Social and Educational Studies An International Journal
PROFESSOR A. DEMIRBAS Sila Science, University Mah Mekan Sok No 24 Trabzon, TURKEY Editorial Assistant M. BALAT
Editorial Board PROFESSOR B.V. BABU Department of Chemical Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani 33303 l(Rajasthan), INDIA M.BALAT Sila Science, University Malı Mekan Sok No 24, Trabzon, TURKEY PROFESSOR P. KALAC University of South Bohemia, Faculty Ceske Budejovice, CZECH REPUBLIC PROFESSOR M. M. KUCUK YY University, Educational Faculty, Van, TURKEY PROFESSOR M. PEHLIVAN S University, Educational Faculty, Konya, TURKEY Publisbing Office: SILA SCIENCE, Universite Mah., Mekan Sok. No: 24, Trabzon, Turkey.
Frequency: Energy Education Scierıce & Technology Part B (TSSN 1308-7711) is published 6 times per year. Abstracted and / or lndexed In: Science Citation lndex Expanded, Social Scieoce Citation lndex and Current Contents -Social &
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Aims and scope: Eoergy Education Science & Technology Part B is dedicated to detailed aod comprehensive iovestigations and appropriate reviews of the interdisciplinary aspects of energy educatioo, chenıical education, physical educatioo, mathcmatical cducation, biological education, scieoce aod education, eovironmental educatioo, health science and education, al I social educatiooal topics, social and behavioral sciences, and political and economic studies. Publication information: Please address all your requests regardiog orders and subscription queries to: A. Demirbas, P. K. 216, 61035Trabzoıı, Turkey. E-mail: ayhandemirbas@hotuı
Social and Educational Studies
ISSN 1308-7711
Evaluatioo of interoet usage in educatio,n by administrators aod teachers serviog in secondary educatioo schools N. Gokyer Tile skills of future teachers about material desigo aod iostructional technologies tbey use G. Tura/
Teachers views aboııt the components of secondary physics course cıırricıılum /. Ergin Meta analysis of tbe computer aided stud.ies in matbernatics: A sample ofTıırkey M F. Yilmaz, M Yesilyıırı, A. Odabas
365-371 372-377 378-384 385-390
Valııe priorities of physical edııcation teachers O. Ozbek The effect of problem-based teacbing method on the climination of student mistakes in simple eqııations with one ıınknown and identlties A. Kaplan, O. Buran Traditional versus distance learning: Wbicb one is rnore efficient? M Krsmanovic, V. Jeremic The effect of Context-based learning on anxiety toward biology with respect to achievenıent F. C. Tosun, E. Ozay Kose Role of buman factors in environrnental sustainability: A case study of shopping bags consumption S. S. Muthıı, Y. Li, L. Ze A new concept for mcasuring achievement levels in higber environmental education
A new approacb to occupational accidents: "Technique of deviation from means"
N. Peırovic. S. Jsljaınovic, V. Jerenıic H. Ceylan
391-394 395-399 400-402 403-408 409-416
Estimation of factors affectiog Interoet dependeoce level of adolescent individuals in Turkey with ccosored regressioo metbod A. Coban, M Kayri, O. Cokluk Traos-bouodary waters of Turkey andan examination from the legal aspccts: Case of Syria M Tombul The effect of an in-service training course on teachers' attitudes toward learning A. Kara The effect of constructive 5E model in teaching cornplex oumbers subject on studeots academic achicvement H. Furkan. A. F. Sakalli Analysis of different targeted 16s rdna fragmeots from tbe sludge with anaerobic microbes and optiınization of DCCE fıngerprinting
Financial crisis early-warning based on sentiment analysis
Students' views of tbe change about concentration and volume in the system at equiUbriunı
Univenity ştqdeı:ıts' erceptions relative to global warming
Primary education I. and n. level senior students' levels of fulfılliog their learning responsibilities
J. Zlıang, L. Wei. C-Y. Li, B-S. Wang
Z. Zeng, X Wang, W Wang
N. Yildirim, M Kucuk. A. Ayas C-Atadag. B-:'Kaya
R. Yesil
428-433 435-437 438-444 445-448
Views of the employees in chip removal iodustry about ergonomic factors U. Koklıı, E. N. Dizdar, M. Gavas Researching the factors tbat have effect on department preferences of university students E. S. Celikkol, H. K. Sevindir Young people's habit of reading labels and buying during food buying process
Sclf-regulation strategies usiog in music practices: A literature review
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M. Comerı, N. Sanlier N. Hardalac
E. Konter
Creating iocome-expcnse ratios for sports clubs for tbe purpose of management and fınancial control S. MAy Research on risk managernent for the national social security fund equity portfolio using the GARCH-VaR model Z. J. Gııo, L. Jia, Y. J. Zi Sensors and adaptive lcarning support: !Designing a mobile syslem to enhance childreo's learning in fieldtrip K-H. Hııang, C-C. Clıeng Mining valuable action rules : A social computing approach P. Su, D. Li, K. Sıı Research about Chioa's Iogistics distribution based on E-commerce environment Y. Feng
The scientometric evaluation of the institutional research:Tbe Siroak University casc O. Konur Researcb on impact factors analysis and assessment for the vulnerabiUty of regional agricultural drought disastcrs, risk management rnecha.oism and measures J. C/ıen. Lu Zlıang, H. Waııg, L. Xıı
479-486 487-491
500-504 505-508 509-512 513-517 518-520 521-529 530-534
A sharing design platform for game-based learning system integration in cloud to education theory
A risk assessrneot mcthod on the implementation of risk education
