A Statistical Parsing Framework for Sentiment Classification

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Jan 24, 2014 - We formulate the sentiment grammar upon Context-Free ..... (2011) used recursive autoencoders to learn vector ...... variational inference.
arXiv:1401.6330v1 [cs.CL] 24 Jan 2014

A Statistical Parsing Framework for Sentiment Classification Li Dong∗

Furu Wei∗∗ †

Beihang University

Microsoft Research

Shujie Liu∗∗

Ming Zhou∗∗

Microsoft Research

Microsoft Research

Ke Xu∗ Beihang University

We present a statistical parsing framework for sentence-level sentiment classification in this article. Different from previous work employing linguistic parsing results for sentiment analysis, we develop a statistical parser to directly analyze the sentiment structure of a sentence. We show that the complicated phenomena in sentiment analysis (e.g., negation, intensification, and contrast) can be elegantly handled the same as simple and straightforward sentiment expressions in a unified and probabilistic way. We formulate the sentiment grammar upon Context-Free Grammars (CFGs), and provide a formal description of the sentiment parsing framework. We develop the parsing model to obtain the possible sentiment parsing trees for a sentence, from which the computation model is proposed to derive the sentiment strength and polarity, and the ranking model is dedicated to selecting the best sentiment tree. We train the parser directly from examples of sentences annotated only with sentiment polarity labels but without any syntactic annotations or polarity annotations of the constitutes within the sentences. Therefore we can obtain the training data easily. In particular, we train a sentiment parser, s.parser, from a large amount of review sentences with users’ ratings as rough sentiment polarity labels. Extensive experiment results on existing benchmark datasets show significant improvements over baseline sentiment classification approaches.

∗ Contribution during internship at Microsoft Research. School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University, XueYuan Road No.37, HaiDian District, Beijing, P.R. China 100191. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] ∗∗ Natural Language Computing group, Microsoft Research Asia, Building 2, No. 5 Danling Street, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R. China 100080. E-mail: {fuwei, shujliu, mingzhou}@microsoft.com. † Corresponding Author.

1. Introduction Sentiment analysis (Pang and Lee 2008; Liu 2012) has drawn great attentions from both research and industry communities in recent years. Sentiment classification, which identifies the sentiment polarity (positive or negative) from text (sentence or document), has been the most extensively studied task in sentiment analysis. Up until now, there have been two mainstream approaches for sentiment classification. The lexicon-based approach (Turney 2002; Taboada et al. 2011) aims to aggregate the sentiment polarity of a sentence from the polarity of words or phrases found in the sentence, while the learning-based approach (Pang, Lee, and Vaithyanathan 2002) treats sentiment polarity identification as a special text classification task and focuses on building classifiers from a set of sentences (or documents) annotated with their corresponding sentiment polarity. The lexicon-based sentiment classification approach is simple and interpretable, but suffers from scalability and is inevitably limited by sentiment lexicons that are commonly created manually by experts. It has been widely recognized that the sentiment expressions are colloquial and evolve over time very frequently. Taking tweets from Twitter1 and movie reviews in IMDB2 as examples, people use very casual language as well as informal and new vocabulary to comment on general topics and movies. It is not feasible to create and maintain sentiment lexicons to capture the sentiment expressions with a high coverage. On the other hand, the learning-based approach relies on large annotated samples to overcome the vocabulary coverage and deals with the variations of words in sentences. The human ratings in reviews (Maas et al. 2011) and the emoticons in tweets (Davidov, Tsur, and Rappoport 2010; Zhao et al. 2012) are extensively used to collect large number of training corpora to train the sentiment classifier. However, it is usually not easy to design effective features to build the classifier. Among others, unigrams have been reported as the most effective features (Pang, Lee, and Vaithyanathan 2002) in sentiment classification. Handling the complicated expressions delivering people’s opinions is one of the most challenging problems in sentiment analysis. Among others, compositionalities such as negation, intensification, contrast, and their combinations are typical cases. We show some concrete examples as below. (1) The movie is not good. [negation] (2) The movie is very good. [intensification] (3) The movie is not funny at all. [negation + intensification] (4) The movie is just so so, but i still like it. [contrast] (5) The movie is not very good, but i still like it. [negation + intensification + contrast] The negation expressions, intensification modifiers, and the contrastive conjunction can change the polarity ((1), (3), (4), (5)), strength ((2), (3), (5)), or both ((3), (5)) of the sentiment of sentences. We do not need any detailed explanations here as they can be commonly found and easily understood in people’s daily life. Existing works to address these issues usually relies on linguistic parsing results either used as features (Choi and Cardie 2008; Moilanen, Pulman,

1 http://twitter.com 2 http://www.imdb.com


Li Dong, Furu Wei, et al.

A Statistical Parsing Framework for Sentiment Classification

and Zhang 2010) in learning based methods or hand-crafted rules (Moilanen and Pulman 2007; Jia, Yu, and Meng 2009; Liu and Seneff 2009; Klenner, Petrakis, and Fahrni 2009) in lexicon based methods. However, even aside the difficulty and feasibility of deriving the sentiment structure from the linguistic parsing results, it is a even more challenging task to generate stable and reliable parsing results for text in ungrammatical nature and with high ratio of out-ofvocabulary words. The accuracy of the linguistic parsers trained on standard datasets (e.g., the Penn Treebank (Marcus, Marcinkiewicz, and Santorini 1993)) drops dramatically on the usergenerated-content (e.g., reviews, tweets, etc.), which is actually the major focus of sentiment analysis algorithms. The errors, unfortunately, will propagate downstream in the process of sentiment analysis methods building upon parsing results. We therefore propose to directly analyze the sentiment structure of a sentence. The nested structure of the sentiment expressions can be naturally modeled in the similar way as in statistical linguistic parsing which targets at finding the linguistic structure for a sentence. This idea brings many opportunities for developing sentiment classifiers from a new perspective. The most challenging problem and barrier in building a statistical sentiment parser lies in the acquisition of the training data. Ideally, we need examples of sentences annotated with polarity for the whole sentence as well as the sentiment tags for the constituents within a sentence, as the Penn TreeBank for training traditional linguistic parsers. However, this is not practical as the annotations will be inevitably time consuming and need unacceptable human efforts. Therefore, it is better to learn the sentiment parser only employing examples annotated with polarity label of the whole sentence. For example, we can collect a huge number of publicly available reviews and rating scores on the Internet. People may use “the movie is gud” (“gud” is a popular informal expression of “good”) to express a positive opinion towards a movie, and “not a fan” to express a negative opinion. Also, we can find review sentences such as “The movie is gud, but I am still not a fan.” to indicate a negative opinion. We can then use these two fragments and the overall negative opinion of the sentence to deduce sentiment rules automatically from the data. These sentiment fragments (namely dictionary) and rules can be used to analyze the sentiment structure for new sentences. In this article, we propose a statistical parsing framework to directly analyze the structure of a sentence from the perspective of sentiment analysis. Specifically, we formulate a ContextFree Grammar (CFG) based sentiment grammar. Then, we develop a statistical parser to derive the sentiment structure of a sentence. We leverage the CYK algorithm3 to conduct bottom-up parsing and use dynamic programming to improve the efficiency. We further employ beam search to make a trade-off between the search space and computation cost during the parsing process. Meanwhile, we propose the computation model to derive the sentiment strength and polarity of a sentiment parsing tree, and the ranking model to select the best one from the sentiment parsing results. We train the parser directly from examples of sentences annotated with sentiment polarity labels without any syntactic annotations or polarity annotations of the constitutes within the sentences. Therefore we can obtain the training data easily. In particular, we train a sentiment parser, named s.parser, from the large amount of review sentences with users’ ratings as rough sentiment polarity labels. The statistical parsing based approach builds a principled and scalable framework to support sentiment composition and inference which cannot be well handled by existing approaches. We show that the complicated phenomena in sentiment analysis (e.g., negation, intensification, and contrast) can be elegantly handled the same as simple and straightforward sentiment expressions in a unified and probabilistic way. The major contributions of the work presented in this article are as follows,

3 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CYK_algorithm


We propose a statistical parsing framework for sentiment analysis, which is capable of analyzing the sentiment structure of people’s sentiment expressions. This framework can handle compositionality in a probabilistic way naturally. It can be trained from sentences annotated with only sentiment polarity but without any syntactic annotations or polarity annotations of the constitutes within the sentences;

We present the parsing model, computation model and ranking model in the proposed framework, which are formulated and can be improved independently. It provides a principled and flexible approach to sentiment classification;

We implement the statistical sentiment parsing framework, and conduct experiments on the benchmark datasets. The experiment results show the proposed framework and algorithm can significantly outperform the baseline methods.

The remainder of this article is organized as follows. We introduce the related work in Section 2. Then, we present the statistical sentiment parsing framework, including the parsing model, computation model, and ranking model in Section 3. We introduce the learning methods for models in Section 4. The experiments are reported in Section 5. We conclude this article with future work in Section 6. 2. Related Work In this section, we give a brief introduction to related works about sentiment classification (Section 2.1) and parsing (Section 2.2). We tackle the sentiment classification problem in a parsing manner, which is significantly different from previous works. 2.1 Sentiment Classification Sentiment classification has been extensively studied in the past few years. In terms of text granularity, existing works can be divided into phrase-level, sentence-level or document-level sentiment classification. We focus on sentence-level sentiment classification in this article. Despite of what granularity the task is performed on, existing approaches to deriving the sentiment polarity from text fall into two major categories, namely, the lexicon-based approach and learning-based approach. Lexicon-based sentiment analysis employs dictionary matching on a predefined sentiment lexicon to derive the sentiment polarity. Turney (2002) proposed using the average sentiment orientation of the phrases, which contains adjectives or adverbs, in a review to predict its sentiment orientation. Yu and Hatzivassiloglou (2003) calculated a modified log-likelihood ratio for every word by the co-occurrences with positive and negative seed words. To determine the polarity of a sentence, they compare the average log-likelihood value with threshold. Taboada et al. (2011) presented a lexicon-based approach for extracting sentiment from text. They used dictionaries of words with annotated sentiment orientation (polarity and strength) while intensification and negation was incorporated. The sentiment dictionaries for lexicon-based sentiment analysis can be created manually, or automatically using seed words to expand the list of words. Hatzivassiloglou and McKeown (1997) used a log-linear regression model with conjunction constraints to predict whether conjoined adjectives were of same or different polarity. Combining the conjunction constraints across many adjectives, a clustering algorithm separated the adjectives into groups of different polarity, and finally, adjectives were labeled positive or negative. Velikovich et al. (2010) constructed term similarity graph using cosine similarity of context vectors. They performed graph propagation


Li Dong, Furu Wei, et al.

