A Model Based Vision System for Recognition of ... - Semantic Scholar

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Niihari-gun, Ibaraki, 305. Japan .... between the gravity direction and the line of sight from a level on ... observes the object in the gravity direction as in our case ...
From: AAAI-82 Proceedings. Copyright ©1982, AAAI (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.

A MODEL BASED VISION SYSTEM FOR RECOGNITION OF MACHINE PARTS Katsushi Ikeuchi Yoshiaki Shirai Computer Vision Section Electrotechnical Laboratory Umezono-l-l-4, Sakura-mura Niihari-gun, Ibaraki, 305 Japan ABSTRACT

attitude. Comparison between the observed needle map and the generated needle map gives a final decision on what kind of an object is observed.

This paper describes a vision system based on the photometric stereo system and a model generator system The photometric stereo called GEOMAP. obtains a needle map from shading information of an observed image. An extended Gaussian image of the needle map reduces possible attitudes of an object relative to the viewer. A model-generator called GEOMAP generates a needle map which would be observed from the viewer direction determined from Comparing the needle map by the GEOMAP with EGI. the needle map by the photometric stereo System makes final recognition of the object.

attitude @

generated needle map



recognition result

I INTRODUCTION shading info

Machine vision at the low level often provides a collection of local surface normals [1,2,31. This collection of local surface normals is refered In particular, the to as a needle map [Il. photometric stereo system [4,5,6,71 can provide a needle map from shading information.

Fig. 1 Total schema II PHOTOMETRIC -STEREO SYSTEM Photometric stereo system obtains needle maps information The from shading [4,5,6,71. orientation of patches on the surface of an object can determined from multiple images taken with different illumination, but frbm the same viewing direction. The method is refered to as photometric stereo method [4]. The photometric stereo can be implemented using a lookup table based on numerical inversion of reflectance map[1,61. A needle map is obtained from three brightness images using the lookup table.

A global recognition of an object requires interpreting these local representations. Each local representation is obtained at a particular Point in the viewer-centered coordinate system. On the other hand, an object model is usually expressed in a coordinate system based on an object Center and natural axis of the object [8,9]. These two coordinate systems are independent of each other. Thus, we have to recover the object-centered coordinate system from local representations on the viewer-centered coordinate system.

The brightness distribution of a sphere under lighting system provides a reflectance map [5,61. Since we know surface orientation of a sphere at each image point, we can obtain a refl.ectancemap which denotes the brightness value at each surface orientation. We use a Lambertian sphere to obtain a reflectance map for diffuselly under point source surfaces the reflecting illumination. the

We propose to use the extended Gaussian image (EGI) [1,10,11,12,131 as a constraint to reduce possible attitudes of an object relative to the Once an attitude is determined, we can viewer. the on representation easily compare a coordinate with a viewer-centered system representation on the object-centered coordinate system.

Each image point provides three brightness values (11,12,13). Then they are normalized as

[l4] can generate a needle map which observed from the viewer direction would be 1 denotes a total Fig. determined from EGI. schema of our vision system. Photometric stereo system provides a needle map from three brightness arrays. An extended Gaussian image from the needle GEOMAP attitude. map determines an object's generates a needle map based on the obtained GEOMAP



to cancel the effect of albedo and shading effect of a lens. This operation provides three reflectance maps. Three reflectance maps are numerically inverted into a lookup table which gives surface orientation from thrke brightness values.


1) Stable attitudes of models must be known. If we have a solid model, we can determine the position of gravity center. In particular, GEOMAP has a solid model, and can determine the position of gravity center. Then, we can obtain stable attitudes of the model from the We denote the position of gravity center. opposite direction to the gravity at the stable attitude as t&e stability directnf the mom. 2) The angle between the gravity direction and the line of sight must be detected. It is interesting that a human being also has semicircular canals to detect the direction.

Fig 2 shows an example of needle maps obtained from real objects (a cylinder, an octagonal prism, and a square prism) using the system. A TV camera looks down the objects from the ceiling. The objects lie having their long axes along the x coordinate of the image plane. This looking-down-tv method gives a good constraint on the possible viewer directions as discussed in the next section. Since these three objects have rectangular silhouette in this attitude, three objects cannot be discriminated using the so-called silhouette matching.

Let us assume that we can detect the angle between the gravity direction and the line of sight The gravity from a level on a TV camera as rc? . direction is parallel to the stability direction from the definition. Also the line of sight has always the same direction from the assumption of orthographic projection. Thus the angle between the stability direction and the line of sight has the same angle 13 . In other words, the possible line of sight direction locates on a circle on the Gaussian sphere whose center corresponds to the stability direction and whose radius corresponds to the angle between the gravity direction and the line of sight,Q . In particular, when TV camera observes the object in the gravity direction as in our case, the circle reduces to the center point. For example, when a square prism is looked down from the ceiling of the observer room, only six the points corresponding to prism's faces on Gaussian sphere are necessary to be considered as This candidate directions of line of sight. the partial under works also constraint observations. The ratio of area projected onto the image plane against the original surface area constrains For [ill. possible line of sight direction example, observing an ellipsoid from the long-axis direction gives a smaller projected area than looking at the same ellipsoid from the direction perpendicular to the axis. Yet the surface area is the same.

(a> Cylinder

(b) Octagonal prism

CC> Square prism Fig. 2 Obtained needle maps from the photometric stereo

We also must find the rotation of an object around the line of sight. We use the principal EGI inertia direction from the line of sight direction We will use the 2-D axis for simplicity of [ill. calculation, where the calculations are also done patch is visible from the surface only if direction. above can be The constraints mentioned extended to treat partial observations. Partial characteristics of observation occurs due to photometric stereo system. The photometric stereo system can determine surface orientation at the area where all three light sources project their light directly. Our photometric stereo system can determine surface orientation within the area where the zenith angle of the surface normal is less than 60 degrees. The ratio and the axis direction are calculated at this area.

