Advaitic big bang Vikram H. Zaveri
B-4/6, Avanti Apt., Harbanslal Marg, Sion, Mumbai 400022 INDIA (Dated: June 13, 2018) A modi ed version of the standard big bang model based on Advaita Vedanta is proposed. This requires certain modi cations to special and general relativity and quantum physics at a fundamental level. This yields a new quantum gravity theory and a cosmological model which incorporates most of the big bang cosmology that is already experimentally veri ed. The model is based on the periodic nature of time. PACS numbers: 98.80.Bp, 98.80.-k, 04.60.-m, 98.80.Qc Keywords: Origin of Universe, Advaita Vedanta, Quantum gravity, Quantum cosmology.
1. INTRODUCTION The article presented here is only a small element of a much larger formulation listed here in a recommended order of reading [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] proposed to arrive at a theory called periodic quantum gravity and cosmology (PQG) [8]. Primarily this article provides the Advaita Vedanta basis for modi cation of the standard model of the big bang from its foundation and lists the improvements in the primary articles listed in references 1 to 9. PQG is the only theory that can generate the entire table of standard model fundamental particles from a single formula. In this theory spin operator is directly introduced in the Laplacian and it can handle spin 1/2, spin 1 and spin 0 particles. Dirac and Schrodinger formalism can only handle spin 1/2 particles. Laplacian with spin included yields exactly same energy levels of hydrogen atom as that obtained in Dirac's theory. This improved wave mechanics theory [5] is then united with periodic relativity [2, 3] theory which is an improved version of general relativity. Following new metric proposed in periodic relativity to replace Schwarzschild metric gives two exact solutions to Einstein's eld equations. One solution solves perihelic precession problem and another solution solves rotation curves of galaxies which Schwarzschild metric fail to explain. Cold dark matter is accounted for through the constant of integration k. It also gives more general form of Lorentz transformation equation and Kepler's law of orbital period applicable to rotation of stars of the galaxies. The diagonal elements of this metric g are given by, g00 = 1, g11 = g22 = g33 = n. In rst solution n is a real number and in second solution n is a variable and a function of r. This second solution to Einstein's eld equations which solves the problem of rotation curves of galaxies can also be applied to energy levels of Hydrogen atom [10]. In addition to ne structure, this theory can also explain the Lamb shift and the hyper ne structure which Dirac's theory cannot explain. Physicists have put in considerable eorts to unify gen-
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eral relativity and quantum mechanics but without success. The string theory and loop quantum gravity are still far from their goal. The Large Hadron Collider and other major particle physics experiments have failed to detect supersymmetric partners or evidence of extra dimensions. Scientists are looking for a uni ed theory of creation. To achieve this objective, the physicists have set up two principal goals. First is the search for the fundamental building block of the universe. Second is the uni cation of four fundamental forces in nature. This constitutes the mainstream physics. The theory presented here regards these two principal goals as speculative and not plausible and hence the deviation from the mainstream physics. Another feature of the mainstream physics is that most of the physicists if not all, consider consciousness [6, 7] as something outside the domain of physics and therefore when they talk about theory of everything, they really mean theory of everything excluding consciousness. As per the current understanding in the physical and life sciences, much of the scienti c literature maintain strict distinction between consciousness and matter. The former is considered sentient and the later insentient. This theory proposes that the existence of consciousness in this universe is a reality and the big bang theory could not be considered complete till it can account for the presence of consciousness along with the other forms of insentient matter. Having rejected the two principal goals of the mainstream physics, this theory proposes that everything in the universe is reducible to energy. Therefore unity behind four forces (bosons), fermions and leptons should be sought in energy. It is a common knowledge that when electron and positron collide they annihilate into two photons which does not have mass or charge but only kinetic energy. This itself is a proof of charge energy equivalence. Another point this theory makes is that the Spirit (which imparts consciousness to the mind) and energy are two states of one and the same thing which you may call the fundamental substance of the universe. Fundamental building block of the universe is assumed to be a micro entity, but the fundamental substance of the universe is all pervasive and ever remains undivided. In physics, this indivisibility of the unmanifest fundamental substance shows up as properties such as the wave parti-
2 cle duality, entanglement and the curvature of space-time fabric (in other words, gravity). This indivisibility can also explain the quark con nement or the strong force and may not need gluons to explain it. So basically the fundamental substance of the universe replaces the spacetime fabric of general relativity.