A Statistical Parsing Framework for Sentiment Classification

from seeds on this graph, and obtained polarity words and phrases. Turney and Littman (2003) used the number of hits returned by a search engine, with a query consisting of the word and one of seed words (e.g., “word NEAR good”, “word NEAR bad”). They regarded the difference of two association strengths as a measure of polarity strength. They also proposed to use Latent Semantic Analysis to compute the association strength with seed words. Kamps et al. (2004) investigated a graph-theoretic model of WordNet’s synonymy relation and proposed measures that determined the polarity of adjective for three factors of subjective meaning. Takamura, Inui, and Okumura (2005) regarded polarity of words as spins of electrons, they used the mean field approximation to compute the approximate probability function of the system instead of the intractable actual probability function. Kanayama and Nasukawa (2006) employed the tendency for same polarities to appear successively in contexts. They defined density and precision of coherency to filter neutral phrases and uncertain candidates. Choi and Cardie (2009), Lu et al. (2011) transformed the lexicon learning to a optimization problem, and employed integer linear programming to solve it. Kaji and Kitsuregawa (2007) recognized polarity phrases from the extracted polarity sentences in HTML documents. They defined Chi-square based polarity value and PMI based polarity value as polarity strength to filter neutral phrases. Godbole, Srinivasaiah, and Skiena (2007) expanded a set of seed words using synonym and antonym queries in WordNet. The polarity score of a path decreased exponentially according to its depth from a seed word. The final score of each word was the summation of the scores received over all paths. Williams and Anand (2009) use various lexical relations defined in WordNet to build an adjective graph which is used to measure semantic distance between words of known polarity words and the target word. The polarity strength of an adjective word is defined according to which set of polarity seeds is closer to it. de Marneffe, Manning, and Potts (2010) utilized review data to define polarity strength as expected rating value. Qiu et al. (2011) proposed a semi-supervised bootstrapping based method for opinion word expansion and opinion target extraction. They utilized the syntactic relations that links opinion words and target, which were identified by a dependency parser, to expand the initial opinion words and extract targets in a double prorogation way. Mudinas, Zhang, and Levene (2012) used word count as feature, and trained a classifier using Support Vector Machines with linear kernel. Then they regarded the weights as polarity strengths. Krestel and Siersdorfer (2013) generated topic-dependent lexicons from large corpora of review articles by exploiting user ratings. They extended the point-wise mutual information to incorporate topic and rating probabilities, and defined polarity strength based on it. The contextual polarity of a sentiment lexicon may vary in terms of its context in sentences. Wilson, Wiebe, and Hoffmann (2009) proposed automatically learning the contextual polarity of a sentiment word in its given context, i.e., distinguishing between prior and contextual polarity. They also presented extensive experiment results of the model and features for the task. However, the use of contextual polarity other than the prior polarity of sentiment lexicons in sentencelevel sentiment analysis systems has not been examined. Polanyi and Zaenen (2006) proposed the contextual valence shifters in sentiment analysis, which were used in (Kennedy and Inkpen 2006; Ptaszynski et al. 2010). Agarwal, Biadsy, and Mckeown (2009) presented a classifier to predict the contextual polarity of subjective phrases in a sentence.They used the lexical scoring derived from the Dictionary of Affect in Language (DAL) and extended through WordNet as features. The vast majority of words can be automatically scored without manual labeling. They also combined DAL scores with syntactic constituents and then extract n-grams of constituents from all sentences. Their results showed significant improvement over baseline approaches. Learning-based sentiment analysis employs machine learning based methods to classify sentences (or documents) into two (negative and positive) or three (negative, positive and neutral) classes. Previous research has shown that sentiment classification is more difficult than traditional topic-based text classification, although the fact that the number of classes


in sentiment classification is fewer than that in topic-based text classification (Pang and Lee 2008). Pang, Lee, and Vaithyanathan (2002) investigated three machine learning methods to produce automated classifiers to generate the class labels for movie reviews. They tested on Naïve Bayes, Maximum Entropy, and Support Vector Machine, and evaluated the contribution of different features including uni-grams, bi-grams, adjectives, and Part-of-Speech tags. Their experiment results suggested that SVM classifier with uni-gram presence features outperforms other competitors. Pang and Lee (2004) separated the subjective portions from the objective by finding minimum cuts in graphs to achieve better sentiment classification performance. Matsumoto, Takamura, and Okumura (2005) used text mining techniques to extract frequent subsequences and dependency subtrees, and used them as features of SVM. Mcdonald et al. (2007) investigated a global structured model for jointly classifying the polarity at different levels of granularity. This model allowed classification decisions from one level in the text to influence decisions at another. Agarwal et al. (2011) introduced POS-specific prior polarity features, and explored the use of tree-kernel. Socher et al. (2011) used recursive autoencoders to learn vector space representations for sentence-level prediction of sentiment label distributions. Wang and Manning (2012) used Support Vector Machine (SVM) built over Naïve Bayes log-count ratios as feature values to classify polarity. They showed that SVM was better at full-length reviews, and Multinomial Naïve Bayes was better at short-length reviews. Tu et al. (2012) employed sequences of part-of-speech (POS) tags and words, constituency tree kernels, and dependency tree kernels in SVM. They showed that bag-of-words and dependency tree kernel with words obtain better result than others. Liu, Agam, and Grossman (2012) proposed a set of heuristic rules based on dependency structure to detect negations and sentiment-bearing expressions. There have been several attempts to assume the problem of sentiment analysis is “compositional”. The sentiment classification can be solved by deriving the sentiment for a complex constituent (sentence) from the sentiment for small units (words and phrases) (Moilanen and Pulman 2007; Nakagawa, Inui, and Kurohashi 2010; Klenner, Petrakis, and Fahrni 2009; Choi and Cardie 2010). These methods heavily relied on the dependency tree of a sentence through dependency parsing. Moilanen and Pulman (2007) proposed using delicate written linguistic patterns as heuristic decision rules when computing the sentiment from individual words to phrases and finally to the sentence. The manually-compiled rules were powerful to discriminate between the different sentiments in “effective remedies” (positive) / “effective torture” (negative), and in “too colorful” (negative) and “too sad” (negative). Nakagawa, Inui, and Kurohashi (2010) leveraged the Conditional Random Field (Lafferty, McCallum, and Pereira 2001) to calculate the sentiment of all the parsed elements in the dependency tree and then generated the overall sentiment. It had an advantage over the rule-based approach (Moilanen and Pulman 2007) in that it did not explicitly denote any sentiment designation to the words or phrases in the parsing tree, but instead, it modeled their sentiment polarity as latent variables with a certain probability of being positive or negative. Socher et al. (2012) proposed a recursive neural network model that learned compositional vector representations for phrases and sentences. Their model assigned a vector and a matrix to every node in a parse tree. The vector captured the inherent meaning of the constituent, while the matrix captured how it changes the meaning of neighboring words or phrases. Very recently, Socher et al. (2013) introduced a sentiment treebank based on the results of Stanford parser (Klein and Manning 2003). The sentiment treebank included the polarity labels of phrases which are annotated by using Amazon Mechanical Turk. The authors trained the recursive neural tensor network on the sentiment treebank. For a new sentence, the model predicted the polarity label based on the syntactic parsing tree, and used the tensors to handle compositionality in vector spaces. However, previous methods are either rigid in terms of handcrafting rules, or sensitive to the performance of the existing syntactic parsers they use.


Li Dong, Furu Wei, et al.

A Statistical Parsing Framework for Sentiment Classification

2.2 Statistical Parsing and Semantic Parsing The work presented in this article is close to traditional statistical parsing as we borrow some of the algorithms in statistical parsing to build the sentiment parser. The probabilistic parsers are learned from Treebank corpora, and find the most likely parsing tree whose probability is the largest. There are many possible trees for a sentence, and one crucial goal of statistical parsing is to tackle the problem of disambiguation. Broadly, we categorize the statistical parsing methods to generative models and discriminative models. For each sentence-tree pair (s, t), generative parsers assign a probability P (s, t) to each (s, t) pair. Most modern statistical parser were based on the work of Ney (1991), which employed Probabilities Context-Free Grammars (Booth 1969), and the probabilistic version of CYK algorithm. The well-known Charniak parser (Charniak 1997) and Collins parser (Collins 1997) allowed for lexicalized rules to utilize the lexical information. Johnson (1998), Klein and Manning (2003), Petrov et al. (2006) splited and merged non-terminals to improve the grammar. Generative models are more easy to train and explicit to understand. However, it is difficult to add global features for generative parsing models. Besides the generative models, some work employed discriminative approaches to parse sentences. Unlike the generative models, the discriminative parsers estimate P (t|s) directly. They fall into two categories, reranking and dynamic programming approaches. In reranking methods (Shen, Sarkar, and Joshi 2003; Collins and Koo 2005; Charniak and Johnson 2005; Huang 2008), they generated N-best parsing results as candidates, and then reranked them to choice the best one as the final output. By contrast, in dynamic programming methods (Johnson 2001; Clark 2004; Taskar et al. 2004; McDonald, Crammer, and Pereira 2005), the parsers were represented in a chart, and decoded directly from the chart. These methods employed scoring models, such as log-linear model, to obtain scores for sub-trees and produce candidates. In this work, we build a discriminative sentiment parser. Specifically, we employ a modified version of CYK algorithm which parse sentences in a bottom-up way, and log-linear model to score the candidates. The key difference lies in our task is to calculate the polarity label of a sentence, instead of obtaining the parsing tree. We only have sentence-polarity pairs as our training instances, instead of annotated tree structures. Therefore, we learn the parameters with weakly supervisions. And in the decoding process, our goal is to get correct polarity distribution by latent sentiment trees. Semantic parsing is another line of related work to this article. A semantic parser is used to parse meaning representations for given sentences. Most existing semantic parsing works (Zelle and Mooney 1996; Li, Liu, and Sun 2013; Zettlemoyer and Collins 2009; Kate and Mooney 2006; Ge and Mooney 2006; Zettlemoyer and Collins 2007) relied on the fine-grained annotations of target logical forms, which needed the supervisions of experts and are relatively expensive. To balance performance and the amount of human annotation, some works used only questionanswer pairs or even binary correct/incorrect signals as their input. Clarke et al. (2010) employed a binary correct/incorrect signal of a database query to map sentences to logical forms. It worked with FunQL language and transformed semantic parsing as an integer linear programming (ILP) problem. In each iteration, it solved IPL and updated the parameters of structural SVM. Liang, Jordan, and Klein (2012) learned a semantic parser from question-answer pairs, where the logical form was modeled as latent tree-based semantic representation. Krishnamurthy and Mitchell (2012) presented a method for training a semantic parser using a knowledge base and an unlabeled text corpus, without any individually annotated sentences. Artzi and Zettlemoyer (2013) used various types of weak supervision to learn a grounded Combinatory Categorial Grammar semantic parser, which took context into consideration. All these weakly supervised semantic parsing methods learned to transform a natural language sentence to its semantic representation without annotated logical form.


3. Statistical Sentiment Parsing Generally, we develop a statistical parsing framework for sentence-level sentiment classification in this article. As shown in Figure 1, we define a discriminative probabilistic model to analyze the nested structure of a sentence from the perspective of sentiment analysis. A sentence is transformed into and represented by sentiment trees, in which the nodes correspond to the text spans or their sentiment polarity labels. With a sentiment grammar Gs defined in Section 3.1, we use the parsing model to generate the candidate sentiment parsing trees t ∈ T (s), and the ranking model to score them, and the computation model Φ to obtain the sentiment strength and polarity label for every sentiment tree t.

s (sentence)

Parsing Model t ∼ p(t|s; θ)

(parsing parameters)

(computation parameters)



t (sentiment tree)

Computation Model y = [t]Φ

y (polarity label)

Figure 1 We present the main steps of the statistical sentiment parsing framework. (i) Parsing model (p(t|s; θ)): The input sentence s is mapped to a sentiment tree t by drawing from a log-linear distribution parametrized by vector θ, which are used to rank the sentiment trees to select the best one(s); (ii) Computation model ([t]Φ ): The sentiment tree t is evaluated with respect to the computation model Φ to produce the polarity label y.