III ~DETERMINING ATTITUDE --OF AN OBJECT There are three degrees of freedom in an object's attitude relative to the viewer. Although a brute force technique, such as search through the space of possible attitudes, can be applicable to matching of EGIs directly for determining attitude of an object, we will reduce this search space using constraints. A.

Constraints on attitudes -of an object ---

We propose three kinds of constraints to reduce possible attitudes of an object. (From now on, we assume that image plane is perpendicular to In other words, the image the line of sight. formation system is modelled using the orthographic projection.)


Knowing the gravity direction reduces possible Two conditions must be satisfied to attitudes. apply this constraint to the observed data:

Determining attitude -using EGI Comparing EGI from


observed data with EGI


from prototypes determines the attitude of an object. An EGI of an object denotes surface-normal distribution of the object [1,10,11,12,13]. We implement EGI on the semi-regular geodesic dome EGI at from a two frequency dodecahedron [Ill. EGI is each attitude is calculated using GEOMAP. stored as a two dimensional lookup table. Each column corresponds to one attitude, while each raw contains two kinds of information. (1) projected area vs. surface area. ratio with an Comparing this registered ratio determines whether the EGI observed distribution is necessary to be check at this attitude or not. (2) local EGI distribution An EGI observed at this attitude is stored in based on the table one-dimensional an geodesic-dome-tessellation. The EGI in the table is aligned so that the least inertia axis coincides with the x-coordinate on the image plane. Thus, the observed EGI should be rotated to have the least inertia axis as the direction before comparison. Likelihood is calculated by determining whether every observed EGI cell contains similar amount of mass at the corresponding neighboring cells in the The program determines the attitude table [Ill. obtaining the highest likelihood as the observed attitude.

(b) Cylinder(45) Octago.p.(45) Square P.(45) Square P.(138)

(a) Cylinder(l38)


----_ t’ _l


(c) Octagonal P. (138)

(d) Square P.(22)

Fig. 4 Prototypes and their EGIs

Table 1 shows a EGI comparison results. A needle map of a cylinder (Fig.2(a)) gives an EGI as shown in Fig.3(a) and 0.8711 as the ratio. If the needle map is assumed to come from a cylinder, the ratio constraint reduces 240 possible attitudes into 2 possible attitudes: direction 22 and 138. See Fig. 4. At 22 direction, EGI comparison gives 0.3437 as likelihood value. If the same needle map is assumed to come from a octagonal prisms, 22, 136 Under this are possible attitudes. and 138 highest gives the assumption, direction 138 likelihood among the possible attitudes. At the EGI comparison the observed EGI is too different to be assumed as an EGI from the square prism.




EGI comparison results











comes from the The needle map in Fig. 3(c) All objects have planar surface of the prism. planar surfaces. The direction 45 corresponds to the direction observing the base of each prism. See Fig. 4(b).

GEOMAP, developed by Kimura and Hosaka at ETL is a program package to synthesize 3D object. GEOMAP maintains 3D information of an object in the program. GEOMAP has the following characteristics; (0) GEOMAP has primitive objects. (I) GEOMAP can move and rotate an object. (2) GEOMAP can unify an object with another object into a new object. (3) GEOMAP can make constraint endowment. (4) GEOMAP can make a 2D projection of an object in any direction. (5) GEOMAP can store/retrieve data of each object to/from files. (6) Maclisp at ETL can call GEOMAP directly with commands to GEOMAP. [141,

I’ \ ‘, \

(a) Cylinder (b) Octagonal prism (c) Square prism

Fig.3 Obtained EGIs from the needle maps


with the generated observed object.

treat assumed to Our vision system is We have precise information at mechanical parts. Thus, we can make 3D each candidate object. information of each candidate in GEOMAP using and operations, movement operations, rotation unification operations from primitive objects.





window-area After calculating this E for all candidates, the candidate obtaining the highest value will be determined as the object observed at that time as shown in Table 2.


E63 Table 2 Needle-comparison results -_



.- --7----



The authors would like to extend their sincere appreciation to Prof. B.K.P. Horn of MIT for his helpful discussions. Thanks goes to Prof. F. Kimura of Univ.of Tokyo for permission of using GEOMAP. GEOMAP is converted from VAX-FORTRAN to TOPS20-FORTRAN. The experimental part of this paper was done using Mac-Lisp installed on Dee 2020-2060 at ETL.

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- -. ^--~ _-_‘2 Fi



GEOMAP generates a needle map so as to have the same gravity position, to have the least inertia direction as the x-coordinate axis, and to have the same window size as the real image. Final matching is made as

Ii{ 1 --'


The experiment shows that extending the detectable area of a photometric stereo system not only increases accuracy in final matching process but also constrains possible attitudes more precisely.

Once the EGI system determines the attitude of each candidate, GEOMAP can make a needle map of each candidate in the direction. Needle map comparison has two relative merits to a depth map, which would be obtained by integrating the needle map, comparison. (1) The photometric stereo system does not assume that an object surface is continuous. Thus, we cannot integrate a needle map to obtain a depth map. Even if we assume that an observed surface is continuous, we cannot obtain a depth map in case that needles are obtained at multiple regions. (2) Each needle may contain a measurement error. Thus, errors accumulate during integration. Reliability of a depth map degenerates towards the end of integration.



, [71

81 91

101 111 Cl21


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We propose a vision system based on the photometric and GEOMAP. stereo system The photometric stereo system provides a needle map from shading information. After constraints from


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EGI reduces possible attitudes of an object in space, GEOMAP generates a needle map of an object at the attitude. Comparing the observed needle map