3rd annual - California State University, Fresno

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May 22, 2013 ... KEYNOTE SPEAKER. Peter BreGMAn. Dear Fresno State Staff,. Believe it or not, this is our third annual Staff Training and Recognition (STAR) ...
Welcome Message

President Welty

Dear Fresno State Staff, Believe it or not, this is our third annual Staff Training and Recognition (STAR) Day! I love this tradition because it gives us an opportunity to learn new skills, celebrate each other’s successes and simply enjoy being together. For me, this year will hold even more meaning, as my time with all of you is coming to an end. I’ve said it before – and I’m sure I’ll say it again – but I am so proud of this staff. We have such a diverse group of talented, committed individuals, who work together day in and day out, to better serve our students. I know they benefit from your efforts and that is something we can all be proud of. This year’s STAR Day theme is Extreme Makeover: Drafting a Blueprint for Innovation. I hope each of you will come away feeling refreshed, inspired and excited about your job in the year ahead. You are Fresno State’s star power! Thank you for all that you do! Enjoy this day,

John D. Welty President

Keynote Speaker


Peter Bregman is the author, most recently, of 18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction and Get the Right Things Done, winner of the Gold medal from the Axiom Business Book awards, named the best business book of the year on NPR, and selected by Publisher’s Weekly and The New York Post as a top 10 business book. He is also the author of Point B: A Short Guide to Leading a Big Change and co-author of five other books. Featured on PBS, ABC and CNN, Bregman is a regular contributor to Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, Forbes, National Public Radio (NPR), Psychology Today and CNN. As the advisor to CEO’s and their leadership teams, Bregman has used his approach to improve performance at some of the world’s premier organizations, including Morgan Stanley, NASDAQ, JP Morgan Chase, Victoria’s Secret, Converse, Katz Media Group, Passlogix, and FEI, among others.He has worked with companies throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe, Asia and Australia and has served as adjunct faculty with Columbia University Business School and the National Outdoor Leadership School. Bregman has based his work on the notion that an organization, at its core, is a platform for talent. By unleashing that talent, focusing it on business results, and aligning it with a compelling vision, both the individual and the organization thrive. Since 1989, he has trained and coached all levels of management and individuals to recognize their leadership, exhibit leadership behaviors, model and stimulate change, and foster their own development and growth as well as that of their teams and colleagues. He earned his B.A. from Princeton University and his M.B.A. from Columbia University.



Schedule of Events


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Pick Up Registration Packets & Lunch Tickets Save Mart Center (Registration Table will be in Front of Box Office)

Opening Ceremony Leon and Pete Peters Educational Center

Diversity Dilemmas

Seconds 2 Survive

Room 3

Room 4

18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction and Get Things Done

Customer Service

Room 1


Building a Healthy


Good vs. Great





Room 4

Room 1

Getting Your Financial House in Order

Room 2

Exploring and Financial Planning for Planning Your Future the Future Career Options

Room 3

Room 5

Exploring Yosemite

Room 5

Keep Calm and Bead on

Room 2

Vendor Fair Main Concourse

47th Annual Service Awards Luncheon Event Level (Floor)

Vendor Fair Zumba

How to Have an Effective Social

Rec Center

Media Presence


REC Center

Room 2

Getting to Know Your iPad

Room 2

4 Culture of Wellness

Motivation: Being on Top of Your Game

Maximize What

Room 4

Room 3

Matters Most

For Your Benefit: Backyard Barbecue Exploring CalPERS and Tips and Tricks Savings Plus

Room 1


Prepare to Lead: Yin Yang of Conflict in Retirement: What's it Essentials of Project a Diverse Basic Home Repairs All About? Management Environment Room 5

Room 1

Room 3

Room 4


Out of the Box

Main Concourse

Personal Development

Career Makeover Financial Fitness

Leisure & Lifestyle


3rd Annual 6

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Morning Sessions SESSION 1 9:10AM – 10:00AM Diversity Dilemmas: Tough Questions and Situations

Presented By: Kay Iwata, K. Iwata Associates Inc. “Discovery.Diversity.Distinction.” Diversity is critical to Fresno State. As we work to make it a natural part of our DNA people do have concerns and situations do come up that challenge us moving forward. This session is focused on raising some of these tough questions and situations and providing ways to constructively address them. (Course #000361)

