A Survey on Anomaly Detection in Network Intrusion Detection System

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A Survey on Anomaly Detection in Network Intrusion Detection System. 443. On the basis of data collection mechanisms IDS is categorized into Host-Based.
A Survey on Anomaly Detection in Network Intrusion Detection System Using Particle Swarm Optimization Based Machine Learning Techniques Khushboo Satpute1, Shikha Agrawal2, Jitendra Agrawal1, and Sanjeev Sharma1 1

School of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal University Institute of Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal [email protected], {shikha,jitendra,sanjeev}@rgtu.net 2

Abstract. The progress in the field of Computer Networks & Internet is increasing with tremendous volume in recent years. This raises important issues with regards to security. Several solutions emerged in the past which provide security at the host or network level. These traditional solutions like antivirus, firewall, spyware & authentication mechanism provide security to some extends but they still face the challenges of inherent system flaws & social engineering attacks. Some interesting solution emerged like Intrusion Detection & Prevention Systems but these too have some problems like detecting & responding in real time & discovering novel attacks. Several Machine Learning techniques like Neural Network, Support Vector Machine, Rough Set etc. Were proposed for making an efficient and Intelligent Network Intrusion Detection System. Also Particle Swarm Optimization is currently attracting considerable interest from the research community, being able to satisfy the growing demand of reliable & intelligent Intrusion Detection System (IDS). Recent development in the field of IDS shows that securing the network with a single technique proves to be insufficient to cater ever increasing threats, as it is very difficult to cope with all vulnerabilities of today’s network. So there is a need to combine all security technologies under a complete secure system that combines the strength of these technologies under a complete secure system that combines the strength of these technologies & thus eventually provide a solid multifaceted well against intrusion attempts. This paper gives an insight into how Particle Swarm Optimization and its variants can be combined with various Machine Learning techniques used for Anomaly Detection in Network Intrusion Detection System by researchers so as to enhance the performance of Intrusion Detection System. Keywords: Particle Swarm Optimization, Anomaly Detection, Machine Learning, Supervised Learning, Intrusion Detection.



In recent year, tremendous increase in the use of internet added an exponential development of interest of people that brings complicated problems and pressure of computer security. Traditional security policies or firewall has difficulty in preventing attacks because of hidden vulnerabilities contained in software application. Some S.C. Satapathy et al. (Eds.): Proc. of Int. Conf. on Front. of Intell. Comput., AISC 199, pp. 441–452. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-35314-7_50 © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013


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reliable solution must be available to protect our computer from cyber-attacks & criminal activities, therefore Intrusion Detection System despite the prevention techniques has set a perfect platform to defend the confidentiality, integrity and security aspects of cyber world. IDS analyzes information about users' behavior from various sources such as system table and network usage data .Since the first Intrusion Detection System [1] was proposed, effort had been made to boost IDS efficiency. It deals with huge amounts of data causing slow training and testing process & low detection rate. Thus construction of efficient intrusion detection model is a challenging task. While constructing IDS one needs to consider many issues such as data collection, data preprocessing, intrusion recognition, reporting and response. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technique were used to discover the underlying models from a set of training data & detection model is applied in the execution of some critical procedure such as differentiating between normal and abnormal behavior, but all these fails to achieve high detection accuracy and fast processing and has their own pros and cons, so there is still a need of an efficient IDS. This paper gives a brief overview of the work done in the field of Anomaly Detection in Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) using Particle Swarm Optimization based Machine Learning techniques. Next section covers a brief about IDS, their types and various learning techniques used for classification in Intrusion Detection System. Section 3 introduces PSO & in section 4 work related to Anomaly Detection in Network Intrusion Detection System using Particle Swarm Optimization based Machine Learning techniques is discussed in brief.


