Applied Mathematics, 2011, 2, 1372-1377 doi:10.4236/am.2011.211193 Published Online November 2011 (
A Nonmonotone Filter Method for Minimax Problems* Qi Zhao, Nan Guo Department of Basic, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhangjiagang, China Department of Basic, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing, China E-mail:
[email protected] Received September 18, 2011; revised October 21, 2011; accepted October 28, 2011
Abstract In this paper, we propose a modified trust-region filter method algorithm for Minimax problems, which based on the framework of SQP-filter method and associated with the technique of nonmonotone method. We use the SQP subproblem to acquire an attempt step, and use the filter to weigh the effect of the attempt step so as to avoid using penalty function. The algorithm uses the Lagrange function as a merit function and the nonmonotone filter to improve the effect of the algorithm. Under some mild conditions, we prove the global convergence. Keywords: Minimax Problem, Nonmonotone, Global Convergence, Filter Methods
1. Introduction Consider the following Minimax problem:
min max fi ( x) xR 1 i m
where fi ( x) : R R is a twice continuously differentiable function. The problem (1) can be transformed into the following problem below: mint (2) s.t fi ( x) t 0 n
The Minimax problem is one of the most important non-differentiable optimization problems. It does not only have broader applications in engineering design, electronic microcircuits programming, game theory and so on, but also has very close relationship with nonlinear equations, muti-object programming, nonlinear programmming, etc. There are some methods e.g., line search method SQP method, trust region method and the activeset method, for solving Minimax problems. C. Charalambous and A.R. Conn [1] proposed the line search method. A. Vardi [2] presented the trust region method with the active-set methods. There are many other effective algorithms, see Z. B. Zhu [3], L. Gao [4], J. L. Zhou [5] ,Y. Xue [6]. Recently, the filter method for nonlinear programming has broader applications and good numerical effects, see [7-12]. The major filter methods are of two kinds: line search and trust-region methods. *
This work was supported by Chinese NSF Grant 10201026.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes.
R. Fletcher proposed the global convergent SQP-filter trust-region method [9], based on this idea, Huang [13] proposed a filter method for Minimax problems. In [14], Ulbrich S. used the Lagrange function to replace the function and gave the local superlinear convergence proof of the SQP-filter trust-region method. The nonmonotone technique can improve the effect of the algorithm, relax the accept criteria of the attempt step. Recently, Su [15] and Shen [16] presented the idea of using nonmonotone filter methods for nonlinear programming. Motivated by their idea, we present a modified filter-method for Minimax problems. The algorithm uses the Lagrangian function instead of the function itself as a merit function, and combines it with a nonmonotone filter technique to improve the effect of the algorithm. Consider the SQP subproblem of problem (2): 1 T s Hk s 2 s.t fi ( x) fi ( x) s t 1 s
min qk ( s ) s t
We use the following notations: s ( s x , s t ) R n 1 , I {1, 2, , m}, e (1,1, ,1)T
h( x, t ) f ( x) te, f ( x) ( f1 ( x), f 2 ( x), f m ( x))T H k R ( n 1)( n 1) is a symmetric matrix, and it is the approximate Hessian matrix of the subproblem (3). AM
Remark: H k is updated by the Powell’s safeguard BFGS update formula. This paper is organized as follows. The new algorithm is described in Section 2. Basic assumptions and some important lemmas are given in Section 3. The analysis of the global convergence is given in Sections 4 and 5.
2. Algorithm Now we introduce some definitions about the filter used in this paper. Definition 1: [14] Lagrange function:
1373 m ( k ) 1 rared kl ( s ) max lk , r 0 k , r lk r
l xk s x , tk s t , k ( s )
( x, , t ) h( x, t )
2 2
T h ( x, t )
ared kl ( s ) lk l xk s x , tk s t , k ( s ) ,
where k ( s ) is the Lagrange multiplier of the subproblem (3). In order to improve both the feasibility and optimality if pred ( s ) : pred ( s ) T h 1/ 2 , 0 (5) k
then we require rared kl ( s ) pred k ( s )
and call it is a f-type iteration. If pred k ( sk ) k1/ 2
l ( x, t , ) t T h( x, t ),
Constrain violation function:
then we add ( k , lk ) to the filter set and update the filter set, calling it is a h-type iteration (k ) . If the subproblem (3) is not compatible or
For simplicity, we just use the following notations:
( x, t , ) , l ( x, t , ) l ,
(x j , t j , j ) j , l(x j , t j , j ) l j
k1/ 2 1 , 0, 0,1
Definition 2: A pair ( k , lk ) obtained on iteration k is said to dominate another pair ( l , ll ) if and only if
we also call it is a h-type iteration (k ) . Now we describe the detailed algorithm below: Step 0 (Initialization) Give , , , , (0,1), , 0, min 0, k : 0, set the initial filter set o . Step 1: Solve subproblem (3) to get an attempt step s. Step 2: If the solution of (3) is not compatible or
k l andlk ll A filter set is a list of pairs ( j , l j ) such that no pair dominates any other. We denote the set by k for each iteration k. Similar to the definition in Fletcher. and Leyffer, S. [9], a point (( x, t ), ) s can be accept to k ( k , lk ) if
j , or l l j , ( j , l j ) k ( k , lk ) Here we use the nonmonotone filter idea in [14] a point (( x, t ), ) s can be accept to k ( k , lk ) if
max k r or 0 r m ( k ) 1
m ( k ) 1 l max lk , r 0 k , r lk r
where ( k r , lk r ) k ( k , lk ) , 0 1 m(0) 0, 0 m(k ) min m(k 1) 1, M 1
r 0
m ( k ) 1
k , r 1, k , r (0,1), k , r 0, M 1 1
Update of the filter set If ( k , lk ) is added to the filter, then the new filter set is updated as follows:
k 1 : ( k , lk ) ( j , l j ) k , min j k , l j lk 0
Definition 3: [14] pred k ( s ) qk ( s ), Copyright © 2011 SciRes.
