On Minimax Estimation Problems for Periodically Correlated ...

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Mar 8, 2014 - The paper by Ulf Grenander (1957) should be marked as the first one where the minimax extrapolation problem for stationary processes was ...
Columbia International Publishing Contemporary Mathematics and Statistics (2014) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 1-24 doi:10.7726/cms.2014.1001


On Minimax Estimation Problems for Periodically Correlated Stochastic Processes Iryna Dubovets’ka1 and Mikhail Moklyachuk 2* Received 7 December 2013; Published online 8 March 2014 © The author(s) 2014. Published with open access at www.uscip.us

Abstract The aim of this article is to overview the problem of mean square optimal estimation of linear functionals which depend on unknown values of periodically correlated stochastic process. Estimates are based on observations of this process and noise. These problems are investigated under conditions of spectral certainty and spectral uncertainty. Formulas for calculating the main characteristics (spectral characteristic, mean square error) of the optimal linear estimates of the functionals are proposed. The least favorable spectral densities and the minimax-robust spectral characteristics of optimal estimates of the functionals are presented for given sets of admissible spectral densities. Keywords: Periodically Correlated Process; Spectral Characteristic; Mean Square Error; Minimax Estimate; Minimax-Robust Spectral Characteristic

1. Introduction Periodically correlated processes are those signals whose statistics vary almost periodically, and they are present in numerous physical and man-made processes. A comprehensive listing most of the existing references up to the year 2005 on periodically correlated processes and their applications was proposed by Serpedin et al. (2005). See also a review by Antoni (2009). For more details see survey paper by Gardner (1994) and book by Hurd and Miamee (2007). Note, that most of authors investigate properties of periodically correlated sequences while only few publications deal with investigation of periodically correlated processes. Note also, that in the literature periodically correlated processes are named in multiple different ways such as cyclostationary, periodically nonstationary or cyclic correlated processes. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *Corresponding e-mail: [email protected] 1 Department of Probability Theory, Statistics and Actuarial Mathematics, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv 01601, Ukraine 1 2* Department of Probability Theory, Statistics and Actuarial Mathematics, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv 01601, Ukraine

Iryna Dubovets’ka and Mikhail Moklyachuk / Contemporary Mathematics and Statistics (2014) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 1-24

Periodically correlated processes can be defined as stochastic processes with a periodic structure. In papers by Gladyshev (1961, 1963) investigation of periodically correlated processes was started. Analysis of properties of correlation function and representations of periodically correlated processes were presented. Relations between periodically correlated processes and stationary processes were investigated by Makagon (1999a, 2001). Relations of periodically correlated sequences with simpler stochastic sequences are proposed by Makagon (1999b, 2011), Makagon and Miamee (2013), Hurd and Miamee (2007). Methods of solution of problems of estimation of unknown values of stationary stochastic processes (extrapolation, interpolation and filtering problems) were developed by Wiener (1966), Yaglom (1987), Kolmogorov (1992). Estimation problems for stationary vector sequences were investigated by Rozanov (1967). The proposed methods are based on the assumption that spectral densities of processes are exactly known. In practice, however, it is impossible to have complete information on the spectral density in most cases. To solve the problem one finds parametric or nonparametric estimates of the unknown spectral density or selects a density by other reasoning. Then the classical estimation method is applied provided that the estimated or selected density is the true one. This procedure can result in significant increasing of the value of error as Vastola and Poor (1983) have demonstrated with the help of some examples. This is a reason to search estimates which are optimal for all densities from a certain class of admissible spectral densities. These estimates are called minimax since they minimize the maximal value of the error. A survey of results in minimax (robust) methods of data processing can be found in the paper by Kassam and Poor (1985). The paper by Ulf Grenander (1957) should be marked as the first one where the minimax extrapolation problem for stationary processes was formulated and solved. Franke and Poor (1984), Franke (1984, 1985) investigated the minimax extrapolation and filtering problems for stationary sequences with the help of convex optimization methods. This approach makes it possible to find equations that determine the least favorable spectral densities for various classes of admissible densities. For more details see, for example, books by Kurkin et al. (1990), Moklyachuk (2008), Moklyachuk and Masyutka (2012). In papers by Moklyachuk (1994–2008) the minimax approach was applied to extrapolation, interpolation and filtering problems for functionals which depend on the unknown values of stationary processes and sequences. Methods of solution the minimax-robust estimation problems for vector-valued stationary sequences and processes were developed by Moklyachuk and Masyutka (2006-2011). Luz and Moklyachuk (2012–2013) investigated the minimax estimation problems for linear functionals which depends on unknown values of stochastic sequence with stationary n th increments. Minimax estimation problems for linear functionals which depend on the unknown values of periodically correlated sequences and processes were studied in works by Dubovetska, Masyutka, Moklyachuk (2011 –2013). These problems are natural generalization of the extrapolation, interpolation and filtering problems for functionals which depend on the unknown values of stationary processes and sequences. In this article we consider the problem of optimal linear estimation of functionals

ANi ζ = ∫

( N +1)T


a(t )ζ (t )dt ,

Aeζ = ∫ a(t )ζ (t ) dt , 0

A f ζ = ∫ a (t )ζ (−t ) dt 0

which depend on the unknown values of a periodically correlated process ζ (t ) based on observations of the process ζ (t ) + θ (t ) at points of time t ∈ ℝ \ [0, ( N + 1)T ] (for estimation

ANi ζ ), at points of time t < 0 (for estimation Aeζ ), at points of time t ≤ 0 (for estimation A f ζ ). 2

Iryna Dubovets’ka and Mikhail Moklyachuk / Contemporary Mathematics and Statistics (2014) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 1-24

Here θ (t ) is an uncorrelated with ζ (t ) periodically correlated stochastic process. We propose a transition procedure from continuous periodically correlated stochastic processes {ζ (t ), t ∈ ℝ} and {θ (t ), t ∈ ℝ} to the corresponding infinite dimensional vector-valued stationary sequences

{ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} and {θ j , j ∈ ℤ} which allows us to reduce the estimation problems for continuous periodically correlated stochastic processes to the corresponding problems for stationary vectorvalued sequences. Formulas for calculating the mean square errors and spectral characteristics of the optimal linear estimates of the corresponding functionals are proposed in the case of spectral certainty where spectral densities of generated stationary sequences {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} and {θ j , j ∈ ℤ} are exactly known. The least favorable spectral densities and the minimax-robust spectral characteristics of the optimal linear estimates are found in the case of spectral uncertainty where spectral densities are not exactly known, but concrete classes of admissible densities are given. It is shown, for example, that one-sided moving average sequence gives the greatest value of the mean square error of the optimal estimate of the functional Aeζ .

2. Periodically correlated continuous processes and generated vector-valued stationary sequences Definition









ζ : ℝ → H = L2 (Ω, F , P ) , Eζ (t ) = 0 , is called periodically correlated (PC) with period T , if its

correlation function K (t , s ) = Eζ (t )ζ ( s ) for all t , s ∈ ℝ and some fixed T > 0 is such that

K (t , s ) = K (t + T , s + T ).