Intrusion Detection System

Intrusion Detection System (IDS) has quickly established as the most important element of security infrastructure. Intrusion is an attempted act of using computer system resources without privileges, causing incidental damage. Intrusion Detection is the process of monitoring the events occurring in a computer system or network and analyzing them to sign in possible incidents. An ID monitors network traffic, monitoring the events occurring in a computer system or network and analyzing them for sign in possible incidents. If it detects any threat then alerts the system or network administrator. There are two performance evaluation variables criteria, Detection Rate (DR) which is defined as the ratio of number of correctly detected attacks to the total number of attacks & False alarm rate(FAR) which is ratio of the number of normal connection that are misclassified as attacks to total number of normal connections. Intrusion Detection must be able to identify intrusion with high accuracy and it must not confuse normal action with the occurrence of a system with intrusive ones. Construction of efficient Intrusion Detection is a challenging task so it must have a high attack Detection Rate (DR) with low False alarm rate (FAR) at the same time. 2.1

Type of Intrusion Detection System

Intrusion Detection System is broadly classified on the basis of following two criteria (i) Based on Data Collection mechanism (ii) Based on Detection Techniques

A Survey on Anomaly Detection in Network Intrusion Detection System


On the basis of data collection mechanisms IDS is categorized into Host-Based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS) and Network-Based Intrusion Detection System (NIDS). Host-based IDS is dependent for support on capturing local network traffic to the specific host. This local host analyzes and process data which is used to secure the activities of this host and informs about the attacks in the network. HIDS analysis events mainly related to OS information. Network-based intrusion detection system (NIDS) works on network and observes the network traffic. NIDS analyses network related traffic volumes, IP address service port etc. which are able to detect attack from outside, examine packet header and entire packet. On the basis of detection techniques IDS is classified as Misuse Detection and Anomaly Detection. Misuse Detection it involves searching network traffic for a series of malicious activity within the analyzed data. The main advantage of this technique is that it provides very good detection results for specified, well known attacks & is very easy to develop and understand. However they are not capable of detecting novel attacks. Anomaly intrusion detection system (AIDS) uses normal usage behavior patterns to identify the intrusion. The normal usage patterns are constructed from the statistical measures of the system features. While the anomaly behavior detecting system generates a standard traffic sketch & employs it to detect any abnormal traffic pattern and attempts of intrusion. The three main vital factor’s that impact the quality anomaly detection is Feature Selection, Data value normalization and Classification technique. According to the type of processing related to the ‘‘Behavioral’’ model of the target system [2], Anomaly Detection Techniques can be classified into three main categories [3]: Statistical based, Knowledge-based, and Machine Learning based. In the Statisticalbased, the behavior of the system is represented by a random view point. On the other hand, Knowledge-based Anomaly network intrusion detection techniques try to capture the claimed behavior from available system data (protocol specifications, network traffic instances, etc.). Finally Machine learning techniques are based on establishing an explicit or implicit model that enables the patterns analyzed to be categorized. The comparison of all the three AIDS as shown in Table 1. As our research is on Machine learning based Anomaly detection system so in the next section a short introduction of Machine Learning Techniques used in Anomaly Intrusion Detection System is described. Table 1. Comparison of All the Three AIDS

Advantages Technique Statistical-based:stochastic behaviour


Future knowledge about Parameters and metrics are normal activity is not required. very difficult to set. Easily Exact and accurate notification influenced could be trained about intruder’s activities. by attackers. Knowledge-based:Robustness. Flexibility and Difficult and time-consuming scalability. availability for high-quality knowledge/data. Machine learning- Flexibility and adaptability. High dependency on the based:Capture of interdependencies assumption about the behaviour accepted for the system. High resource consuming.



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Learning Techniques

Learning or training is a process by means of which a network adapts itself to a stimulus by making proper parameter adjustments resulting in production of desired responses. The learning technique can generally classified into two categories as Unsupervised learning and Supervised learning. Unsupervised algorithm seeks out similarities between pieces of data in order to determine whether they can be characterized as forming a group. These groups are termed clusters, and there are whole families of clustering machine learning techniques. In unsupervised classification, often known as 'cluster analysis' the machine is not told how the texts are grouped. Example of unsupervised learning is the self-organizing map (SOM) and Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART). Supervised Machine Learning is the search for algorithms that reason from externally supplied instances to produce general hypotheses, which then make predictions about future instances. In other words, the goal of supervised learning is to build a concise model of the distribution of class labels in terms of predictor features. The resulting classifier is then used to assign class labels to the testing instances where the values of the predictor features are known, but the value of the class label is unknown. Examples of supervised learning are Rough Set, Support Vector Machine and Neural Network.

