follows: 1) That the bidder has read and understood the bidding documents and has bid in accordance therewith; 2)

That the bid has been submitted by a duly authorized owner, partner, or corporate officer;


That the bid submitted has been prepared independently without collusion, agreement, understanding, or planned common course of action with any other supplier of the goods or services described in the Invitation for Bids, designed to limit independent bidding or competition.


Independent Contractor: Bidder agrees that if awarded a contract, bidder shall be an independent contractor and not an employee of Genesee County. The contractor shall secure at its own expense all personnel required in supplying goods or services under the awarded contract. All such personnel shall have no contractual relationship with Genesee County and shall not be considered employees of Genesee County.


Insurance: Each bidder must submit a completed Insurance Checklist, if so stipulated in the IFB. The required coverage and minimum limits may vary dependent upon the dollar amount of the contract, length of time of the contract, and the hazard level of the work or services to be performed. The types of insurance coverage may include: workers compensation, general liability, auto liability and/or professional liability. The insurer, insurance retention group, pool, or self-insurer must be authorized/licensed to provide such coverage within the State of Michigan and meet minimum financial ratings, if applicable, as supplied by Best or S & P.


Indemnification: The successful bidder shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Genesee County and its officers and employees from and against all claims, losses,

IFB #13-023


damages, and expenses including but not limited to attorney’s fees, arising out of or resulting from the performance of the contract. 15.

Warranty: The bidder warrants that all goods and services furnished under a contract resulting from the Invitation for Bids shall be in conformance with the bid documents and that the goods are of merchantable quality as described in the Uniform Commercial Code, Section 2-314, and fit for the purpose for which they are sold. This warranty is in addition to any manufacturer’s standard warranty which may apply or any warranty provided by law, and is in addition to all other express warranties made by the bidder.


Applicable Law: Any contract resulting from this Invitation for Bids shall be governed by the laws of the State of Michigan. Unless otherwise provided in the contract documents, the contractor shall secure and pay for all permits, fees, duties, licenses, inspections, and approvals necessary for the execution and completion of the contract. The contractor shall give all notices and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and lawful orders of any public authority bearing on the performance of the contract.


Right to Inspect: Genesee County may, at reasonable times, inspect the plant, place of business, or work site of a contractor or subcontractor which is pertinent to the performance of a contract or potential contract.


Right to Audit: Genesee County may at reasonable times and places, audit the books and records of any contractor who has submitted cost or pricing data as a part of its bid, to the extent that such books and records are pertinent to such cost or pricing data for a period of three years from the date of final payment under the contract. Genesee County shall be entitled to audit the books and records of a contractor or subcontractor other than a firm fixed-price contract to the extent that such books and records are pertinent to the performance of such contract or subcontract. Such books and records shall be maintained by the contractor for a period of three years from the date of final payment under a prime contract and by the subcontractor for a period of three years from the date of final payment under a subcontract.


Safety: Genesee County, as the owner of the premises where the service or work is to be performed, or as the purchaser of goods received, requires that all applicable Michigan Occupational Health & Safety (MIOSHA) Rules and Regulations are followed by your employees and that the goods meet the applicable safety regulation. All Center of Disease Control guidelines (CDC) incorporated by reference within the MIOSHA regulations must be followed. The following County buildings were all built prior to 1981. In accordance with OSHA regulations, you must consider that “presumed asbestos containing materials” (“PACM”) exist in these buildings. Animal Shelter County Courthouse County Administration Building

Galliver Building Mt. Morris 67th District Court Building

Based on the above, Contractors are notified that their workers must be properly trained and accredited in accordance with OSHA regulation 29CFR 1910.

IFB #13-023



Issuing Office: This IFB is issued by the Genesee County Purchasing Department. The sole point of contact for this solicitation is Mr. Eric F. Hopson, Purchasing Director, Genesee County, 1101 Beach Street, Room 343, Flint, Michigan 48502, [email protected] and fax (810) 257-3380. E-mail is the preferred method of contact.


Questions & Inquiries: All questions regarding this IFB shall be submitted in writing and received no later than Monday, December 30, 2013 by 12:00 p.m. (ET), at the Genesee County Purchasing Department as indicated above. Written answers to questions to clarify this solicitation will be provided via an addendum. No verbal interpretation to any respondent as to the meaning of any requirement stated in this IFB shall be binding on Genesee County.


Addenda: Genesee County reserves the right to amend and provide clarification of this solicitation prior to the due date for bids. In such an event, an addendum will be posted on the Genesee County Purchasing Department website at http://www.gc4me.com/departments/purchasing/current_bids.php. All prospective bidders shall be responsible for routinely checking the Genesee County Purchasing Department website to obtain issued addenda. Genesee County shall not be responsible for the failure of a prospective bidder to obtain addenda and other information issued at any time related to this IFB.


Errors, Omissions and Discrepancies: If a bidder discovers any ambiguity, conflict, discrepancy, omission, or other error in the IFB, it shall immediately notify the Genesee County Purchasing Director of such error in writing and request modification or clarification of the document prior to the deadline for submitting questions. Genesee County will make modifications by issuing a written addendum. The bidder is responsible for clarifying any ambiguity, conflict, discrepancy, omission, or other error in this Invitation for Bids prior to submitting a bid or it shall be waived by the bidder.


Preparation of Bids & Cost: All costs incurred in the preparation of a response to this IFB will be the responsibility of the respondent, and will not be reimbursed by Genesee County. Bids should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward, concise description of the bidder’s ability to meet the requirements of this IFB.


Responsive Bids: To insure full consideration, all bidders shall submit a complete response to this IFB using the format provided in Section 1.7. In addition, at least one of the bids submitted shall include an original signature of an official authorized to bind the bidder to its provisions. Any bid not prepared and submitted in accordance with this IFB or any bid lacking the information to enable Genesee County to make a reasonable determination of compliance with the bid requirements may be considered "non-responsive" and rejected without further review.

IFB #13-023



Validity Period: Any bid submitted as a result of this Invitation for Bids shall be binding on the bidder for 120 calendar days following the due date.


Right To Reject: Genesee County reserves the right to waive any informality in the invitation for bids; to reject any or all bids; and to make an award which it considers to be in the best interest of Genesee County.