Notably, the sentiment trees t are unobserved. We only observe the sentence s and its polarity label y = `s in the training data. We learn the sentiment grammar Gs and computation model Φ from data as described in Section 4.2. Given sentence and polarity label pairs (s, `s ), we search the latent sentiment trees t and estimate the ranking parameters θ as detailed in Section 4.1. To better illustrate the whole process, we describe the sentiment parsing procedure using an example sentence, “The movie is not very good, but i still like it”. The sentiment polarity label of the above sentence is “positive”. There are negation, intensification, and contrast in this example, and it is difficult to capture them by existing sentiment classification methods. This sentence is a complex case that demonstrates the capability of the proposed statistical sentiment parsing framework, which motivates the work in this article. We aim to develop a principled approach to handling both the simple and complex sentiment expressions in a unified way. The statistical sentiment parsing algorithm may generate a number of sentiment trees for the a input sentence. Figure 2 shows the best sentiment parsing tree building upon the sentiment grammar defined in Section 3.1. The sentiment parsing tree clearly shows that the proposed statistical sentiment parsing framework can deal with the compositionality of sentiment in a natural way. In Table 1, we list the sentiment rules which are used during the parsing process. We show the generation process of the sentiment parsing tree from bottom to up and the calculation of the sentiment strength and polarity for every text span in the parsing process. In the following sections, we first provide a formal description of the sentiment grammar in Section 3.1. Then we present the details of the parsing model in Section 3.2, the ranking model in Section 3.3, and the computation model in Section 3.4.


Li Dong, Furu Wei, et al.

A Statistical Parsing Framework for Sentiment Classification




P The





P good

ε ,






Figure 2 Sentiment structure for the sentence “The movie is not very good, but i still like it”. The rules employed in the derivation process include {P → the movie is; P → good; P → i still like it; P → very P ; N → not P ; N → P N ; N → N E; E → ,; P → N but P ; S → P }.

Table 1 Parsing process for the sentence “The movie is not very good, but i still like it”. [i, Y, j] represents the text spanning from i to j is derived to symbol Y . The N and P are non-terminals in sentiment grammar, while N and P represent polarities of sentiment.

Span [0, P, 3]: the movie is [5, P, 6]: good [6, E, 7]: , [8, N, 11]: i still like it [4, P, 6]: very good [3, N, 6]: not very good [0, N, 6]: the movie is not very good [0, N, 7]: the movie is not very good, [0, P, 11]: the movie is not very good, but i still like it [0, S, 11]: the movie is not very good, but i still like it

Rule P → the movie is P → good E →, P → i still like it P → very P N → not P N → PN N → NE P → N but P S→P

Strength 0.52 0.87 0.85 0.93 0.63 0.60 0.60 0.76 0.76

Polarity P P P P N N N P P

3.1 Sentiment Grammar We develop the sentiment grammar upon CFG (Context-Free Grammar) (Chomsky 1956). Formally, let G =< V, Σ, S, R > denotes a CFG, where V is a finite set of non-terminals, Σ is a finite set of terminals (disjoint from V ), S ∈ V is the start symbol, and R is a set of rewrite rules (or production rules) of the form A → c where A ∈ V and c ∈ (V ∪ Σ)∗ . We use Gs =< Vs , Σs , S, Rs > to denote the sentiment grammar in this article. The non-terminal set is denoted as Vs = {N, P, S}, where S is the start symbol, non-terminal N represents the negative polarity, and non-terminal P represents the positive polarity. The rules in Rs are divided into the following six categories:


k Dictionary rules: X → w0k , where w0k ∈ Σ+ s , and w0 = w0 . . . wk−1 , k ≥ 1. These rules can be regarded as the sentiment dictionary used in traditional approaches. They are the basic sentiment units assigned with polarity probabilities. For instance, P → good is a dictionary rule;

Combination rules: X → c, where c ∈ (Vs ∪ Σs )+ , and two successive non-terminals are not allowed. There is at least one terminal in c. These rules combine terminals and non-terminals, such as N → not P , and P → N but P . They are used to handle negation, intensification, and contrast in sentiment analysis. Without loss of generality, we restrict the number of non-terminals in a combination rule to one and two;

Glue rules: X → X1 X2 , where X, X1 , X2 ∈ {N, P }. These rules combine two text spans which are derived into X1 and X2 , respectively;

OOV rules: E → w0k , where w0k ∈ Σ+ . We use these rules to handle Out-Of-Vocabulary (OOV) text spans whose polarity probabilities are not learned from data;

Auxiliary rules: X → EX1 , X → X1 E, where X, X1 ∈ {N, P }. These rules combine a text span with polarity and a OOV text span;

Start rules: S → Y , where Y ∈ {N, P, E}. The derivations begin with S, and the S can be derived to N , P , and E.

Here, X represents the non-terminals N or P . The dictionary rules and combinations rules are automatically extracted from data. We will describe the details in Section 4.2. By employing these rules, we can derive the polarity label of whole sentence from bottom to up. We also define other four sets of rules. The glue rules are used to capture the polarity information of different parts together. In order to tackle the Out-Of-Vocabulary (OOV) problem, we treat a text span that consists of all OOV words as empty text span, and derive them to E. The OOV text spans can be combined with other text spans without considering their sentiment information. Finally, each sentence is derived to symbol S using the start rules which are the beginnings of derivations. We can use the sentiment grammar to compactly describe the derivation process of a sentence. 3.2 Parsing Model We present the formal description of the statistical sentiment parsing model following the deductive proof systems (Shieber, Schabes, and Pereira 1995; Goodman 1999) as in traditional linguistic parsing. For a concrete example, (A → BC)

[i, B, k] [i, A, j] ∗

[k, C, j]

(1) ∗

which represents if we have the rule A → BC and B ⇒ wik and C ⇒ wkj (⇒ is used to represent ∗ reflexive and transitive closure of immediate derivation), then we can obtain A ⇒ wij . By adding a unary rule (A → wij ) [i, A, j]



Li Dong, Furu Wei, et al.

A Statistical Parsing Framework for Sentiment Classification

with binary rule in Equation (1), we can express the standard CYK algorithm for CFG in Chomsky Normal Form (CNF). And the goal is [0, S, n], in which S is the start symbol and n is the length of input sentence. In the above CYK example, deductive rules can be one of the following two forms: •

[i, X, j] is an item represents a subtree rooted in Y spanning from i to j, or

(X → γ) is a rule in grammar. Generally, we represent the form of inference rule as: (r) I1 . . . [i, X, j]



where if all the terms r and Ii are true, then we can infer [i, X, j] as true. Here, r denotes a sentiment rule, and Ii denotes an item. When we refer to both rules and items, we employ the word terms. Theoretically, we can convert the sentiment rules to CNF versions, and then employ CYK algorithm to conduct the parsing. Since the maximum number of nonterminal symbols in a rule is already restricted to two, we formulate the statistical sentiment parsing based on a customized CYK algorithm which is similar to the work of Chiang (2007). Let X, X1 , X2 represent the nonterminals N or P , the inference rules for the statistical sentiment parsing can be summarized in Figure 3.

(X → wij ) [i, X, j] (X → wii1 X1 wjj1 ) [i1 , X1 , j1 ] [i, X, j] (X → wii1 X1 wji21 X2 wjj2 ) [i1 , X1 , j1 ] [i, X, j] (X → X1 X2 ) (E → wij ) [i, E, j]

[i, X1 , k] [i, X, j]

(X → EX1 )

[i, E, k] [i, X, j]

(X → X1 E)

[i, X1 , k] [i, X, j]

[i2 , X2 , j2 ]

[k, X2 , j]

[k, X1 , j] [k, E, j]

where X, X1 , X2 represent N or P. Figure 3 Inference rules for the basic parsing model.


3.3 Ranking Model The parsing model generates many candidate parsing trees T (s) for a sentence s. The goal of the ranking model is to score and rank these parsing trees T (s). We extract a feature vector φ(s, t) ∈ Rd for the specific sentence-tree pair (s, t), where t ∈ T (s) is the parsing tree. Let θ ∈ Rd be parameter vector for the features. We use log-linear model to calculate a score p(t|s; T, θ) for each parsing tree t ∈ T (s). The score measures how much the model favors the input tree (obtains the correct prediction), which is used to rank parsing trees. Given the sentence s and parameters θ, log-linear model defines a conditional probability: p(t|s; T, θ) = exp {φ(s, t)T θ − A(θ; s, T )}




A(θ; s, T ) = log

t∈T (s)

exp {φ(s, t)T θ}

where A(θ; s, T ) is the log-partition function with respect to T (s). The log-linear model is a discriminative model, and it is widely used in natural language processing. Because p(t|s; T, θ) ∝ φ(s, t)T θ, we can use φ(s, t)T θ as the score of the parsing tree without normalization in the decoding process. 3.4 Computation Model The goal of the computation model is to model the calculation of sentiment strength and polarity of a text span from its sub-spans in the parsing process. It is specified in terms of the rules employed in the parsing process. We expend the notations in Equation (3) to incorporate the computation model. Generally, the new form of inference rule is: (r) I1 Φ1 . . . Ik Φk [i, X, j]Φ


in which r, I1 , . ( . . , Ik are terms described in Section 3.2. Every item Ik is assigned with polarity P (N |wijkk ) strength Φk = for text span wijkk . For item [i, Y, j], the computation model P (P|wijkk ) Φ(r, Φ1 , . . . , Φk ) is defined as a function which takes the rule r and polarity strength of subspans as input. The polarity strength obtained by computation model should satisfy the following constraints: •

P (X |wij ) ≥ 0, P (X |wij ) ≥ 0: Values calculated by computation model is non-negative;

P (X |wij ) + P (X |wij ) = 1: The positive and negative polarity values are normalized to 1.

In the following part, we define computation model for different types of rules. If the rule is a dictionary rule X → wij , it is straightforward that the sentiment strength can be directly 12

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A Statistical Parsing Framework for Sentiment Classification

obtained, ( P (X |wij ) = P˜ (X |wij ) Φ= P (X |wij ) = P˜ (X |wij )


where X ∈ {N , P} denotes the sentiment polarity of the left hand side of rule, and {X , X } = {N , P}. Notably, P˜ (X |wij ) and P˜ (X |wij ) are learned from training data. Glue rules X → X1 X2 combine two spans (wik , wkj ). The polarity value is calculated by their product, and normalized to 1.