Anomaly Detection Techniques

Statistical based

Cognition based

Unsupervised learning

Rough set

Machine learning based

Supervised learning




Fig. 1. Anomaly Intrusion Detection Technique


Particle Swarm Optimization

Computational Intelligence is the study of the design of intelligent agents. It encompasses Artificial Neural Networks, Fuzzy sets, Evolutionary computation methods, Artificial immune systems, Swarm intelligence and Soft computing. Computational intelligence is known for their ability to adapt and to exhibit fault tolerance, high computational speed and resistance against noisy information. [4] PSO

A Survey on Anomaly Detection in Network Intrusion Detection System


is involved from Swarm intelligence which is an Computational intelligence technique involving the study of collective behavior in decentralized system. In the PSO algorithm, a point in the search space (i.e., a possible solution) is called a particle. The collection of particles in a given iteration is referred to as the swarm. The terms “particle” and “swarm” are analogous to “individual” and “population” used in Evolutionary algorithms such as GAs. At each iteration, each particle in the swarm moves to a new position in the search space. The velocity and position updating equations are:Vid = wVid + C1Rand( )(Pid-Xid) + C2Rand( )(Pgd-Xid) Xid = Xid + Vid

(1) (2)

Where C1 and C2 are positive constants called learning rates. These represent the weighting of the stochastic acceleration terms that pull each particle towards its pbest and gbest positions. Low values allow particles to roam far from target regions before being tugged back, while high values result in abrupt movement toward, or past target regions. Rand ( ) and Rand ( ) are two random functions in the range [0,1] and w is the inertia weight. Suitable selection of the inertia weight provides a balance between global and local exploration, and results in less iteration on average to find a sufficiently optimal solution. Xi = (xi1, xi2, … , xid) represents the ith particle and Pi = (pi1, pi2, … , pid) represents the best previous position of the ith particle. Vi = (vi1, vi2, … , vid) represents the rate of the position change (velocity) for particle i. PSO is effective in nonlinear optimization problems, it is easy to implement and only a few input parameters needed to be adjusted. Because the update process in PSO is based on simple equations, it can be efficiently used on large data sets .Due to these advantages PSO has been successfully applied to many areas such as function optimization, artificial neural network training, fuzzy system control and all other areas where GA can be applied. Next section describes hybridization of PSO with some of these supervised machine learning classification techniques such as Neural Network (NN), Support Vector Machine (SVM) & Rough Set.


Particle Swarm Optimization Based Machine Learning Oriented Network Anomaly Detection System


Anomaly Detection Using Rough Set & Particle Swarm Optimization Based Approach

Rough Set is a mathematical tool for approximate reasoning for decision support and is particularly well suited for classification of objects. It is an extension of the conventional set theory that supports approximations in decision making & is also being used for feature selection and feature extraction. Most existing IDS use all features in network packet to evaluate, which is a lengthy detection which may degrade the performance of IDS. The effectiveness of rough set theory in intrusion detection is studied by Zainal et. al [5] Feature selection is done prior to training and is applied to classify the data to evaluate the performance. There are feature that is really significant in classifying the data & it also has been proven that there is no


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single generic classifier that can best classify all the attack types. So to enhance the performance, Rough Set in intrusion detection is combined with different supervised learning such as ANN, SVM & PSO by several researchers. In this section work related to hybridization of rough set with PSO in IDS is discussed. Zainal et.al [6] used wrapper approach where integration of Rough Set and Particle Swarm Optimization is used to form a 2-tier architecture of feature selection process. At the first stage Rough Set is applied to eliminate redundant and irrelevant features thus reduce number of iterations that Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO) has to perform in the next stage to find the optimum feature subset and Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier is then used to classify the data & the fitness function. Based on the datasets used for the experiment, the results indicate that the feature subset proposed by this hybridization is superior in terms of accuracy and robustness. Another method proposed by Tian.W et al. [7] proposed Intrusion Detection Method based on Neural Network & PSO Algorithm along with Rough Set. Rough Set is used as a preprocessor of Artificial Neural network (ANN) to select a subset of input attributes and PSO is employed to optimize the parameters of ANN and thus improve the ANN performance in intrusion detection. Experiment shows that the proposed method has higher stability, higher detecting and recognition accuracy. Similarly Liu.H et.al[8] proposed an intelligent Intrusion Detection method based on Rough Set Theory (RST) and Improved Binary Particle Swarm Optimization with Support Vector Machine (IBPSO-SVM), which combined attribute reduction with parameters optimization. In this first Rough Set Theory is applied to subtract redundant and noisy attributes & to reduce the attribute space of training & test datasets. Then improved BPSO-SVM is applied to optimize parameters in SVM so as to improve the accuracy of SVM classifier. The main purpose of IBPSO-SVM is parameter optimization, so the reduced training dataset is input to search the optimal penalty parameter and kernel parameter respectively. The experimental result on KDD CUP’99 dataset shows that the proposed method is an effective way for intrusion detection, by not only accelerating the training time, but also improving the accuracy of test. In Wang.H et.al [9] proposed an Intrusion detection reduction model based on Particle Swarm Optimization, in which QPSO is applied to Rough Set attribute reduction algorithm along with Monte Carlo method to simulate the particle position on the measure of quantum uncertainty. The algorithm is faster than GA and has a high rate of network intrusion detection. 4.2