2. PRINCIPLE OF NON-DUALITY Advaita [11] is a sanskrit word for non-dualism. Here a theory is proposed in which the universe is created from an unmanifest fundamental substance of the universe which is indivisible and in nite in extent. So the multiplicity or duality seen in the universe is apparent and not real. e.g. all beings think that they have an independent physical existence, at the same time they live in a single mass of air for their survival, like the sh in an ocean. This unmanifest substance replaces the In aton [12] of the standard model. But there is a dierence between In aton and the unmanifest. In aton represents the potential energy density of a scalar eld, whereas the unmanifest is not the energy at all, but is of the nature of Spirit, life and consciousness. The unmanifest is perfectly motionless, but when a small fraction of it begins to move (big bang), it is apparently divided into quanta of spirit which physicists call energy. This fact was directly experienced by Sri Ramakrishna and his Guru Sri Tota Puri who realized from rst hand experience that "Brahman (Spirit) and Sakti (energy) are one and the same!" [13]. "When I think of the Supreme Being as inactive, I call Him Brahman (Spirit). When I think of Him as active{creating preserving and destroying{I call Him Sakti (energy)" [14]. Physicists are at a total loss in explaining the origin of energy and the presence of consciousness in the universe. Each quanta is associated with a wavelength and period of its associated deBroglie wave. This concept of the unmanifest is based on the advaitic principle of Brahman. We see multiplicity of observers in the universe each functioning with their independent minds, but advaita principle proposes an underlying eld of Spirit which is common to all observers and which makes their minds conscious. This underlying eld called the unmanifest not only supports the living observers but also everything that is considered non-living. And the unmanifest is the cause of the creation of the entire universe in all respects without itself getting divided into fragments. The motionless part of the unmanifest does not interact with the created energies in general and therefore cannot be detected by the physical experiments. However, it can be experienced by the pure mind (free from desires and ego) of an observer under certain circumstances but such an experience is a quale. So in this theory we are talking about two dierent spaces, one within another. The rst is the conscious space of the unmanifest which is without boundary and in nite, and second is the material space of energy which is time bound and nite. This ma-
terial space undergoes accelerated expansion within the motionless conscious space which is beyond time. The energy within the material space develops dierent degree of rigidity as it undergoes phase transformation like in Bose Einstein condensate. But the most primitive form of energy like the gravitational energy could be perfectly resilient (elastic). Besides universe as a whole is indivisible in this theory. This indivisibility also imply perfect resilience. The entanglement and the wave particle duality in physics must be the consequence of this indivisibility and the perfect resilience. So the universe as a whole can never have elastic or plastic failure as in case of steel or other brittle materials. It seems gravity is caused by entanglement and not by Graviton. Need for something to go faster than light to explain entanglement arise from the notion that there is a distinct division between two locations in the universe. In case of particle anti-particle pair we assume both to be independent and unconnected from each other. This is where the problem is. If we keep in mind the wave particle duality, we get a reason to believe that particle anti-particle do not have independent existence. We can go one step further and propose that both are subject to Newton's third law of motion according to which, action and reaction are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. It is for the same reason that particle and anti-particle y away from each other at creation with equal and opposite momentum so that the sum total of the momentum of the entire universe is always zero. This is why between matter and anti-matter, mass is always positive but the spin, charge and momentum has opposite sign. All these are caused by entanglement and Newton's third law and has nothing to do with speeds faster than light. Another point is how far can we extend this idea of indivisibility between particles? I would say the entire universe. The universe as a whole is entirely indivisible. All the multiplicity we see in the universe is apparent. So when the multiplicity arise, the gravity also arise as a stress between those multiple entities. General relativity treat this as the curvature of space time. And again there is no need for Graviton traveling at a speed of light, So we say that entanglement also causes gravity. Therefore to look for fundamental building block of the universe as a micro entity would not be very fruitful. The universe is made out of an in nite indivisible substance which is one without a second. In general relativity kinetic energy of a system can be extracted from the system and stored as a potential energy. In Newtonian theory this stored potential energy is ascribed negative sign and in GR the place of storage is designated as space time fabric. In our theory we have replaced this space time fabric with the Indivisible fundamental substance of the universe with perfect resilience. So the stored energy is in the form of stress energy and is positive energy despite of its negative sign. Therefore it does not annihilate the positive energy of the universe. Therefore zero energy universe is not an acceptable concept in this theory. This is consistent with general rela-
3 tivity in which energy of a system is not conserved but the stress-energy momentum tensor is conserved locally.