 P (X |wj ) = i P (X |wj ) i


j P (X |wik )P (X |wk ) j j )+P (X |wik )P (X |wk P (X |wik )P (X |wk ) j 1 − P (X |wi )


For OOV rules, we do not calculate the strength as they are not used in computation model. The auxiliary rules combine a text span (say wik ) with polarity and an OOV text span (say wkj ). The polarity values are determined by the text span with polarity, and the OOV text span is ignored. More specifically, ( P (X |wij ) = P (X |wik ) Φ= P (X |wij ) = P (X |wik )


For combination rules, it is more complicated than other types of rules. In this article, we model the polarity probability calculation as logistic regression. The logistic regression can be regarded as putting linear combination of the sub-spans’ polarity probabilities into a logistic function (or sigmoid function). We will show that negation, intensification, and contrast can be well modeled by the regression based method. It is formally shown as, P (X |wij )

= h θ0 +



where h(x) =

1 1+exp {−x}


! θk P (Xk |wijkk )

1 n  o PK 1 + exp − θ0 + k=1 θk P (Xk |wijkk )


is the logistic function, K is the number of non-terminals in a rule, and

θ0 , . . . , θK are the parameters that are learned from data. As a concrete example, if the span wij ∗ j can match N → not P and P ⇒ wi+1 , the inference rule with computation model is defined as, ( [i, N, j]

N → not P

[i + 1, P, j]

j P (N |wij ) = h(θ0 + θ1 P (P|wi+1 )) j j P (P|wi ) = 1 − P (N |wi )


j where the polarity probability is calculated by P (N |wij ) = h(θ0 + θ1 P (P|wi+1 )). To tackle with the negation, switch negation (Sauri 2008; Choi and Cardie 2008) simply reverses the sentiment polarity and corresponding sentiment strength. However, consider “not great” and “not good”, flipping polarity directly makes “not good” be more positive than “not great”, which is unreasonable. Another potential problem of switch negation is that negative


polarity items interact with intensifiers in undesirable ways (Kennedy and Inkpen 2006). For example, “not very good” turns out to be even more negative than “not good”, given the fact that “very good” is more positive than “good”. Therefore, Taboada et al. (2011) argue that shift negation is a better way to handle the polarity negation. Instead of reversing polarity strength, shift negation method shifts it toward the opposite polarity by a fixed amount. This method can partially avoid the afore-mentioned two problems. However, they set the parameters manually which might not be reliable and extensible enough to a new dataset. Employing the regression model, switch negation is captured by the negative scale item θk (k > 0), and shift negation method is expressed by the shift item θ0 . Intensifiers are adjectives or adverbs which strengthen (amplifier) or decrease (downtoner) the semantic intensity of its neighboring item (Quirk 1985). For example, “extremely good” should obtain higher strength of positive polarity than “good”, because it is modified by the amplifier (“extremely”). Polanyi and Zaenen (2006), Kennedy and Inkpen (2006) handle intensifiers by polarity addition and subtraction. This method, termed as fixed intensification, increases a fixed amount of polarity value for amplifiers, and decreases for the downtoners. Taboada et al. (2011) propose a method, named percentage intensification, to associate each intensification word with a percentage scale, which is larger than one for amplifiers, and less than one for downtoners. The regression model can capture these two methods to handle intensification. The shift item θ0 represents polarity addition and subtraction directly, and the scale item θk (k > 0) can scale the polarity by a percentage.

Table 2 The check mark means the parameter of computation model can capture the corresponding intensification type and negation type. Shift item θ0 can handle shift negation and fixed intensification, and scale item θ1 can model switch negation and percentage intensification.

Parameter θ0 (Shift item) θ1 (Scale item)

Negation Type P (X |wij ) = h(θ0 + θ1 P (X |wij11 )) Shift Switch X X

Intensification Type P (X |wij ) = h(θ0 + θ1 P (X |wij11 )) Percentage Fixed X X

Table 2 illustrates how the regression based computation model represents different negation and intensification methods. For a specific rule, the parameters and compositional method are automatically learned from data (Section 3.4) instead of setting them manually as in previous work (Taboada et al. 2011). In a similar way, this method can handle contrast. For example, (N → P but N ) [i1 , P, j1 ]Φ1 [i2 , N, j2 ]Φ2 ( P (N |wij ) = h(θ0 + θ1 P (P|wij11 ) + θ2 P (N |wij22 )) [i, N, j] P (P|wij ) = 1 − P (N |wij )


where the polarity probability of rule N → P but N is computed by P (N |wij ) = h(θ0 + θ1 P (P|wij11 ) + θ2 P (N |wij22 )). It can express the contrast relation by specific θ2 and θ1 . It should be noted that the linear regression model could turn to be problematic, as it may produce unreasonable results. For example, if we do not add any constraint, we may get j j P (N |wij ) = −0.6 + P (P|wi+1 ). When P (P|wi+1 ) = 0.55, we will get P (N |wij ) = −0.6 + 0.55 = −0.05. It contradicts with the definition that the polarity probability ranges from zero to one. Figure 4 intuitively shows that the logistic function truncates the polarity probability to (0, 1) smoothly. And the inference rules with computation model are formally defined in Figure 5.


A Statistical Parsing Framework for Sentiment Classification


Li Dong, Furu Wei, et al.



truncate smoothly

0.0 x Figure 4 Logistic function h(x) =

1 1+exp{−x}

Linear Function Logistic Function

truncates the polarity probability to (0, 1) smoothly.

(X → wij )

[i, X, j]P (X |wij ) = P˜ (X |wij ) (X → wii1 X1 wjj1 )

[i, X, j]P (X |wij )

[i1 , X1 , j1 ]Φ1

= h(θ0 + θ1 P (X1 |wij11 ))

(X → wii1 X1 wji21 X2 wjj2 ) [i, X, j]P (X |wij ) (X → X1 X2 )

[i, X, j]P (X |wij ) (E → wij ) [i, E, j]◦


[i1 , X1 , j1 ]Φ1 [i2 , X2 , j2 ]Φ2 P = h(θ0 + 2k=1 θk P (Xk |wijkk ))

[i, X1 , k]Φ1

[k, X2 , j]Φ2

j P (X |wik )P (X |wk ) j j k P (X |wi )P (X |wk )+P (X |wik )P (X |wk )

(X → EX1 )

[i, E, k]Φ1

(X → X1 E)

[i, X1 , k]Φ1

where h(x) =

1 is a logistic function, ◦ represents the absence, and X, X1 , X2 1 + exp{−x}

[i, X, j]P (X |wij )

[i, X, j]P (X |wij )

[k, X1 , j]Φ2

= P (X |wkj ) [k, E, j]Φ2

= P (X |wik )

represent N or P. As specified in the computation model, we have P (X |wij ) = 1 − P (X |wij ). Figure 5 Inference rules with computation model.


3.5 Constraints We incorporate additional constraints into the parsing model. They are used as pruning conditions in the derivation process not only to improve efficiency but also to force the derivation towards the correct direction. We expand the inference rules in Section 3.4 as, (r) I1 Φ1 . . . Ik Φk C [i, X, j]Φ


where C is a side condition. The constraints are interpreted in a Boolean manner. If the C is satisfied, the rule can be used, otherwise, it cannot be used. We define two constraints in the parsing model. First, in the parsing process, polarity label of text span wij obtained by computation model (Section 3.4) should be consistent with the non-terminal X (N or P ) in left hand side of the rule. To distinguish between polarity labels and non-terminals, we denote the corresponding polarity label of non-terminal X as X . Following this notation, we describe the first constraint as, C1 = P (X |wij ) > P (X |wij )


( P, X = N where X = is the opposite polarity of X . For instance, if rule P → not N N, X = P

matches the text span wij , the polarity calculated by computation model should be consistent with P , i.e., the polarity obtained by computation model should be positive (P). Second, when we apply the combination rules, the polarity strength of sub-spans needs to exceed a predefined threshold τ . Specifically, for combination rules X → wii1 X1 wji21 X2 wjj2 and X → wii1 X1 wjj1 , we define the second constraint as, C2 = P (Xk |wijkk ) > τ, k = 1, . . . , K


where K is the number of sub-spans in the rule, and Xk is the corresponding polarity label of non-terminal Xk in the right hand side. As shown in Figure 6, we add these two constraints to the inference rules. The OOV rules do not have any constraints, and the constraint C1 is applied for all the other rules. The constraint C2 is only applied for the combination rules. 3.6 Decoding Algorithm In this section, we summarize the decoding algorithm in Algorithm 1. For a sentence s, we use dynamic programming and beam search to efficiently generate the possible sentiment trees. The modified CYK parsing model decodes the input sentence to sentiment trees in a bottom-up way, i.e., from short to long text spans. For every text span wij , we match rules in sentiment grammar described in Section 3.1 to generate candidates. The polarity probabilities of them are calculated by using the computation model (Section 3.4). We also employ the constraints described in Section 3.5 to prune search paths. The constraints improve the efficiency of the parsing algorithm and make it more reasonable. After obtaining the candidates of a text span, we extract features of them and use the ranking model (Section 3.3) to get the top-K (K is the beam size) candidates. We save the top-K results of the text span wij to kbest[i, j], and they are used to calculate the long text spans. We assign the polarity of the whole sentence w0n the same as


Li Dong, Furu Wei, et al.

A Statistical Parsing Framework for Sentiment Classification

(X → wij )

[i, X, j]P (X |wij ) = P˜ (X |wij ) (X → wii1 X1 wjj1 )

[i, X, j]P (X |wij )


[i1 , X1 , j1 ]Φ1

= h(θ0 + θ1 P (X1 |wij11 ))

C1 ∧ C2

(X → wii1 X1 wji21 X2 wjj2 ) [i, X, j]P (X |wij ) (X → X1 X2 )

[i, X, j]P (X |wij ) = (E → wij ) ◦ [i, E, j]◦

[i1 , X1 , j1 ]Φ1 [i2 , X2 , j2 ]Φ2 C1 ∧ C2 P = h(θ0 + 2k=1 θk P (Xk |wijkk ))

[i, X1 , k]Φ1

[k, X2 , j]Φ2

j ) P (X |wik )P (X |wk j j )+P (X |wik )P (X |wk P (X |wik )P (X |wk )


(X → EX1 )

[i, E, k]Φ1

(X → X1 E)

[i, X1 , k]Φ1

where h(x) =

1 is a logistic function, ◦ represents the absence, and X, X1 , X2 1 + exp{−x}

[i, X, j]P (X |wij )

[k, X1 , j]Φ2

= P (X |wkj ) [k, E, j]Φ2

[i, X, j]P (X |wij ) = P (X |wik )

C1 C1

represent N or P. As specified in the computation model, we have P (X |wij ) = 1 − P (X |wij ). Figure 6 Inference rules with computation model and constraints.

that of the best candidate in kbest[0, n]. The time complexity is the same as the standard CYK’s O(n3 K), where n is the length of input sentence, and K is the beam size. Algorithm 1 Decoding Algorithm Input: w0n : Sentence, K: Beam size Output: Polarity of the input sentence 1: for l ← 1 . . . n do 2: for all i, j s.t. j − i = l do 3: cand ← {} 4: for all inferable rule r for wij do 5: Φ ← calculate polarity strength 6: if constraints are satisfied then 7: add hr, Φi to cand 8: kbest[i, j] ← T OP -K(cand) 9: return polarity of the best candidate in kbest[0, n]

. Modified CYK algorithm

. Computation model . Constraint . Ranking model


4. Model Learning We have described the statistical sentiment parsing framework in the above section. We present the model learning process in this section. Section 4.1 shows the features and parameter estimation algorithm used in ranking model. Section 4.2 illustrates how to learn sentiment grammar and computation model. 4.1 Ranking Model Training As shown in Section 3.3, we develop the ranking model upon the log-linear model. In the following sub-sections, we first present the features used to rank sentiment tree candidates. Then, we describe objective function used in the optimization algorithm. Finally, we introduce the algorithm for parameter estimation using the gradient-based method. 4.1.1 Features. We extract a feature vector φ(s, t) ∈ Rd for each parsing tree t of sentence s. In Figure 7, we present the features which are included in the ranking model. S


1. 2.

