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Guillermo Rodrıguez, Alvaro Soria and Marcelo Campo AI-based web service composition: a review
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IETE TECHNICAL REVIEW, 2015 VOL. 0, NO. 0, 1 8 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02564602.2015.1110061
AI-based web service composition: a review Guillermo Rodrıguez, Alvaro Soria and Marcelo Campo Q1
ISISTAN-CONICET Research Institute, Universidad Nacional del Centro, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Web Service composition allows developers to create applications by capitalizing on the D2serviceD3oriented D4architecture paradigm. Such applications are rapidly deployable and offer developers reuse opportunities and access to an ample variety of complex systems. However, the challenge when composing services is addressing D5quality-of-D6service (QoS) issues. Thus, we attempt to shed light on the role of D7artificial D8intelligence (AI) in assisting developers to deal with QoS-based web service compositions. This paper characterizes contemporary approaches that use AI to explore alternative solutions. We concluded that AI has aimed at exploiting the semantic resources to produce flexible and adaptive-to-change web service compositions.
1. Introduction 15 The main research purpose of Web services is to
achieve interoperability among distributed and heterogeneous applications to offer value-added services [1]. Therefore, flexible composition of Web services to fulfill the given challenging requirements is one of 20 the most important objectives in this research field. Automatically composing Web services involves two main processes: vertical and horizontal composition. Vertical composition consists in defining an appropriate combination of simple processes to perform a 25 composition task, whereas horizontal composition consists in determining the most appropriate Web service for each component process, from among a set of functionally equivalent ones [2]. A Web service may have numerous implementations, all 30 of which have the same functionality, but may have different quality-of-service (QoS) properties. Thus, a significant research problem in Web service composition is how to select a Web service implementation for each of the Web services so that the composite Web service 35 delivers the best overall performance. There may be incompatibilities between Web services at the time of implementation; these incompatibilities may be due to dependency constraint and/or conflict constraint. The former occurs when the implementation of a certain 40 Web service demands the implementation of another particular Web serviceD9, whereas the latter occurs when the implementation of a certain Web service excludes the possibility of including a set of implementations in the Web service composition [3]. © 2015 IETE
Received 12 May 2015 Accepted 10 October 2015 KEYWORDS
Service composition; web services; artificial intelligence; service-oriented architecture; service-oriented development; quality of service
In this work, we provide a detailed, conceptualized, and 45 synthesized analysis of 38 significant AI research works that have aimed at composing services. We also identify open research issues and challenges in the aforementioned research areas. Our results can be used by both researchers and practitioners. Researchers can analyze 50 current approaches to identify potential niches for further research, while practitioners may analyze strengths and weaknesses of current approaches and select the more suitable ones for their professional contexts. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 55 presents related work. Section 3 describes the research methodology. Section 4 describes the classification scheme to organize the research works. Section 5 characterizes current Web service composition approaches that use AI methods. Section 6 outlines conclusions and 60 future lines of work.
2. Related work Numerous researchers have surveyed approaches related to automatic service composition. For instance, Dutsdar D10and Schreiner discuss an urgent need for service compo- 65 sition, along with the required technologies to perform service composition, and presentD1 numerous composition strategies based on existing composition platforms and frameworks [4]. Rao D12and Su present an overview of research efforts on automatic Web service composition, 70 both from the workflow and AI planning research community [5]. Peer exclusively addresses the use of AI planning in dynamic and incomplete-information Web
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service composition contexts [6]. Strunk summarizes, classifies, and evaluates research efforts on QoS-aware service composition. FirstD13, he indicates that the tasks required by composite service, along with their interactions, control, and data flow are identified. SecondD14, an appropriate concrete service is selected and bound to the task [7]. Bartalos D15and Bielikova survey automatic Web service composition approaches regarding not only issuesD16 related to semantics of services, but also formalization of pre/post conditions of the automatic dynamic composition problem [8]. Another related survey has dealt with exploring different type of composition techniques, which rely on machinereadable specification, and comparing them based on some of their properties such as automation, dynamicity, and user involvement, among others [9]. Recently, Garriga et al. have provided an overview of current standardized mechanisms for Web service composition by considering technologies for service composition, automation level, composition time, standards conformance techniques, verification and validation capabilities, service composition specification, QoSD17 awareness, and adaptation level [10].