Let {ζ (t ), t ∈ ℝ} and {θ (t ), t ∈ ℝ} be uncorrelated PC stochastic processes with period T . We construct the following sequences of stochastic functions (1) ζ j (u ) = ζ (u + jT ), u ∈ [0, T ), j ∈ ℤ ,

{ } {θ (u) = θ (u + jT ), u ∈ [0, T ), j ∈ ℤ} . j


Sequences (1) and (2) form L2 ([0, T ); H ) -valued stationary sequences {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} and {θ j , j ∈ ℤ} , respectively, with the correlation functions

Bζ (l , j ) = ζ l , ζ j Bθ (l , j ) = θ l , θ j







o T



= ∫ E ζ (u + lT )ζ (u + jT ) du = ∫ Kζ (u + (l − j )T , u ) du = Bζ (l − j ), = ∫ E θ (u + lT )θ (u + jT ) du = ∫ Kθ (u + (l − j )T , u ) du = Bθ (l − j ),

where Kζ (t , s ) = Eζ (t )ζ ( s ), Kθ (t , s) = Eθ (t )θ ( s) are correlation functions of PC processes

ζ (t ) and θ (t ) . Consider in the space L2 ([0, T ); ℝ ) the following orthonormal basis {eɶk =

1 2π i{(1)− k  k 2  }u /T e , k = 1, 2,...}, eɶk , eɶ j = δ jk , T 3

Iryna Dubovets’ka and Mikhail Moklyachuk / Contemporary Mathematics and Statistics (2014) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 1-24

Making use properties of this basis, stationary sequences {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} and {θ j , j ∈ ℤ} can be represented in the forms −2π i{(1)− k  k  }u / T 1 T  2 ζ ( v ) e dv, j T ∫0 −2π i{(1)− k  k  }u / T 1 T  2 = θ ( v ) e dv. j T ∫0

ζ j = ∑ k =1ζ kj eɶk , ζ kj = ζ j , eɶk = ∞

θ j = ∑ k =1θ kj eɶk , θ kj = θ j , eɶk

(3) (4)

We call these sequences {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} , {θ j , j ∈ ℤ} and corresponding to them vector-valued sequences

 {ζ j = (ζ kj , k = 1, 2,...)Τ , j ∈ ℤ} ,

 {θ j = (θ kj , k = 1, 2,...)Τ , j ∈ ℤ},



{ζ (t ), t ∈ ℝ} , {θ (t ), t ∈ ℝ} , respectively) vector-valued stationary sequences. Components {ζ kj , k = 1, 2,...} and {θ kj , k = 1, 2,...} of generated stationary sequences {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} and {θ j , j ∈ ℤ} are such that (Kallianpur and Mandrekar, 1971; Moklyachuk, 1981) ∞

Eζ kj = 0, || ζ j ||2H = ∑ k =1 E | ζ kj |2 = Pζ < ∞, Eζ kl ζ nj = Rζ (l − j )ek , en , ∞

Eθ kj = 0, || θ j ||2H = ∑ k =1 E | θ kj |2 = Pθ < ∞, Eθ kl θ nj = Rθ (l − j )ek , en , where {ek , k = 1, 2,...} is a basis of the space ℓ 2 . Correlation functions Rζ ( j ) and Rθ ( j ) of stationary sequences {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} and {θ j , j ∈ ℤ} are correlation operator functions in the space

ℓ 2 . Correlation operators Rζ (0) = Rζ , Rθ (0) = Rθ are kernel operators:

∞ k =1

Rζ ek , ek = || ζ j ||2H = Pζ ,

∞ k =1

Rθ ek , ek = || θ j ||2H = Pθ .

The stationary sequences {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} and {θ j , j ∈ ℤ} have spectral densities

f (λ ) = { f kn (λ )}∞k ,n =1 , g (λ ) = {g kn (λ )}∞k ,n =1 , which are positive operator-valued functions in ℓ 2 of the variable λ ∈ [−π , π ) , if theirs correlation functions Rζ ( j ) and Rθ ( j ) can be represented in the form

Rζ ( j )ek , en = Rθ ( j )ek , en =

1 2π


1 2π

∫ πe −



∫ πe −


f (λ )ek , en d λ ,

g (λ )ek , en d λ , k , n = 1, 2,....

For almost all λ ∈ [ −π , π ) spectral densities f (λ ), g (λ ) are kernel operators with the integrable kernel norms

1 π ∞ f (λ )ek , ek d λ = ∑ k =1 Rζ ek , ek =|| ζ j ||2H = Pζ , ∫ − π 2π ∞ 1 π ∞ ∑ k =1 2π ∫−π g (λ )ek , ek d λ = ∑ k =1 Rθ ek , ek =|| θ j ||2H = Pθ .

k =1

We will use representations (3), (4) for finding solutions to the mean square estimation problems for continuous periodically correlated stochastic processes.


Iryna Dubovets’ka and Mikhail Moklyachuk / Contemporary Mathematics and Statistics (2014) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 1-24

3. Hilbert space projection method of estimation of PC processes 3.1 Interpolation problem Consider the problem of optimal linear estimation of the functional

ANi ζ = ∫

( N +1)T


a(t )ζ (t ) dt

which depends on the unknown values of the mean square continuous PC stochastic process ζ (t ) based on observations of the process ζ (t ) + θ (t ) at points of time t ∈ ℝ \ [0, ( N + 1)T ] . The noise process θ (t ) is an uncorrelated with ζ (t ) PC stochastic process. To be sure that the functional

ANi ζ is well defined we will suppose that the function a(t ), t ∈ ℝ + , satisfies the natural necessary condition

( N +1)T


| a(t ) | dt < ∞.

With the help of transformation (1) of the process ζ (t ) we can represent the functional ANi ζ in the form N


ANi ζ = ∫ a (t )ζ (t ) dt =∑ j = 0 ∫ a j (u )ζ j (u ) du , N



where a j (u ) = a (u + jT ), ζ j (u ) = ζ (u + jT ), u ∈ [0, T ). Making use the decomposition (3) of the generated stationary sequence {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} and solutions of the equation

( −1) k [ k 2 ] + ( −1) n [ n 2 ] = 0

of two variables ( k , n) , which are given by pairs (1,1), (2l + 1, 2l ) and (2l , 2l + 1) for l = 2,3,..., the functional can be represented in the form N

= ∑ j =0 N

1 T

∫ (∑


ANi ζ = ∑ j = 0 ∫ a j (u )ζ j (u ) du = 0



k =1

akj exp {2π i{(−1)k [ k 2]}u T } ∞


∞ n =1


anj exp {2π i{(−1) n [ n 2]}u T } du =

1 T exp {2π i{(−1) k [ k 2] + (−1) n [ n 2]}u T } du = T ∫0 N ∞ N   = ∑ j = 0 ∑ k =1 akjζ kj =∑ j = 0 a Τj ζ j ,

= ∑ j = 0 ∑ k =1 ∑ n =1 akjζ kj N



where vectors a j = (akj , k = 1, 2,...) = (a1 j , a3 j , a2 j ,..., a2 k +1, j , a2 k , j ,...) , akj = a j , eɶk .

Assume that vectors {a j , j = 0,1,..., N } satisfy the following conditions

  ∞ || a j ||< ∞, || a j ||2 = ∑ k =1 | akj |2 , j = 0,1,...N .


It follows from condition (5) that the functional ANi ζ has finite second moment. Let spectral densities f (λ ) and g (λ ) of the generated stationary sequences {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} and

{θ j , j ∈ ℤ} be such that the minimality condition is satisfied π

∫ π Tr[( f (λ ) + g (λ )) −


]dλ < ∞.

(6) 5

Iryna Dubovets’ka and Mikhail Moklyachuk / Contemporary Mathematics and Statistics (2014) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 1-24

The minimality condition (6) is necessary and sufficient in order that the error-free estimation of unknown values of the sequence {ζ j + θ j , j ∈ ℤ} is impossible (Rozanov, 1967). Denote by L2 ( f ) the Hilbert space of vector–functions b(λ ) = {bk (λ )}∞k =1 , which are integrable with

respect to the measure with density f (λ ) π

∫ πb


(λ ) f (λ )b(λ ) d λ = ∫



b (λ ) f kn (λ )bn (λ ) d λ < ∞.

k , n =1 k

the subspace of L2 ( f + g ) generated by vector-functions eijλ δ k ,

Denote by L2N − ( f + g )

j ∈ ℤ \ {0,1,..., N }, k = 1, 2,..., where δ kn is the Kronecker symbol: δ kk = 1 and δ kn = 0 for k ≠ n . ˆ i ζ of the functional Ai ζ based on observations of the process ζ (t ) + θ (t ) at Every estimate A N


points t ∈ ℝ \ [0, ( N + 1)T ] is characterized by its spectral characteristic h(eiλ ) ∈ LN2 − ( f + g ) and the orthogonal stochastic measure Z ζ +θ ( ∆ ) = {Z kζ +θ ( ∆ )}k∞=1 of the sequence {ζ j + θ j , j ∈ ℤ} and has the following form π π Aˆ Ni ζ = ∫ h Τ (eiλ )( Z ζ +θ ( d λ )) = ∫ −π


h (eiλ )( Z kζ +θ ( d λ )).


k =1 k

The mean square error of this estimate Aˆ Ni ζ is calculated by the formula


1 2π

∫ π ([ A π


∆ (h; f , g ) = E | ANi ζ − Aˆ Ni ζ |2 =


(eiλ ) − h(eiλ )]Τ f (λ )[ AN (eiλ ) − h(eiλ )] + h Τ (eiλ ) g (λ )h(eiλ ) d λ ,


N  AN (eiλ ) = ∑ j =0 a j eijλ .

