November 2017. reverse engineering of relational databases. Dragana Vukovic(1), Drazen Brdjanin(2) , Slavko Maric(3). LANACO(1), University of Banja Luka, ...
25th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2017 Belgrade, 21-22. November 2017.
A UML-based approach to reverse engineering of relational databases
Dragana Vukovic(1), Drazen Brdjanin(2) , Slavko Maric(3) LANACO(1), University of Banja Luka, Bosnia & Herzegovina(2)(3)
Presentation outline • • • • • •
Motivation Related work UML-based RDBS representation Implemented tool Reverse engineering example Conclusion and future work
Vukovic, Brdjanin, Maric: A UML-based approach to reverse engineering of relational databases
• Automatic RDBS extraction and its visualization by the standard UML diagram • Using standard UML notation for database modeling
Vukovic, Brdjanin, Maric: A UML-based approach to reverse engineering of relational databases
Related work • Extracting and visualization of the RDBS • Various approaches, techniques and notations
Vukovic, Brdjanin, Maric: A UML-based approach to reverse engineering of relational databases
Related work Object-oriented IFO2 model (Soutou) Object relationship model (Embley, Xu) Object Modelling Technique (Premerlani, Blaha) ER-based RDBS representation (Mfourga, Markowitz, Makowsky) • Different UML profiles (Naiburg, Maksimchuk, Ambler, Marcos) • • • •
Vukovic, Brdjanin, Maric: A UML-based approach to reverse engineering of relational databases
UML-based RDBS representation • All RDBS elements are represented by the standard UML notation package SchemaName Schema package DataTypes Data types Tables
package Tables
Views package Views
Vukovic, Brdjanin, Maric: A UML-based approach to reverse engineering of relational databases
UML-based RDBS representation – Representation of primary keys
Example1 att1 : type PK(attr1 : type)
– Representation of foreign keys
Example1 att1 : type PK(attr1 : type)
Example2 att2 : type att1 : type PK(attr2 : type) FK_Example1(att1 : type)
Vukovic, Brdjanin, Maric: A UML-based approach to reverse engineering of relational databases
UML-based RDBS representation – Representation of complex keys – Several foreign keys referenced
Example1 to the same table?
att1 : type att2 : type PK(attr1 : type, attr2:type)
Vukovic, Brdjanin, Maric: A UML-based approach to reverse engineering of relational databases
UML-based RDBS representation – Representation of views viewExample + att1 : type + att2 : type + att4 : type att4(Example2.attr3 : type)
Example1 att1 : type PK(attr1 : type)
Example2 att2 : type + att3 : type PK(attr2 : type)
Vukovic, Brdjanin, Maric: A UML-based approach to reverse engineering of relational databases
UML-based RDBS representation
– Referential integrity DDL script – constraint of the operation that corresponds to the foreign key ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE
Vukovic, Brdjanin, Maric: A UML-based approach to reverse engineering of relational databases
Implemented tool •Eclipse (Topcased) plugin
• RDBS extractor • UML generator
Vukovic, Brdjanin, Maric: A UML-based approach to reverse engineering of relational databases
Reverse engineering example - Simple MS SQL relational database schema
Vukovic, Brdjanin, Maric: A UML-based approach to reverse engineering of relational databases
Reverse engineering example - Automatically generated UML schema
Vukovic, Brdjanin, Maric: A UML-based approach to reverse engineering of relational databases
Conclusion • Automatic reverse engineering completely based on standard UML notation and open source tools • Representation and visualization of the relational database schema directly in the tool providing UML modelling capability • Intuitive way of presenting UML notation • Easier and more efficient reverse engineering
Vukovic, Brdjanin, Maric: A UML-based approach to reverse engineering of relational databases
Future work
• Representation of other RDBS-related concepts (indices, triggers, etc.) • Adding reverse engineering functionality of other DBMS’s (MySQL, Oracle SQL, PostgreSQL, etc.) to implemented tool • Better visualization
25th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2017 Belgrade, 21-22. November 2017.
Dragana Vukovic(1), Drazen Brdjanin(2) , Slavko Maric(3) LANACO(1), University of Banja Luka, Bosnia & Herzegovina(2)(3)
A UML-based approach to reverse engineering of relational databases