k1/ 2 1 , 0,1 Then add ( k , lk ) to the filter set and update the filter set, let: tk max fi ( xk ), ( xk 1 , tk 1 ) ( xk , tk ) go to Step 1; 1 i m
If s , stop; else go to step 3. Step 3: If (4) fails, then : 0.5 , go to Step 1; else go to Step 4. Step 4: If (5) holds but (6) fails, then : 0.5 , go to step 1, else go to Step 6. Step 5: If (5) fails, add ( k , lk ) to the filter set and update the filter k to k 1 , else go to Step 6. Step 6: sk : s , xk 1 : xk skx , tk 1 : tk skt , k 1 k ( s ) update H k to H k 1 , min . k : k 1 , go to Step 1. Remark. Step 2 to Step 5 are called inner circle iteration steps, while Step 1, Step 6 are called outer circle steps.
3. Basic Assumptions and Lemmas First we make the following assumptions: A1: All iterations ( xk , tk ) remain in a close and AM
bounded convex set . A2: The functions fi ( x) are twice continuously differentible. A3: The matrix H k is bounded, H k M H . Lemma 1: If the solution of the subproblem (3) is s = 0, then ( xk , tk ) is the KKT point of problem (2). Proof: It is not difficult to get the result by using the first order necessary optimality conditions. Lemma 2: All the elements ( j , l j ) in the filter set k satisfy j 0 . Proof. Suppose, by contradiction, that the result is not true, then there must exit a ( j , l j ) k and j 0 , which means ( x j , t j ) is a feasible solution of the pro1
blem (2), and j 2 1 , Tj h j 0 ; but s j 0 so pred j ( s j ) pred j ( s j ) 0 j1/ 2 , based on the update
mechanism of the filter set, ( j , l j ) can’t be added to the filter set, which is a contradiction.Thus, the Lemma is proven. Lemma 3: If {lk } is bounded below and one of the following holds when k is sufficiently large enough:
k 1 max k r
t 0 k ,t l0 r 1 r k t k 1 p
k t 1
k ,0 l0 r 1 r r k p r k k 1 k 1
k p 1
k ,1 l0 r 1 r r k p r k 1 k p 1
k 2
k , p l0 r 1 r k p k p 1
t 0 k ,t l0 r 1
k p 1
p t 0
k ,t r
t 0 k ,t k t k 1 p
By the fact that
t 0 k ,r 1, k ,r , r 0 p
k 1
So (8) is true. Since {lk } is bounded below, so
r 1 r , k 0, k
Thus the Lemma is proven. Some assumptions are needed for Lagrange multiplier estimates k ( s ) . A4: There exits constants M y , M L 0 , all of the Lagrange multiplier estimates k ( s ) satisfies:
0 r m ( k ) 1
k 1 r max k 1 r 0 r m ( k )
max( (l (k )), k 1 ) (l (k ))
0 k ( s)i M y , i 1, 2, , m
which implies (l (k )) converges. By (l (k )) (l (l (k ) 1)), (0,1) we get
k (s) i h( xk , tk ) s i
(l (k)) 0, k
M L 2
Lemma 4: Under the assumptions A1-A4, we have
k 1 (l (k )) 0 .
