A Neural Network Dedicated to Hand Gesture Recognition - CiteSeerX

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portant setting is to de ne an input space that can optimize the global performance of this ... man gestures. Due to the parallelism ... The T-CombNET model uses the Divide-and-Conquer principle to simplify a problem. Using the .... order to quickly obtain an approach for the input space division, we applied the. Sequential ...
T-CombNET - A Neural Network Dedicated to Hand Gesture Recognition Marcus V. Lamar1, Md. Shoaib Bhuiyan2 , and Akira Iwata1 1

Dept. of Electrical and Computer Eng., Nagoya Institute of Technology, Showa, Nagoya, Japan

flamar,[email protected]



Dept. of Information Science, Suzuka University of Medical Science and Technology, Suzuka, Mie, Japan [email protected]

Abstract. T-CombNET neural network structure has obtained very

good results in hand gesture recognition. However one of the most important setting is to de ne an input space that can optimize the global performance of this structure. In this paper the Interclass Distance Measurement criterion is analyzed and applied to select the space division in T-CombNET structure. The obtained results show that the use of the IDM criterion can improve the classi cation capability of the network when compared with practical approaches. Simulations using Japanese nger spelling has been done. The recognition rate has improved from 91.2% to 96.5% for dynamic hand motion recognition.

1 Introduction Gesture recognition is a promising sub- eld of the discipline of computer vision. Researchers are developing techniques that allow computers to understand human gestures. Due to the parallelism existing with speech recognition, the use of techniques such as HMM and DTW [9] has given very good results in sign language recognition applications. The use of Neural Networks (NN) is not a new idea [4], but new structures have been proposed to handle more eciently with these problems. The T-CombNET Neural Network structure is one promising example [10, 11]. The main point of T-CombNET is the splitting of processing e orts in two stages, performed by Stem Network and Branches Networks, which analyze di erent input vectors extracted from an input feature space. A good sub-spaces selection is fundamental to the success of the T-CombNET. In this paper we present the use of Interclass Distance Measurement (IDM) criterion in the space selection problem. The IDM is a very popular technique applied to feature selection problems. We modi ed the original IDM, creating the Joint IDM (JIDM) criterion which is dedicated to split an input space in 1

Marcus V. Lamar is an Assistant Professor at the Federal University of Parana/DELT/CIEL - Brazil

two complementary sub-spaces. Then, the vectors in these sub-spaces can be analyzed by any multi-stage classi er. in our case we apply it to the T-CombNET Neural Network model.

2 The T-CombNET model The T-CombNET model is inspired by Iwata's CombNET-II neural network [8] and was developed mainly to classify high dimensional time series into a very large number of categories, as required in speech, nancial data series and gesture recognition problems [11]. The structure of T-CombNET is shown in Fig.1. ;© W

; W














Fig. 1. The T-CombNET Structure The T-CombNET model is composed of a Time Normalization (TN) preprocessing block, followed by Stem, and Branch network layers and by a Final Decision Procedure. The Stem network is composed of a Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) based NN and the Branch Networks consisting of Elman Partially Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) [6]. The Time Normalization procedure aims to t the N0 dimensional time series present in subspace S0 into a xed dimensional input vector X00 required by the LVQ NN. The operation of the network is as follows: Initially the input vector X is projected into subspace S0 , generating the time series X0 . This time series is processed by TN procedure obtaining a time normalized vector X00 which is analyzed by LVQ NN in the Stem layer. The input vector X receives a score SMi from each neuron i in Stem layer, calculated by Eq.(1). SMi = 1 + jX1 ? N j (1) i 0 0

where jX0 ? Ni j is the Euclidean Distance from the input vector X00 and the ith neuron template. In a next step the input vector X is projected into subspace S1 and the correspondent time series X1 is analyzed by the Elman RNN in the Branch layers. The highest neuron output of each branch network i is chosen as being the scores SBi . Finally, the Final Decision Procedure chooses the pair (SMi ; SBi ) that maximize the tness function Zi , de ned by Eq.(2). 0

Zi = (SBi )  (SMi )1?

01 (2) where  must be estimated from a training set to maximize the recognition rate. The T-CombNET model uses the Divide-and-Conquer principle to simplify a problem. Using the TN procedure a rough description of time series in subspace S0 is rst analyzed by the Stem layer, and then the reminder information present in vector X is analyzed nely by the Branch layers. This division reduces the complexity of the input spaces in Stem and Branches, allowing non-correlated information in input space S be processed separately, and thus improving the analyzing capability and reducing the complexity in a training stage, by reduction of number of local minima in modeling error hyper-surface. It allows a problem with a large number of classes to be solved easily, reducing the training time and/or permitting a better solution, close to global minimum to be found, and thus increases the recognition rate.