Disclosure: All information in bids received is subject to disclosure under the provisions of Public Act N. 442 of 1976 known as the “Freedom of Information Act”. This Act also provides for the complete disclosure of contracts and attachments thereto. In the event that a proposer wishes to designate any portion of their submission as “confidential” or “proprietary,” the proposer must contact the Purchasing Director prior to submission of the proposal.


Prices & Payments: All bid prices shall be on a F.O.B. destination, freight prepaid and acceptance basis at Genesee County’s specified location. These prices shall be complete and include the warranty, title fee and a complete set of factory service manuals. Full payment shall be made 30 days from satisfactory acceptance by Genesee County and receipt of a complete invoice from the successful bidder. Satisfactory acceptance shall occur after the unit has been received, inspected and found to be free of damage and in total compliance with the specifications as set forth in this solicitation.


Warranty: All successful bidders shall provide a minimum 36-month/36,000 mile manufacturer’s warranty for each vehicle/model awarded. The warranty shall cover the complete vehicle and shall cover any and all costs for labor and parts or materials that are required to correct and repair the vehicle and all deficiencies.


Exceptions To Specifications: Any exceptions to vehicle specifications must be clearly stated on the Vehicle Specification Sheets & Bid Forms. Otherwise, it will be considered that the vehicles bid are in strict compliance with the written specifications and that the successful bidder will be responsible for delivering a vehicle meeting the stated specifications.


Acceptable Deviations: The decision of Genesee County, acting through the Purchasing Director, or his authorized representative, shall be final as to what constitutes acceptable deviations from specifications or requirements.


Licensing: It is vital to this agency that any and all bidders have the appropriate State of Michigan New Vehicle Dealers License. Deviation from this specification will be cause for rejection of the submitted bid. All bidders are required to put their State of Michigan New Vehicle Dealer License Number on the Signature Page (pg.44).

IFB #13-023



Acceptance of Bid: The contents of the bid of the successful bidder may become contractual obligations if a contract is issued. Failure of the successful bidder to accept these obligations will result in cancellation or termination of contract award.


Assignability: The resulting award/contract shall not be assigned or transferred by the successful bidder in whole or in part without the expressed written consent of Genesee County.


Termination for Misrepresentation: If the successful bidder receives a contract/bid award and is subsequently found to have misrepresented any information in its bid submission, the contract may be terminated at the discretion of Genesee County.

SECTION 4. VEHICLE SPECIFICATION SHEETS & BID FORMS NOTE: 1. All quantities are estimates and not guaranteed. 2.

Please bid on each attached sheet your single vehicle bid price and return one (1) original, two (2) hard copies, and one electronic copy of your submitted bid. Option add-ons and deducts will be at dealer price per manufacturers’ price schedule, (copy of said price schedule to be furnished to Genesee County for each successful vehicle model bid upon request). All successful bidders shall furnish one set of factory service manuals to the Genesee County Motor Pool for each successful model awarded.


Unless otherwise indicated all prices shall be FOB Genesee County Motor Pool, 914 Harrison Street, Flint, Michigan 48502, title fee included.


Use of Brand or Trade Names: The use of brand names, trade names, types, styles, model numbers, stock numbers or catalogs are intended to be descriptive only and not to restrict competition, but will be used as a measure of the safety, quality and performance against which all vehicles proposed/bid shall be compared.

IFB #13-023


ITEM #1 Fifteen (15) 2015 GM Model CC10706, Chevrolet Tahoe, 2WD, 4DR or approved equal/alternate with all standard equipment plus the following options: Z56 FE9 LMG MYC GU4 C5U 1FL QV9 QAR ZY1 50U A95 19C US8 PPV 6J1 G8O KNP KC4 K47 PZZ V76 6E2 ZAK 6J7 7X6 UN9 6J3 6J4 AG2 ATD UT7 9G8 UE0

Suspension, Heavy-duty, Police-rated Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Vortec 5.3L VB SFI Flexfuel Transmission, 6-speed automatic, electronically controlled Rear axle, 3.08 ratio GVWR, 6800 lbs. (3084 kg) Commercial Preferred Equipment Group Wheels, 5 - 17" x 7.5" (43.2 cm x 19.1 cm) steel, police Tires, P265/60R17 All-season, Police, V-rated Solid paint Summit White Seats, front bucket with premium cloth Ebony, premium cloth seat trim Audio system, AM/FM stereo with MP3 compatible CD player Identifier for police vehicle. Ignition Differential, heavy-duty locking rear Cooling, auxiliary transmission oil cooler, heavy-duty air-to-oil Cooling, external engine oil cooler, heavy-duty air-to-oil Air cleaner, high-capacity Battery, 660 cold cranking amps Skid plate package Recovery hooks, front, frame-mounted Key, single, 2·sided Key common, complete vehicle fleet. Tire, spare P265/60R17 All-season, Police, V-rated Luggage rack, delete Flasher system, headlamp and tail-lamp, DRL compatible Spot-lamp, left-hand Wipers, front intermittent wet-arm Radio suppression, braided brass straps Wiring, grille lamps and siren speakers Wiring, horn and siren circuit Seat adjuster, front passenger 6-way power Seat delete, third row passenger Ground studs, auxiliary Headlamps, daytime running lamps and automatic headlamp con Onstar, delete Safety belts, 3-point, driver and front passenger in all seating

IFB #13-023


ITEM #1 continued 9N5 5T5

Floor console delete Seats, rear vinyl with front cloth seats BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT)

Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:__________________________________________

