A Collaborative Multimedia Editing System Based on ... - Springer Link

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Other editors who received the mail must check their documents and reply it. This kind of ... a lot of work on Chinese word auto-segmentation technology.
A Collaborative Multimedia Editing System Based on Shallow Nature Language Parsing Donglin Cao1,2,3, Dazhen Lin3 , and Shaozi Li3 1


Software Department, Inst. Of Computing Tech., Chinese Academy of Science, P. O. Box 2704, Beijing, 100080, P.R. China 2 Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, P.R. China Dept. of Computer Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen, 361005, P.R. China [email protected]

Abstract. As the collaborative editing system becomes prevalent, further requirement on content based collaboration is presented by editors. This paper focuses on how to implement content based collaboration. In order to combine the advantage of nature language processing technology in content parsing, we present the shallow nature language parsing technology in collaborative editing system. This technology is based on the segmentation and the text classification. This paper also discusses the reason why the shallow nature language parsing technology is useful in content based collaboration and its further use in collaborative editing system. In addition, it has already been used in our collaborative multimedia editing system which is designed for Chinese teaching material editor. From the result of experiment, it shows that the system really reduces the time in editing collaboration.



With the progress of cooperative design theory, more collaborative editing systems were designed for this purpose. Such as Real-time Collaborative Editing System [1,2,3,4], Distributed Collaborative Editing System [5], Web Based Collaborative Editing System [6,7,8,9], etc. All these systems have done a lot of works in collaboration to improve efficiency, but all the collaborations focus only on network model and work flow [16,17,18]. The most important problem is that it does not reduce the time in content based collaboration which is more common in editing action. This is because the network model and work flow can’t process the content parsing. In order to process content based collaboration, we have to use nature language processing technology. Unfortunately, nature language processing technology is immature. It is so slow in semantic parsing and has a lot of problems in understanding nature language. Is it unfeasible in content based collaboration? Fortunately, not every kind of content based collaboration mentioned by editor need to understand the nature language. So in this paper we introduce the shallow nature language parsing technology [12,15] which parses the nature language and provides some useful middle results. This is useful in constructing collaboration. At the end of this paper, we also introduce a Chinese Y. Luo (Ed.): CDVE 2006, LNCS 4101, pp. 91–98, 2006. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006 


D. Cao, D. Lin, and S. Li

collaborative multimedia editing system which is designed for Chinese teaching material editor.


Collaborative Editing System Model Based on Shallow Nature Language Parsing

Collaborative editing system includes many collaborative managers, such as user manager and project manager. In order to describe the architecture of it, we draw a brief map of a typical web based collaborative editing system model. It is shown in Fig. 1. Web%URZVHU˄&OLHQW˅

































Fig. 1. A typical web based collaborative editing system model

Fig. 2. A collaborative editing system model based on shallow nature language parsing

This typical model focuses more on collaborative management, such as collaborative system manager, collaborative project manager, collaborative user manager and collaborative document manager. In this model, the inter-editor collaboration is based on Email and other communication tools, and nothing can be easily shared between editors. For example, editor A uses a word in his document and considers maybe it is the first time used in the whole book. So editor A must send Email to others and ask for checking whether it is a new word or not. Other editors who received the mail must check their documents and reply it. This kind of inter-editor collaboration which based on network communication is very expensive. In this example, editors need a content based collaboration method to make their editing action more efficiency. After investigating on editor’s editing action, we find that there are four editing actions which need collaboration. There are information sharing, information communication, document feature computing and information tagging. Considering the editing actions of editors, we add content based collaboration in the collaborative editing system. So far, our model is shown in Fig. 2. In order to combine the advantage of Shallow Nature Language Parsing and the network communication, we add the Role Manager in the system to detail

A Collaborative Multimedia Editing System


correlative function of every role. For the role of editor, the system uses content based collaboration. For the role of manager, the system uses the network and work flow collaboration. For the two models mentioned above, we compare their collaborative effects as table 1 shown. Table 1. Collaborative effects of two models Typical Model Information Sharing Information Communication Document Feature Computing Information Tagging

Inform others by Email and so on Inform others by Email and so on Inform others by Email and so on Inform others by Email and so on

System Model Based On Shallow Nature Language Parsing Inform others by Email and auto language parsing Inform others by Email and so on Obtain results by auto language parsing Obtain results by auto language parsing

From Table 1, we can find that the collaborative editing system model based on shallow nature language parsing has more advantages in text editing. Our basic steps of implementing collaboration are shown below. 1. Parse each document into some metadata which can represent the original document. 2. Compute these metadata to obtain some useful information in collaboration, such as document similarity. 3. Use computing results to implement collaboration.