Anomaly Detection Using Neural Network and Particle Swarm Optimization Based Approach

Artificial Neural Network (ANN), coming from the inspiration of biological neural systems, has been successfully applied to a large diversity of application. Unfortunately, these ANN has some inherent defects, such as low learning speed, the existence of local minima, and difficulty in choosing the proper size of the network to suit a given problem. To solve these defects, different variants of neural network were proposed such as Wavelet Neural Network(WNN )& Radial Base Function(RBF).There are lots of training algorithms for training of Neural Network,

A Survey on Anomaly Detection in Network Intrusion Detection System


but all of these algorithms have their disadvantages. Evolutionary algorithm has strong ability of global convergence and strong robustness, and need not be with the feature information, such problems as the gradient derivative. Therefore, its application in the Neural Network learning algorithm, not only can play Neural Network's generalization ability, and the mapping can improve the convergence rate of the neural network and learning ability. PSO is recently applied to train the Evolutionary Algorithm .So many researchers applied neural network in the section 4.2.1 and section 4.2.2 work related to the training of WNN & RBF using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)& its variants applied to Network Intrusion Detection System is discussed in detail. 4.2.1

Anomaly Detection Using Wavelet Neural Network and Particle Swarm Optimization Based Approach Wavelet neural network (WNN) is a combination of wavelet theory with Neural Network. WNN is established as a three-layer structure with input layer, hidden layer & output layer. The wavelet neural network uses nonlinear wavelet bases instead of usually neuron nonlinear motivation function. Liu. L et.al [10] introduced a novel approach for Anomaly Detection in Network Intrusion Detection System based on Wavelet Neural Network (WNN) using Modified Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization (MQPSO) algorithm. The algorithm is trained using Morlet Wavelet. A multidimensional vector composed of WNN parameters was regarded as a particle in learning algorithm. The parameter vector, which has a best adaptation value, was searched globally. The experiment result reveals that the algorithm proposed better training performance, faster convergence as well as better detection rate. Yuan. L et.al [11] proposed a novel hybrid to optimize Wavelet Neural Network for Network Intrusion Detection System. This new Evolutionary algorithm, which is based on a hybrid of Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization (QPSO)and Conjugate Gradient algorithm (CG), is employed to train WNN. In the beginning of run, QPSO has more possibilities to explore a large space and therefore the particles are free to move and sit on various valleys, but as the search progresses it is difficult for QPSO to find a global optimum so the Fletcher-Reeves Conjugate Gradient algorithm is employed. The experiment result of the hybrid algorithm trained WNN on network anomaly detection with the dataset of KDD CUP99 shows that the hybrid algorithm has a better training performance, faster convergence, as well as a better detecting ability for new unknown type attacks. [12] Liu.Y et al. proposed another anomaly detection method in which Modified QPSO is used to train Wavelet Fuzzy Neural Network(WFNN).Wavelet transform is applied to extract fault characteristics from the anomaly state. In this novel evolutionary technique, a modified QPSO is employed to train WFNN, a decision vector that represents a group of network parameter is initialized, then WFNN is trained on training set and evaluate the fitness value of each particle and update pbest and gbest across population accordingly. Experimental result shows MQPSO-WNN model exhibits superior performance with higher attack detection rate and lower false positive rate.