Total number of combination rules used in t;


Number of times each combination rule appears in t;







ε ,

P good









Total number of dictionary rules used in t;


Number of times each dictionary rule appears in t;



Average length of dictionary rules used in the parsing tree;







ε ,

P good










P 1







3 2

Average depth of leaf nodes in t;







The maximum depth of parsing tree t;

P The





5 6

P good

ε ,






Figure 7 Features used in ranking model.

Computing feature vector for every fragment is time consuming. Based on the CYK-like algorithm, we can use dynamic programming technique to obtain the feature values efficiently. Feature values of text spans are stored and calculated from bottom to up.


Li Dong, Furu Wei, et al.

A Statistical Parsing Framework for Sentiment Classification

Firstly, feature value vt (i.e. (1), (2), (3), and (4)), which indicates the total number for tree t, is the summation of values of its subtrees and the value of root node root(t), X

vt =

vti + vroot(t)


ti ∈sub(t)

where ti ∈ sub(t) is the subtree of t, and vroot(t) is the value of root node. Secondly, average feature values (namely (5) and (6)) are obtained by P vt =

ti ∈sub(t)

nti vti + vroot(t)


ti ∈sub(t)

n ti + 1


where nti is the node number for subtree ti . Thirdly, the maximum depth of tree t (i.e. (7)) is calculated by vt =

max vti + 1


ti ∈sub(t)

4.1.2 Objective Function. We design the ranking model upon the log-linear model to score the candidate sentiment trees. In the training data D, we only have input sentence s and its polarity label `s . The forms of sentiment parsing trees, which can obtain the correct sentiment polarity, are unobserved. So we work with the marginal log-likelihood of obtaining the correct polarity label `s , log p(`s |s; T, θ) = log p(t ∈ T `s (s)|s; T, θ) = A(θ; s, T `s ) − A(θ; s, T )


where T `s (s) is the set of candidate trees whose prediction results are `s , and A(θ; s, T ) (Equation (5)) is the log-partition function with respect to T (s). Based on the marginal log-likelihood function, the objective function O(θ, T ) consists of two terms. The first term is the sum of marginal log-likelihood over training instances which can obtain correct polarity labels. The second term is a L2-norm regularization term on the parameters θ. Formally, O(θ, T ) =

X (s,`s )∈D T `s (s)6=∅

log p(`s |s; T, θ) −

λ kθk22 2


To learn the parameters θ, we employ gradient-based optimization method to maximize the objective function O(θ, T ). According to Wainwright and Jordan (2008), derivative of logpartition function is the expected feature vector: ∂O(θ, T ) = ∂θ

where Ep(x) [f (x)] =



X (s,`s )∈D T `s (s)6=∅

(Ep(t|s;T `s ,θ) [φ(s, t)] − Ep(t|s;T,θ) [φ(s, t)]) − λθ


p(x)f (x) for discrete x.


4.1.3 Parameter Estimation. The Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) is a widely used optimization method. SGD picks up an training instance randomly, and updates the parameters vector θ according to θj


= θj



∂O(θ) | (t) ∂θj θ=θ


where α is the learning rate, and ∂O(θ) ∂θj is the gradient of objective function with respect to parameter θj . The SGD is sensitive to α, and the learning rate is the same for all dimensions. As described in Section 4.1.1, we mix sparse features with dense features together. So we would like the learning rate is different for each dimension. We employ AdaGrad (Duchi, Hazan, and Singer 2011) to update the parameters, which sets an adaptive per-feature learning rate. AdaGrad tends to use smaller update steps when we meet a feature many times. To compute efficiently, we use a diagonal approximation version of AdaGrad. The update rule is θj


(t+1) Gj

= θj



(t) Gj

− αq 

1 (t+1)


∂O(θ) | (t) ∂θj θ=θ



∂O(θ) | (t) ∂θj θ=θ




where we introduce an adaptive term Gj . The Gj becomes larger along with updating, and it decreases the update step for dimension j. Compared to SGD, the only cost is to store and update (t) Gj for each parameter. With the candidate parsing trees and objective function, we update parameters θ to make the parsing model favor correct trees and give them higher score. Because there are many parsing trees for a sentence, we need to calculate Equation (21) efficiently. Instead of searching all the parsing trees of s, we use beam search to generate k-best trees as candidate set T˜(s). Beam search is a local search algorithm which explores at most k paths and keep the local optimums to reduce the huge search space. The intuition behind the parameter estimation algorithm lies in: (1) if we have better parameters, we can obtain better candidate trees; (2) with better candidate trees, we can learn better parameters. We solve the optimization problem in an iteration manner. We initialize the parameters as zeros. This leads to a random search and generates random candidates trees. With the initial candidates, the two steps in Algorithm 2 lead the parameters θ towards the direction achieving better performance. 4.2 Sentiment Grammar Learning In this section, we present the automatic learning of the sentiment grammar as defined in Section 3.1. We need to extract the dictionary rules and combination rules from data. In traditional statistical parsing, the grammar rules are induced from the annotated parsing trees (such as the Penn TreeBank). So ideally, we need examples of sentiment structure trees, or sentences annotated with sentiment polarity for the whole sentence as well as that for the constituents within a sentence. However, it is not practical, if not unfeasible, as the annotations will be inevitably time consuming and need unacceptable human efforts. In this article, we show that it is possible to induce the sentiment grammar directly from examples of sentences annotated with sentiment polarity labels without any syntactic annotations or polarity annotations of the constitutes within the sentences. The sentences annotated with sentiment polarity labels are


Li Dong, Furu Wei, et al.

A Statistical Parsing Framework for Sentiment Classification

Algorithm 2 Ranking Model Learning Algorithm Input: D: Training data {(s, `s )}, S: Maximum number of iteration Output: θ: Parameters of ranking model T 1: θ (0) ← (0, 0, ..., 0) 2: repeat 3: (s, `s ) ← randomly select a training instance in D 4: T˜(t) ← B EAM -S EACH(s, θ(t) ) . Beam-Search to generate k-best candidates 2  (t+1) (t) ∂O(θ,T˜ (t) ) . Update parameters using AdaGrad 5: Gj ← Gj + |θ=θ(t) ∂θj   (t+1) ∂O(θ,T˜ (t) ) (t) 1 6: θj ← θj − α q (t+1) |θ=θ(t) ∂θj Gj

7: 8:

until t > S return θ(T )

relatively easy to obtain, and we use them as our input to learn the dictionary rules, and combination rules. We first present the basic idea behind the algorithm we proposed. People are likely to express positive or negative opinions using very simple and straightforward sentiment expressions again and again in their reviews. Intuitively, we can mine the dictionary rules from the massive review sentences by leveraging its redundancy characteristic. Furthermore, there are also many complicated reviews which contains complex sentiment structure (e.g., negation, intensification, and contrast). If we already have the dictionary rules in hand, we can use them to obtain the basic sentiment information for the fragments within the complicated reviews. We can extract the combination rules with the dictionary rules and the sentiment polarity labels of complicated reviews. As the simple and straightforward sentiment expressions are always coupled with complicated expressions, we need to conduct the dictionary rule mining and combination rule mining in an iterative way. 4.2.1 Dictionary Rule Learning. The dictionary rules GD are basic sentiment building blocks used in the parsing process. Each dictionary rule in GD is in the form X → f , where f is a sentiment fragment. We use the polarity probabilities P (N |f ) and P (P|f ) in computation model. To build the GD , we regard all frequent fragments, whose occurrence frequencies are larger than τf and lengths range from 1 to 7, as the sentiment fragments. We further filter phrases formed by stop words and punctuations, which are not used to express sentiment. For a balanced data, the sentiment distribution of a candidate sentiment fragment f is calculated by, P (X |f ) =

#(f, X ) + 1 #(f, N ) + #(f, P) + 2


where X ∈ {N , P}, and #(f, X ) denotes the number of reviews containing f with X being the polarity. It should be noted that Laplace smoothing is used in Equation (24) to deal with the zero frequency problem. We do not learn the polarity probabilities P (N |f ) and P (P|f ) by directly counting the occurrence frequency. For example, in the review sentence “this movie is not good” (negative), naive counting method increases the count #(good, N ) in terms of the polarity of the whole sentence. Moreover, because of the common collocation “not as good as” (negative) in movie reviews, “as good as” is also regarded as negative if we count the frequency directly. The


examples indict why some polarity probabilities of phrases counting from the data are different from our intuitions. These unreasonable polarity probabilities also make trouble for learning computation model. Consequently, we need to take compositionality into consideration when learning sentiment fragments to estimate more reasonable probabilities. Following the above motivation, we ignore the count #(f, X ) if there is a negate rule r covers the sentiment fragment f , instead of counting all the occurrences. The word cover here means the negate rule r can match a subsequence of sentence, and f is derived within a nonterminal of rule r. For instance, the negate rule N → not P covers “good” in the sentence “this is not a good movie” (negative), so we do not increase #(good, N ) for this instance. It should be noted that we increase the count for #(not good, N ), because there is not any negate rule covers the fragment “not good”. 4.2.2 Combination Rule Learning. The combination rules GC are used to handle compositionality, and are generalizations for dictionary rules. We define the sentiment label of a sentiment fragment f as, `f = arg max P (X |f )


X ∈{N ,P}

where X is polarity label. For every sub-sequence wij of sentiment fragment f , we replace it with the corresponding polarity label `wj if P (`wj |wij ) is larger then threshold τp , and we can i

|f |


get w0i `wj wj . Next, we compare the polarity `wj with `f . If `f 6= `wj , we regard the rule i


|f |


`f → w0i `wj wj as a negate rule. Otherwise, we can further categorize this rule to strengthen i or weaken. We restrict the combination rules contain at most two non-terminals. To obtain the contrast rules, we try to replace two sub-sequences with their polarity labels in a similar way. If their polarity are different, we categorize this rule to the contrast type. After the above steps, we get rule candidate set GC 0 and the occurrence number of every rule. We filter the rule candidates whose occurrence frequencies are too small, and assign rule types (negation, strengthen, weaken, and contrast) according to their occurrence numbers. With dictionary rules GD and combination rules GC , we estimate the parameters in computation model for each rule. 4.2.3 Computation Model Learning. As shown in Section 3.4, we define computation model to calculate the polarity probabilities using sentiment grammar. In this section, we present how to learn the parameters of the computation model for combination rules. As shown in Figure 8, we obtain combination rules by replacing the subsequences with their polarity labels for frequent sentiment fragments. Both the replaced fragment and the whole fragment can be found in the dictionary rules, so the polarity probabilities of them have been estimated from data. We can employ them as our training examples to figure out how context changes the polarity of replaced fragment, and learn parameters for the computation model. We describe the computation model in Section 3.4. To further simplify the notations, we denote the input vector x = (1, P (X1 |wij11 ), . . . , P (XK |wijKK ))T , and the response value as y. Then we can rewrite Equation (10) as, hθ (x) =

1 1 + exp{−θT x}


where hθ (x) is the polarity probability calculated by computation model, and θ = (θ0 , θ1 , . . . , θK )T is the parameter vector. Our goal is to estimate the parameter vector θ of computation model.