3. Research methodology The goal of this research is to identify major works on the use of AI in composing Web services, and, thereafter, 100 to classify and integrate these works so as to discover gaps, critical issues, and opportunities for further study and research. The review process addressed in this paper follows the four-step process model adopted in [11] namely material collection, descriptive analysis, category 105 selection, and material evaluation. Our research spans over twelve years (2002D18 2015) and we reviewed a total of 38 approaches for composing services that use AI methods. Figure 1 depicts the distribution of the articles by the artificial intelligence techniques 110 applied in the research works. Out of 38 research works for service composition, we highlight that 14 took place in International IEEE conferences (38.8%), 1 in a ACM Conference (2.77%), 8 in Elsevier Journals (22.22%), 4 were published in Springer Journals (11.11%), and 6 in 115 IEEE Journals (16.67%), among others.
4. Classification schema To evaluate the works reviewed and make a comparative description among them, we have identified common criteria in terms of strengths and weaknesses regarding 120 relevant issues in the field of service discovery, service composition and service implementation:
AI technique. This feature represents the AI technique or set of AI techniques (i.e. AI D20planning) used by the approach, together with parameters and main operators. This criterion attempts to detect the benefits of the technique, as well as its limitations to deal with certain issues. Language. This criterion refers to the programming language used to implement the approach, such as Java, or a model for notation such as Meta-object Facility (MOF). Model language. This feature describes the languages or protocols utilized by the approach to model and specify Web services (i.e. OWL-S, BPEL, among others). Platform and deployment environment. This criterion deals with the set of tools that are part of the development environment, such as Eclipse or Visual Studio. Furthermore, this criterion addresses deployment environment (i.e. Web or desktop applications), architectural style (i.e. CORBA or ESB), and operating systems (Windows or Linux), amongD21 others. Exhaustive test. This criterion evaluates whether the approach was exhaustively validated with a considerable number of case studies. Quality-attribute properties. This criterion describes the QoS and other non-functional features maximized by the approach, such as robustness, performances, and cost-effectiveness, amongD2 others. Optimization of composition. This criterion deals with the environment in which the optimization takes place, such as design time, D23runtime, compilation time, and network level. Semantic web. This criterion refers to the use of Semantic Web technologies to represent the user requirements for each service in the service composition process, such as OWL-S.
5. Characterization of approaches In this section, 35 significant approaches of AI-based 160 Web service composition are analyzed according to the aforementioned set of features. We review widely used AI techniques namely D24planning, D25genetic D26algorithms (GAs), D27information D28retrieval, and D29collaborative D30filtering, among others. 165 The aim of AI D31planning is to find a series of actions that allow any entity, in this case a service composition problem, to mutate from an initial state towards a final state by achieving a predetermined goal. We think that the widespread use of AI planning may stem from the fact 170 that it is a suitable technique to deal with dynamic
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Figure 1. Distribution of AI research works in WS D19composition.
composition in contextD32 with incomplete information; however, the technique may be enhanced with semantic information for approximating the optimal composite 175 services when exact solutions are not found. In order to address the aforementioned issues of AI planning, evolutionary approaches arise as feasible tools to explore. From a computational point of view, the Web service selection problem is a typical constrained combi180 natorial optimization problem. Thus, 3G D AD4s3 have resulted in effective and efficient tools for solving the problem. GAs represent a more scalable option and are more suitable to handle generic QoS attributes than AI planning and 5i3D nteger 6p3D rogramming approaches. Furthermore, evo185 lutionary approaches provide faster composition when replanning takes place, since current QoS deviates from the estimated one, leading to constraint violations; nonetheless, there are issues that jeopardize the application of GA to compose Web services. FirstD7,3 it is not possible to 190 define high-priority goals within the fitness function. SecondD8,3 the size of the input 9h 3D as directD04 impact on the performance of the algorithm. Finally, GA may become instable when the constraints’ density is considerable high.