The spectral characteristic h( f , g ) of the optimal linear estimate Aˆ Ni ζ for given spectral densities

f (λ ), g (λ ) minimizes the value of the mean square error ∆ ( f , g ) = ∆ (h( f , g ); f , g ) =


h∈L2N − ( f + g )

∆ (h; f , g ) = min E | ANi ζ − Aˆ Ni ζ |2 . ˆi AN ζ


The optimal linear estimate Aˆ Ni ζ is a solution of the optimization problem (9). To find the spectral characteristic h( f , g ) and the mean square error ∆( f , g ) of the optimal linear estimate Aˆ Ni ζ we use the Hilbert space orthogonal projection method proposed by Kolmogorov (1992). According to the method Aˆ Ni ζ is a projection of ANi ζ on the subspace H N − (ζ + θ ) generated in the space

H (ζ + θ ) by values ζ j + θ j , j ∈ ℤ \ {0,1,..., N }. The optimal estimate Aˆ Ni ζ is determined by two conditions: 1) Aˆ Ni ζ ∈ H N − (ζ + θ ), 2) ( ANi ζ − Aˆ Ni ζ ) ∈ H N − (ζ + θ ). The second condition gives the formula for the spectral characteristic h( f , g ) of the optimal estimate Aˆ Ni ζ

hΤ ( f , g ) = ( ANΤ (eiλ ) f (λ ) − CNΤ (eiλ ) ) [ f (λ) + g (λ )]−1 =

= ANΤ (eiλ ) − ( ANΤ (eiλ ) g (λ) + CNΤ (eiλ ) ) [ f (λ) + g (λ)]−1 ,

(10) 6

Iryna Dubovets’ka and Mikhail Moklyachuk / Contemporary Mathematics and Statistics (2014) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 1-24 N  CN (eiλ ) = ∑ j =0 c j eijλ .

The first condition leads to the equation for unknown coefficients cN = {c j } j =0


cN = BN −1 DN aN ,


 N N N where aN = {a j } j =0 is a vector, block-matrices BN = {BN (l , j )}l , j =0 , DN = {DN (l , j )}l , j =0 are determined by elements

BN (l , j ) = DN (l , j ) =

Τ 1 π ( f (λ) + g (λ)) −1  ei ( j −l ) λ d λ , ∫ −π 2π

Τ 1 π  f (λ)( f (λ) + g (λ)) −1  ei ( j −l ) λ d λ . ∫ 2π −π

Taking into account formula (8) and the derived relations (10), (11), the mean square error of the optimal estimate Aˆ Ni ζ can be calculated by the formula

∆( f , g ) = ∆(h( f , g ); f , g ) = aN , RN aN + cN , BN cN ,


N where ⋅ , ⋅ is the scalar product in ℓ 2 , the block-matrix RN = {RN (l , j )}l , j =0 is determined by


RN (l , j ) =

Τ 1 π  f (λ)( f (λ ) + g (λ)) −1 g (λ )  ei ( j −l ) λ d λ . ∫ 2π −π

Thus our results can be summarized in the following statements. For more details see article by Dubovetska and Moklyachuk (2012c). Theorem 3.1.1 Let {ζ (t ), t ∈ ℝ} and {θ (t ), t ∈ ℝ} be uncorrelated PC stochastic processes such that

the generated stationary sequences {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} and {θ j , j ∈ ℤ} have spectral densities f (λ ) and

 g (λ ) , respectively, which satisfy the minimality condition (6). Let coefficients {a j , j = 0,1,..., N } , that determine the functional ANi ζ , satisfy condition (5). The spectral characteristic h( f , g ) and the mean square error ∆( f , g ) of the optimal linear estimate of the functional ANi ζ based on observations of the process ζ (t ) + θ (t ) at points of time

t ∈ ℝ \ [0, ( N + 1)T ] are calculated by formulas (10) and (12). The optimal linear estimate Aˆ Ni ζ is determined by the formula (7). For the problem of optimal linear estimation of the functional ANi ζ based on observations of the process ζ (t ) without noise we have the following corollary from Theorem 3.1.1.

Corollary 3.1.1 Let {ζ (t ), t ∈ ℝ} be PC stochastic process such that the generated stationary sequence {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} has the spectral density f (λ ) , which satisfy the minimality condition π

∫ π Tr[( f (λ ))

]dλ < ∞.  Let coefficients {a j , j = 0,1,..., N } , that determine the functional ANi ζ , satisfy condition (5). −




Iryna Dubovets’ka and Mikhail Moklyachuk / Contemporary Mathematics and Statistics (2014) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 1-24

The spectral characteristic h( f ) and the mean square error ∆( f ) of the optimal linear estimate of the functional ANi ζ based on observations of the process ζ (t ) at points of time t ∈ ℝ \ [0, ( N + 1)T ] are calculated by formulas (14) hΤ ( f ) = ANΤ (eiλ ) − C NΤ (eiλ )[ f (λ )]−1 ,

∆ ( f ) = c N , aN , (15)  N N −1 where cN = {c j } j =0 , cN = BN aN , block-matrix BN = {BN (l , j )}l , j =0 is determined by elements Τ 1 π ( f (λ)) −1  ei ( j −l ) λ d λ . ∫ 2π −π i The optimal linear estimate Aˆ N ζ of the functional ANi ζ is determined by the formula

BN (l , j ) =

π π Aˆ Ni ζ = ∫ h Τ (eiλ )( Z ζ ( d λ )) = ∫ −π

∑ π

h (eiλ )( Z kζ ( d λ )).


k =1 k

3.2 Extrapolation problem Consider the problem of optimal linear estimation of the functional ∞

Aeζ = ∫ a(t )ζ (t ) dt 0

that depends on the unknown values of PC stochastic process ζ (t ) based on observations of the process ζ (t ) + θ (t ) at points of time t < 0 . The noise θ (t ) is an uncorrelated with ζ (t ) PC stochastic process. The function a (t ), t ∈ ℝ + , satisfies condition


| a (t ) | dt < ∞.

Taking into consideration transformation (1) of the process ζ (t ) and decomposition (3) of the generated stationary sequence {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ}, the functional Aeζ can be represented in the form ∞ T ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞   Aeζ = ∫ a (t )ζ (t ) dt =∑ j =0 ∫ a j (u )ζ j (u ) du = ∑ j =0 ∑ k =1 akjζ kj = ∑ j = 0 a Τj ζ j , 0 0  Τ Τ where vector a j = (akj , k = 1, 2,...) = (a1 j , a3 j , a2 j ,..., a2 k +1, j , a2 k , j ,...) .  Assume that coefficients {a j , j = 0,1,...} satisfy conditions ∞  ∞  2 ∑ j =0 || a j || < ∞, ∑ j =0 ( j + 1) || a j || < ∞.