IFB #13-023


ITEM #2 Six (6) 2015 GM Model CK10706, Chevrolet Tahoe 1/2 Ton, 4WD, 4DR or approved equal/alternate with all standard equipment plus the following options: Z71 Suspension package, off-road FE9 Emissions, Federal Requirements LMG Engine, Vortec 5.3L V8 SFI Flexfuel MYC Transmission, 6-speed automatic, electronically controlled GU6 Rear axle, 3.42 ratio 1FL Commercial Preferred Equipment Group NX7 Wheels, 4 - 17" x 7" (43.2 cm x 17.8 cm) steel QJP Tires, P265/70R17 On-off-road, Blackwall ZY1 Solid paint 41U Black A95 Seats, front bucket with premium cloth 19C Ebony, premium cloth seat trim US8 Audio system, AM/FM stereo with MP3 compatible CD player 5W4 Identifier for special service vehicle. K5L Trailering package, heavy-duty 6J1 Ignition G80 differential, heavy-duty locking rear KNP Cooling, auxiliary transmission oil cooler, HD air-to-oil KC4 Cooling, external engine oil cooler, heavy-duty air-to-oil K47 Air cleaner, high-capacity NQH Transfer case, active, 2-speed electronic autotrac Battery, 660 cold cranking amps NZZ Skid plate package Key, single, 2-sided 6E2 Key common, complete special service vehicle fleet. Luggage rack, delete 6J7 Flasher system, headlamp and tail-lamp, DRL compatible 7X6 Spot-lamp, left-hand Wipers, front intermittent wet-arm UN9 Radio suppression, braided brass straps 6J3 Wiring, grille lamps and speakers 6J4 Wiring, horn and siren circuit AG2 Seat adjuster, front passenger 6-way power ATD Seat delete, third row passenger UT7 Ground studs, auxiliary UE0 Onstar, delete Safety belts, 3-point, driver and front passenger in all seating

IFB #13-023


ITEM #2 continued 9G3 5T5

Suspension package, off-road, for base decor vehicles Seats, rear vinyl with front cloth seats BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT)

Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:__________________________________________

IFB #13-023


ITEM #3 Six (6) 2014 GM Model 1EW19, Chevrolet Caprice Police Patrol Vehicle, 4 DR, Sedan or approved equal/alternate with all standard equipment plus the following options: FE9 L77 MX0 1SB 9C1 GII HCQ 4AA UFU G80 6J3 6J7 7X6 6A3 6E3 6C7 6J4 WS AYG DR9

Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, 6.0L V8 SFI with active fuel management. includes (E85) Flex Fuel Transmission, 6-speed automatic, electronically controlled Police Preferred Equipment Group Police Package Heron White Standard paint Seats, front bucket cloth with heavy-duty foam, vinyl rear bench Jetblack, cloth seat trim Audio system, AM/FM stereo with CD player Differential, limited slip Cooling, engine oil cooler Wiring, grille lamps and siren speaker Flasher system, headlamp and tail-lamp, DRL compatible Spot-lamp, driver-side Floor covering, heavy-duty vinyl front and rear Door locks, single key locking system, entire fleet coded alike Lighting, red and white front auxiliary dome Wiring, horn and siren circuit, inline for customer-furnished Daytime running lamps and automatic headlamps, delete Air bags, dual-stage frontal, thorax side-impact and knee, drive Mirrors – Power/Heated BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT)

Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:__________________________________________

IFB #13-023


ITEM #4 Twelve (12) 2014 GM Model 1WS19, Chevrolet Impala Police 4DR Sedan, or approved equal/alternate, with all standard equipment plus the following options: FE9 LFX MX0 3FL 9C1 50U AR9 19G U1C 6J3 9G8 6J7 7X6 DK2 6A3 6E2 A98 6C7 6J4

Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, 3.6L SIDI DOHC V6 VVT Transmission, 6-speed automatic, electronically controlled Preferred Equipment Group Police Package Summit White Standard paint Seats, front bucket Ebony, cloth seat trim with vinyl rear bench seat Audio system, AM/FM stereo with CD player Wiring, grille lamps and siren speaker Headlamps, daytime running lamps and automatic headlamp Flasher system, headlamp and rear lamps, DRL compatible Spot-lamp, driver-side Mirrors, outside heated power-adjustable, body-color Floor covering, heavy-duty vinyl, front and rear Door locks, single key locking system, entire fleet coded alike Trunk release, ignition controlled Lighting, front auxiliary dome Wiring, horn and siren circuit, inline for customer-furnished siren BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT)

Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:_________________________________________________

IFB #13-023


ITEM #5 Ten (10) 2014 GM Model 1WS19, Chevrolet Impala Police, 4DR, Sedan, or approved equal/alternate, with all standard equipment plus the following options: FE9 LFX MX0 3FL 9C3 41U AN3 19C U1C 6J3 6J7 B34 6E2 A98 6J4 DK2

Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, 3.6L SIDI DOHC V6 VVT Transmission, 6-speed automatic, electronically controlled Preferred Equipment Group Unmarked Police Package Silver Ice Metallic Standard paint Seat, front 40/20/40 split-bench with cloth Ebony, cloth seat trim with cloth rear bench seat Audio system, AM/FM stereo with CD player Wiring, grille lamps and siren speaker Flasher system, headlamp and rear lamps, DRL compatible Floor mats, carpeted front and rear Door locks, single key locking system, entire fleet coded alike Trunk release, ignition controlled Wiring, horn and siren circuit, inline for customer-furnished siren Mirrors – Power/Heated BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT)

Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:_______________________________________

IFB #13-023


ITEM #6 Twelve (12) 2014 GM Model 1PL69, Chevrolet Cruze LS, 4DR, Sedan, or approved equal/alternate, with all standard equipment plus the following options: FE9 LUW MH9 1SB GXH A51 AFB VYW UEO

Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Ecotec 1.8L Variable valve timing DOHC 4-cylinder sequence Transmission, 6-speed automatic, electronically controlled Preferred Equipment Group Blue Ray Metallic Standard paint Seats, front bucket with reclining seatbacks and adjustable height Jet black/medium titanium, premium cloth seat trim Carpeted mats Onstar Delete


Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:________________________________________

IFB #13-023


ITEM #7 Six (6) 2014 GM Model 1GB69, Chevrolet Malibu LS, 4DR, Sedan, or approved equal/alternate, with all standard equipment plus the following options:


Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, 2.5L DOHC 4-cylinder SIDI with variable valve timing (VVT) Transmission, 6-speed automatic, electronically-controlled Preferred Equipment Group Ashen Gray Metallic Standard paint Seats, front bucket Jet black / Titanium, premium cloth seat trim Audio system, AM/FM stereo with CD player and MP3 playback Floor mats, carpeted front and rear Onstar Delete BID PRICE EACH

Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:________________________________________

IFB #13-023


ITEM #8 Four (4) 2014 GM Model 4GB69, Buick LaCrosse, 4DR, FWD Sedan, or approved equal/alternate, with all standard equipment plus the following options: FE9 LUK MHH RDF RAF GAN A51 H1T IO5 T67 KG4 NJ2 P77 MWN VAV J61 AW7

Emissions, Federal Requirements 2.4 DOHC 4 Cycle Transmission, 6-speed automatic, electronically controlled Wheels Tires P235/50R17 ASR Quicksilver Metallic Standard paint Seats, front bucket Ebony cloth Audio system, AM/FM/SiriusXM stereo with MP3 CD Player Battery, 70AH, Maintenance free with rundown protection, heavy duty Alternator, 150 amps Steering, power Tire, compact spare, 17" (43.2 cm) Exhaust, dual-outlet stainless-steel with bright tips integrate LPO, All-weather floor mats, front and rear Brakes, 4-wheel antilock, 4-wheel disc with brake assist Air bags, dual-stage frontal and side-impact, driver and right-front

BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT) Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:_________________________________________

IFB #13-023


ITEM #9 Four (4) 2014 GM Model 4GR69, Buick Regal 4DR, Sedan, or approved equal/alternate, with all standard equipment plus the following options: FE9 LUK MHH FXJ 1SN GBA A51 AFM IO5 VAV

Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Ecotec 2.4L DOHC 4-cylinder DI (direct injection), 4-cylinder Transmission, 6-speed automatic, electronically controlled Axle, 2.64 final drive ratio Base Preferred Equipment Group Black Onyx Standard paint Seats, front bucket Ebony, leather-appointed seats Audio system, AM/FM/SiriusXM Stereo with MP3 CD Player, USB LPO, All weather floor mats


Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name: ________________________________________

IFB #13-023


ITEM #10 Five (5) 2014 GM Model CG13405, 135” WB, Chevrolet Express 1/2 Ton Cargo, RWD, Van, or approved equal/alternate, with all standard equipment plus the following options: ZW9 FE9 LMF M30 GT4 E24 1WT ZPR ZY1 50U AS5 93G ZX2 C60 UM7 ZQ3 DE5 A12 ZW2 BA3 RFM B31 ATG R6S G80

Body, standard Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Vortec 5.3L VB SFI Flexfuel Transmission, 4-speed automatic, electronically controlled Rear axle,3.73 ratio Door, swing-out passenger-side, 60/40 split Preferred Equipment Group Tire, spare p245/70R17 All-season, Blackwall Paint, Solid Summit White Seats, front bucket with custom cloth trim Medium Pewter Seating arrangement, driver and front passenger high-back bucket Air conditioning, single-zone manual Audio system, am/fm stereo Convenience package, tilt-wheel and cruise control Mirrors, outside heated power-adjustable, black, manual-folding Glass, fixed rear doors windows Glass, fixed rear doors Console, engine cover with swing-out storage bin Floor covering delete, rear Floor covering, black rubberized-vinyl, front only Remote keyless entry (PPC) trim panel delete, rear side and rear doors Locking Rear Differential BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT)

Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY________________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name: __________________________________________

IFB #13-023


ITEM #11 Five (5) 2014 GM Model CG23405, 135” WB, Chevrolet Express 3/4 Ton Cargo, RWD, Van, or approved equal/alternate, with all standard equipment plus the following options: FE9 L20 MYD GU6 E24 1WT ZLP ZY1 50U AS5 93G ZX2 C60 UM7 ZQ3 G80 DE5 AJ1 A18 ZW2 BA3 ATG K34 R6S D31 ASF

Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Vortec 4.8L V8 SFI Flexfuel Transmission, 6·speed automatic, heavy-duty, electronically controlled Rear axle, 3.42 ratio Door, Swing-out Passenger·Side, 60/40 split Preferred Equipment Group Tire, Spare LT245/75R16E All·Season, Blackwall Paint, solid Summit White Seats, front bucket with custom cloth trim Medium Pewter Seating arrangement, driver and front passenger high-back bucket Air conditioning, single·zone manual Audio system, am/fm stereo Convenience package, tilt·wheel and cruise control Locking Rear Differential Mirrors, outside heated power·adjustable, black, manual·folding Glass, solar·ray deep·tinted Glass, swing-out rear cargo door windows Glass, fixed rear doors Console, engine cover with swing-out storage bin Keyless entry 125 Amp Alternaterry Trim Panel Delete Mirror, inside rearview manual day/night Air bags, head/side-curtain BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT)

Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:___________________________________________

IFB #13-023


ITEM #12 Six (6) 2014 GM Model CG33405, 135” WB, Chevrolet Express 1 Ton Cargo, RWD, Van, or approved equal/alternate, with all standard equipment plus the following options: ZW9 FE9 L20 MYD GU6 E24 1WT ZLP ZY1 50U AS5 93G ZX2 C60 UM7 ZQ3 DE5 A12 ZW2 BA3 RFM ATG K34 R6S D31 ASF

Body, standard Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Vortec 4.8L V8 SFI Flexfuel Transmission, 6-speed automatic, heavy-duty, electronically controlled Rear axle, 3.42 ratio Door, swing-out passenger-side, 60/40 split Preferred Equipment Group Tire, spare LT245/75R16E All-season, Blackwall Paint, solid Summit White Seats, front bucket with custom cloth trim Medium Pewter Seating arrangement, driver and front passenger high-back bucket Air conditioning, single-zone manual Audio system, AM/FM stereo Convenience package, tilt-wheel and cruise control Mirrors, outside heated power-adjustable, black, manual-folding Glass, fixed rear doors windows Glass, fixed rear doors Console, engine cover with swing-out storage bin Floor covering delete, rear Remote keyless entry Cruise control (PPC) trim panel delete, rear side and rear doors Mirror, inside rearview manual day/night Air bags, head/side-curtain BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT)

Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:___________________________________________

IFB #13-023


ITEM #13 Six (6) 2014 GM Model CG33706, 155” WB, Chevrolet Express Passenger LS, 1 Ton Van, RWD , or approved equal/alternate, with all standard equipment plus the following options: FE9 L20 MYD GU6 1LS ZY1 50U ZP3 AS5 93G U1C DE5 YA2 BA3 ATG C49 UEO

Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Vortec 4.8L V8 SFI Flex Fuel Transmission, 6-speed automatic, heavy-duty, electronically controlled Rear axle, 3.42 ratio LS Preferred Equipment Group Paint, solid Summit White Seating, 15-passenger, (2-3-3-3-4 seating configuration) Seats, front bucket with custom cloth trim Medium pewter, custom cloth Audio system, AM/FM stereo with CD player Mirrors, outside heated power-adjustable, black, manual-folding Door, sliding passenger-side Console, deluxe Remote keyless entry Defogger, rear-window electric Onstar, delete


Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:___________________________________________

IFB #13-023


ITEM #14 Five (5) 2014 GM Model CG33705, 155” WB, Chevrolet Express 1 Ton Cargo Van, RWD, or approved equal/alternate, with all standard equipment plus the following options: ZW9 FE9 L20 MYD GU6 E24 ZLP ZY1 50U AS5 93G ZX2 C60 UM7 ZQ3 G80 DE5 A12 ZW2 BA3 RFM B31 R6S D31 ASF

Body, standard Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Vortec 4.8L V8 SFI Flex Fuel Transmission, 6-speed automatic, heavy-duty, electronically controlled Rear axle, 3.42 ratio Door, swing-out passenger-side, 60/40 split Tire, spare LT245175R16E All-season, Blackwall Paint, solid Summit White Seats, front bucket with custom cloth trim Medium Pewter Seating arrangement, driver and front passenger high-back bucket Air conditioning, single-zone manual Audio system, am/fm stereo Convenience package, tilt-wheel and cruise control Locking Rear Differential Mirrors, outside heated power-adjustable, black, manual·folding Glass, fixed rear doors windows Glass, fixed rear doors Console, engine cover with swing-out storage bin Floor covering delete, rear Floor covering, black rubberized-vinyl, front only (PPC) trim panel delete, rear side and rear doors Mirror, inside rearview manual day/night Air bags, head/side-curtain

BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT) Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name: __________________________________________

IFB #13-023


ITEM #15 Ten (10) 2014 GM Model CC15903, 133” WB, Chevrolet Silverado Regular Cab, 1/2 Ton, 2WD, Pickup Truck, or approved equal/alternate, with all standard equipment plus the following options: Z85 FE9 LV3 MYC GU5 1WT RBZ ZY1 GAZ AE7 H2R IO3 G80

Suspension Package Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Vortec 4.3L V6 MFI Transmission, 4-speed automatic, electronically controlled Rear axle, 3.23 ratio Work Truck Preferred Equipment Group Tires, P245/70R17 All-season, Blackwall P 255/7017 ASR Paint, solid White Seats, front 40/20/40 split-bench, 3-passenger, driver and front Jet Black Audio system, AM/FM stereo Locking Rear Differential BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT)

Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name: ________________________________________

IFB #13-023


ITEM #16 Six (6) 2015 GM Model CC25903, 133.6” WB, Chevrolet Silverado Heavy Duty, 3/4 Ton, Regular Cab, 2WD, Pickup Truck, or approved equal/alternate with all standard equipment plus the following options: E63 Z85 FE9 L96 MYD G4A GT5 1WT PYN QHQ ZY1 AE7 H2R IO3 Z82 TRW G80

Pickup box, fleetside Suspension package, handling/trailering, heavy-duty Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Vortec 6.0L variable valve timing V8 SFI E85-compatible, transmission, 6-speed automatic, heavy-duty, electronically controlled GVWR, 9300 lbs. (4218 kg) Rear axle, 4.10 ratio Work Truck Preferred Equipment Group Wheels, 17" (43.2 cm) steel Tires, LT245/75R17E All-season, Blackwall Paint, solid Seats, front 40/20/40 split-bench, 3-passenger, driver and front Jet Black Audio system, AM/FM stereo Trailering equipment, heavy-duty Provision for cab roof-mounted lamp/beacon Locking Rear Differential


Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:

IFB #13-023



ITEM #17 Three (3) 2014 GM Model CK15903, 133.0” WB, Chevrolet Silverado Regular Cab, 1/2 Ton, 4WD, Pickup Truck, or approved equal/alternate with all standard equipment plus the following options: Z85 FE9 L83 MYC C5W GU6 1WT NX7 RC3 ZY1 GCN AE7 H2R IO3 VYU G80 4JQ

Suspension Package, Solid smooth ride Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Vortec 5.36L Variable valve timing V8 SFI Flex Fuel Transmission, 6-speed automatic, electronically controlled GVWR, 6800 lbs. (3084 kg) Rear axle, 3.42 ratio Work truck preferred equipment group Wheels, 4 - 17" x 7.5" (43.2 cm x 19.1 cm) steel, 6-lug painted Tires, P265/70R17 All-terrain, Blackwall, 5-ply load range Paint, solid Victory red Seats, front 40/20/40 split-bench, 3-passenger, driver and front Jet Black Audio system, AM/FM stereo Snow plow prep package Differential, heavy-duty automatic locking rear Spare wheel, upgrade BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT)

Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:

IFB #13-023



ITEM #18 Five (5) 2014 GM Model CC15753 143.5” WB, Chevrolet Silverado Double Cab, 1/2 Ton, 2WD, Pickup Truck, or approved equal/alternate with all standard equipment plus the following options: Z85 FE9 L83 MYC GU6 1WT NX7 RBZ ZY1 AE7 H2R IO3 Z82 TRW G80 JL1

Suspension package, handling/trailering, heavy-duty Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Vortec 5.3L variable valve timing V8 SFI Flex Fuel Transmission, 4-speed automatic, electronically controlled Rear axle, 3.42 ratio Work truck preferred equipment group Wheels, 4 - 17" x 7.5" (43.2 cm x 19.1 cm) steel, 6-lug painted Tires, P255/70R17 All-season, Blackwall Paint, solid Seats, front 40/20/40 split-bench, 3-passenger, driver and front Jet Black Audio system, am/fm stereo Trailering package, heavy-duty Provision for cab roof-mounted lamp/beacon Locking Rear Differential Brake Controller BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT)

Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:

IFB #13-023



ITEM #19 Six (6) 2015 GM Model CK25903, 133.6” WB, Chevrolet Silverado Regular Cab, Heavy Duty 3/4 Ton, 4WD, Pickup Truck, or approved equal/alternate with all standard equipment plus the following options: E63 Z85 FE9 L96 MYD GEH GT5 1WT PYN QXT ZY1 AE7 H2R IO3 VYU G80 Z82 PCR

Pickup box, fleetside Suspension package, handlingitrailering, heavy-duty Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Vortec 6.0L variable valve timing V8 SFI E85-compatible Transmission, 6-speed automatic, heavy-duty, electronically controlled GVWR, 9500 lbs. (4309 kg) Rear axle, 4.10 ratio Work truck preferred equipment group wheels, 17" (43.2 cm) steel Tires, LT265/70R17E All-terrain, Blackwall Paint, solid Seats, front 40/20/40 split-bench, 3-passenger, driver and front Jet Black Audio system, AM/FM stereo Snow plow prep package Differential, heavy-duty automatic locking rear Trailering equipment, heavy-duty WT Fleet Convenience Package BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT)

Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:

IFB #13-023



ITEM #20 Four (4) 2015 GM Model CK25903, 133.6” WB, Chevrolet Silverado Regular Cab, Heavy Duty 3/4 Ton, 4WD, Pickup Truck, or approved equal/alternate with all standard equipment plus the following options: E63 Z85 FE9 LML MW7 C4M GT4 1WT PYN QXT ZY1 AE7 H2R IO3 VYU G80 Z82 PCR

Pickup box, fleetside Suspension Package, handling/trailering, heavy-duty Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Duramax 6.6L Turbo Diesel V8, B20-diesel compatible Transmission, Allison 1000 6-speed automatic, electronically controlled GVWR, 9900 lbs. (4490 kg) Rear axle, 3.73 ratio Work truck preferred equipment group Wheels, 17" (43.2 cm) steel Tires, LT265170R17E All-terrain, Blackwall Paint, solid Seats, front 40/20/40 split-bench, 3-passenger, driver and front Jet Black Audio system, AM/FM stereo Snow plow prep package Differential, heavy-duty automatic locking rear Trailering equipment, heavy-duty WT Fleet Convenience Package

BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT) Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:

IFB #13-023



ITEM #21 Three (3) 2015 GM Model CK25753, 144.2” WB, Chevrolet Silverado Double Cab, Heavy Duty 3/4 Ton, 4WD, Pickup Truck, or approved equal/alternate, with all standard equipment plus the following options: Z85 FE9 L96 MYD GEH GT5 1WT PYN QXT ZY1 AE7 H2R IO3 VYU G80 Z82 PCR

Suspension Package, handling/trailering, heavy-duty Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Vortec 6.0L Variable Valve Timing V8 SFI E85-compatible Transmission, 6-speed automatic, heavy-duty, electronically controlled GVWR, 9500 lbs. (4309 kg) Rear axle, 4.10 ratio Work truck preferred equipment group Wheels, 17" (43.2 cm) steel Tires, LT265170R17E All-terrain, Blackwall Paint, solid Seats, front 40/20/40 split-bench, 3-passenger, driver and front Jet Black Audio system, AM/FM stereo Snow plow prep package Differential, heavy-duty automatic locking rear Trailering equipment, heavy-duty WT Fleet Convenience Package BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT)

Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:

IFB #13-023



ITEM #22 Three (3) 2015 GM Model CK25953, 158.1” WB, Chevrolet Silverado Double Cab, Heavy Duty 3/4 Ton, 4WD, Pickup Truck, or approved equal/alternate, with all standard equipment plus the following options: E63 Z85 FE9 L96 MYD GEH GT5 1WT PYN QXT ZY1 AE7 H2R IO3 VYU G80 Z82 PCR

Pickup box, fleetside Suspension Package, handling/trailering, heavy-duty Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Vortec 6.0L Variable Valve Timing V8 SFI E85-compatible Transmission, 6-speed automatic, heavy-duty, electronically controlled GVWR, 9500 lbs. (4309 kg) Rear axle, 4.10 ratio Work truck preferred equipment group Wheels, 17" (43.2 cm) steel Tires, LT265/70R17E all-terrain, blackwall Paint, solid Seats, front 40/20/40 split-bench, 3.passenger, driver and front Jet Black Audio system, AM/FM stereo Snow plow prep package Differential, heavy-duty automatic locking rear Trailering equipment, heavy-duty WT Fleet Convenience Package

BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT) Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:

IFB #13-023



ITEM #23 Two (2) 2015 GM Model CK25753, 144.2” WB, Chevrolet Silverado Extended Cab, Heavy Duty 3/4 Ton, 4WD Pickup Truck, or approved equal/alternate with all standard equipment plus the following options: Z85 FE9 LML MW7 C7A GT4 1WT PYN QXT ZY1 74U AE7 H2R IO3 VYU G80 Z82 PCR

Suspension Package, handling/trailering. heavy-duty Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Duramax 6.6L Turbo Diesel V8. B20-diesel compatible Transmission, Allison 1000 6-speed automatic, electronically controlled GVWR, 10,000 lbs. (4536 kg) Rear axle, 3.73 ratio Work truck preferred equipment group Wheels, 17" (43.2 cm) steel Tires, LT265/70R17E All-terrain, Blackwall Paint, solid Victory Red Seats, front 40/20/40 split-bench, 3-passenger, driver and front Jet Black Audio system, AM/FM stereo Snow plow prep package Differential, heavy-duty automatic locking rear Trailering equipment, heavy-duty WT Fleet Convenience Package BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT)

Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:

IFB #13-023



ITEM #24 Two (2) 2015 GM Model CK25953, 158.2” WB, Chevrolet Silverado Double Cab, Heavy Duty 3/4 Ton, 4WD Pickup Truck, or approved equal/alternate, with all standard equipment plus the following options: E63 Z85 FE9 LML MW7 C7A GT4 1WT PYN QXT ZY1 AE7 H2R IO3 VYU G80 Z82 PCR