18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done

Presented By: Peter Bregman, Bregman Partners Inc. In this engaging, story-based, and very practical discussion, Peter will show audiences: (1) How to build a plan that places people at the intersection of their strengths, weaknesses, difference, and passions, maximizing their success and impact on the organization. (2) An 18-minute plan for managing their day and how it will enable them to get all the right things done. (3) How to get traction, stick to their focus, ignore non-priorities, avoid the allure of unproductive busyness and master their boundaries so they can resist distractions. (Course #000362)

Seconds 2 Survive: Personal Safety Tips and Techniques

Presented By: Chief David Huerta, University Police Department & Amy Armstrong Parking Administration Violence can occur anywhere - at the workplace, in a classroom, in a shopping mall, at a sporting event, in a movie theater. Learn safety tips and the basic principles of preparedness in this practical, safety oriented workshop. Familiarize yourself with campus emergency information and learn how to evaluate your work and personal space. (Course #000363)

Customer Service: WIIFT? WIIFM? Set Yourself Up to NEVER be Frustrated Again!

Presented By: Jan Edwards, Mass Communication and Journalism This dynamic, upbeat session will help you “get out of your own way” to give and get Great Customer Service. You’ll experience a real discussion of what you can do to set yourself up for success personally AND professionally when dealing with customer service issues. Topics include the Emotional Balance rule, the magic of accurate information and the wisdom of not playing the “blame game.” You’ll also learn tips for designing your own personal standards for hassle-free-get-the-resultyou-want-every-time Customer Service. (Course #000364)

Getting Your Financial House in Order

Presented By: Miranda Stelfox & Stephanie Walzberg, Wells Fargo One of the greatest causes of stress in families’ lives is worry about money. Learn to take control of your finances by developing a spending plan, setting financial goals, improving your credit history, managing and reducing debt and building your savings. (Course #000365)

Exploring Yosemite: Tips, Tricks and Hidden Secrets

Presented By: Jim Michael, Technology Services Weekend getaways are a great way to relieve work-related stress. Right in our backyard, Yosemite is one of the crown jewels of our National Park system and the place where the national park idea was born. Learn how you can get the most out of your visits to Yosemite. Discover the park’s best kept secrets and tricks that will help you avoid the crowds to catch this majestic place at its best. (Course #000366)


Morning Sessions Session 2 10:10AM – 11:00AM Building a Healthy Diet

Presented By: Lisa Herzig PhD, Food Science and Nutrition Healthy food choices are important for good health and well-being. We have the power to choose to eat a variety of nutrientpacked foods, stay within our calorie needs, and create a well-balanced diet. (Course #000367)

Extreme Landscaping: Get Rid of Your Lawn

Presented By: Lynn Traber, California State University East Bay Xeriscaping is a common sense guide to gardening in harmony with your site. You can use any garden design and many different colorful plantings that are not confined to a cactus garden!! Create the front (or back) yard of your dreams with little watering. Learn about weeding, pruning, deadheading, watering, and sensible pest management methods in this fun presentation. (Course #000368)

Good vs. Great Leaders: The Significant Distinction

Presented By: Lauren Nile Esq., California State University Northridge This workshop will explore the dynamics of leadership practices and skills while paying special attention to the abilities necessary to be an effective leader. (Course #000369)

Exploring and Planning Your Future Career Options

Presented By: Rita Bocchinfuso-Cohen, Career Services In this dynamic workshop we will cover exploring future career options, identifying career goals and developing a personalized career plan. Participants will learn how to use a Career Map for future planning and decision making. (Course #000370)

Financial Planning for the Future

Presented By: Portia White CFP®, Whelan Financial The decisions you make today regarding your finances will directly impact your retirement. Planning now for the future will not only better establish financial security, but provide future financial flexibility. Understand your retirement sources of income, how to optimize your savings vehicles and the importance of making your money work for you. (Course #000371)

Keep Calm and Bead on

Presented By: Sharon Briscoe, Administrative Services This special class of therapeutic gemstones includes gemstones whose primary focus is healing, energizing, and nourishing the physical body. These therapeutic gems can help you feel more grounded and stable and handle multiple tasks with greater ease. You will learn how to assemble a simple bracelet that will embody your goals for health and wellness. All materials will be provided. Class size limited to 35 participants. (Course #000372)

3rd Annual

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Afternoon Sessions SESSION 3 1:30PM – 2:20PM How to Have an Effective Social Media Presence

Presented By: Tamyra Pierce PhD, University Communications Social media can be used to enhance your communication and/or marketing efforts but only if they are used effectively. This workshop will discuss “best practices” of implementing and using social media. (Course #000373)