Case 2: lk 1 k 1 max lk , r 0 k , r lk r , for k sufficiently large enough. First we will show that, for all k 1
lk l0 r 1 r k l0 r 1 r k
1 m(n 1) 2 M 2f 4 4
1 m(n 1) 2 M 2f 4 4 m 2 M L2 4 : M 4
h ( xk , tk ) s
m ( k ) 1
( xk , tk ) s, k ( s) (8)
We prove (8) by induction. When k 1 , l1 l0 1 l0 1 , assume that (8) holds for 1, 2, , k , we want to prove it also holds for k 1. Copyright © 2011 SciRes.
lk 1 t 0 k ,t lk t k 1
l0 r 1 r kr 11 r
for k sufficiently large enough. Let (l (k )) max k r , (k m(k ) 1 l (k ) k )
k 1
m ( k ) 1 m ( k ) 1 (b) max lk , r 0 k , r lk r r 0 k , r lk r Let p m(k ) 1 , then
0 r m ( k ) 1
l0 r 1 r k 1
then lim k k 0 . Proof. We consider the following two cases: Case 1: k 1 max k r ,
lk 1 lk k 1 l0 r 1 r k 1
k p 1
m ( k ) 1 lk 1 k 1 max lk , r 0 k , r , lk r
0 r m ( k 1) 1
We consider the following two cases: m ( k ) 1 (a) max lk , r 0 k , r lk r lk
lk 1 l0 r 1 r r k p r k 1
0 r m ( k ) 1
(l (k 1))
Proof. Use the Taylor Expansion: T
f ( x ) fi ( xk s x ) tk s t tk fi ( xk ) i k s 1 1 xT 2 1 x s fi ( yk ) s (n 1) M f 2 2 2 AM
kT h( xk , tk ) k1/ 2 and the results of (15) we can deduce
which implies (9) holds.
( xk , tk ) s, k ( s) h ( xk , tk ) s
pred k ( s ) kT h( xk , tk ) pred k ( s ) k1/ 2
(k ( s )T (h(( xk , tk ) s )) 2 M 4
1 m(n 1)2 M 2f which implies (10) 4 holds. Thus, the Lemma is proven.
where M m 2 M L2
If 6
( 1) k1/ 2
1 1 k1/ 2 3 6
pred k ( s ) kT h( xk , tk )
4. The Well Definedness of the Algorithm
1 k1/ 2 3
So if we take Lemma 5: Let k min j , when 4 k M , ( j , l j )k
( xk , tk ) s, k (s)
can be accept to k .
Proof. From the definition of k , Use the result of (10), when 4 k M , we have
( xk , tk ) s, k ( s) max k r , ( k r , lk r ) k , 0 r m ( k ) 1
( xk , tk ) s, k (s)
can be accepted to k . Thus, the Lemma is proven. Lemma 6: Under the assumptions A1-A4, if ( x , t ) is a feasible point ,but not a KKT point of the problem (2) then there must exit a neighborhood N of ( x* , t* ) , and constants , ˆ , ˆ >0 for all ( xk , tk ) N , and all the satisfying (11), the subproblem must have a solution, and
1 2 k
1 , ˆ (
1/ 2 2 k
1/ 2 k
) ˆ
(11) (12)
rared kl ( s ) pred k ( s )
rared kl ( s ) ( xk , tk ) s, ( s)
Proof. From the results of Lemma7 in [13], there must exit a neighborhood N of ( x* , t* ) , and some constants , , 0 , for all ( xk , tk ) N and 2
1 , ared k ( s ) pred k ( s ), 2
ared k ( s ) h(( xk , tk ) s )
next we will prove, there must exit ˆ , ˆ , when (11) 1 2 k
holds, then 1 and (12)-(14) holds. 1
If k2 1 , then Copyright © 2011 SciRes.
1 1
From the definition of rared kl ( s ) rared kl ( s ) ared k ( s ) kT hk k ( s )T h ( xk , tk ) s )
ared k ( s ) kT hk k ( s )T h ( xk , tk ) s) ared k ( s ) kT hk M y
1 m(n 1) M f 2 2
and by Taylor Expansion we know ared k ( s ) pred k ( s )
1 (n 1) M H 2 . 2
rared kl ( s ) ared k ( s ) kT hk 1 1 (n 1) M H M y m(n 1) M f 2 2 pred ( s ) (1 ) pred ( s )
1 1 (n 1) M H M y m(n 1) M f 2 2 1 pred k ( s ) (1 ) 3 1 1 (n 1) M H M y m(n 1) M f 2 2
By simple calculation we know that if
the subproblem (3) has a solution, and pred k ( s )
1 pred k ( s ) k1/ 2 , (12) holds. then 3
So we can deduce
1 pred k ( s ) k1/ 2 3
h( xk , tk )
1 1 1 ˆ ,6 max ,
k2 2 , from
1 (1 ) 3 : 1 1 1 (n 1) M H M y m(n 1) M f 2 2
then rared kl ( s ) pred k ( s )
rared kl ( s ) ( xk , tk ) s, k ( s ) 1 3
M 4
lim k 0, k 1 .