It follows from the first condition from (17) that the functional Aeζ has finite second moment. The second condition provides compactness of operators defined further. Let spectral densities f (λ ) and g (λ ) of the generated stationary sequences {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} and

{θ j , j ∈ ℤ} be such that the minimality condition (6) is satisfied. Denote by L2− ( f ) the subspace of L2 ( f ) generated by vector–functions eijλ δ k ,

j < 0,

δ k = {δ } , k = 1, 2,..., where δ kn is the Kronecker symbol: δ kk = 1 and δ kn = 0 for k ≠ n . ∞ kn n =1

Every linear estimate Aˆ eζ of the functional Aeζ based on observations of the process ζ (t ) + θ (t ) at points of time t < 0 is determined by spectral characteristic h(eiλ ) ∈ L2− ( f + g ) and by formula (7). 8

Iryna Dubovets’ka and Mikhail Moklyachuk / Contemporary Mathematics and Statistics (2014) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 1-24

The classical Kolmogorov projection method (1992) allows us to find the value of the mean square error ∆ ( f , g ) and spectral characteristic h( f , g ) of the optimal linear estimate of the functional

Aeζ under the condition that spectral densities f (λ ), g (λ ) of generated stationary sequences {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} , {θ j , j ∈ ℤ} are known. Applying the same considerations as in the case of interpolation problem we can verify validity of the following statements. For more details see article by Dubovetska and Moklyachuk (2013b). Theorem 3.2.1 Let {ζ (t ), t ∈ ℝ} and {θ (t ), t ∈ ℝ} be uncorrelated PC stochastic processes such that

the generated stationary sequences {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} and {θ j , j ∈ ℤ} have spectral densities f (λ ) and

 g (λ ) , respectively, which satisfy the minimality condition (6). Let coefficients {a j , j = 0,1,...} , that determine the functional Aeζ , satisfy conditions (17). The spectral characteristic h( f , g ) and the mean square error ∆( f , g ) of the optimal linear estimate of the functional Aeζ based on observations of the process ζ (t ) + θ (t ) at points of time t < 0 are calculated by formulas

hΤ ( f , g ) = ( AΤ (eiλ ) f (λ) − C Τ (eiλ ) ) [ f (λ) + g (λ)]−1 =

= AΤ (eiλ ) − ( AΤ (eiλ ) g (λ) + C Τ (eiλ ) ) [ f (λ) + g (λ)]−1 ,


∆( f , g ) = ∆(h( f , g ); f , g ) = a, Ra + c, Bc , (19)  ∞   ∞ where A(eiλ ) = ∑ j =0 a j eijλ , C (eiλ ) = ∑ j =0 c j eijλ , vector a = {a j } j =0 is given, vector of unknown  ∞ ∞ coefficients c = {c j } j =0 is determined by the equation c = B −1 Da, block-matrices B = {B (l , j )}l , j =0 , ∞

D = {D(l , j )}∞l , j =0 , R = {R(l , j )}l∞, j =0 are determined by elements B(l , j ) = D(l , j ) =

Τ 1 π ( f (λ) + g (λ)) −1  ei ( j −l )λ d λ , ∫ 2π −π

1 π −1 Τ i ( j −l ) λ   e f ( λ )( f ( λ ) + g ( λ )) dλ , 2π ∫−π 

Τ 1 π  f (λ)( f (λ) + g (λ))−1 g (λ)  ei ( j −l )λ d λ , l , j = 0,1,... ∫ 2π −π The optimal linear estimate Aˆ eζ of the functional Aeζ is determined by the formula (7). For the problem of optimal linear estimation of the functional Aeζ based on observations of the process ζ (t ) without noise we have the following statement, which is a corollary from Theorem

R(l , j ) =

3.2.1. Corollary 3.2.1 Let {ζ (t ), t ∈ ℝ} be PC stochastic process such that the generated stationary

sequence {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} has spectral density f (λ ) , which satisfy the minimality condition (13). Let

coefficients {a j , j = 0,1,...} , that determine the functional Aeζ , satisfy conditions (17).


Iryna Dubovets’ka and Mikhail Moklyachuk / Contemporary Mathematics and Statistics (2014) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 1-24

The spectral characteristic h( f ) and the mean square error ∆( f ) of the optimal linear estimate

Aˆ eζ of the functional Aeζ based on observations of the process ζ (t ) at points of time t < 0 are calculated by formulas

h Τ ( f ) = AΤ (eiλ ) − C Τ (eiλ )[ f (λ )]−1 ,

∆ ( f ) = c, a ,  ∞ ∞ −1 where c = {c j } j =0 , c = B a, block-matrix B = {B (l , j )}l , j =0 is determined by elements

(20) (21)

Τ 1 π  ( f (λ)) −1  ei ( j −l )λ d λ . ∫ 2π −π e The optimal linear estimate Aˆ ζ of the functional Aeζ is determined by the formula (16).

B(l , j ) =

Note that Kolmogorov proposed a method of solving the problem of interpolation of stationary sequence (i. e. finding spectral characteristic and mean square error of the optimal linear estimate of one missed observation of the sequence) using the Fourier coefficients of the function 1 f . Theorem 3.2.1 shows that the Fourier coefficients of some functions from spectral densities can be used to find spectral characteristics and the mean square error of optimal linear estimates of functionals of stationary sequences for problems of extrapolation and interpolation based on observations without noise as well as on observations with noise. The form of the spectral characteristics and the form of the mean square error of the optimal linear estimate are convenient for finding the least favourable spectral densities and minimax spectral characteristics of optimal estimates for the problems of extrapolation and interpolation based on observations without noise as well as on observations with noise. To solve the problem of extrapolation of stationary sequences Kolmogorov (see also Kailath (1974), Rozanov (1967), Wiener (1966), Yaglom (1987)) proposed a method based on factorization of spectral density. This method is suitable for solving problems of extrapolation based on observations without noise whereas Theorem 3.2.1 describes the method of solving problem of extrapolation based on observations with noise. Let apply the method based on factorization of the spectral density to the problem of estimation of the functional from observations without noise. For more results see articles by Moklyachuk (1995,1996) and book by Moklyachuk (2008). Definition 3.2.1 Denote by H ζ ( n) the closed linear subspace of the Hilbert space H = L2 (Ω, F , P) generated by random variables {ζ kj , k ≥ 1, j ≤ n}. The sequence {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} is called regular if


H ζ (n) =∅. If


H ζ (n) =H then the sequence {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} is called singular.

The following result allows simplifying the problem of optimal linear estimation of unknown values of stationary sequence. Theorem 3.2.2 A stationary sequence {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} admits a unique representation in the form 10

Iryna Dubovets’ka and Mikhail Moklyachuk / Contemporary Mathematics and Statistics (2014) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 1-24

ζ j = ζ jr + ζ js where {ζ rj , j ∈ ℤ} is a regular sequence and {ζ js , j ∈ ℤ} is a singular sequence. Moreover, the sequences {ζ jr } and {ζ ns } are orthogonal for all j , n ∈ ℤ . Since the unknown values of components of singular stationary sequence has error-free estimate, we will consider the estimation problem only for regular stationary sequences. The regular stationary sequence {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} admits the canonical moving average representation of components (Kallianpur and Mandrekar, 1971; Moklyachuk, 1981)

ζ kj = ∑ u =−∞ ∑ m=1 d km ( j − u )ε m (u ), j



where ε m (u ), m = 1,..., M , u ∈ ℤ are mutually orthogonal sequences in H with orthonormal values; M is the multiplicity of {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ}; d km (u ), k = 1, 2,..., m = 1,..., M , u = 0,1,..., are matrix-valued sequences such that


u =0

k =1

m =1

∑ ∑ ∑

| d km (u ) |2 = Pζ .