A. Absolute In nity It appears that in most cases the word in nite is abused. Its like calling someone "Lord of the earth" who has never seen anything beyond a small piece of land over which he is a ruler. I prefer following de nition of the in nite.In nite can only be one (without a second) and not many. In nite cannot have any boundary. Because if we put a boundary on in nite, there will be something that would exist beyond that boundary and limit the in nitude of the in nite. So boundary would cause in nite to become nite. Hence second something cannot exist beyond the in nite. With same reasoning we can say that in nitesimally small something cannot exist, because you cannot de ne in nitesimally small without putting a boundary on it. Therefore the in nite we have de ned without a boundary is the Absolute In nite in which there is no division and therefore no relativity. Here absolute is not used in the mathematical sense j xj = x. It is used in the sense of pair of opposites, like day and night, hot and cold, happiness and misery, particle and anti-particle, and so on. Absolute and relative are pair of opposites. This absolute in nite is one without a second. This way of de ning in nity is purely mathematical. You cannot de ne a potential in nity with pure mathematics. For de ning potential in nity we must introduce physics. Examples of potentials are electric potential, gravitational potential etc. In general we can say that these kind of potentials are energy potentials. Now the entire universe is made out of energy. In Big Bang theory we come across Hubble parameter. This parameter at Planck time is supposed to be holding the entire energy of the universe, which gets released during in ation. But as we know, the energies of the universe are not in nite and the universe also has the boundary. And there could be more than one such universes. So we look for the fundamental substance of the universe which is indivisible in nite and does not have a boundary and is capable of giving birth to the energy. Not only that, the same fundamental substance must also be responsible for the consciousness of the living beings. Consciousness is not energy. Thus we can de ne the potential in nite out of which emerge the entire universe. This we can say is the motionless Spirit under lying the entire universe. When it begins to move, it becomes energy. Therefore energy is always in motion. Both energy and consciousness can never be destroyed. This is the only real in nity and rest of the in nities are pseudo in nities like the Lord of the earth. Articles [6] and [7] shows how this theory can be related to the Big Bang theory. It need to be clari ed that Cantor's theorem has nothing to do with absolute in nity, because only one member of Set A is in nite which is all pervasive Spirit (Brahman) and there are no subsets of Set A because Brahman is in-
divisible. So the cardinality of set A is 1 and there is no powerset of A. So in the absence of power set the term uncountably in nite is meaningless. Therefore Cantor's theorem is limited to the realm of apparent multiplicity and relativity, where as in nite indivisible Brahman is beyond relativity of numbers. It is one without a second. Absolute in nity is not a member of any numbers set. In Cantor's theory, the indivisibility of manifest Brahman (which is the universe) and the unmanifest Brahman (which is all pervasive Spirit) is not discussed because Cantor's religious belief would only allow dualisitc mode of worship in which the God maintains a distict and separate existence from His creation.
B. In ation and time keeping in big bang In case of standard model, In aton undergoes in ation [12]. This In ation ends when the kinetic energy density of the in aton becomes larger than its potential energy density. At this point the universe might be said to be frozen. Preheating occurs because the interaction terms gives the oscillating contribution to the mass squared of bosons interacting with the in aton eld. This leads to a broad parametric resonance in an expanding universe. This standard model scenario is based on the In ation model which has nothing to do with the quantum gravity. In advaitic big bang (ABB), the unmanifest gives out particle anti-particle quanta of energy according to a well de ned quantum gravity theory [8] in which the in ation occurs because of the exponential term natural to the wave equation. There is no separate in ation model required. In standard model in ation begins at 10 32 sec. but in ABB in ation begins at Planck time and continues even at present. This is why we have accelerated expansion of the universe. In standard model, separate time keeping is done with the help of Hubble parameter but in advaitic big bang theory (ABB) the Hubble parameter is built into the wave equation and is associated with the Planck frequency which also de nes the initial roll down energy between particle pair prior to in ation. In In ation models of the standard model, dierent models pick dierent initial value of the large roll down energy of the scalar eld on an ad hoc basis. This is not the case with ABB. Loop quantum gravity is plagued with what is called "`the problem of time," but in ABB time keeping is integral to the wave equations and time parameter dictates whether a particular particle can be created at a given time or not. There have been speculations that the Higgs eld can be the In aton of the standard model [15]. But ABB rules out this possibility because ABB wave equations do not allow Higgs Boson (n = 229 to 233) to exist prior to creation of Savitons at quantum number n = 1. Besides, discovery of Higgs Boson in LHC was a relatively low energy event associated with Electroweak symmetry breaking. To unite strong force with electroweak force requires even higher energy which is beyond the range