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Anomaly Detection Using Radial Base Function-Neural Network (RBF-NN) & Particle Swarm Optimization Based Approach Radial Basis Function (RBF) Neural Network is a kind of feed forward neural network. In RBF neural network, the center of radial basis function, the variance of radial basis of function and the weight have to be chosen. If they are not appropriately chosen, the RBF neural network may degrade validity and accuracy of modeling. So PSO is used to optimize the RBF neural network parameters. In Chen. Z al.[13] PSO is used to optimize RBF-NN Parameters for NIDS by evaluating fitness function, updating particle velocity and position and judging termination criteria. PSO has proved to be competitive with genetic algorithm in parameter optimization. Compared with the results of the conventional RBF neural network model, the experimental results show that the proposed model is superior to the conventional RBF neural network. A Novel hybrid algorithm [14] based on Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network is proposed by Yuan. Liu* et.al, for Network Anomaly Detection in which QPSO and Gradient Decent is employed to train RBF neural network. Comparison of RBFNN method using QPSO, GD and QPSO-GD is shown in which QPSO-GD out performs both QPSO, GD in global search ability. Xu. Ruzhi et al. [15] introduces the hybrid classifier composed by Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA), RBFNN and PSO. KPCA is used to reduce the dimensions of the original sample data. RBF module is core classifier that classifies the data and PSO module is used to optimize the parameter. The training dataset, which had been reduced dimensions by KPCA, was then inputted to RBFNN to get the classification model. The best parameters of classification model had been found by PSO iterations. In the process of intrusion detection experiments, It was reported that total classification accuracy is 98.95% and algorithm also founds global optimum parameter of RBFNN in parameter space. 4.3

Anomaly Detection Using Support Vector Machine and Particle Swarm Optimization Based Approach

The Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a supervised learning method from the field of machine learning applied to both classification and regression based on statistical learning theory. It can find a solution by making a nonlinear transformation of the original input space into a high dimensional feature space where an optimal separating hyper plane can be found, which means that a maximal margin classifier in relation to the training data set can be obtained. Support Vector Machine is effective in reducing the number of alerts, false positive, false negative better, parameter optimization in SVM is very important for its efficiency. A number of methods, such as grid search &evolutionary algorithms have been utilized to optimize the model parameters of SVM. So this section discusses the use of PSO for feature selection & parameter optimization in Network anomaly detection system for SVM. In Tu. Chung et.al [16] Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is used to implement a feature selection, and then fitness values are evaluated with a Support Vector Machines (SVMs) which was combined with one-versus rest method for five classification problem. The Binary Particle swarm Optimization (BPSO) is used to serve as feature selection for classification problem. It helps to improve the

A Survey on Anomaly Detection in Network Intrusion Detection System


performance owing to its smaller number of simple parameter settings. Kernel Adatron (KA) SVM is used to evaluate the fitness values of the PSO, which can be obtained by comparing the characteristic of the general test data .Experimental results show that proposed method simplified feature selection and the total number of parameters needed effectively, thereby obtaining a higher classification accuracy compared to other feature selection methods. In Ma.Jing et al.[17] a New method of hybrid Intrusion Detection based on hybridization of Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO) and Support Vector Machine (SVM).Method is proposed for simultaneous feature selection and parameter optimization. In this combinatorial technique, parameters of SVM and dataset features are represented by every particle position (i.e., a binary series). The modified BPSO is used to obtain the best particle position quickly throughout the search space, which cooperates with SVM for evaluating the fitness of the corresponding particle. Consequently, the optimum features and parameters are chosen at the same time. The main purpose is to find out better parameters for SVM and a feature subset involving key features of network intrusion attacks based on the improved BPSO-SVM. Experimental results shows that technique will be useful to reduce the data quantity of large scale dataset and improve the classification ability of the classifier in IDS. In Zhang et al.[18] presents a Hybrid Quantum Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (QBPSO)-SVM based network intrusion wrapper algorithm.. In QPSO each bit of particle is represented by quabit, which has two basic state‘0’ and ‘1’.The quantum superposition characteristic can make a single particle represent several states, thus potentially increases population diversity. The probability representation makes particle mutate according a certain probability to avoid local optimal. When experimented with the classical intrusion feature selection, it was found that there exist correlation relationship among network intrusion features, so Modified QBPSO based wrapper feature selection is superior to those classical intrusion feature selection methods. The paper reported that, the proposed method is an effective and efficient way for feature selection and detection when tested on the data sets of KDD cup 99. New design of IDS was proposed in Zhou .J et al.[19 ]which presents optimal selection approach of the SVM parameters based on Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm. PSO parameters selection method not only to ensure that SVM learning ability but also to some extent, improved the generalization ability of SVM and performance of support vector machine classifier. The experimental result shows Particle Swarm Optimization and Support Vector Machine are effective in reducing the number of alerts, false positive, false negative better. In Wang J et al.[20] Simple Particle Swarm Optimization (SPSO) is used to optimize the SVM model parameters and feature selection for IDS. Support vector machine (SVM) has been employed to provide potential solutions for the IDS problem. Firstly feature selection algorithm select important features, and then built intrusion detection systems using these selected features. The training data set is then separated into attack data sets and normal datasets, which are then subsequently, fed into the hybrid PSO-SVM algorithms. Experiment results show that proposed method is not only able to achieve the process of selecting important features but also to yield high detection rates for IDS.