As a consequence of representation (22) the optimal linear estimate of components of stationary sequence {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} can be represented in the form −1

ζˆkj = ∑ s =−∞ ∑ m =1 d km ( j − s )ε m ( s ). M


The spectral density f (λ ) of regular stationary sequence {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} admits the canonical factorization ∞

f (λ ) = P (λ ) P* (λ ), P(λ ) = ∑ u = 0 d (u )e −iuλ ,


where matrices d (u ) = {d km (u )}km==1,1,∞M , u ≥ 0, are determined by coefficients of the canonical representation (22). Taking into account decompositions (22), (23) and factorization (24) we can verify validity of the following result. Theorem 3.2.3 Let {ζ (t ), t ∈ ℝ} be a PC stochastic process such that the generated stationary

sequence {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} has spectral density f (λ ) , which satisfy the minimality condition (13) and

admits the canonical factorization (24). Let coefficients {a j , j = 0,1,...} , that determine the functional

Aeζ , satisfy conditions (17). The spectral characteristic h( f ) and the mean square error ∆( f ) of the optimal linear estimate of the functional Aeζ based on observations of the process ζ (t ) at points of time t < 0 are calculated by formulas (25) h Τ ( f ) = AΤ (eiλ ) − S (eiλ )Q (λ ) ,

∆( f ) = Ad , 2



Iryna Dubovets’ka and Mikhail Moklyachuk / Contemporary Mathematics and Statistics (2014) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 1-24 ∞  ( Ad )l = ∑ j =l a Τj d ( j − l ), l ≥ 0,

S (eiλ ) = ∑ l =0 ( Ad )l eilλ ,


Q(λ ) = {qmk (λ )}km==1,1,∞M satisfies equation Q (λ ) P (λ ) = I M ,



the ∞




= ∑ l =0 ( Ad )l . The optimal

linear estimate Aˆ eζ of the functional Aeζ is determined by formula (16). Similar reasoning can be applied to find the optimal estimate of the functional

ANe ζ = ∫

( N +1)T


T N N ∞ N   a (t )ζ (t ) dt =∑ j = 0 ∫ a j (u )ζ j (u ) du = ∑ j = 0 ∑ k =1 akjζ kj = ∑ j =0 a Τj ζ j . 0

The following corollary from Theorem 3.2.3 holds true. Corollary 3.2.2 Let {ζ (t ), t ∈ ℝ} be a PC stochastic process such that the generated stationary

sequence {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} has spectral density f (λ ) , which satisfy the minimality condition (13) and admits the canonical factorization (24). Let coefficients {a j , j = 0,1,..., N } , that determine the

functional ANe ζ , satisfy condition (5). The spectral characteristic hN ( f ) and the mean square error

∆ N ( f ) of the optimal linear estimate of the functional ANe ζ based on observations of the process ζ (t ) at points of time t < 0 are calculated by formulas (27) hNΤ ( f ) = ANΤ (eiλ ) − S N (eiλ )Q (λ ) , ∞

∆ N ( f ) = ∑ l =0 ( AN d )l where AN (eiλ ) =

N j =0


= AN d , 2


 N  N a j eijλ , S N (eiλ ) = ∑ l = 0 ( AN d )l eilλ , ( AN d )l = ∑ j =l a Τj d ( j − l ).

The optimal linear estimate Aˆ Ne ζ of the functional ANe ζ is determined by the formula (16). For a specified class of PC processes we can calculate the greatest values of the mean square error

∆(ζ , Aˆ e ) = E | Aeζ − Aˆ eζ |2 of estimate Aˆ eζ of the functional Aeζ and of the mean square error ∆(ζ , Aˆ e ) = E | Ae ζ − Aˆ e ζ |2 of estimate Aˆ e ζ of the functional Ae ζ . For proof of the following N





results see the article by Dubovetska and Moklyachuk (2013a). Denote by Λ the set of all linear estimates of the functional Aeζ based on observation of the process ζ (t ) at points of time t < 0 . Let Y denotes the class of mean square continuous PC processes ζ (t ) such that Eζ (t ) = 0 and E | ζ (t ) | ≤ Pζ T . The following theorem holds true. 2

Theorem 3.2.4 Let coefficients {a j , j = 0,1,..., N } which determine the functional ANe ζ satisfy

condition (5). The function ∆(ζ , Aˆ N ) has a saddle point on the set Y × Λ and the following equality holds true e

min max ∆ (ζ , Aˆ Ne ) = max min ∆ (ζ , Aˆ Ne ) = Pζ ·ν N2 , ˆe ˆe AN ∈Λ ζ ∈Y

where ν

2 N

ζ ∈Y AN ∈Λ

N is the greatest eigenvalue of the self-adjoint compact operator QN = {QN ( p, q )} p , q =0 in the

N ∞ space ℓ 2 determined by block-matrices QN ( p, q ) = {Qkn ( p, q )}k , n=1 with elements


Iryna Dubovets’ka and Mikhail Moklyachuk / Contemporary Mathematics and Statistics (2014) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 1-24 min ( N − p , N − q )

QknN ( p, q) = ∑ s =0 k , n = 1, 2,…,

ak , s + p ·an, s + q ,

p, q = 0,1,…, N .

The least favorable stochastic sequence generated by PC process from the class Y for the optimal estimate of the functional ANe ζ is a one-sided moving average sequence of order N of the form

ζ j = ∑ u = j − N d ( j − u )ε (u ), 


where d N = (d ( p)) p =0 is the eigenvector, that corresponds to ν N2 , which is constructed from matrices N


d ( p ) = {d km ( p )}mk ==1,1,∞M and is determined by condition || d N ||2 = ∑ p = 0 || d ( p) ||2 = Pζ  ε (u ) = {ε m (u )}Mm=1 is a vector-valued stationary stochastic sequence with orthogonal values.


Theorem 3.2.5 Let coefficients {a j , j = 0,1,...} which determine the functional Aeζ satisfy

ˆ e ) has a saddle point on the set Y × Λ and the following equality conditions (17). The function ∆(ζ , A holds true min max ∆ (ζ , Aˆ e ) = max min ∆ (ζ , Aˆ e ) = Pζ ·ν 2 , ˆe ˆe A ∈Λ ζ ∈Y

ζ ∈Y A ∈Λ

where ν is the greatest eigenvalue of the self-adjoint compact operator Q = {Q( p, q)}p , q =0 in the 2

∞ space ℓ 2 determined by block-matrices Q( p, q ) = {Qkn ( p, q )}k , n =1 with elements ∞

Qkn ( p, q ) = ∑ s = 0 ak , s + p ·an ,s + q ,

k , n = 1, 2,…,

p, q = 0,1, ….

The least favorable stochastic sequence generated by PC process from the class Y for the optimal estimate of the functional Aeζ is an one-sided moving average sequence of the form

ζ j = ∑ u =−∞ d ( j − u )ε (u ), 


where d = (d ( p)) p =0 is the eigenvector, that corresponds to ν 2 , it is constructed from matrices ∞

d ( p ) = {d km ( p )}mk ==1,1,∞M and is determined by the condition || d ||2 = ∑ p = 0 || d ( p ) ||2 = Pζ . 3.3 Filtering problem Consider the problem of optimal linear estimation of the functional ∞

A f ζ = ∫ a(t )ζ (−t )dt 0

which depends on the unknown values of a PC stochastic process ζ (t ) based on observations of the process ζ (t ) + θ (t ) at points of time t ≤ 0 . The function a (t ), t ∈ ℝ + , satisfies the condition


| a (t ) | dt < ∞.

With the help of transformations (1), (3) of the process ζ (t ) we can represent the functional A f ζ in the form 13

Iryna Dubovets’ka and Mikhail Moklyachuk / Contemporary Mathematics and Statistics (2014) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 1-24 ∞ T ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞   A f ζ = ∫ a (t )ζ (−t ) dt =∑ j =0 ∫ a j (u )ζ − j (−u ) du = ∑ j =0 ∑ k =1 akjζ k , − j = ∑ j = 0 a Τj ζ − j , 0


a j (u ) = a (u + jT ), ζ − j (−u ) = ζ (−u − jT ),  Τ a j = (akj , k = 1, 2,...) = (a1 j , a3 j , a2 j ,..., a2 k +1, j , a2 k , j ,...)Τ .  Assume that coefficients {a j , j = 0,1,...} satisfy condition ∞  ∑ j =0 || a j || < ∞.

u ∈ [0, T ),





Condition (29) guarantees finite second moment of the functional A f ζ . Let spectral densities f (λ ) and g (λ ) of generated stationary sequences {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} and

{θ j , j ∈ ℤ} be such that minimality condition (6) is satisfied.