Motivation: Being on the Top of Your Game

Presented By: Head Coach Raegan Pebley, Fresno State Women’s Basketball When people are focused on external motivations (i.e. rewards and punishments) their creativity suffers. Yet, when they are driven by internal motivations (e.g. interest, meaning, purpose, learning, freedom) their creativity soars. Join Coach Raegan Pebley as we explore motivation and how to overcome barriers. (Course #000374)

Maximize what Matters Most

Presented By: Jothany Blackwood EdD & George Railey EdD, SCCCD Would it help you to know that it’s only temporary? Discover the fluid timetable for navigating life’s good and not so good phases –while maximizing the moments that matter most! This session is for both the novice and seasoned juggler as we identify the glass balls in your life that you cannot drop with the balance of juggling rubber balls that will survive a bounce or two. (Course #000375)

For Your Benefit: Exploring MyCalPERS and Savings Plus

Presented By: Wendy Cabrera, CalPERS & Anthony Donatelli, Savings Plus This presentation will highlight the my|CalPERS online services that are available for CalPERS members, including: demonstrations on registering for your own my|CalPERS account, viewing your personal retirement account balances, health benefit information and annual member statements. You will also get to see how easy it is to look at different dates for retirement, estimate your own retirement benefits, and submit your service retirement application online. This session will also provide enrollment information to employees eligible for the Savings Plus Program. (Course #000376)

Backyard Barbecue Tips and Tricks

Presented By: Curt Ward, Technology Services BBQ is one of America’s favorite pastimes. Spending time in the backyard enjoying great food with family and friends is a great way to relieve work-related stress. Learn tried and true tricks of the trade including lighting your fire and grill tech to food prep and serving a finished product that will bring happy, mouthwatering smiles to all of your guests. (Course #000377)

Zumba: The Total Body Fitness Party

Presented By: TBA, Student Recreation Center Zumba® is an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-party™ that’s moving millions of people toward joy and health. It is the only Latin-inspired dance-fitness program that blends red-hot international music, created by Grammy Award-winning producers, and contagious steps to form a “fitness-party” that is downright addictive. (Course #000378)


Afternoon Sessions SESSION 4 2:30PM – 3:20PM Getting to Know Your iPad: Cool Apps and Time Saving Tricks

Presented By: Tom Gaffery Don’t forget to bring your iPad! This interactive, hands-on course is great for novice and intermediate iPad users. If you don’t own an iPad, come join us to discover what everyone is talking about. We will walk through basic iPad setups, “Tom’s Tips,” tricks and preferences. We will also introduce some of the best new apps available now. (Course #000379)

Prepare to Lead: Essentials of Project Management

Presented By: Bridget Wikidal PMP, California State University Office of the Chancellor This session will cover Project Management basics. Learn about project management life cycles and methodologies, project planning (scope, schedule development, communications and kickoff) and conducting effective project meetings. (Course #000380)

The Yin and Yang of Conflict in a Diverse Environment

Presented By: Kay Iwata, K. Iwata Associates Inc. Conflict by its very nature is diversity in action. If addressed constructively conflict can yield high benefits. The content of this workshop is focused on 1) identifying and understanding the additional complexities and benefits of conflict (yin-yang) in a diverse environment and 2) how we each can be more effective at addressing conflict. (Course #000381)

Retirement: What’s it All About?

Presented By: Nancy Petenbrink PhD, Employee Assistance & Wellness With: A Panel of Fresno State Retirees Join Dr. Nancy Petenbrink and our panel of recent retirees as they return to Fresno State to discuss the joys & challenges they’ve experienced in retirement and the things they wished they had known before they retired. (Course #000382)

Basic Home Repairs, Yes ladies You Can Do It!

Presented By: Angel Langridge, University Communications In this class you will have hands on tool experience, learn the basics of home repairs such as snaking a drain, hanging a picture, painting techniques and fixing a leaky toilet. Find out how learning to do small projects yourself will save you money. (Course #000383)

BodyFlow: The Ultimate Stress Buster

Presented By: TBA, Student Recreation Center BODYFLOW™ is the Yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates workout that builds flexibility and strength and leaves you feeling centered and calm. Controlled breathing, concentration and a carefully structured series of stretches, moves and poses to music create a holistic workout that brings the body into a state of harmony and balance. Like all the LES MILLS™ programs, a new BODYFLOW™ class is released every three months with new music and choreography. (from lesmills.com) (Course #000384)

Accommodation Statement

Fresno State encourages persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about the physical access provided, please call the Office of Human Resources at 559.278.2032 in advance of your participation or visit.

