A Parameter-Tuned Genetic Algorithm to Solve

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environments to assist firms in determining the optimal production lot-size that ... well known economic order quantity (EOQ) model that was introduced by ... suggested that if the PM rate is estimated based on the actual data, analysts .... Since the shortage and delay are not permitted, the total inventory costs of all products.
A Parameter-Tuned Genetic Algorithm to Solve Multi-Product Economic Production Quantity Model with Defective Items, Rework, and Constrained Space Seyed Hamid Reza Pasandideh, Ph.D., Assistant Professor Railway Faculty, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran Phone: +98 (21) 77491029, Fax: +98 (21) 77451568, e-mail: [email protected] Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki, Professor Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran Phone: +98 21 66165740, Fax: +98 21 66022702, e-mail: [email protected] Seyedeh Sameieh Mirhosseyni, M.Sc. Department of Industrial Management, KAR University, Qazvin Branch Phone: +98 (282) 2232182, Fax: +98 (282) 2225883, e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract The economic production quantity (EPQ) model is often used in manufacturing environments to assist firms in determining the optimal production lot-size that minimizes the overall production-inventory costs. While there are some unrealistic assumptions in the EPQ model that limit its real-world applications, in this research some of these assumptions such as 1) infinite availability of warehouse space, 2) all of the produced items being perfect and 3) the existence of one product type are relaxed. In other words, we develop a multi-product EPQ model in which there are some imperfect items of different product types being produced such that reworks are allowed and that there is a warehouse space-limitation. Under these conditions, we formulate the problem as a non-linear integer-programming model and propose a genetic algorithm to solve it. At the end, a numerical example is presented to identify the optimal values of the genetic algorithm parameters and to illustrate the applications of the proposed methodology to more realistic real-world problems. Keywords: EPQ, multi-product; imperfect and scrap items; constrained space; genetic algorithm

1. Introduction and literature review The economic production quantity (EPQ) model can be considered as an extension to the well known economic order quantity (EOQ) model that was introduced by Harris (1913). It is a technique to find the optimum production quantity by considering costs of procurement, inventory holding, and shortages. In real-life manufacturing systems, there is usually more than one type of products, the demand for each product is a random variable, and that the generation of defective items and random breakdowns of production equipment are inevitable. As a result, the first few assumptions of the EPQ model (single product, deterministic demand, producing only perfect items, etc.) may not be realized in many real-life problems. Many researchers have developed different EOQ and EPQ models assuming the existence of scrap items. For instance, Hayek and Salameh (2001) assumed that all of the produced defective items are repairable and derived an optimal operating policy of the EPQ model. By considering rework time in their model, the basic assumptions of their work were not only to allow backorders but also to permit all of the defective items to be reworkable to become perfect. In the research by Rosenblatt and Lee (1986), which has been proposed an EPQ model for a production system that contains defective products, the main assumption was that the production system produces 100% non-defective items from the starting point of the production time until a time point that was considered a random variable. At this time, the system becomes out of control and starts to produce defective items until the end of the production period. Furthermore, they assumed that the distribution of the time lag until the system becomes out of control is exponential. Kim and Hong (1999) extended the Rosenblatt and Lee’s model (1986) with the assumption of an arbitrary distribution of the time lag. Salameh and Jaber (2000)


developed an EPQ model in which the shortages were not allowed and a uniformly distributed fraction of the ordered lot contained imperfect quality items. Chiu et al. (2007) presented a procedure to determine the optimal run time for an EPQ model with scrap, rework and stochastic machine breakdowns. Hou (2007) presented an EPQ model with imperfect production processes, in which the set up cost and process quality are functions of capital expenditure. This model illustrates the relationship among production run length, set up reduction, and process quality improvement in an imperfect production system. He showed that investment in set up reduction would lead to the reduction in optimal production run length and would reduce lot size, whereas investment in process quality improvement would result in an increase in optimal production run length and lot size. At the end, he pointed out that it was very important to investigate the optimal allocation of investment between both options. Lin (1999) introduced an integrated EPQ model subject to an imperfect production process and constraint on the raw materials. His basic model assumes that at the beginning of each production run, the production facility is in an in-control state. Then, after a period of time, the facility shifts to an out-of-control state. The elapsed time to the shift is a random variable having an exponential distribution with a given mean. Moreover, there is a constraint on the availability of the storage space for raw materials. Then he extended the model to incorporate two cases that have a dynamic deterioration in the production process. In addition, he studied the model for the situation where elapsed time to the shift and the percentage of defective items are function of the production setup cost. In several instances of practice, producing new or recovering defective products take place on a common facility. Consequently, it is necessary to coordinate the production and