The value of rnathematical culture in the educatlon of innovation and entrepreneurship
M-S. Jian, J. T. Wang, Y-L Weng, P-C. Clıen, S-Y. Lai. Y-C. Clien l. Qianınıı, H. Jıııı. H. Xııdong. L. Kui, Q. Yong
L. Yoııg
Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Socia/ and Educational Studies
2012 Volume (issues) Special Issue: 465-469
University students' perceptions relative to global warming Caner Aladag·, Basturk Kaya Necmeııin Erbakaıı University, Alımeı Ke/esoglıı Facıılty o/Edııcaıion. Karıya, Tıırkey
Received: 27 December 2011; accepted: 06 March 2012
Global wanning is an imponant subject which it's effect is being felt more and more in our day and wlıich was also locaıed into new syllabuses which were pul inıo practice by MEB (The ıninistry of ııational Educaıion). The awarcness of the people from aU sırata of tbe society about this issue have been tried to be raised via conferences, panel discussions ete. in inıemaıional, naıional and loca! scale in recent years. And the aim of this activity is ıo reveal ıhe extent of the infonnation abouı global wanning and climate change tbat the teacher candidates have wbo are about to accomplisb their undergraduate studies. For this reason, it has been enabled thaı a working group of 60 teacher candidates ıo express their opinions easily, by askiııg open ended questions to them. Tbe quesıions posed ıo teacher candidatcs contain global warming, factors ıhaı give rise to wanning, potential impacts of global warming and ıbe studies to prevenı these impacts. As a rcsult, it has bcen scen tbaı students bave suffıcienı knowledge concerning tlıis issue. Even ıbough ihey staıe their ideas in differeot ways it has been seen that the large pan of tbese students are aware of the practices ıbat cause ıo global warming. Additionaly, according to results obtained il has been understood thaı teacher candidaıes have a set of cooccpt errors as to researcb of green bouse gases and ozone layer or as to wlıat are the green house gases? Another intensely expressed opinion is ıhaı it is very irnportanı to educate society on ıhis matter.
Keywords: Global wanning, clinıate change, student understanding. @Sila Science. Ali rights reserved. 1. lntroduction Differently from natura! clirnate change, global wanniııg is buman sourced. Global wanning which bas become an imponanı environmental issue is the result of pressures that humankind put on environment. Since ıhe indusırial revoluıion, eovirorunenı has begun ıo be polluıed intensely. Societies have realized the effects of polluıion, especially pollution in the atmosphere, for a while. However, iı bas been seen that the imponance of this issue is noı undersıood sufficicntly arıd thot there is on underesti_rnoted upproach point in qucstion. During thc rcccnt ycars, a baJancc bctwccn living bcings and cnvironmcnt bas occurcd wbich has tended to deteriorate. For the future of human kind and ali creatures this deıeriorated balance is required ıo be repaired. Global warming is defined as ıbe increasing of average global ıemperature in the atmosphere near the Eanh's surface by narural or by buman influence (1 ). in ıhis day iı has been accepted by almost ali climatologists ıhat ıbere is a deterioraıion on Eanb's climaıe system. ln case of various human activities that cause deteriorating the natura! balaoce carry on, it is cmpbatically expressed that these deteriarotaions in climate and the climaıe cbanges due to these deterioraıions will occur. Because of human causes, rising that will occur in the accumulation of green house gases and particles will cause ıo ecocide, dilution of ozone layer and increasing of ıemper on a global scale [2). Green house effcct is moslly results from aımosphcric water. % 85 of the total green house effecı consists of water vapor and % 12 of it consists of small water molecules in the aımosptıere. Apart from water soıırced green hoııse effect, anthropogenic sourced gases also cause to green house effect. COı, CFC gascs, methane gases, nitrogen ox.ides, aod ozone gases bave been increased considerably in recenı years ( 1 J. The mosı iınponant green hosu gases are, in panicular waıer vapor wlıich makes ıhe greaıest contribution (HO,) , carbondioxide (C02), metane (CH,), diazoıemonoxide (N20) and ıhe oıone gases which exist in tropospbere and stratospbere [3). ln addition ıo natura! changes, for he fırsı ıime in huınan hisıory a new period has been enlered in whicb human activities affect the climatc on regional and global scale. Humarı effects mentioned are; tbe use of fossil fuels, deforestaıion, uoplanned urbanizaıion and industrial processes. tbe green bouse effecı pbeoomenon wlıicb results from human acıivities and strenghtened by the green house gases ernissions bas broughı ıvith the issue of global warming [4). Buming of fossil fuels, deforestation, the chaoges in land using, accumulaı ion of green bouse gases in atınosplıere through industrial processes have been increasing rapidly since the industrial revolution. And that cause ıo rising in ıemperature of ıhe Eanh's surface by tbe contribution of urbanization, by strenghtening the natura! green house effect [3]. Eanh's clim.aı.e bas been sometimes in the cooling down periods and sometiınes warming periods for for cenuries and now it must has been entered to cooling period relatively. However, in our day it bas been observed thaı Earth's climaıe has noı enıered a cooling down pcriod on tbe contrary it bas entered a wann pbase likely ıo cause