4 of present technology. To unite gravity with rest of the forces requires even more energy, which is Planck energy at which Savitons are created. The idea of space-time expanding is associated with the scale factor a(t) in the Friedmann equations which is also related to the in ation and the exponential expansion. These ideas appeared in bits and pieces in the big bang cosmology and had no connection with the Schrodinger wave mechanics. Even now most people would wonder what connection could there be? In Schrodinger formalism we write the wave function (r; t) = f (t)u(r). This is how we separate the variables by making function u(r) independent of time. Function f (t) depends only on time. Periodic quantum gravity theory [8] shows that this function f (t) has all the properties of the scale factor a(t) which is also time dependent. Secondly, In ation and exponential expansion in big bang cosmology are given by the equation, a(t) / exp(Ht). And in wave mechanics we know that the wave function of the form expi(kx wt) satis es the particle wave equation of which both the harmonic waves and more complicated waves are solutions. Periodic quantum gravity theory [8] has shown that wave function of the form f (t) = C exp((E + K )t=~3=2 ) is responsible for in ation and exponential expansion in the early universe. And there is no discontinuity between the in ationary period and the other epochs of the universe like in standard model of the big bang. See eqns. (26), (27), (74) and (79) in this article. This makes it clear that the space is not expanding but rather particles moving away from each other causes the illusion of space expanding. Space time cannot expand without it having some additional surrounding space which would allow it to expand. This causes contradiction in standard model of big bang.
C. Singularity and big bounce ABB does not rule out multiple intermittent big bounces following a big bang, and does not put any limit on total number of such big bangs. So between the big crunch and a big bang there prevails a perfect state of motionlessness. Appearance of singularity in general relativity is due to lack of quantum gravity treatment at planck time. A particle having planck energy at planck time has a planck length which is equal to Schwarzschild radius and also equal to Compton wavelength. So the particle of planck size cannot hold more energy than the planck energy which is of the order 1019 GeV . If it tries to acquire more energy than the planck energy, the particle wave will collapse and will become perfectly motionless leaving no mass gap. The singularity of General relativity tries to hold the entire energy of the universe which is of the order 1081 GeV . within the size of the planck length. This is absurd. Therefore such geometrical singularity
does not exist in periodic quantum gravity theory. Wave function collapse by measurement is de ned as reduction of superposition of several eigenstates to a single eigenstate. This means that all the possible statistical outcome of the measurement process reduces to one definite outcome. So this one de nite outcome is the wave interference pattern that we see in the double slit experiment. Wave function collapse does not mean no outcome at all because interaction with gravity at present epoch is weak and its contribution very small in the total effect. But interaction with gravity becomes critical near Planck epoch, 10 43 sec. after big bang. It becomes so strong at Planck time that not only it collapses the wave function to a single eigenstate but it also collapses the particle wave associated with that single eigenstate leaving behind no mass gap at all, and the energy associated with this single eigenstate becomes perfectly motionless. So you cannot call it energy anymore because energy and motion coexist by de nition.
3. THE CAUSE OF THE FIRST MOTION The cause of the rst motion is the force of Will associated with ufc (uni ed eld of consciousness) [7], which itself does not have any other cause. What is Will? What is the force of Will? Will Power is the universal term known to all. In this term Will is not something physical but spiritual and is related to consciousness and mind in humans. Where as Power is a physical term related to Force and Velocity OR you can say with Force, distance and time. The Work is de ned by Force and Distance. So term Force of Will is another way of talking about Will Power. We know that among humans dierent people have dierent Will Power. Every work begins with a Will to do it. We know that everything that man creates, begins with an idea. So Will is a particular category of idea that allows or resists certain actions. I will do this OR I will not do this. Depending on the strength of the mind, this idea related to the WILL has higher or lower energy. So we can say the Will idea with Higher energy can have more Will Power. Now we talk about Universal Consciousness (Spirit). Here also, all creation or work must begin with Will to do it. Compared to human Will Power, the Universal Will Power must be very great. The idea associated with Universal Will Power must have tremendous energy compared to human Will Power. This energy I propose is of the order of Planck energy which is 1019 GeV . So the rst particles created at the beginning of the universe (Savitons in my quantum gravity theory) represents the Will Power of the Universal Spirit. These particles are bosonic particles which are the carrier of force.