rework activities with respect to the timing of operations and with regard to appropriate lot sizes for both processes. Buscher and Lindner (2007) presented a lot size model, which addresses all of these aspects. In addition, they cited that it was very important to assign completed units at one stage to partial lots - called batches - for shipment to the next operation. Liao et al. (2009) studied the maintenance and production programs of an EPQ model for an imperfect process involving a deteriorating production system with increasing hazard rate. The imperfect repair restores the system to an operating state, but leaves it failed until perfect preventive maintenance (PM) is performed. They introduced two types of PM, namely imperfect and perfect PM. The probability that the perfect PM is performed depends on the number of imperfect maintenance operations performed since the last renewal cycle. In addition, they suggested that if the PM rate is estimated based on the actual data, analysts can use the learning curves to project the PM costs in the integrated EPQ model. One of the most important aspects in extensions of the EOQ and EPQ models is to fuzzify their parameters. For instance, Lee and Yao (1998) in their research fuzzified both the demand and the production quantity to solve the problem of the economic production quantity per cycle. Many researchers assumed that there is a large enough storage space to hold products. However, in reality, there is usually a limitation on available warehouse space for raw materials or finished goods. In addition, the cost of warehouse holding sometimes outweighs the benefits of having no limitation on space enormously and the manufacturers prefer to have limited space. Hence, the storage space limitation will surely affects the quantity of the lot-sizes and needs to be considered in the model. In this paper, a multi-product EPQ model is considered in which there is limited warehouse space. In addition, the rate of imperfect and scrap items is known and


reworking makes the imperfect products perfect. To solve this problem, we first define the problem and the model in section 2 and 3, respectively. To solve the model, we present a genetic algorithm in section 4. To demonstrate the application of the proposed methodology, in section 5, we present a numerical example in which the parameters of the proposed GA are fine-tuned. Finally, the conclusion and some recommendations for future research come in section 6.

2. Problem definition The proposed model of this research is an applied one that is developed based on the real constraints and environments of production companies. Consider a manufacturing company that receives raw materials from a supplier to produce n products. All of the produced items are inspected to be classified as perfect, imperfect (defective but repairable) and scrap (defective and not repairable) products. Suppose the required time of the inspection is included within the production time such that it can separately be assumed zero. This assumption is not far from reality, because in many instances the inspection task and producing an item occur simultaneously. All of the imperfect products are reworked to be perfect and the scrap products are sold at reduced price. The work in process inventory (WIP) consists of three types of materials around the manufacturing machines: 1) raw material, 2) perfect products and 3) imperfect products. Furthermore, the warehouse space of the company for all perfect products is limited, shortage and delay are not allowed, and that all parameters, such as the demand rate, the rate of imperfect and scrap items production, the set up cost, etc. are all known and deterministic. The objective is to determine the optimal production quantities of the products that minimize the total costs while satisfying the constraint.


Three main specifications of the proposed model of this research that have led to its novelty are 1) the allowance of several products, 2) rework and imperfect product are allowed, and 3) the warehouse space to store raw materials and finished goods is limited. By allowing these conditions simultaneously, the created model is different from the other models in the EPQ literature.

3. Problem modeling In order to model the problem at hand, the classical EPQ model will be extended to contain the perfect, the imperfect and the scrap items along with the warehouse capacity. To do this, we first define the parameters in section 3.1. Then, the pictorial representation of the inventory problem will be given by an inventory graph in section 3.2. In section 3.3, different costs of the system will be derived. Finally, the model of the problem will be presented in section 3.4.