danger. For tbis situaıion, the biggest reason is global warming no doubt [5]. lo different couotrics of the world, climaıe summiıs and conferences have been held on the subject of proıecıion of globa1 climaıe. These are; Vieruıa Convention (1985), tbe Montreal Proıocol (1987), ıhe Kyoto Protocol (1997), Lhe Climate Summit in Buenos Aires ( 1998), Marrakech Treaty (2001), Bali Sumnıit on Climatc Change (2007), Pozrıan Climate Conference (2008), 2009 Climate Summit in copenhagen [6]. Cancun Climaıe Summiı (2010)and 2011 Climate Summit held in Durban sbould be noıed in addiıion ıo thesc. Summiı in Cancun, panies could not reach an agreemenl ıhat will replace the Kyoto Protocol which expires in 2012. This situatiotı is worrying development fort he future of our world. As to in Climate Change Conference in Durban, fora treaty covering all countries ıo combaı global warming and inıended to come inıo force in 2020, the idea of creating a road map in which it's provided for the coınpletion of ıreaıy iıı 20L5 ıvas adopıed. in addition, as well as a lot of activities carried out on locale on national scale for he people to comprebend ıhe imponance of global wanning and climate change. the academic studies also has been continuing not ıo be takeo of ılıis topic off tbe agenda. ln tlıe new education programs in our country wlıich came into force, a spccial aıtenıion has been given ıo environroenıal issues. in ıhe graduaıe - level educational iııstitutions, in tlıe programs of Science, Biology, Geograpby departments and in m.any more deparıment's program, environment - related courses are given. Turkey being in !he sırucmre of lhe complex clirnate, especially due to global wanning, is one of ıbe countries whicb is mosı likely to be affecıed by climate clıange that can be seeı.ı. Being surrounded by seas on ıhree sides, baving a defectivc topograpby and due ıo iı's orographic characterisıics, different regions of Turkey will be affected by climaıe cbange in different ways and in differenı sizes. For example, SouUı East and Central Anatolia wbich are the arid and semi -arid regions being under the bigger threat of desenifıcation and Aegean and Mediterraneao which are semi- humid regions having ioadequatc water will be more affecıed by the increase in ıemperature [2). Although global warmiog and climate change - relaıed activities have bcen regulated, peoplc stili havenl been aware of the importance of ıhe event. Human beings who mistreaı to environmeııt, when confronted with a disaster then are recognizing the importaoce of tlıe eovironıneot. in Uıe years of su.fficienı rainfall, the effects of global warming is forgotten, buı in the years of droughı, people can undersıand the size of danger. Even in so dry lasting years, many panel discussion, conferenccs eıc ... regulations are oeeded. Plans for the fümrc of humanity and world should be made by getting rid of the habit of looking to the evenıs aı shon ıerm, as sooo as possible. And tbis is possible only by training the ali sections of society and raising environmental awareness. On this subject, by doing enough researcbes, the defıciencies should be identifıed and ıhe environmental education programs should be prepared for every segment of society. The result of some studies exist on tbis subject reveals once again ıhe imponance of environmenıal educaıion. ·corresponding auıhor. Tel.: +90-332-323-8220; fax: +90-332-323-8225.
e-mail address:
[email protected] or
[email protected] (C. Aladag).
Aladag, B. Kaya I EEST Part B Social and Edııcational Stzıdies
Special lssue
Oespiıe the facı ıhat ıeacher candidaıes are aıtending ıhe course in Environınenıal Educaıion it sıill seerns tbaı they fail into a variety ofmisconceptions. One of the mosı notably ofthese rnisconceptions is the supposition that ' there is a relation between global wanning and ozone depletion' (7). The questioo ıhat is difficult ıo answcr from these results is to what extent each groups'understanding ofthe greenbouse effect is ı:tıe hasis oftheir knowledge ofclimate change. Given tlıeir lack of general understandiııg of the greenhouse effect and knowledge of greenhouse gases coupled with their conflaıing ideas about the greenhouse effect and tbe role of the oıone layer, iı isnoı unreasonable to assume that their knowlcdge of climaıe cbange is noı I inked ıo ıhcir undcrsıanding of these phenomcna (8). Thc findings of the present study suggcst ıhaı the majority of second ary school sıudenıs are aware of the physical consequenccs of global wanning. in part, ıhis may be due to the facı that the oornenclaıurc, global wanning, describes ıhe Eaıtb gcıting botıcr and, as an intuitive consequence, polar ice caps melting. Similarly, ıhe fact that the teım 'climate change' has becomc almosı intcrchangeable with the term 'global warrning' mcans that cbanges to weaıber patterns are a weU-known consequence of global warming. Nearly three quaıters ofthe students also seemed aware ofthe possibility of rnore flooding, althougb this may be based on the simplistic idea that as ice melts it incrcases ıhe volume ofıhe sea [9]. it is seen that students often give: the righı answers ıo the questions of environmental issues faced in every day life (crosion, soil polluıion, waıer polluıion, ete... ) but on ıbe subjecı of green house effect, global wanniııg which are some of the current problcms but tought to be not empbasi7..ed at leaming environment, it is seen ıhat wrong answers arc given or even fallen in some ofıhc misconccption (10).