4. CAN ELECTROWEAK FORCE TRANSFER HEAT? We know that the electromagnetic force can transfer heat and make the temperatures go up and down. Entire thermodynamics is based on this heat transfer. But the question is whether the electroweak force by itself can do the same thing? Can the electroweak force transfer heat in the total absence of electromagnetic radiation? There is no experimental evidence to support this idea. The spontaneous symmetry breaking causes the massless W3 and B bosons to coalesce together into two different bosons the Z o boson, and the photon. Before this symmetry breaking, photons did not have any independent existence at all. What existed before this symmetry breaking were W bosons of weak isospin from SU(2) (W1, W2, and W3), and the B boson of weak hypercharge from U(1), respectively, all of which are massless. Are any of these particles capable of transfering heat? I very much doubt. I think prior to symmetry breaking, following energy temperature formula which is based on Boltzmann constant cannot be used, because photons did not exist and this formula is applicable only to photons.
T (deg.K) = E (in eV) x 11604:44845
So the question is whether there was any heat transfer in the early universe prior to separation of electromagnetic force from the electroweak force? If there was no heat transfer prior to separation of electromagnetic force then the universe had a beginning which was neither hot nor cold, and what is normally considered a reheating phase after in ation in standard model can be identi ed with electroweak symmetry breaking. But prior to this epoch, one cannot talk about heat transfer or entropy. Prior to separation of electromagnetic force from the electroweak force, absorption and emission of energy by particles did not involve heat transfer or change in temperature. This kind of energy exchange can be explained by a simple example. If you have a drum which is half lled with petrol (gasoline) and you add another half drum full of petrol to it, then the total energy in the drum is double but there is no heat transfer or change in temperature and this energy remains in a very compact form. This is consistent with the fact that as we go toward the Planck epoch, the size of the universe is very compact. If photon alone is the deciding factor for transfer of heat, then prior to existence of photon in the early universe, we cannot say that universe was hot or cold. Because in the absence of heat-transfer the word Cool loses its meaning. This is because, hot and cold are relative terms. In the absence of one the other has no meaning. In order for the strong force to separate in PQG, Gluon must rst come into existence. This does not happen till 10 39 sec. (data 25). You cannot generate Gluon parameters from PQG eqautions before this time. So this is the point of symmetry breaking with respect to strong force in PQG (which is close to 10 36 sec. in standard
model). Similarly you cannot generate gamma ray photon parameters in PQG prior to 10 26 sec. (data 21). This is when the electromagnetic force separates from the electroweak force. (In standard model this occures at 10 12 sec.). My conclusion is that heat transfer cannot take place prior to this time, because you must have photon for transmitting heat. Other particles do not have this ability. Boltzman constant is based on photon and cannot be applied to other forms of energy. Idea of temperatue is associated with the increased volume of the heat absorbing body. So when the volume of mercury rise in a thermometer, we say the temperature has gone up. This happens when the electrons of the mercury atom absorb or eject photon. So the heat transfer and temperature are phenomenon associated with the interaction between electron and photon. In the absence of these particles talking about heat transfer and temperature is meaningless.
5. PERIODIC NATURE OF TIME Another feature of PQG is that the Hubble parameter at Planck time, the Planck energy and Planck frequency are mathematically related so unlike the standard model, energy associated with the Hubble parameter at planck time is xed. This is possible only when one accepts that time is periodic in nature as de ned in Periodic Relativity theory [2]. "Oscillators are the basic principle in nature," observes E.Lindberg in his article [24].
6. FIRST QUANTUM FIELD PRODUCED AT PLANCK TIME In ABB the rst particles produced at planck time are Savitons, which are spin 1 bosons associated with the electro-nuclear force just after separation of gravity, and about 1062 savitons are simultaneously produced within a small region of size 10 14 m. All savitons have zero rest mass and y at the velocity of light. This causes collisions between savitons. This internal friction results in the big bang inferno. Therefore no reheating is required in this theory. Bosons are spin one particles and have a unique property. They can occupy the same place in space and thousands of particles can behave as a single quantum particle. So this is the creation of the rst quantum eld. Subsequently due to collision and decay other quantum elds of fundamental particles of the standard model are created. So every particle generated by PQG formula represents a quantum eld of that particle.