3.1. Parameters and notations For products i  1, 2,..., n , we define the parameters of the model as follow: n

Number of products


Order quantity of the ith product


Production rate of the ith product


Demand rate of the ith product


Set up cost per cycle of the ith product


Holding cost rate of the ith product 5



Raw material cost per unit of the ith product


Set up time of the ith product


Machining time per unit of the ith product


Production cost rate per unit time of the ith product


Average production cost per unit of the ith product


Average value added per unit of the ith product


Average investment per unit of WIP of the ith product


Average amount of warehouse inventory of the ith product


Imperfect production percentage of the ith product

p 2i

Scrap production percentage of the ith product

s 1i

Perfect production cost of the ith product

s 2i

Scrap production cost of the ith product


Cycle time of the ith product


Total time per cycle to produce the ith product


Average production time per unit of the ith product


Required space per perfect unit of the ith product


Total available warehouse space for all products


Total procurement cost of the ith product


Total set up cost of the ith product

TC I i

Total inspection cost of the ith product


TCW IPi Total holding cost for WIP of the ith product TC H i

Total holding cost for perfect products of the ith product


Total annual cost of all products

3.2. The inventory graph In order to calculate all inventory costs, it is necessary to survey the work in process and warehouse inventory. For the problem at hand, the graph of raw material quantity versus time is demonstrated in Fig1.a. In addition, the graphs of the perfect and scrap WIP inventory versus time are illustrated in Figures 1.b and 1.c, respectively. In this problem, the rate of demand is constant and hence the graph of the final product quantity in the warehouse is similar to the EOQ model and is given in Fig 1.d. We note that in Fig 1.d, the amount of produced perfect products in the warehouse in each cycle is reduced based on the deterministic rate of demand.

Insert Figure (1) about here

3.3. Costs calculations Since the shortage and delay are not permitted, the total inventory costs of all products per year (TC ), is the sum of total procurement cost (TC P ), total set up cost (TC O ), total inspection cost (TC I ), total holding cost for WIP inventory (TCW IP ) and the total holding cost for warehouse inventory (TC H ) for all products. In other words, we have: n

TC   TC Pi  TC O i  TC I i  TCW IPi  TC H i i 1



In any cycle, since the set up time, the production time and the reworking time are equal

to S i , m i Q i and m i p1i Q i , respectively, the total time to produce product i, (TPi ), is given in equation (2).

TPi  S i  m i Q i  m i p1i Q i  S i  m i Q i 1  p1i


Hence, the average production time for each unit of product i is: ti 

TPi S i   m i 1  p1i Qi Qi


Based on R i which is the rate of production cost per unit time, v i and c i are obtained as:

S  v i  R i t i  R i  i  m i 1  p1i  Q i 


S  c i  M i  v i  M i  R i  i  m i 1  p1i  Q i 


Since delays are not allowed, the supply and the demand quantities are equal and we have:

1  p Q 2i


 D iT i

 Ti 

1  p Q 2i




As s1i and s 2i represent the price of the perfect and the scrap items, respectively, the average revenue in unit time is obtained as: TR i 

1  p Q s 2i

i 1i


 p 2i Q i s 2i

 D i s1i 

p 2i 1  p 2i

D i s 2i

; i  1, 2,..., n


Note that for the problem at hand the revenue in unit time does not depend on the lot size. Now, based on equations (2) to (6), the inventory costs of equation (1) are calculated as follows.