Li Dong, Furu Wei, et al.

A Statistical Parsing Framework for Sentiment Classification

𝑁 → is not P

Computation Model

… is not

good as expected funny well done

Estimate Parameters

𝑁 → is not P

P Figure 8 We replace the subsequences with their polarity labels for frequent sentiment fragments. As shown in the above figure, we replace good, as expected, funny, well done with their polarity label P . Then we compare the polarity probabilities of sub-fragments with the whole fragments, such as good and is not good, to determine whether it is a negate rule, strengthen rule, or weaken rule. After obtaining the rule, we employ polarity probabilities of these compositional examples as training data to estimate parameters of computation model. In the above example, (P (P|good), P (N |is not good)), (P (P|as expected), P (N |is not as expected)), (P (P|funny), P (N |is not funny)), (P (P|well done), P (N |is not well done)) are used to learn computation model for N → is not P .

We fit the model to minimize the residual sum of squares between the predicted polarity probabilities and values obtained from data. We define the cost function as, J (θ) =

1X (hθ (x) − y)2 2 i


The gradient descent algorithm is used to minimize the cost function J (θ). The partial derivative of J (θ) with respect to θj is, ∂J (θ) = (hθ (x) − y) hθ (x) (1 − hθ (x)) xj ∂θj


We set initial θ as zeros, and start with it. We employ Stochastic Gradient Descend (Robbins and Monro 1951) to minimize the cost function. The parameters are updated using θj (t+1) = θj (t) − α = θj


∂J (θ) | (t) ∂θj θ=θ


− α(hθ(t) (x) − y)hθ(t) (x) (1 − hθ(t) (x)) xj

where α is the learning rate, and it is setted as 0.01 in our experiments. We summarize the learning method in Algorithm 3. For each combination rule, we iteratively scan through training examples (x, y) in a random order, and update parameters θ according to Equation (29). The

2 stopping condition is θ(t+1) − θ(t) 2 < ε, which indicts the parameters become stable. 23

Algorithm 3 Computation Model Learning Algorithm Input: GC : Combination rules, ε: Stopping condition Output: θ: Parameters of computation model 1: for all combination rule r ∈ GC do 2: θ(0) ← (0, 0, ..., 0)T 3: repeat 4: (x, y) ← randomly select a training instance 5: θj (t+1) ← θj (t) − α(hθ(t) (x) − y)hθ(t) (x) (1 − hθ(t) (x)) xj

2 6: until θ(t+1) − θ(t) 2 < ε 7: assign θ(T ) as the parameters of computation model for rule r

4.2.4 Summary of Grammar Learning Algorithm. We summarize the grammar learning process in Algorithm 4, which learns the sentiment grammar in an iterative manner. We firstly learn dictionary rules and their polarity probabilities by counting the frequencies in negative and positive classes. Only the fragments whose occurrence numbers are larger than threshold τf are remained. As mentioned in Section 4.2.1, the context can essentially change the distribution of sentiment fragments. We take the combination rules into consideration to acquire more reasonable GD . In the first iteration, the set of combination rules is empty. Therefore, we have no information about compositionality to improve dictionary rule learning. The initial GD contains some inaccurate sentiment distributions. Next, we replace the subsequences of dictionary rules to polarity labels, and generalize these sentiment fragments to combination rules GC as illustrated in Section 4.2.2. In the same time, we could obtain the compositional types of them, and learn the parameters of computation model. We iterate over the above two steps to obtain refined GD and GC . Notably, a subsequence of a frequent fragment must be also frequent. This is similar to the key insight used in Apriori algorithm (Agrawal and Srikant 1994). When we learn dictionary rules, we can count sentiment fragments from short to long, and prune infrequent fragment in early stage if any subsequence is not frequent. This pruning method accelerates the dictionary rule learning process, and makes the procedure fit in memory. 5. Experimental Studies In this section, we describe the experiment results on existing benchmark datasets with extensive comparison with state-of-the-art sentiment classification methods. We also present the effects of different experiment settings in the proposed statistical sentiment parsing framework. 5.1 Experiment Setup We describe the datasets in Section 5.1.1, the experiment settings in Section 5.1.2, and the methods used for comparison in Section 5.1.3. 5.1.1 Datasets. We conduct the experiments on sentiment classification for sentence-level reviews and phrase-level data. The sentence-level datasets contain both user reviews and critic reviews from Rotten Tomatoes4 and IMDB5 , and we balance the positive and negative instances

4 http://www.rottentomatoes.com 5 http://www.imdb.com


Li Dong, Furu Wei, et al.

A Statistical Parsing Framework for Sentiment Classification

Algorithm 4 Sentiment Grammar Learning Input: D: Dataset {(s, `s )}, T : Maximum number of iteration Output: GD : Dictionary rules, GC : Combination rules 1: GC ← {} 2: repeat 3: GD 0 ← {} 4: for (s, `s ) in D do 5: for all i, j s.t. 0 ≤ i < j ≤ |s| do 6: if no negate rule in GC cover wij then 7: #(wij , `s ) ++ 8: add wij to GD 0 9: GD ← {} 10: for f in GD 0 do 11: if #(f, ·) ≥ τf then 12: compute P (N |f ) and P (P|f ) using Equation (24) 13: add dictionary rule (`f → f ) to GD 14: GC 0 ← {} 15: for (`f → f ) in GD do 16: for all i, j s.t. 0 ≤ i < j ≤ |f | do 17: if P (`wj |wij ) > τp then i

18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27:


|f |

r: `f → w0i0 `wj0 wji10 `wj1 wj1 if `wj0 6= `wj1 then i0

30: 31: 32: 33: 34:

. f : w0 w1 · · · w|f |−1

|f |



. s : w0 w1 · · · w|s|−1 . wij : wi wi+1 · · · wj−1

r: `f → w0i `wj wj . Replace wij with its polarity label `wj i i if `f 6= `wj then i #(r, negate) ++ else if P (`f |f ) > P (`wj |wij ) + τ∆ then i #(r, strengthen) ++ else if P (`f |f ) < P (`wj |wij ) − τ∆ then i #(r, weaken) ++ add r to GC 0 for all i0 , j0 , i1 , j1 s.t. 0 ≤ i0 < j0 < i1 < j1 ≤ |f | do if P (`wj0 |wij00 ) > τp and P (`wj1 |wij11 ) > τp then i0


. `s : Polarity label of s


. Replace wij00 , wij11 with their polarity labels


#(r, contrast) ++ add r to GC 0

GC ← {} for r in GC 0 do ) if #(r, ·) > τr and max #(r,T #(r) > τc then T

estimate computation model for r 36: add r to GC 37: until iteration number exceeds T 38: return GD , GC 35:


in the training dataset to exclude effects of data imbalance problem. In addition, we use MPQA6 dataset for phrase-level task. RT-C: 438,000 critic reviews from Rotten Tomatoes. It consists of 219,000 negative and 219,000 positive critic reviews. The average length of the reviews is 23.2 words. The critic reviews from Rotten Tomatoes contains a label (Rotten: Negative, Fresh: Positive) to indicate the polarity, and we directly use it as the polarity label of the corresponding review. PL05-C: The sentence polarity dataset v1.0 (Pang and Lee 2005) contains 5,331 positive and 5,331 negative snippets written by critics in Rotten Tomatoes. This dataset is widely used as the benchmark dataset in sentence-level polarity classification tasks. This data source is the same with RT-C. RT-U: 737,806 user reviews from Rotten Tomatoes. As we focus on sentence-level sentiment classification, we filter out the user reviews that are longer than 200 characters. The average length of these short user reviews from Rotten Tomatoes was 15.4 words. Following previous methods for polarity classification, we use the review score to select highly polarized reviews. For user reviews from Rotten Tomatoes, a negative review has a score < 2.5 out of 5, and a positive review has a score > 3.5 out of 5. IMDB-U: 1,339,900 user reviews from IMDB. The user reviews in IMDB contain comments and short summaries (usually a sentence) to summarize the overall sentiment expressed in the review. We used the review summaries as sentence-level reviews. The average length of them was 6.6 words. For user reviews of IMDB, a negative review has a score < 4 out of 10, and a positive review has a score > 7 out of 10. U-TEST: 2,000 manually labeled user reviews sampled from RT-U. The user reviews often contain some noisy ratings compared to critic reviews. To eliminate the effect of noises, we sampled 2,000 user reviews from RT-U, and annotated the polarity labels for them manually. We use U-TEST as an additional testing dataset for RT-U and IMDB-U which are both user reviews. It should be mentioned that we exclude them from the training dataset (namely RT-U). MPQA: opinion polarity subtask of the MPQA dataset (Wiebe, Wilson, and Cardie 2005). The authors manually labeled the sentiment polarity labels for expressions (i.e. sub-sentences) within a sentence. We regard the expressions as short sentences in our experiments. There are 7,308 negative examples and 3,316 positive examples in this dataset. The average number of words per example is 3.1. Table 3 shows the summary of these datasets, and all of them are publicly available at http://goo.gl/tS2wzi.

Table 3 Statistical information of datasets. #Negative and #Positive are the number of negative instances and positive instances, respectively. lavg is average length of the instances in dataset, and |V | is the vocabulary size.


Size 438,000 10,662 737,806 600,000 10,624

#Negative 219,000 5,331 368,903 300,000 7,308

#Positive 219,000 5,331 368,903 300,000 3,316

6 http://mpqa.cs.pitt.edu/corpora/mpqa_corpus


lavg 23.2 21.0 15.4 6.6 3.1

|V | 136,457 20,263 138,815 83,615 5,992

Li Dong, Furu Wei, et al.

A Statistical Parsing Framework for Sentiment Classification

5.1.2 Settings. To compare with other published results, we use 10-fold cross-validation for RTC, and MPQA. We use U-TEST as testing data for RT-U and IMDB-U. There are a number of settings that provide the trade-off among performance, computation, and generalization power of our model. In this section, we choose the setting with the best experiment results. We provide the performance comparison using different experiment settings in Section 5.4. Number of training examples: The size of training data has been widely recognized as one of the most important factors in machine learning based methods. Generally, more data leads to better performance. By default, all the training data is used in our experiments. We use the same size of training data in different methods for fair comparisons. Number of training iterations (T ): We use AdaGrad (Duchi, Hazan, and Singer 2011) as the optimization algorithm in the learning process. The algorithm starts with randomly initialized parameters, and alternates between searching candidate sentiment trees and updating parameters in the ranking model. We treat one-pass scan of the training data as an iteration. According to our experiments, the results tend to converge after T = 3. Beam size (K): The beam size is used to make a trade-off between search space and computation cost. Moreover, appropriate beam size can prune unfavorable candidates which can in turn improve the performance of the ranking model. We set K = 30 in our experiments. Regularization (λ): The regularization parameter λ in Equation (20) is used to avoid overfitting. The default value in experiments is 0.01. Minimum fragment frequency: It is difficult to estimate reliable polarity probabilities when the fragment appears very few times. Hence, too small minimum fragment frequency will introduce noises in fragment learning process. On the other hand, large threshold will lose many useful information. The minimum fragment frequency is chosen according to the size of training dataset. To be specific, we set this parameter as 4 for RT-C, RT-U, IMDB-U, and 2 for PL05-C, MPQA. Maximum fragment length: High order n-grams are more precise and deterministic expressions than uni-grams and bi-grams. So it would be useful to employ long fragments to capture the polarity information. According to the experiment results, as the maximum fragment length increases, the accuracy of sentiment classification increases. The maximum fragment length is set to 7 words in our experiment.