1. 1. Purpose On the subject ofprotccting the envirorunent, individuals are bcing tried to providcd eııvironmental awarcness by thc environmental educations given to ıhem in scbools and a varieıy ofacıivities in all levels ofsocieıy. Buı yet sufficicnt sıep in this regard bas not been reached. So a loı more study about environmental education are needed. And ıhis study has becn done to deteımine how much knowledge ıcacher candidaıes have about global wanning and climaıe cbange. in additioo, it intends to determine tbe size ofthe information ıhaı ılıe ıeacber candidaıes obtain during ıheir educatioo period abouı environment and ifthere is any shortcoming, it inıends to put foıward what sort of studies ıo over come these short comings arc needed. 2. Material and metbod
2. 1. Research model This study is in descriptive naıure. So open-endcd qucstions have been directed ıo the students to gain in-d'epth in formation. it is the quesıion technique wbich any respoııse is not prc-prepared aııd the responses are left frec expression ofthe subjecıs (J 1). To get io-debth infonnation related to problem, especially in the Social Sciences, adopting qualitive approacb is more appropriaıe. in the line with tbis qualitive approacb. undergraduate final year students were asked six picces of open-eoded qucstions and were asked ıo express their ideas bcing brought no time limit. Quesıions includ.e; global warrning and climaıe cbange relationship, observable and wiıh ıheir possible effect which works sbould be done in this rcgard. Table 1. Qucstioas about global warming Whaı is global wanning and climate change due ıo global warming? Qt What arc the factors that cause global warming? Q2 What do you ıhink about ıhe possible effects of global warming? Q3 What cbanges you have obscrved due ıo global warming around you? Q4 Where is our regioa ıhaı will most affcctcd by global warrning?. Why? Q5 What are your thougbıs on ıhe prevenıion ofglobal warming? Q6
2. 2. Working groııp Tbe population of thc study is composed of Seljuk Universiıy final ycar studenıs. And the samples are Nursing, Geography and Biology ıeacher lası class students. A total of 60 stııdents participatcd in ıhe survey. Ali ıhe studenıs participating in the survey ıook lessons on the environment. For the selections of the section to be applied survey, tbe idea ıhat studenıs may rcspond self- consciously abouı ıhe global warrning and it's effects has bcca effective.
2. 3. Daıa collecıion and daıo Data of the study were obıained firom ıhe answers whicb 60 te.ıcher candidates gave for 6 pieces of open-ended quesıions whiclı were prepared to leam their views on global warrning. ln ıhis conıext, ıhe data obtained frorn opea-eaded questions were classifıed as beimg independent of eacb other and seperated in types by ıwo differeııt researcher. il was tried thaı sirnilar ones from ıhe opinions that students expressed werc tried to be gathered uııder the same category. The opinions expressed in similar ıerms were subjected ıo an inıegrity of meaning and tbe different ones were given seperately in ıhe caıegories ofanswcr. Theo, by analyzing thcse dara, their (f) frequency distributions were acquired and their percentages were calculaıed. As ıo the differenı opinions thaı were other ıban on respond caıegories, ıhesc opinions were tried ıo be given as the other opinioos under the title offindings. 3. Findings
6 pieces of opcn-ended questions asked to ıhe candidates wcre cxamined singly and tlıe ones wbich have similariıy of meaning were evaluaıed in tbe same ca.ıegory and fınally following fındings were reacbed. Table 2. The views of teacher candidates on thc qucstion of what is the global warmingand climate cbange due to gt. obal warming. (f and %). Geography (G) Biology (B) Nursing (N) Answer Categories it is a failure to establish the balancc ofclimaıe because of banning tbe oaıurc. il is ıhc warming ofEartb as the result ofincreasing amount ofC02 in the aunosphere. Iı is increase in tcmperature. It is the warrning caused by owne layer's being unable to perfonn iı's lask exaclly. it is season's being unseasonable it is ıhe climate cbange caused by ozone layer's in.filtrating ılıe sun ray's more, as the rcsulı ofgreeo bouse gases aıtenuating the ozone layer. il is occuring of severe drought, untimely rainfall, overflowings and floods more frequently in comparison with previous periods. it is tlıe expansion of occanic ıemperate climate zone and modcraıe climate wne and shrinkage ofthe polar belt. Othcr
3 3
16 16
7 13
6 6
19 19
2 6
11 32
38 18
3 3
When the answers which candida tes gave for item I were examined, it was seeo that ıhe students of biology and geography departments bave a view ıhaı 'world wanned mainly as the rcsulı of negative effecıs C02 ernission created'. (B: 32%, G: 38%). Nursmg students share the same opinion at ıhe rate of 16%. The mosı reflected opininon by nursing studcnıs is ıhat 'warrning caused by ıhe ozone layer wbich is unable ıo perfonn it's task exactly '. Espccially Geography Deparınıent studenıs did not sbare ıbis view. The common view of ali ıhree depaıtmenıs studenıs expressed is that 'iı is a failure to establish thc balance of climaıc bccausc of hanning tbe nature' and ıweaty percent ofGeography departmenı studenıs have tbis opinion (fable 2). While ıhc pcrccaı of ıhe students who support the idea ıhaı 'it is ıhe clirnate change caused by owne layer's infilıraıing ıhe sun rays more, as ıhe resuıı of green bouse gases' aıtenuaıing ıhc ozone layer' is % 1O for Biology sıudents and % 15 f or Geography studenıs, ıhis opininoo was not shared by Nursing