2.1 Sub-spaces Selection The selection of the subspaces S0 and S1 is a very important point in the TCombNET structure. In practical applications, the selection of most e ective features from a measurement set can be a very dicult task, and many methods have been proposed in the literature [7] to solve this feature selection problem. One possible method for feature selection, is based on a class separability criterion that is evaluated for all of possible combinations of the input features. The Eq.(3) presents the Interclass Distance Measure (IDM) criterion based on the Euclidean Distance [2]. N N X m m X X X 1 1 J = 2 P (!i ) P (!j ) N N (ik ; jl ) i j k=1 l=1 j =1 i=1 i



where m is the number of classes; P (!i ) is the probability of the ith class; Ni is the number of pattern vectors belonging to the class !i , and (ik ; jl ) is the Euclidean Distance from the kth candidate pattern of the class i to the lth candidate pattern of the class j . The maximization of J in the Eq.(3) with respect to the candidate pattern  , de nes the feature set to be used. The IDM separability criterion estimates the distances between classes by computing the distances of a statistically representative set of input patterns, in order to determine the best feature set which may improve the eciency of a general classi er.

In the T-CombNET context, we apply the IDM based feature selection method to split the input space in two subspaces to be used by the stem and branch networks. In the T-combnet structure the class probabilities P (!i ) are unknown a priori for the Stem and Branches networks, due to the dependence of the S0 sub-space de nition and the stem training algorithm used. Thus, we need to design the Stem NN rst to know those probabilities. To model these features required by the T-CombNET structure, we propose the following joint interclass distance measurement (JIDM) JT M X

(4) JT = JS + M1 JBp p=1 where M is the total number of branches NN, JS is the IDM for the stem network and JBp for the pth branch network.

As the originally proposed IDM de ned by Eq.(3) includes not only the interclass distance measurements but also the intraclass measurements, we propose a modi cation in this formulation, in order to explicit the contributions of the interclass and intraclass measurements, generating more e ective functions to be maximized. We de ne the interclass distance measurement JiS and intraclass distance measurement JoS for the stem network as


m X P (' ) X P (' ): = m?1




j =i+1

m X = P (' )2 i=1





N N X X (x0 i


0 0ik ; x0jl )

Ni Nj k=1 l=1


Ni ?1 Ni

0 0 Ni2 ? Ni k=1 l=k+1 (x0ik ; x0il )

(5) (6)

where P ('i ) is the a priori probability obtained for the ith pseudo class designed by the stem network training algorithm; x00 is the kth input vector belonging to the ith pseudo class, in the S00 space; m is the total number of pseudo classes of the stem layer; and Ni is the total number of input vectors belonging to the ith pseudo class. The interclass distance measurement JiBp and the intraclass distance measurement JoBp for the branch network p, can be written as ik

JiBp =

X P (!

mp ?1 i=1

JoBp =

ip j'p )

m X P (! p


m X P (! p

j =i+1

1 jp j'p ): N N

N N X X (x0 i


i j k=1 l=1


0 1ik ; x1jl )

1 Ni?1 Ni (x0 ; x0 ) ip j'p )2 : N 2 ? N i k=1 l=k+1 1ik 1kl i

(7) (8)

where P (!ip j'p ) is the conditional probability obtained for the ith class of the pth branch network given the stem neuron p; x01 are input vectors allocated by i

the stem NN for the class i in the Time Normalized S10 space; and mp is the number of classes allocated to the stem neuron p. Considering only the interclass distances, substituting the Eqs.(5) and (7) in Eq.(4), we obtain the function to be maximized with respect to the candidate vectors x00 and x01 , to reach the optimum space division S0 and S1 .

3 Simulation Results This section presents the results of the experiments performed using Silicon Graphics Indy workstation with a color camera, using frames of 160120 pixels size and 24 bits/pixel for color. The Japanese nger spelling consists of 42 static hand postures and 34 dynamic hand gestures. The static hand postures recognition task was subject of an earlier work [10]. Current work is dedicated to the analysis and the classi cation of the dynamic gestures. The six basic hand movements present in Japanese nger spelling are presented in Fig.2.