Pickup box, fleetside Suspension Package, handling/trailering, heavy-duty Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Duramax 6.6L Turbo Diesel V8, B20-diesel compatible Transmission, Allison 1000 6-speed automatic, electronically controlled GVWR, 10,000 lbs. (4536 kg) Rear axle, 3.73 ratio Work truck preferred equipment group Wheels, 17" (43.2 cm) steel Tires, LT265/70R17E All-terrain, Blackwall Paint, solid Seats, front 40/20/40 split-bench, 3-passenger, driver and front Jet Black / Dark Ash, Cloth Seat Trim Audio system, AM/FM stereo Snow plow prep package Differential, heavy-duty automatic locking rear Trailering equipment, heavy-duty WT Fleet Convenience Package BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT)

Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY_____________________________ HIGHWAY______________________________

Company Name:

IFB #13-023



ITEM #25 Two (2) 2015 GM Model CK25743, 153.7” WB, Chevrolet Silverado Crew Cab, Heavy Duty 3/4 Ton, 4WD Pickup Truck or approved equal/alternate, with all standard equipment plus the following options: Z85 FE9 L96 MYD GEH GT5 1WT PYN QXT ZY1 AE7 H2R IO3 VYU G80 Z82 PCR

Suspension Package, handling/trailering, heavy-duty Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Vortec 6.0L Variable Valve Timing V8 SFI E85-compatible Transmission, 6-speed automatic, heavy-duty, electronically controlled GVWR, 9500 lbs. (4309 kg) Rear axle, 4.10 ratio Work truck preferred equipment group Wheels, 17" (43.2 cm) steel Tires, LT265/70R17E All-terrain, Blackwall Paint, solid Seats, front 40/20/40 split-bench, 3-passenger, driver and front Jet Black / Dark Ash, Cloth Seat Trim Audio system, AM/FM stereo Snow plow prep package Differential, heavy-duty automatic locking rear Trailering equipment, heavy-duty WT Fleet Convenience Package BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT)

Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:

IFB #13-023



ITEM #26 Two (2) 2015 GM Model CK25743, 153.7” WB, Chevrolet Silverado Crew Cab, Heavy Duty 3/4 Ton, 4WD, Pickup Truck, or approved equal/alternate with all standard equipment plus the following options: Z85 FE9 LML MW7 C7A GT4 1WT PYN QXT ZY1 AE7 H2R IO3 VYU G80 Z82 PCR

Suspension Package, handling/trailering, heavy-duty Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Duramax 6.6L Turbo Diesel V8, B20-diesel compatible Transmission, Allison 1000 6-speed automatic, electronically controlled GVWR, 10,000 lbs. (4536 kg) Rear axle, 3.73 ratio Work truck preferred equipment group Wheels, 17" (43.2 cm) steel Tires, LT265170R17E All-terrain, Blackwall Paint, solid Seats, front 40/20/40 split-bench, 3-passenger, driver and front Jet Black / Dark Ash, Cloth Seat Trim Audio system, AM/FM stereo Snow plow prep package Differential, heavy-duty automatic locking rear Trailering equipment, heavy-duty WT Fleet Convenience Package

BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT) Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:

IFB #13-023



ITEM #27 Four (4) 2015 GM Model CK25943, 167.7” WB, Chevrolet Silverado Crew Cab, Heavy Duty 3/4 Ton, 4WD, Pickup Truck, or approved equal/alternate with all standard equipment plus the following options: E63 Z85 FE9 L96 MYD C4M GT5 1WT PYN QXT ZY1 AE7 H2R IO3 VYU G80 Z82 PCR

Pickup box, fleetside Suspension Package Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Vortec 6.0L Variable Valve timing V8 SFI E85-compatible Transmission, 6-speed automatic, heavy-duty, electronically controlled GVWR, 9900 lbs. (4490 kg) Rear axle, 4.10 ratio Work truck preferred equipment group Wheels, 17" (43.2 cm) steel Tires, LT265170R17E All-terrain, Blackwall Paint, solid Seats, front 40/20/40 split-bench, 3-passenger, driver and front Jet Black / Dark Ash, Cloth Seat Trim Audio system, AM/FM stereo Snow plow prep package Differential, heavy-duty automatic locking rear Trailering equipment, heavy-duty WT Fleet Convenience Package

BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT) Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:

IFB #13-023



ITEM #28 Two (2) 2015 GM Model CK25943, 167.7” WB, Chevrolet Silverado Crew Cab, Heavy Duty 3/4 Ton 4WD, Pickup Truck, or approved equal/alternate with all standard equipment plus the following options: E63 Z85 FE9 LML MW7 C7A GT4 1WT PYN QXT ZY1 AE7 H2R IO3 VYU G80 Z82 PCR

Pickup box, fleetside Suspension Package Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Duramax 6.6L Turbo Diesel V8, B20-diesel compatible Transmission, Allison 1000 6-speed automatic, electronically controlled GVWR, 10,000 lbs. (4536 kg) Rear axle, 3.73 ratio Work truck preferred equipment group Wheels, 17" (43.2 cm) steel Tires, LT265170R17E All-terrain, Blackwall Paint, solid Seats, front 40/20/40 split-bench, 3-passenger, driver and front Jet Black / Dark Ash, Cloth Seat Trim Audio system, AM/FM stereo Snow plow prep package Differential, heavy-duty automatic locking rear Trailering equipment, heavy-duty WT Fleet Convenience Package

BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT) Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:

IFB #13-023



ITEM #29 Two (2) 2015 GM Model CK35903, 133.6” WB, Chevrolet Silverado Regular Cab, Heavy Duty 1 Ton, Regular Cab 4WD, Pickup Truck, or approved equal/alternate with all standard equipment plus the following options: SRW E63 Z85 FE9 L96 MYD GT5 1WT C7A PYT QGM ZY1 AE7 H2R IO3 VYU PCR