Since the annual rate of demand for each product is known, the total procurement cost for product i per unit time is obtained as: TC Pi 

m i Qi m i Di = Ti 1  p 2i

; i  1, 2,..., n


For each product, the setup process accrues only once and hence the set up cost per unit time of the ith product can be obtained as: TC Oi 

Ai Ai D i = T i Qi 1  p2 i

; i  1, 2,..., n


Assuming 100% inspection and that all of the imperfect products transform to perfect ones after reworks, the inspection of each product occurs once and its associated cost per unit time is obtained as TC I i 

I i Qi I D  i i Ti 1  p 2i

; i  1, 2,..., n


In order to calculate the holding cost of WIP inventory of the ith product, since

w i denotes the average investment per unit of WIP inventory (including raw materials, perfect and imperfect items) and hi represents the holding cost rate of the ith product, then TCW IPi  hi w i


The average raw material inventory of each product is the total amount of raw materials (the surface under its corresponding inventory graph) divided by the cycle time. Accordingly, the average investment value of the raw material is obtained by the product of the average raw material inventory and the price per unit of the raw material. The average investment value of the perfect and imperfect products can be calculated similarly. Hence, the average investment value per unit of the WIP inventory of product i is given in equation (12).


1 1 1 Q iTPi Q i 1  p 2i TPi Q i p 2i TPi 1 Q iTPi 2 2 2 wi  Mi  ci  ci   M i  ci   Ti Ti Ti 2 Ti Di

S i  m i 1  p1 i 2 1  p 2i 

  RS Q i   2M i  i i  R i m i 1  p1i   Qi  


Hence, based on equations (11) and (12), the average holding cost of the WIP inventory of product i becomes


hi D i

2 1  p 2i

  S i  m i 1  p1 Q i   2M i  R i S i  R i m i 1  p1  ; i  1, 2,...n i i   Qi  


In order to calculate the holding cost of the warehouse inventory, we first need to estimate the average warehouse inventory. Regarding Figure 4, we have

1 Q i 1  p 2i T i 1 Ii  2  Q i 1  p 2i Ti 2


Hence, using equation (5) and (14) the holding cost of the warehouse inventory for product i becomes

 TC H i  hi c i I i  hi M i  R i 

Si   1   m i 1  p1i   Q i 1  p 2i Q i   2


Finally, the total annual inventory cost of all products described in equation (1) is given in equation (16). n

TC   TC Pi TC Oi TC I i TCW IPi TC H i  i 1


mD  Ai D i I D  i i    i i  1  p 2i  1  p 2i Q i 1  p 2i    n    R S  hi D i  i i    S i  m i 1  p1i Q i   2M i  Q  R i m i 1  p1i    i 1 2 1  p 2 i    i     h M  R  S i  m 1  p   1 Q 1  p  i  i i 1i   2i  i  i  2 Q  i     


3.4. Problem formulation

As described earlier, the goal is to determine the economic production quantities of the products such that the total annual inventory cost obtained in equation (16) is minimized within the warehouse space limitation. Since the space limitation can be modeled as

 1  p Q f n

i 1






The mathematical programming model of the problem at hand becomes mD  Ai D i I D  i i    i i  1  p 2i  1  p 2i Q i 1  p 2i    n   R S  hi D i   Min TC    S i  m i 1  p1i Q i   2M i  i i  R i m i 1  p1i      Qi i 1 2 1  p 2    i     h M  R  S i  m 1  p   1 Q 1  p  i  i i 1i   2i  i i  Q i   2   


 1  p Q f n

i 1






Q i  0 and integer ; i  1, 2,...n In the next section, an efficient algorithm is proposed to solve this model.