(a) "Gi"

(b) "Pa"

(c) "Tsu"

(d) "No"

(e) "Ri"

(f) "N"

Fig. 2. Japanese Kana hand alphabet basic movements In hand gesture set there are 20 symbols containing the horizontal, left to right hand motion shown by the Fig.2(a), where only the hand shape is changed; 5 symbols with motion type (b); 5 for type (c); 2 symbols for (d); and 1 symbol for each motion (e) and (f), totalizing the 34 categories of symbolic dynamic hand gestures. A database is generated using the gestures performed by 5 non native sign language speakers. Each person was invited to perform each gesture 5 times, thus generating 170 video streams per person. The Training Set was generated from the samples of 4 persons, generating 680 video streams. The 5th person's gesture samples were reserved to use as an independent Test Set.

3.1 Space division analysis In the joint IDM based criterion, the set of features x0 and x1 that maximize the class separability given by Eq.(4) is chosen to de ne the spaces S0 , S1 . This process requires a huge amount of computation time to obtainPan opti?1 C d mum solution, because of the Eq.(4) which must be evaluated n = id=1 d times. In our application, the original input space dimension d = 22, resulting in n = 4:194:303 iterations, demanding a time estimated in months of continuous computation using a Pentium II 450MHz processor based computer. In the TCombNET context, the previous design of the stem network for each iteration to evaluate the P (!ip j'p ) probability, makes the optimization task infeasible. Thus, we need to use practical approaches or/and fast search methods in order to obtain a solution. i

Practical approach A working solution can be found using the designer's feelings and, if required by trial and error method. If a physical interpretation of the vectors in the spaces S0 , S00 and S1 can be taken, the network model can be easily analyzed and better choices can be made. In this work, we tested the following practical approach: From the 22-D input vector presented in [10], the two components corresponding to the P v (t), hand movement direction on the screen, are chosen to de ne the S0 subspace, generating two sub-spaces{ a 2-D S0 and its complementary 20-D S1 , to be used by the T-CombNET model. It seems to be ecient due to the natural non correlation existing between hand posture, described by S1 space, and hand trajectory, described by S00 . Using these de nitions we assign the stem layer to analyze a normalized trajectory and the branch networks to analyze ne hand postures variation for a previously selected hand trajectory. To demonstrate that the use of complementary subspaces S0 and S1 can improve the quality of the T-CombNET structure, we trained 3 networks. Table 1 shows the obtained results for the tested approaches. Table 1. Recognition rates obtained for the practical approach Structure Sub-space A B f vxx vyy g C f v vg S


Sub-space S








Recognition Rate 89.4 % 90.0 % 91.2 %

Where S is the original 22-D dimensional input space, fPvx; Pvy g is the 2-D space de ned by the hand location components, and S0 is the S0 complementary 20-D space. Analyzing Table 1 we conclude that setting the stem layer to use all input space, that is setting S0 = S in Structure A, makes the steam layer

design complex, because of the very high input dimension generated by preprocessing using the TN procedure. On the other hand, once that the information contained in the S0 space is already processed by steam NN, its inclusion in the S1 subspace, as occurs in Structure B, only increases the complexity of the branch training. Thus, it reduces the eciency of the entire structure. Therefore, the best performance of the T-CombNET structure is reached using the input spaces for Structure C, that is complementary input spaces. A user dependent experiment using this approach is presented in [10].

Optimization Method Sub-optimum solutions for the optimization of the

joint IDM criterion can be found by using Fast Search (FS) methods [7]. In order to quickly obtain an approach for the input space division, we applied the Sequential Forward Selection Method presented in [2]. Applying the FS method, the time necessary to obtain a sub-optimum solution was reduced to a few hours. Figure 3 shows the joint IDM values obtained during the maximization process and its reached maximum values, for each evaluated dimension of the input space S0 . We tested two stem NN training algorithms, a modi ed version of LBG algorithm [1] and the original self-growing algorithm proposed to the CombNETII model training [8]. Joint Interclass Distance Measurement Approach 1: inter+intra

Joint Interclass Distance Measurement Approach 2: inter

7 5.784617




6 5.317622

4 3 0






Dimension of S0 space LBG


(a) Approach 1



6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2











Dimension of S0 space LBG


(b) Approach 2

Fig. 3. Joint Interclass Distance Measurement The optimization process is applied to two di erent approaches to de ne the joint IDM criterion. In the Fig.3(a), the original proposed de nition of IDM, given by Eq.(3), is applied to stem and branches as indicated by Eq.(4), this means that the interclass and intraclass distances measurements are added to obtain the nal IDM value. The Approach 2 uses only the interclass distances, de ned by Eqs.(5) and (7), to calculate the IDM value. From the graphics we conclude that the original proposed IDM criterion generates a stem network with higher input vector dimension, once the maximum values are obtained for dimensions 4 and 10, for CombNET-II and LBG stem training algorithms respectively. Then incorporating the interclass measurement to the IDM to select the input space, a higher input dimension is needed to optimize the class separability.

