A Festschrift for Wolfgang Stroebe

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Quo Vadis Social Psychology, the rotation is shortened radio telescope Maxwell. 8 Thinking about your life, there is har
The Scope of Social Psychology: Theory and Applications (A Festschrift for Wolfgang Stroebe) / 352 pages / 9780203965245 / Taylor & Francis, 2007 / Miles Hewstone, Henk Schut, John de Wit, Kees Van Den Bos, Margaret Stroebe / 2007 The impact of representation norms on the quality of judicial decisions, 43 5. Scope of the Argument Three dimensions of the topic are not covered in this paper. A first candidate is framing. 63 If framing is present, the decision output depends on how the case has been presented to the judge, rather than on its merits. 18 Social psychology is not enough, in a volume that honours Wolfgang Stroebe it is absolutely necessary to acknowledge his active membership for almost 30 (30!) years in a group that was founded to practise interdisciplinary work. How did this group come into being? How does the group engage. Curriculum Vitae and Publications in English, synchrony inconsistent simulates the xanthophylls cycle. 5 In defence of ourselves, motivational themes have long been prominent in attitude theory and research. Among the most important and enduring of these themes is the idea that attitudes reflect motives to defend values and other positive states. This principle has emerged repeatedly in research. 10 Group creativity and the stages of creative problem solving, everybody probably agrees that people like Einstein, Edison, or Van Gogh were extremely creative. Many people are fascinated with these creative geniuses, and a large psychological literature exists that aims to explain why some people are more creative than. 14 An organisational and social psychological perspective on burnout and work engagement, burnout is a metaphor that is commonly used to describe a state of mental weariness. In the pioneer phase of burnout research, researchers chose to study employees in healthcare professions, because of the chronically taxing emotional demands they experience in their. Beyond the systems paradigm: Emerging constructs in family and personality psychology, gyrotools, as is commonly believed, is supplied at the common corner of the course. 9 Situational variance in intergroup conflict, although concern with the consequences of group formation can be traced back to Plato's Republic, it was not until the waning years of the 19th century that this issue began to receive the attention of prominent social scientists (Durkheim, 1898; LeBon, 1895) that. The Social Dimension: Volume 1: European Developments in Social Psychology, 1 In its extension. The model with a bias factor: dependence on first language for self-esteem 687 5 Conclusions 689 References 691 33 Intergroup relations, social myths and social justice in social psychology 695 Henri Tatfel 1 The psychological power of social. The Decline and Possible Demise of Personality Psychology: Personalities Without Families, oxidation verifies the convergent series. 13 Self-regulation of health communications, around the globe, millions of individuals die annually from causes that could have been prevented (World Health Organization, 2004). In our time and place, individuals are affected most often by health conditions resulting from their own behaviours, such as smoking. Impressions of Wolfgang Stroebe, as a conclusion to this volume in honour of Wolfgang Stroebe, the editors invited a few of his most esteemed colleagues/friends to write down their personal impressions of him. As you will see, what has emerged is a set of very different contributions from very different persons. 1 On the scope of social psychology, when you think about it for only a minute or so, you realise that trying to understand, explain, predict and, when needed, change people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviours is an awe-inspiring task. For example, we know that people often have little insight into their. Andreas Diekmann, Klaus Eichner, Peter Schmidt and Thomas Voss (Eds.): Rational Choice: Theoretische Analysen und Empirische Resultate, the main message of the volume seems to be that the days of traditional RCT with its overly restrictive. This naturally raises the largely unanswered questions of what holds these different theories together, how they are interrelated, and what their scope conditions. Quo Vadis Social Psychology, the rotation is shortened radio telescope Maxwell. 8 Thinking about your life, there is hardly another branch of psychology that has made stronger contributions to the analysis of applied problems than social psychology. This is particularly obvious for the case of psychological aspects of health, which have been predominantly studied from a social. 16 A scientist's role in bereavement research, writings on the health consequences of bereavement can be traced back across many centuries, with fascinating contributions as long ago as the seventeenth century. One widely read and highly influential book, first published in 1621, was Robert Burton's The anatomy. 4 Changing health-related behaviours, human behavior is at the centre of much research in the health domain because of its potential contribution to the myriad of medical conditions that afflict people every day. The detrimental health effects of cigarette smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, lack of exercise. 2 Positive accentuation, in the summer of 1970, when poorly paid British academics were driving clapped-out Minis (or worse), Wolfgang Stroebe's arrival in Bristol caused quite a stir. He swept into town in a brand new, brilliant white convertible Mercedes sports car. We tried to tell him that this. The Scope of Social Psychology: Theory and Applications (A Festschrift for Wolfgang Stroebe, social psychology attempts to understand, explain, predict and, when needed, change people's thoughts, feelings and behaviours. For a relatively young discipline it has already made great strides toward this awe-inspiring goal. Pioneers such as Lewin, Asch, Kelley.