exploration evidenced how AI techniques have contributed to facilitate the service composition task. As shown in Table 1, planning techniques (37.5% of the research 205 works) and evolutionary algorithms (20.5% of the research works) have been widely used to build executable workflows of composite Web services that satisfy users’ requirements, especially non-functional requirements such as availability, robustness, performance, and 210 adaptability, among others (column 6 of Table 1). Most of the approaches described in Table 1 are modelled by means of BPEL (column 7), since they are in charge of building workflows, and use Java-based tools and inference engines (column 4). Furthermore, seman- 215 tic tools are utilized through ontologies modelled using OWL-S. Thus, as expected, most approaches address runtime composition optimizations. A limitation widely detected in the aforementioned approaches is the lack of independence of programming platforms and vendors. 220 Moreover, few research works are focused on robustness and observability of devices and services (column 6). Consequently, we consider that further research to develop reliable and robust Web service compositions is needed. 225
Aiming to deal with the issues mentioned above, other 195 AI techniques have been applied to compose Web serv-
ices, such as Horn rules, Petri D41nets, functional clustering, D42multi-D43agent D4systems, Markov chains, D45swarm D46intelligence, and D47reinforcement D48learning.
5.1. Findings 200 We have reviewed numerous approaches and frame-
works that have been developed in order to provide widely usable Web service composition platforms. The
5.2. Advantages and disadvantages of AI methods 5.2.1. AI planning This method is suitable for dynamic Web service composition with incomplete information. Along this line, con- 230 straint-optimization techniques are useful for dynamic, distributed, and uncertain environments, especially when user intervention at runtime is required to find
N/A Semantic Web Rule Language, Golog, Java Java Java Visual C# N/A Java N/A
Planning HTN-D6planning
Goal D71decomposition and RPG Genetic D76algorithmD7 Genetic D80algorithm C CBR Genetic D82algorithmD83
Genetic D84algorithm C D85particle D86swarm D87optimization Genetic D8algorithm C D89ant D90colony
[19] [20]
[22] [23] [24] [25]
Visual C# Java Java Java Java, Prolog Java, OWL OWL-S OWL-S OWL-S Java OWL-S Visual Basic
Genetic D95algorithm C D96constraint D97optimization
Genetic D10algorithmD10 Genetic D102algorithm Multi-D106agent D107system (MAS)
Propositional D109logic
Propositional D1logic
Clustering C D14planning
Constraint D18optimization Constraint D12optimization
Markov C Bayesian D125learning
MDP C HTN-D128planning
Swarm D134intelligence C D135genetic D136algorithm
[29] [30] [31]
[35] [2]
.Net (Windows Vista)
Keikaku algorithm tool, IBM UDDI LINDO Solver, METEOR-S N/A
Eclipse (Windows) EclipseD103 Jadex platform
Eclipse, WSIF, WSDL2JavaD72 .Net N/A Eclipse (Windows), OWL API N/A
JBOSS SHOP2, Eclipse
Eclipse Eclipse, Prolog
N/A Eclipse, OWLS2PDDL
No No
Yes Yes No
No Yes No Yes
No No
Yes Yes
No No
No Yes
Exhaustive test
Flexibility, D129usability, D130availability, D13reliability, D132performanceD13 Scalability, D137performance
Performance, D10expressiveness Performance, D12costeffectiveness Reliability, D15flexibility, D16costeffectiveness Performance, D19precision Performance, D12interoperability, D123usability Robustness, D126adaptability
Scalability Reliability, D104availability Usability, D108adaptability
Reliability, D91availability, D92costeffectiveness, D93performance Reliability, D98precision
Performance, D64availability Performance, expressiveness Performance Performance, D67trustworthiness Scalability, D68interoperability, D69cost-effectiveness Responsiveness, D73scalabilityD74 Scalability, D78extensibility Feasibility, D81flexibility Availability, performance, cost-effectiveness Feasibility, performance