5.1.3 Sentiment Classification Methods for Comparison. We evaluate the proposed statistical sentiment parsing framework on different datasets, and compare the results with state-of-the-art sentiment classification methods described as follows. SVM-m: Support Vector Machine (SVM) achieves good performance in the sentiment classification task (Pang and Lee 2005). Though uni-grams and bi-grams are reported as the most effective features in existing work (Pang and Lee 2005), we employ high-order n-gram (1 ≤ n ≤ m) features to conduct fair comparisons. Hereafter, m has the same meaning. We employ the LIBLINEAR (Fan et al. 2008) in our experiments because it can well handle the high feature dimension and a large number of training examples. We use linear kernel and C = 1 for SVM. MNB-m: As indicated in (Wang and Manning 2012), Multinomial Naïve Bayes (MNB) often outperforms SVM for sentence-level sentiment classification. We employ Laplace smoothing (Manning, Raghavan, and Schütze 2008) to tackle the zero probability problem. The high order n-gram (1 ≤ n ≤ m) features are considered in the experiments. LM-m: Language Model (LM) is a generative model calculating the probability of word sequences. It is used for sentiment analysis in (Cui, Mittal, and Datar 2006). Probability of  Q|s|−1 generating sentence s is calculated by P (s) = i=0 P wi |w0i−1 , where w0i−1 denotes the word sequence w0 . . . wi−1 . We employ Good-Turing smoothing (Good 1953) to overcome


sparsity when estimating the probability of high-order n-gram. We train the language models on negative and positive sentences separately. For a sentence, its polarity is determined by comparing probabilities calculated from the positive and negative language models, and include the unknown-word token as a regular word (denoted by ). The SRI Language Modeling Toolkit (Stolcke 2002) is used in our experiment. Voting-w/Rev: Nakagawa, Inui, and Kurohashi (2010) use this method as a baseline. The polarity of a subjective sentence is decided by voting of each phrase’s prior polarity. The polarity of phrases which have odd numbers of negation phrases in their ancestors is reversed. HardRule: This baseline method is compared in the work of Nakagawa, Inui, and Kurohashi (2010). The polarity of a subjective sentence is deterministically decided based on rules, by considering the sentiment polarity of dependency subtrees. The polarity of a modifier is reversed if its head phrase has a negation word. The decision rules are applied from leaf nodes to the root node in the dependency tree. Tree-CRF: Nakagawa, Inui, and Kurohashi (2010) present a dependency tree-based method employing conditional random fields with hidden variables. In this model, the polarity of each dependency subtree is represented by a hidden variable. The value of the hidden variable of the root node is identified as the polarity of the whole sentence. RAE: Socher et al. (2011) introduce a framework based on recursive autoencoders to learn vector space representations for multi-word phrases and predict the sentiment distributions of a sentence. We use the results with pre-trained word vectors learned on corpus of the English Wikipedia, which achieves better results compared to randomized word vectors. MV-RNN: Socher et al. (2012) try to capture the compositional meaning of long phrases through matrix-vector recursive neural network. This model assigns a vector and a matrix to every node in the parsing tree. The matrices are regarded as operators, and the vectors captures the meaning of phrases.

5.2 Results of Sentiment Classification We present the experiment results of the sentiment classification methods on different datasets in Table 4. The top three methods on each dataset are in bold, and the best methods are also underlined. Some results are missing (indicated by “-”) in the table because there are no publicly available implementations or the methods are hard to scale to large training datasets. The experiment results show that s.parser achieves better performances than other methods on four of five datasets, and it is comparable to the best result on the other one dataset. The datasets RT-C and PL05-C are critics reviews. On the RT-C, the accuracy of s.parser increases by 3.5%, 1.9%, and 6.9% than the best results of SVM, MNB, and LM, respectively. On the PL05-C, the accuracy of s.parser also rises by 3.3%, 2.3%, and 4.4% than the best results of SVM, MNB, and LM, respectively. Comparing to Voting-w/Rev and HardRule, s.parser outperforms them by 16.4% and 16.6%. The results indicate that our method significantly outperforms the baselines which use manual rules and match them without considering probability. Furthermore, s.parser achieves 2.2%, 1.8%, and 0.5% improvements of accuracy over Tree-CRF, RAE, and MV-RNN, respectively. On the user review datasets RT-U and IMDB-U, our method also achieves the best result. More specifically, on the dataset RT-U, s.parser outperforms the best results of SVM, MNB, and LM by 1.5%, 2.7%, and 1.3%, respectively. On the dataset IMDB-U, our method brings 3.1%, 3.4%, and 1.9% improvements of accuracy over SVM, MNB, and LM, respectively. We find that MNB performs better than SVM and LM on critics review datasets RT-C and PL05-C, SVM and LM achieve better results on user review datasets RT-U and IMDB-U, while s.parser is more robust for the different genres of datasets.


Li Dong, Furu Wei, et al.

A Statistical Parsing Framework for Sentiment Classification

Table 4 Sentiment classification results on different datasets. The top three methods are in bold and the best is also underlined. SVM-m: Support Vector Machine. MNB-m: Multinomial Naïve Bayes. LM-m: Language Model. Voting-w/Rev: Voting with negate rules. HardRule: Rule based method on dependency tree. Tree-CRF: Dependency tree-based method employing conditional random fields. RAE: Recursive autoencoders. MV-RNN: Matrix-vector recursive neural network. Some of results are missing (indicated by “-”) in the table because there is no publicly available implementation or the methods are hard to scale to large training datasets.

Method SVM-1 SVM-2 SVM-3 SVM-4 SVM-5 MNB-1 MNB-2 MNB-3 MNB-4 MNB-5 LM-1 LM-2 LM-3 LM-4 LM-5 Voting-w/Rev HardRule Tree-CRF RAE MV-RNN s.parser

RT-C 79.4 81.4 81.7 81.7 81.8 81.0 83.4 83.4 82.9 82.7 77.1 78.4 77.7 77.7 77.5 85.3

PL05-C 75.7 76.2 76.2 76.0 75.9 75.0 77.2 77.1 77.1 77.1 75.1 74.1 74.2 73.0 72.9 63.1 62.9 77.3 77.7 79.0 79.5

RT-U 88.5 88.9 89.7 89.8 89.3 83.3 87.5 88.6 88.2 88.1 87.6 89.0 89.3 89.6 90.0 91.3

IMDB-U 84.6 86.6 86.8 86.9 86.8 82.7 85.6 84.6 83.1 82.5 81.8 85.8 87.1 87.0 87.1 89.0

MPQA 85.1 85.3 85.5 85.6 85.6 85.0 85.0 85.0 85.1 85.1 64.0 71.4 71.1 71.1 71.1 81.7 81.8 86.1 86.4 86.3

On the dataset MPQA, the accuracy of s.parser increases by 0.6%, 1.2%, and 14.9% than the best results of SVM, MNB, and LM, respectively. Comparing to Voting-w/Rev and HardRule, s.parser achieves 4.6% and 4.5% improvements over them. As illustrated in Table 3, the size and length of sentences in MPQA are much smaller than that in the other four datasets. RAE achieves better result than other methods on this dataset, because the word embedding pre-trained on Wikipedia can leverage smoothing to relieve the sparsity problem in the MPQA dataset. If we do not use the external resources (i.e. Wikipedia), the accuracy of RAE on MPQA is 85.7% which is lower than Tree-CRF and s.parser. The results indicate that s.parser achieves the best result if no external resource is included. Bag-of-words classifiers work well for long documents relying on that sentiment words appear many times in a document. The redundancy characteristics provide strong evidence for sentiment classification. Even though some phrases of a document are not estimated accurately, it can still result in a correct polarity label. However, for short text, such as a sentence, the compositionality plays an important role in sentiment classification. Tree-CRF, MV-RNN and s.parser take compositionality into consideration in different ways, and they achieve significant improvements over SVM, MNB, and LM. We also find that high order n-grams contribute to


the classification accuracy on most datasets, but they harm the accuracy of LM on PL05-C. The high-order n-grams can partially solve the compositionality in a brute-force way. 5.3 Effect of Training Data Size We further investigate the effect of the size of training data for different sentiment classification methods. This is meaningful as the number of the publicly available reviews is increasing dramatically nowadays. The methods that can take advantage of more training data will be even more useful in practice. We report the 10-fold cross-validation results of s.parer compared with SVM, MNB, and LM on dataset RT-C using different data size. We do not present results of the other baseline methods either because there is no publicly available implementation or the methods are hard to scale to large training corpora. As shown in Figure 9, the size of the training data plays an important role in all the sentiment classification methods. The performances of all the methods rise as the data size increases. After the data size is larger than 10,000, the accuracy grows in a linear trend. The comparisons illustrate that s.parser significantly outperforms the other methods. Moreover, the performance of s.parser still becomes better when the data size is larger than 200,000, while the performance of the other methods starts to converge. The results indicate s.parser leverages the data more effectively and benefits more from larger dataset. With more training data, s.parser learns more dictionary rules and combination rules. Moreover, it estimates more reliable parameters for computation model and ranking model. However, the bag-of-words based methods (SVM, MNB, and LM) cannot make full use of high-order information in the data. The generalization ability of combination rules and computation model of s.parser leads to better performance, and take advantage of large data.



80 75 SVM-1 SVM-2 SVM-3 SVM-4 SVM-5 MNB-1 MNB-2 MNB-3

70 0


2 ×105

Data Size

3 ×105

MNB-4 MNB-5 LM-1 LM-2 LM-3 LM-4 LM-5 s.parser

4 ×105

Figure 9 The curves show the test accuracy as the number of training examples (RT-C) increases. Our method s.parser significantly outperforms the other methods, which indicates s.parser can leverage data more effectively and benefit more from larger data.


Li Dong, Furu Wei, et al.

A Statistical Parsing Framework for Sentiment Classification

5.4 Effect of Experiment Settings Heretofore, we conduct the experiments with the default experiment settings (Section 5.1.2). In this section, we investigate the effect of different experiment settings. We show the 10-fold cross-validation results on dataset RT-C by only changing a factor and fixing the others. Figure 10 shows the effect of minimum fragment frequency, and maximum fragment length. Specifically, Figure 10a indicates that too small minimum fragment frequency will introduce noises, and it is difficult to estimate reliable polarity probabilities for infrequent fragments. However, a too large minimum fragment frequency will discard many useful information. As shown in Figure 10b, we find that the accuracy increases as the maximum fragment length increases. The results illustrate large maximum fragment length is helpful for s.parser. Because we can learn more combination rules with larger maximum fragment length, and long dictionary rules capture more precise expressions than uni-grams. This conclusion is the same as that obtained in Section 5.2.