Shallow Nature Language Parsing Technology

Based on the existing collaborative editing system model, we combine technology of Word Segmentation and Text Classification in Shallow Nature Language Parsing to implement the content based collaboration in editing. 3.1

Chinese Word Segmentation Technology

Written Chinese is sequence of character, so there is no gap mark between words, and even though the boundary of words is ambiguous. Researchers have done a lot of work on Chinese word auto-segmentation technology. There are three segmentation algorithms: segmentation algorithm based on lexicon, segmentation algorithm based on statistic model [10,11,12,13,14,15], and segmentation algorithm based on knowledge understanding. The speed of the first algorithm is fast, but it has some problems in solving ambiguities. On the contrary, the speed of the second algorithm is common, but


D. Cao, D. Lin, and S. Li

it has great ability to solve ambiguities. And the third algorithm must be based on a lot of usable knowledge databases. Based on the research of these three algorithms, we use an algorithm combining lexicon-based and statistics-based approaches for Chinese word segmentation. The algorithm is described as follow: 1. Use the Maximum Matching Method to roughly segment a sentence S. 2. Scan boundaries of every segmentations and find the maximum likelihood segmentation. For any sentence, assume that W = (w1 , w2 , ......wn ) is one of the possible segments, T = (t1 , t2 , ......tn ) is the responding part of speech. Then the maximum likelihood segmentation is Wf inal = arg max P (W ) = W

arg max P (W |T )P (T ). After using the first order Hidden Markov Model, we W

can get the following formula. Wf inal = arg max( W


i=1 n 

= arg max( W

P (wi |T ) ×


P (ti |t1 , ......, ti−1 ))


P (wi |ti )P (ti |ti−1 ))



Where t0 is the beginning of the sentence and P (t1 |t0 ) = 1. 3. Use rules to parse person’s name, geographical name and organization name, and use rules of lexical structure to form compound words and derivative words. At present, this method can solve familiar ambiguities and identify lexical structure such as person’s name, geographical name, organization name and so on. Shown as our testing results, the precise is 97.948%, and the segmentation speed is 200,000 words per minute. 3.2

Text Classification Technology

The task of Text Classification System is: in a given classified system, based on the content it can automatically identify the class which text associates with. In another point of view, in collaborative editing model, we can use Text Classification technology to differentiate similarity and redundancy degree between texts edited by two editors. We use the Vector Space Model to compute the similarity degree of text. The basic thought of VSM is using vector to denote text: (w1 , w2 , w3 , ......, wn ), where wi is the weight of the ith feature, commonly choose words as feature. So if want to use text as a vector in vector space, we must segment the text, and the number of segmentation words is the dimension of a vector which denotes the text, and vectors are denoted by frequency of words. We use TF-IDF to show the effect of words in text: → − tf (t, d ) × log(N/nt + 0.01) → − (2) W (t, d ) =   → − [tf (t, d ) × log(N/nt + 0.01)]2 → − t∈ d

A Collaborative Multimedia Editing System


− → → − → − Where W (t, d ) is the weight of the word t in the text d , and tf (t, d ) is the → − frequency of the word t presenting in the text d , N is the number of chapters in the text, nt is the number of chapters in the text where the word t occurs, and the denominator is a unitary factor. We can obtain the similarity degree of two documents by calculating the distance between vectors. M 

(Wik × Wjk ) Sim(di , dj ) =  k=1 M M   2 )( 2 ) ( Wik Wjk k=1



Where, di is the feature vector of the ith text, dj is the feature vector of the jth text, M is the dimension of feature vector, and Wk is the kth dimension of vector. For the basic need of teaching material, we use lexical-rank table of Chinese teaching material to compute the similarity degree. We use weight formula as follow to calculate lexical vector: − → (4) Wt = W (t, d ) × W ordLevel(t) → − → − Where W (t, d ) is the weight of word t in the text d , W ordLevel(t) is the rank of the word t, the higher the rank of a word is, the more difficult it is; and the higher the value of TF-IDF of one word in text is, the better it can show the main content of the text. In order to find which class the document di belongs to, we use the following formula. Assume that there are m classes. SIM Ci = max (avgj∈Ck (Sim(di , dj ))) 1≤k≤m


Where Ck is the kth class of the document.