7. GRAVITATIONAL WAVES The orbital period derivative of a binary pulsar is calculated and veri ed with great accuracy [4]. The most popular explanation for the resulting energy loss of the
6 binary system is given in terms of the emission of gravitational waves [16, 17, 18, 19]. Recently LIGO scientists claimed to have detected the gravitational waves arising from binary black hole merger [20]. But no gravitational waves arising from the binary pulsars have yet been detected [21]. Under the circumstances, it would be useful to look at the alternative explanation for the cause of the orbital period decay of binary pulsars. An article consistent with ABB [9] proposes an alternative explanation for the phenomenon, which relates the orbital period of the pulsar with the period of the phase of the constituent particles of the pulsar. The idea is that, when small amount of gravitational energy is released, it may not generate gravitational waves, but this energy can alter the period of the phase of the constituent particles of the pulsar. When very large amount of energy is released, then only it will generate gravitational waves.
8. BARYOGENESIS In ABB the universe begins with particles called Savitons which are associated with electronuclear force which came into existence just after the gravity separated at Planck time. These particles are bosonic spin 1 particles similar to photons and does not carry any mass or charge. Their energy is of the order of planck energy. They are produced in pairs of particles and anti-particles. Just like photon, saviton is its own anti-partcle. So the only dierence between the two is the direction of their momentum. All the rest of the particles emerge out of these savitons when they collide with each other and slow down from speed of light to lower velocities and some of their own kinetic energy gets converted into mass and charge. The particles that develop charge are a very small fraction of the total number of savitons produced at planck time. These charged particles are distinguished in this theory by the name matter and anti-matter. Over time, most of the particles annihilated with antiparticles as the universe cooled, but a small amount of matter was left over at the end. It was believed that without some form of CP violation, no matter would have been left over. Kobayashi and Maskawa found that it was very hard to construct a plausible explanation of CP violation in quark decays working with only two generations of four quarks. Their theory extended the number of generations to three and hence the number of quarks from four to six. Thus they predicted two new types of quark, now called "top" (t) and "bottom" (b). These new quarks were later discovered experimentally. Kobayashi and Maskawa's description of CP violation in quark decays was con rmed by experiments at BaBar and Belle, which earned them their Nobel prize. CP symmetry is linked with time reversal symmetry through the CPT (charge-parity-time) Theorem, which states that the three symmetries must remain in balance for any given particle system. So the BaBar data was a good place to look for violation of time reversal symmetry
that would serve to balance CPT as a whole. To check for time violation researchers examined a chain of particle transformations in which B mesons
ipped between two dierent states called B-zero and B-even. Taking advantage of the quantum entanglement of the B mesons, which enables information about the rst decaying particle to be used to determine the state of its partner at the time of the decay, they were able to nd that these transformations happened six times more often in one direction than the other. Thus looking at the same data already used to measure CP violation, researchers were able to undeniably see the time violation. Some authors have discussed the possibility of CP and T violation in the top sector [22]. SLAC researchers are now asking whether recently discovered Higgs is involved in CP violation. A Higgs that ts the Standard Model is called CP-even and the one that does not is called CPodd. A sign that the Higgs is involved in CP violation is if it's a mixture of even and odd. The theorists have proposed that experimenters look for a process in which a Higgs decays into two tau particles, while the remainder of the energy from the proton-proton collision sprays outward in two jets. Any mix of CP-even and CP-odd in the Higgs is revealed by the angle between the two jets. With respect to periodic quantum gravity theory [8] associated with ABB, CP and T violations can be analyzed by writing separate equations for matter and anti-matter and introducing CPT sign conventions in the equations.
9. ENTROPY For simplicity we ignore our proposal of sec.3 and assume high temperatures at Planck time as per the standard model. Entropy of the universe just after the big bang in our theory is given by
S = k:ln(W ):
where S is the entropy, k Boltzmanns constant and W number of microstate. In our PQG model [8] the value of the entropy of the Universe shortly after the Big Bang is S = 196:6 10 23 J/K which corresponds to W = 7:46383 1061 and each microstate having planck energy level which corresponds to macrostate energy level of 1:823 1081 GeV which is the total energy of the universe at present epoch including CDM and dark energy.