ˆ f ζ of the functional A f ζ is determined by the spectral characteristic Every linear estimate A h(eiλ ) ∈ L2− 0 ( f + g ) and by formula (7). Denote by L2− 0 ( f + g ) the subspace of the space L2 ( f + g ) generated by vector-functions eijλ δ k , j ≤ 0, δ k = {δ kn }∞n =1 , k = 1, 2,... . The mean square error of the estimate Aˆ f ζ is calculated by the formula


1 2π

∫ π ([ A ( e π

∆(h; f , g ) = E | A f ζ − Aˆ f ζ |2 = iλ


) − h(eiλ )]Τ f (λ )[ A− (eiλ ) − h(eiλ )] + h Τ (eiλ ) g (λ )h(eiλ ) d λ ,


∞  A− (eiλ ) = ∑ j = 0 a j e − ijλ .

The spectral characteristic h( f , g ) of the optimal linear estimate Aˆ f ζ for the given densities f (λ ), g (λ ) minimizes the value of the mean square error

∆( f , g ) = ∆(h( f , g ); f , g ) =


h∈L2− 0 ( f + g )

∆ (h; f , g ) = min E | A f ζ − Aˆ f ζ |2 . ˆf A ζ


The optimal linear estimate Aˆ f ζ is a solution of the optimization problem (31). The classical Kolmogorov projection method (1992) allows us to find the spectral characteristic h( f , g ) and the value of the mean square error ∆( f , g ) of the optimal linear estimate of the functional A f ζ on condition that the spectral densities f (λ ) and g (λ ) are known. In this case

hΤ ( f , g ) = ( A−Τ (eiλ ) f (λ) − D Τ (eiλ ) ) [ f (λ) + g (λ)]−1 =

= A−Τ (eiλ ) − ( A−Τ (eiλ ) g (λ) + D Τ (eiλ ) ) [ f (λ) + g (λ )]−1 , ∞  D (eiλ ) = ∑ j =1 d j eijλ ,


∆( f , g ) = ∆(h( f , g ); f , g ) = a,Wa + d ,Ud , (33)   ∞ ∞ −1 where vector a = {a j } j =0 , unknown coefficients d = {d j } j =1 = U Va, block-matrices ɶ U = {U ( j , l )}l∞, j =1 , V = {V ( j, lɶ )}lj==1,0,∞∞ , W = {W ( ɶj , lɶ )}l∞ɶ , ɶj =0 are determined by elements 14

Iryna Dubovets’ka and Mikhail Moklyachuk / Contemporary Mathematics and Statistics (2014) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 1-24 Τ 1 π ( f (λ) + g (λ)) −1  ei (l − j )λ d λ , l , j, = 1, 2,..., ∫ 2π −π π Τ 1 ɶ  f (λ)( f (λ) + g (λ )) −1  e−i (l + j )λ d λ , j = 1, 2,..., lɶ = 0,1,..., V ( j , lɶ ) = ∫ −π 2π

U ( j, l ) =

Τ 1 π ɶ ɶ  f (λ)( f (λ) + g (λ))−1 g (λ)  ei (l − j ) λ d λ , lɶ, ɶj = 0,1,.... W ( ɶj , lɶ ) = ∫ 2π −π

Thus our results can be summarized in the following statement. Theorem 3.3.1 Let {ζ (t ), t ∈ ℝ} and {θ (t ), t ∈ ℝ} be uncorrelated PC stochastic processes such that

the generated stationary sequences {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} and {θ j , j ∈ ℤ} have spectral densities f (λ ) and

 g (λ ) , respectively, which satisfy the minimality condition (6). Let coefficients {a j , j = 0,1,...} , that determine the functional A f ζ , satisfy condition (29). The spectral characteristic h( f , g ) and the mean square error ∆( f , g ) of the optimal linear estimate of the functional A f ζ based on observations of the process ζ (t ) + θ (t ) at points of time

t ≤ 0 are calculated by formulas (32) and (33), respectively. The optimal linear estimate of the functional A f ζ is determined by formula (7).

4. Minimax-robust estimation method The proposed in Section 3 formulas for calculating spectral characteristics and mean square errors of optimal linear estimates of functionals ANi ζ , Aeζ , ANe ζ , A f ζ can be used only in the case where spectral density matrices f (λ ) and g (λ ) of the generated stationary sequences {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} and {θ j , j ∈ ℤ} are exactly known. In the case where the spectral density matrices f (λ ) and g (λ ) are not exactly known, but a set D = D f × Dg of admissible spectral densities is specified, we find estimates that minimize the mean square error for all spectral densities from a given class D simultaneously. Such approach to the estimation problem of functionals of the unknown values of stochastic processes is called minimax (robust) (Moklyachuk, 2008). Definition 4.1 For a given class of spectral densities D = D f × Dg spectral densities f 0 (λ ) ∈ D f ,

g 0 (λ ) ∈ Dg are called least favorable in D for the optimal linear estimatation of the functional Aζ if

∆( f 0 , g 0 ) = ∆(h( f 0 , g 0 ); f 0 , g 0 ) = max ∆(h( f , g ); f , g ). ( f , g )∈D

Definition 4.2 For a given class of spectral densities D = D f × Dg the spectral characteristic h 0 (λ ) of the optimal linear estimate of the functional Aζ is called minimax-robust if

h0 (λ ) ∈ H D = ∩ ( f , g )∈D L2* ( f + g ), min max ∆(h; f , g ) = max ∆ (h0 ; f , g ). h∈H D ( f , g )∈D

( f , g )∈D


Iryna Dubovets’ka and Mikhail Moklyachuk / Contemporary Mathematics and Statistics (2014) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 1-24

Here L2* ( f + g ) denotes the subspace L2− ( f + g ) in the case of extrapolation problem, L2N − ( f + g ) in the case of interpolation problem, and L2− 0 ( f + g ) in the case of filtering problem. Taking into consideration these definitions and Theorems 3.1.1, 3.2.1, 3.2.3, 3.3.1 we can verify that the following lemmas hold true. Lemma 4.1 Spectral densities f 0 (λ ) ∈ D f , g 0 (λ ) ∈ Dg , which satisfy the minimality condition (6), are least favorable in the class D = D f × Dg for the optimal linear estimation of the functional ANi ζ if the Fourier coefficients of matrix functions

( f 0 (λ ) + g 0 (λ )) −1 , f 0 (λ )( f 0 (λ ) + g 0 (λ )) −1 , f 0 (λ )( f 0 (λ ) + g 0 (λ )) −1 g 0 (λ ) 0 0 0 determine matrices BN , DN , RN , which give a solution of the extremum problem


( f , g )∈D



, RN aN + ( BN ) −1 DN aN , DN aN


aN , RN0 aN + ( BN0 ) −1 DN0 aN , DN0 aN .

The minimax-robust spectral characteristic h0 = h( f 0 , g 0 ) of the optimal linear estimate of the functional ANi ζ is calculated by formula (10) if the condition h( f 0 , g 0 ) ∈ H D holds true. Lemma 4.2 Spectral densities f 0 (λ ) ∈ D f , g 0 (λ ) ∈ Dg , which satisfy the minimality condition (6), are least favorable in the class D = D f × Dg for the optimal linear estimation of the functional Aeζ if the Fourier coefficients of matrix functions

( f 0 (λ ) + g 0 (λ )) −1 , f 0 (λ )( f 0 (λ ) + g 0 (λ )) −1 , f 0 (λ )( f 0 (λ ) + g 0 (λ )) −1 g 0 (λ ) determine matrices B 0 , D 0 , R 0 , which give a solution of the extremum problem


( f , g )∈D

( a, Ra

+ B −1 Da, Da


a, R 0 a + ( B 0 ) −1 D 0 a, D0 a .