C. Aladag, B. Kaya / EEST Part B Social and Educational Studies
Special lssue
srude:oıs. The ratio ofsrudents who have ıhe opinioo ıhaı ' cliwate change due ıo global warming is because ofseasons' being uııseasonable' is % 1 O for Nursing stude:nts and %19 for Biology studcnts. And some studcnts have the opininon ıhat 'global wanning is tlıe deıerioration ofclimaıic condiıions by people and it is tbe abnonııal warmth caused by sun ray's not being reflected back enough. Table 3. Teacher candidate's opinions on tbe quesıion ofwhat are tbe factors cause global (f and %). Answer Categories Nursing Green house gases (air pollution, factoıy chimneys, exhaust gascs) Teclınological ııdvancements, radiation emiıted by electronic devices. Uncoııscious use ofıhe environroent (logging, grazing), consuming ofıhe natura] resources unconsciously The use ofgases wlıich daınage ıhe aımosplıcric layer suclı as perfıımes, deodoranıs ( cosnıeıic products ). Rapid population growth Disinfesıaıioo, chemical wastcs, Jack of ırcatmcnı planı Luxury consumption habits ofpeople Other
Biology % Nunıber 24 38 4 6
Nuı:ınber 20 6
% 34
2 4 12 1
3 7 20 2
Geography Number 36 2
% 3 19 1,5
6 3
s 2
A large part ofcandidaıcs gave the aııswer tbat green house gases ( air poUutioıı, facıory chimneys, exhaust gases) on ıbe question ofwhat are the facıors cause
global wamıiog. The raıios related ıo ıhis opinion ıaht srudenıs of all three departmenıs expressed predominanıly is over 50% for Geography sıudcots. Witb a rate
of38% sıudenıs of biology departmcnt, and wiıh 34% sıudents of nursing departmeoı ıhe same opinion was expressed (Tablc 3). Tbc promineot oncs anıong the mosı commonly expressed opininons on this subjecı are: 'The use of enviroomenı uncoosciously', and 'tbc use of gascs wlıicb damagc tbe aımospheric layer'. And it is also seen ılıat the opininon of 'the use of environment unconsciously 2 has been expressed by approximately % 20 students of each three department. Among the studeots who expressed tbe opinioo ıhaı' negative effect caused by ıhe use ofgases which damage tbe aımospbere sucb as perfumes, deodorant, it is remarkable ıhaı Geography and biology students are the majority. (B: 21%,G: 19%). Io thc caıegorics, tbe opinioos on chemical wastes and ıhe effects of cosumption habiıs of people have a ratio that caıı'ı be undercstirnaıed. Espccia1ly 20% ofıhe sıudents in the Nursing depamnent focused on luxuıy consumptioo habits. And tbe ratio ofthe studenıs who expressed radiaıion emined hy ıechnological advancernents and electroııic devices is noleworthy.(N: %1 O, B: 6%, G: 3%) And :some studenıs statcd tlıe facıors ofannihilating ofthe woods and vermin, senselesss water consuming ete. caused tbe facıors causing ıhc global warming. Table 4. Teacher candidates' opinions about the questioo of 'Wbat do you think about potential effects of the globalwarming?' (f and %). Nursing Biology Geography Answcr Caıcgories Number % Numbcr % Number % There will be drougbt, famine, aridiıy aııd desertificaıion As resul! ofmeltiog ofice caps, ıhe world wiU be submerged Catastrophes like flood, hurricane and fires will increase Ecological balance wiU deıerioraıe, while some species become exıincı, ıbe oıbers will proliferatc The oı.ooe laycr will deplete, UV-ray will lead many kind ofdiseascs Climatc and seasons will change, climate zones will replace As result ofgreenhouse effecı, overheating will occur Various diseascs will take place, the number of death ofall living creaıures will increasc As the plants can 'ı hamıonise with high temperaturc, raıe ofyield will dccrease
il 5 3 6
30 8 17
14 1 27
1 2
5 7
14 21
2 40 7 10 4 2
15 14 7 il
22 21
3 9 5
13 7
We can see in ıhe answers ofpre-service ıeachers to the questioo '\1/lıaı do you think about poteotial cffecıs oftbe global warming?' that most part ofthe pre service teachcrs take a sıand on tlıe opinion that the world would be submerged as rcsulı of melring of ice caps and the evenıs like drought, famine, aridity and deserıification (Table 4). Wlıile ılıi.rty percenı of oursing scbool graduates ofnursing school believes !here would be drought, famine, aridity and desertification, twenty two percenı of ıhe snıdeots of the depamnenı of geography and founeen perccnı of the studenıs of ıhe departrnent of biology have the same opinion. While the opinioo tlıaı world would be submerged as resulı ofmelting oficc caps is mentioned by 21% ofıhe studenıs ofthe departmeııt ofgeography and 21% of tlıe students of the department of ıhe biology, 14% of nursing school studcnts menıion it. Anotber dominant opinion mentioned by each one of the thrce depanınenıs is thaı ecological balaoce would deterioratc, while some species become extinct, tbe oıbers will proliferaıe (H: 17%, 8: 4 0%, C: 16%). TD:ıose wbo thinks climate and seasons would change and climate zones would replacc are in the rııtio of 6% in nursing sclıool srudenıs, l 0% in biology depanmenı sıudenıs, 13% in geography deparımenl studenıs. While ration ofıhe nursing school and geography deparımenı studcnts are oearly 1 0%, ıhe ration of biology depamıent studenıs who have ıhis opinioo is only 2% among the sıudents who tlıink catastrophes like nood, hurricaoe and fires would increase, Anotlıer opinion menıioned by 20% of nursing