Cost-effectiveness Effectiveness, D57scalabilty, D58robustness Usability Availability
Quality-attribute D53properties
BPEL4WS, MDP model OWL-S, MDP models
Horn model, Petri D13nets, SAWSDL OWL-S
Custom model BPEL Belief-DesireIntention Horn model
Custom model
Custom model WSDL
Model D54language
D127Runtime Design time
ontology ontology
Semantic annotations ontology
Knowledge-based crossover operator none none ontology
D120Runtime D124Runtime
Design time
Design time
Design time D105Runtime Design time
Design time
OWL-S none ontology OWL-S
D70Runtime D75Runtime D79Runtime Design time Design time
OWL-S ALE ontology
none OWL-S
D59Runtime Design time D65Runtime Runtime, design time Design time Design time
none none
Semantic D56web
Compilation and run time N/A Network level
Optimization of D5composition
PDDL, Java Golog
UNPOP Planner Eclipse
Platform and D51deployment D52environment
[17] [18]
Planning Fast-D60forward D61planning and HTN-D62planning PlanningD63 Planning
[15] [16]
PDDL, Prolog PDDL, Java
Estimated-regression planning Planning
[13] [14]
AI D50technique
Research D49work
Table 1. Web service composition approaches that use AI methods.
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D154Runtime OWL-S
User’s preferences none
D147Runtime D149Design time D15Runtime UML BPEL, Petri nets WSDL, OWL
Scalability Reachability Decentralization, concurrency, D150contingency Cost-effectiveness, D153reliability Personalized customization of services Execution time, availability, D157reputation Management of uncertainty Yes No Yes NASC System N/A Intel Pentium dual core processor 2.4 GHz
optimal solutions. Moreover, OWL-S enriches planning approaches since it facilitates modelling and specifying 235 Web service composition problems. Additionally, the combination with Situation Calculus allows for reducing the search space and number of alternative plans, but increasing performance. As disadvantages, a major issue in planning is the scal- 240 ability. Furthermore, planning fails to be suitable for a choreography-based Web service composition, since it involves decentralized control, concurrent workflows, and contingency.
5.2.2. Evolutionary methods
These methods result promising when high scalability and management of generic quality attributes are required. In fact, D16GAs are effective and efficient for solving the Web service selection problem. However, the performance of the D162GAs is sensitive to the increase of search 250 space.
Cloud Environment
Cloud Environment
Intel Core i3 CPU 3.2GHz, Windows 8, 4GB RAMD159
Web Service Composition technologies N/A
Ant D152colony
AI D15planning C user/domain preferences Graph search-based algorithm
Petri nets have been proposed for service composition verification and validation, such as deadlock freedom and safety properties. Moreover, in environments where 255 both input/output compatibility and exceptional paths are considered, Petri D163nets are highly recommended. However, Petri nets are unable to map workflow patterns, which usually involve multiple instances, complex synchronizations, or non-local withdrawals onto high- 260 level Petri nets.
5.2.4. Markov chains This technique is suitable for environments in which designers have to address non-deterministic behaviour of Web services along the composition process. 265
5.2.5. Functional clustering Graph-plan
HTN-D146planning Propositional D148logic Planning
Reinforcement D139learning C MDP Propositional D142logic Propositional D14logic
OWL-S, Java N/A PDDL, Java
5.2.3. Petri nets
In combination with planning, this technique is suggested for environments in which reliability, QoSD164 awareness, and flexibility are highly required.