From Fig.3 we can verify the strong dependence between the obtained joint IDM values and the training method used in the stem NN, it is due to the ability of IDM in capture the essence of the designed stem network. The objective of the LBG algorithm is to optimize the space division in order to obtain a minimum global distortion between neuron templates and training set vectors. On the other hand, the CombNET-II training algorithm aims to divide the space in order to minimize the classi cation error. As the IDM is a criterion based on the distance measurement, that is, based on distortion, then it is natural that the LBG algorithm results have a higher IDM value. Table 2 presents a comparison of the IDM values resulting of the application of the practical approach, selecting S0 = fPvx ; Pvy g, and the correspondent results obtained by the optimization method using the CombNET-II training algorithm.

Table 2. Joint IDM values for Practical Approach and Optimization Method Sub-space Practical Optimum


Approach 1 Approach 2 4.514 3.661 5.318 4.774

The values presented in Table 2 suggest that the practical approach does not de ne the best space division for the T-CombNET model. Table 3 shows the obtained nal recognition rates for the networks trained by approaches presented by Fig.3, for the maximum and minimum points of the CombNET-II trained IDM and maximum point for LBG trained IDM curves.

Table 3. Recognition Rates of T-CombNET Optimization Approach 1 Approach 2 CombNET-II Max 91.76% 96.47% CombNET-II Min 87.06% 89.40% LBG Max 73.53% 91.18%

Comparing the obtained recognition rates for the maximum points and minimum points of the CombNET-II training algorithm, from the Table 3 we conclude that the JIDM criterion is highly correlated with the obtainable recognition rate for the entire T-CombNET structure. Even if the LBG algorithm generates higher IDM values, the nal recognition rates obtained is not so good as expected, demonstrating the low eciency of distortion based algorithms when applied to classi cation problems. The application of joint IDM allows to nd the optimum space division criterion to be applied to the T-CombNET structure.

However, the results presented were obtained by using a sub-optimum space division, once that a Fast Search method was applied to maximize the JIDM, thus better results are expected if the global maximum can be found. Evaluating the performance of the proposed structure, comparisons with classical network structures were performed. The T-CombNET structure designed using Approach 2 is compared with Kohonen's LVQ1 [5], Elman and Jordan [3] RNNs trained with the standard Backpropagation algorithm, single 3-layer feedforward backpropagation trained Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) and original CombNET-II structures. The LVQ1, MLP and CombNET-II are not recurrent neural networks, so they needed a pre-processing stage by the previously described Time Normalization algorithm in order to do the \spatialization" of the temporal information. The input space in this case is composed of all 22 dimensions of the input vector, and the Time Normalization parameter was set to 8 samples in this experiment. Elman and Jordan RNN are applied directly to the 22-D input vectors over the time. The best structures and recognition rates obtained from the experiments are presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Recognition Results Network Type Jordan Elman LVQ1 MLP CombNET-II

Network Structure Recognition Rate 22  272  34 + 34 75.88% 22  272 + 272  34 86.47% 176  136  34 94.71% 176  136  34 94.71% stem: 176  3 95.29% branches: 176  50  20 176  50  11 176  50  9 T-CombNET stem: 24  5 96.47% branches: 19  100 + 100  25 19  88 + 88  22 19  60 + 60  15 19  32 + 32  8 19  32 + 32  8

We have shown that the Recurrent Neural Networks like, Elman and Jordan RNN, are very good approaches for time series processing reaching high recognition rates in user dependent system [10], but such RNNs do not generalize as expected for the user independent problem treated here. The use of time \spatialization" techniques in classic NN approaches reaches a superior performance. However, the combined use of time \spatialization" and RNN in the proposed

T-CombNET model overcomes the classical approaches, achieving a 96.47% of correct recognition rate.

4 Conclusions The T-CombNET model is a multi-stage Neural Network that consists of a Time Normalization preprocessing procedure, followed by a LVQ NN based stem network and many Elman RNN in the branch networks. The input spaces of Stem and Branches NN are complementary sub-spaces selected from a input feature space. This work proposed the use of a feature selection method based on Interclass Distance Measurement to select the input spaces in T-CombNET structure. The optimal selection is a very computational time demanding problem, working approaches using a sub-optimum fast search method is discussed. The system was applied to an user independent, 34 classes, Japanese nger spelling recognition problem. The obtained results show that the use of Joint IDM criterion improves the recognition rate from 91.2%, reached by using the practical approach, to 96.5%; overcoming another classic neural network structures.

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