4. A solution algorithm

In most EOQ or EPQ models that have been developed so far, researchers have tried to consider some constraints such as defective items, shortages, backorders, and so on such that the objective function of the model becomes concave and the model can easily be solved by some mathematical approaches like the Lagrangian or the derivative methods. However, since the objective function of the nonlinear integer programming model in (18) is a complex and sophisticated one, reaching an analytical solution (if any) is difficult and time-consuming (Gen & Cheng 1997). As a result, in this section a meta-heuristic stochastic search algorithm is used to solve the model. Many researchers have successfully used meta-heuristic methods to solve complicated optimization problems in different fields of scientific and engineering disciplines. Some of these meta-heuristic algorithms are simulating annealing (Aarts and Korst (1989), Taleizadeh et al. (2008)), threshold accepting (Dueck and Scheuer (1990)), Tabu search (Joo and Bong (1996)), genetic algorithms (Pasandideh & Niaki (2006), Najafi & Niaki (2006), Taleizadeh et al. (2008b, 2009a, 2009b, 2009c), neural networks (Abbasi & Niaki (2007)) Gaidock et al. (2002)), ant colony optimization (Dorigo and Stutzle (2004)), fuzzy simulation (Taleizadeh et al. (2009a), evolutionary algorithm (Laumanns et al. (2002), Taleizadeh et al. (2009b), and harmony search (Lee and Geem (2004), Geem et al. (2001)). Among these meta-heuristic algorithms, the genetic algorithm has shown to be an efficient one to solve the nonlinear integer programming model of the problem at hand (Gen & Cheng 1997). The usual form of Genetic Algorithm (GA) was described by Goldberg (1989). Since then many researchers have applied and expanded this concept in different fields of study. Genetic algorithm was inspired by the concept of survival of the fittest. In genetic algorithms, the


optimal solution is the winner of the genetic game and any potential solution is assumed to be a creature that is determined by different parameters. These parameters are considered as genes of chromosomes that could be assumed to be binary strings. In this algorithm, the better chromosome is the one with higher fitness value. In practical applications of genetic algorithms, populations of chromosomes are created randomly. The size of these populations is different in each problem. Some hints about choosing the proper population size exist in different reports (Man et al. 1997). In the next subsections, we describe the proposed GA to solve the model at hand.

4.1. Chromosomes

In a GA, a chromosome is a string or trail of genes, which is considered as the coded figure of a possible solution (appropriate or none-appropriate). Chromosome representation is a very important part of the GA method description. While in some researches a chromosome is complied in binary code, a decimal (real)-mode code is used in others. The success of the coding format depends on the other routines of GA, especially the crossover and the mutation operations (Gen & Cheng 1997). In this paper, the chromosomes are strings of the quantities of the products (Q j ) and are given in real-mode code, and hence the crossover and the mutation operators of this research is based on the real-mode code of the chromosome that is described later. Figure (2) shows a typical chromosome structure, in which the genes are quantity of the products.

Insert Figure (2) about here


An infeasible chromosome is defined as the one that does not satisfy the constraints of the model given in equation (18).

4.2. Population

A group of chromosomes is called population. One of the characteristics of a GA is that instead of focusing on a single point of the search space (or one chromosome) it works on a population of chromosomes. Each population or generation of chromosomes has the same size which is well-known as the population size and is denoted by N. In this research, the initial population is randomly generated regarding the population sizes that vary between 20 and 60.

4.3. Crossovers

Crossover is the main genetic operator. In a crossover operation, it is necessary to mate pairs of chromosomes at a time to create offspring. Crossover operates on the parents chromosomes with the probability of Pc . If no crossover occurs, the offspring's chromosomes will be the very same as their parents. One simple way to achieve crossover is to randomly create a binary chromosome corresponding to the chromosome at hand. Then the genes of the chromosome at hand that correspond to zeros in the binary chromosome are not changed. However, those that correspond to ones are changed. Figure (3) demonstrates the crossover operation for four products.

Insert Figure (3) about here


In this research, we use single point crossover with different values of the Pc parameter ranging between 0.45 and 0.85. We note that an infeasible chromosome that does not satisfy the constraints of the models (18) does not move to the new population.

4.4. Mutation

Mutation is the second operation in a GA method for exploring new solutions and it operates on each of the chromosomes resulted from the crossover operation. Mutation is a background operator, which produces random change in chromosomes and may result in a chromosome with higher fitness value. In mutation, we replace a gene with a randomly selected number within the boundaries of the parameter (Gen & Chen 1997). We create a random number RN between (0,1) for each gene. If RN is less than a predetermined mutation probability Pm , then the mutation occur in the gene. Otherwise, the mutation operation is not performed in that gene. Usual value of Pm is 0.1 (sometimes 0.2) per chromosome or 0.1 (sometimes 0.05) over the numbers of genes in a chromosome. Based on the later approach, in this research different values between 0.005 and 0.05 are chosen as different values of Pm . We note that an infeasible chromosome that does not satisfy the constraints of the models in (18) does not move to the new population. Figure (4) shows an example of the mutation operator for four products in which Pm is chosen to be 0.05.