school sıudents and %6 ofgeography department snıdenıs is tbat as the plants can't hannonise wiıh lıigb ıemperature, raıe ofyi-cld will decrease. This opinion wasn't menıioned by biology depanmenı students. Not ınany students aııswcred that ıhe ozone layer would deplete, UV-ray would lead many k:ind ofdiseases. Table S. Teacher candidates' opinions about tbc question ofwhat change .s have you noticed in recent years depcoding on globalwarming around yııu (f and % . Geography Biology Nursing Aııswer Categories % Number Number % Number % Temjperaıure rise, melting ofglaciers Entanglemenı ofseasons, (seasons have swiıched, spriııg and autumn cannot be observed for a long time) blooming is seen in winter, different natura! events lıappen during day time increase in natura! disasters(sucb as floods) Anomalies in birtlıs, increase in deaths, extincıion ofspecies Decrease in water sources, desertifıcation and drouglıı Variance in vegeıablcs and fruits, dıying of planıs Defonnation of natura! habitaıs
4 8
9 18
6 12 12 2
14 27 27
4 4
25 44
6 19
13 43
9 7 7 2 6
7 1 1
16 2 2
T he mosı common answer ıo ıhe question of what changes lıave you noticed in recenı years depeoding on global warmiııg around you is enıaııglcmenı of seasons. Espccia1ly the amounı ofsrudenıs having ıhis opiııion among biology (44%) and geography (43%) departmenı studcnts is considerable. The amount of nursing department sttıdents having ıhis opinion is just 18%. Mosı parı of ıhe studenıs menıioned abouı ıemperaıure rise and melting of glaciers. Especially, mırsiug department sl\ıdents refer to anomalies in binhs, increase in deaıhs (27%). Apart from lhcse, tbc studcnts narrale the increase iıı natura! disasters, decrease in water sources, descrtifıcation and defomıatioo of natura! habitats as observable evenıs (fable 5). Most of tlıc students aııswered the quesıion of 'Wbich region is the ınosı affected by global warming, wby?' as Cenıral Anatolia Region, Marmara Region and Southeasıem Anaıolia. Ahbougb none of tbc oursing departnıent students indicaıcd Eastem Anatolia, few of the students of the oıhcr dcpanments indicated (Table 6). Wlıile biology depanınent snıdents dominantly indicaıed Ceııtral Aoatolia R.egioo (36%), geoı:,>raphy dcpartmenı students iodicated Ceotral and
C. Aladag, B. Kaya ! EEST Part B Social and Educational Stııdies
Special Jssue
Table 6. Teacbcr candidates' opinions about tbe questfon of whicb reglon is the nıost affected by global wanning, why? (f and %). Geograplıy Biology Nursing Answer Categories % Nunıbcr Number % Nunıber % 1 2 1 Eastem Anatolia 3 19 14 5 10 Marmara Region 27 6 25 4 13 4 18 il Southeastern Anatolia 4 7 5 14 23 5 Black Sea Region 8 3 3 14 6 3 Aegean Region 14 ıs 5 8 14 3 Mediterranean Region 26 14 13 36 4 Central Anatolia Region Southeastem Anatolia Regions in nearly same ratio. The indication of Marmara (27%) and Black Sea (23%) Regions as the most aJJecıed by global warrning by nursing department shldents slightly differ from other departments. Upon analysing the answers of these quesıioos, we can see ıhere isn't clear concurrence betwcen the srudeııts, partly the ratio oflhose meoıioııing Marmara and Southeastern Anatolia Regions is close. Table 7. Tcacher candidates' opinions about the guestion of what are your opinions about prevention of global warming (f Biology Nursing Answer categories Number % Number 30 People should be educatcd, consumption should be concious, luxury consumption 39 13 should be avoidcd 5 Subsıances damaging atmosphere should not be used, filter should be inserted ıo facıory 6 18 chiınııeys and car ex.hausıs 1 2 6 Watcr sources should be used conciously 2 9 3 Alıcrnative energy sources should be ıumed towards 6 4 19 Natııral habitats should especially be proıecıed, green areas should be refıned 3 Punishments for crimes against environmeı:ıt should be deterrent 2 3 chemical wastes should be destrucıed suitable to the meıhod, recycling should be 6 provided Biodiversity sbould be proıectcd Living properly ıo changing climate conditions should be tried Driving should be decreased (public transportation slıould be tumed ıowards) 2 Parfüme and deodorant usage sbould be decrased (having greenhouse effect sbould be prevented) Global wanniog can ooı be preventcd, buı decreased.
and %), %
Geograplıy Numbcr % 19 40
2 4 8
4 11
2 4
The quesıion of 'Wlıat are your opinions about prcvention of global wanning?' akset to thc studenıs, a clear majority indicated the necessity people should be educated ıo be scnsiıive towards enviroumenı aod luxury consumption should be avoided. The opinion mostly mentioned by the studenıs of eaclı department is coınmon. While especiaUy more than 50% of biology departnıent students mcntion this opinion, o/o40 of geograpby departınent sıudents agree with ıhis opinion. The oıher poinıs mentioned dominantly are tbat substances damaging aımosphere should not be used or decrease of ıbc danıage by fıltering. Besides, there wcre also students opining that nahlral habitats should be protected, living properly to changing climate conditions should be tried, clıemical wasıes sbould lx: desıructed suitablc to ıhe method and punishments for criınes against environmenı should be deterrent. As well as the number of sıudenıs wbo opincd was slight, ıhe opinions like punishrnents for crimes against environment should be dcterrenı and global warming could not be prevenıed, but decreased are remarkabl.e (fable 7).