3rd Annual

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47th Annual

S e r v i c e Aw a r d s L u n c h e o n Save Mart Center Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Welcome Kopi Sotiropulos, Master of Ceremonies Opening Remarks

John D. Welty, President

5 Year Awards

Paul Oliaro, Vice President for Student Affairs Carolyn Coon, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs

10 Year Awards

Thomas Boeh, Director of Athletics Debbie Adishian-Astone, Associate Vice President for Auxiliary Operations

15 Year Awards

Tamyra Pierce, Director of Social Media Relations R. Kent Clark, Associate Vice President for Development

20 & 25 Year Awards

Bob Boyd, Associate Vice President for Facilities Management Lynnette Zelezny, Associate Vice President for Continuing and Global Education and Associate Provost

30, 35 & 40 Year Awards

William Covino, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Cynthia Teniente-Matson, Vice President for Administration and Chief Financial Officer

Retiree Recognition

John D. Welty, President

Closing Remarks

Kopi Sotiropulos, Master of Ceremonies

S ta f f Aw a r d s R e c i p i e n t s 5 Years Aguilar, Elmer Aguilar, Juanita Allen, Melanie Bennett, Mary Burgess, Jennifer Busby, Laura Campos Cisneros, Guadalupe Coleman, Charah Corea ,Andrew Cuningham, Marie Davis, Wendy Dominguez, Joseph Dunbar, Kathryn Earley, John Ellington, Kurt Fernandez, Marie Fitzpatrick, Ivy Fleck, Jeanne Freund, Maja Gangbin, Derick Imes, Nyxy


Gonzalez, Art Green, Sargeant Heintz, Joel Hernandez, Quetima Hernandez, Andres Hill, Anthony Hoffman, Sarah Hughes, Kimberly Ishida, Kimie Jennings, Tiffany Jessen, Mellissa Johnson, Frank Juarez, Salvador Kamana, Julie Karsevar, Kent Keosheyan, David Kramer, Elise Lassen, Erica Lee, Mailee Lee, Nellie Lopez, Cynthia

Lucio, Jose Maciel, Diane Magdaleno, Andrea Martinez, Imelda Masumoto, Marcia Medina, Jessica Mendoza, Arturo Moua, Kou Murphy, Robert Neufeld, Philip Palomino, Nina Pasakdee, Sajeemas Perez, Melissa Powers-Mead, Tara Pruitt, Pamela Ramirez, Thalia Ramirez, Jayne Riess-Jackson, Cheryl Robinson, Rob Rodarte Rivas, Marisa Rodriguez, Maria

Rodriguez, Audrey Rogulkin, Dmitri Rutan, Judith Salinas, Sonia Sanford, Jami Scott, Drew Sewell, Lauren Smith, Erin Torres, Elaine Ueno, Junko Valdivia, Eloisa Vasquez, Beatriz Vock, Sharon Wallace, Adam Williams, Patricia Wilson, Maria Winslow, Barbara Yarmo, Kathleen Yue, Hongtao

10 Years

15 Years

20 Years

30 Years

Adhikari, Diganta Allende, Rafael Arias, Sharon Batesole, Michael Blackstone, Brad Chavez, Teresa Chiong, Clarence Cook, Christopher Denny, Herbert Elledge, Reiko Flores, Sandra Flores-Coleman, Clare Foote, Susan Fullner, Devon Garcia, Lisa Bradshaw, Stephanie Giuffrida, Tosha Green, William Gutierrez, Silvia Hayden, Russell Hensley, Gary Hernandez-Gutierrez, Diahann McCully, Kevin McNeill, Robin Molina, Kathleen Ogden, Bernard Oliaro, Paul Pappace, Lynn Pardi, Lorinda Radke, Charles Rayner, Carol Reyes, Ricardo Sheldon, Nathan Siechert, Thomas Sorensen, Brad Studt, Patricia Turner, Paul Weddington, John Zanoni, Nathan

Amaro, Susan Baker, Venita Barnes, Larry Bessey, Tracy Brase, Linda Brewer, Deborah Chavez, Susan Christian, Linda Dennis, Lisa Gamez, Debby Garza, Tracey Glasener, Jacquelyn Hall, Linda Hansen, Michael Logan, Terry McAllister, Cecelia Mittelstead, Christine Maynez Montejano, Alicia Moreno-Aguallo, Teresa Morilla, David Moua, Kou Nakashima, Sherri Newlander, Lars Nino, Delia Ramos, Peggy Ray, Jim Reddin, Claudia Reich, Sherry Reid-Johansson, Rebecca Romero, Rogelio Serrano, Manuel Shaw, Suzanne Sunahara, Rachel Thomason, Patricia Tyckoson, David Vinovrski, Bernard Volpp, Diane Young, Lenora