Insert Figure (4) about here


4.5. Objective Function Evaluation

After producing the new chromosomes by crossover and mutation operations, we need to evaluate them. Whether a solution (represented by a chromosome) is appropriate or not depends on the objective function evaluation. In a minimization problem, the more appropriate the solution is the less the amount of the objective function (fitness value) will be. The chromosomes that are the fittest will take part in offspring generation with more probability. For the model at hand, the fitness value is the total inventory cost given in equation (18). For constrained optimization problems, the main issue is to control the feasibility of the chromosomes. To do this and to avoid infeasible chromosomes, the penalty policy given in Gen & Chen (1997) is employed. Since we are faced with a minimization problem, a positive value is assigned to the penalty. This penalty is a squared function of violation of right hand side of the space constraint of the model. Thus, high penalties are given to more infeasible chromosomes. For a feasible chromosome, the penalty is set to zero. In this case, the fitness value of a chromosome is evaluated as the weighted sum of its objective function.

4.6. Chromosome selection

After producing the offspring with crossover and mutation operators and then evaluating their fitness value, the next population of size N is made out of the chromosomes with the highest fitness. This selection strategy is called the deterministic mechanism.

4.7. Stopping criteria

The last step in a GA method is to check if the algorithm has found a solution that is good enough to meet the user’s expectations. Stopping criteria is a set of conditions such that when


satisfied a good solution is obtained. Different criteria used in literature are as follows: 1) Stopping of the algorithm after a specific numbers of generations, 2) reaching a maximum number of evaluations, 3) no improvement in the objective function, and 4) reaching a specific value of the objective function. In this research, a combination of the first and the third criterion is used to stop the algorithm. In short, the steps involved in the G.A algorithm used in this research are: 1. Setting the parameters Pc , Pm and N 2. Initializing the population randomly 3. Evaluating the objective function for all chromosomes 4. Selecting individual for mating pool 5. Applying the crossover operation for each pair of chromosomes with probability Pc 6. Applying mutation operation for the genes of the chromosome with probability Pm 7. Replacing the current population by the resulting new population 8. Evaluating the objective function 9. If stopping criteria is met, then stop. Otherwise, go to step 4

The proposed GA is coded using the embedded algorithm in MATLAB. In order to demonstrate the application of the proposed GA and to evaluate its performance, in the next section we bring a numerical example.


5. A numerical example

Consider a four-product inventory control problem with annual rate of production Pi , annual demand rate of D i , annual inventory holding cost per unit of hi , fixed ordering cost per cycle of A i , raw material purchasing cost per unit of M i , production cost per unit per unit time of R i , annual setup time of S i , machining time per unit of m i , imperfect production percentage of p1i , scrap production percentage of p 2i , and average amount of inventory I i . The required warehouse space per perfect unit is f i and F is the total available warehouse space. The corresponding numerical data are given in Table (1). The total available warehouse space is 3000. The goal is to find the integer order quantities of the products ( Q i ; i  1, 2,3, 4 as the decision variables) such that the total inventory cost is minimized while the warehouse space constraint is satisfied.

Insert Table (1) about here

Since the parameters of many meta-heuristic algorithms like GA play important roles in the quality of the solution and that without tuning the parameters the algorithm may not work properly, they need to be adjusted such that a better solution is reached. As a result, in this research, a regression analysis using the SAS software is used to identify the significant parameters of the proposed GA and to find a proper relationship between the response (the quality of the solution defined as the total cost) and the parameters. At the end, the LINGO software will be used to optimize the relationship function and to find the optimal values of the significant GA parameters.