Chinese Collaborative Multimedia Editing System

The edit of Chinese teaching material is different with other bookmaking, because it faces to the need of teaching, there are many new words and phonetic notations, and it needs strict access control to choose words and expressions for primary teaching material. These problems can not be solved in typical collaborative editing model. In our Chinese collaborative multimedia editing system, we use the Shallow Nature Language Parsing to implement automatic phonetic notation tagging, automatic new-word-table generation and automatic statistical computing of document difficulty. Its process is shown as Fig. 3 and 4. By comparing the result of Chinese word segmentation with vocabulary in database, we can obtain the new words and their phonetic notation of the text.


D. Cao, D. Lin, and S. Li












Similarity Degree Computing





Fig. 3. Automatic new word table generation and phonetic notation tagging

Fig. 4. Automatic statistical computing of document difficulty

Editors don’t need to tell others through BBS or Email about the new words from their own chapters, only by clicking a button, they can obtain the information of new words of chapters edited by others, and build their own new-word-table. We can see from the Fig. 4, first we obtain all words by using the Chinese word segmentation, then we search database for word difficulty, and compute similarity degree between the documents edited by other editors, finally we can obtain this document’s vocabulary difficulty and compute the document difficulty. And thus we can ensure that teaching material of two editors would be consistent in document difficulty, and reduce additional corresponding time of keeping the teaching material difficulty.



Our experiment is built for testing whether our algorithm can distinguish the difference from the redundancy, the consistency and the inconsistency. In order to simulate the real editing environment, we collect 50 documents from middle school teaching material. Documents are divided into five classes. Each class has ten documents. Class A is for the students in grade one, class B is for the students in grade two, the rest may be deduced by analogy. The result is shown in table 2 and 3. From experiment results, two kind of similarity degree computation can tell the difference between the consistency and the inconsistency. If documents are from the same class, they will get high similarity degree. But there are also some differences in two tables. In table 2, although the class E is more difficult than class C, the similarity degree between class A and C is lower than the one between class A and E. It shows that similarity degree without word rank can not describe the difference of two classes in detail. The second computation method is good at this. From the result in table 3, the similarity degree shows more detail in which class is more different than others, or in other word, which class is more difficult. Based on this experiment, we choose the latter in computing the similarity degree. From this experiment, we setup three thresholds which distinguish the difference from the redundancy, the consistency and the inconsistency. If the similarity

A Collaborative Multimedia Editing System


Table 2. similarity degree without word rank

Class Class Class Class Class

Class A Class B Class C Class D Class E A 0.543471 0.394674 0.349214 0.337767 0.359759 B 0.624663 0.474571 0.475534 0.49316 C 0.646572 0.562665 0.555233 D 0.685485 0.581703 E 0.722925

Table 3. similarity degree with word rank

Class Class Class Class Class

Class A Class B Class C Class D Class E A 0.562471 0.212115 0.115527 0.102218 0.096604 B 0.536382 0.272352 0.179814 0.163737 C 0.594115 0.242724 0.16439 D 0.523257 0.138148 E 0.613727

degree is greater than 0.7 and close to 1, then two documents will be the same. We call that the document is redundant. If the similarity degree is greater than 0.4 and less than 0.7, then the documents belong to the same class. We call that the document is consistent. Otherwise we call that the document is inconsistent.



This paper presents shallow nature language parsing technology in content based collaboration which can not be solved by current collaborative editing system model. First we use the shallow nature language parsing technology to process the editing text, and then use the network collaborative technology to share editing resource which can be obtained from the first step. Two components in shallow nature language parsing technology were used in Chinese collaborative multimedia editing system. It shows that the shallow nature language parsing technology has more advantages in content based collaboration. In further research, we will focus on the relation between the parsing data and original edit text, and effective sharing of edit resource. Acknowledgements. The work is supported by The Natural Science Fund of Fujian Province (Project Number: A0310009), Program of 985 Innovation on Information in Xiamen University (2004-2007) and Academician Fund of Xiamen University. And we would like to thank the comments and guidance provided by Dr. Shaozi Li at the University of Xiamen, and Special thanks to Shaoyong Yu, Fan Lin and Jianhua Wang for their contributions to the related research work and preparation of this paper.


D. Cao, D. Lin, and S. Li

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