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Anomaly Detection Using other Machine Learning and Particle Swarm Optimization Approach

Some researches had also applied Machine Learning techniques other than SVM, Rough Set and Neural Network with variance of PSO in Network Anomaly Intrusion Detection System. Some of these methods are discussed below. In Chen. Yet al.[21] proposed a novel method, in which enhanced Flexible Neural Tree(FNT) based on predefined intrusion operator sets, a Flexible Neural Tree model can be created and evolved. The framework allows input variable selection over layer connections and different activation functions for various nodes involved. The FNT structure is developed using Evolutionary Algorithm and parameters are optimized using Particle Swarm Optimization. Similarily Chen.Y et al.[22]evaluates the performance of Estimates of Distribution Algorithm (EDA) to train a feed forward Neural Network classifier and Decision Tree, where EDA is a new class of EA’s in which search is mainly based on global information about search space. Here Neural Network is trained using PSO. EDA-NN classification accuracy is greater than 95% as achieved good accuracy in true positives and false positive rates. Another method described in Michailidis et.al [23] implemented and evaluated an Evolutionary Neural Network(ENN) in order to recognize known as well as new and unknown attacks. The analysis engine of the IDS is modeled by the ENN and its ability to predict attacks in a network environment is evaluated. The ENN is trained by a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm using labeled data from the KDD cup `99 competition. The results from the experiments are compared to the results by the same competition and give positive results in the recognition of DoS and Probe attacks. In Gong. S et al.[24] proposed a novel approach to feature selection based on Genetic Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization(GQPSO) attribute reduction in Network Intrusion Detection. Selection and variation of genetic algorithm with QPSO algorithm a recombined to form GQPSO algorithm; normalized mutual information between attributes defined as GQPSO algorithm fitness function to guide its reduction of attributes to realize the optimal selection of network data feature subset. Experimental result shows that the approach is more effective than QPSO and PSO algorithms in discarding independent and redundancy attributes.



Intrusion Detection based upon Particle Swarm Optimization is currently attracting considerable interest from the research community, being able to satisfy the growing demand of reliable and intelligent Intrusion Detection Systems. The main advantage of PSO is that it is easy to implement & only a few input parameters are needed to be adjusted & is effective in nonlinear optimization problem. Also updation of velocity and position in Particle Swarm Optimization is based on simple equations so it can be efficiently used on large data sets. From the survey done in this paper it is revealed that there are several factors that affects the performance IDS. First is selection & extraction of relevant features. If all features are evaluated then it degrade the IDS

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performance, so to enhance the performance researchers uses several Supervised Machine Learning techniques each of which has its own pros and cons. Also it has been proven that there is no single generic classifier available that can classify all the attack types effectively so hybridization of different Supervised Machine Learning techniques is done by several researchers. Since the single article cannot be a complete review of the research done in the mentioned area , so only hybridization of PSO with Rough-Set, ANN and SVM & some of the other Machine Learning techniques is discussed here. In this paper, the contributions of research work done in recent years, in each method were summarized and existing research challenges are also defined. It is hoped that this survey can serve as a useful guide for the researchers interested in Particle Swarm Optimization Based Machine learning Oriented Anomaly Network Intrusion Detection System.

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