10. WHAT IS CONSCIOUSNESS? When the mind is conscious of its surroundings in the waking state, we say that the mind is alive. When the mind is conscious of its functions (motion of heart and lungs etc.) in the state of sleep, we say that the mind is alive.. When the mind is unconscious of its surroundings, we say that the mind is temporarily unconscious. When the functions of the heart and lungs stop, we say that the
7 mind is permanently unconscious or dead. So the mind is operating at two levels of consciousness. Conscious level and the subconscious level. When both these operations stop, we say that the man is dead. Most of the western psychologists and scientists don't think that mind is a form of matter because scientists don't know what kind of matter the mind is made up of. Following is what I propose as to functioning of the mind. Consciousness and unconsciousness are states of the mind. If you take mind as a bulb, and light and darkness as the consciousness and unconsciousness, then it becomes easy to understand that there is a power like electricity that lights the bulb when turned on. This power that lights up the mind is the Spirit which is the real "I" of the man. When the mind detaches from the Spirit, it becomes unconscious. When you look at the eyes of a new born child you can feel this Spirit, it is pure life. There is very little mind there, virtually no intelligence, no wisdom, just pure life. This spirit is capable of growing a mind for itself just like the body. Materials of the body are known to science, but the materials of the mind are not known to science. Materials of the mind also come from the food that the person eats. Every food eaten has an eect on the mind. The extreme examples are the drugs and alcohol.What is this subtle material that comes out of the food and creates the mind is not known to science. If a person stops eating food for few days, his mind will begin to decay. In this theory consciousness means awareness of the surroundings but life is associated with motion. Anything that move has a life. Everything between the fundamental particles of physics and Cell has life but does not have consciousness. When it comes to Cell and above, they have both life as well as consciousness. Man identi es himself with his mind and ego. Ego is another outgrowth on the Spirit. So when a man says "I", he means his body, mind and his ego. Most men cannot distinguish between their mind and the spirit. So the man operates with his mind. The man is verily what his mind is. But the mind is ever changing phenomenon. It is subject to growth and decay. So when the mind dies, we say that the man is dead. But what about the Spirit behind? Does it die? Most of the men go through the life without wasting much time on such questions. But some men, instead of looking outward, they look inward (evolution of third eye necessary) at their own Spirit and discover some truths about their own spirit [13, 14, 23] and then tell them to others. One such truth is that their Spirit or "I" is not localized or restricted to their own body and the mind, but is all pervasive (Brahman) and supporting everything living and non living in the universe. This real I does not act but remains as a witness of all actions. It is the ego that gives a sense of separation from the rest of the universe. So when this ego dies and the person becomes desireless, the in nitude of the Spirit or real "I" is realized. This is easy said then done. Such realization does not occur in one life time. Man has to
go through repeated cycles of birth and death (evolution) before he can acquire such knowledge. So the theroy of rebirth is fundamental to such understanding. Experience of presence of Brahman (God) is accompanied by ecstasy [13, 14, 23] which far surpasses the experience of orgasm. Such experiences are quale in nature. Therefore scienti c proof that a person has experienced orgasm or that a person has experieced Brahman (Spirit) cannot be given. Goal of the human life is to experience Brahman which puts an end to the cycles of birth and death. In the article Consciousness and energy [6], word consciousness is used in the sense of Spirit This article discuss the connection between consciousness (spirit) and matter (energy) [13]. Above conclusions have been derived from study of experiences of some of the spiritually advanced people. Following is one such example. Following quote describes how a person can experience all pervasive Spirit (Brahman) within himself. This quote comes from a person (Sri Ramakrishna) who had the rst hand knowledge of Brahman. But one should not attempt this without proper guidance from an experienced person (Guru). You can spend your entire life on this and experience nothing. Following quote from "The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna" [14] describes dierent ceters along the length of the spinal chord at which the human mind can dwell. Some may argue that this is like believing something without any experimental proof. To them I say, existence of Higgs boson was experimentally veri ed by only few scientists. Rest of the scienti c community is just the believer. The various states of the Brahmajnani's (knower of Brahman) mind are described in the Vedas. The path of knowledge is extremely dicult. One cannot obtain jnana (knowledge of God) if one has the least trace of worldliness and the slightest attachment to 'woman' and 'gold' (lust and greed are meant). This is not the path for the Kaliyuga (present times). The Vedas speak of seven planes where the mind can dwell. When the mind is immersed in worldliness it dwells in the three lower planes|{at the navel, the organ of generation, and the organ of evacuation. In that state the mind loses all its higher visions|{it broods only on 'woman' and 'gold' (lust and greed are meant). The fourth plane of the mind is at the heart. When the mind dwells there, one has the rst glimpse of spiritual consciousness. One sees light all around. Such a man, perceiving the divine light, becomes speechless with wonder and says: 'Ah! What is this?' His mind does not go downward to the objects of the world. The fth plane of the mind is at the throat. When the mind reaches this, the aspirant becomes free from all ignorance and illusion. He does not enjoy talking or hearing about any-
8 thing but God. If people talk about worldly things he leaves the place at once. The sixth plane is at the forehead. When the mind dwells there, the aspirant sees the form of God day and night. But even then a little trace of ego remains. At the sight of that incomparable beauty of God's form, one becomes intoxicated and rushes forth to touch and embrace it. But one doesn't succeed. It is like the light inside a lantern. One feels as if one could touch the light; but one cannot on account of the glass. In the top of the head is the seventh plane. When the mind rises there, one goes into samadhi (trance). Then the Brahmajnani (knower of Brahman) directly perceives Brahman (in nite formless God). But in that state his body does not last many days. He remains unconscious of the outer world. If milk is poured into his mouth, it runs out. Dwelling on this plane of consciousness, he gives up his body in twenty one days. That is the condition of the Brahmajnani. But (to a devotee) yours is the path of devotion. That is a very good and easy path. There is Absolute In nity and it can be experienced, but it is very dicult because this experience takes place when a person is able to unite with God and be one with God. Sri Ramakrishna experienced this Absolute In nity [13, 14]which is a very blissful experience far superior to any kind of joy known to the worldly man. Cantor understood in nity only intellectually. He never personally experienced the in nity. At the end of his life he was confused about the real nature of in nity and nally had a nervous break down. Cantor had no conception of indivisibility of Brahman and the universe arising from It. As I said, mind is a mechanism or instrument made up of subtle energies unknown to science. Part of the mind is a subtle speech generating organ, which generates ideas and thoughts and is a source of internal voice, which we hear with an internal subtle ear and which continually probes our conscience. These ideas are conveyed to the physical organ of speech. The intelligence makes a decision and gives command whether the created idea or thought should be converted to audible sound/voice or not. Apart from this nano speech generating organ, the ideas can also be directly infused by the all pervasive Spirit into this nano organ and the vocal organ. These are known as inspirations. We cannot deny the existence of these subtle materials of the mind which science cannot detect or measure. This case is similar to that of the dark energy in cosmology. So is it possible that the mind is made up of dark energy or dark matter? If this is correct then one will have to admit the existence
of Universal Mind. Periodic quantum gravity theory [8] proposes existence of innumerable particles beyond that in the standard model. A. Lorentz invariance and the third eye Science depends on experimental proofs for veri cation of hypothesis. Experimental proof depend on ve human senses. But when it comes to Spiritual science, you don't have access to spirit outside your own body. When you are looking for water or oil, you dig where there is maximum chance of getting them. In case of spirit one cannot dig inside the bodies of other creatures. The closest place one can nd the Spirit is his/her own body. Therefore ve human senses become useless for this purpose. Then you are left with only one instrument and that is your own mind. This mind has to focus on the spirit. You can't have telescopes and microscopes here. When a person undergoes repeated cycles of birth and death, his mind undergoes evolution and develops a third eye or the spiritual eye. With this third eye he is able to look inward at his own spirit. Theories of science are based on Lorentz invariance which is dependent on two physical eyes of the observer and four dimensions. The third eye is capable of observing subtle energies of the universe and may respond to completely dierent kind of light. This third eye most likely will not destroy the Lorentz invariance.
11. CONCLUSION There are many questions that the standard model of big bang and other cosmological theories cannot answer satisfactorily. Advaitic big bang has answers to all those questions. Examples of these questions are, 1. Did time exist before big bang? 2. What is the nature of time? 3. What does universe expand into? 4. Did the universe arise from nothing? 5. From where did the energies of the universe come? 6. What existed before the big bang? 7. Can big bang theory explain the presence of consciousness in the universe. 8. How does particles acquire mass? 9. What is the nature of gravity? 10. What caused the universe?
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