The minimax-robust spectral characteristic h0 = h( f 0 , g 0 ) of the optimal linear estimate of the functional Aeζ is calculated by formula (18) if the condition h( f 0 , g 0 ) ∈ H D holds true. Lemma 4.3 Spectral density f 0 (λ ) ∈ D f is least favorable in the class D f for the optimal linear estimation of the functional Aeζ based on observations of the process ζ (t ) for t < 0 , if it admits the canonical factorization

f 0 (λ ) =


d 0 (u )e − iuλ u =0

)( ∑

d 0 (u )e −iuλ u =0

), *

where d 0 = {d 0 (u ), u = 0,1,...} is a solution of the conditional extremum problem



→ max,

f (λ ) =


d (u )e −iuλ u =0

)( ∑

d (u )e − iuλ u =0

) ∈D . *


The minimax-robust spectral characteristic h = h( f ) of the optimal linear estimate of the 0


functional Aeζ is calculated by formula (25) if the condition h( f 0 ) ∈ H D f holds true.


Iryna Dubovets’ka and Mikhail Moklyachuk / Contemporary Mathematics and Statistics (2014) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 1-24

Lemma 4.4 Spectral densities f 0 (λ ) ∈ D f and g 0 (λ ) ∈ Dg which satisfy the minimality condition (6), are least favorable in the class D for the optimal estimation of the functional A f ζ , if the Fourier coefficients of matrix functions

( f 0 (λ ) + g 0 (λ )) −1 , f 0 (λ )( f 0 (λ ) + g 0 (λ )) −1 , f 0 (λ )( f 0 (λ ) + g 0 (λ )) −1 g 0 (λ ) 0 0 0 determine matrices U ,V ,W , which give a solution of the extremum problem


( f , g )∈D

( a,Wa


+ U −1Va, Va = a,W 0 a + (U 0 ) −1V 0 a,V 0 a .


The minimax-robust spectral characteristic h0 = h( f 0 , g 0 ) of the optimal linear estimate of the functional A f ζ is calculated by formula (32) if the condition h( f 0 , g 0 ) ∈ H D holds true. Remark 4.1 The least favorable spectral densities f 0 (λ ) ∈ D f , g 0 (λ ) ∈ Dg and the minimaxrobust spectral characteristic h( f 0 , g 0 ) ∈ H D form a saddle point of the function ∆(h; f , g ) on the set H D × D . The saddle point inequalities hold true if h0 = h( f 0 , g 0 ) , h( f 0 , g 0 ) ∈ H D and

( f 0 , g 0 ) is a solution to the conditional extremum problem ∆(h( f 0 , g 0 ); f , g ) → max, ( f , g ) ∈ D, where the functional ∆(h( f 0 , g 0 ); f , g ) is defined as 1 π Τ iλ 0  A (e ) g (λ) + (C 0 (eiλ ))Τ  ( f 0 (λ) + g 0 (λ))−1 f (λ) × ∆(h( f 0 , g 0 ); f , g ) = ∫ −π 2π 1 π ( f 0 (λ) + g 0 (λ))−1  g 0 (λ) A(eiλ ) + C 0 (eiλ )  d λ + ∫  AΤ (eiλ ) f 0 (λ) − (C 0 (eiλ ))Τ  ×   2π −π ( f 0 (λ) + g 0 (λ)) −1 g (λ)( f 0 (λ) + g 0 (λ ))−1  f 0 (λ) A(eiλ ) − C 0 (eiλ )  d λ  


for the extrapolation problem;

1 π  AN Τ (eiλ ) g 0 (λ) + (CN 0 (eiλ ))Τ  ( f 0 (λ) + g 0 (λ))−1 f (λ) × ∫ −π 2π 1 π  AN Τ (eiλ ) f 0 (λ) − (CN 0 (eiλ ))Τ  × ( f 0 (λ) + g 0 (λ))−1  g 0 (λ) AN (eiλ ) + CN 0 (eiλ )  d λ + ∫ −π   2π 0 0 −1 0 0 −1  0 ( f (λ) + g (λ)) g (λ )( f (λ) + g (λ )) f (λ) AN (eiλ ) − C N 0 (eiλ )  d λ   ∆(h( f 0 , g 0 ); f , g ) =

for the interpolation problem;

1 π  A− Τ (eiλ ) g 0 (λ) + ( D0 (eiλ ))Τ  ( f 0 (λ) + g 0 (λ))−1 f (λ) × ∫ −π 2π 1 π  A− Τ (eiλ ) f 0 (λ) − ( D 0 (eiλ ))Τ  × ( f 0 (λ) + g 0 (λ))−1  g 0 (λ) A− (eiλ ) + D 0 (eiλ )  d λ +   2π ∫−π  ( f 0 (λ) + g 0 (λ)) −1 g (λ)( f 0 (λ ) + g 0 (λ)) −1  f 0 (λ ) A− (eiλ ) − D 0 (eiλ )  d λ   ∆(h( f 0 , g 0 ); f , g ) =

for the filtering problem. 17

Iryna Dubovets’ka and Mikhail Moklyachuk / Contemporary Mathematics and Statistics (2014) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 1-24

In the case of interpolation (extrapolation) problem for the corresponding functional from observations of the process ζ (t ) without noise the conditional extremum problem (35) can be rewritten as ∆(h( f 0 ); f ) → max, f ∈ D f , (36) where the functional ∆(h( f 0 ); f ) is defined as

∆(h( f 0 ); f ) =

1 π 0 iλ Τ 0 (C (e )) ( f (λ))−1 f (λ)( f 0 (λ))−1 C 0 (eiλ ) d λ ∫ −π 2π

for the extrapolation problem,

∆(h( f 0 ); f ) =

1 π (CN 0 (eiλ ))Τ ( f 0 (λ))−1 f (λ)( f 0 (λ))−1 CN 0 (eiλ ) d λ ∫ −π 2π

for the interpolation problem.

5. Minimax-robust spectral characteristics for given classes D 5.1 Interpolation problem in the class DM− Consider the minimax estimation problem for the functional

ANi ζ = ∫

( N +1)T


a(t )ζ (t )dt

based on observations of the process ζ (t ) at points of time t ∈ ℝ \ [0, ( N + 1)T ] under the condition that the spectral density f (λ ) of the generated vector stationary sequence {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} belongs to the class

 1 π −1  DM− =  f (λ ) f (λ ) cos(mλ ) d λ = P (m), m = 0,1,..., M  , ∫ 2π −π   ∞ where the sequence P (m) = { pkn (m)}k , n =1 , m = 0,1,..., M , is such that P ( m) = P * ( − m) and the matrix function

M m =− M

P ( m)eimλ is a nonnegative matrix with nonzero determinant. With the help

of Lagrange multipliers method we can find that solution f 0 (λ ) of the conditional extremum problem (36) satisfies the relation * * M  M  [( f 0 (λ)) −1 ]Τ C N0 (eiλ ) C N0 (eiλ ) [( f 0 (λ)) −1 ]Τ = [( f 0 (λ )) −1 ]Τ ∑ m =0 α m eimλ ∑ m =0 α m eimλ [( f 0 (λ )) −1 ]Τ ,






 where α m , m = 0,1,..., M , are Lagrange multipliers. The last equality holds if

N j =0

 M  c j eijλ = ∑ m =0 α m eimλ .

Consider the following cases: M ≥ N and M < N . Let M ≥ N . In this case the Fourier coefficients of the matrix function ( f 0 (λ )) −1 determine the matrix BN0 . Thus, the extremum problem (36) is degenerate, and Lagrange multipliers

   α N +1 = ... = α M = 0 .


Iryna Dubovets’ka and Mikhail Moklyachuk / Contemporary Mathematics and Statistics (2014) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 1-24

take α N +1 = ... = α M = 0 ,


find α 0 ,..., α N


equation BN0 α 0N = aN , where


  α0N = (α0 ,..., α N )Τ and come to conclusion that the least favorable density f 0 (λ ) satisfies the relation

f (λ ) = 0


M u =− M

P ( m )e




 = 


M j =0

Aj e

− ijλ

)( ∑

M j =0

Aj e

− ijλ




  . 