So if we take 1 3
1 3 : 2 M
For k j k , it is obviously j k 0 .
then rared kl ( s ) ( xk , tk ) s, k ( s ) . From the discuss above we know if we take ˆ max 1 , 2 then (13)-(14) holds. Thus, the Lemma is proven. Lemma 7: Under the assumptions A1-A4, the inner iteration terminates finitely. Proof. If s 0 , the algorithm terminates at a KKT point, otherwise, if the inner iteration does not terminate finitely, then the rule for decreasing ensures 0. We consider the following two cases: Case 1: k 0 When 0 , k1/ 2 1 cannot hold, so the algorithm will enter a restoration phrase at step 2 and terminates finitely. Case 2: k 0 This means ( xk , tk ) is a feasible point. When 0 , if satisfies 1 0 ˆ k1/ 2 2 k1/ 2 min ˆ , k M 4
From the result of Lemma 6, the subproblem (3) must be compatible and (12)-(14) holds. From Lemma 5 and (14) we know that ( xk , tk ) s can be accept to k ( k , lk ) . So all the conditions for f-type step are satisfied and the inner iteration terminates successfully.
Lemma 8: Under the assumptions A1-A4, if the algorithm does not terminate finitely, and there are infinite points added to the filter set, then lim k k 0 Proof. Let m ( k ) 1 max k r k , max lk , t 0 k , r lk r lk 0 r m ( k ) 1
We consider the following two cases: Case 1: k 1 k , k for k sufficiently large, then from the results of Lemma 3, we know lim k k 0 Case 2: if Case 1 is not true, define a subset 1 as follows: the first element k of 1 is the first index which satisfies j k , and the next element k is the index which satisfies j k , j k . From the definition of the filter set, we can deduce that: l l , k k
From the proof of the Lemma 3, Case 2, we know that Copyright © 2011 SciRes.
lim kS ( xk , tk ) ( x* , t* )
from which we know ( x* , t* ) is a feasible point. If, suppose, by contradiction , ( x* , t* ) is not a KKT point , then from Lemmas 6 and 7, we know that if:
. (15) ˆ k1/ 2 2 k1/ 2 min ˆ , k M 4 : 1
Then all the conditions for f-type step are satisfied and the inner iteration terminates successfully. will be Because k k 0 , the upper bound 1/ 2 2 greater than twice the lower bound ˆ ( k k1/ 2 ) . is chosen, successively Initially a value min halving will eventually (a) locate a value in the interval (15), or (b) locate a value to the right of this interpred ( s ) 0 under case (a). val. It is obviously that k
From the optimality of s, if (b) is true, note that pred k ( s) is nondecreasing if increases, so we pred ( s ) 0 , which means a f-type iteration will know k
5. Global Convergence
Thus, the Lemma is proven. Theorem 1: Under the assumptions A1-A4, if the algorith-m doesn’t terminate finitely,then there must exit an accumulation point which is a KKT point. Proof. We discuss it in two cases: 1) Case 1: there are infinite h-type iterations. From Lemma 8 we know lim k k 0 , from the update mechanism of the filter set, there must exit a subset S , k 1 k k , k S . Without loss of generality,we can assume that
occur, and it is a contradiction. 2) Case 2: there are only finite h-type iterations. That means for k K sufficiently large, no filter entries are made and
rared kl ( s ) pred k ( s) kT hk
rared kl ( s ) k1/ 2 .
Similar to the proof of Lemma 3 we can deduce:
lk 1
K m( K ) r K
lr kr K min( k r , M1 ) k1/ 2
lk 1 max K m ( K ) r K lr r K min ( k r , M ) pred r yrT hr k
Because {lk } is bounded below, we know that pred k ( s ) pred k ( s ) kT hk 0,
k 0, k . Without loss of generality,we can assume that AM
lim( xk , tk ) ( x* , t* ) from which we know ( x* , t* ) is a feasible point.If, suppose, on the contrary, ( x* , t* ) is not a KKT point .Note that for k K , k K from Lemma 6 and Lemma 7 we know that when 1 ˆ k1/ 2 2 k1/ 2 min ˆ , K M 4 :
then the iteration is f-type and terminates successfully. Because the right side is a constant, and the left side will be greater than tends to zero, the upper bound twice the lower bound ˆ k1/ 2 2 k1/ 2 , and when in-
1 min min , ˆ 2 1 1 so pred k ( s ) min min , ˆ , this is a contradiction 3 2 T to pred ( s ) pred ( s ) h 0. Thus, the theorem k
is proven.
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