To find the optimal values of the GA parameters, using MATLAB computer software, the algorithm is employed 110 times, each time changing its parameters in their corresponding ranges and obtaining the response value. The crossover and mutation operations rates vary in the range of 0.45-0.85 and 0.005-0.05, respectively. Furthermore, different integer population sizes between 20 and 60 are considered in this experiment. Table (2) shows the results of the experimentation.

Insert Table (2) about here

In the next step, all possible regression procedure (Neter et al. 1999) was used to find the significant GA parameters. Table (3) shows the results of different criteria for different regression functions. These results show that the model with all GA parameters is the best.

Insert Table (3) about here

In order to study the interaction effects between the GA parameters, consider the regression equation including all main and interaction effects in (19).

E (Y )  0  1N   2 Pc  3Pm  12 NPc  13NPm   23Pc Pm  123 NPc Pm


Given the data in Table (2), the Backward Elimination Procedure of the SAS software was then employed to study the regression model in (19). The final analysis of variance table of this procedure is given in Table (4). Furthermore, the regression parameter estimates are given in Table (5). Moreover, the summary of the steps in backward elimination procedure is given in Table (6).


Insert Table (4) about here

Insert Table (5) about here

Insert Table (6) about here

Based on the results of Table (5), the estimated regression function is: Y  175496  2334.53408N  11335422Pm  276243NPm  17017396Pc Pm  396226NPc Pm (20)

The Lingo software solves the estimated regression function (the objective function) that needs to be minimized along with the constraints (the space constraint and integer chromosome) within the GA parameter ranges. The optimum values of the GA parameter are 0.85, 0.05 and 60 for crossover rate, mutation rate and pop-size respectively. Table (7) shows the optimum results.

Insert Table (7) about here

Finally, the proposed GA with the optimal parameters given in Table (7) employed to the problem at hand. The graph of the fitness value in terms of the generation numbers is given in Figure (5). The results of Figure (5) show that the minimum cost is 8584.8 and the algorithm converges after 5 generations. At this cost, the optimal decision variables are given in Figure (6). Note that the meta-heuristic GA provides a near optimal solution and not necessarily the optimal one.


Insert Figure (5) about here

Insert Figure (6) about here

In order to demonstrate the proposed GA is an effective procedure to solve the multiproduct economic production quantity model, example (1) is solved as a nonlinear integer model by Lingo software as well. Figure (7) shows the optimal values of decision variables along with the optimal cost of 8489.4. These values are obtained at the 978th iteration of the software. However, we note that the optimum solution was obtained in the fifth generation of the proposed GA. This means that while the proposed GA is an effective tool to provide a near optimum solution, it is a faster approach.

6. Conclusions and recommendations for future research

One inevitable aspect of manufacturing systems is producing defective products. In this paper, we developed a multi-product EPQ model in which defective items and reworking are considered. In addition, the warehouse space is limited for all products. In this condition, we formulated the problem as a nonlinear integer programming and solved it using a genetic algorithm. At the end, a numerical example was presented to demonstrate not only the application of proposed methodology, but also to evaluate the effectiveness of the GA algorithm in solving the multi-product economic order quantity model of this research. In this example, the optimum values of the GA parameters were obtained using regression analysis along with LINGO software. Some recommendations for future research follow:


a) Some gradient-based algorithms such as sequential quadratic programming or other heuristic search techniques such as ant colony optimization, simulated annealing, etc. may be used to solve the problem at hand and compare the results with the ones of the proposed genetic algorithm. b) Some other limitations such as delay, shortage, budget limitation, etc. can be augmented to the model. c) The model can be extended to involve stochastic or fuzzy natures of some parameters such as the demand rate.

7. Acknowledgement

The authors are thankful for the constructive comments of the anonymous reviewers that improved the presentation of the paper.