[42] [43] [44]
[40] [41]
5.2.6. Reinforcement learning [39]
AI D50technique Research D49work
Table 1.(Continued )
none Distributed Operational semantics none none none D143Runtime D145Runtime Petri nets, BPEL DAML-S, DAMLCOIL Yes No N/A KarmaSIM
Reliability Reachability
none D14Runtime MDP model Yes Q-Learning algorithm
Adaptability, D140performance
Exhaustive test Platform and D51deployment D52environment
Quality-attribute D53properties
Model D54language
Optimization of D5composition
Semantic D56web
This technique, together with Markov chains, is suitable to achieve optimal Web Service composition at runtime.
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5.2.7. Swarm intelligence By using multi-objective optimal-path selection model275 ling for Web Service composition, this technique has yielded favourable results in efficiency, performance, and scalability.
5.3. Future directions Dynamic Web services present several challenges due to 280 the need to discover and handle repositories with numerous Web services, achieving high performance and reliability. In this context, AI methods have aimed to automate the dynamic composition tasks by maximizing QoS-based properties. However, a considerable issue to 285 overcome is maintaining the existing running Web service composition solutions because of changes of business requirements, deployment environment, and other dynamic factors. Current efforts automate only a component of the entire problem. Therefore, a real automation 290 process that addresses all composition concerns, without human intervention, has not been developed yet.
Furthermore, the advent of the decentralized paradigm results in more challenges to service composition. FirstD165, it is still complicated and timeD16-consuming to implement, test, and debug composition of low-coupled services in service-oriented systems with current strategies and tools. SecondD167, interoperability mechanisms are highly necessary due to the heterogeneity of devices in a decentralized environment; in this context, the exploration of ontologies seems to be a promising line of research to achieve portability and interoperability. ThirdD168, selfadapting service composition must also deal with mobile devices with limited resources and computational capabilities; thus, it is necessary to explore strategies adaptable to topology changes within the environment to coordinate service composition by considering mobility patterns, platform battery lifetime, fault tolerance, and reliability. FourthD169, current service composition approaches need to be aware of the numerous devices and their failures; then, security, privacy, and trust are still open issues [49].
6. Conclusion Planning and D170GAs have been the most widely used AI techniques to automate the Web service composition 315 process in dynamic environments; however, issues related to Web service compatibilities and portability demand research to efficiently compose Web services in heterogeneous and decentralized environments.
To sum up, the main contributions of our work are the updating of the SOA research agenda and identification 320 of open issues and future lines of work, by pointing out that the future Internet has to face existing challenges in terms of scalability, mobility, security, trust, awareness, and adaptability. As future work, we are planning to extend our study by including cloud-related criteria, 325 since Software as a D17service is taking an important role in Q2 the Internet application paradigm.
Disclosure statement No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
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Authors Guillermo Rodrıguez received the Computer Engineer degree from Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de 535 Buenos Aires (UNICEN), Tandil, Argentina, in 2001, and the Ph.D degree in Computer Science at the same university in 2014. Since 2008, he has been part of ISISTAN Research Institute (CONICET 540 UNICEN). His research interests include Software Architectures, Quality-driven Design and Architecture Materialization. Email:
[email protected] 545
Alvaro Soria received the Computer Engineer degree from Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN), Tandil, Argentina, in 2001, and the Ph.D degree in Computer Science at the same university in 2009. Since 2001, he has been part of ISISTAN Research Institute (CONICET UNICEN). His research interests
include Software Architectures, Quality-driven Design, Objectoriented Frameworks and Fault Localization. Email:
[email protected]
Marcelo Campo received the Computer Engineer degree from Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN), Tandil, Argentina, in 1988, and the Ph.D degree in 560 Computer Science from Instituto de Informatica de la Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil, in 1997. He is currently an Associate Professor at Computer Science Department and Director of the ISI- 565 STAN Research Institute (CONICET UNICEN). His research interests include Intelligent Aided Software Engineering, Software Architecture and Frameworks, Agent Technology and Software Visualization. Email:
[email protected]