Chassis, single rear wheel Pickup box, fleetside Suspension Package Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Vortec 6.0L Variable Valve Timing V8 SFI E85-compatible Transmission. 6-8peed automatic, heavy-duty. electronically controlled Rear axle, 4.10 ratio Work truck preferred equipment group GVWR, 10,000 lbs. (4536 kg) with single rear wheels. Wheels, 18" (45.7 cm) painted steel Tires, LT265170R18E All-terrain, Blackwall Paint, solid Seats, front 40/20/40 split-bench, 3-passenger, driver and front Jet Black / Dark Ash, Cloth Seat Trim Audio system, AM/FM stereo Snow plow prep package WT Fleet Convenience Package

BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT) Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:

IFB #13-023



ITEM #30 Two (2) 2015 GM Model CK35903, 133.6” WB, Chevrolet Silverado Regular Cab, Heavy Duty 1 Ton, 4WD, Pickup Truck, or approved equal/alternate with all standard equipment plus the following options:


Chassis, dual rear wheels Pickup box, fleetside Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Duramax 6.6L Turbo Diesel V8, B20-Diesel Compatible Transmission, Allison 1000 6-speed automatic, electronically controlled Rear axle, 3.73 ratio Work truck preferred equipment group GVWR, 13,025 lbs. (5908 kg) with dual rear wheels Wheels, 17" (43.2 cm) painted steel Tires, LT235/80R17 All-terrain, Blackwall Paint, solid Seats, front 40/20/40 split-bench, 3-passenger, driver and front Jet Black / Dark Ash, Cloth Seat Trim Audio system, AM/FM stereo Snow plow prep package WT Fleet Convenience Package BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT)

Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:

IFB #13-023



ITEM #31 Two (2) 2015 GM Model CK35943, 167.7” WB, Chevrolet Silverado Crew Cab, Heavy Duty 1 Ton, 2WD, Pickup Truck, or approved equal/alternate with all standard equipment plus the following options:


Chassis, dual rear wheels Pickup box, fleetside Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, Vortec 6.0L variable valve timing V8 SFI E85-compatible Transmission, 6-speed automatic, heavy-duty, electronically controlled Rear axle, 4.10 ratio Work truck preferred equipment group GVWR, 13,025 lbs. (5908 kg) with dual rear wheels Wheels, 17" (43.2 cm) painted steel Tires, LT235/80R17E All-season highway, Blackwall Paint, solid Seats, front 40/20/40 split-bench, 3-passenger, driver and front Jet Black / Dark Ash, Cloth Seat Trim Audio system, AM/FM stereo WT Fleet Convenience Package BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT)

Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:

IFB #13-023



ITEM #32 Six (6) 2014 GM Model CR14526, Chevrolet Traverse LS, FWD, 4DR, or approved equal/alternate with all standard equipment plus the following options: FE9 LLT M7V 1LS QD6 ABC AR9 83C UHU U2J UEO

Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, 3.6L SIDI V6 Transmission, 6-speed automatic, electronically controlled LS Preferred Equipment Group Wheel, 17" (43.2 cm) compact steel spare wheel and tire Seating, 8-passenger (2-3-3 seating configuration) Standard paint Reclining front buckets Dk Gray/Lt Gray, premium cloth seat trim Audio system, AM/FM stereo with MP3 compatible CD player SiriusXM satellite radio, delete Onstar, delete BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT)

Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:

IFB #13-023



ITEM #33 Four (4) 2014 GM Model 1LF26, Chevrolet Equinox LS, FWD, 4DR, or approved equal/alternate with all standard equipment plus the following options: FE9 LEA MXO 1LS AR9 AFH UYE U2J UEO B34

Emissions, Federal Requirements Engine, 2.4L DOHC 4-cylinder SIDI (spark ignition direct injection) Transmission, 6-speed automatic with overdrive LS Preferred Equipment Group Standard paint Reclining front buckets Jet Black seat trim Audio System, Am/Fm/SiriusXM Stereo With CD Player And MP3/WM XM Radio, delete Onstar, delete Floor Mats BID PRICE EACH (DELIVERED FLINT)

Your Manufacturer's EPA rating this vehicle:


CITY___________________________ HIGHWAY____________________________

Company Name:

IFB #13-023



GENESEE COUNTY IFB # 13-023 2014 VEHICLES SIGNATURE PAGE The undersigned represents that he or she: 1.

is duly authorized to make binding offers on behalf of the company,


has read and understands all information, terms, and conditions in the IFB,


has not engaged in any collusive actions with any other potential bidders for this IFB,


hereby offers to enter into a binding contract with Genesee County for the products and services herein offered, if selected by Genesee County within 120 days from bid due date,


acknowledges the following addenda _____________ issued as part of the IFB.

State of Michigan New Vehicle Dealer License Number:


Name (Typed): Signature: Title: Company: Date: Contact Person Please indicate name, telephone number, fax number, mailing address, and e-mail address of company representative for matters regarding this IFB.

IFB #13-023


GENESEE COUNTY INSURANCE CHECKLIST Bid Title 2014 VEHICLES Coverages Required X 1. General Liability

X 2. X 3. X 4.

X 5. X 6.

Bid Number 13-023 Limits (Figures denote minimums) Including Premises/operations $1,000,000 per occurrence with $2,000,000 aggregate Products/Completed operations $1,000,000 per occurrence with $2,000,000 aggregate Automobile liability $1,000,000 combined single limit each accidentOwned, hired, nonowned Genesee County named as an additional insured on other than workers' compensation via endorsement. A copy of the endorsement or evidence of blanket Additional Insured language in the policy must be included with the certificate. Best's rating: A VIII or better, or its equivalent (Retention Group Financial Statements) The certificate must state bid number and title Insurance Agent's Statement

I have reviewed the requirements with bidder named below. In addition: _____ The above policies carry the following deductibles: ___________________________________________________________________________________ _____ Liability policies are

occurrence ______

_______________________________________ Insurance Agent

claims made ______

_____________________________________ Signature

Bidder's Statement I understand the insurance requirements and will comply in full if awarded the contract.

_______________________________________ Bidder

_____________________________________ Signature

Required general insurance provisions are provided in the checklist above. These are based on the contract and exposures of the work to be completed under the Contract. Modifications to this checklist may occur at any time prior to signing of the contract. Any changes will require approval by the Prospective Contractor, the department and County Risk Manager. To the degree possible, all changes will be made as soon as feasible. REVISED 04/08/2010

IFB #13-023