4. Results and discussion Tcachcr candidates' approaches to the issues tike global warrning, its effects on climate, possible changes show tbat they gcnerally have conscious point of view. it is also seen Lhaı some notions are misunderstood by the students and some issucs couldn't exactly comprehended. However, the ratio of tbis situation is not ıoo much and general poinı of view shows that tbe sıtıdents bave sufficent knowledge about global warming. it is seeıı tllat ıhc fındiogs observed as resuh of the rescarcb have similarities witlı the reuhs of some rese.arches made before. Especially, the continiue of some delusions is remarkable. Kahraman et al. [12) concluded that ıhe students mosıly lack of awarencss in his researctı of the awereness of ıhe students of 1st grade ıeaching dcpartmenı abouı global warrning. Upon analysing the findings of fırst quesıion, it is seen tbat mosı of the sıudents have knowledgc abouı the eleroents causing global warming and they compreheod the effects of global warming on climate changes. Global warrning was defıned as ıhe cbange of climates and seasons. Global warrning with its results was defıned as ıhe desırucıion of natura! balance of the world [13]. Global warrning was defined as the increase of the earth's average temperature. Secondary school studcnıs emphasized the general increase of temperature and its effec.ıs using different expressions and terrns. The sıudents emphasized the melting of icebergs in relation witb ihe increase of earth's average lemperatuTe [14]. Oluk and Oluk [15] sıated in thcir rcsearch ıhaı alıhough aH of the shldcnts stated the cliroate changed because of global wanning, %33 of them tricd ıo idenıify global warming and grcenhouse effect in descriptive level, perceivc ılıe climatc cbanges by correlating ıhem with loca! weaıher evenıs and have conceprual ınisunderstandings about ıhese issues. Some sıudents priorly menıioned about the events in their lifes or around ıbem. This siıuaıion doesn 'l sbow that tlıey don't have k.nowledge about tbe issue or they have some conccphlal ınisundersıandings. According to ıhe rcscarcb of Pongsopbon et seq [16), thcre were two common specific misconceptions held amoog this group of sıudcnts. First, they thought that global wanning was a result of ozone dcpletioo. Tbe loss of ıhe ozone laycr and cliınate change are strongly connecıed; ıbe hole io thc ozone layer causes global warming. The second comrnon alıernaıive conception was ıhat ıhc sıudenıs could not distinguish incoıning, solar, shorı wave radiation from outgoing, long-wave, trapped rays. Upon analysing ıhe tindings of sccond quesıion, it is observed !hat the sıudeots mostly coroprehended the facıors causing global warıning and thc importance of human. it is seeo that as well a.s having some concephlal misundersıandings aboui polluıings, the students comprehended suffıcently tbe elemcnts polluting the cnvironment and atmosphere. it is seen that the snıdents participating in ıhe research about tbe possible effects of global warming mostly comprehended the importancc of tbe event. Moreover, wc had better say that the shldents look at the issue in perspective as ıhere were those stating the possible effects of global wanning very differenıly among the studenıs as well as the raıio is changable. lt is observed in the research of Temelli and others [17] that while 73.5% of tbe teachers agree with ıhe opinioıı of sea level would rise, 7.4% of tbcm don't agree. 8.3% of ıhem are undecided and 10.7% have no knowlcdge. As well as the intented rcsuh of fourth quesıion is more loca! lhan ıhird, İl is ıhought that besides thc sıudents' own observations, whaı they leamed by different communication ıools are effecıive as the students can observe the melıiog of glaciers from media more ıhan their own cnvironment. Likewise, tbey probably leam lhc evcnıs abouı desertifıcation and droughı from the media. Rosanne's [18] (esearch named 'Climate Change in School: Where Does it Fit and How Ready Are We' indicates ıhat ıeachers place a high priority on climale change as a topic their students should know, but repon tbeir owıı knowlcdge as inadequatc for teaching it. Students (and some teachers) seem unable ıo distinguish among related environmental issues, and ıreaı general "environmcntally friendly'' bebavior as affccting ali issues. The curricular fit of global climate change is best in Earth systcms orienıed classrooms but opporrunities exist across ıhe curriculum; instnıctional maıerials are available, though these may not address misconceptions. Some interest groups oppose human-mcdiaıed climate change as a curriculum topic, for the same reasons they opposc public acıion on the problem. it is observed that mosı of the students are in coocurreoce abouı which region is thc mosı affected by global warming. Howevcr, the anıounı of those who think diffcrent shouldn't be underestimaıed. It would be appropriate to iodicaıe that ıhis issue couldn't be exacıly comprehended. Upon analysing their opinions of preventing global warming, it is scen that ıhe studeots tlıink educaıion of people is much importanı, and ihe conscious about environmeot should be increased. Another imponanı issue menıioned here is that luxury consumption is something hostility to eovironnıcnt. Bccoming conscioms of tbe people abouı this issue is a tough process. it would only possible to expect people ıo sacrifıce the technology making their daily lifes much easier by
C. Afadag, B. Kaya I EEST Parr B Socia/ and Educationaf Studies
Specia1 lssııe