So f 0 (λ ) is spectral density of the vector autoregressive stochastic sequence of order M

  A ζ = εl . j =0 j l − j



Let M < N . In this case the matrix BN is determined by the Fourier coefficients of the matrix function ( f (λ )) −1 . Matrices P(m), m = 0,..., M , are known and matrices P(m), m = M + 1,..., N , are






 α m , m = 0,..., M , and


P(m), m = M + 1,..., N , can be found from the equation     BN α 0M = aN , α 0M = (α 0 ,..., α M , 0,..., 0)Τ . If the sequence of matrices P (m), m = 0,1,..., N , form a positive definite matrix function

N m =− N

P (m )eimλ with nonzero determinant, the spectral density f 0 (λ ) =


∑ u =− N P (m)eimλ N



 = 


∑ j =0 Aj e −ijλ N


∑ j =0 Aj e−ijλ N



  



is least favorable and determines the vector autoregressive stochastic sequence of order N

  A ζ j l− j = εl . j =0



Thus our results can be summarized in the following statement. For more details see the article by Dubovetska and Moklyachuk (2012c). Theorem 5.1.1 Spectral density (37) of the vector autoregressive stochastic sequence (38) of order M is least favorable in the class DM− for the optimal linear estimation of the functional ANi ζ if

M ≥ N . In the case where M < N and solutions P(m), m = M + 1,..., N , of the equation BN α 0M = aN with coefficients P(m), m = 0,1,..., M , form a positive definite matrix function

N m =− N

P (m )eimλ with nonzero determinant, spectral density (39) of the vector autoregressive

stochastic sequence (40) of order N is least favorable in DM− . The minimax-robust spectral characteristic h( f 0 ) is given by (14). 5.2 Minimax extrapolation in the class D01 Consider the minimax approach to the problem of estimation of the functional ∞

Aeζ = ∫ a(t )ζ (t ) dt 0


Iryna Dubovets’ka and Mikhail Moklyachuk / Contemporary Mathematics and Statistics (2014) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 1-24

based on observations of the process ζ (t ) at points of time t < 0 under the condition that the spectral density f (λ ) of the generated vector stationary sequence {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} admits the canonical factorization (24) and belongs to the class

 1 D01 =  f (λ ) 2π 


∫ π f (λ ) d λ = P  , −

where P = { pkn }k∞, n =1 is a given nonnegative Hermitian matrix. According to remark 4.1, the least favorable spectral density in the class D01 gives solution to the problem π

∆(h( f 0 ); f ) = ∫ ( S 0 (eiλ ))ΤQ0 (λ) f (λ)Q0 (λ) S 0 (eiλ ) d λ → max, −π

f ∈ D01 .


With the help of Lagrange multipliers method we can find that solution f 0 (λ ) of the conditional extremum problem (41) satisfies the relation

 [ S 0 (eiλ )]Τ S 0 (eiλ ) = [ P0 (λ)]Τ α α* P 0 (λ ),


 ∞  ∞ where α is the Lagrange multiplier, S 0 (eiλ ) = ∑ l = 0 ( Ad 0 )l eilλ , ( Ad 0 )l = ∑ j =l a Τj d 0 ( j − l ), ∞

l ≥ 0, P 0 (λ ) = ∑ u = 0 d 0 (u )e− iuλ .

Relation (42) holds true if the sequence of matrices

d 0 = {d 0 (u ), u = 0,1,...} satisfies the system of equations  ∞ ∞   ∑ p=o ∑ s=0 ar + p asΤ+ p d (s) = ααΤ d (r ), r = 0,1,....


Restrictions of the class D01 lead to the following condition on the sequence d 0 (u ), u = 0,1,...

∞ u =o

d (u )d * (u ) = P.


Then the following theorem holds true. Theorem 5.2.1 Spectral density

f 0 (λ ) =


d 0 (u )e − iuλ u =0

)( ∑

d 0 (u )e − iuλ u =0



of one-sided moving average sequence of the form (22) is least favorable in the class D01 for the optimal linear estimation of the functional Aeζ . The sequence of matrices d 0 = {d 0 (u ), u = 0,1,...} satisfies relations (43) and condition (44). The minimax-robust spectral characteristic h( f 0 ) is calculated by formula (25). 5.3 Filtering problem in the class D02 × Dε Consider the minimax estimation problem for the functional ∞

A f ζ = ∫ a (t )ζ (−t ) dt 0

based on observations of the process ζ (t ) + θ (t ) at points of time t ≤ 0 , under the condition that spectral densities f (λ ) , g (λ ) of the generated vector stationary sequences {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} ,

{θ j , j ∈ ℤ} belong to classes 20

Iryna Dubovets’ka and Mikhail Moklyachuk / Contemporary Mathematics and Statistics (2014) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 1-24

1  D02 =  f (λ ) | 2π 

 f (λ ) d λ = Pς  ,  π 1   Dε =  g (λ ) | Tr g (λ ) = ε ⋅ g1 (λ ) + (1 − ε ) ⋅ g 2 (λ ), Tr g (λ ) d λ = Pθ  , ∫ π − 2π   where g1 (λ ) ≥ 0 is an unknown function, and g 2 (λ ) is a given function. π

∫ π Tr −

With the help Lagrange multipliers method we find that solution ( f 0 , g 0 ) of the conditional extremum problem (35) satisfies relations

( g ( λ ) A (e 0

(f where



) + D 0 (eiλ ) ( A−Τ (eiλ ) g 0 (λ ) + ( D 0 (eiλ ))Τ ) = α 2 ( f 0 (λ ) + g 0 (λ ) ) ,




(λ ) A− (eiλ ) − D 0 (eiλ ) ( A−Τ (eiλ ) f 0 (λ ) − ( D 0 (eiλ ))Τ ) = ( β 2 + ϕ (λ )) ( f 0 (λ ) + g 0 (λ ) ) , (46)

α 2, β 2







ϕ (λ ) ≤ 0 and ϕ (λ ) = 0


Tr g 0 (λ ) ≥ (1 − ε ) ⋅ g 2 (λ ) . 0 2 Theorem 5.3.1 Let spectral densities f (λ ) ∈ D0 , g 0 (λ ) ∈ Dε satisfy the minimality condition (6).

Then spectral densities f 0 (λ ), g 0 (λ ) are least favorable in the class D02 × Dε for the optimal linear estimation of the functional A f ζ , if they are determined by relations (45), (46), give solution to conditional extremum problem (34) and satisfy restrictions which determine the class D02 × Dε . The minimax-robust spectral characteristic h( f 0 , g 0 ) of the estimate Aˆ f ζ is calculated by the formula (32). The value of the mean square error ∆( f 0 , g 0 ) is calculated by formula (33).

6. Conclusions In this article we describe methods of solution of the problem of optimal linear estimation of functionals which depend on unknown values of periodically correlated (PC) processes. We present a transition procedure from PC processes {ζ (t ), t ∈ ℝ} and {θ (t ), t ∈ ℝ} to the corresponding generated vector stationary sequences {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} and {θ j , j ∈ ℤ} . Decomposition of stationary sequences {ζ j , j ∈ ℤ} and {θ j , j ∈ ℤ} with the help of a special basis in Hilbert space allows us to reduce the estimation problem for PC processes to the corresponding problem for stationary vector-valued sequences. The Hilbert space projection method is exploited to finding optimal linear estimates of functionals ANi ζ , Aeζ , ANe ζ , A f ζ based on observations of the PC process ζ (t ) + θ (t ) with the PC noise

process θ (t ) . Formulas for calculating mean square errors and spectral characteristics of the optimal linear estimates of the corresponding functionals are proposed in the case of spectral certainty. Formulas that determine the greatest value of mean square errors and the minimax estimates of functionals Aeζ , ANe ζ are presented. It is shown that the least favorable sequence for 21

Iryna Dubovets’ka and Mikhail Moklyachuk / Contemporary Mathematics and Statistics (2014) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 1-24

the optimal estimation of Aeζ and ANe ζ is one-sided moving average stationary sequence generated by PC process from the class Y . The minimax approach to the problem of estimation of linear functionals ANi ζ , Aeζ , ANe ζ , A f ζ is analyzed in the case of spectral uncertainty for concrete classes D of spectral density matrices. Least favorable spectral densities and minimaxrobust spectral characteristics of the optimal estimates of functionals are determined.

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