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Fig. a

Fig. c

p 2Q time


1  p 2 Q

1  p 2 Q Fig. b

Fig. d







Figure (1): Inventory graphs of raw material (Fig. a), perfect products (Fig. b), scrap items (Fig. c) and the product in the warehouse (Fig. d)










Figure (2): The structure of a chromosome


[32 26 45 18] Binary Chromosome

[26 26 45 24]

[1 0 0 1] [26 35 32 24]

[32 35 32 18]

Figure (3): An example of a crossover operation


[26 35 32 40]

Randomly Generated Chromosome

[28 35 22 21]

[0.25 0.63 0.48 0.015]

Figure (4): A graphical representation of the mutation operator


Figure (5): The graph of the convergence path


Q1  6

Q 2  72

Q 3  85

Q 4  52

Figure (6): The optimal values of the decision variables by the proposed GA


Q1  6

Q 2  70

Q 3  88

Q 4  51

Figure (7): The optimal values of the decision variables by LINGO


Table (1): Numerical data of the example


p1 i

p 2i



























































Table (2): The experimental results Pc Pm Fitness (Y ) N No. 1 60 0.85 0.05 13515 2 60 0.85 0.05 13480 3 60 0.85 0.05 13570 4 60 0.85 0.05 13560 5 60 0.85 0.05 13615 6 60 0.85 0.05 13642 7 60 0.85 0.05 13689 8 60 0.85 0.05 13602 9 60 0.85 0.05 13408 10 60 0.85 0.05 13712 11 60 0.85 0.05 13600 12 60 0.85 0.05 13589 13 60 0.84 0.05 14596 14 60 0.84 0.05 14582 15 60 0.84 0.05 14608 16 60 0.84 0.05 14615 17 60 0.83 0.05 15677 18 60 0.83 0.05 15656 19 55 0.83 0.05 15683 20 55 0.83 0.05 13695 21 55 0.83 0.05 15642 22 55 0.82 0.05 44881 23 55 0.82 0.05 44842 24 55 0.81 0.05 45343 25 55 0.81 0.05 45392 26 55 0.81 0.05 45416 27 50 0.81 0.05 72848 28 50 0.80 0.05 72691 29 50 0.80 0.05 72743 30 50 0.80 0.05 72586 31 50 0.80 0.05 72653 32 50 0.80 0.05 72721 33 50 0.80 0.05 72740 34 50 0.80 0.05 72680 35 50 0.80 0.05 72702 36 50 0.79 0.05 72534 37 50 0.79 0.05 72521 38 50 0.79 0.05 72508 39 50 0.79 0.05 72592 40 50 0.79 0.05 72468 41 50 0.79 0.05 72521 42 50 0.79 0.05 72542 43 45 0.79 0.05 98801

No. 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 35


N 40 40 40 40 40 40 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 25 25 25 25 25 25

Pc 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.72 0.72 0.71 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.69 0.69 0.68 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.63 0.63 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.59 0.58 0.57 0.57 0.55 0.60 0.59 0.58 0.57 0.55 0.54 0.54 0.53 0.52 0.52

Pm 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.006

Fitness (Y ) 103394 103410 103412 103385 100860 100896 117160 115950 115925 115987 116120 114740 114350 113540 111120 126400 109420 108890 108842 108910 108925 108823 108875 107840 107820 106260 106242 105720 105250 104780 104300 103930 103080 105190 104770 104350 103930 114040 113520 113310 112850 112400 112310

44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55

45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 40 40 40

0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.77 0.77 0.76 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75

0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03

98026 98001 98090 98121 97250 85675 85210 84744 84736 103370 103356 103389

99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110


25 25 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

0.51 0.50 0.50 0.49 0.49 0.48 0.48 0.47 0.46 0.45 0.45 0.45

0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005

111920 111530 122090 121630 121800 121410 121387 121030 120640 120250 120195 120189

Table (3): All possible regression results No. of Model No. of Regression Variables Parameters ( p ) Variables 1 2 N 1 2 Pc

R p2




R p2


































N ,Pm









Pc ,Pm









N ,Pc ,Pm








Table (4): The analysis of variance table Source Model Error Corrected Total

DF 5 104 109

SS 1.487032E11 12628413785 1.613316E11

MS 29740646676 121427056


F-Value 244.93

Pr > F F

11963 390.53098

26130530408 4339152528

215.20 35.73