Granados, Martina Maldonado, Lupe Norum, Kathryn Scherer, Cathi Varela, Gregory

Ambriz, Armando Davis, Sonia Diaz, Jose Gillet, Darlene Huckabay, Karen Jackson, Arthur McDonald, Maxine Olivares, Victor Travis Ellis, Cher Uchiyama, Kathy Wells, Tommy Willis, Jerilane Zoldoske, David

Garcia, Delma Gillette, Judith Hendrix, Edwin Jesser, Jody Kline, Kathy Lacy, Penny Larson, Lanny

Lewis, Dianna Mayse, Ann Mosher, Betsy Olson, Donna Ramage, Sally Rawn, Jeanne Reyna-Navarro, Catalina

25 Years Bailey, Anthony Carpenter, Richard Conway, Charles Fernandez, Steve Gazaway, Carmen Guill, Deborah Heuston, Paula Khan, Ayesha Landucci, Linda Leischner, Arleen Lopez, Ezquiel Martinez, Louis Murray, Ora Negrete, Cecilia Obata, Reiko Olivarez, Michael Perez, Irene Price, Sheila Pronovost, Catherine Sanbongi, Diane Shackelton, Monica Shears, Martha Thompson, Colletta Torres, Juan Uribes, Tomas Villalobos, Randy Walton, Amos Zenteno, Eduardo

35 Years Black, Lisa Cota, Irene Gustafson, Marcella Keeton, Gordon Kronberg, Charles Pawlowski, John Pires, Dolores

40 Years Millar, Carla

Retirees Adams, Carolyn Bartel, Susan Bezerra, Joe Castenon, Melissa Coffey, Jean Durham, Ron Elder, Marion

3rd Annual

Rios-Ramirez, Linda Rutherford, Janice Sanders, Kay Smith, Clussie Sweazy, Penny Watson, Charlotte

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Special Thanks to: President’s Cabinet Dr. John D. Welty, President Dr. William A. Covino, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Cynthia Teniente-Matson, Vice President for Administrative Services and Chief Financial Officer Dr. Peter N. Smits, Vice President for University Advancement Dr. Paul M. Oliaro, Vice President for Student Affairs Thomas Boeh, Director of Athletics

STAR Day Steering Committee Juanita Aguilar Dr. Marc Barrie Teresa Chavez Brian Cotham George Deegan Donna DeRoo

Tracey Garza Melanie Harbin Beverly Malvestuto Cinde Oliphant Janice Parten Dr. Nancy Petenbrink

Lorraine Phelps Laura Pimentel Lor-Rae Raus Martha Rodriguez Kathleen Scott Eloisa Valdivia

Staff Assembly Executive Committee Kathleen Brassfield Lauren Childs Grace Liu

Toni Marchini Liliana Oceguera Robert Pagesmith

Julia Scrivani Ricky Serrano Genelle Taylor

Presenters Debbie Adishian-Astone Sharon Briscoe Dr. Jothany Blackwood Rita Bocchinfuso-Cohen Bob Boyd Peter Bregman R. Kent Clark Dr. Carolyn Coon Jan Edwards Tom Gaffery


Dr. Lisa Herzig Chief David Huerta Kay Iwata Angel Langridge Jim Michael Lauren Nile, Esq. Raegan Pebley Dr. Tamyra Pierce Dr. George Railey Kopi Sotiropulos

Miranda Stelfox Penny Sweazy Lynn Traber Stephanie Walzberg Curt Ward Portia White, CFP® Bridget Wikidal, PMP Dr. Lynette Zelezny Eric West

Thanks to: Costco Wholesale VCRC – Hicap (Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program) Blue Shield of California IWS (Industrial Waste Service) Office Max VSP - Vision Service Plan LPI (Loss Protection & Investigations) Shredding Co. Roger Rocka’s Metal Mark Climbing Gym MetLife Sol-Tek Solar Standard Insurance CSUEU Facility Designs AT & T VALIC Auspice Home Care Solutions Chase Bank California Casualty Social Security Administration Savings Plus Program Humanscale ING Altour Travel CalPERS PCHRE Joel Beery United Way of Fresno County Wells Fargo Chaffee Zoo Juice Plus ADT Security Tangram Interiors Steelcase San Joaquin Valley Quilt Guild Kaiser Permanente Thrive Life Guarantee Real Estate Z-Blinds MetLaw CITI Bank Mary Kay ACE Trophy

3rd Annual

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