87 86






83 82

80 75

81 80 2

4 8 16 Minimum Fragment Frequency

(a) Effect of minimum fragment frequency


70 1


3 4 5 6 Maximum Fragment Length


(b) Effect of maximum fragment length

Figure 10 (a) When the minimum fragment frequency is small, the noises are introduced in fragment learning process. On the other hand, too large threshold loses useful information. (b) As the maximum fragment length increases, the accuracy increases monotonically. It indicates that long fragments are useful for our method.

As demonstrated in Figure 11, we also investigate how training iteration, regularization, and beam size affect the results. To be more specific, Figure 11a shows we present five runs on different data splits, and the test accuracy increases as the number of training iterations increases. The results start to become stable after several iterations. As shown in Figure 11b, we try a wide range of regularization parameter λ in Equation (20), the results indict that it is insensitive to the choice of λ. Figure 11c shows the effects of different beam size K in search process. When beam size K = 1, the optimization algorithm cannot learn the weights. In this case, the decoding process is to select one search path randomly, and compute its polarity probabilities. The results become better as the beam size K increases. On the other hand, proper beam size K can prune some candidates to speed up the search procedure. To balance the effectiveness and efficiency, we choose K = 30 in our experiments.






86 Accuracy


85 84 83





8 10 Iteration



82 80

Random 1 Random 2 Random 3 Random 4 Random 5



78 16

76 0.001

(a) Effect of training iterations


0.01 0.03 0.1 Regularization (λ)


(b) Effect of regularization

87 86


85 84 83 82 81 80 1


20 30 Beam size (K)



(c) Effect of beam size

Figure 11 (a) The learning curve shows test accuracy grows as the number of training iterations increases. The accuracy curves represent the runs on different data splits. (b) The test accuracy is relatively insensitive to the regularization parameter λ in Equation (20). (c) As the beam size K increases, the test accuracy increases, however, the computation costs also become more expensive. When K = 1, the optimization algorithm cannot learn any weights.

5.5 Results of Grammar Learning The sentiment grammar plays a central role in the statistical sentiment parsing framework. It is obvious that the accuracy of s.parser relies on the quality of the automatically learned sentiment grammar. The quality can be implicitly evaluated by the accuracy of the sentiment classification results as we have shown in the previous sections. However, there is no straightforward way to explicitly evaluate the quality of the learned grammar. In this section, we will provide several case studies of learned dictionary rules and combination rules to further illustrate the results of the sentiment grammar learning process as detailed in Section 4.2. To start with, we report the total number of dictionary rules and combination rules learned from datasets. As shown in Table 5, the results indicate that we can learn more dictionary rules and combination rules from larger datasets. Although we learn more dictionary rules from RTC than from IMDB-U, the number of combination rules learned from RT-C is less than from IMDB-U. It indicates that the language usage of RT-C is more diverse than of IMDB-U.


Li Dong, Furu Wei, et al.

A Statistical Parsing Framework for Sentiment Classification

Table 5 Number of rules learned from different datasets. τf represents minimum fragment frequency, |GD | represents total number of dictionary rules, and |GC | is the total number of combination rules.


τf 4 2 4 4 2

|GD | 762,128 44,101 831,893 249,718 6,146

|GC | 965 139 2,003 1,014 21

Furthermore, we explore how the minimum fragment frequency τf affect the number of dictionary rules, and present the distribution of dictionary rule length. As illustrated in Figure 12a, we find that relation between total number of dictionary rules |GD | and minimum fragment frequency τf obeys power law, i.e., the log10 (|GD |) − log2 (τf ) graph takes a linear form. It indicates most fragments appear few times, and only some of them appear frequently. Figure 12b shows the cumulative distribution of dictionary rule length l. It presents most dictionary rules are short ones. For instance, about 80% of dictionary rules are shorter than five words. The length distributions of datasets RT-C and IMDB-U are similar, while we obtain more high order n-grams from RT-U. 7



log10(|GD |)


0.8 P(x l)














(a) Effect of minimum fragment frequency log2 (τf )

0.0 1



4 Length l




(b) Cumulative distribution of dictionary rule length l

Figure 12 (a) We choose τf = 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and plot log10 (|GD |)-log2 (τf ) graph to show the effects of τf for total number of dictionary rules |GD |. The results follow a power law distribution. (b) The cumulative distribution of dictionary rule length l indicts that most dictionary rules are short ones.

We further investigate the effect of context for dictionary rule learning. Table 6 shows some dictionary rules with polarity probabilities learned by our method and naive counting on RT-C. We notice that if we count the fragment occurrence number directly, some polarities of fragments are learned incorrectly. This is caused by the effect of context as described in Section 4.2.1. By taking the context into consideration, we obtain more reasonable polarity probabilities of dictionary rules. Our dictionary rule learning method take compositionality into consideration, i.e. we skip the count if there exist some negation indicators outside the phrase. This constraint tries to ensure polarity of fragment be the same as whole sentence. As shown in the results, the polarity probabilities learned by our method are more reasonable and meet people’s intuition.


Table 6 Comparing our dictionary rule learning method with naive counting on dataset RT-C. N represents negative, and P represents positive. The polarity probabilities of fragments are shown in this table, and they demonstrate our method learns more intuitive results than counting directly.

Fragment are fun a very good movie looks gorgeous to enjoy the movies is corny ’ s flawed a difficult film to disappoint

N 0.54 0.61 0.56 0.53 0.43 0.32 0.43 0.39

Naive Count P Polarity 0.46 N 0.39 N 0.44 N 0.47 N 0.57 P 0.68 P 0.57 P 0.61 P

N 0.11 0.19 0.17 0.14 0.83 0.63 0.67 0.77

s.parser P Polarity 0.89 P 0.81 P 0.83 P 0.86 P 0.17 N 0.37 N 0.33 N 0.23 N

In Figure 13, we show computation model of some combination rules learned from dataset RT-C. The first two examples are negate rules. We find that both switch negation and shift negation exist in data, instead of using only one negation type in previous work (Sauri 2008; Choi and Cardie 2008; Taboada et al. 2011). For the rule “N → i do not P ”, we find that it is a switch negate rule. This rule reverses the polarity and the corresponding polarity strength. For instance, the “i do not like it very much” is more negative than “i do not like it”. As shown in Figure 13b, “N → is not P.” is a shift negation which reduces a fixed polarity strength to make the original polarity become reversed. Specifically, “is not good” is more negative than “is not great” as described in Section 3.4. We have the similar conclusion for the next two weaken rules. As illustrated in Figure 13c, “P → P actress” describes one aspect of a movie, hence it is more likely to decrease the polarity intensity. We find that this rule is a fixed intensification rule which reduces the polarity probability by a fixed value. “N → a bit of N ” is a percentage intensification rule, which scales polarity intensity by a percentage. It reduces more strength for stronger polarity. The last two rules in Figure 13e and Figure 13f are strengthen rules. Both “P → lot of P ” and “N → N terribly” increase the polarity strength of the sub-fragments. These cases indicate it is necessary to learn how the context perform compositionality from data. In order to capture the compositionality for different rules, we define computation model and learn the parameters for each rule. 6. Conclusion and Future Work In this article, we propose a statistical parsing framework for sentence-level sentiment classification, which provides a novel approach to designing sentiment classifiers from a new perspective. It directly analyzes the sentiment structure of a sentence other than relying on the linguistic parsing results as in existing literatures. We show that the complicated phenomena in sentiment analysis, such as negation, intensification, and contrast, can be elegantly handled the same as simple and straightforward sentiment expressions in a unified and probabilistic way. We provide a formal model to represent the sentiment grammar built upon CFGs (Context-Free Grammars). The framework consists of: (1) a parsing model to analyze the sentiment structure of a sentence; (2) a computation model to calculate the sentiment strength and polarity for each text span in the parsing process; and (3) a ranking model to select the best parsing result from a list of candidate sentiment parsing trees. We show that the sentiment parser can be trained from examples of


Li Dong, Furu Wei, et al.



A Statistical Parsing Framework for Sentiment Classification

i do not P





is not P .


















(a) N → i do not P












(b) N → is not P.

P actress


1.0 0.9



a bit of N

















(c) P → P actress






(d) N → a bit of N

lot of P


1.0 0.9



N terribly













(e) P → lot of P








(f) N → N terribly

Figure 13 Illustration of computation model for combination rules: (a)(b) Negate rule. (c)(d) Weaken rule. (e)(f) Strengthen rule. The labels of axes represent the corresponding polarity labels, the red points are the training instances, and the blue lines are the regression results for computation model.


sentences annotated only with sentiment polarity labels but without any syntactic or sentiment annotations within the sentence. We evaluate the proposed framework on standard sentiment classification datasets. The experiment results show statistical sentiment parsing notably outperforms the baseline sentiment classification approaches. We believe the work on statistical sentiment parsing can be advanced from many different perspectives. First, statistical parsing has been a well-established research field, in which many different grammars and parsing algorithms have been proposed in literatures. It will be a very interesting direction to apply and adjust more advanced models and algorithms from linguistic parsing to sentiment parsing. We leave it as a line of future work. Second, we are now working on incorporating target and aspect information in the statistical sentiment parsing framework to facilitate target-dependent and aspect-based sentiment analysis. Intuitively, this can be done by introducing the semantic tags of targets and aspects as new non-terminals in the sentiment grammar and revising the grammar rules accordingly. However, acquiring training data will be a even more challenging task as we need more fine-grained information. Third, as statistical sentiment parsing produces more fine-grained information (e.g., the basic sentiment expressions from the dictionary rules as well as the sentiment structure trees), we will have more opportunities to generate better opinion summaries. Last but not the least, we are interested in investigating domain adaptation which is a very important and challenging problem in sentiment analysis. Generally, we may need to learn domain-specific dictionary rules for different domains while we believe the combination rules are mostly generic across different domains. This is also worth further studies. References [Agarwal, Biadsy, and Mckeown2009]Agarwal, Apoorv, Fadi Biadsy, and Kathleen R. Mckeown. 2009. Contextual phrase-level polarity analysis using lexical affect scoring and syntactic n-grams. In Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, EACL ’09, pages 24–32, Stroudsburg, PA, USA. Association for Computational Linguistics. [Agarwal et al.2011]Agarwal, Apoorv, Boyi Xie, Ilia Vovsha, Owen Rambow, and Rebecca Passonneau. 2011. Sentiment analysis of twitter data. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Languages in Social Media, LSM ’11, pages 30–38, Stroudsburg, PA, USA. Association for Computational Linguistics. [Agrawal and Srikant1994]Agrawal, Rakesh and Ramakrishnan Srikant. 1994. Fast algorithms for mining association rules in large databases. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, VLDB ’94, pages 487–499, San Francisco, CA, USA. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc. [Artzi and Zettlemoyer2013]Artzi, Yoav and Luke Zettlemoyer. 2013. Weakly supervised learning of semantic parsers for mapping instructions to actions. Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 1(1):49–62. [Booth1969]Booth, Taylor L. 1969. Probabilistic representation of formal languages. In


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