malcing tlıem comprehended the importance oflivablc environıncnı. As well as having little ratio (4%), there were studeoıs opining ıhaı global wanning can not be prevenıcd, but decreased among the geography departınenı srudeııts. Probably, tlıe reason why they have this opinion is ıhat they know glacial and interglacial age. Tbe opinion punishıneıııs for crimes against environment sbould be deıerrenı meotioned by only %3 ofnursing department studenıs is also much important, in facı. it is anotber assesment ıbat ıbe departmeots from wbicb ıhe studenıs graduate is remarkable. For examplc, wltile biology departmeot students mention abouı ıhe staıcments like ecological balaoce or biodiversiıy more tban others, anomalies in binhs are mentioned by nursing departmcnt students. Upon analysing tbe findings obtained, it is revealed tbat a resulı close to the ones before was obtaincd. Pcrceivc mistakes are stil! carrying on as it was in the prior researcbs. Bozdogan (7) stated in his researcb ııamed 'Traiaee ıeachcrs' opinion of the effects ofglobal warming in next cenrury' that ıhere are some kind of conceptual misunderstandings altbougb ırainee ıeachers have enough knowledge abouı this issue. It was concluded in also ı.lıis researcb that some of the students bave ıhe opinion of perfume and deodorants constituıe greenhouse effccı. it is also seen that ibey can't exacily distinguisb ozone layer spoil event. %35,1 ofthe srudenıs am,wered the question of'Would CFC (Cblorofluorocarbon) gas in spray bonles increase the greeııhouse effecı?' 'Yes', 23.8% ofthem 'No', 41.1% '1 don't know' in Darcın and others' (19] research. 37% ofthe students answered the question of 'Would ozone layer spoil increase the greenhouse effect?' 'Yes', 27.6% of ıhem 'No', 35.4% of them '1 don't know'. Boon [7], wben asked abouı otber greenhouse gases, a very low percentage of students or preservice teacbers knew gases besides carbon dioxide sucb as CFCs, nitrous oxides, methane, or waıer vapour. Tbis additional information suggesıs tbat their knowledge oftbe greenhouse ef fecı is fragmented and derived from in formal sources, such as the media. Wbat is ofparticular inıeresı is ıhaı tbere appears to be a higber proportion of pre-service teachers, 22. 7% compared witb 13.0% of secondary snıdenıs, confusiog the role ofthe ozone layer with the greenbouse effecı, possibly reflecting uncertainty in thc way they were taugbı at scbool by previous geaerations of teacbers. Rebich (20) claims; many students also seemed to use grecnhouse gas, greenhouse gas emission and pollution indiscriminately. The Jack of disıincıion betwecn greenbousc gas and eınission seemed to indicate that some studenıs tlıought ofgreenbouse gases as "bad", wbile in reality they are essential ıo maintaining a babitable temperature on Eartb. Studenıs wbo ıhougbı of greenlıouse gases as synonymous with pollution were likely to attribute ali ıypes of polluıioo-relaıed health damages ıo greenbouse gas emissions, associaıe ozooe depletion wiıh greenbouse gas emissions in general, and ıhink ıhat al! ıypes ofpolluıion eobance ıhe greenhouse ef fecı. These students denıonstrated a lack ofapprcciatioo for ıhe role of aerosol pollurioa (boıh naıural and anthropogenic) in deteanining albcdo and iafluenciog tbe processes of cloud seeding and precipitation. Upon analysing the results of the research about a group of 8th and 11ıh grade secondaıy educaıioo studenıs' opinions off climaıe cbanges, wbicb was ınadc by Liarakou eı seq (21J in Grecce, it is emplıasised tbat tlıe studeots have misunderstandings abouı ozone Jayer spoil with grecnhouse effect and the effecc of media is cmphasised in the increase ofconscious oftbe studeııts. Besides, it is sıated tbaı the 11ıh grade students have ınore awareness than 8th grade studeııts. in facı, to sumrnarise the re-mlts obtained in other researches and this researcb also, it can be said that the srudenıs bave knowlcdge abouı global warrning even if tbey have sonıe conceptual ınisundcrstandings. Bcsides, all ofthem believe the necessiıy of proıecting ııatural babitat. Traince ıeachers, wbo arc aware oftheir lackn.ess ofapplying, agree on the opinion tbat people need ıo be educaıcd more about tbis issue. il is obtaincd as result of the rescarches of Pekel et al. (22] named 'Compare of the opinions of diffcrent bigb school studeıııs about ozone layer' ıbaı bigb scbool students bave conceprual ınisundcrsıandings and environrnenı education is not attachcd enough importance in higb schools. According ıo thc results ıhe researcbers obıained ia the research named 'Traioee teachers' opinions aboııt global warmiag' ırainec ıeacbcrs have suffıcent knowledge about global warıning. However, it is coocluded that environrneot education is necessary, wbich also creaıes bebavioral cbange on ırainec teacbers [5]. Practically applying of knowledge wlıicb is obıained ıcorically has mucb importance. The missions of mcdia about this issue is critic. Pcople pay more anenrion when thesc kind ofevents take part io media. Tbe besı example for tbis situaıion is the behavioral chaoges on people for waıer consuıning as resulı of tbe drought in 201O in our country take lıigbly part in media. References (I J Aksay CS, Keıenoglu O, Kurt L. Kuresel ısınma ve iklim degisikligi. SU Fen Ed Fak Feo Derg 2005;25:29 -41 [in Turkish]. [2] Ozturk K. Kuresel iklim degisikligi ve Turkiye'yc olası etkileri. GU Gazi Egit Fak Derg 2002;22:47-65 [in Turkish]. [3] Turkes M, Sumer UM, Cetiner G. Kuresel iklim degisikligi ve olası etkileri. Cevre Bakanlıgı, Birlesmis Milletler İklim Dcgisikligi Ccrceve Sozlesmesi Seminer Notlari, CKOK Gn. Md, Ankara, pp. 7-24, April 13, 2000 [io Turkish]. (4) Kadioglu M. Kuresel ildim Degisi.kligi ve Turkiye, 2